Foreclosed (Video 2013) Poster

(2013 Video)

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Despite initially having high hopes for this film, the storyline was as predictable as any other 'thriller'.
Tigmemke30 August 2013
I decided to watch the film after seeing the trailer and seeing that it starred 2 famous actors that I had seen and liked in TV shows (James Denton as Mike in Desperate Housewives, and Marlee Matlin as Melody in Switch at Birth).

Although initially the storyline is slightly more original (a family buy a house sold as a bank foreclosure - but the previous tenant refuses to let it go) the suspense lead up and progression of the storyline was far too predictable. Also I felt like the acting by the other actors was pretty sub-par, but this might have been a bad script. Either way, I was cringing throughout.

This film was an easy watch, and the storyline was quite original, but had no strength and nothing to keep me gripped. I would not bother to watch again.
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Not a true story
irvinemarketinggroup13 March 2019
Based on true events? Maybe a house was once forclosed on and a guy was upset. No way this was a true story.
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I want my brian back!!!
doycesub13 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Another LMN movie that the law enforcement folks are as dumb as a box of hammers and the victim has to solve the crime themselves. As pointed out in other reviews, nobody seems to have any sense at all!!! The suspect in a murder investigation is allowed to have somebody arrested for assault without any investigation at all!! Poor Marlee Matlin seems to have to carry the weight of the story but the script seems to limit her as to how much common sense her character has. Marlee is a very intelligent woman but this movie doesn't show that. The acquiring of a "quick claim" deed was a joke without any attorneys present and the villain but not having to prove who he was but she did!! I patiently waited to the end!!
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100 ways the actors could have prevented anything
den_ruben28 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers

The idea behind the whole movie is great: someone gets evicted from their home, because it was foreclosed by the bank. A great setup that appealed to me, so I decided to watch it.

You know, when I watch a thriller, I want the actors to act like a normal person would. That makes the movie believable, and contributes to the entire story line.

What I don't like, is certain events that move the story line into a particular direction, but are on completely unrealistic behavior. This movie is literally packed with those. There are more than a dozen of these scenes that will make you stand up and shout: "Who does that!".

Some examples

*** SPOILERS ***

The girl is meeting the weird Forest Hayes in public, and he's touching her face and hair. She is not creeped out, and doesn't mention it to anyone. "Just another day of the weird guy touching and threatening my family lol".

Someone has made 10k+ fake transactions from your bank account. Better not inform the bank, money doesn't matter.

The police, looking for Forest Hayes in regard of a murder case, yet take the husband under arrest for a bar fight, but Forest is not a priority.

Everybody enters the house one by one, notice a BOMB on the kitchen table, and don't call the cops. "cause you know whatever, bombs yolo"

The mom just zapped Forest Hayes, taking control of the situation, as he is half passed out on the floor. Instead of tying him up or zapping him some more, they leave him alone and start looking for an exit, so he can recover and blow up the house. Because the guy LOVES his house so much that he wants it back to BLOW IT UP.
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slow witted movie
ejp19414 September 2013
It was amazing watching so many ridiculous scenes in this movie. Right from the start the guy starts killing people that just "disappear" from the story line like they never happened. When you watch a movie you expect to people react to situations just like you would, these people reacted like they were mentally challenged. You spend your whole time thinking: why didn't they do this or that, why can't they tell why all this is happening to them? I mean, you your whole bank account disappear with all kind of strange charges couldn't your first thought would be to call or go to the bank? Nope, they just start arguing about his "gambling" and "drinking" habits. Anyway i just finished watching since i had it taped and was able to fast forward at the end.
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Sorvino and Matlin Should Be Ashamed of Themselves
samlorac5 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought to watch this movie based upon the reputation of some of the actors, but it is one of the stupidest movies, filled with the stupidest characters, that I have ever seen. In fact, it was so stupid that I felt compelled to write a review. There were so many squandered opportunities to get this guy before he blew up the house that it was downright pathetic, and you end up having zero sympathy for the people whom you are supposed to be rooting for. Why otherwise good actors - at least I once thought they were good actors - would waste their time embarrassing themselves is beyond me.
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Infinite goofs
onepieceluffy9728 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Now, people let's be serious, this movie is horrible. How can it have a 6?

Please, c'mon. I mean the basic idea of the film was perfectly good, but there are so many goofs, I really mean it. There are too many. There are worst movies but this is also one of the bad ones. Mean it, let's see... the woman couldn't call for help, her husband was arrested even thought there was no real evidences or proof, the police which was doing nothing said none could check the barman (he was doing nothing...), should I go on?

C'mon people be serious!

(Not really total spoiler but some...
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4Close on the Actors
lvbyfth214 April 2020
The actors really "faked' it through out the movie. Movie very predictable. Awful acting! Don't know what happen to Marlee Marlin this was not the role for her; her acting was not so good in this movie. The movie was not real convincing. I liked the concept but some of the scenes were ridicules and horrible. The writers made all the actors have lack of knowledge or intelligence and made the actors have no common sense. Low budget movie with seasoned actors. I gather because it's low budget the actors had to act low budget.
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Great Made for Tv Thriller
Hollywood_Yoda23 October 2019
Bought the DVD at Dollar General in the Halloween assortment, not expecting much since it's an Asylum film; but it was not bad. Jamie Kennedy is very believable as a psychopath, one of his best roles I might add. He was extremely convincing. It really was a great little made for tv movie.

If you get a chance to catch this on tv or find in a discount bin, it's worth the 90 minute runtime. Of all the films that Asylum puts out, this is truly one of the best I've seen. The acting was not terrible either, in fact it was pretty good. Great thriller.
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Not that terrible but could have done much more with what it had
TheLittleSongbird11 October 2013
There is worse out there than 4Closed and it is not quite as terrible as what the first reviewer says, but that is not to say much in 4Closed's favour, because there was some potential there that wasn't explored very well. Malee Matlin and James Denton are decent, there are moments of creepy atmosphere and 4Closed also knows what it wants to be and what it wants to do, and doesn't try to go beyond that. Unfortunately that was also a shortcoming, in doing that everything becomes very simplistic and without that much soul. The actors do make an effort, though Christine DeRosa's acting was rather forced and Jamie Kennedy doesn't really convince as a psychopathic creep(not charismatic enough and in a way too nice, also comedy villain quality sometimes), but are ill-served by the lack of tension and suspense in the atmosphere and script, half-baked characters and a complete lack of surprises. Not to mention a story so painfully obvious and when it is devoid of the above things the whole movie just feels flabby. The look of the movie is unappealing, not quite amateurish but rather drab and hurried-looking. For the type of movie 4Closed it's somewhat appropriate but when there's very little interesting elsewhere, it just doesn't appeal. Audibly there's no better news, it's generic in scoring and the sound has a tendency to be muddied. All in all, could have been much more, a few redeeming qualities here and there, but generally it's unexciting, predictable, underwritten, simplistic and largely underwhelming in atmosphere, and just fails to entertain really. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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I liked it
ivegonemod12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not going to win any awards, but I liked it. It had a lot of scenes that didn't make much sense, though, and the characters were not too bright.

For the life of me, I can't figure out why Forest killed the first real estate agent. That only set the sale of "his" house back for a short time, so what was the point? Another agent was going to come back and do the same thing.

It would also seem that the Turner family did not really check out the home very well, even when they had been in it for weeks. I don't think people would move into a home and not bother to explore it.

It's a pretty scary thought that someone could actually be living in your house and you don't even know it.

The daughter was dumber than a stone, I have to say. There really is no excuse for being that dumb. In one scene towards the end, she manages to escape into the backyard, and suddenly decides to start screaming her head off, knowing that the nutbag is right inside the house and can hear. The backyard is like the size of a football field, did she really think she could get away before he came after her?

Some other annoying things were Lydia coming up on Forest in the middle of the night with a flashlight, while he was spying on the Turner family from the bushes. She really thought that was a good idea? She's the main one who thought he was crazy.

Loved seeing Ernest Thomas AKA as Raj Thomas from What's happening, as Forest's lawyer. He was funny in his few scenes, but he was another dummy!
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Very informative if you become a victim of home title theft or fraud
thunderhunk19 April 2022
With the growing white collar crime of Home Title theft on the rise; and scammers trying to steal your house; this movie was an excellent way to show how to rape and murder people who steal your house out from under you! Or you could just buy Home Title Lock! Although killing the mother fuckers who steal your house might be more fun.
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This turned out to be a great surprise...
paul_haakonsen29 April 2014
It was refreshing to have a movie from The Asylum that was an original movie, and not just a lower budgeted version of a forthcoming blockbuster - as they tend to do.

I will admit when I saw it said The Asylum on the screen as the first thing, I was about to already give up on the movie before it had even started. But I decided to let it run anyway, and good thing that I did, because "4Closed" turned out to actually be rather enjoyable.

The story is about a family that makes a purchased on a foreclosed house from the bank that seems too good to be true. Upon the day of their great move, it turns out that the former owner of the house is still living there and refuse to give up on his home. With the police on their side, the family have the guy evicted and they can move into their new dream house. But the former owner is going to let his property find its way to other hands without a fight.

The movie stated that it was based on true events, of that I am not sure just how much was based on the story or how accurate it was, because I am not familiar with a story such as this having happened for real.

The Asylum had upped their game and brought a good ensemble of acting talents to the movie; Marlee Matlin and James Denton did have good chemistry together. It was a shame that Paul Sorvino didn't have a bigger role than he had. I was somewhat skeptic about Jamie Kennedy in the role of the crazed home owner, but he actually pulled it off quite nicely, and this is a good step away from the usual comedy stuff that he has to his name.

There is a good pace to the storyline and the movie does keep building up tension. So thumbs up to director Nick Lyon for this.

"4Closed" is a good movie that is entertaining and does have an interesting story. Definitely a bright moment for The Asylum here.
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Almost died of boredom
kanizz14 January 2021
Predictable movie. Very very boring. Waste of time.
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Good concept. But weird execution.
wanabisufi11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Asylum films suck, I get it. But it's not like you need high budgets to make something memorable, or even with deeper social commentary.

Thing is the villian could still be terrible, scary, psychotic and have the plot of blowing up the house.

But the brunt of it could be the banks screwing someone over than a family. It was the bank that took his house. The family just moved in. He could harass them, but the brunt of it could be him going after the institution which makes it more nuanced, especially for an asylum movie.

But they didn't do that. THey just had him bother the famly and be crazy. Nothing more.
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Great story with flaw
xethannelsen2 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the movie up until the last few sequences. This follows the tragic way most movies tank, and that is it has a really good engaging story until they screw up the ending. If your thinking of watching this, keep in mind it is a good movie until the illogical ending. Despite the fact there are many movies similar to this, it is a good take on the type of movie, again just ruined by a bad ending.

SPOILERS AHEAD! What I liked so much about this movie was how the bad guy more or less cyber bullied the family until the end. For most of the movie he plays the "polite because I have to be" guy in front of the family. Although in the background he does some breaking and entering. Along with targeting their banking, the daughter through chat, and other methods.

What annoyed me so much though, was the ending. So the wife takes control and used a taser on the bad guy. She and everyone else who barged in can now control the dude. They can now either Tie him up, beat him, murder him, or combo of those. What do they do? Run away, give the villain control of the house, and he blows it up. The bomb detonator was semi-busted, so the bomb wouldn't blow up. They had no reason to leave.

I have no idea how to rate this. Before the crap ending it was honestly 7 or 8 out of 10. The ending is seriously flawed. It is a movie killer. I have to go 5/10. As awful as the ending was, I think I would still rewatch this.
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nogodnomasters8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The film is not as ominous as the cover. This is a brightly lit suburban home, not something isolated in the woods. The family moves in while the former resident (Jamie Kennedy) stays in a secret basement room having access to their home, learning their secrets and causing a rift between family members. This film has a brief element of voyeurism. It is a slow developing semi-home break-in movie.

I thought the acting was superior to most Asylum features. The psychological damage inflicted by former owner Forest was well done. Unfortunately the writers couldn't bring it home. At times I thought I was watching a "Lifetime" film.

The opening line was "based on true events" although there was nothing in the extras about said event. Marlee Matlin, who is deaf in real life, plays the wife who is also deaf. The film uses sign language whenever she is on the screen. Christina DeRosa plays the daughter Christine so I guess it is based on "true events." The extras included a "Gag Reel" which was short and not worth watching either.

This might work as a cheap rental. It is Asylum. Don't expect David Hess, although Jamie Kennedy was effective.

Parental Guide: No F-bombs or nudity. Brief voyeur sex scene.
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Awful movie
mmuro-7450930 March 2021
This movie was awful. Felt very low budget , disappointing from such big names. Good idea , terrible execution. Don't watch this painful one !
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The Asylum's psycho-thriller
Leofwine_draca11 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
4CLOSED is a not-bad psycho thriller from The Asylum, and thankfully one of their movies that wasn't made to rip-off a Hollywood blockbuster; it's much more interesting and fresher as a result. The slim storyline tries to be up to date with the times by featuring a homeowner who loses his home to foreclosure but refuses to get out when the new owners show up. The film is predictable and could have been made twenty years ago; there's absolutely nothing that happens that you won't have seen done elsewhere. However, I did like the cast members who bring something extra to the story. Marlee Matlin's character's deafness is an unusual and sympathetic touch, while James Denton brings his Mr. Nice family guy persona across from DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES. SCREAM's Jamie Kennedy isn't imposing at all as the villain, but he is fun, and Paul Sorvino shows up in a small role.
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Foreclosed Defaults **1/2
edwagreen31 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
By the way, whatever happened to the first realtor and that nosy neighbor? We know what was done to them, but how about their ultimate fate?

Mother died and left sunny boy without his house. A family consisting of a father battling alcoholism buys the house and our disturbed evicted tenant seeks revenge by literally trying to destroy their lives.

Naturally, the father is implicated by the police in an attempted assault on this nut-job. The daughter thinks that a guy on- line is befriending her while it turns out the guy is you know who.

Paul Sorvino plays the father-in-law who is suspicious of his son-in-law and is willing to condemn him every minute.

Marlee Matlin is the mother in all this.

The attitude shown by the father at the end of the literal blow-up is somewhat inane. "It was just a house." No, this was just your ordinary film with quite predictable circumstances and conclusion.
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One of the best TV movie. Much much better
PentagonDark6 December 2013
usually all TV movies will be crap. But not this one. Watched it without any expectations. but a little prejudice was there. thought it would be a wastage of time. but it was not. you can suggest this movie to your Friends also. It is an average movie. But when considering TV movies, it is better. I have to agree on one thing. They could have done much better. it was such a thriller story. if they have tried, it could be a hit. There was much more scope for some creative scenes horrific moves. the crew didn't tried it. One thing I didn't like is the villain appearance. They should have taken care of his costume in a better way. The current appearance is not much weird. If he was much more weird..... Oh man.... It could be an awesome movie.
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Much better than expected
loueymc30 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Due to the first review of this movie...I very nearly passed on watching it....but boy am I glad that I went for it anyway...Jamie Kennedy knocks it out of the park with his role in this, playing the part of a creepy villain brilliantly, I haven't seen him in too much since the 'Scream' movies (which I also loved him in) but he aced his part in this flick. The lines were occasionally cheesy, but other than that I thought this storyline carried itself pretty well....kept me gripped anyway! I am familiar with Marlee Matlin from Switched at Birth, her acting skills are pretty solid and believable, however, I'm not so sure I can say the same about Christina DeRosa, some of the time her acting skills felt forced. James Denton's character was more believable. The storyline itself on a whole was good (though it confuses me how a post-mortem/autopsy on the murdered Neighbor, wouldn't show signs of foul play/being electrocuted?? And how the Police don't seem to make much of an effort in finding the Lawyer that goes missing...they ask a couple of questions and then that's it :/ but...I guess they can only fit so much into the scripts/storyline) and interesting (albeit a few cracks) enough to make you keep watching, but it was very obvious from the start that Jamie Kennedy's role was what carried this whole picture, he looked creepy, sounded creepy...gave a very creepy atmosphere whenever he was around, I am impressed that he can both play the part of an adorable goofy dork in Scream...and then go a whole opposite to playing some creepy psycho weirdo...who's very essence on the screen can make you cringe. Very well played!

I would give this movie a 7/10 however, I do think the quality of the pretty much made for TV, a good made for TV movie though.

Definitely worth a watch
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Good Plot
missangelg17 January 2021
I enjoyed the movie thought the plot was really good, but the acting needed a little work. I would say Marlie (spelling) did a great job in her role.
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I want my house back!
kapelusznik1820 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
****SPOILERS**** Far out in left field movie about this nutcase of a guy Forrest Hayes, Jamie Kennedy, who goes to any lengths to get his house back from the Turner family after it was foreclosed due to failure to pay back taxes. It's Hayes' ability to be able to go in and out of the house undetected that makes him be able to drive the Turners crazy and by stealing their identity almost into bankruptcy. It's when Hayes kidnaps Christine Turner,Alex Frnka, and holds her hostage after murdering his lawyer-For failure to deliver- and a next door neighbor-for sticking her nose where it doesn't belong- that things really start to get completely out of hand.

That's when Hayes kidnaps Ally Turner, Marleen Martin,and forces her to sign the house back to him who then ends up escaping and getting both her husband Jack, James Denton, and dad Bud, played by what looks like a 400 pound plus Paul Sorvino, and a squad of local police come to both her as well as Christine's rescue that Hayes plan to get his house back falls completely apart. Seeing that his goose is cooked Hayes in a desperate attempt at revenge by trying to drive Jack, a recovering alcoholic, to drink detonated-kamikaze style-the very thing that he loved so much his family house together with himself in order not to face trial for both murder and kidnapping!

It was a shame that it should have ended like this when all then Turners had to do was allow Hayes to remain a tenant in the house that he loved so much in the basement and play with his toys where he spent almost all of his time anyway. In knowing just how crazy and dangerous he is that would have been a very small price to pay as well as prevented all the damage and murders-two at last count-as well as bankrupting the Turner family, by stealing their identity and maxing out their credit cards,that he committed.
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what a Bunch of Bull
phuckracistgop14 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Does the director and script writers take viewers for fools with this amateurish writing??? First off in the red flag for stupidity would be the disappearance of the first realtor and lack of investigation. That would be followed by Paul Sorvino going off on his son-in law about the lunatic refusal to leave the property and blaming the husband, when it was the wife who actually wanted this house.

Then you have this clown trapsing about the home and wakes no-one while stealing the neckless and journal. Follow that with his being able to directly contact the daughter via some chat app shortly after she made a profile.

Top that off with the daughter telling personal family history to a boy that she doesn't know from a can of paint. Then you have the Po Po saying that the neighbor died of an heart attack when the welts from the taser would have been seen by the paramedics.

The real kicker that sold me on the humongous degree of stupidity here was when the lunatic shows up at the school and the reaction of the daughter was totally ridicules.

I don't know what movie these other reviewers saw, but they sure didn't pay any attention to the obvious flaws in the plot that I pointed out.

And No it is not worth 90 minutes of anyone's time, at least anyone with an intelligence quotient above 20. .
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