Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre (TV Movie 2015) Poster

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Careful you don't fall in the plot hole.
13Funbags17 April 2019
This movie was actually pretty good for a terrible shark movie. The only thing that really hurts it is the gigantic plot hole near the end.
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Prehistoric Sharks that Can Move About on Land and Water
Uriah437 October 2016
This film is rather unique in that it combines the horror of a "shark movie" with the implicit sexuality of a "Woman-in-Prison" film while maintaining a made-for-television format. To that effect there isn't much gore, sex or nudity. However, there are a number of attractive actresses and plenty of action to keep things interesting for the most part. I especially liked the presence of Dominique Swain (as "Honey") and Christine Nguyen ("Michelle Alika") but there were several other young ladies that certainly brightened the scenery as well. On the other hand, the special effects were quite bad and the ridiculous plot involving prehistoric sharks that are able to move about on both land and water certainly didn't help this film overcome its low-budget nature to any degree. But let's face it, this movie was never intended to win an Academy Award in the first place. That being said, although I doubt most viewers will probably enjoy this particular picture, I found it somewhat entertaining--in spite of its rather obvious flaws--and for that reason I have rated it a bit higher than it might deserve. Slightly below average.
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Wynorski... whynoskin?
BA_Harrison12 September 2019
Want to see past-her-prime ex-pornstar Traci Lords and once-promising actress Dominique Swain battling ravenous CGI sharks in a flooded women's prison? Who wouldn't? Unfortunately, Sharkansas Women Prison Massacre is not that film. The name Jim Wynorski mean anything to you? If so, then you probably already suspect that this isn't going to live up to the impressive title. Wynorski's movie doesn't take place in a penal institution, 'cos that would cost too much money; instead, it's set in a swamp, where a group of big-breasted jailbirds (dressed in regulation tight white vest and denim hot-pants) are on work detail when they are attacked by prehistoric fish released from an underground ocean by fracking explosions. Meanwhile, Detective Kendra Patterson (Lords) and her partner are on the lookout for the missing prisoners.

Even though the ladies in this film are well-endowed, their impressive mammaries are kept under wraps, the closest the film comes to delivering any nudity being a quick dip in a hot-tub, although the bikinis stay on throughout. As for the shark action, there's a lot of shots of dorsal fins sticking out of the ground as they burrow through the dirt (these sharks are as deadly on land as they are in the water), but not much else is seen of the fish. Not only does the film scrimp on the bare flesh and the sharks, but there's not much gore either. In fact, unless you're a particularly big fan of any of the 'actresses' involved, or a sucker for punishment, I would probably avoid this like a hungry great white.
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Shawshark redemption
majdo0078 March 2016
There are already 50 shark movies and most of them are weak even for the fans of the shark attack films. This one is not the worst but actually quite hilarious one.

Somebody blows up something and the prehistoric monsters are released (which time already? Dinoshark, Malibu Shark Attack, Jersey Shore Shark Attack, Megalodon, Jurassic Shark). Parallel, some good looking female prisoners are taken to the forest for some involuntary work. Nobody knows that one of the ladies is organising an escape plan. On the way back the prison truck is ambushed by Rayne - the vampire slayer and a lover of one of the prisoners. Nonetheless, their plans to reach for freedom are quickly revised by river/sand sharks. The local area is also investigated by two agents - Sculder and Molly I presume.

This flick contains everything bad you can get in a shark attack film. It also has everything charming concerning the amateur productions. The special effects are practically none, most of the attacks happen in an off-screen fashion. There is a cheesy romance subplot, god knows what for. However, I must say I was interested in the events. Why? Because the humour was really good. Actually it makes you go throughout the movie quite quick and fortunately it's only 80 minutes long. So normally it would be like 3/10 but I gave more for the funny parts.
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Leofwine_draca5 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
SHARKANSAS WOMEN'S PRISON MASSACRE is another slice of ultra-cheese from B-flick director Jim Wynorski, working on an even lower budget than he's normally used to. The story has a bunch of female prisoners holing up at the usual cabin in the woods, where they find themselves assailed by sharks which burrow through the ground before rising up to kill. These mud sharks bite and mutilate a few people before they fight back. Except incredibly terrible CGI effects, bored performances from seasoned veterans like Dominique Swain and Traci Lords, and a generally amateur feel complete with the usual EVIL DEAD-style tracking shots. Next please!
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No prison in sight
kosmasp25 December 2020
On the other hand a lot of other things are also out of sight. Or rather not to be seen. While some may expect nudity in this, the female cast does look nicely even with their clothes on, it is rather sad that the gore is missing. At least for me that is true.

The CGI is as obvious (=bad?) as you'd expect it to be in a (s)low budget movie. The acting can not always be called that - or it would be an offense to actual acting. That rings especially true in the beginning with our two characters that incite ... the inciting incident. Not a lot good to be said here, this was a waste of time and I think you will feel the same for the lack of many things (some of which I have mentioned)
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Another B movie classic.
aprilmike-5199127 April 2016
This I have been told, is another one of the 50 or so Shark attack films doing the rounds, so I had better get watching!.

What can you expect? Well don't expect to much for one thing.

Little to no plot, that said the scenery is nice on the eye and some very funny bits.

So if all you want is soft porn and nothing else, then do yourself a favor and give this one a go.

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Pretty Much What You'd Expect
Michael_Elliott7 May 2016
Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre (2016)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Idiots and their fracking causes some prehistoric sharks to break loose and soon they are attacking a group of women (and their hostages) who recently escaped from a prison.

SHARKANSAS WOMEN'S PRISON MASSACRE has a terrific title for a "B" film and if you're a fan of the Roger Corman style of filmmaking then you know a great title can usually lead to pure gold in regards to people checking out your film. Director Jim Wynorski has always been one of my favorite "B" directors thanks in large part to films like SORORITY HOUSE MASSACRE 2 and BIG BAD MAMA 2. Both of those films as well as many others are short, to the point and deliver cheap fun.

If you're expecting something like CITIZEN KANE then you should obviously avoid this. A movie like this is just trying to give horror fans some cheap entertainment and for the most part I thought there were enough entertaining moments here to make it worth watching. For starters, the entire cast are pretty fun and add plenty of entertainment. This includes Traci Lords in the role of a detective and we get Dominique Swain in the role of a the woman who fixes the break.

The exploitation level is rather low so if you're expecting gore or nudity then you might be disappointed. The CGI sharks aren't too horrible but they are still campy enough to give you a brief laugh. Basically if you enjoy these direct-to-video releases then there are much worse out there.
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Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre: Crap on a biscuit
Platypuschow27 October 2017
Sharks again, really? This time Traci "Controversy magnet" Lords and Dominique "It almost looked like I was going to have a decent career" Swain star in yet another shark film.

When a group of female prisoners transport gets hijacked it comes down to them and the prison guards to team up to fight off the onslaught of "Wait for it" Sharkasaurus's. Prehistoric sharks that can move through land as easily as water! As you can imagine it's pretty dire and the distinct lack of budget cripples it. If you can't afford to make a movie about these beasties then simply don't!

Ironically the most famous performers in this film are the worst actors, maybe they just can't be assed anymore. Could you if you were in a movie called Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre?

The Good:

Couple of decent enough performances

The Bad:

WTF level cgi

Generic, clichéd, the works

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Every shark movie creator thinks that a giant shark can swim & sneak up on people in a foot of water

Men are non-committal, women are mysterious

Traci Lords should have stuck to porn
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nogodnomasters6 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Fracking in Arkansas sets free underground cavern prehistoric sharks that can also borrow through land. Meanwhile five women from the Arkansas babes only prison are out on a work detail when one in the party runs into said sharks. There are two cops running around as well as a woman who aids the women escape into a shark infested trailer.

In the film Traci Lords calls Corey Landis' character "chin" and claims it is an obscure reference. The character's name is Adam Levine. If real life Tessanne Chin claims Adam Levine is the father of her child. There may have been more obscured references, but I missed them.

Appears to be a made for TV film.

No F-bombs, sex, or nudity. Bikini cleavage.
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Poor movie, great title, It needs a new beginning, middle and end.
yonhope21 April 2017
The only way to save this by using the script, if there is one, is to start over. Hire Joan Crawford. Even dead she could bring some charm to the screen. The plot is somewhat tied to the great title, so there should be a women's prison with some sharks. If there is a Vincent Price type somewhere with a Shakespearean accent and piercing eyes, that would help. The cast here seems to come from a diet beverage commercial. The special effects are OK. The characters are written to be very stupid. Many of them seem to do what the audience knows is wrong. Fracking is the bad guy. I would guess they will make a buck or two from the title. It is a movie. They did get some people together with a camera operator and they made this. It is not a good bad movie, but it is OK for Bad Movie Night if you can't find Hillbillys in a Haunted House. No nudity. Probably OK for kids who like very dumb movies. I think Flaws is a better Jaws parody.
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sgdptech17 April 2017
Well, since everything that needed to be said about this movie has already been written about by one of the Top 500 Commenters on Amazon, then I'll just add my bit to it. (While it was a highly entertaining and excellent work of art, achievable only by the most experienced Shark Trainers in the World, just imagine how difficult it must be to train the sharks to burrow through sand and swim in less than a foot of water, and what kind of treats could they possibly be giving the sharks to entice them to perform so admirably, but at the same time not eat the Cameramen, Lighting and Sound Technicians). Just some "SARCASM" here to lighten the mood. Hope you enjoyed my Bit.
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So bad it's good :)
shawnl197018 May 2016
This is awesome, everything a good b grade movie should be except for being surprisingly low on gratuitous nudity given the subject matter.

Underrated movie methinks, i'd have it at least 2-3 rating points higher than jurassic world, i mean it's sh*t and ridiculous but at least it knows it's sh*t and ridiculous and doesn't pretend it isn't and didn't cost the GDP of a small nation to make.

The CGI is an embarrassment but that's OK cause you're too busy laughing at this movie jumping the shark by introducing us to prehistoric amphibious land sharks, the acting is a little better than horrendous which suits the tone of the movie perfectly.

There wasn't a great deal of logic or sanity in the making of this film, someone just said f*ck it i wanna make a movie about prehistoric sharks that are somehow also capable of swimming through land (no, i am serious really you need to watch this) and have them eat all these prison porn stars that are on the most ridiculous work release program ever.

Highly recommend :D
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An Unfortunately Awful Attempt
gavin69428 May 2016
When a fracking environmental accident rips apart the earth's crust, the resulting hole lets out prehistoric sharks from underground. The sharks target a group of women and trap them in a cabin.

So, what is there to be said about this film? Jim Wynorski filmed in Florida, primarily because of the need for a cave, but also because his investors were Florida-based Cubans. He brought along actress Amy Holt, who has worked with Wynorski a few times, and included Traci Lords, who went mainstream thanks to Wynorski. Lords gives possibly her worst performance ever, and is cast in a role that really has nothing to do with the primary story.

I was not expecting much going into this film. I knew it was made-for-TV, and I've seen enough of Wynorski's work to know that his best years are long, long behind him. I had a little bit of hope because Tony Randel was attached as an editor and producer, and his name still carries weight. Randel brought along his daughter, Sofia Randel, who designed the main title sequence. That was canceled out by Traci Lords, who is grossly overrated and still somehow skirting by on her notoriety.

As cheesy as the CGI might be, allegedly it had even worse CGI the first time around and they had to call a second company in to redo it. Even the second company seemed to have a problem with continuity -- ground displaced by sharks in one moment is back in place the next. There were also legal complications, thanks to a meth-smoking production assistant. Never mind some of the plot nonsense, like the forced romantic moments and the so-called "first edition" of Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities" (which adds nothing to the story).

The film has a few nods or homages, such as to "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Also, Wynorski has always loved "Attack of the Crab Monsters" and wanted to remake it. He has said a script was written, but Roger Corman "didn't want to do it -- he thinks too much of the original film to do a remake." Wynorski was able to sneak in a reference or two to "Crab Monsters" here.

The best anyone can hope for with these sorts of movies is that they are so bad they cross back over into good again, because we can laugh at how stupid they are. I'm afraid to say this one never crosses over. It tries, and the Asian jokes are funny... but it seems to expect to be carried by trashy women with big breasts. I suppose for some people that's all you need.

Wynorski's next film, "Cobragator", was also filmed in the same Florida town, though financially backed by different producers. So look forward to seeing some of the same sets when that hits your screen in the summer of 2016.
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So Bad It's Good
TheHoodOfSwords28 December 2019
After watching the room I was looking for other movies that are so bad they're good. This is one of them! The absolute absurdity of this movie makes it funny. The reason I liked this film more then the room was that it was interesting and funny at least! If you're looking for some cheesy shark action watch this movie!
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ashfordofficial8 February 2023
A spin-off and the ninth installment in the overall Massacre franchise. Unlike some low budget B-movies this one had pretty good VFX at some point but not always. Surprisingly good performances from every single cast members (especially John Callahan) and I liked the overall tone, music, cinematography, locations, direction and a satisfying and heartwarming ending.

A spin-off and the ninth installment in the overall Massacre franchise. Unlike some low budget B-movies this one had pretty good VFX at some point but not always. Surprisingly good performances from every single cast members (especially John Callahan) and I liked the overall tone, music, cinematography, locations, direction and a satisfying and heartwarming ending.
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File under "why not"
I_Ailurophile7 September 2022
If nothing else is true about this film, it's at least honest. The title says it all, and the basic premise says even more. Before 5 minutes have elapsed we've already seen the shark and some outrageous CGI; a first-person camera shows us the perspective of swiftly swimming through crystal-clear, pristine tropical waters at the same time that a third-person perspective shows a shark fin rising from the muddy swamp of Arkansas - the same swamp in which a 4-wheel vehicle is stuck in mud that doesn't even touch the undercarriage. Meanwhile, the director, makeup artists, hair stylists, and wardrobe treat the women as though they were preparing for a wet t-shirt contest, or mud-wrestling, instead of prison work detail. No, there's not one scrap of authenticity, or subtlety, to be had in 'Sharkansas women's prison massacre' - but at least it tells us as much the moment we first stumble onto it.

In fairness, truly, this never pretends to be anything it's not. The feature is intended purely for silly fun, and is definitely built that way in every regard. 'Sharkansas' is blunt and forthright nearly across the board, from dialogue and scene writing, to acting, to effects, to editing, and well beyond. Plot is minimal, largely arbitrary and unnecessary, and plainly outrageous. The content generally has at least as much in common with sexploitation flicks of the past few decades (albeit sans nudity) as it does with the endless sea of shark attack movies. Some lines and scenes come close to being clever or earning a laugh, but they're often shortchanged in the next moment by some combination of curt editing, unconvincing performances, and/or subsequent inclusions that are considered with far less care. Whether we have Jim Wynorski's direction to thank, or the screenplay, or the cast themselves, the acting is without exception either underwhelming or overcooked.

It would be very easy to keep going, dissecting and critiquing every last iota of this picture, but to be honest, I'm tired. And does it really even matter? Maybe I've just grown hardened to such fare, or worn down, after watching my share of inane low-grade schlock - but when all is said and done, this is marginally entertaining. It's at least competently made, besting similar fare like 'Shark exorcist,' or 'Avalanche sharks.' Even if it's not put to the best possible use, there's some cheeky intelligence underlying the construction of the story and many scenes. And, after all, it's a nonsensical sci-fi horror adventure romp, ultimately sharing some territory with modern major studio fare like 'Deep blue sea' or even the 'Jurassic World' series, alongside 50s B-movies like 'Monster from Green Hell' or 'The Trollenberg Terror,' as much as anything else - does anyone think the folks behind 'Sharkansas women's prison massacare' even care what anyone has to say about it?

If you have the occasional craving for third- or fourth-tier monster flicks, you might like this. If you don't, you won't. It really is as simple as that, and other details just kind of fall away. In the very least, you could do much worse, so if you're looking for something to put on where you can just turn your brain off and relax - well, this just might be the film for you.
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Crap movie
seckinlergafri7 August 2018
Sharkansas Women Prison Massacre is a television horror film that aired on the Syfy channel.

Tells about female prisoners who are running away but they are instead hunted by prehistoric sharks who can swim in the ground ...

This film is very ridiculous, weird, bad acting, terrible dialogue, too many cheap dialogues, the characters in this film are ridiculous .. ...

Don't waste your time just for garbage movies like this.
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An embarrassingly awful movie...
mcarter-491134 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
WOW, where to begin... Before I give my thoughts (because I'm not going to go scene by scene) on this movie, I want to say that I didn't expect a The Godfather or Pulp Fiction quality picture. I knew it'd be a campy and silly take on the shark/disaster animal movies that have inundated the B and C movie arena. However, this was just plain terrible.

Let's start with the writing. Wynorski and the other 2 credited writers are lazy and for all their years, still can't write a decent script. The Asian slurs were old and tired after the 3rd one, yet they kept them coming at every turn. The girl and geologist's assistant sharing that tender moment and kissing...where the hell did that come from? What was the point? What about the beef between the brunette who gets attacked by the shark and Michelle (The Asian)? Next scene, they are getting on like nothing happened. Totally ridiculous. And the hidden stash of guns being found because a can hits the wall? How hard did she hit that can to make it fly and bust the vent off of that wall? STUPID! And toy guns? Like plastic toy guns. Pathetic.

Next, the CGI and effects. Laughable, but that much was expected.

The absolute worst was the embarrassing acting! Dominique Swain. WHAT THE HELL? What a promising career. What happened? She was corny and contrived and her portrayal of a bad ass criminal was terrible. Cindy Lucas is an absolute joke. She was less believable than anyone else! Traci Lords, same thing. Corny ass lines and no idea how to make them the least bit convincing. The wardrobe changes and makeup were so out of element, it was insulting. Could they not have frumped them up, maybe made them actually look like convicts?

I am harsh here because it didn't have that self deprecating charm that Sharknado does. Even those films, which are pretty enjoyable, don't take themselves too seriously. This one tried to inject sensitivity and make it seem as if there is a lot on the line. Stuff like the Cindy Lucas/D. Swain relationship, Christine Nguyen's character had a son waiting at home, that kiss and monologue between the geologist's assistant and the blonde girl. She acts like they've known each other for years, yet they met and fell in love within 20 minutes? Then he gets eaten, purposely standing in the way of a shark, while shooting at it with no effect. The blonde girl cries as if she lost the love of her life! Why were we supposed to care about that character? It made zero sense and it actually made things even more ridiculous.

Skip this junk. If you want camp, watch Sharknado. These actresses are crap if they're not undressing and simulating sex every 9 minutes. Wynorski sucks and has gotten worse. I shudder to think of anything that's worse than this movie. Everyone involved should attempt to strike this from their resume because it's worse than terrible.
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Everybody involoved in this movie should be sterilize and forced to do hard labor
draftdubya24 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Washed up low budget porn stars that has no more acting skills than the home made porn on pornhub. The plastic guns that you can clearly see are not real at all. Dumb correctional officers. One guy decides to drink swamp water from a underground cave and then get eaten by the worst CGI shark in history. Some farking how the women entire wardrobes changes when they first enter the van. This movie was clearly made for 15 year old boys with no internet access and men to afraid to watch porn in their home. I hope Aunt Becky from Fuller House never watched this because there is no prison in the US will let you dress like that. I'm almost called someone at Hormel to sue the producer for using their product in this shiat show.
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Crap on a cracker...
paul_haakonsen6 October 2016
This was stupid, even for shark movies! Yes, that might be a bold statement, but watch the movie and you will see for yourself.

First of all, I will say that the movie does gain some credit for having a creative movie title. I mean "Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre" just sounds like something that could be fun.

But it quickly becomes apparent that this is going to be one of those movies; you know, a stinker. When the prison truck comes to a halt and you see the female prisoners disembark and they are all wearing jean shorts and tight tops. Right, what prison provides its inmates with such outfits? And that kind of clothing hardly seems appropriate for going on a clearing duty in a swamp area.

Then the movie quickly rolls downhill fast, especially when you see the sharks and how poorly animated they are. And when the sharks start to swim through solid soil and earth, it just culminates in a hitherto unseen level of stupidity.

And the weapons that were used in the movie was children toys. Yes, children toys. There is a scene where the Michelle Alika character finds a hidden stash of guns in the cabin, and when she picks them up you can clearly hear that they are just plastic toys as they clank together. And in that very same scene you can see that the end nozzles of the guns are closed tight with plastic. It was just idiotic that the film makers though they could pass children's toys off as real guns.

For a shark movie, or a creature feature, then special effects and having believable creatures is a must. And "Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre" didn't manage to deliver any of this. The special effects were laughable and questionable, and the shark even more so.

This is essentially a movie just to showcase the female cast of the movie, that being in particular Dominique Swain, Christine Nguyen and Cindy Lucas. But wait, it gets better, because Traci Lords is here too as a detective. Yep!

I sat down to watch "Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre" because of Dominique Swain, but must admit that this was nowhere near her finest moment. And it was actually Christine Nguyen who ended up carrying the movie with her performance.

"Sharkansas Women's Prison Massacre" is a laughable attempt at making a shark movie. And if you enjoy shark movies, then there are far, far better choices available out there.
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jakeharvey-217488 December 2021
Genius doesn't even comprehend the nuance of this film. The stylistic cinematography, authentic and oscar-worthy acting performances and marvelous creative interpretation of the monster movie genre make this movie, if not the best, one of the greatest films of all time.
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A solid if somewhat flawed genre effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder17 August 2019
Assigned to work detail, inmates of a local female correctional facility are tasked with a job in the woods, but when a friend springs the group as well as takes the crew patrolling them hostage their escape plan brings them into contact with prehistoric sharks and must find a way to escape alive.

This one wasn't all that bad overall. One of the better features here is the strong start and overall pacing featured here as this one tends to get started quickly. The opening minutes here manage to showcase the release of the sharks due to the fracking operation, and that gives a great attack on the workers stranded in the woods right after which gives the film a fast start. Likewise, the ensuing ambush during the initial time on the gang that leads into the kidnapping scheme that features some great scenes of the sharks operating on the outskirts of their hideout. The action bringing that to pass in the latter half is quite fun. The initial attack showing the creatures tracking the one victim onto dry land that serves to introduce them to the group when they discover the body and get attacked by the creatures gets this going nicely. That this gives a fine start to their attempts at escaping which has some great action as they attempt to utilize the rather creative tactics to get away, and the series of underground attacks as the sharks stalk the group through the darkened caverns makes for a solid time here. These here are what hold this up over it's few flaws. There are a few minor problems. The main issue to be had here is the laughable attempt to pass off the sharks as being capable of burrowing through dry land. The tactic of doing so should work mainly in the sense of digging ruts onto land off of the adjoining waterway, yet the method here of just popping up out of nowhere in the middle of the woods is rather silly and comical. There's nothing mentioned about how they manage to survive on dry land and the manner of how this is shown has some of the weakest CGI in the film. That is the other big flaw here, as the film's CGI is quite ridiculous as it follows the majority of the tropes associated with these films like sie changes or physical switches. These here are the film's biggest problems.

Rated R: Graphic Language and Graphic Violence.
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The writer of this movie should be forced to watch his kids beaten with copies of the script.
Philthy4213 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My friend and I were looking for a bad movie to watch, but I wasn't expecting this level of terrible. It was like they script was originally intended to include gratuitous amounts of nudity, but they decided to take that out and make the movie anyway. Another way of thinking about it is a "Police Academy" script where they took out all the silly jokes but kept the loose plot about a crime.

I know it's ridiculous to look at all the plot holes in a movie like this, but this script has more holes than a block of Swiss cheese on a moth-ridden gun range. Traci Lords and her partner hear about "4 prisoners" escaping, despite there being absolutely no way anyone could have known about it. I mean, even if you try to think that they were reported when the van didn't return to the prison, there were 5 prisoners before one was eaten.

Does Arkansas really look exactly like Florida, so much so the detective's cars have Florida plates?

How does the ground go back to normal so quickly after a land-shark passes by?

And finally, when the guard lets the girl go at the end...he's just letting her go in the swamp full of land-sharks they just escaped from...and if she makes it out, she'll just go back home where no one will be surprised to see her?

At least Zombeavers had an awesome song at the end.
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"Crap on a cracker!"
sidekickllb26 May 2019
It was nice to see that the audience reaction made it into the script.

But seriously, I love "so bad, it's good" movies, and this is definitely one of them. No practical FX (even the dead bodies are CG), laughably bad dialogue, and sharks that can swim through solid earth like Bugs Bunny. What's not to love???

I give it 5 stars for the day-to-day fans, but 9 stars for fans of jailsploitation, sexploitation, and sharksploitation (like myself). If this sort of film is your cup of tea, then you will love it. I certainly did.
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