All Cheerleaders Die (2013) Poster

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Was not expecting to have so much fun watching it!
bbickley13-921-5866417 June 2014
I'm surprised at what a good horror flick this turned out to be. It starts slow but it really picks up with a few twist that make it stand out from other horror flicks, kinda like the horror film, You're Next did a year back, putting a different spin on what at first seem like a by the numbers horror film, though All Cheerleaders Die is a few levels down from You're Next.

I went to go see the movie because I was hoping because of the title that I would see a group of hot sexy cheerleaders getting killed with some possible nudity and I got all that plus a little girl on girl, but it's technically not enough of it to really keep you interested.

The movie strength is that it points out how horrifyingly Horrible popular teens can be. Just when you think you understand how stereotypical the plot is, another cool kid comes in and adds another dimension to it. It goes from a revenge flick to a supernatural horror flick and then to something else entirely, and the story all blends together well.

This was a fun ride worth the watch.
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McKee/Siverston Show Us Their Play Side
gregsrants9 September 2013
I still don't know what to make of writer/director Lucky McKee. It started strong with May (2002) which I thought was a wonderfully crafted drama/thriller that put McKee on my radar. His venture into television as director of the Masters of Horror episode titled 'Sick Girl' was OK, but didn't capture my attention as much as May. Then came The Woods (2006) and Red (2008) which were both relatively competent, but hardly memorable. The Woman (2011) was definitely memorable and made headlines for its festival showing and a paying attendee that was less than thrilled with what he saw on the big screen (YouTube it, you'll thank me).

McKee's newest project, All Cheerleaders Die, got a coveted spot amongst the 10 films picked as part of the Midnight Madness series at this year's Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) where it will be making its World Premiere.

The title sounds rudimentary, but the film is anything but. Maddy (Caitlin Stasey) is an outcast amongst her High School peers and she has a particular hatred for the cheerleading squad. That leads Maddy to try out for the team in an attempt to infiltrate and ultimately bring down the all too popular clique of good looking teens with great looking adult breasts. The opening scenes before the title card set up a plot device that really comes full circle by the film's final shot and the audience at the packed Bloor Cinema collectively gasped and clapped with the first fatality.

Fans of horrors films would likely yawn at such an introductory synopsis. But the movie hardly heads in directions one can foresee and before long, Maddy, school friend Leena (Sianoa Smit-McPhee) and the whole squad of short skirt/white sneaker females are battling the opposite sex with a supernatural element under toning the struggles.

McKee and fellow director Chris Sivertson throw the proverbial kitchen sink at the audience and I can best describe All Cheerleaders Die as a movie which if the creative makers behind Heathers, Carrie, the television Charmed and Jennifer's Body all took a big dump in a blender and the resulting mixture was then baked into a soufflé would be the result.

Most of what is being cooked works. The comedy surely does with High School verbal jibes thrown at a Mean Girls pace. And the acting is definitely there to back up the promise of the script ideas. Unfortunately, the film ultimately just falls short of hitting a triple. Man, there is a lot to ingest. Witches, evil quarterbacks, zombies, walking dead, supernatural, conjuring…like we said, "the kitchen sink" I liken All Cheerleaders Die therefore to last year's Monster's Brawl. It's a lot of fun with an audience and there are some elements of originality, but if sitting in a darkened basement screening the film by one's lonesome, you might not enjoy the audience effect fun-factor that can sometimes elevate a reviewer's response.

McKee is definitely out of his downer-phase. Most of the director's earlier work was depressing and dry. But with All Cheerleaders Die, he dug deep into his inner cheerleader to bring a labor of love to the big screen (McKee and Siverston made a video All Cheerleaders Die in 2001 to launch their careers).

The ending to the film more than hints that this is just the first installment of what may be many more Cheerleaders Die films if this entry hits the market running. We are hopeful, yet skeptical. It would have been a great AMC movie, but as a theatrical release, we are not sure this effort is worth the hard earned dollars wearing away in our wallets.
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Remaking your own obscure calling card...
MrGKB19 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers really not a good idea, but Lucky "May" McKee and Chris "The Lost" Sivertson went right ahead and did it anyway. The cast of relative unknowns do their damnedest, to little avail, with a script that has no real idea what it wants to accomplish and takes its own sweet time doing it. Syd Field would not be pleased, nor any other screen writing guru, and apparently the most recent crop of IMDb mavens aren't, either. I'm not surprised. There's some nonsense involving a totally distorted interpretation of Wiccan magic, some very limp lipstick lesbianism, a touch of unimpressive gore, and a coterie of actors who (at least according to the DVD's brief making-of feature) had more fun making this film than they reveal on screen. I can only hope they were paid scale at least; they deserve it after consenting to be in this mess. Forgettable at best, and a definite blot on any self-respecting public library's reputation, this is not going to lead to bigger and better things for anyone involved. Strictly for the indiscriminate viewer only.
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Mixes camp and horror with flat, boring results
TheMarwood26 July 2014
There's dead cheerleaders out for revenge, witchcraft and body switching, yet this never amounts to anything fun. Most of the first act has very little happening and is an endurance test waiting for the plot to begin. Boring murderous jocks kill some cheerleaders who get resurrected by a young witch in love with one of the cheerleaders and the tone sits uncomfortably between campy self aware cheese and flat, unfunny B material. The characters are barely distinguishable from one another and there isn't a single memorable on screen death. Yet another step in the wrong direction for the once promising Lucky McKee and a major step up from Chris Sivertson's I Know Who Killed Me. TV production values don't help here either.
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Little to cheer about
Prismark1029 October 2015
This is a poor remake with poor production values. It almost looks amateurish.

Some High School cheerleaders get attacked one night by the High School Jocks and end up driving into the river.

Lucky for them a girl at the High School and also a friendly, neighbourhood witch revives them and they have unusual powers such as a lust for blood. Not sure how these girls have got a vampire type blood-lust.

The girls ineptly plan revenge on the boys who attacked them but the alpha male, who is the most sadistic and vile figures out that these cheerleaders have special powers and he is hell bent on acquiring them.

The film has a great deal of uneven tone. A typical High School comedy about the beautiful people, bitchiness to bullying and the worse kind of cruel, male bullying. It varies wildly unsure whether it wants to be a black horror comedy, campy silliness to supernatural, or just plain cruel.
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Better take a walk
listy-54-85516521 July 2014
I haven't seen any horrors lately so when "All Cheerleaders Die" got into my hands I was pretty excited! Unfortunately, the excitement ended after perhaps 10 minutes of watching it. And later it just got worse.

A lot of unnecessary dialogues make the whole movie plain boring. And confusing, as the dialogues rarely made a lot of sense. I and my wife kept asking each other questions like "What did she want?" or "Why did he say that?" and the answer was always "I have no idea".

Several moments in the movie were quite much fun and "All Cheerleaders Die" would be really enjoyable if they lasted more than 5 minutes out of 90. I am genuinely sorry that I lost over an hour of my life. Don't repeat my mistake!
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Unexpected fun
kosmasp23 May 2014
I didn't expect to have such fun watching this. It obviously aims to be for an adult audience with all the blood and sexual situations the characters get themselves into. Having Lucky McKee doing a movie like this might be the biggest surprise though. I never thought we would see a light side of this director, but obviously I was wrong. And that is a good thing, because the movie works.

Giving the cheerleader to do what they want and making this all about women/girls was a really good decision, even if at one or two moments I thought some of the guys where painted to dark, without some shades. But this is about having fun, so don't let that distract you from some obvious flaws
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So Bad It's Scary
hjames-9782216 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I won't waste time here. The only thing missing is an appearance from the ghost of Vincent Price. This is a remake of a 2001 film the producers sent straight to video because they couldn't get it distributed. Better to have left it mummified.

Film school 101 effects. Awful dialog. All of the girls (especially) are way, way, way too old to be portraying high school cheerleaders. In short, it's dreadful.

It almost seems they stopped by the nearest Hooters style restaurant, loaded up a van of the servers and decided to make a movie. Save yourselves from this.
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Fun, though it could have been set up a bit better
zetes12 October 2014
Better than I'd heard. It has some major flaws. My guess is that there was some producer interference, because the set-up could have been better developed. It feels a tad chopped up. The whole horror premise is caused by vague, supernatural bullcrap that really could have used some better defining. Once it all gets going, though, the film is kind of fun. Four cheerleaders die in a car accident that's caused by the football stars. A goth teen (Sianoa Smit-McPhee) who once dated one of the cheerleaders (Caitlin Stasey) finds their bodies and brings them back to life through witchcraft. As with anything brought back from the dead, the cheerleaders become bloodthirsty monsters who want revenge. It's a pretty basic horror premise, but it works largely because of the very good cast. The other three cheerleaders are played by Brooke Butler, Amanda Grace Cooper and Reanin Johannik. The villain (the captain of the football team) is well played by Tom Williamson. Certainly not one of McKee's best works, but it's better than a majority of the horror films that are being released nowadays.
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Hot Girls Get Wasted In Lame & Boring So Called Horror Comedy
FilmMan477 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
honestly i am not gonna waste my time writing a long review about this because this film don't deserve it is nowhere near entertaining its just got some sexy chicks that's it but guess what it lacks all the fun you want in a teenage horror comedy flick is available here the whole film is misleading i am not saying i expected something out of this but this was trash.

the story goes as few chicks get attacked at party by boys of the same school they fall in the river & die next morning all girls wake up & find out that Leena a friendly witch saved their life & made them all just like herself.

now the plot goes real bad & takes a turn to the worst these girls have discovered they got powers but they are so dumb instead of focusing on the next plan on how to take out & kill the boys who attacked them they go to the same school again giving them another chance by doing stupid things & wasting the time the film tries hard to be smart but end up being stupid.

let me say this again nothing happens throughout the film until the climax & sadly it is one of the worst ending to a film ever these young amateurs don't know how comedy & horror works these guys should have take a lesson from master Johnny Depp his films are proof he made a career out of doing comedy,horror & suspense flicks.

even with all the flaws not matter how much you try to enjoy this hoping this would get better in the next scene no way its got all those useless things like lesbian kissing,cheap dialogs & overrating by everyone except the good script.

and since when did witches started behaving like vampires by drinking large amount of blood,eat flesh etc,this film categorizes itself in horror is a insult to the genre.

the biggest turn off is the climax you won't believe it but hell yes it is abrupt yes the whole ending is unfinished so you won't get to see what happens in the end who win & who loose don't matter the funny thing is these stupid witches can kill a lot of innocent people but fail to kill one bad guy i mean common the directors were on drugs when they filmed it,critics are paid to praise this nonsense.

the cast:well what can i say its got a lot of sexy girls in it but they get wasted here i felt sad for them the filmmakers wasted their chance to do something good with this huge cast almost every character is dumb.

Overall All Cheerleaders Die 2013 is a terrible lame & extremely boring film my rating is 2/10.

just watch anything else but not this title i am warning you this film is a waste or money & time stay away.Skipp It
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Surprised by the low ratings...
lusciousmuffins19 September 2015
I'm shocked by how harsh the reviews are for this film. No, this is not Gone with the Wind or Citizen Kane, but for what it is, the movie is pretty great. I caught this film after it came out on Netflix and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Compared to 90% of horror films being made today, this one is infinitely more engaging and clever. At the same time, it has all the classic elements of a teen scream that one would look for if you were in the mood for that type of film. Honestly, it's an inventive take on a classic move genre and well worth your time if you are in the mood for some silly, gory fun. Highly recommend you ignore all the people who trashed this movie and see it for yourself. You'll be glad you did.
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Great remake!
aweraiderman18 June 2014
Now i watched the original film and i liked it,but it was a low budget film..and i love low budget films.This was a great bigger film of a small film,now i read how someone didn't like the CGI blood and didn't care about the characters..are FFFFFnnn kidding me!Why cant people enjoy films anymore?Because they all think their critics.Well i loved this one made my night.If you like horror comedy this one the one to watch.Just the opening sequence got me into it now there is all the clichés of high school and jocks and cheerleaders but thats what we know,am i right.Good vs evil teenage style.In closing i put this up as at least a seven,hell crack a beer and have some fun.
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Gimme an 'S', gimme an 'H', gimme an 'I'.....aaw, you know where I'm going with this.
BA_Harrison15 October 2019
Take equal parts The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Ginger Snaps, Mean Girls and Bring It On, and filter through the mind of a horny teenage boy, and what you have is All Cheerleaders Die, from writers/directors Lucky McKee and Chris Sivertson (directors of May and I Know Who Killed Me respectively).

It's got lesbian teenage cheerleaders whose regulation outfit is a skimpy wet-look two-piece, so there's that, but it's also incredibly dumb, with obnoxious characters, horrible dialogue, and visual effects that would have been considered poor a decade earlier (including that scourge of many a modern horror movie, CGI blood).

The plot sees a group of high-school cheerleaders crash into a river after being run off the road by their jock boyfriends. Outcast Wiccan Leena (Sianoa Smit-McPhee) pulls their corpses from the wreck and uses magick to bring them back to life and heal their wounds (which makes one wonder why she didn't use her obvious unlimited powers to make herself more attractive/popular). The downside is that the reanimated pom-pom shakers now need blood to stop themselves from going all manky.

With teenagers who all look like they're in their twenties and speak like gangstas, oversaturated and bleached out cinematography, a really pointless use of non-linear narrative, and those horrible special effects, this would have been a 1/10 from me if it wasn't for hot cheerleaders, which can make almost any film a little bit more bearable.
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It feels like two different films
Gothamite119 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off so well. A drama about high school, LGBTQ, toxic masculinity. Well acted, written and directed... for the first act. After the car crash killing the cheerleaders it quickly devolves into a generic Supernatural horror. Pretty substandard and loses a few stars. The cast do their best, but the material going forwards doesn't help and it feels like a different director takes over. It feels like theres an excellent drama/thriller here with a horror movie tacked on. The two times are just jarring and I cant help but think what an amazing horror film this would have been if the 2and and 3rd acts matched the 1st going on after the car crash. It's still worth a watch and there are a few good scenes in the horror arc.
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90 Minute Root Canal
chow9134 September 2014
Cheerleaders, zombies, and vampires? Could be fun. But it's NOT!!!

Why does this film have such a high rating on IMDb? Because once again the studio has trolled this site with fake reviews and IMDb doesn't stop them!

I just finished watching a critical analysis of 'Who's That Girl' and we did find a few funny gags to its credit. 'All Cheerleaders Die' has NO redeeming credits at all!!! That's how bad this film is. I enjoyed more or rather hated less 'Who's That Girl' than this film.

The plot: I watched this film twice just to make sure I can honestly say this film has NO plot what so ever! That's how bad it is! Even after a second viewing I still cannot name a single character in this film!

Alright, here's what happens: It opens with a bio video about a snobby slutty dumb Mulatto cheerleader. It never explains whom she's speaking to or why she's breaking the 4th wall she just talk to the camera. No, the school newspaper isn't doing a story on her she's just talking to the camera for no reason for the first five minutes of the film until she dies by breaking her neck. This character's life nor death serves no purpose to the rest of the film it's just the opening five minutes, this is one of these films where things just happen for no reason!

Next a goth girl is dumped by her friend? Since it's NEVER explained who any of these characters are I presume they're friends?

While out drinking in the woods they get into a verbal and then physical fight with the football team. Isn't the point of slutty cheerleaders and dumb jocks getting drunk in the woods to have sex? Not beat each other up?

Anyway a car chase ensues and the cheerleaders are all drowned. The goth girl just happens along and is able to drag five 100 pound bodies back into the woods where she performs a Wicken spell which brings them back to life.

The girls return to the goth girl's house where one of the characters is upset because her soul is in her sister's body. Again, since it's NEVER explained whom any of these characters are we don't know whom her sister is nor do we care. Although we do wonder, if there was a soul body mix up, wouldn't there be a second sister also upset about being in her sister's body? Well there isn't.

The girls are apparently now cold fleshed zombies. Although if they have their souls back why are they zombies? Aren't zombies living bodies without souls?

Whatever, let's just wrap this up, we're already 75% into the movie! No kidding! It takes over an hour just to get to the narrative hook. But this isn't 'Ben-Hur' it's still only 90 minutes. See? There is a God.

The girls first eat a neighbor alive and then go back to school to kill some boys. Are these the same boys who caused the fatal car accident? We don't know! It's NEVER explained who any of these characters are!

The token black quarterback shows back up. Yes, him we remember. He's the only black guy in this movie. He caused the accident. They kill him. The end. I didn't leave out a single detail. That's it! There is not a single interesting element in this whole film!

There is nothing sexy, scary, or exciting. It isn't even entertaining on a base level like 'Sharknadeo.'

If this and 'Who's That Girl?' are the only two films on TV, gauge your eyes out! No, seriously watch 'Who's That Girl?' This is just how bad 'All Cheerleaders Die' is!
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No idea what I just watched
jono-5686717 September 2015
The poster looks pretty good. The trailer looks OK.

Then I realized any small part of this movie worth watching had been crammed into a 90 second trailer.

The sound is cheap. I had to turn my volume up to around 90 to hear anything with any real clarity.

The effects are even cheaper - if you're going to kill people on the cheap you may as well throw some real dead bodies around the screen as I'm fairly certain their acting would at a minimum be on a par with what I was watching on screen.

45 minutes in I had to remind myself if I didn't claw my way to the end of this film I'd have wasted 45 minutes. In the end, as expected it turned out I'd wasted 90.

Even the hot women couldn't save this movie. All Cheerleaders Die? After watching this I thought I might. Abysmal.
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modern version of The Craft
trashgang26 April 2015
Took me a while before I watched this one because people compared it with the teenage witch classic The Craft (1996) and somehow it does but it is a worth looking even if you aren't a teenager.

All Cheerleaders Die takes it time before it all really starts but once it starts it does deliver the horror, it's low profile, I admit but you will keep watching it until the end. Evene as it is full of clichés, you know, the nerdie type who will solve the problem, the sexy chicks being killed. But once killed it all takes a strange turn.

The ending is open as hell and normally it would deliver a second entry. I'm curious if it ever will come that far but if you want a no-brainer then pick this up, no gore at all but here and there it is showing us the red stuff.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 2,5/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
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Tried to hard to be The Craft (1996)
UniqueParticle10 June 2019
Super duper weird and sexy B-Movie! A group of young dumb cheerleaders use witchcraft after getting bullied by several boys and use supernatural craziness to kill them off. Decent cheesiness, not worth praising, although the ending is epic!
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Entertaining take on a slasher
HorrorQueen1727 September 2014
This latest release from Lucky McKee, the man who brought us the fantastic The Woman and the very original May, and co-director Chris Sivertson (The Lost) strays from their more serious tone and delivers us a new take on the slasher movie.

The story centers around Maddy, a high school student, as she attempts to infiltrate the slimy world of cheerleading and jocks at her school.

After a very memorable opening the story flows along at a great pace, never feeling bogged down by itself but avoiding feeling rushed, and the audience is kept interested with some nice plot developments and twists.

The actors do a solid job all around, and in particular the female leads are way above par for this type of production. Caitlin Stasey did a great job as Maddy, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing her develop her career, hopefully in horror. Okay some of the SFX look a little basic, but the movie didn't have a huge budget and it really doesn't detract from the film.

We are treated to some of the silliness that is expected of a film from this sub-genre, and of course not all of the decisions the characters take are logical, but the way the film is made is reminiscent of some of the best teen horror of the 90's, which for me can only be a good thing.

The biggest plus for me is that the directors have imbued a definite feminist slant into the movie, which is something I absolutely love, and something that can be found in Lucky McKee's other work. In a similar vein to Chastity Bites (also recommended), the directors have taken a familiar concept and updated and revived it, to provide audiences with a fresh angle, and I think making horror, particularly slashers, more empowering to women can only ever be a good thing.

The obligatory teen-horror tropes are there, the pretty cheerleaders, the jocks, making the whole setup feel comfortingly familiar to those of us who are partial to a good slasher. But McKee uses his talents to nicely subvert the traditional 'pretty girl gets slashed to bits' thread and provide us with an entertaining watching experience in the company of some female lead characters who seem distinct, more than mere stereotypes. You grow to like them, particularly Maddy, Caitlin Stasey's character, which is more than can be said for many female characters in slasher movies. Maddy and Leena in particular appear to be rounded characters, with something about them which will hopefully provide strength of character for the next installments of this.

The gore was minimal but well done, and the adding of supernatural elements to a traditional slasher film really worked. Think The Craft meets Friday the 13th but updated for the 21st century and that is what All Cheerleaders Die feels like.

It won't revolutionise the horror world, and it certainly isn't 'serious' horror, but if you're looking for a movie to have a laugh with, and one that is a little different from the norm, then you could do far worse than All Cheerleaders Die. Recommended. 7/10
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Has its moments, but not enough of them.
Hey_Sweden8 October 2017
Loud, frenetic teen-oriented supernatural slasher attempts to show the "playful" side of filmmakers Lucky McKee and Chris Sivertson, as some reviewers put it. The story has an outsider named Maddy (Aussie actress Caitlin Stasey) joining the Blackfoot High cheerleading squad, determined to get revenge on the star jock Terry Stankus (Tom Williamson). Things go horribly wrong after a late-night party, and the core group of cheerleaders ends up dead. However, thanks to some intervention by the witchy Leena (Sianoa Smit-McPhee, another Aussie), they return from the dead - with a decided change in attitude and appetite.

The movie is fast paced, so you have to give the filmmakers that much, but the script and the characters generally lack any truly interesting features. Leena, in particular, is the kind of lone wolf Goth type character we've all seen countless times before. One mildly intriguing touch is to keep almost all adult characters firmly in the background, with the exception of a neighbour played by veteran Michael Bowen. The movie also is notable for a healthy amount of splatter devised by Robert Kurtzman (formerly of KNB), and a plethora of hilarious cheese ball visual effects. The female cast is quite attractive, although the prospect of girl watching can only sustain the movie for so long.

The cast is okay, although they're often required to not speak their dialogue so much as to yell it. Williamson is actually a standout as a VERY bad dude, the perfect stereotypical picture of a nasty, callous, "I always get what I want" type jock villain. Outside of Terry and Leena, though, the characters fail to make much of an impact.

This may satisfy undemanding genre fans, at least those hoping for a reasonable amount of sex appeal and violence.

Five out of 10.
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A different and quirky take on a cheerleader/jock horror
helenahartell6 January 2015
***Possible spoiler but only regarding the style of movie**

I rated it a full 10 stars because I love finding those gems that really get you hooked. This was one for me, its not a typical cheesy cheerleader flick, its a quirky supernatural thriller - definitely one for the girls. I love me a good revenge movie with a heroine. The actors are great, its definitely good enough to be shown at the cinemas, its one of my favourite movies now!

Is it scary? No, not at all, but its dark, its funny, its damn weird - a cult, to me. You'll at least enjoy the weirdness of it.

I love how weird it is.
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Not Lucky's Best
gavin69421 August 2014
After her childhood friend Alexis (Felisha Cooper) dies while performing a cheerleading move, the rebellious Maddy (Caitlin Stasey) is horrified when Alexis's football-playing boyfriend Terry (Tom Williamson) begins immediately dating cheerleader Tracy (Brooke Butler). As a result Maddy decides that she will join the cheerleading team, as they must now find a replacement for Alexis, with the intent to seek revenge against Terry and Tracy.

This is a remake of a 2001 film of the same name that was also written and directed by McKee and Sivertson. To say it is an improvement would be obvious, but also true (there is now no reason to seek out the earlier one unless you are a die-hard fan).

Sadly, though, despite some clever moments and an interesting premise, this never reaches the level of "The Woods" or "May", and despite Lucky's quick rise to horror master, he is not flawless (but who is?). Sivertson is still waiting for the right film... "I Know Who Killed Me" has its fans, but is not by any means a well respected movie.
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Nothing special
Leofwine_draca25 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
ALL CHEERLEADERS DIE is another generic high school horror flick, one let down by the usual weak scripting and emphasis on repetitive familiarity rather than freshness or verve. Caitlin Stasey, who I remember as a child actress in NEIGHBOURS, gives a good performance as the vengeance-driven outsider with a vendetta against her school's football team, but the rest of the cast are unmemorable and the plot feels tired and weak, a hash of bits and pieces left over from better movies. At first you think it's going to be the usual vengeful spirit story but eventually it becomes a cheesy vampire-style flick complete with bad CGI lights and the like. Nothing special, in other words.
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nalwro4 August 2020
No fun like many idts say it is, no horror, no story and not even some titties. i was encouraged by so many good reviews but its all bs.
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All trash
109YearsOld12 March 2022
Full of ugly cheerleaders, freaks of nature with disgusting behaviors, all unlikable lowlife characters you enjoy seeing them kill each other. Abominable subhuman acts that are against the nature, minus one star.
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