Don't Look Away (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

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Entertaining until the ending.
jasoncraig-859667 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't expecting much from this low budget movie and enjoyed the visual effects. It didn't matter that you didn't see what was happening as the mannequin never actually moved and you can use your imagination. Somehow it never got blood on it even though there would have been hundreds of gallons of blood all around it. The blood on a windshield looked like someone smeared red paint on it from a small car crash.

The mystery person at the end was creepy and added more suspense. The part that bothers me is how they supposedly captured the mannequin. What 20 something year old has a wooden human sized crate readily available? Also, how is she supposed to look at the mannequin constantly to get it in there even if she had it? Since it can reappear anywhere when not looking at it why can't it reappear outside of the wooden crate? Is it magic wood?
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the Horror was watching it!
subxerogravity4 September 2023
Thought it was really stupid, in fact I feel like the filmmakers were hoping i was stupider than the movie so that i would not notice how much it made no sense. The only thing the filmmakers got going for them is that somehow, they got this released in a movie theatre. That's impressive, its attempts to mimic a giallo-styled slasher film of the 70s and 80s just made it more garbage as I was expecting something cool and unique, but the artist went over my head. Although based on the bad ADR it could have been this film did not have the money needed to be good. I give it credit that the "Slasher" was first but not creepy enough to justify the badness of it all.
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Stupid but OK
kskmah10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid but OK for what it is. A low budget horror. This movie didn't make sense at all. It's such a deadly thing, but put it in a wooden box that anyone can open? And in the end, anyone can break it? That was not the only stupid things. So you see the.mannequin and then it's suppose to kill you? So when the people saw it and it was chasing them, why did it stop? And not one of them decided to record this thing or take pictures? Lol. Then they were all in the room and saw it, but then the boyfriend comes in and he said his girlfiriend is crazy, and no one said we all saw it? And one of the guys said it was a hallucination? Are you a freaking idiot. And then again the mannequin just stops because the boyfriend came in the room? Lol.
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I liked this until the end
smoke013 October 2023
I was enjoying this until the last ten minutes or so when it seemed that the script ended too soon and someone had to jump in and finish the movie at whatever cost to what went on before...

I was not a big fan of It Follows, didn't really care for the entire concept of the movie once the initial theme was established, so while I can agree that this is reminiscent of that film, Don't Look Away also has its own lore and its own strange engulfing vibe that kept going all through the film until the unfortunate ending.

I could think of several ways this could have ended, but the ending that was settled on really felt totally out of place with the rest of the film.
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As if I paid and watched this in the theatres
iomdinabastos7 September 2023
This movie is like It Follows, except C rated and just awfully put together. It's like an hour and a half long "horror" youtube short. No pop ups. Only way to watch is getting absolutely blitzed out of your mind and laugh at the corniness. The whole time the movies audio sounds like it's recorded from an iPhone. Writing this review in the theatre because it's also empty. That should have been a sign to not watch this movie lol. It's literally the horror game weeping angel. Who the hell thought to make it a movie and downplay the hell out of it?!? If I had it in me I'd go get a manager for a refund but it's after 11 and you can never find an employee except some random 14 year old who don't know nothing.
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One Actor's Performance Ruins Each Scene He's In
gsuplee10 November 2023
There is an actor in the film named Abu Dukuly who should not quit his day job. The acting from most of the main cast is fine, but this guy's acting is soooooo bad, it takes away from the performance of everyone else in each scene he's in. His lines are rushed through and without emotion. When he does show emotion, it's cringe-worthy.

This bad acting from one person aside, there are some creative scenes in the film, but they all happen within the first 20 minutes or so. The visuals of the mannequin are pretty great, as it can look frightening with the right lighting and shadows.

The story isn't terribly strong, and no one shows a lot of remorse for the murders that are happening. Friends are brutally killed several feet away from certain characters, and the emotion and reaction from them is almost not existent. I had a hard time liking any character as a result.
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Not so much
acesm6 October 2023
Although it was a valiant effort by the cast, the production quality is not good. The sound is very tinny and distorted. It appears to be a knock off of It Follows. The script plods along and there is no real development. The mannequin is silly's and the editing very choppy and sometimes doesn't make sense.

The direction is interesting and as I said, the actors do a nice job. It's a nice suspense piece. I would not really classify this as horror. As I said it's suspenseful and the mannequin makes it otherworldly.

I am not a film professional and only giving it my opinion as a horror and suspense fan.
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Please do yourself a favor to stay as far away as possible from this horrible movie.
albertcar-5377211 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
67 % rotten tomatoes. Are you crazy?? Blind? This confirms that they usually never get it right and its rating is not to be trusted. Everything is absolutely wrong about this movie. From the quality like recorded with and old iPhone miniature filter to acting, script, etc etc. The acting, the "special effects", the absurd, clichés of old bad horror movies, etc. Additionally, it is so dumb, that even the creators of this cheap movie decided to avoid the Idea of how this mannequin came from, by saying: only the devil knows where it came from!

That completely got me, please, try be genius about a story or creative, it is depressing to see that this "thing" made it all the way to an actual movie.

Please, please do yourself a favor to avoid at all cause this not horror movie, but horrible movie!!! Wowwww so terrible!!!!!!!!!
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A Film Doomed By It's Idiotic Premise.
meddlecore2 December 2023
The acting here is decent.

The production quality is good.

But you can't get over how stupid the premise, itself, is.

It's supposed to be "like a creepypasta come to life", as one of the characters puts it.

Unfortunately, the story they chose to run with is so implausibly absurd, that it's hard to remain engaged with it.

Let alone take it seriously.

Because the killer here is a mannequin that kills anyone who dares look away from it...hence the title of the film.

It might have been a concept that worked, if it were done better.

However, as it's just not interesting in the slightest.

One of the problems with it is that there are too many characters.

None of which are properly you don't care about any of them.

Which is why each death ends up being even more anti-climactic than the one that came before it.

Leaving you to sit through one lackluster, and pointless, kill after another...hoping it will end sooner than later.

Because the kills aren't cool.

There's virtually no gore.

And the mannequin is kind of dumb looking.

Which makes you wonder exactly what they are trying achieve with it...other than to alienate those who chose to dedicate their time to watch it.

Because the plot is so brutally bad.

You simply lose interest in it by the time you reach the halfway point of the film.

After the introduction...I really thought this was going to be cool.

But it was all downhill from there...

...straight to the bottom of the barrel.

So don't fall for the clever marketing.

Because this film sucks.

Do yourself the favour of passing this one by.

So you don't waste an hour and a half on it like I did.

2 out of 10.
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A nice try - I hope
HawkTear23 October 2023
The second I laid eyes on what the movie is about I immediately thought about SCP foundation. You know the one. They have a wiki with a lot of crazy and creepy stuff. It was an okay-ish try to make something out of the concept, if that was intended. If not, this is a sorry excuse and a rip off. A bad rip off. I want to think that it was thought out to use the concept in good intentions. Cause SCP's are creepy. This was not creepy.. at all. The actors where actually good, and made a good effort. But over all I didn't like this. I don't regret watching it though. It's a good Monday evening brain collapsing watch if you are bored. But I will never recommend it to anyone, and I will never watch it again.
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Brickleberry Does Youtube horror shorts
xmnytyme10 October 2023
Stolen from the 2018 Youtube horror short DON'T LOOK AWAY (their caps, not mine) and wishing it was The Shining with blatant ripoffs of scenes and themes. The dialog is embarrassingly cobbled together and pretty racist in the depiction of the one black character, who also happens to be the only one who has a gun (illegally just for that extra racist stereotype flavor). The characters have no idea what they're up against, then without explanation they magically know exactly how the thing works because plot needs to happen. They come up with plans that almost seem logical, but they implement them without any logic. There are attempts at "jokes", telegraphed as blatantly as Paradise PD. The YouTube short is substantially better, despite not being good at all. Calling the characters 1 dimensional would be giving them too much credit. I was shocked to find out this was released in theaters, but then I remembered movie makers have no pride or shame these days.
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Solid Low Budget Cursed Mannequin Film
Reviews_of_the_Dead8 September 2023
This was a movie that I got the chance to see thanks to Kim from Level 33 Entertainment. I like to check out independent cinema, especially when it comes to horror. Part of it is to get the word out about the titles, but you also find gems. This sounded intriguing so I was curious as to what we would get. I came in mostly blind, seeing that it was a 2023 release and horror. Part of the premise did come up as I was queuing up to watch.

Synopsis: it doesn't move, it doesn't think, it just kills. For one young woman, a chance encounter with this supernatural entity proves devastating. Frankie (Kelly Bast ard) learns that once you see the mannequin, there may be no end in sight, except for your own.

We start this off with a hijacking of a semitruck in New Jersey. The men are hoping to make a score. When they get inside, there is just a wooden box. They open it to find a mannequin. The two guys in the truck and trapped. Whatever this is, kills them. The rest of the team on the outside also meet their deaths. The final one being hit by a car, driven by Frankie.

This shakes her to her core. She goes home to her boyfriend, Steve (Colm Hill). He's a Ph. D. candidate and a bit stiff. Frankie is studying for the LSAT and looking to go to law school. None of that matters as she breaks down, wanting Steve to console her.

She decides then to take the next day to recover. Steve gets someone to tow her car and repair the damage. That night she goes out with friends as it is Lewis' (Jason Haney) birthday. Also, there is Jonah (Michael Mitton), Lucy (Rene Lai), Drake (Abu Dukuly), Isabelle (Brittany Pilgrim), Madison (Sophie Thom) and Molly (Vanessa Nostbakken). She tells them about what happened and what she saw. No one believes her as it is sounds crazy. She starts to see this mannequin though. Frankie knows it's true when she sees an image of everyone still in the club dead and Molly covered in blood. She is the next victim of this entity.

Her friends all left and she finds them after. She is covered in blood. They still don't believe her, but know she is shaken. Jonah sees the mannequin that night as well. It becomes a fight for their sanity as they come to terms with what is happening. Are they sharing a hallucination or is there really a mannequin that is following them?

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I want to start then would be that this is an interesting premise. We have seen it before with things like Pin or The Fear. Not completely the same but dealing with a mannequin of sorts. I believe that are even episodes of The Twilight Zone or Tales from the Darkside that would fall in a similar vein. The mannequin we use here is creepy. I like it when it is kept the shadows and looks like it has sunken eyes. We see it up close in the light where it does lose a bit there. It has a creepy look on its face.

Let me then shift to this to lore behind this monster. It is limited in what we get, but I do think it has interesting aspects there. This is where the title comes in. If you are looking at the mannequin, then it can't teleport. There is a stretch in this where our characters can hold it at bay by just staring at it. I like this as it is a variation on needing to stay awake when they're dealing with it. Staring at something for that long would be difficult, especially for me. There is a semi-expert on this thing with Viktor Malick (Michael Bafaro). He shows up early in the movie and then later. I liked what they did with him for the most part. Bafaro is also the co-writer/director here. To end this thought, it feels like our team behind this knows everything or enough about the entity for me to accept what we're doing here.

Now I do have an issue here. This moves so fast in the beginning that I had trouble settling in. It does once we get to know our group a bit. Seeing how many of them there are, I knew it was a body count or 'cannon fodder' situation. That's fine and I appreciate it. My issue is that we don't get a baseline for Frankie. She's dealing with trauma from the moment we meet her. We do learn enough about each of her friends where for the most part, I could differentiate who was who. That was good. I did like their relationship with each other for the most part. This is a double edge sword though hence why I started this section off as I did. This almost comes off as a supernatural slasher now that I'm reflecting on this with the construction of the story.

Let me go to the other issue which is the acting. I'm not going to come down too hard as these are amateurs that I've not seen before. I do like Bast ard and Mitton as our leads. They were fine there. I liked Hill as this guy that comes off as arrogant. Where his characters ends up was interesting. Lai, Pilgrim and Nostbakken are fine. We don't get much from them. Bukuly, Thom and Haney all show a bit of personality. The latter is such a 'frat guy' that he annoyed me. He did get a reaction and I remember who he is so credit there. I did like Bafaro as this 'expert' as well. The acting is fine. It just isn't great.

All that is left then is filmmaking. I thought the effects we got for the most part were fine. We did get a bit of CGI that I noticed. With the budget it is working with, I'll let it slide. What I didn't like though was the cinematography. It felt like they went with greenscreen or just had this almost fuzzy focus. It made it difficult for stretches to stay engaged. I did think that the soundtrack was fine though and fit for what was needed.

In conclusion, I do think that this is a solid indie horror effort. There were pacing issues in the beginning for me, but it did settle in. The acting is amateur, but I'm not going to harp on it. I liked the concept of this supernatural killer mannequin. There were also issues I had with CGI effects and the cinematography wasn't great unfortunately. Still a solid effort though with the body count. I'd recommend this if you are into lower budget, horror cinema.

My Rating: 6 out of 10.
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Shining Ripoff
steveford-9640624 February 2024
Blatant ripoff of The Shining. I'm sure the filmmakers would call it an homage but there's a big difference and they ripping off. The mannequin parts were cool but the must've ran out of a full movie so they stole characters and ideas.

Blatant ripoff of The Shining. I'm sure the filmmakers would call it an homage but there's a big difference and they ripping off. The mannequin parts were cool but the must've ran out of a full movie so they stole characters and ideas.

Blatant ripoff of The Shining. I'm sure the filmmakers would call it an homage but there's a big difference and they ripping off. The mannequin parts were cool but the must've ran out of a full movie so they stole characters and ideas.
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Killer mannequin
MB-reviewer1858 October 2023
What can I say about this movie other than that it is about a killer mannequin, which all you need to know to understand what this movie is; I did not know what to think of this movie once I knew the premise, and after watching, it was very weird. Don't Look Away (2023) is not good with it having a dumb horror plot, but it was very entertainingly bad when watching it where I could not understand what I was watching from beginning to end; the mannequin itself was stupid looking and made the movie not scary at all.

The performances in the movie are not good with some characters being annoying, and the way these people interacted with each other to talk about what to do about the mannequin, which was stupid, and it was funny when they were running around trying to avoid the mannequin. There was character in the movie who was insane for some reason that had nothing to do with the movie, other than make a weird scene that is exactly like The Shining (1980) for no reason at all which was stupid in the movie. Also, this other person who happens to have a history with the mannequin, but he does not do much in the third act except do something unexpected.

The mannequin could be creepy looking, but instead it was weird looking and not in an effective way; it was not scary as much as it was funny to watch whenever it showed teleported on in front of the camera in the middle of a scene. The rules or the way the mannequin works is if people look at him and look away from him, but if you keep looking at him without looking away, it will not do anything. Also, I would have liked an explanation on why the mannequin is teleporting around killing people, but instead it does not tell us anything and we are supposed to just accept that it can do this without a reason.

I did not care about the characters, and the movie can feel slow at moments when it is not unintentionally funny when the mannequin is teleporting around killing people for unknown reasons; also, the editing was bad with it cutting abruptly in the middle of scenes and lines of dialogue with there being weird music choices that do not fit with the scenes. Don't Look Away (2023) was not that good, though it has some moments that could work, it still does not work well, and the movie can get off track with its plot where it will focus on something else; this movie is not worth the time watching.
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[5.3] Smile till your death
cjonesas19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A mumbo horror of a movie where for nearly the first time the flow and vibe of an average movie is better than its whole ratings. An achievement !

That's a film that starts uninterestingly, moves along averagely with some interesting scenes, badly gets your attention in a good thrilling way toward the three quarter of its runtime and ends miserably and on cliched notes for a probable, cringe-worthy sequel.

The premise and its ideas are battery-consumed-LED-bright in my opinion, the mannequin pee-releasing creepy (very good camera jobs) and the blind man was the best and deserved a more powerful, thrillingly strong end.

Launch the sequel and this time, make them fuse in agony with multitude mannequins.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5
  • Development: 7
  • Realism: 5.5
  • Entertainment: 7
  • Acting: 6.5
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 6.5
  • VFX: 6.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6.5
  • Depth: 2
  • Logic: 1
  • Flow: 7.5
  • Horror: 4.5
  • Ending: 4.
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Don't waste your time
mthomas-2576910 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was so irritated that I wasted my time with this movie that I made an account. It has an interesting take on the Dr Who mannequin idea. I wanted to like it. The movie starts out okay. It's kind of mysterious and I like bad movies but this was just awful honestly. Actors can't act but it doesn't become apparent until later because they give up.

SPOILER the movie just kinda gave up when the boyfriend went unhinged. It was kind of funny that his thesis was just the word mannequin typed a gazillion times. Lol. The ending was rushed and terrible and they set it up for a sequel. Some high hopes there much?
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Decent attempt, a solid and quick horror flick
jamasian_man17 September 2023
This movie isn't a new classic. Its a lean and mean horror movie based on a video game. Acting from the main lead is the best, the rest are a bit iffy in delivery.

Its basically about a woman who witnesses a gory murder when some thieves hijack a truck and find something sinister inside of a box being transported. She isn't sure what she saw but the thing inside begins stalking her and her friend group, and no one believes them.

Direction is solid, its a supernatural horror thriller rather than a slasher. It has some good set pieces and anxiety for the most part, but there was also budget limitations as two visual effects scenes seemed a bit off.

Overall if its ends up on youtube for 5 bucks or a streaming service, horror movie fans will get a kick out of this one.
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