God's Club (2015) Poster


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Christian Propaganda Movie
msenia22 August 2016
Let me start with a brief summary: Christians start something harmless and Atheists go up in arms. This is the basic foundations for the movie and it has been repeated time and time again. As an atheist, I am extremely offended by this movie and the way they represent atheists. Literally, EVERY atheist character in this movie is intolerant, hateful, and (of course) evil. This is in no way a representation of the real world, even though this movie makes it seem like its happened before. Anyways enough ranting, what about the ACTUAL movie? Well, it also fails in that regard. The characters are flat and only one character really experiences change, and she was a minor character. The atheists respond to the Christian characters with complete and utter nonsense. The story isn't really compelling, it's mostly just a misrepresentation of a possible real life scenario.

This movie is one of those Christian propaganda pieces that fails to be a remotely good movie. The story is uninteresting and not compelling whatsoever, the characters are cardboard thin and predictable, and this is only topped by the unbelievable amount of bias towards Christians.
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From a Christian
bkmonkey-0904323 July 2018
Trying to follow Christ is not about getting in other people's faces and shaking them up. Why couldn't the Youth Bible Study club have been held AT HIS HOUSE??? Respect the separation of Church and State and the feelings and intelligence of the people around you. This movie made everyday people opposed to religious clubs in schools look like idiotic sociopaths.
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Absolute Fiction
wendyatlanticcanuck13 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Absolute fictitious depiction of atheists. All of the atheists I know, are secular humanists and very caring people. Religion is for church, etc. not for school. School is for education… education of facts, not of ancient mythology, unless a student is in mythology class. A "moment of silence" is not "prayer" or even religious, in any way. The scenario fabricated in this movie has never happened and never will. Learn the law and the constitution of the US and you will understand how everything about this movie was simply wrong! The strawman depiction of atheists is beyond ridiculous! Horrible awful movie… poorly done with terrible acting (if you can call it that).
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Absolutely terrible on every level
canadevil2415 September 2016
I watched this movie for a podcast that reviews religious movies, most up until now, although terrible have at least been somewhat entertaining.

This piece of crap was so boring, so poorly written and acted that I nearly crapped myself when I saw it had a 5.4 IMDb score.

Stephen Baldwin, much like Kevin Sorbo is a born again Christian that has some how created a caricature in their heads of what an atheist is and for some reason people encourage them to make films about this delusion.

At least Kevin Sorbo can somewhat act, Stephen Baldwin looks and sounds like a bloated wooden whale corpse that smoked way too much weed and is totally trying to pretend that he is not high but everyone knows he is and just humors him because of how sad his career and acting ability has become.

Don't watch this crap, it is insulting to everyone and I hope every person involved with this is ashamed of themselves.
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more like Dull's Club, amirite?
Quinoa19845 September 2016
For some reason this was on Netflix and for some other reason my lady decided we should watch it so we could have a laugh at the expense of discount God's Not Dead. And make no mistake when I write those words, don't take it lightly, people: this is *discount* God's Not Dead. In every way shape and form this is about some alternate reality called Super-Scaredy-Cat-Christian-Pants land where the filmmakers see Christians as oppressed and all atheists as hard-headed scumbags who want to stop all of these good-hearted (sometimes, as in this case, seemingly broken) people from just practicing their religion in schools or colleges or who knows what else!

I mean, come on, people!

The problem here is that this has Stephen Baldwin. Let that also sink in: Stephen Baldwin, who has the voice of brother Alec, but his face looks like it's been run over by several angry water-buffalo and reconfigured to have the same expression all the time - even post car accident scene where character's wife dies in one of those goofy car accidents with him saying "my love" and "babe" in unconvincing ways - and he is the lead in this story that's supposed to be some inspiration pap about him overcoming his wife's death by setting up an *afterschool* Bible club. And the problem is.... huh? Oh, yeah, there's a couple of high schoolers who want to mess with the guy by making up some stuff in the Bible club, and then one guy (who you know is meant to be sexy to Baldwin's daughter because, oh God, his HAIR man!) who's father with the glued-on beard(!) is all against them because... FAITH MAN!

The conflicts here are wholly unconvincing - maybe also HOLY unconvincing too! Puns aside, this is such bland material, all acted and meant to be with sincerity, but it's badly performed and written and directed with a taste for dumb montages showing, uh, jogging, and, again I must stress here, STEPHEN BALDWIN! I think I could let his less than one dimensional character/performance go if there was something else to latch on to, some actor or person with a heart-beat with some craziness or personality or screen presence (i.e. God's Not Dead, much as that is an insulting mess, has Kevin Sorbo who makes the antagonist someone to reckon with). Here everything is so soft and safe but it's nevertheless a piece of tripe on just its filmmaking - even if you agree with this message (with, well, should I argue with that, we'd be here all night), the actual *cinema* part of it, that it's a 90 minute filmed piece of entertainment, fails on those grounds.

I frankly couldn't even finish this, so I can't tell you how it ends. If you get to a product like God's Club and it flatlines at minute one, odds are good it won't get a heartbeat. And lo and behold, this was unable to resuscitate even as a fun-bad movie. It's just... boring.
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Laughable and insulting
ryancthomas20 November 2016
All atheists are evil, mean spirited jerks! Christians are being persecuted! Obviously whoever wrote this doesn't know any atheists, or at least doesn't understand the argument for keeping religion out of school. This movie is grasping at straws to make atheists look bad, but it is so preposterous...attempted murder at one point!? Cmon. Let me put it this way, as an Atheist I would side with Stephen Baldwin's character in this film. I would defend him and support him. Because we're fine with you having a moment of silence for your dead wife. We're fine with an extracurricular club that is optional. We would not order our children to not date the children of Christians. We would not insult a man's dead wife. We would not tolerate our children vandalizing public or private property. I would not tell my kid he can't read the Bible, if for no other reason he should know why his mom and dad don't agree with the inconsistencies and supposed truths inside. We would not pick street fights with christians.

The movie itself is bland. Baldwin is monotone, the evil characters are two dimensional. Corbin Bernson is okay for the most part. And who designed the logo of the Gods Club. The thumb on the hand is upside down! Did a kid design it?

The plot is predictable and the writing is just bad. I've seen a few Christian movies and this was definitely the most boring.
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Great movie!
carolrogers-1372714 June 2019
This movie is way better than it's reviews portrayed. The quality was good, the acting was excellent, and the content was true to life in the battles we face as Christians.
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God is good
kbherman12 April 2018
God is good all the time; all the time, God is good! Question what happens to you when you die? I believe that I want to be with God! Many of the most intelligent, scientific atheists have tried to prove Jesus did not die and was resurrected, and now they love JEsus and are believers... yay God!!!
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Good movie, complex themes, overall I liked it.
rogermukai9 March 2016
Like many Godly/Family movies, if you're looking for the greatest movie ever made, look elsewhere. The film's acting is forced at times. The story is, however, very inspiring and very well told. I do feel that some of the ways non-Christian people are portrayed, is a little over harsh and unrealistic. For instance, the School administrator waffles from hostility to down right huggy without any rhyme or reason. But, all in all, the story has elements of truth. Lots of truth. I must give one thumbs down to a single line made by the daughter - who stated that "If you commit suicide you can't go to Heaven, it says so in the bible." I am NOT condoning suicide in any way. And I am quite sure that God does NOT like it either. But, it does NOT say anything about that in the bible, and; that statement is totally contradictory to Jesus and Salvation. But aside from that, I don't have any harsh words for the movie. It has great moral values, good story lines, and tries very hard to make the audience see that life WITH GOD is far better than WITHOUT.
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Poorly written "oppressed Christian" sticht.
greenj-426972 September 2016
If you go through life attending prayer meetings, joining bible circles, "liking" the bible on social media, AND going to church every Sunday while looking for non-offensive things to be offended over ... well then this movie is for you. You'll completely enjoy the unrealistic scenario that doesn't ever happen and the over the top characterizations of the evil antagonists that, in reality, just think you shouldn't shove your religion down their throats or interject it into public education at the expense of the tax payer.

All in all there was a clear lack of character development with characters that were already as vanilla as vanilla can be. They started out "unquestionably" right, didn't need to learn a thing, and ended "unquestionably right". The plot was transparent with the title and there were no surprises. The story was linear with no surprises, no excitement, no real drama. The acting was what you would expect from a "family friendly" cable channel's "special presentation". And personally ... there were far too many "shoulder to shoulder, on the stairs, heart to heart" talks.

All in all I just have one description of the film to encompass everything from the writing down to final edit.


There is a base that swallows this garbage with a smile. It doesn't have to be good in any way. It just has to feed into their world view. They'll buy it, they'll watch it, and they'll make the rounds on Netflix, IMDb, Amazon, or anywhere else to give it maximum stars and glowing reviews. Not because it was any good, but because it justifies their ignorance and enforces their belief that they're persecuted when they hear bogus stories of prayer being banned in school.
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Good family movie!
dudenerd13 May 2021
Wasn't sure if it was good enough but really had a good plot and good cast. Glad I watched it and inspiring to all those who believe. Fantastic job everyone!
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Update on previous review
smlivingstone-0139425 October 2017
My previous review mentioned that Corbin Bernsen's name was spelled wrong in the opening credits. For that I gave the movie a one star review, but admitted I hadn't finished watching it. Well, now I have.

I'm giving it 7 stars to bring my average rating up a bit (I figure that makes it somewhere around 4), because the movie wasn't a total waste of time. It's still unforgivable that one of the stars of the film got his name misspelled in the credits, but there is some value in sticking it out to the end. Yes, it's unoriginal, a bit bland, and the utterly predictable ending arrives suddenly, and is completely unbelievable and not a little eye-rolling. But the acting was above average for this kind of film, and it does serve to remind Christians that, even in a society supposedly founded on biblical principles, it is fast becoming a toxic environment and it now requires an act of courage to publicly admit to their beliefs.

Of course not all atheists behave as some of them did in this movie, but you don't have to look far to find ones who do. Christian bashing has become acceptable and even something of a sport. I find it interesting that most of the worst reviews were written by atheists who strongly objected to the portrayal of fellow nonbelievers. They are right to assure us that not all atheists act like hot headed cavemen, but it does make me wonder why so many avowed atheists are even watching such a film as this. What do they expect to get out of it?

And that's the thing that makes this film ultimately fail, as do most Christian themed films, unfortunately. They are forever preaching to the choir, and no one ever seems to find the budget - or the chutzpah - to make the kind of unexpected, challenging, eye opening film that really makes thoughtful, questioning, open minded people sit up and take notice. These films are like Christian rock music - too timid and too frightened of giving offense to make themselves in any way memorable. It's too bad.

But if you like vanilla movies like this and are part of the choir that likes to be preached to, I can at least say that I've given up on countless yawnfest movies of this genre, and this one I was actually able to watch to the end.
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I can't think of a worse movie
jbert-9090922 October 2019
I have nothing against Christianity or the idea of Christian movies but the plot is so horribly unrealistic and exaggerated. This is nothing more then Christian propaganda. This movie is perfect if you're a Christian and for some reason feel like Christians are oppressed and discriminated against, if you are a normal person then you will quickly become frustrated at the terrible acting and laughably bad plot.
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Evangelizing our youth
bkoganbing29 November 2016
The title says it all, God's Club. Join and/or support the club and God loves you. Don't think it has any place in public school than you are an enemy of the infinite Creator of Time, Space, and the Universe. Not someone you want mad at you.

Allison MacInnis and her husband Stephen Baldwin are teachers at a local high school somewhere in the Bible Belt. After a contentious school board meeting where her proposed Bible Club is discussed the two leave to go home and they are broadsided by another vehicle. MacInnis dies at the scene and Baldwin after an extended period of grief agrees to carry on. Of course those meanie secular humanists like Lorenzo Lamas oppose this because they see it as just a tool for evangelizing their kids.

Guess what, it sure looks like what Baldwin is doing is evangelizing the youth. Even Lamas's own son Nic Luken who is on anti-depression meds is buying into it. Of course the fact he's fallen for Baldwin's daughter Bridget Albaugh helps.

My belief is that if Christian kids want to have a Bible study club after school that's their business. But somehow I doubt that this same school is sponsoring a Gay/Straight Alliance group there. Gay kids are deep in the closet in this place no doubt. I'll bet Baldwin wouldn't want a GSA in his school. Probably Lamas wouldn't want one either.

It's the same fundamentalist message you see in so many of these films. We're the truth faith and we've got a duty to convert the world. You don't like it God will nail you good in the afterlife.

The sad thing is so many people buy into that in real life.
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Just read the comments!
peggysue42221 April 2021
I gave it 2 stars just so my comment would be at the top with all the other negative reviews. If IMBD actually READS this it will be buried at the bottom with all the good reviews! Could it have been tweaked a little to be less "outdated " Yes. As Christians we ARE persecuted and in 2021 it is WAY worse now, than what this movie projects! And yes, they absolutely describe the separation of church and state EXACTLY how our founding fathers meant it.

Christians will always appear intolerant, as ppl today want nothing to do with truth, ONLY love. Even mainstream "churches" today are lukewarm and most know what the Bible has to say about that. Bottom line...God is real, He loves us, He hears our prayers and He wants us to spend eternity with Him by accepting Jesus Christ as our Savior.
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Deserves more respect than hostile reviewers are giving.
JBThackery12 September 2022
The production is good quality, including acting, photography, editing, writing. Reviewers are calling it confrontational to "nonbelievers," but the "believing" characters are under assault, while responding with passivity, kindness, and forgiveness.

The message is uplifting and healing, realistic, and much needed in today's world. A wide range of emotions and deep-hearted human struggle are ameliorated in the script and via sensitive, intelligent portrayal of the characters.

I admire the work that went into the lighting and camera work, as well as the directing, and am impressed with how scene after scene knits together coherently. Of course, the same must be said for the screenplay, which has a noticeable master's touch in holding the overall story, and each individual scene, in a form and pattern that bring smooth viewing.

Cinematography and message are so good, I will watch it again and recommend it to others.
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The trials & tribulations of starting a Bible club at a modern American high school
Wuchakk22 April 2024
A high school teacher in SoCal (Stephen Baldwin) decides to open an extracurricular club that focuses on the Scriptures and Christianity, but faces constant opposition in carrying it out. Corbin Bernsen is on hand as his supportive friend.

"God's Club" (2015) is similar to "God's Not Dead 2," beating it to release by 3.5 months. It's not as good because it only had a fourth of that one's budget ($1,250,000) but, thankfully, it doesn't morph into a courtroom drama (not that there's anything wrong with that).

If you can forgive the TV budget and the corresponding limitations (e.g. The dubious acting by the teenage peripherals), it's a decent drama about real-life issues with potent morals. For instance, confronting grief and moving on, coming-of-age, bullying, friendship, seeking healing for depression, popping pills or not popping pills, counseling, resorting to violence, vandalism, the suicide solution, offense & forgiveness, and freedom of speech and religion in a multicultural society. Let's just say that the flick doesn't wuss out in tackling tough issues.

Consider the sequence at the bridge. I'm not going to give away what happens but, in my area, a 15 years-old girl jumped off a similar bridge and her body was found down the river. Witnesses said that she had a dead, hopeless expression on her face when she jumped. You see, people can live a week without food, three days without water, a few minutes without air, but... less than a second without hope.

The film runs 1 hour, 29 minutes, and was shot at San Fernando Valley Academy in Northridge, which is just northwest of Los Angeles.

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Loved It
ginacasanova19 April 2021
I was looking through the TV stations to find something to watch. I came across this movie and I liked what I read about it. I am so thankful for the actors that dedicate their lives to Christianity. I want more of this. Let's bring more people closer to God. Great movie 🙏🏼
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great movie
dynamicdancedfw1 December 2018
Felt it really showed what we have to go through as Christians.
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Outstanding, realistic, riveting, revealing.
chrisjobs1128518 September 2020
Excellent portrayal of real life situations in which I have been personally involved. Amazing how reality is accurately depicted in this movie. I have engaged in similar conversations with anti-God people in American society. They are typically quite venomous, vindictive, illogical, and unreasonable. The script, at times, is a bit elementary, but I think it is aimed at new believers in Jesus Christ. Therefore, it comes across simplistically to a more sophisticated mind. Some of the fundamental questions which are answered in the classroom discussion with the teenagers seems simple, but there are actually people who do not know the answers to those questions. Overall a great introductory movie for a non-believer who is open-minded to receiving the good news of salvation from hell by Jesus Christ. Highly recommended!
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Outstanding faith-based movie
chefdad6715 September 2016
Another outstanding faith-based movie. Stephen Baldwin is an excellent actor who has been in quite a few Christian movies. A lot of times there are Christian movies that have sub-par acting. This is definitely not one of them.

I appreciate the story line of the movie as it's something that our culture has endured for decades. Yes, it is a bit predictable in some parts yet it's still a fantastic movie to watch. I liked that they showed the main character as a real person, dealing with raw emotions.

If you're a believer in Jesus then you should really enjoy this movie. If you're not a believer, then be prepared to meet Jesus through this movie.
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It actually touched med
larsroessell18 April 2022
I would prefer a friendly atheist anytime over an angry christian. But this movie actually touched me.

I know two christians who were called to the principal of the school. It was a special school for kids with disabilities.

They were a little scared, but the principal said: "There are 41 children in this school. All the parents are divorced. The only couple who is still together are you. We were thinking, is that because you are christians?"

That said, I would not put my young child in a christian school in Denmark, but in at Steiner or art-school.
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OUTSTANDING Based on actual facts of Constitution and Faith
hines-200015 April 2024
There is absolutely no mention of separation of church and state in the Constitution or any founding documents. This lie started with a rabid anti-Christian KKK member and lawyer Justice Hugo Black. In 1947 this racist made separation of church and state based on another lie regarding Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptists. "Wall of Separation" in this context meant exactly the opposite of what Black alleges. Thus, our children are being abused with another lie, evolution. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics proves evolution is a total fraud.

God bless the superb cast of God's Club driving the point home with passion and life. However, the bigger message is the power of The Word. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God".
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