Valley of the Gods (2019) Poster

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js-661307 October 2020
Sex with a rock. Not sex with The Rock, just A rock. A Navajo native awkwardly makes love to a mountain top, in what may symbolizes a connection with the land? Guessing is the number one activity in this absolutely bizarre sensual feast of a movie.

Owning a Terrence Malik Stanley Kubrik David Lynch surrealistic bent, complete with stunning cinematography, a sweet soundtrack, dedicated yet stunted acting, and puzzling tangents, "Valley of the Gods" is deliciously perfect for mushroom season. It also features Keir Dullea (you know who you are).

All through his varied screen career, John Malkovich has always been best when bad, and here he gets to flex his wicked muscle. As the world's richest dude and eccentric oddball, he gets to play tennis inside his palatial manor on a marble floor, catapult a rolls royce off a cliff, and mummy wrap a bunch of dogs. Or is it deer? Some kinda animal. Whatever the case, Malkovich musta had hisself a helluva time shooting this thing.

There is some semblance of a plot that involves a struggling writer, the prospect of a uranium mine, sacred Native ground, and a wacky dude playing god, but it exists merely to pose way more questions than answers. Do stay for the jaw dropping ending, which tries to wrap this crazy mess in some kind of circular fashion, if that is possible. It is not. But wow, what a heckuva swing!

Audacious to say the least, "Valley of the Gods" is an impressionistic head scratcher, and in the days of lazy cookie cutter flicks, that may not be such a bad thing.

  • hipCRANK
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Arizona Dream without Goran Bregovic soundtrack
xmutee1 August 2020
Not bad, not memorable either. "Art nuveao" cinematography, form over substance. Like a splash of paint on a canvas that's supposed to mean whatever the viewer wants. Well acted and directed at times, clumsy at other. A better soundtrack would have helped such a project, but worth a watch.
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Spoilers but a decent explanation
batmangenisis23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Okay... I read an article with thoughts from the director and also Navajo creation myth and may have figured it out. It may or may not make the movie "better" but the movie is supposed to be from a Navajo standpoint.

John character is inspired by the valley to write the creation story of the Navajo in his own absurd way (as indicated by his "psychiatrist"). Why? Because the director said so. No... really... he said nothing is new anymore when it comes to making movies so you have to be bold (paraphrased but whatever).

The director said: "Funnily enough one of them (the Navajo) said to me, 'You are a white guy but this film as I see it is told from our point of view and this is the first time I see a movie told from our standpoint, from how we understand the world.' "

So how DO the Navajo understand the world? They are a barren, ancient land surrounded by high-tech, high-class buildings and people like Malkovich according to the director, whom was accepted by the Navajo pre-filming. Malkovich is the John character's image of how the Navajo see white man.

White man is "rich", "powerful", but white man has no idea what those words actually mean. So Malkovich galavants his "power" for no reason. Just to say he has it. And he's bored with it (hence his going down to the streets to fight or whatever, launching a car, and having several women).

Meanwhile... John character is imagining a Navajo that falls in love with the land and produces the first "child". The creation myth. It seems absolutely absurd in the movie... but it IS an interpretation.

Malkovich (still all in John's idea's of the Navajo/writing) then wants to be forever engraved into history so is "mummified" and reborn to destroy mankind with his arrogance and "power".

John is left to ponder these things about the known world.

This is the best I could do with the information given and it allowed me to put four stars instead of maaaybe 2.... and this is coming from a guy who LOVES 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Well acted... nice visuals (mostly) but the director kind of free-formed and it's obvious and wonky. Could have done with some major story editing which would've been actually minor filming fixes before saying it's done.

Hope this helps one way or another.
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A beautiful Art film
wilenco12 August 2020
This film is challenging, which is exactly what we need. It's time people learn to think for themselves. From a lot of the negative reviews here, it's clear most people are conditioned to the Hollywood 3 act structure and regurgitated story lines. Not everything has to make perfect sense. The world at large does not make sense. The cosmos does not makes sense. Childhood is over. Kudos to the filmmakers for raising the bar of filmmaking.
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Didn't make sense
bananaspider1 August 2020
Even though this movie didn't make any sense it was a decent watch because of the visuals and acting.
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I'm perfectly comfortable if this is a 'sour grapes' response...
steveo12211 August 2020
"Entwines Navajo lore with a reclusive trillionaire and his would-be biographer, creating a fascinating, mysterious and idiosyncratic vision of America."

Alternative take: ,,,creating a montage of beautiful, enigmatic scenes layered in Navajo mumbo jumbo and pretentious philosophical affectations.

I watched the whole thing. It took several stops and restarts because I had to stop and look around for my interest in it. Allegories abound, either far too abstract for me or so simple I resent making the trip, despite the very high quality of the production and the exquisite settings and scenery. I'm perfectly comfortable if this is a 'sour grapes' response.
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What was that?
mm-7568719 July 2021
I think I just watched Eyes Wide Shut, but without all the beautiful naked girls and sex. That was the strangest thing I've watched in a long time. I have no idea what it meant or what really happened. That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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God, that was boring
martinsheridan-337328 August 2020
God, that was boring They pretend to be new age or something but it's not, far from it It's pointless from start to end, there's nothing, emptiness all along I'm not sure how Malkovich was convinced, I know he must make a living too but I guess you must have had better opportunities than this one

I started skipping through it half way, I couldn't stand it anymore I don't think the producer knew where he wanted to go with this one The screenplay is weak to say the least How could they convince the studios to shoot this one, I'm not sure But from now on, I'll always check the ratings, this one has 4 stars, I would give one at best
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emelwill8 July 2021
I honestly don't understand how movies like this get made.
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A Rather Off-Beat Movie About Native Nature.
tabuno9 October 2021
Valley of the Gods (2019). Josh Hartnett and John Malkovich star in this off-beat allegorical film directed by Polish director Lech Majewski. Likely filmed partly on location in Monument Valley, Utah. The movie echoes the stark Melancholia (2011) artistic style. Relatively hard to follow for those who prefer their movies straight forward and literally interpreted, Valley of the Gods is deliberately photographed with a beautiful and lush palette as a major backdrop. The storyline however is obtuse and surrealistic and becomes more of mood piece with inductive scenes that necessarily require flexible and adaptative mental osmosis where the mind brings together the slow paced pieces of an eclectic plot known mostly in the imagination of the director. If one can bring oneself to watch one of the worst movies in a number of ways, The Loneliest Planet (2011), however, Valley of the Gods could actually be a rather stimulating and creatively intriguing experience. Definitely not for everybody. It is watchable and preferably with a sense of patient wonder and a love of nature.
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jeff_cavanagh15 August 2020
Its pretty confusing and jumps about a bit, but here is what I think its about. Its an arthouse lesson on the uselessness & meaninglessness of modern Western life, as compared with a more spiritual existence lived(or suposedly) by the original inhabitants of America, with a bit of gratuitous arty opulance thrown in. Does it hit any of its marks - NO Is it worth a watch? put it on if you are doing something else and want background visuals. Music - 2/10 Camera work - 5/10 Acting - 4/10
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I Loved every second of Valley of the Gods
bettinagh-511158 July 2021
I was utterly engaged by every second of it as well.

Most people seem to overthink this; the first 3 minutes tells you exactly what is happening- a grieving man goes into the desert to write.

Think Terry Gilliam.

There you go.

Not for everyone.

Next time, I'll scare up some gummies and a glass of wine. Of course I'll watch it again.
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Great script and film
pefig24 July 2021
Challenging, and not the average Hollywood story. Deep and profound Writting. Didn't feel the cinematography in one style, and some camera angles contradict the message; but a great symbolic film.
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A solid 1.
felipexmc26 August 2020
Maybe if you take a handful of mushrooms (pot won't do the trick) this movie will make some sense. But if you're not into heavy drugs don't waste your time.
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Really God!
ks-6050029 August 2020
When watching the movie, I keep mouthing myself "oh my god, oh my god and oh my god". What the hell this movie trying to film? Hell boring and just make me want to kill self n see god.
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Too boring.
ricardocuratolo10 August 2020
Tries to be something, but fails. Dosent make any sense whatsoever, dont lose your time as I did.
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Just wasn't a good movie imo
strizbiz-9942919 July 2021
Look, I get that it's an "art film", but every art film isn't a good one. It was just not cohesive and the story was just badly told.
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Supposedly is some kind of art with bad acting
Moviedog2629 September 2021
God, I never liked this Malkovich guy, he is weird and he cannot really act. I was expecting more from Josh but he is a forgotten actor too.

The entire movie is just drivell and bad acting.
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Pretentious and dull
ballitup-4351819 September 2021
In its' attempt at artistic beauty through ambiguity, it fails miserably. An overly ambitious display of meta story telling that omits one key ingredient... a point.
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i know people that would love this
digdog-785-71753817 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After having watched Valley Of The Gods in its entirety, i can only tell you that it's got John Malkovic in a couple scenes. And that's about it. It's very rare for a film to have .. so little meaning. So, let me explain: There is .. an archeologist in the field. He looks around. Then there's a mysterious stranger that goes to a Batman-like mansion. Then there'a bunch of young adult Natives who are really upset about .. idk, Natives politics things. We are at 25 minutes in a there has been no dialogue. There is a city office worker in his house and his wife is antagonising him - he's unhappy.We finally have some dialogue. At around 40 minutes in, the city man meets the mysterious stranger. They do not talk.

.. i could go on but, there is no point in this ... "film", where a recognizable chain of events starts happening. They are a series of .. very well filmed, even very well acted, within the limits of the material, unrelated scenes, where you, as the viewer, have to make up your own idea of what the common theme is.

In other words, "the more full of *** you are, the more you will like this movie".

There was obviously a large amount of money well spent on this film and you can see the results, visually it is very well made, and the sparseness of the dialogue actually works in its favour. It's a reasonably intriguing art film, but as a product, it's only viable for those who specifically want an art film. I won't call it "teh worst film evah" but .. it's not great. You totally can, make an art film, that ALSO has a story. But Valley of the Gods doesn't.

my vote: 6/10 - for effort
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Could have made 25 decent Independent Films with the money
info-907014 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Beautiful, really high production values, very well acted, horrible, wandering, trying too hard script with nonsensical, over the top, heavy handed, childish symbolism.

Dark, lost and mysterious isn't always as deep as self involved filmmakers and writers want to believe they are.

And I'm sorry, but people who want to compare this to Malick or Gilliam, really missed what they were about. Not even in the same league. Maybe Corman without the humor or cohesion!

And I wonder how the Navaho people feel about it? Curious.

Break those budgets up and support 25 filmmakers, PLEASE! This just wasn't the one to take a stand on.
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TEN STARS for audacity of its existence
dellman123 August 2020
OK people, here it is...if you don't think this is worthy of recognition, you have lost your humanity.

Film is a classic tale of why. Your life's story. And as with all our lives, it is not an adventure, but disjointed fairy sequins of day to day existence. ie, got up, had coffee, got gas, had some food, freaked out about whatever, went to work: and not necessarily in that order.

This is a movie to activate dormant parts of your brain, giving you the power to see around corners, live in your fantasy, dream about the Other road, Regret.

Every second counts. Your last minute alive. Details so clear, tumble in all direction, no gravity, no pull toward against, just the light and darkness while stuck in the middle of nowhere.

A perfect film for times like now.
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A surreal film with a lot of messages
hogwarts197527 July 2022
I think this film should be watched without any judgment as a piece of art generated as a result of efforts of numerous has a magnificent cinematography with messages about struggle of people to live the life they want without today's technology being shoved down their throats, Native American's struggle to live in their own territory without being forced to give up parts of their land (the entire USA territory belongs to them actually), give their sons and daughters a future with prospect, and be prepared to see very funny but deeply moving struggle of the anguished writer...anyways just enjoy it...
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Not all the donuts come out with the hole in the middle
paolocammelli25 June 2021
I have nothing against the people who worked to make this movie. But it is bad. So bad it's so far the only movie I have left the theatre before the end. And I sat until the end for Alita, one of the worst movie I've seen in my life. It's not a matter of art, soul, entertainment it's just a bad movie. Next will be better.
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Run of the mill
ritera19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Lech Majewski, who has a long string of very esoteric movies to his name back to 1980, and this is no different.

Hartnett (a writer) is having a breakdown in the midst of his wife leaving. Malkovich as an odd rich man. Something about a modern-day Native American drunk man who wants a son.

Interesting elements and scenes but someone far more read than I am would recognize I'm sure the bulk that I didn't get. For me it was esoteric heavy and not really urgent, any which way. Not to mention too long.

Malkovich is always good. I've seen Hartnett in a few things he's been good. A for effort in this and one scene with a psychiatrist was very good.
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