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Actually not as bad as everyone says it is
MovieGuy921 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I caught this film last night on HBO for the first time, having wanted to see it for some time but never got the chance. I've heard that most reviewers panned the film, but I still wanted to see it and judge for myself. My consensus is that, while I'm glad I didn't pay to see it in theaters, I'm still glad I saw it nonetheless.

The movie involves a father-daughter team of archaeologists who have discovered a unique-looking pyramid in the Egyptian desert, and have invited a film crew to document it. Long story short, they all end up exploring the pyramid and find themselves trapped inside, only to discover that they aren't exactly alone in the pyramid and that something is picking them off one by one. There's really not a whole lot to say about the characters themselves as they do their job well enough but are still basic horror movie tropes. You've got the headstrong leader, the cocky nerd who's clear monster-bait, the arrogant woman who's kind of a bitch, the submissive, cowardly guy who grows a pair by the end, and of course, the pretty-yet-smart "last girl". If you've seen any horror movie ever, you can probably guess in what order these people are going to die, nevertheless, the movie never gets stale and keeps you tense the whole time.

Now let's move on to the interesting stuff: the threats. Perhaps the greatest threat in this movie is not the monster but the pyramid itself. I love the way it's designed, with its ominous hieroglyphics, twisting, winding passages and "Saw"-esque death traps. The room with the rising sand honestly made me feel claustrophobic. There's also this mysterious pack of carnivorous sphinx cats living in the pyramid too. Their presence didn't make a lot of sense, but they were still fun to watch.

Now on to the monster itself. The movie does a pretty good job of keeping its main villain hidden for the majority of the time, always keeping you guessing as to what it is. The final reveal of the monster's identity in the film's climax may disappoint some hardcore horror fans, but I was willing to buy it, mainly because it was different. This particular creature had not really been seen in a horror film yet, and so it was nice to see a rather unique villain rather than some faceless ghost or human killer.

So the main thing this movie has going for it is its uniqueness. It gives us a different setting, different threats, and a different monster than most horror movies provide. And while the identity of the monster may make the film less scary, it is still no less tense, and it keeps you watching until the end. Now of course, the movie still does have problems. The CGI does look a bit dated; it's not enough to kill the movie, but it is noticeable, especially on the sphinx cats. Also as I said before, the human characters are really nothing special, just the same cookie-cutter horror protagonists you've seen before. Yet, I could still sympathize and root for them.

In closing, "The Pyramid" is an interesting, if flawed, film that gets more flack than it really deserves. It may not be a cinematic masterpiece, but it's a fun way to kill 90 minutes if you're looking for something fresh with a monster you haven't really seen before in a horror movie. The movie does still preserve a few clichés, but you can tell it's at least trying to do something different. So if you're curious about the movie, give it a watch. You may not be scared out of your mind by it, but you'll have fun!
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Not a masterpiece but worth watching despite its bad critics
timelesswind26 May 2015
I watched this movie despite its bad reviews because I liked the fact that it is a horror movie in a pyramid and I also quite like movies that have to do with Egyptian history. So after having watched it, I have to say that the one and a half hour I spend doing that was worth it. The pyramid might not be a masterpiece but it is definitely a horror movie worth watching.

Firstly, I have to say that the settings were well made as well as the monsters. The actors did a good job too. I can't say that they were amazing but their acting seemed quite natural and they were well directed. Another fact I liked about this movie is that it was decently scary(enough to scare the average watcher) and intense. I quite enjoyed most killing scenes too. In that aspect I think it was better than most horror movies I've seen lately . It could have been more intense though.

Coming to the bad points now, as you can probably can guess already the plot is not something new or groundbreaking. You won't see something entirely new here. The only thing that's somewhat "new" is that the killings happen in a pyramid. In addition, the movie is not evenly good for its entirety. It starts well, shows promise and is pretty good for a big part but the last part of the movie ruins that feeling. Some scenes of the last part of the movie are not that well-though. Add to that the fact that they probably overdid it a bit with the selection of the "monster" and you can understand why it has bad critics. They involved Egyptian mythology a bit too much I guess but I won't spoil further.

To sum it up, The pyramid is a horror movie worth watching despite its flaws. They did a good job for a low budget movie like this and an average horror movie fan will surely have a nice time watching it.
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Good horror
Laura_Ratings11 April 2022
As far as horror movies go, I definitely enjoyed this one. It was quite gory, so fair warning to those who don't like that. The movie was scary and had a good story. It's not top shelf horror, but i've seen way worse horror movies than this.
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A stock found-footage horror that at least boasts a slightly more intriguing setting to hold your attention
moviexclusive4 December 2014
If there's one thing we've learnt from 'The Descent', it's that tight spaces make for good claustrophobic horror. That seems to be the idea behind 'The Pyramid', which sends an archaeological team into the depths of an ancient pyramid which has just been unearthed in the Egyptian desert. Aside from the opening scenes, most of the rest of the movie takes place within the narrow corridors or rooms within the pyramid, which in itself does generate a veritable sense of dread.

Whether it was the intention of screenwriters Daniel Meersand and Nick Simon at the start or that of director Gregory Levasseur later on isn't clear, but 'The Pyramid' follows the recent trend of horror movies in adopting the found-footage format. Largely, that is. The majority of the shots originate from British cameraman Fitzie's (James Buckley) point of view, which also means that the key characters we see on screen most of the time are father-and-daughter pair Holden (Denis O'Hare) and Nora (Ashley Hinshaw) and award- chasing filmmaker Sunni (Christa- Marie Nicola). Only when it seems technically possible to have a first- person p.o.v. shot does Levasseur switch to more traditional modes of shot composition and framing, in particular when all but one of the members of the team is left.

Truth be told, we've never really been a big fan of found-footage horror, in part because most filmmakers use technique as an excuse for poor plotting, thinking that just having their characters run and/or scream down dimly lit hallways and getting surprised by things that jump out at them – and the audience – makes for a movie. To some extent, Levasseur and his writers are guilty of that as well, relying too conveniently on rote jump scares to deliver the thrills, which any seasoned horror fan can probably anticipate when and what is coming at them.

But thankfully, the Egyptology-themed setting isn't completely wasted; the last third of the movie is steeped in religious mythology, in particular the appearance of a part-man part-jackal creature better known in ancient Egyptian history as an "Anubis" and its role in an ancient funerary rite known as the "Weighing of the Heart". This isn't the family-friendly adventure that 'The Mummy' and its sequels ever was; indeed, coming from producer Alexandre Aja of 'The Hills Have Eyes', you should certainly be prepared for some pretty gory shocking scenes, including one that is clearly inspired by an iconic shot from 'Aliens' (you know, the one from the back?).

Not all the movie is that intriguing though; for a good part where the group is making its way through the narrow underground tunnels, the pace drags because none of the characters are particularly interesting in and of themselves. What effort spent introducing some conflict between them also falls flat, as Nora's criticism of Fitzie's obsession to get their ordeal down on camera is over and done with in just one scene – not least for the fact that she becomes the one to hold on to his camera and document the proceedings after something unfortunate befalls him.

You'll probably do well lowering your expectations if you've decided to watch 'The Pyramid', which seems content to revel in B-movie tropes than to be anything truly inspiring by itself. To its credit, it doesn't entirely squander its titular Egyptian theme, though for that matter, it also doesn't fully exploit it as well. What longtime Aja screenwriter Levasseur has managed in his directorial debut is to show he can mount a perfectly credible but mediocre found-footage horror, which is only as memorable as the time it takes for another B-grade horror to come along.
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Uninspired, uneven, uninteresting, and un-scary.
lnvicta3 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a very good movie. The premise may sound promising. The archaeological angle on horror is one that's always interested me, and The Pyramid throws some Greek Mythology in the mix for good measure. Well, the most mythological thing you'll experience during this movie is wishing Hades would drag you into the underworld so you'd never have to remember this atrocity. It's so bad.

Visually it reminded me of Alien vs Predator and As Above, So Below, so it's not very original. Atmospherically it reminded me of The Descent, which dealt with claustrophobia infinitely better than this. It's your standard "team trapped underground" story where they get picked off one by one. Problem is, every character is one-dimensional so their deaths leave absolutely no impact. The characters themselves are irrational and annoying. "Hey, we just heard harrowing screams from our friend back there, let's split up!" Great plan. Oh, and the villains in this movie are one of a kind: Pussy cats. Yeah. Killer cats. And don't worry, the big bad wolf shows up too but I'd rather not say anymore because it's truly a catastrophe best seen for yourself.

This is just a dumb movie. I don't know how else to say it. The characters are dumb, the mythos is dumb, the deaths are dumb. There is one jump scare that kind of works but other than that it's horribly directed (going back and forth between found-footage and regular filming was a horrific idea), generic trapped underground story with a third act so ludicrous it's almost worth watching for the laughs. The Pyramid is nothing new, don't waste your time.
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Promising, but disappointing
konrad-40-2059154 March 2015
I was looking forward to this movie, despite it's IMDb score.

I loved the mood & setting, loved the creatures, loved the historical twist. But I'm just sick and tired of the forced character roles, where men are portrayed as dumb cowards or brutes, and women as brave and strong.

It would have been easy enough to balance the roles out, and create a more interesting dynamic. As it stood, the characters were just irritating, and stood in the way of enjoying the movie.

Too bad, because the rest of the movie was pretty good. Especially the sets, props, and creature designs. I just couldn't enjoy it because of the roles the cast had to play. Very disappointing.
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Why so much hate? I enjoyed it.
jess-gonz205 June 2021
Sure, this movie isn't a masterpiece but it's very entertaining! I really enjoyed it. Why so much negative reviews? If you're a fan of "As Above, So Below" or even "The Descent" then you'll enjoy this too! Gives you the same vibe where people get trapped underground. Very claustrophobic and intense. A solid 7/10. I'm proud to say, as a horror movie collector. I'm glad I have this in my collection!
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One of the most underrated horror flicks in years
ogrishel30 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is probably one the most underrated horror flicks in years.

Yes, there are many "found footage" or "shaking camera" movies, but none like this one. I mean, we have a bunch of ghosts and things like that in these movies. Spooky pyramids and ancient Egyptian mummies, yes, of course, the horror movie industry is full of those since the black & white era.

But this flick is not about that. I did not read any reviews or information about this movie before watching it and I must say I did not see it coming. A real life Anubis walking around and doing his routine trapped inside the pyramid? Hey! That's amazing! It's very original and entertaining!

You might bash the poor CGI or other filming issues, but, come on, it's one of the most fun to watch and atmospheric horrors in years!

Highly recommended for Ancient Egyptian horror fans!
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Historically Inaccurate Horror that really isn't very scary.
sannoong-hu9 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A really disappointing movie for both horror enthusiasts as well as ancient Egypt lovers.

To start with, it's really not scary as a horror movie. With the typical setting of unearthing an ancient special three sided pyramid and exploring it. getting trapped and waking up a monster.Very clichéd as one by one the main characters die either falling prey to booby traps or to the evil monster of the pyramid. Not really scary as everything was predictable and even the Anubis monster was a really good example of poorly made CGI. A very predictable ending where only one person just makes it out only to be dragged in again. Booby traps? Spikes, sand tunnels and collapsing floors.

Secondly, factually inaccurate. Yes, tombs did contains writings from the book of the dead, no, Anubis was not the child of Osiris. He was the son of Set. The hearts of the deceased are weighed against the feather of Truth. and not against the goddess of Maat, Maat was the ancient Egyptian concept of Order, opposite it was Isfet or Chaos. Maat was represented by the Sun God Ra. Oh, and Anubis was not evil, his father Set was. Anubis was the God of Funerals and was most often depicted as leading the souls of the dead to the hall of judgement.
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Surprisingly good...
paul_haakonsen31 December 2015
These types of archaeological excavations unleashing an ancient evil tend to be poor in production and equally so in entertainment value. However, this 2014 movie turned out to be a rather nice surprise.

While the storyline offers nothing new to the genre, then it was still entertaining to sit through this movie. Yes, the story was every bit as predictable as you would imagine. But the sense of claustrophobia and an unseen lurking horror was what saved the movie.

Acting-wise then you know what you will get in "The Pyramid", as this is, and we all know it, not award winning movie material. But still, the cast did good jobs with their roles and characters.

The creatures in the movie were one of the highlights throughout the movie. I especially liked the felines, as they just looked very interesting. As for Anubis himself, well he wasn't too shabby. Just a bit hard to buy into that it took so little to outsmart him. One thing I didn't get was how these being would still be alive and kicking after so many hundred of years. Undead? Immortal? The movie offers no explanation.

I liked the part with the wounds becoming quickly infected and starting to physically show that so rapidly. That was an interesting touch to the movie.

All in all, "The Pyramid" deserves a solid six out of ten stars rating as I was genuinely entertained and surprised at how it actually was a good movie. Just goes to prove that you can't judge a movie by its cover.
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Nothing special...
Heidi_Smiles8 December 2014
The Pyramid is yet another addition to the "dangerous exploration" genre. I found it mildly entertaining, yet not at all special or particularly interesting.

The story is the usual: explorers on a mission. Their organization, and the local residents are telling them to go home because "it's too dangerous," but they go on anyway. Scary stuff starts to happen, and they proceed onward until... well, you know.

The main actress comes from the Megan Fox school of open-mouth-pouty-face acting. She is supposed to be a successful anthropologist, but she comes off as a ditz. I'm not saying this because she is blonde and attractive... it was the way she delivered her lines.

The CGI was pretty awful. I won't spoil, but at one point toward the end it appeared that someone was wearing a prosthetic mask with really prominent eye holes. Some other things looked quite fake as well.

It was ... okay.
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The film is very nice... The Critics are not always right...
Shanghai_Chang12 December 2014
I went to the movie just because there is nothing else to see in the cinema, despite reading all negative criticism on the film. I googled the film before seeing it and saw terrible rating. So I had my expectation pretty low.

But please, those critics are people too and people have different opinion and tastes on film. I for once never like action films. So I would rate every single action film 1/10. But as a Horror fan, seeing so many horror films, I think the film over all is very good. It scared me a lot of time than most of horror films.

The actors' performances are great, the storyline is interesting, the shooting is pretty nice too. I mean, even though I really hate the "Hand camera" kind of movie like Paranormal Activity and stuffs, but this one is pretty nice.

I'm glad that they did not include mummies in the film since it's going to make it looks like just another "The Mummy" films. The monster they have in the film is pretty good but somehow ridiculous. And once again, they have all these pyramid elements in the films such as dead-end, traps, secret passages/doors, secret rooms, and maze passages... etc.

The only problem I had with the film is the title. Maybe they should have something more creative and interesting instead of straight forward "The Pyramid". Maybe something that connected to the storyline.

But over all this is a great film. I would totally dig this film for movie night alone or with my homies... And it's worth seeing yo....
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Very good 80% of the movie
willandcharlenebrown21 April 2016
I won't give any spoilers so I will make this simple and spot on. The movie has very good promise and tons of jump scares. That's why I gave it a 6. Plain and simple negative though. the ending is dumb with horrible graphics. Not sure if they ran out of brains and money but wow. Shocking how a movie that was on it's way to an 8 went and dropped 3 stars in the final 15 minutes of the movie. Totally worth watching though. It will cause claustrophobia and anxiety and make you jump several times before you get to the dumb ending. Shame on the directors for ruining a great movie that people would be talking about for years. What were the two writers thinking. Kudos to you for keeping me and my 20 year old daughter entertained. Thanks for reading my review!
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lawnmowerajoe23 April 2015
The thing with "the Pyramid" is that it has great presentation. The poster looks good, the trailer looks good too. It's enough to fool most people into watching it, expecting a film with some good scares. I, for one, went in expecting some claustrophobic terror like "the Descent".

Unfortunately, the Pyramid is not good, not good at all. In fact, it's just boring. The characters all suffer from being utterly unlikeable, from the annoying cameraman to the just as annoying blonde girl. From there the film turns into a boring drag, wherein every trick in the book is pulled: jump scares, cheap CGI, lots and lots of yelling and screaming, exposition that makes no sense. You name it.

This movie is awful. Don't watch it.
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Interesting premise, bad execution
bryllefajardo17 January 2015
The Pyramid is a refreshing take for horror movies because there hasn't been any "mummy horror-movie" since the late 50s, however, the movie was painful to watch. Why is it? No character development that resulted to viewers not caring about the characters since all the characters suffer from making idiotic and bad decisions that obviously resulted to their death! Even the trailer gives away too much because if you've seen the trailer, you've already seen the whole movie.

The CGI was horrible though it was forgivable, but to be honest, the movie could've really been better because it had an interesting premise. But even though I'm a fan of FOUND-FOOTAGE HORROR MOVIES, I was really disappointed because I thought that I was gonna like it since it felt like "As Above, So Below" which I really loved.

FINAL VERDICT: Not worth your time. 3/10. Better watch "As Above, So Below"
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Interesting story line ruined by atrocious acting
gqgbcgqf21 October 2023
Despite the piir ratings, I thought I would give this one a try because I enjoy stories about ancient Egypt. It was a mistake. When I say this is the worst acting I've witnessed in all my life, it is not hyperbole. Completely destroys the suspension of disbelief, which is a shame.

The writing had the potential for a decent film, but the abysmal acting performance is a constant distraction from the plot. You should skip this film and go back to watch the Mummy, Stargate, or just about anything remotely related. The crew of Ancient Aliens are more believable than this cast, unfortunately. Just skip it.
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Because I love cats and ancient Egypt
manou-9079822 March 2022
The two writers apparently decided that there was no point in researching Egyptology before embarking on the writing of a script featuring archaeologists in an Egyptian pyramid. One of the characters claims that Bast (cat-headded goddess) would be «the guardian of the underworld» when in reality she is the protector of pregnant women. A nonsense among many others in this rather funny slasher.
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Good "B" Movie
stevendbeard5 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "The Pyramid", starring Denis O'Hare-American Horror Story_tv, Dallas Buyers Club; Ashley Hinshaw-True Blood_tv, Chronicle; Christa Nicola-Lollipop Man, Home and Away_tv and James Buckley-Charlie Countryman, The Inbetweeners Movie.

This is a found footage "B" type horror movie that is a little better than most of them are. Denis plays an archaeologist that makes the discovery of the century, a three sided pyramid in Egypt. Now, as everyone knows, pyramids have always been four sided. The only problem is that Denis just picked the wrong time for his little excavation party because there are violent riots going on in Cairo and Denis and his team are told that they have to leave the country within 24 hours. Ashley, who is Denis' hot looking daughter and also an archeology student, tells her father that they could go in for just a peak, within their 24 hour deadline. Of course, once inside the pyramid, it is not long before they discover that they are not alone and in fact they start getting picked off, one by one by the current residents of the pyramid. The rest of the archaeological team includes Christa, a journalist that is documenting the new discovery and her cameraman, James. There are a few good scares, but there were also a few predictable scenes; one in particular that stands out was when the cameraman tells another character to hold his camera for a minute. Right then, I knew he was about to die. It's rated "R" for violence, bloody images and sexual content-including partial nudity-and has a running time of 1 hour & 29 minutes. If you like "B" type horror movies, you might enjoy this one. I would buy it on DVD.
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just as expected...which was actually below normal expectations
Seraphion5 March 2015
The story is just another one of those lost cause adventures. But the horror setting makes it feel very devoid of any character development. All the initial story buildup doesn't even adequately put the relationships between the characters in place.All the characters seem to be doing separate acting for each scenes that the scenes don't really feel continuous, and also the mediocre editing and directing adds up to this too. The story take the sharp turn from being scientific to mythic in a very sudden move for me. The jump-scares were successful in giving shocks at me, but it didn't stir any fear in me, like what a good horror should do. The acting overall is pretty lame. Ashley Hinshaw, Dennis O'Hare and James Buckley should really take more acting lessons, especially in acting for a horror thriller. Their expressions don't really show that they were terrified, so how should we the audience feel afraid?
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not bad could have been better
parrisjim6 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When making a horror movie you should always consider the history of all horror movies that have come before...if you don''ll make a bad movie and it will flop...One of the first things if are your characters annoying..the britsh accent on the camera guy drove me nuts,he sounded like a cartoon...the female reported was clearly British doing an American accent...why not just be British..? it works..Over the paceing was rushed made lines confusing first sign you in a bad movie....But it had some genuine scary moments and an interesting story line..Not to mention Ashley Hinshaw..whos worth watching in anything bad or good but thats me...this movie will likely flop and will make a good redbox movie night...when you get the green light to make a movie..consider all the horror films that came before you,the successful ones and the flops...and make a better movie
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claudio_carvalho5 May 2015
In times of turbulence and confusion in Egypt, an American team of archaeologists is digging a three-side pyramid in the desert. The engineer Zahir (Amir K) sends his robot to explore the interior while the archaeologists Nora (Ashley Hinshaw) and her father Holden (Denis O'Hare); the video producer Sunni (Christa Nicola); and the cameraman Fitzie (James Buckley) record and analyze the image. However they have to leave the site due to the political instability but out of blue, the expensive robot vanishes inside the pyramid. Amir K convinces Corporal Shadid (Faycal Attougui) to give two hours for them to seek out the robot. When they are in the interior, the floor collapses and they fall 30 m down. Soon they learn that the place is a maze full of traps and a creature is hunting them down. Will they succeed to escape?

"The Pyramid" is a disappointing horror movie. The story is silly and unoriginal and does not hold the attention of the viewer. The performances are not convincing but acceptable, but the plot fails since the characters are not well developed and non-likable. The lighting and camera are very poor. The special effects are reasonable for a low- budget movie. My vote is four.

Title (Brazil): "A Pirâmide" ("The Pyramid")
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better than what most reviews are saying.
JasonSmithRoberts27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie despite its bad reviews because I liked the fact that it is a horror movie in a pyramid and I also quite like movies that have to do with Egyptian history. So after having watched it, I have to say that the one and a half hour I spend doing that was worth it. The pyramid might not be a masterpiece but it is definitely a horror movie worth watching.
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Enjoyable romp, for what it is
silence-2517710 July 2017
I really enjoyed this film, I didn't have high hopes due to some of the other reviews on here - perhaps my expectations being low led to me enjoying this more than I "should" have?! I thought the sets, props and effects were very good. The music wasn't overbearing either and added to the atmosphere. I thought James Buckley was very good in his role,that was my biggest worry going into this film, having only ever seen him in The Inbetweeners before this. It was also pretty cool to see Denis O'Hare in something outside of American Horror Story. My only criticism of this film would be it needs to make up it's mind whether it's a found footage or regular film, as in the second half especially it jumps from one to the other, which takes you out of the moment slightly. If you like to watch a film to take you away from reality and not have to think about anything for a couple of hours, you'll enjoy this film. If you're looking for something groundbreaking - keep searching!
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derek-a-charette1007 September 2023
It's almost as though this movie gets increasingly worse with each minute that passes.

One would assume that at some point in the pre-production stage, someone in the right mind would have looked at the script and realized that it needed some serious work... at the least... and in my opinion, should have been thrown in a shredder straight away.

Unfortunately, that did not happen, and the script managed to reach production and was approved and funded.

Already predictable at every turn, the storyline is not only foolish and nonsensical, it is full of jump scare after jump scare.

What a bargain - not only am I to tolerate such dross, and bore, I am now being put at risk of a heart attack while my brain in shrinking from the sheer stupidity I am witnessing.

And if the script is not bad enough, the acting manages to squeeze the last bit of life from the production. How is it that ''professional'' actors can be so terrible at acting? This is a common flaw with movies of this period (2010's). Actors that are so terrible at acting, that the movie would have been better off with plucking randoms off the street and offered $8,000 to work for 4 weeks.
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Is it possible for a script writer to write within the realm of the real world?
bernardlcrawford21 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I know I must accept the fact that the vast majority of films fall into what we accept as mediocre and worse. To know that people paw and faun over that mediocrity in every way, shape and form on a daily basis is incredibly disheartening.

Ignoring many of the arguments that others have listed here as to why this movie is just plain bad, and they are all correct, let us examine just a smidgen of this piping hot and steaming pile of cow flop.

So called experienced archaeologist along with others who obviously do not think anything through essentially just scurry off into a newly opened pyramid without any preparation for such an endeavor.

Scene in point. Two of the intrepid imbeciles that constitute an entire group of imbeciles charge into a room to examine what precisely is located in the far corner of it. The room's floor begins to give way. At this point I have no idea why everyone basically stood and waited for said floor to completely collapse.

Next scene, the entire group has fallen approximately 25 foot or more along with tons of debris and no one is injured. All equipment is intact. We do see a sizable piece of stone fall onto the leg of a party member an he painfully objects to it. Someone has an incredibly powerful narcotic because after it is given to him, he immediately ceases making any verbal protests to the pain.

Mountain climbing woman decides to ascend a small vertical cylindrical passage. She climbs approximately 25 to 30 foot up the shaft and is attacked by a sphinx cat she encounters in a horizontal access passage. She falls that distance for the second time in less then five minutes incurring no damage except the scratch she received from said cat.

This was enough for me. Can a writer create a realistic situation in which we can get said group to where you wish them to be? Of course they can, if they have something called an imagination. We can get that group to where they are to be using reality as a basis! This way we are not exposed to absurd and preposterous events that in essence have just conveyed to the audience our said group of intrepid idiots are supermen! Impervious to the same laws of physics you and I are enmeshed within in this reality that WILL maim and kill us.

This was only approximately ten minutes of the film. I am READY to suspend my belief in that there is an Anubian-like beast running around the pyramid but please be coherent and cohesive in the writing peripherally to the beast!

I did love the comment pertaining to the archaeologist being incorrect when discussing Anubis. I am not an expert on Egyptian mythology but I knew he was incorrect.

As another reviewer pointed out. This movie is just bad. It is not mediocre. It is not bad funny. It is a movie that just should not exist and the 6.5 million dollars should have went to entities that REALLY needed it. This did not need to be made.

I can now proceed with the sulfuric acid enema that this movie forced me to concoct and utilize. I also believe I have experienced neural failure to a certain degree and believe I can repeatedly leap from the roof of my second story home uninjured.
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