"Person of Interest" Return 0 (TV Episode 2016) Poster

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I am speechless
From_the_Future22 June 2016
Person of Interest has always been a great show. From the very start i loved this show , i was super bummed when this got cancelled , but the relief i had when Season 5 got into production.

This Episode is not only the best episode of the series , but it goes down as the best episode in TV history , matching greatness of Breaking Bad's Ozymandias.

I Couldn't think of a more fitting end to the series , than what was portrayed , it is emotional ride , the best hour of TV i had in years , its just too much , Every Second was brilliant , i simply didn't want it to End. I Feel so empty now that its Ended. Its just that beautiful.

As the Dust settles , at the end , you will love what you just Witnessed. Its simply beautiful and amazing.

Years from now , People will look back at this Show and Question why it was cancelled.
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"If POI was a shape, it was a straight line, an arrow"
adriportela9530 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The endings are always sad when a good series ends, but when it is in fact your favorite series, the feelings of emptiness that remains are very large.

Everything starts as a normal series, but very soon you start to see that there is a lot of potential in those plots and that potential is exploited more and more as the series progresses to end in episode S03E10 The Devil's Share. And almost without having time to assimilate everything that happened and to think that it can happen now that it can overcome it, it comes the episode S03E11 Lethe with the introduction of Control and Samaritan and a new story even more interesting. Everything changes from here. The series acquires more depth and new points of view to live an epic battle between two gods unique in their kind.

The epic final began in the episode 10 (where the title of episode reflect perfectly the facts) with a little and simple mistake by someone that missed his wife. A simple mistake that forced him, a good man, to take out his dark side, break his own rules and kill his master creation. I needed a happy ending for Harold and he has it with his wife but... It is not a happy ending at all. The guilt for the death of many of his friends will be always with him.

John's death was the saddest but the most meaningful. His evolution from the lost man who was going to commit suicide and die for nothing to the true hero who is and who gives his life for his best friend, a good man who thanks to him can have the life he could not have. Jim has been awesome and I did not bet anything for him before seeing the Pilot. What a mistake. Similar situation with Fusco, another character very well built and that, fortunately, has a happy end.

Root has been the most determined, strongest, badass, charismatic and sweet (and I would continue saying adjectives) character that I ever seen. Amy is a gift that we can enjoy in every series that she acts. Root stole the show after S04E11 If-Then-Else with her passion to find Shaw, her multple identities or her crazy acts. Her heroic death was unexpected but also meaningful. Like John, her evolution is so deep and amazing that we would never imagined to love her so much when we saw her first time en season 1. She is the best female character that I have ever seen on TV (yeah, I finally said it). Amy has surpassed any expectations that I could have of her after seeing her in Alias.

And now Sameen. If I had to say a favourite episode without count the season finales or mid-season finales, I would say S03E05 Razgovor or S02E16 Relevance. The first one because is a episode with a really beautiful background history where we know more about the most complex character of the series: Shaw. And the second one because basically is the best presentation of a new character that I have ever seen. Sarah entered in the series like a hurricane and that rarities, humor and feeling of emptiness that Shaw always shows becomes her in my favourite, because, like The Machine said at the end, all these things that I said make her beautiful and special. We suffered with her since the masterpiece S04E11 and we were cheated with her simulations during the whole season 5 like to her. Of course, Sarah has been a great discover to me and now I will watch her others series.

Finally, I want to highlight the music of the series. I think that a series is nothing without the music and Ramin Djawadi again surpasses himself with a music that thrills, that gives meaning to each character and each scene and that achieve to connect even more with the series. And of course, also I want to highlight the brains in the shadows Jonathan Nolan, JJ Abrams and their amazing team. They have created a masterpiece that, as I read in a spanish recap, "the series plays to be the best of action, of espionage, of science fiction and police of the television and wins in all the categories at the same time. Because it already was the best series of superheroes before the others series came".
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Wow! In other words... wow!
masercot25 May 2019
I'd never heard of this show until a few months ago. Since it was in Netflix, I started watching it, expecting to stop when it got trite or stupid. Well, it never got there. The quality was always good and the characters were compelling. I wasn't expecting the ending to live up to the rest of the series and I was wrong.

I'm not saying that the ending wasn't predictable... it was. But, the conversation with Harold Finch and the computer made the last episode something special. His life had gone full circle... from teaching the "machine" at the beginning to his back and forth with the machine at the end.

I'm not saying that the people who cancelled this show will burn in Hell for all eternity, but I am saying that they'd better do a lot of charity work to keep that from happening...
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After Five Classic Seasons... Its All Over
Rossi21113 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Person Of Interest reaches its final moments, in its 5th and finale season. What a way to go out, with one of the greatest series finales i have ever seen written. You couldn't ask for it to be more flawless then this. If you had told me after watching the season 1 pilot back in 2011, that this shows finale ( on CBS of all god forsaken networks ) would have a series finale where an A. I appears in a metaphysical form as one of the dead hero's ( played by Amy Acker ), and the lead hero character gets shot full of holes and blown up by a Navy missile on a sky scrapper... i would have laughed... but wow. Between the amazing sequences with Shaw on the subway car, the Rooftop sequences, the music, the flashbacks, this was amazing.

Anyone who says this ended poor or that Seasons 3, 4, and 5 were poor, go jump in a ditch.
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Unbelievably great and inspiring end to a masterpiece(no spoilers)...
akshatdave4 May 2017
Not only a fantastic ending to a nail-biting sub-plot, but also a marvelous introduction to a beautiful new era...After finishing this episode, I completely forgot that "Person of Interest" was a network TV show, because nothing about this story, or the episodes preceding it have felt so flawlessly created for a show airing on CBS. Absolute wonderful cinematography, outstanding acting from the whole cast and some wonderful pieces of dialogue masked the tedious and overplayed plot devices you might expect from regular television..Jonathan Nolan and Amanda Segel did a great job in genre like this I never liked action much but with good story and direction everything can be perfect I am sad that this show is ending but Nolan's new show "Westworld" is starting on HBO I am looking forward to it..
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A show which i least expected to make me so emotional and attached to it
yashsharan-3465221 June 2016
What an amazing ending to a masterpiece. when i first started watching this show i thought it would turn out to be just another one crime one episode kind of drama.But then after season 2 my mind was blown by the fantastic story,excellent action and superb directing. Initially rated the show 7 for season one ,changed my rating to 8 after watching season 2 and finally gave it a perfect 10 after watching season 5.Hand down this is the best final season and best season finale of any show i have ever watched. i never thought that a relationship between the machine and a human could be so emotionally gripping. What an amazing farewell to such a great show.
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Masterpiece from Jonathan Nolan and his team of excellent writers.
TrioHaydos22 June 2016
Awesome Episode. Truly worthy of a rating of 10 by me and IMDb users.

The whole theme of love and death and human connections from a machine through out the whole season is fantastic with so many other grounded elements to it like classes (The outliers) of society. One of the best edited, serialized show with as less filler episodes and tremendous music that will simply give you chills.

Each season was better than the one before and in my opinion, is simply, the best TV Series at this moment. Complex characters with unbelievable story telling. The least rated episode in the show is at 8.3 in IMDb from season 1 and the highest rated episode is at 10 from season 5; the last episode as it should be. Truly worthy. And mind you, the whole Edward Snowden thing had not yet been exposed at the inception of this show.

Masterpiece from Jonathan Nolan coming to an end but hopefully will continue in HBO's Westworld and other works that this guy makes. There will come a time hopefully like The Shawshank Redemption (1994) when people will wonder how this show got cancelled after basically 4 seasons. It's a miracle that the 5th season actually finished.
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One of the best TV episodes, possibly the best series finale of all time
seantanny22 June 2016
In terms of writing, acting, music & all that VFX, Person of Interest is quite possibly the creative peak of television. For those who've been following this show since the beginning, its evolution is astonishing, from a sleek Batman-like crime show with fantastic characters to a high-concept masterpiece. And it's still realistic & all about the characters! This finale exemplifies all that. Plot threads are resolved as perfectly as can be with just the right amount of open-endedness remaining. Its non-human characters have been developed as well as the core human characters, so much so that we feel a great deal of empathy for them. With just the right dose of nostalgia & powerful storytelling everyone gets what they want. Nobody will be complaining like they have for various good shows with unsatisfactory endings. What they would complain about is not getting more episodes. A true masterpiece indeed.
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I created an IMDb account JUST FOR THIS REVIEW!!
dentar-6698425 June 2016
No spoilers here.. just the experience.

This is, without a doubt, THE BEST series finale of any series I have watched.

Better than Fringe. Better than Breaking Bad. WAY better than Sons of Anarchy.

They did it right. If you watch Person of Interest, you owe it to yourself to watch at least the last season, all the way to the end. The last three episodes are the best, and the very last tops the whole series. It builds up to a climactic end! It's visceral, emotional, deep, and intense.

Emmy material, for sure!
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Maybe We Never Really Died After All...
awoolfork23 June 2016
There it is, after five outstanding seasons of unique story telling, Person Of Interest reaches it final series chapter. From the moment the Series Finale started i was teary eyed before the opening. Return 0 was a morbid lesson in the value of human life, as well as truly understanding the meaning of death itself. Honestly finding out one's true self in their final moments of living. Like every series finale with any show, people will find a way to say "The writers should have done this or the writers should have done that". For a classic science fiction series that was sadly cut in half by a piece of work network like CBS, this was beautiful story telling in its finest. For my money it was perfect, Samaritan threw the biggest punch it could throw in a last ditch effort for survival and in the end it won and lost at the same time in many ways. The performance from everyone, Sarah, Amy, Jim, Michael, Kevin, all were fantastic as we followed team machine for one final ride. Return 0 concluded the Series of POI perfectly, while also keeping hope alive ( I won't spoil how ) of a reboot or spin off years down the line of Nolan and company ever wanted to explore this surreal world they have crafted over 5 awesome seasons. What marks the end of my favorite television series of all time... Thank You
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Unparalleled, And should be really appreciated
dinojona21 June 2016
Person of Interest

Since Season 1 the show predicted E. Snowden and PRISM, they predicted so accurately that by it's second season it was no longer "Sci-Fi" but listed as "Drama"

Since season 2 all the way through season 4 they gave a generation so much -AI- material that should be taking seriously, and Hollywood is ripping the show off

Season 4-5 Now MIT has "their own" -Simulation Theory-

You've probably heard this a lot but POI is more than a show, that's how brilliantly, remarkably and well made this show is,

Oh since IT IS ALSO A TV SHOW it is entertaining, with a very good heart and the best cast you could ask for.

I didn't want this show to end, i still seriously can't process why CBS did want it to.

From a perfect show, the give you what other shows don't in their Finales. CLOSURE
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One of the most perfect ending for a grand television series
kukumaluwonka21 June 2016
The ending to this season cemented Person of Interest's place in television as one of the best action TV show of all time. This episode will keep you at the edge of your seat guessing what will happen next. A little unexpected twist that might or might not anger you all mixed in good narration, cinematography and perfect soundtrack. It has been quite the ride for me, an average viewer of this TV show.

I will miss you Reese, Finch, Root, Shaw, Fusco, Bear, and of course - CARTER :(

ps. Here's to me wishing Shaw could have her own spin off of this series A movie would be good too!
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3 for girls kicking butt. The rest is annoying.
TheRealLamontCranston19 September 2021
Wow? Wow ? Wow ?...NOT !!! Emperor's New Clothes?

Several years since I have posted here but I had to return after reading all the gushing reviews from people who must be on the payroll.

The language seems suspiciously similar in most of them and way over the top.

This show, especially the horrible finale, is so annoying .

The relentless irritating and distracting sound track.

Dah, dah, dah, dah..., Finch constantly pontificating about nothing like the crazy guy on the street corner, Depressing slaughter of good characters, Why not a kick butt victory ?

Losing is now chic apparently, as is depression.

All those shapes floating around on the screen are distracting and useless.

Flashback, flash forward, flash back ad nauseum.

At least there was no shaky cam.

There was of course the mandatory cringeworthy girl kissing which is fast forward time.

The fawning praise is similar to that bestowed upon the horrendous David Lynch.

I had a girlfriend who watched science fiction high.

Perhaps that would have altered my "perspective"
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Perfect ending
dilipkumarze21 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Like the machine said Reese was on borrowed time. Reese had a past which would haunt him everyday if he kept on living. Finch gave him purpose, to save lives, to serve humanity.only this purpose can make someone in Reese's situation to live a little longer.it was more of a surviving than living. Over years of being with Finch,Fusco,Root,Shaw,Carter and Bear his survival became living. I can say John Reese lived during his final days but it was still not enough to light a dark place in his heart. Reese was prepared and he died happy, it was a very good closure but did he die alone? Maybe. Finch was always in dilemma, trying to figure out if he was doing right. Finch sacrificed his love life but I guess he figured it out it was not worth it. Finch going back to Grace was delightful and appropriate decision. Root was fantastic throughout the series but her death was cold truth of real life. It was totally unexpected. The machine choose Root's voice and becomes root at 96% approximation but its still a copy of Root. The real root is dead, it is a tragedy. She did not live to see the end which she always hoped for. Amy acker did a fantastic job. Fusco was a comic relief I guess, his character was also fleshed out well. Fusco got a second chance and it was totally worth it for him. He changed so much he had people who worried about him.I don't know how John's death hit him but he has son and an amazing story now. Shaw endured a lot in Samaritan's simulation. Throughout the series she was almost like a side kick to John. Amazing action scenes were provided by her . Overall this series was excellent I don't know how long it will take me to find an other live action sitcom like this. This show had quality.kudos to all the actors. This show will be missed.
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Bittersweet ending, but so great
bassmanpro19 February 2018
POI has been (and still remains) my favorite TV show. Ever. I still keep on rewatching it in full, twice a year.

What could we expect when a channel decided the show had to be cancelled, and that the storyline of such a story had to find its end in only half a season ?

They did, and they did it well. Changes in the story arc had appeared gradually through the seasons. Always more surprise, more unpredictable events, more intensity. By the end of this last season, the changes are even more impressive. And this season finale episode is their apogee.

These final scenes seem so real and unreal simultaneously. And what if all this was just a simulation ? Some familiar characters in this show had already asked that question.

There are good and bad things in this finale. Fun and sad things. And love. And hate. As usual. But the best of it is that, with an open mind, anyone can imagine what will happen afterwards, to each his/her own way.

Many excellent shows had poor, dumb, disappointing endings. This one is not at all. Best way to pay tribute to such an understanding show.
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You don't die alone...not if you're remembered.
rafid-judas50322 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Person of Interest closed down its curtains for the final time in brilliant fashion. A show that has constantly redefined itself over the seasons, it went out in an epic way- full of gunfights, philosophizing and emotions. If you are to say goodbye, this is the way to do it.

The central theme to this episode was that 'everybody dies alone'. But as Root/The Machine, in her dying moments, recalls from a conversation that if people are loved and remembered, they do live on in a way. And it is evident- Root living on as the Machine's voice, even John will live on in his comrades' memories as the hero he truly is.

This episode also served as a homage to John Reese- the man, who was introduced in the pilot as a drunkard with nothing to live for, was given a purpose by his, future, best friend. In the end, he died smiling for purpose, saying that if one life means that much, saving is worth it. We all know that, John along with Root/The Machine would never have allowed Harold to die, thus creating the whole switch with the briefcases.

Moreover, in one of those rare moments we got to see watch almost tearful when the Machine told her what Root really thought about her. It was also great that she finished the job with Blackwell not being tied down to the 'good guy' side she might have developed over the years. And Fusco, too, managed, as he always does, crack a few jokes- nevertheless being effective at what he does.
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Just too good!
ishrakbracu30 June 2016
Person of interest started as a normal TV show on CBS but its built up over the years has been outstanding. Hats off to Jonathan Nolan and his crew. Honestly, I didn't expect it to become such a great hit. The show doesn't deserve an ending and I am quite sure people out there are begging for more. However, the decision to end the show perhaps brought out the very best of it. No one could have imagined the end is going to keep us captivated filled with so much thrills but yet enough emotions to let us wonder what could be next for the Machine. Not only the Machine but there is still Finch, Shaw and Fusco. How are they going to run their lives now? Is it a new beginning for the Machine and maybe a new POI Team? A movie would be great since there are so many possibilities lurking around. All the characters were awesome especially Reese. This show truly brought the characters to life and they will be alive for a long time. A pleasant ride with the POI team (still want some more)!
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So good, I'm somewhat at a loss for words
lawriter7723 June 2016
When this series started, I looked forward to it but wasn't sure how good it might be, despite the great cast, because the writing staff had taken over the second floor of the building I used to work in and I had the knee-jerk reaction, "Uh-oh, script by committee." My concern was completely unfounded, of course, and in the last two seasons especially, I was constantly impressed by that writing ─ the perfect combination of emotion, intrigue, humor, moral tension, drama, big questions, action.... everything. Combine that with great acting, directing, camera work, editing, visual effects, music, all the elements, and I got five ─ or I guess, four-and-a-half ─ seasons of great television.

As for this final episode, it felt at the end of it all like the whole series had gelled into one big, long, great movie, not just segments of "network TV." I'm trying hard to remember any series finale I've ever seen that was anywhere near as good, and the only one that comes to mind is the two-hour "All Good Things" from Star Trek: The Next Generation, although Person of Interest had the disquieting distinction of only being "sci-fi" for a very short time before pieces of its reality began to set in. Having spent some years in the intelligence community myself, this one hit closer to home, even though TNG always struck a chord with my Navy days. I wish I could wipe this episode from my memory just so I could watch it again for the first time. But I'm going to watch it again anyway. Thank you Jonathan Nolan and all your cast and crew for one great ride.
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Watched Season Finale 5 years later
njbono-2137513 January 2021
So my wife and I watched this show religiously, loved this show from the start. Episode 1 was done so well, from the acting to the writing to the directing and color.

So over the next 4.5 years we watched evey episode, honestly I can't recall a bad episode!.

So anyways nearing the finale my wife screwed me, she gave birth to our 2nd child in 2 years - shortly after that our 3rd in 4 years... haha 😄

With that said we couldn't watch the final, then all of a sudden all 3 kids are in bed tonight (1-12-21) by 9pm (Covid-19 times things got rough)..

All I can say is wow, what an emotional roller-coaster. I mean I can't recall being on my seat for a finale one moment and the next sad that one of my friends is gone...

I think with final episodes comes the emotion of something changing and ending and that we will not see these people in this capacity again, yea I'm sad and yeah 4 years later too.

I've watched dozens of series from beginning to end and this is equal with that of All in the Family's , Everyone loves Raymond'd and MASH's finale. The only difference is All in the Family and Person of Interest were great beginning to end.

I give this a rare, a very rare 10/10 and would like to thank the cast & crew for giving me something to look foward to each week..

If you've never watched this show do, like someone said here prior to be, its like a straight arrow beginning to end...
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A fantastic end to a show that redefined network TV
maxzektor22 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Even though Game of Thrones premiered earlier that year, it was this show that renewed my faith in television from the get go. This episode was simply fantastic, and the way every plot and subplot wrapped up left me very few doubts. That's saying a lot in this era of TV.

It's a shame that Nolan, Segel and Thé were forced into ending it, but the final journey was so satisfying that I'm not even mad anymore. I doubt that a production this great for a show of this kind will show up anytime soon.

SPOILER LAND: Having John and Root be the characters that died really messed me up. They were probably the most complex characters in the show, and the way they died just felt weird. I did like, however, that we found out a few episodes back that the machine had many more assets in other places. It's kinda like spin-off territory (but please don't)
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BEST 42 MINUTES OF MY LIFE and the most anxious
hamzaisawesome12 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN A REVIEW BUT I HAD TO FOR THIS MASTERPIECE: It's been a year since I watched the show and I still can't let it go. Nothing has ever affected me that much. Before the series finale it was 12th on my list of my favourite shows after it No 1 No peace of media (Books,Movies etc) has made me feel this way. Poi reminded me why TV shows are the best form to tell a story .That is how powerful The finale is I have never seen a Better tv episode (I have seen ALOT)
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farhadnsu7725 April 2020
All time best finale..true masterpiece. I watched more then 100 times.
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Just wow
hamzaisawesome18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The endings are always sad when a good series ends, but when it is in fact your favorite series, the feelings of emptiness that remains are very large.

Everything starts as a normal series, but very soon you start to see that there is a lot of potential in those plots and that potential is exploited more and more as the series progresses to end in episode S03E10 The Devil's Share. And almost without having time to assimilate everything that happened and to think that it can happen now that it can overcome it, it comes the episode S03E11 Lethe with the introduction of Control and Samaritan and a new story even more interesting. Everything changes from here. The series acquires more depth and new points of view to live an epic battle between two gods unique in their kind.

The epic final began in the episode 10 (where the title of episode reflect perfectly the facts) with a little and simple mistake by someone that missed his wife. A simple mistake that forced him, a good man, to take out his dark side, break his own rules and kill his master creation. I needed a happy ending for Harold and he has it with his wife but... It is not a happy ending at all. The guilt for the death of many of his friends will be always with him. Michael Emerson was the main motivation to start the series after his last job on Arrow (although I wanted more of Amy Acker after watching her on Alias two years ago) and I am sure that I will watch Lost in the future to see him.

John's death was the saddest but the most meaningful. His evolution from the lost man who was going to commit suicide and die for nothing to the true hero who is and who gives his life for his best friend, a good man who thanks to him can have the life he could not have. Jim has been awesome and I did not bet anything for him before seeing the Pilot. What a mistake. Similar situation with Fusco, another character very well built and that, fortunately, has a happy end.

Root has been the most determined, strongest, badass, charismatic and sweet (and I would continue saying adjectives) character that I ever seen. Amy is a gift that we can enjoy in every series that she acts. Root stole the show after "If-Then-Else" with her passion to find Shaw, her multple identities or her crazy acts. Her heroic death was unexpected but also meaningful. Like John, her evolution is so deep and amazing that we would never imagined to love her so much when we saw her first time en season 1. She is the best female character that I have ever seen on TV (yeah, I finally said it). Amy has surpassed any expectations that I could have of her after seeing her in Alias. Next stop, Dollhouse and The Gifted.

And now Sameen. If I had to say a favourite episode without count the season finales or mid-season finales, I would say S03E05 Razgovor or S02E16 Relevance. The first one because is a episode with a really beautiful background history where we know more about the most complex character of the series: Shaw. And the second one because basically is the best presentation of a new character that I have ever seen. Sarah entered in the series like a hurricane and that rarities, humor and feeling of emptiness that Shaw always shows becomes her in my favourite, because, like The Machine said at the end, all these things that I said make her beautiful and special. We suffered with her since the masterpiece S04E11 and we were cheated with her simulations during the whole season 5 like to her. Of course, Sarah has been a great discover to me, and now, I have Life, Fairly Legal and the upcoming series Reverie to enjoy again of her.

Finally, I want to highlight the music of the series. I think that a series is nothing without the music and Ramin Djawadi again surpasses himself with a music that thrills, that gives meaning to each character and each scene and that achieve to connect even more with the series. And of course, also I want to highlight the brains in the shadows Jonathan Nolan, JJ Abrams and their amazing team. They have created a masterpiece that, as I read in a spanish recap, "the series plays to be the best of action, of espionage, of science fiction and police of the television and wins in all the categories at the same time. Because it already was the best series of superheroes before the others series came".

This is not a farewell, because good things are never forgotten. :)
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Perfect End
gauri-2900025 June 2016
Was still not accepting its an end of series. I followed this series for years. Totally hooked on this show, great characters.

And now losing it. Perfect ending with action and emotions. Beautiful farewell to show.

Great Show. Well Compilation. Even Compilations was there in show.

Great execution.

Will hope for return.

Will remember these perfect lines.

"We are being watched. The government has a secret system that spies on us every hour of every day"
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No Summary! Just see the rating and number of votes above!
voldore23 June 2016
How will you describe a perfect masterpiece, with no flaws, just excellent in everything. If you try to give an adjective to such a beautiful thing, it will only lesser its grandeur.

This was the best-est episode of any season i have ever seen. Its one of its kind. The best direction and screenplay i have ever seen on a television. A must watch for everyone!

The story was great, only bested by the acting and performance. I guess If people in the future are going to remember Jim Caviezel, they will always remember him as John Reese. And Amy Acker as Root! I am going to watch this entire season once again :-)
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