Pickle and Peanut (TV Series 2015–2018) Poster


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What the **** did I just watch?
williemanga1503 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, Disney? Why? You are capable of so much more than this. So this is a buddy comedy show, and a really ridiculous one at that. I wanna say I really like the buddy comedy genre. In fact a lot easier to list the good examples than the bad ones. Unfortunately, it's not always executed well. For every Toy Story and Abbott and Costello, there's at least one BioDome. But back on track. I imagine this tried to replicate Regular Show, but ended up with Breadwinners. It's about two sentient food items who like dubstep. That is about it. It's laden with inappropriate jokes, lackluster animation and stock images. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? This has a couple of extra problems, though. For some reason, this show attempts to force in serious or dramatic moments. It's not that comedies shouldn't have some dramatic parts, but there needs to have a point, which I feel is lacking in this. Also, what is with the live action bits? Again, is there any point in sacrificing substance for style? Aside from the Breadwinners elements, like dubstep and butt jokes, at least its relatively creative. I can't say I've seen a pilot episode where a sentient wart turns into a kaiju monster before. I guess it's worth watching just to see what kind of weirdness is in the show, but without its creative weirdness, it would probably be just dull and inappropriate; not much else to it.
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Do you know those kind of cartoons with bad flash animation, Stupid characters, and Grossout jokes? This is probably the best one. And it's still not even worth watching.
dereksonic0127 July 2016
This show is quite a uncomfortable show to watch if your an Teenager or Adult. Because your friends will just not have a good time watching this. This is pretty much CN's "Regular Show" if it was worse. If anyone doesn't know what I mean, Pickle and Peanut is about.......Well, Who else? Pickle and Peanut! 2 Live Action images put into a Flash animator and given animated faces. These 2 characters spend all their time trying to have the most radical time ever. Like using a Cereal gun, Rescuing only ladies from Jail, Going to Music concerts, Finding undiscovered creatures, etc. You get the point. And its easy what to expect.

As usual, Things take a Different direction in the middle of it. Literally, The first episode is about Pickle growing a Talking zit on his butt. And its worse when they insult the Teen demographic's Intelligence by making everyone around him think its so Cool! Why? That's Disgusting! The comedy in Pickle and Peanut never made me laugh much, There's been a few instances where they were funny, But still kind of Pandery anyway. And not everyone is really into this kind of Comedy. It seems to constantly parody Internet memes and Trends of this Current generation. It seems like a nice reference, But it just completely ruins it anyway. We have been getting Dubstep Music, Live Action costumed people, Heavy Metal, Hot Ladies, Trippy Visuals, Quick Voice Acting, Kittens, Awful Animated CGI (Really?), Video Games, Parties, etc. Everything. And usually gets uncomfortable when the show acts like It's comedy gold and keeps going with the Joke. The episode "Body Spray" has this part at the end with a Gross looking kitten, It doesn't look comfortable to look at at all! And it zooms close up to him for longer than 1min slowly as it plays Sad piano music. Who the heck asked for this? Did the writers think that was hilarious and a good thing for Kids this generation? The joke is supposed to be that it's not cute, But when its Disgusting and Disturbing, Zooming into it just makes us cringe even harder, I can see kids getting nightmares from that scene because of how long they hold onto it.

I admire that it tries to appeal to teenagers, But the jokes are just so stupid! The animation isn't unpleasant to look at if you don't mind Greeny browns and Orangey peaches or Drawn characters into a Flash animator. Because I really don't mind things like that. But in comparison to Cartoons on Nickelodeon or CN, There's a Big difference in effort. The show has these Live Action or Puppet close ups or changes randomly, I think it's trying to Be similar to CN's "Chowder" Because that cartoon did the same thing with Puppets and Stop Motion. But here, You either get a Uncomfortable laugh or a cringe out of it. Sometimes it can make you smile for the heck of it, While other times it's freaking disturbing or disgusting. The Voice acting or Music isn't bad though. Nothing about the show should really give you a bad experience for your ears. But its not extraordinary either.

If you have watched cartoons like "Sanjay and Craig" "Teen Titans Go" "Robot and Monster" and "Grojband" and enjoyed it, You should probably enjoy this cartoon, But I recommend seeing a Episode, Even if it doesn't sound pleasant, Just so you you know how awful it really is. The only episode I thought was good was "Scalped" and even then it had problems. That's really all I have to say.
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An inappropriate, annoying, train-wreck of a TV show.
berkeyhugo6 October 2015
This show tries to rip off another terrible TV show (Bread Winners), but does it worse. Why anyone would rip off a terrible TV show I have no idea, but I don't really expect things this bad to come out of Disney. (I do however expect terrible things like this to come out of Nickelodeon)

First off, the animation is basically a bunch of photo-shopped imagery. The plots are stupid and usually not very well thought out (The episode "Greg") and the humor is questionable at best. Do not let your children watch this garbage. If you wanted to destroy your child's mind, do it with a hammer, it works just as well.
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Breadwinners 2.0
theraparmour1221 September 2015
I can't believe after Gravity Falls, garbage like this is put out. There's not even much for me to say here.

Everything in this show is similar to Breadwinners. Poorly and quickly drawn backgrounds, stock images that look lazy at best, another show about two bros that copies from other formats and has been done to death, an lazy-ass theme song that can be summed up as a 4 year old shopping list, an episode about a pickle who has a zit on his butt, and people freak out over it, etc.

I knew that this would be an absolutely horrible idea. The Disney channel was doing so well, and then this piece of turd came along. Regular Show was one of the more original "bro" cartoons, and then shows like Breadwinners, Sanjay and Craig, and THIS show have to ruin it. This feels like this should be a reject from Nickelodeon, not a cartoon on the Disney Channel.

Seriously, this show will not last long.
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Disney, you can do better
alexandertimothy16 February 2016
Disney, you can do better than this. You have done better than this. Darkwing Duck, Rescue Rangers, And many more shows. And you've made this mistake before.

The mistake being trying to copy another shows mistake. When you wanted to copy Ren and Stimpy, you made Shnookums and Meat. That was terrible, Now your trying to copy Breadwinners, or perhaps Regular Show, either way, This is terrible, stop doing this.

You have great shows currently, Gravity Falls just ended, but you have Star Vs The Forces of Evil. Look into getting more shows like that instead of garbage like this
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Pickle & Peanut - Show that shrinks people's brain to the size of a peanut
a-kastenas7 September 2015
This is one of the worst shows I have seen. I forced myself to watch it for a few minutes... and it was painful.

Please do not watch it and keep your children away from it. There is no narrative. There are no likable characters. There is nothing worth watching this show.

Its a shame that Disney came up with a cool title. And that is the only cool thing about this show. Other than that - Its awful.

It has this indie feeling to it, which some can find charming, as it is trendy these days, however there is a huge difference between "what is charmingly insane" and "what is idiotic". This show falls under the second category.

Avoid by any means.
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Funny for kids and parents
dansp9124 February 2019
You gotta give this show a little time for it to grow on you. Easily dismissed as stupid kids show but the writing is great and the stories are insane. Great dark humor for both adults and kids alike. Crazy characters and this show is a great compliment to other excellent XD shows like Gravity Falls and Star vs Forces of Evil. All 3 shows have humor that only the parents will get while plenty of laughs for the kids too!!
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animallady19 September 2015
Oh god. Why was the atrocity made on my birthday? WHY!?! Pickle and peanut is about these stupid grocery items doing retarded things. And don't even get me started with the theme song. It sounds like a four year old's shopping list. Did they put ANY effort into it? Nickelodeon is better than this. Cartoon Network is better than this. THAT'S SAD! Disney, why? This is like the cousin of Breadwinners. Whenever Disney tries to rip-off something,they always bomb.

Disney wanted to make Shrek, they ended up making Chicken Little. They wanted to make Ren and Stimpy, they made Shnookums and Meat. When they tried making BREADWINNERS they ended up making Pickle and Peanut.

All the characters to Foodfight! sighed to this. The cast of the Alvin and the Chipmunks live action face palmed to this! WHY Disney! JUST BRING BACK KIM POSSIBLE!
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photoshop images should stay out of animation
camiacono21 January 2016
This is on breadwinners level of stupid maybe not as annoying but without a doubt stupid. The theme song to this show has no effort put into it at all it's just someone listing of a bunch of random stuff in a blank white background. Another thing this show fails at is that you should never use photo images on T.V animation especially when its your two main characters. Pickle and peanut for a title sounds like show throw away idea anyway but the fact that they are real life pictures of the foods is so lazy and when the screen is close up to them it looks really bad. And it's not just the duo themselves they use live action bits in the theme song and in a bunch of episodes and it's not done well. This show also tries to go for some gross out humor and it being Disney it never works for them. I don't know what else to say it's just a pitiful little show on Disney's line and will be forgotten about soon enough.
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What are you expecting?!
elledubsmash26 March 2021
I can't explain why everyone has rated this so low. Give it a chance. It's a stupid show in the very best way. It would have been much more at home on adult swim or Cartoon Network. It's like Ren & Stimpy meets Amazing World of Gumball... I think it's hilarious. Appreciate it for what it is.
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This looks like a rip-off of an Adult Swim show
DannyD199714 September 2015
What the hell did I just watch??!! Pickle and Peanut is another stupid cartoon created by Noah Z. Jones. First, he created Fish Hooks as another stupid Disney sitcom, then he created Almost Naked Animals as a retarded nudity cartoon, and now he's created Pickle and Peanut??!! WHAT??!!! This show doesn't even LOOK LIKE IT'S FROM Disney!!!!! It looks more like an Adult Swim show!!! I'm not joking, the animation ripped-off Adult Swim's bumpers, making them all drugged-up and whatnot, the characters are ridiculous, there's no plot, the acting just sucks, the humor is blank, the writing makes no sense, they befriend a butt-zit named "Greg", and they date girls with foot- faces!!! THIS SHOW SUCKS!!!! This show also feels like Disney's Regular Show, and that show doesn't even look as bad as this, yet that show still sucks!!! I wasn't even surprised that even fans of Phineas and Ferb hated this show!!!
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Haven't laughed so much, Ever!
christinamaiella10 April 2016
If you can't grasp the humor in Pickle and Peanut, I feel sorry for you. The jokes are amazing. The low ratings are a let down - because of the network it's on, probably. This show belongs on CN, NOT Disney. At least there the appropriate age group would be able to appreciate it. The writing is great, the editing is phenomenal - the perfect cartoon comedy for the 80s-90s kid, especially those who had decent exposure to the early internet. I can't even begin to explain how much I've laughed... literally cried from laughing... a cartoon has NEVER done that. I even had to make an IMDb account just to put my review in because this show DESERVES BETTER. Bravo!
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A great cartoon made for the wrong audience
orsonwelles4204 August 2021
If you are a fan of Tim and Eric, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Ren and Stimpy, or other offbeat absurdist humor, you will enjoy this cartoon. It's a funny, witty cartoon that had this misfortune to be placed on the wrong network (Disney XD) and for the wrong audience (tweens). If this had been on Adult Swim, it would have been a cult sensation. I applaud Disney XD for trying produce different kinds of cartoons that are more edgy and creative to attract new viewers, and this cartoon definitely succeeds in that regard, but it was destined to fail due to the average age of the Disney XD viewer. Pickle and Peanut has a lot of parallels to Mr. Meaty in that both shows premiered on networks whose primary audience would not connect with the show, they were shown on timeslots not conducive to the audience they were made for, and the absurd nature of the show (while funny and abstract) actually turned people off. Pickle and Peanut is a very solid cartoon, the jokes are funny, the writing is good, the voice acting is great, it just didn't connect with kids.
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A Rip Off of another bad show...
shatteredglass-535128 November 2015
I think Disney ran out of ideas, so decided to steel concepts from another terrible show called Breadwinners.

Lazy animation, stock footage, photo-shop designs, horrible characters and shocking screenplay is the perfect combo for one of the worst shows ever.

Like I said, Breadwinners is a terrible show, but at least they have a concept. Two Ducks delivering bread, but with this. It' just a talking pickle and peanut, no nothing original at all...it's a shame, because Disney can do amazing things, but this is lazy.

And again, the show rips-off another overrated show called 'Sanjay and Craig' with it's overused gross-out humour and being disgusting, for the sake of being disgusting. The jokes are cringe-worthy, rude and crude.

Its so annoying, loud and there was not enough effort in it at all. I expected more from Disney...
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wyurm12 September 2015
This is one of the laziest attempts at animation/real stock clips I've ever seen. I forced myself to watch an entire episode and felt myself lose 5 to 10 IQ points in the process. Don't worry I'm not going to give away any spoilers because a spoiler requires actual content. Pure garbage.

I made the mistake of believing all Disney XD cartoons would be of high quality and not pure drivel. Pickle and Peanut proved me wrong. I'm actually having trouble coming up with more to say because there really is nothing in this show but random clips. It looks like something you would create with a cheap video editor and absolutely no imagination at all.
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It sucked
johndoe-7736513 November 2015
It was the WORST show I've ever seen. This is Noah Z. Jones's THIRD show that he made and like the rest, sucked ass. Noah needs to stop making shows and go drink some bleach. Not kidding you, these shows SUCK. The screen which it says "Peanut and Pickle" looks like a rip-off of Rick and Morty, which is an ACTUALLY good show. And for Disney XD, what have you become? You had Gravity Falls that was really good and then you brought in this sack of garbage for the second time for Disney XD. We all learned that he wasn't very good for Fish Hooks and then pitches a show for Cartoon Network called Almost Naked Animals. Which was more terrible than Fish Hooks. The highest rating he got so far was a 4.9 and that ISN'T GOOD. Why do these people keep hiring this wanna- be funny show writer. No matter what you little kids who say this show is good, it isn't at ALL...
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Trash wanna-be
jigglypawf25 December 2015
So this show is basically a bunch of photos as "artwork" with stupid jokes, horrible plots, ugly characters. Art style of LITERALLY a 9 year old.

Worst part? Most humor is crude humor replacing swear words and the worst of all? MLG JOKES. Yup they seriously went there.

But since most MLG jokes are songs that Disney would get sued for using they change it themselves and exclude the cuss words, so it's even MORE cringeworthy.

Honestly this requires less work than your average mlg video- I'm dead serious. Everything on this show is ugly.
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Original & Hilarious!
yunhaart5 May 2017
Don't let the low ratings fool you... This is a show with a wonderfully unruly and loose art style and humor to match! This show feels like it should be on Adult Swim but was somehow trapped by Disney. This is a cartoon that just wants you to have nothing but pure fun and entertainment.

If you're a fan of YTPs and dumb jokes you can't help but laugh at this is the cartoon for you. If you're a stickler for bad jokes and possess no sense of fun, well... you're better off directing your hate onto things that matter more than a silly cartoon (make your own and pitch it to Disney dummy! i dare you!).

It's just super silly and goofy and I guess if that's not your sorta thing there are plenty of other shows to enjoy. Overall, 10/10! This is some of the most original stuff I've seen on Disney for a while.
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What the...
Theraxorterminate31 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I've seen quite many bad cartoons in my life but this has to be without a single doubt one of the most worst kinds of works Disney allowed to show us. Forget Johnny Test, Uncle Grandpa or even the atrocious Breadwinners because if you thought those were the perfect examples of Bad cartoons then I guess we have a greater winner here. I have deliberately tried to avoid this show after hearing so many bad things about it and after taking a look I can now tell everyone that it is indeed a really bad show.

First of all the animation style is just lazy and doesn't even bring any kinds of original creativity. I mean come on how many times do we have to see some ugly-looking (not to mention presumably photographed) live action materials be used so choppy at best? I mean look at The Amazing World of Gumball they did a much better job combining different elements of animation styles in one show only that this show has also some of the most ugly human characters and backgrounds I've ever seen. There is no real chemistry for our characters and frankly whenever I see those unfunny main characters *cough*brain-dead bozos*cough* it gives me the idea that the creators of this show had tried to create copies of Mordecai and Rigby only that those two guys (M&R) have better originality for being Bro's instead of these two unfunny cartoon characters (P&P) you'll ever find.

The show desperately tries so dang hard to be hilarious but fails miserably, an example of its humor is when they quickly cut to an unexpected joke/pun/ or even a disgusting scene that is just duller than dust. And sometimes the humor can get really ugly as disgusting that I can imagine will make kids sick. One particular thing I find annoying from this show is when they repeat a gag million times as it feels like they're trying to make YouTube Poop or something. Plus it also fails to deliver hidden adult humor (I know these days it is pretty common that cartoons aimed for younger audiences can at times deliver hidden adult humor that will most likely fly away from their heads) but in Pickle and Peanut they don't work at all they're just embarrassing.

Even it's main intro and end-credits are ridiculously lazy and ugly appealing, I honestly can't imagine something lazier than what the cartoon creators were trying to come up with.

Phew, that made me pretty exhausted, I mean really it is that bad. It doesn't even come close to the genre of "so bad it's good" and people who would find this funny are totally beyond my belief. I mean I don't think not even previous bad cartoons from Disney XD like "Kid vs Kat" and "Jimmy Two-shoes" was as bad as this piece of turd. I think I even dare to say that not even those awful Disney Live-Action shows which I loathe are as equally bad as this, no really.

I would rather recommend you to watch Gravity Falls, Wander over Yonder or Star vs the Forces of Evil instead, just stay away from this crap-fest of a cartoon. Don't do the same mistake I did, two episodes were good enough to tell me how rotten this show's gonna be.

A 1 star is too generous for this garbage, I'd give it a -10000/10 if I could.

UPDATE: I know this is going to sound stupid but I actually checked a bit more episodes and I'm really sorry to tell you but my opinion hasn't changed a bit and it makes me pretty angry to see how this show has started broadcasting in my home country as well. For the love of Pete!
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funnier than pickle rick?
orlhay22 June 2020
This is great for the boys. get the whole squad around to watch this masterpiece. This was the first cartoon my father truly loved, in fact every time he watches any episode he laughs so hard that he froths at the mouth and passes out from lack of oxygen intake. My brother loves this show so much that he goes through a magical transformation turning into 'pickle man'. In that state he loses his mind and screams pickle man while beating up my children. Good boxing practice. And I chuckled at least once so the show is a masterpiece. Change my mind.
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The end result of pandering to kids today, without even knowing what kids enjoy
camwoodstock1 October 2015
Seriously, aside from the fact this is on the same channel of Gravity Falls, Disney XD decided to rip off the already bad show Breadwinners (which fails to pander to kids) and... Well... Let's just say it's awful.

Not only is the show ugly as sin, the intro song not even a song, the writing is awful, and the show's pandering is just cringe-worthy, the creator simply cannot take criticism. On twitter, he's even resorted to calling the people who criticize the show "cum-guzzling trolls". Let's just say it's a miracle this guy hasn't been blacklisted from the network.

I just pray this show ends fast.
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Best new cartoon on TV!
tommillers7 November 2015
I too am sad and dismayed at the mediocre review this shows getting. I fell in love with the show from the first episode, and haven't missed a single one. I love the dynamic between the two main characters, love all the cut ins of live action clips and "photo" realistic stuff. I usually hate hipsters, but I love how they make fun of hipster culture, the bromance, and and have all those awesome catch phrases!! I even fell in love with the theme and credit song!!!


PS. I'm also a big fan of Axe Cop, and the new Moonbeam city. I hate Ed, Edd and Eddie, and Uncle Grandpa. Just to give you an idea of my taste.

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dont give this show to small children
supergamertime23 January 2023
Watching this show as an 8 year old was like giving crack to a baby. It's a fond memory of my childhood i'll always hold close, 10/10 horrible garbage that will rot your brain. I will now put the lyrics of Moonlight Sunrise by Twice (pls stan)

Oh, yeah I guarantee I got ya I've been craving for your love Can't see nobody, but us (see nobody, but us) So I, so I, so I See you from across the room Make my way over to you (my way over to you) I'm tripping over butterflies Oh, yeah, baby, I don't really mean to rush But I'ma really need your touch if I'ma make it through the night I got the moonlight, tequila sunrise Uh, come take a shot on me, I got ya I don't know how to say this, I hope this song's on your playlist This feeling, so hard to explain I don't even know how to talk right now, it's "I need you" o'clock right now I want you to hear me say Moonlight sunrise, baby, come, be my starlight Moonlight sunrise, oh, baby, just to make you stay Moonlight sunrise, baby, let's do it all night Moonlight sunrise, I guarantee I got ya Loving undefeated, on your knees pleading Baby, you can hit up my line when you need it Say that you tried? Baby, you succeeded Got a craving, baby, can you feed it? Phew Took a trip under moonlight, follow me to the sunrise Everyday, every night Hey, come with me, don't think twice Oh, yeah, baby, I don't really mean to rush But I'ma really need your touch if I'ma make it through the night I got the moonlight, tequila sunrise Ha, come take a shot on me, I got ya I don't know how to say this, I hope this song's on your playlist This feeling, so hard to explain I don't even know how to talk right now, it's "I need you" o'clock right now I want you to hear me say Moonlight sunrise, baby, come, be my starlight Moonlight sunrise, oh, baby, just to make you stay Moonlight sunrise, baby, let's do it all night Moonlight sunrise, I guarantee I got ya Cards out on the table, what you say?

I need you, you need me, you're mine I'm your moonlight, you're my sunrise, babe I guarantee I got ya Moonlight sunrise, baby, come, be my starlight Moonlight sunrise, oh, baby, just to make you stay Moonlight sunrise, baby, let's do it all night Moonlight sunrise, I guarantee I got ya Moonlight sunrise, baby, come, be my starlight Moonlight sunrise, I guarantee I got ya Moonlight sunrise, baby, let's do it all night Moonlight sunrise, I guarantee I got ya Moonlight sunrise.
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TheDemonQueen17 September 2015
This show is offensive in so many ways. It shouldn't be on Disney XD and shouldn't be for kids. I can't sit through a few seconds of this terrible show. It's the worst ever. I think it should be banned for making it for kids in the first place. Don't waste your time watching this. You will regret every second of it. I think it's sad that people went to this level of shows. Do they not have ideas anymore. Apparently not if they have to make something like this. Everything about it is terrible and not one thing I can say is nice. I rather watch my dog use the bathroom then watch this. It's that terrible. I have to shut off my TV every time it comes on cause I just can't stand it. I want to throw my TV whenever it comes on.
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not blaming the creators only Disney XD
klukerdude5 February 2016
OK i'll start this off by saying how low are you to allow this show to be aired I'm not even gonna start firing shots on the creators i'm just mad that Disney XD allowed this show to be aired The fact you're still making new episodes of this tells everyone that you have absolutely no ideas for new shows OK now to leave hate on this show.

This is almost as bad as Yo Kai watch's outro. look it up And i'm really mad because the only good show that was on Disney xd is ending (Gravity Falls) if they cant come up with a new idea for a new show i'm gonna switch to Cartoon network P.S they ruined Lab Rats with bionic island that's my opinion elite team better be good

The people who give this 10 stars are either the creators or no life 45 year olds.

I bet you they payed people to give this show love and awards.

the humor in this show is horrible they take death like some sort of joke an it just sits there

people are always trying to make the next family guy or American dad

don't copy other shows make what you think is funny and if this is what you think is funny so be it.
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