Perpetrator (2023) Poster


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Interesting idea, bad execution
bohdanascheinostova24 May 2023
In the beginnig promising, yet in the end disappointing horror. One thing I had to give to "Perpetrator" is that it didn't play it safe and tried to bring new twists into the horror genre. On the other hand it tried to incorporate silly, almost humorous, scenes which felt out of place, instead of some actually creepy and frightening moments it relied heavily on gore and blood, which was more disgusting than scary, and I felt like Kiah McKirnan, the actress in the role of the protagonist, struggled to emotionally connect with her character. What also completely disrupted me from the main horror plot was an unnecessary romantic side-line. I was also very much looking forward to seeing Alicia Silverstone back on the silver screen again, but sadly the role of the mysterious aunt of the protagonist didn't suit her - her hyper-stylized performance fell somewhere between a "ridiculous witch from a childs fairy tale" and "Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada". In the end I appreciated the overall idea of !Perpetrator", but it definitely needed a more elaborated and sophisticated approach.
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Unique idea, but leaves too many questions unanswered
aronharde12 November 2023
Honestly this movie confused me, it basically had a really interesting idea that is unique it could be made into a really good feature film. But the execution lacks in many places.

The movie is competently directed and the acting is fine but the really big problem of the movie is that it leaves more questions than it tries to answer. The movie keeps adding new aspects but doesn't explain them and that leaves the viewer unsatisfied. You have lots of interesting ideas and aspects that the movie is introducing but since they are not explained you forget about them or you stop caring. This left me feel very empty at the end of the movie and I was definitely not satisfied with the end product. [4,5/10]
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Perpetrator possesses the elements needed for a compelling film but struggles to integrate them effectively until it's too late
kevin_robbins21 September 2023
I recently viewed Perpetrator (2023) on Shudder. The plot centers around a unique young woman who resides with her adopted father in a town plagued by a serial killer targeting young girls who keep mysteriously disappearing. As the bodies of the missing girls are discovered, the gruesome acts committed on their corpses come to light. Despite ongoing self-defense classes at the local high school, the girls remain vulnerable. Amidst these mysteries, the young woman begins to uncover her extraordinary powers, which might aid in identifying and stopping the serial killer.

Written and directed by Jennifer Reeder (V/H/S/94), this film features Alicia Silverstone (Clueless), Taylor Kinkead (Utopia), Chris Lowell (The Help), Kiah McKirnan (Night Sky), and Casimere Jollette (Tiny Pretty Things).

Perpetrator has a promising premise, intriguing characters and unique circumstances, but it squanders its potential. The acting, particularly Taylor Kinkead's performance, is commendable and authentic. However, the horror elements, particularly the mirror and face scenes, fall short of their intended impact. On a positive note, the depictions of the corpses and wounds are well-executed, and the torture scenes are excellent. The film's major flaw lies in its pacing; it takes too long to reach a truly engaging point, leaving you wishing the conclusion had occurred much earlier. The latter part of the movie had the potential to be really good but was too little too late.

In summary, Perpetrator possesses the elements needed for a compelling film but struggles to integrate them effectively until it's too late. I would rate this a 5/10 and recommend it primarily to dedicated horror enthusiasts.
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What Did I Just Watch?!?
Brin207015 October 2023
"Perpetrator" is a 2023 movie that left me thoroughly disappointed, earning a dismal one-star rating. This film fell short in numerous ways, making it an unpleasant viewing experience.

The most glaring issue with "Perpetrator" is its contrived and nonsensical storyline. It fails to engage viewers with a plot that is riddled with inconsistencies, leaving you puzzled and frustrated throughout the entire film. The narrative lacks depth and coherence, making it impossible to connect with the characters or their predicaments.

One of the major letdowns of "Perpetrator" is the abysmal acting. The performances are wooden, uninspiring, and void of any emotional depth. It is evident that the cast struggled to breathe life into their characters, further distancing the audience from the story. The lackluster acting is a major detriment to the movie's overall quality.

Moreover, the dialogue in "Perpetrator" is cringe-worthy at best. It feels forced and artificial, often coming across as contrived and unrealistic. This dialogue not only fails to create meaningful connections between the characters but also hampers any attempts at character development, leaving you disengaged from their struggles and journeys.

In summary, "Perpetrator" is a movie that fails to deliver on multiple fronts. Its poorly constructed plot, unconvincing performances, and cringe-inducing dialogue make it an arduous and unsatisfying viewing experience. Regrettably, this film does not merit a recommendation, as it falls far short of even the most basic cinematic standards.
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Monster high on crack
They swung hard, but this movie was a bit of a mess. It was almost impressively convoluted with so little explanation that I'm not fully convinced that they were even positive what they were attempting to convey.

It kept going back-and-forth between awkwardly taking itself too seriously and this weird campiness that didn't feel self aware. The ending, or lack there of, was abrupt and pretty lazy. This felt more akin to the first three episodes of a teen tv series crammed into one that mashed up a confusing euphoria and a not well explained monster high. It generally kept my attention but I feel like it was out of a pure attempt to figure out what was going on.

They didn't really keep up, stick to or follow through with their own plot and it ended up being pretty unfulfilling overall. Not the worst movie ever and had some interesting ideas but overall would not recommend.
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Confusing,uneven mess.
dweston-3866919 September 2023
Somewhere in this Cronenberg (father and son!) farrango is a story but it's not developed in any particularly interesting way.

It starts at 80 and goes straight to 100, never developing any characters or plot. Any idea writer/director Jennifer Reeder has just gets thrown into the mix.

Which is a shame as this has lashings of dark humour from Alicia Silverstone's deadpan delivery to the oddness of the high school principal - all played straight despite all the oddness around them.

Its a hugh mash up of Lynch, (aforementioned) Cronenberg but also recently Yorgos Lanthimos which is why I wanted to like it more- but they have a clear narrative structure which allows them to go in any (strange) direction they please.

It contains great photography ,especially at night, and a Carpentersque soundtrack.
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Entertaining and Wild, Needed Work.
KandyRedBlood2 September 2023
This movie had a message to send about the treatment of women and girls. On that message, I think that the horror devices delivered.

There are visual places that the film takes us that feel unexpected. And some of the relationships in the movie start to take the audience in the right direction in terms of being able to care more deeply for the characters.

This film definitely went for gore over psychological or jump scare horror. But even the gore was stylishly done- and for me- not too much.

You can see where the Director wants to take you with this girl power film, like The Barbie Movie meets Wendell and Wild or Ginger Snaps. But it feels like this film stops just short of helping the audience forge a deeper connection with the characters, almost as if we're waiting for the rest of the story to be realized in a "part II."
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Trying to make a point.....but pointless.
philmaddran4 September 2023
Another classic instance of film critics having no real grasp of what a good movie is. This is utter garbage. Don't bother wasting your time. There are 2 maybe 3 moments where you think it might go some where. Then, nope. This is suppose to be horror. No tension, the actors don't even look scared or interested, the script is terrible. It may get nominated for an award though. Worst special effects come to mind. What's with the blurry faces. I'm pretty sure there are apps on my phone that could provide better visuals than this. I usually go off the viewers ratings for films, and this proves just why you should. Alicia Silverstone should go back in to exile after this.
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kosmasp3 September 2023
People tell teenagers that they will change once they grow up - I think that is true for many generations ... maybe even back to the stone ages. So no pun intended with my summary line. But the movie begins with us seeing someone ... change ... and we know something is up.

One unfortunate thing is the CGI used in the movie. It is not convincing. While it is not used often, it does take one out of the movie when it does. The story or idea is quite nice - still the movie does take its sweet time to dish it out. It's a bit of a shame, this could have been tighter. The actors do try their best. Also remember you can not be squeamish or faint of hearted ... it was nice seeing Alicia Silverstone in a bigger role for sure.
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Oh they wanted it so badly!
jmbovan-47-1601738 September 2023
Oh they wanted it so badly! But, hitting something harder doesn't necessarily make the point stronger. You can be left with an empty feeling given the simplistic message trying to be conveyed no matter how loudly it is screamed.

Not quite certain what supernatural fantasy creature they are conveying, but it doesn't really matter. And there's something related to female maturation that triggers it. (Still don't quite know why 18 is used as that mark as this isn't natural in origin, but it's a socially constructed idea. So it makes even less sense that it would coincide with a supernatural or preternatural event.)

Then, let's set it in the turbulence and apathy of adolescence. Then there is parental abandonment, female suppression, the perversity of male dominance, and the dismantling of paternity to mark the power of maternity. Whew! Get a score card to keep track of all the boxes that it checks.

Wow. So amazing. So fresh of ideas, if it were 1972.

The film also fails from the mixture of tones: fantasy, supernatural horror, feminist revenge plot, adolescent coming of age, family drama, serial killer. The acting is contrived across the board, but I feel that is a problem of the script and direction rather than the actors. How all the actors were able to make is this film without laughing at the absurdity if the story is beyond me.
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A Feral, Forevering Fiasco!
natmavila6 September 2023
Oh boy, where do I even start with "Perpetrator"? This movie is like a rollercoaster ride through teenage angst and supernatural chaos! It all begins with Jonny Baptiste, the rebellious teen who's about as responsible as a cat at a yarn store. She's sent to live with her estranged Aunt Hildie, and let's just say it's the ultimate punishment for any teenager. But then, on her 18th birthday, bam! She experiences a radical metamorphosis called Forevering. I mean, couldn't they have given her a heads-up with a brochure or something?

As if teenage life wasn't confusing enough, now Jonny's turned into a feral, mystical creature with a nose for trouble. And trouble she finds! When a bunch of girls go missing at her school, Jonny takes it upon herself to hunt down the perpetrator. I swear, it's like she watched too many episodes of "Scooby-Doo" and decided to become the whole mystery-solving gang by herself. But hey, who needs Scooby snacks when you've got Forevering powers, right?

In summary, "Perpetrator" is a wild ride that combines teen drama, supernatural shenanigans, and a dash of Scooby-Doo detective work. It's like someone threw "Twilight," "Nancy Drew," and "Teen Wolf" into a blender and hit the puree button. While it's not exactly an Oscar contender, it's a hilariously entertaining flick that'll leave you wondering if you, too, might secretly be a Forevering expert. Don't miss it if you're up for some teenage werewolf-ish fun!
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A Very Weird Film, That Makes For A Super Awkward Viewing Experience.
meddlecore11 September 2023
This film has an incredibly odd vibe.

Mostly, because the acting in it is awkwardly bad.

Though, seemingly purposefully so.

At least...I'd like to hope so.

The plot is particularly bizarre.

Almost hard to follow.

An hour in...and all I could that it is some sort of coming of age film...about a high school girl getting her period...who might be getting initiated into a coven of witches...that may or may not already be dead...

Either whatever world this is...someone is targeting and killing young women.

Who might be a cop.

That is trying to frame a young player (by going after every chick he gets with).

It's all a pretty odd experience.

That has to be some sort of nightmare, if it is to make any sense.

Eventually...what is actually going on, does come to fruition.

But it doesn't make it any less weird or awkward.

By this has set it's course...and is sticking to it.

Doubling down on the trippiness, if anything.

I can't say for certain that I fully get what's going on in this picture.

But I can safely say that it will leave you thinking "what the hell did I just watch?!".

That being's hard to say whether it's actually good or bad.

As it defies such a dichotomy.

In exchange for it's overt weirdness.

That makes for a super odd/awkward viewing experience.

4 out of 10.
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Preposterous nonsense
stevelivesey-3718331 May 2024
So, how would I describe it? How about, A pretentious, feminist, faux arthouse movie about, ......errrr....nosebleeds.....periods.....I have no idea.....something vaguely witchcrafty?

It's a modern feminist movie, so all the men are either useless, inept or deluded two dimensional characters . The women are, of course, capable, driven and a little more fleshed out.

I have no idea what the plot was, what the characters motivations were or what the point of imagery or faces changes were. None. The montages were pointless. The direction was experimental film school drivel. Our protagonist is a thief at the start which has bearing on the rest of the movie.

An absolute car crash of a movie. Avoid.
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Slow start but just go with it
smithgeorgina-564962 September 2023
Interesting take on young girls and predators. What is also interesting is how empathy is used as a strength. Very clever writing but a bit clunky to start with. Just get through to the 18th birthday and it picks up. The start could certainly be better. It doesn't really build on the characters lead but the story overall is very good. Once it gets going, it flows nicely but still lacks in sub character development. Overall, I would highly recommend, it's a good piece of feminist horror and shows what is normally perceived as weakness, as a strength. Alicia Silverstone kills it and I would expect anything less.
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One reason and one reason only this movie isn't rated higher...
wtrdragon23 September 2023

I had trouble getting into it right away because of what I felt was silly, overused but mild gore. I felt like an archeologist digging so hard for the real horror, which happens to be my favorite movie genre. I got over that quickly to find a growing story that gets weirder and more interesting as it goes along. I went from sort of disliking the lead to absolutely loving her.

Alicia Silverstone was great. She had a lot of verbs and adjectives.

I heart Kirk so much. Pretty sure I dated him in high school... and would again.

I stand by my answer for why it didn't score higher. Any review that names four male movie makers and diminishes Jennifer Reeder, should be met with skepticism.
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I LOVED it! Monster Girls are Awesome!
icocleric4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It starts off slow, but I think this helps you get you know the characters a bit, and it only feels okay at this part. But once it gets going, it gets really good. There's enough little odd intrigue that keeps you interested though.

I love a good monster girl film, and I overall enjoyed this film a lot. I think the main character starts off a bit of an A-hole but she grows as a person, and becomes really likeable.

I think this film has a really good story, and it's a bit different to what I'm used to. But that made it really good.

Some of the CGI isn't great, but I found the flaws easy to enjoy because I liked the story so much.
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Better movies of 2023
jessica_vogel-649302 September 2023
I actually wanted to watch the whole entire movie. It was one of the better movies of 2023. I actually found myself enjoying this movie the whole entire way through. I thought it was a really good movie unlike some of the other reviews maybe it was just my cup of tea, I resonated with this movie I enjoyed the campiness and the creepy aspects. I thought I had a really good plot line and the acting was really well done. I thought the main actress and Alicia Silverstone did a phenomenal job. They could've even gotten creepier overall I thought it was a good movie unlike most of the AMC and shudder movies that leave me bored and I usually turn off.
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