Don't Sleep (2017) Poster

(II) (2017)

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Don't Sleep: Not so much a swing and a miss but a swing a miss and a faceplant in dog poop
Platypuschow13 October 2017
By the end of Don't Sleep I felt bad, the ending was so interesting that I wished that I had enjoyed the film. But I didn't, I simply couldn't.

Starring Cary Elwes (Princess Bride, Saw, Top Gun) and Drea De Matteo (Joey, The Sopranos) but both as side characters this supernatural thriller staggers along at a dreadful pace from start to finish.

The story a mess, the creation abysmal and yet there was something there something frustratingly beneath the surface but unable to break free.

In the hands of a decent writer this could have been something quite watchable but Don't Sleep is far from that in its present form.

The Good:

Well the ending was certainly interesting

Cary Elwes

The Bad:

Lame/dull leads

Dreadful story

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

I learnt that we had a backup pack of ibuprofen at the back of our cupboard for the headache this 95 minute embarrassment gave me
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He'll just lose a little memory. That's all.
nogodnomasters11 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Zach (Dash Williams/Dominic Sherwood) has bad realistic dreams as a child and is uncontrollable. Thirteen years later he is an adult in law school living with Shawn (Charlbi Dean Kriek). His dreams come back and people around him start getting hurt, raped, and killed.

Zach has psychological problems, but things happen not related to the illness. The film drops lousy clues. They explain the plot in the last eight minutes, turning it into a WTF production, and not a "see how clever we are" ending. I won't say the ending ruined the film, it wasn't that great to begin with. Where did grandpa get that shiny chain and what did he attach it to? Guide: F-word, sex, rape. No nudity.
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But asleep you will be...
paul_haakonsen17 June 2018
This movie had me lured in by the DVD cover, the fact that it is a horror movie and also because Cary Elwes was in it.

I was in for a rude awakening of a surprise.

"Don't Sleep" is weighed down by an incredibly slow paced and pointless storyline. It had potential at the start, but lost its momentum about halfway through.

In fact, the movie was so boring and uneventful that I gave up when there was just 15 minutes left of the movie.

It should be mentioned that they had a rather good cast of talents to perform in the movie. Although this was but adequate acting, because the actors and actresses were having almost nothing to work with in terms of script and plot.

All in all, don't bother with "Don't Sleep" if you like a proper horror movie to keep you entertained. And I guess the title of the movie actually was more of a plea from the writer and director than it was an actual title.
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Boring. Also, holy hell Cary Elwes got fat
phenomynouss18 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the wacky ideas put forth by this movie, its greatest flaw is that it is insufferably boring. It doesn't even try to be original for much of its run time, relying on every Smalltown, USA hot young couple moving to a new house horror movie cliché so blatantly that every single jump scare is laughable. You see everything coming, and they kill the dog, so that's an immediate strike against this film.

The main character guy whose name I completely forgot it was so forgettable was apparently demon possessed or something as a child, and had to rely on extreme therapy from a doctor guy and now he's a supposedly well adjusted adult. Except he's a complete and utter asshole and douchebag, which this seems to be unrelated to his demon problems.

drifting drearily along this boring slog, a random demon kid in a hoodie appears and... beats up people. that's literally all he does. He beats up an old man so badly the old man starts freaking out and jibbering incoherently, then commits suicide while angrily defying the demon kid who watches him. Then the main character guy gets beat up by the demon kid.

Then a whole lot of basically nothing happens, and the main character guy has an irrational freakout at his old doctor on learning that he still contacts his mother to discuss him and his case. He then also starts arbitrarily harassing his girlfriend and acting needlessly paranoid about... nothing in particular. He's just running around screaming and cursing at nobody and nothing while overly dramatic music tries to tie this to the demon kid who beats people up, or maybe he's being re-haunted by the demon, or maybe he is the demon kid.

None of this makes any sense, and by the time we reach the end, they throw in a wacky, screwball-esque twist. At some point early in the movie, completely out of nowhere, they bring up a story about a fisherman who went on Crusade in medieval times, and when he came back, his wife killed herself because she was raped repeatedly.

That story suddenly comes back as it's revealed the main character guy was that fisherman crusader, and his girlfriend was the wife who got raped, and apparently she got raped by some manner of demon thing that turned her immortal, and she spent the next millennium either waiting for him to be reborn, or trying to find him after he wandered off or something.

Then the movie ends, with its end credits overlaid with some incredibly awful romance pop songs after the movie spent about 95% of its run time being the exact opposite of a romantic movie.
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More like, 'Don't Watch' or 'Fell Asleep'.
crstevens-081916 October 2017
Complete Shiite.

The music is too loud; poorly mixed.

Some good actors, some average actors, and some no name actors- none of which brought any level of interest to this flop of a horror flick.

Poor script, poor directing, and sub par acting and special effects.

Rick James • Four Thumbs Down • 👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼
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Horrid, but had so much potential
t-man1705731 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is truly one of those movies that for me could have been freaking awesome. It went in directions that I often WISH horror movies would go it, but sadly the writing and plot jumps were just too much.

I remember telling our daughter when she was younger, as she would relay a story about something happening, she would leave out an obvious trigger of some sort (usually one that didn't put her in the best light in the story) and then she would jump to the next part of the story, and I would stop her and tell her there is no way that she did this, and then the other person did that. There was obviously something that happened in between. Well, this movie was made completely and totally without that logic. So many times there is a line like "As a kid I felt there were two sides, this other me that was capable of such evil" and the other person goes "Oh, that's OK" Like it's just totally normal. Truly this movie could have been so much, but instead it was just what it was, a swing and a miss.
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Waste of a good cast
phd_travel9 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Too little story too late. Dominic Sherwood plays a man who starts having tormented visions. He has them as a boy and they were erased but return. Finally there is this totally out of place historical demonic explanation. The title hasn't much to do with the story. Frustratingly a lot of dark scenes.

Waste of a good supporting cast including Jill Hennessy and Drea DiMatteo.
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Add a comma to the title
dfloro15 January 2019
Don't, Sleep

"Don't" bother watching this. And yet, ironically (or is it just coincidentally?), this may represent a cure for insomnia.
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Complete waste of time!
stephenw-3018030 September 2017
I'm pretty surprised with the talent of actors like Elwes, DiMatteo and Alex Rocco of "God Father" fame would be in a film with such a stupid plot and terrible, Total "B" class production value. This is not to say any of these actors are top notch Hollywood "A" listers. They are, however, talented and have been in some very good films and TV shows.

That said, this is simply one of yet another non-relevant mediocre at best, attempt to delve into a Horror story that tries to be different. Let's face it, it's not the easiest task of creating a "new" type of horror film that has not been done in one way or another 100's X's over. But, every once in a while a really good new film comes out that does manage to be original despite using formats already used many times. (Sinister, The Conjuring, Paranormal activity, Saw, Hostel Deliver us from evil etc)....

It seems as though anyone with a few bucks and a decent camera can write, produce, direct and sell crap dressed up as scary and unique yet, us Horror and Thriller fans pay (with time and $) hoping we find something worth telling your friends about. They are few and far between. If you do tell anyone about this film in the form of a recommendation, make sure you say "steer way clear".

Don't Sleep is no different. Acting was way below par surprisingly. One caveat, in defense of Cary Elwes, he is only in a few scenes. Direction was all over the place and the flashback scenes made no sense. Frankly, it was a boring film that I had to struggle to get through. The makeup (for the Demons/Ghosts?) was akin to something you would expect from a 10 year old kid showing up at your door on Holloween. Yes, it really Is that bad.

I don't like writing spoilers in any of my reviews and won't do that now, although I should and save you all a lot of wasted time and $.

The name of this film should have been "Do sleep"! And there should have been a recommendation at the beginning of the film advising to do just that for the next 97 minutes rather then a quote from Nitsche, which was, BTW, the best part of the film.

Go and rent ANY of the films I mention above if you want to see an original, worthwhile film that will put a fright into you.
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Avoid At All Costs
midge7193 October 2017
I cannot understand why the previous post stated this was a great flick, I have to say hand on heart that this was the worst film in history, If I had paid at the cinema to see this tripe I would have wanted my money back, the acting is plastic and wooden, typical cheap budget film you would find on the horror channel, avoid at all costs, if this was in a bargain bucket for 10p I wouldn't buy it, what more can I say, sooner watch paint dry than waste half of my life watching this drivel.
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Better than expected
jcroak-181746 February 2021
I didn't look at the reviews before I started the movie,so I could see if I liked it on my own. I'm glad I watched it. It was not a great movie,but it was entertaining. However I saw the twist early in the movie. the movie does not look low budget, it could have passed for movie in theaters. I think you should watch the movie yourself and see what you think.
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A sleeper
TheLittleSongbird5 June 2018
'Don't Sleep' drew me into seeing it, with a cool poster/cover, an slightly intriguing but very derivative premise and as someone with a general appreciation for horror. That it was low-budget, which from frequent personal experience is rarely a good sign due to that there are so many poor ones out there, made me though apprehensive.

It is sadly however yet another film seen recently, hence some reiteration because the exact same strengths and flaws are here present in those films, that to me was incredibly disappointing considering its potential which it doesn't do anywhere near enough with. 'Don't Sleep' is terrible, with a plethora of problems (huge ones too) and doesn't do enough with its potential, which was hardly small. There is next to nothing to recommend and it is a sleeper.

Lets start with the sole positive. The scenery is atmospheric and spooky.

Unfortunately, it is not done justice by the rather direct to video schlocky way it's shot and edited, it was very clear that the film was made in a rush with no care or enthusiasm.

Going on further to the negatives, the story does feel paper thin, disjointed and over-stretched and some of it feels vague, under-explained in the last third where the film especially became duller, more predictable, more senseless and less scary. Too many characters are too sketchy and with nowhere near enough to make one want to endear to them. Their annoying and illogical decision making and behaviours frustrates. Especially the best friend who is just as annoying as that squeaking door mentioned previously.

Making the film feel bland and forgettable with not enough heart put into it. The effects are ropy at best, the sound quality is obvious and utilised cheaply (being too loud in the build ups and people's reactions) and it's best not mentioning the uniformly lumbering and histrionic acting. It even gets the worst out of Cary Elwes, an actor who to me is generally watchable.

Dialogue can be stilted and rambling, with lots of clichés and no depth whatsoever, while the pace goes to a standstill very quickly and drags on forever with very little going on worth caring about, never recovering. Found too many the supposedly shocking moments not surprising or scary and the supposedly creepy atmosphere dreary, due to the excessive obviousness, a lot of dumb and vague moments and explanations and the lack of tension and suspense. Would not have minded the lack of originality (the film is extremely derivative and in a dumbed and watered down way) if the story and atmosphere were at least alright in execution, in reality they were both dreadfully done.

A lot of 'Don't Sleep' has underdeveloped plot elements and often nonsensical and confusing character motivations, while too many of the things to make you jump or shocked are far from creative or scary and are pretty tame. The ending makes the film finish on an incomplete and confused whimper, in fact it is not really an ending at all.

There is not enough threat here and what there is of it tends to be used poorly, while the psychological elements are unimaginative and are more odd than scary, completely failing to show any sense of horror. Some badly sagging momentum too. The direction is leaden, got the sense their heart was not in it, and the music doesn't really fit.

Concluding, near-irredeemably awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Just when you think it can't get worse...
elizabethbyers8514 February 2021
The ending music happens. 🙄 This was beyond disappointing. I may actually sue for damages.
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horrible movie, don't watch it, it deserves negative stars
karrybelle7823 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love cary so that is why i watched it but even as a side character he was barely in it. the movie sucked so bad i can't even remember their names and i just watched it.

the movie was so badly written. there were points in the movie where you feel like you missed the set up because it just throws it at you and you are like "what the bleep????" like the older couple's father. he lives with them but its never said he is just there at dinner. yet you don't know it yet until he goes crazy and the main characters go to see him. and then there is the father's dog that died. the female main character comments to the father she hear that it died not got lost but died and the father talks about the dog lovingly but you never see anything about the dog before that. and how good of friends the couples are. one dinner together and they are like the best of friends? then there is the point of the movie where the older wife talks about the fisherman and his raped wife out of the blue. there is no eluding to it through out the movie. nothing even having anything to do with bit of history/myth throughout the movie. they are not even by the freaking ocean in the movie. in the main character's dream, who the hell is that old woman any way? she is never explained. Timmy (funny the only character's name i remember) he isn't introduced until almost right before he dies yet he is suppose to be a good friend since childhood?

There is just so much of the movie the you feel like you missed out on because there is just so much that thrown at you with no build up. The demon kid and the demon neighbor girl doesn't even make sense. and i mean the demon kid doesn't make sense because if the main character is the demon kid how was he tormenting the older couple'a father? the whole movie just doesn't make a lick of sense. don't watch it. the only thing that make some sot of sense is why the dreams did come back until the couple moved in together. since she is, i guess, "the other half"??? of the demon it makes sense but it doesn't make sense why it happened when he was a kid. especially since he didn't see her, not meet her he just saw her, until he went to the doctor's office. or maybe the catalysis of the demon. whatever...
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Soooo....Yeah...The Best Part About This Movie was...
trinaa1510 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The soundtrack at the end credits. I fell in love with the music, so if nothing else, I'm glad I didn't give up and shut the movie off before it was over. Stacy Earl's "Devil Inside You" was beautifully haunting and was very hard to find online. I found it on the apple store. Anyway, back to the movie itself. I love horror movies and am always looking for new and intriguing ones to watch (but I stay away from realistic gore and serial killer movies on most occasions). That being said, I was mini binging movies today and after finishing "The Haunting" again, and watching "Amityville: The Awakening (which I'd give about 5-6 stars)" for the first time, I decided to check out this one because I enjoy watching Dominic in "Shadowhunters" on Freeform (Very upset it's been cancelled after season 3..sigh Freeform people are idiots). I had some trouble following along with the story as the plot seemed very thin and there were quite a few holes (why did he go after Alex Rocco's character? How did Vince end up in that dungeony thing? Why did Timmy have to die?). Of course, I was busy making jewelry items so I may have missed some details but overall, I just couldn't wrap my mind around what was happening. Some of the dialogue was thin, and the concepts just weren't super feasible, even for a horror movie. I will say, the ending was surprising, but again, I just didn't understand the whole concept. Who were Zach and Shawn in another life? They showed them in a different time, but how did they become evil? So much could have been explored in more backstory, but with a runtime of 141 minutes, there really wasn't a whole lot to expand upon. My favorite part of the movie besides the music at the end was seeing Carey Elwes, which had been a surprise to me when I turned it on. Watch it on demand if you're interested, so you don't pay money for it, and hell, even fast forward to check out the hauntingly beautiful end credit music.
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Not worth it
uncsbuddy913 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
With "Zach and Shawn" in the description, I excitedly thought there was a horror film with a gay couple. No such luck. Certain aspects were interesting, but it wasn't good enough to keep me from falling asleep. Don't bother.
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Absolute rubbish
krystalsbeauty29 October 2018
Don't even have any words... literally speechless about how to explain how rubbish. Just trust the reviews on this one and don't waste your time. Sorry Dom 🙈
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What did I just watch?
takato052413 February 2021
Half the movie is a whining "law school" guy who seems to never study for it after it's first mentioned, the other half some weird terrible flashbacks that don't flow. Then you have the awkward neighbors and girlfriend. Nothing flowed together. The music was way too loud. The no name actors couldn't act. The list goes on. Pass this by unless you can't fall asleep and need an aide.
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Indescribably stupid
haskel-7295110 February 2021
A quick glance at the cast tells you a lot about this felonious masquerade of a movie. There are names you know from long past projects, trying to remain relevant. They do not manage to do so in this lethargic mess.Dull long before its hilariously bad "twist", this is one movie that should be avoided at all cost. Not a single thing redeeming here, just a bad movie that should have never seen the light of day.
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A must watch for horror thriller fan
rayhansyl29 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
***Beware this content may contain spoiler **

Nowadays it's hard to find a good horror thriller but I was lucky enough this movie didn't disappoint me. It gave me what I am looking for?

" If a demon were to steal after you in your loneliest loneliness.. Would you not curse the demon who spoke thus or would you answer, 'You are a god & never have I heard anything more divine." ----Friedrich Nietzsche (1882)

Story begins with a young boy who is afraid of dark. In his sleep he saw nightmares someone going to take him. He was restless. His mother was concerned about him so she Called a doctor. Doctor started to consult with him as I mentioned he was having this nightmare very often.

I thought this would lead a revenge type self surviving movie but it was something else. It was such a mystery. I don't wanna spoil it by revealing the mystery.

As the boy become a man went to honeymoon with his girlfriend. They were happy. His friend came to visit once everything was fine since the neighbor Mr. Marino lost his dog. One night he heard a sound he followed the path & found the dog it was dead. That time a demon possessed him. Later he committed suicide by hanging himself through a chain. He was saying, I wrote my own life I will not join with you demon, You rot in hell. Who was that demon??

As the mystery continues demon gradually attacked everyone & killing them. Who is that demon? What mystery beneath? watch this movie. You gonna love it.

A must watch film for horror, thriller lovers. Beware it's a scary movie.
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Really Bad Story .. One You Can Afford To Miss
wandernn1-81-68327418 January 2021
I can see right away the best thing about this will be that Drea DeMatteo is in it. Don't see much of her anymore since Sopranos.

Other than that this movie was pretty terrible. 2/10
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