Hold Your Breath (2012) Poster

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Skip It - Hold Your Breath
whyseeit11 May 2013
My 5 Reasons 2 Skip It

1. It is a bad rip off of Fallen (1998) - See It instead - Link below - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119099/

2. Terrible acting - The cast is terrible and the acting at times is obvious and painful.

3. Terrible special effects/editing - No excuse for how bad it is. The spirit leaving the bodies is hysterical

4. I watched it in Chill Network - I have yet to see a solid movie on this network. Not to say I expected this movie to be solid.

5. It is made by Asylum - Enough said

Recommend for:

1. Katrina Bowden fans - she is one attractive specimen, but I can't say much for her performance in this film.

2. Nudity fans - there is some modest nudity in the film, but Katrina Bowden isn't part of it.

3. People who love cheesy movies - it definitely fits the bill

Email me your thoughts - why2seeit@gmail.com
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Poor, but there's been worse from The Asylum
TheLittleSongbird10 May 2013
The Asylum have made some tolerable movies, but a vast majority of their work, especially those from the disaster movie genre, is terrible. Hold Your Breath is far from their worst and is redeemable, but at the same time it is generally a poor movie. It does have a pretty effective opening sequence, a couple of inventive deaths, the beautiful Katrina Bowden giving a quite intense performance, Steve Hanks stealing every scene he's in and the hilarious line "You look as confused as a baby in a titty bar!". For me though, that's all there is to Hold Your Breath. The rest of the actors don't distinguish themselves and come across as bland and awkward. Actually Seth Cassell isn't so bad, he does have some acting talent but it is a talent that is not used very well at all in the movie because like all the actors he has little to work with. The actors do struggle with very cookie-cutter and severely underdeveloped characters and also a clunky script- that throws things in and leaves them unexplained often. McBride has the best lines easily, though I was never sure whether they were supposed to be taken seriously or for comedy. Excusing that the story is very derivative, with an idea that has been done to death already, the telling of it is very by-the-numbers, even some of the inventive deaths are not enough to disguise lazy exposition, really bad pedestrian pacing(especially after the prologue until McBride is introduced) or a distractingly goofy final act(like I was watching a different movie all of a sudden). The villain is not very memorable or menacing either. The direction and editing are amateurish at best, and the music doesn't gel with the atmosphere, some of the songs even sounded like bad, forgettable knock-offs of Evanescence. All in all, a poor movie but the Asylum has done worse than this. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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Another Asylum film to get a theatrical release after this one? Don't hold your breath
movieman_kev23 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The latest (as of 3/23/13) in a seemingly unending constant stream of films from The Asylum to become readily available on Instant Netflix, also happens to be the first of the movie studio prolific output of (mostly mind-numbingly atrocious) crap to receive a theatrical release.

So is this generic 'body-hopping dead serial killer attacks teens at camp' really worthy of not going straight-to-DVD? No don't be silly, it's an Asylum movie. I feel sad that you felt the need to ask that silly hypothetical question. 30 Rock star, Katrina Bowden is the only reason it probably did. However it's far from the worst of their films. And I (shock, horror) even found myself being mildly entertained at times.

My Grade: D+

Eye Candy: Erin Marie Hogan bares T&A at 25 minutes in and again at 33. Meanwhile, Lisa Younger (in a slightly less pleasant way) at 48 minutes in, also gets topless
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Don't Hold Your Breath, Close Your Eyes
Dawn Jackson27 January 2013
Instead of Hold Your Breath it should have been titled Close Your Eyes...yes folks, it was *that* bad. Some of the lines of dialog were absolutely hilarious though I am quite sure they weren't meant to be. I'll never see bobcats or sandpaper in the quite the same way again.

The actors attempts at actually acting were quite painful to watch and it would appear that most of them all used the same dentist as a majority of them had teeth that closely resembled chiclets.

The entire premise of this ridiculous film was flawed from the beginning but I won't try and explain why this movie was so awful and in so many ways as I am currently trying to erase it from my memory and forget that I ever watched it. Avoid this one at all costs.
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An enjoyable "spirit possession" movie, with some non-standard details
PaulCurt12 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Tuesday afternoon I went to see #holdyourbreath at a theater in Times Square! Since most of their productions go the straight-to-DVD or Video-on-demand route, I was tickled to see an Asylum picture in a movie house during the first week of its release! Asylum's strategy is to use a numeral or an early letter of the alphabet, when choosing a movie title...in this case, the "#" sign. The strategy worked insofar as the movie DOES come to the top of the list of films...but the ticket lady didn't recognize what movie I was talking about, when I asked for it. "Oh! The first one on the list!" she said after an embarrassed pause.

The movie opens unpromisingly with (apparently) 16mm stock footage of the night sky, but soon launches into a nice gruesome prologue set in the 1950's, depicting the execution of a crazed mass-murderer. The sequence was lively and gory, and left a good impression that worse sights would soon follow. The rest of the film takes place in present-day California, where six former high school pals embark on a camping trip, hoping to catch up on old times and abandon their day-to-day stresses. When the road to the camp ground carries them past a graveyard, one of the pals insists that taking a breath while driving past a graveyard, risks possession by disembodied spirits. Of course, this happens almost immediately, so we spend much of the remainder of the film watching the cast assume alternate personalities and run around torturing/shooting at each other. Sounds like fast-moving craziness would ensue, however the movie rarely evokes the same breathless "what's gonna happen next?" anarchy of its first ten minutes.

Oddest aspect of the film is not the "possessed" versions of the protagonists, but their everyday personalities. Example: soon after the friends see the graveyard, they stop their vehicle and one of them announces that he intends to relieve his bladder. He then walks a few steps away from the others and proceeds to do as he has announced, without making any effort to step out of their line-of-sight. The behavior isn't manic or unhinged, but it shows him as a creep. And they're all people with whom I wouldn't want to spend many idle hours.

In a long sequence set in the now-abandoned building where the murderer was electrocuted, (located conveniently close to the cemetery) the protagonists roam needlessly, get romantic, play pranks, and then leave. What's remarkable about the sequence is: they trespass into an abandoned sanitarium...locate its morgue and its execution chamber (!!!)...and then hang around for a while instead of getting the heck OUT. What kind of people break into a fifty-years-abandoned morgue and instead of saying "Eww!" think, "hey, let's make whoopee on this gritty, dusty morgue table!" Or play at strapping each other in the electric chair? It's not unimaginable, yet plainly these are not ordinary 20-somethings. And the scriptwriter NEVER pursues this aspect: we meet a bunch of semi-twisted people in a supernatural situation, and yet the rest of the plot never refers back to their distinctly oddball behavior. The beginning and the scenes in the sanitarium/prison got my hopes up, then fell into a standard spooky-movie path.

Also, when the disembodied killer possesses a living person, he uses the host's knowledge (such as: what is a cell phone), but when he leaves the body, only fragmented, nightmarish images remain. I found the idea of surviving the possession, (and having no recollection of the mischief committed) to be disquieting, so I was sorry the movie didn't explore it further. I hope there will be a commentary track on the disc release; I'd like to hear more about what the writer intended.

Apart from that disappointment? I enjoyed the film. Asylum demonstrates its mastery of squeezing the full value of every nickel spent on production, right up onto the screen. The original score by Chris Ridenhour was nice, if not his best and the practical makeup was convincing. The CGI violence and spook effects were OK (people love to complain about Asylum's decisions in using CGI) and were certainly NOT the downfall of this production. I've noticed that many people who slam Asylum productions, preface their reviews with "Normally I love Bad Movies, but THIS...!" ...and then fume about some aspect they didn't like. In my experience, Bad Movie fans are looking for one (or all) of the following values: inept production, unrestrained creative content, or over-the-top campy performances; Asylum productions routinely under-deliver in all three areas because the creative team works so hard to make competent, professional-looking entertainment. Ironically, some movie watchers think the results look cheap and unconvincing, while the low-budget movie aficionados find the results flat and unexciting.

My reaction to the cast is problematical, since it's clear I have pegged the protagonists as a bunch of creeps. Standout performances came from Seth Cassell as the guy who smokes his pipe in the car, Steve Hanks as a guy who likes to offer coffee to people whilst threatening them, and Katrina Bowden as a pretty gal who's not as likable as when she was in "Tucker and Dale vs Evil" (but that really does set an unreasonable standard.) Jordan Pratt-Thatcher was memorable in the opening scene (wish there had been more of him.) Asylum regular Gerald Webb has an appealing scene as a well-meaning park ranger. Cassell's performance was the one that left me thinking, "that guy can ACT!" Again, not to dismiss Asylum's marketing, but it seemed ill-considered to put a hash-tag in the title of a story in which the internet is irrelevant. In fact no plot element is more modern than the automobile or the electric chair. If you're going to create an old-timey spook story, the decision to give it a Twitter-era title is misleading. Strange, since the flick has more to offer than trendiness.
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gamber-157-1651816 October 2012
This movie is the stupidest movie I have ever watched... Waste of 2 hours of my life...Serious waste of money... If you have any mind... do not watch this movie... Awful Awful AWFUL... I hated every minute of it... the effects sucked and it was just stupid... They made up scenes that NEVER FRICKING happened... I watched the whole thing to see if it got any better but it didn't... it sucked... the whole movie sucked... I would never tell anyone to watch this movie ever... the preview looked good but the movie was horrible... it was just straight horrible... I am so mad that I watched this movie... I don't know who would ever come up with a movie so stupid... I am so disappointed... I seriously thought this movie was going to be good but it wasn't... it was dumb... Even though this movie was so dumb I will still always hold my breath going past or through a cemetery and I will never use an egg beater ever again....
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Juvenile jankness
takato05247 February 2021
I understand movies are supposed to be fantasy and what not, but people can't be this stupid. Even if you are curious enough to check out the abandoned building, thoughts of sex usually don't pop into your head. And who willingly sits in an electric chair? And you see the power surging so you tighten the electric chair head strap on your friend instead of taking it off? Not to mention giving up your phones into 1 location instead of just turning them off for the weekend? And let's not talk about the jank ending. You couldn't kill these kids off fast enough. Normally I'd complain about the lack of minorities in the film, but I can see why other races would not be bothered with this crew of plastic surgery nightmares
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Potential was DESTROYED by Direction/Production
BadlandZ4 January 2015
No spoilers here, just basics.

The acting was fair to OK. The story/script was fair/OK (interesting, but maybe a little to detailed and over-thought, which COULD be OK or great).

But the direction and production of this just blew any "watchability" elements apart. What was reoccurring themes got lost in the convoluted mishmash of the director over emphasizing things that didn't matter, and letting things that do matter just slip right past. Then throwing in totally unneeded special effects that added nothing, and actually detracted from the ability to get into the story. On and on and on, ever 10 minutes part of me went "ok, I get why the actor played it that way, but why did they shoot the scene like that, and edit it that way, it might has well of been a live play on stage..."

If you can see past the horrible production of this movie, there is some decent acting and an interesting story underneath. But, to be honest, it's SO difficult to see because of the horrible production, I couldn't recommend ANYONE try to watch this movie (unless you are only doing so to get horror movie story ideas and see if the actors in it are any good).
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mxdcubanboi11 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Total waste of my time if I could get my money back for renting this movie I would but acting was horrible plot was stupid and not to mention the fake animated fire, and dude that helped them towards the end of the movie said he didn't have a car but when he let them escape somehow he pops up with a Toyota, than when there leaving driving down the road kept switching back and forth between the Toyota they escaped with and the Chevy they went to the camp grounds in, like every 5 secs they were playing Chinese fire drill, oh and one more thing the egg beater part when the chick took out dude eye, a 2 year old could have seen the egg beater was like 5 inches away from dudes eye and you can tell that when she left and he's laying on the floor you can obviously tell it was a plastic prop or something on his eye, the movie was just altogether terrible and the director either shouldn't have even made this movie or did one hell of a better job instead of half assen it, please for the love of god do not try to make a sequel and if you do, have someone else direct it because this movie was terrible and awful and a waste of money
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The wardrobe was terrible...not to mention the acting!
jeaniawhaley5 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Pleas don't waste your time. This is one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. I only gave it a rating of two and that's only because the plot line was actually interesting. The plot of the movie got me interested enough to try to watch this movie, and believe me... I tried... two times and just couldn't get through the whole thing. My boyfriend however did make it through the whole movie and said it wouldn't be worth my time to try to make it through it again. Wardrobe had me laughing for the parts I could stay awake for. One girl shows her boobs and they are so weird! I could't help but to laugh. I don't know if they were just weird, or if it was a botched boob job. The acting was really poor as well. It's a snore fest of a movie.
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Enjoyable, solid slasher effort
After acting strangely during a weekend getting together, a group of friends learn they've invoked an urban legend by allowing a deceased serial killer to possess them on the anniversary of his death and must find a way of stopping their friends before they're killed.

This was a pretty enjoyable effort with a lot to really like about it. There's some pretty clever ideas at play in here, mainly in the way it goes about tying in the urban legend for possession and how it works in the future, as well as the way in which they're forced to bring the past into the whole equation and how they're going to deal with the spirit. The scenes in the abandoned prison are a lot of fun with plenty of suspenseful moments with it's creepy atmosphere, and the action sequence with the oncoming storm makes for a rather tense moment, as does the chase through the cemetery at night and the final confrontation in the woods which has a lot to like about it. Coupled with it's high gore quotient and graphic kills, there's a lot to like here and manages to overcome it's few flaws, namely in the fact that there's not a great deal of intelligence among the group here which constantly puts them in danger for no reason than to keep the scene going, failing to recognize what's going on around or just plain refusing to go along with how to save themselves after being told what to do in avoid that, and it grows tiresome after a while. As well, it's pretty much all inference as to what's going on, since this doesn't reveal anything straight-out and gets a little confusing as to what's going on. Otherwise, this is a pretty enjoyable effort.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity and drug use.
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Montayj8 April 2019
This movie, like a number of horrors of its kind, are better when you're younger. Once you get older and realize you bought the movie a few years ago and decide to re-watch it, you be like why did I buy this. With that said, it's something about corny horror movies that I like and this one is no different. When that police car blew up though, I was rolling, the effects were so bad. Acting could have been better and some of the dialogue needed to be revised. I'm not gonna say don't watch it or you should, but it is a little entertaining and probably is something for the horror collection.
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Truck swap?!
Andrewthepac5 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Movie was not terrible but did nobody catch the fact that the old man said he doesn't have a vehicle and when he took Johnny to the graveyard to where the warden was they were driving a Toyota and up until that point they were driving a Chevy and on the escape scene leaving the graveyard the vehicles kept switching from the Chevy to the Toyota made no sense. It didn't help that the focus of the lens on the camera when Jerry was getting his eye drilled out with an egg beater when the blond girl that was possessed (I can't remember her name) was so out of focus on the egg beater that it was obvious it was no where near her victim to be.
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Horrible movie/wonderful song...
Wikkid_Gamez12 August 2018
Did anyone else watch this just to hear Fire and Brimstone performed by Jaymie Valentine?? Lmao... Movie was bad, as was the acting... That song was the only good thing about it... Loved her version of it!

That being said,I wasn't expecting much from it and it was entertaining enough for the time while I was in the mood for something like this lol... These types of movies are almost a tradition in our family around Halloween time. The more campy the better lol.
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Silly and horribly written
dpraptor23 March 2019
Guy has tree trunk shoved through eye and brain.... "You OK Son? ... Hang in there"... I think that sums this movie up completely.
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Hold your Breath? Better to hit the stop button.
loomis78-815-9890345 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A group of twenty something friends and couples head to the mountains for some fun. When they approach a graveyard they're going to pass Jerry (Bowden) tells everyone to hold their breath so no spirits can enter them and possess them. Supposedly based on an urban legend know one including the audience has ever heard of. Of course pothead Kyle (Seth Cassell) inhales his smoke along with the spirit of Van Hausen (Keith Allen) a notorious serial killer executed at a nearby prison and buried in the cemetery. Before you can scream "lousy digital effects" Kyle is possessed and slaughters a cop who stops by to help when no one else is around. This spirit can hop into other bodies which it does multiple times while picking off members of the group along the way. This tedious film has terrible characters, lousy dialog and even worse digital effects. With almost no practical make up effects at all, the filmmakers put their trust in digital effects and fail miserably. The digital blood (and there is a lot of it) splashes around like you were watching a cartoon. The characters whine back and forth making any audience member over the age of 25 want to see them all die. The cast is good looking and try to make this believable but it is so poorly written nothing could save it. Once again, I don't have to mention there isn't a scare in sight. Do I?
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Bad even for a movie from The Asylum...
paul_haakonsen26 February 2019
I had no idea what I was getting myself into here, except that when I saw that dreaded The Asylum logo pop up on the screen all hopes of being in for something great sort of vanishes like dew before the first rays of the sun.

Yeah, it is no secret that The Asylum is well-known for the more than questionable movies and mockbusters of dubious entertainment value. But still, I decided to give "Hold Your Breath" a chance, on the odd chance that it would actually be among the rare few movies that The Asylum spew forth that actually turn out to be worthwhile watching.

Right, well "Hold Your Breath" wasn't a particularly outstanding movie. Well, in all honesty, then it should be said that the movie started out fair enough and definitely had potential and had some good enough moments that lead me back to the good old days of the traditional 1990s horror movies. But they were just far in between and were drowning in a less than mediocre execution.

What worked the best in favor of the movie was the fact that they had both Keith Allan and Katrina Bowden on the cast list. Just a shame that Keith Allen was a mere supportive actor in the movie and had very little on-screen time. But Katrina Bowden definitely carried the movie quite well with her performance.

As for being a horror movie, then "Hold Your Breath" was not innovative, nor was it particularly outstanding or memorable. Which ultimately was a major part of why this movie is the type of movie that you will watch once - if you even manage to sit through it that long - and never to be seen again.

The ending of the movie, however, that is where it all fell into a heaping pile of rubbish. That was definitely one of the worst twist to a movie and one of the worst things happening towards an ending of a movie that I have witnessed in a long, long time. It was so bad that I was actually laughing hard when I saw that on the screen. Actually, the abysmal thing happening at the end of the movie actually makes it worthwhile sitting through the movie, just keep looking forward to having that one ridiculous moment at the end to strive to get to.

All in all, "Hold Your Breath" was not a very entertaining movie. Even for a movie from The Asylum, then this was pretty disappointing.
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Another Bad One
artpf12 January 2014
There is an old wives' tale that you should hold your breath when passing by a cemetery lest an evil spirit rejected by both heaven and hell gets inside of you when you inhale.

Someone in a carload of college kids on holiday doesn't hold his/her breath when driving by a graveyard. This allows the spirit of an executed serial killer to get inside him/her to begin a spree of body- jumping carnage.

Oy horrible.

I never heard this tale before. And I hope I don't again. The film starts off horribly unbelievably. Then it cuts to present time but the film is horrible.
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Was an OK at home, movie night watch..
dejavuicutooo8 April 2013
I don't think this movie get's enough credit. It is not a movie you pay over 5 dollars to watch, but it's worth the watch. It's not a horror movie that is going to scare your hands over your mouth, but it's an OK movie to watch if you've seen everything else.

It is a along the lines of a teenage flick, like Fear Island or Final Destination (not the plots, but the direction). It's kind of following the plot of the movie Fallen somewhat. It's not a typical storyline, it's a not the same old horror movie we're seeing now a days at least. One also needs to keep in mind that it is a low budget film, with low-budget actors, low-budget everything; so it isn't gonna win any Oscar's or anything.

If you're looking for a great movie to watch and get a feeling of "ooh, I wanna watch that again!" then, this is not your movie. However, if your looking for something to watch on a rainy night or because you're bored give it a go.

Like I said, don't pay a whole load of money to watch this movie, but if it is free or really cheap, try it. I's not so bad you're gonna wish you watched something else or feel you wasted your time, but not so good you're gonna be saying "that was an awesome movie!"

Good Luck!!
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Fairly Standard Horror flick.
+1 for Gratuitous sex scene which all horror movies should have at least 1. .

+1 Oh yes on some Grisly Deaths!!!

-1 Star for the Holding Your Breath when you Drive by a Graveyard story arc (Not walk by mind you. Walking By is okay. Only when you drive by one!)

-1 Star for a Cruddy Ending

Okay this one wasn't really that great. The Final 3rd of the movie was actually pretty bad. Bunch of running around and screaming as the plot disintegrated into pretty much nothing. -2 Stars for that
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Skilfully Realized Horror Film
jlthornb5117 April 2015
Director Jared Cohn delivers high octane suspense and horror with this gem from Asylum Pictures. Starring a cast of exciting fresh faces with talent to burn, the film has a superior script and production values far beyond the usual horror fare. Veteran actor Hanks is a real standout and gives a superb performance that is both sinister and fascinating. The plot is one of the creepiest imaginable and will keep you glued to your seat until the movie's shattering climax. I would count on seeing these young actors in major Hollywood productions very, very soon. Rarely does a cast of newcomers make the profound impact this one does with a first motion picture outing.
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Attractive cast, poor direction and editing
TdSmth521 April 2013
In the intro a guy is about to be executed by electric chair in a hospital for the criminally insane in the 50s. For a moment he frees himself, kills some guards, and recited religious warnings to the witnesses. But he's caught again and executed.

Back in our time, 7 kids go for a road trip to camp. When they drive past a cemetery one of the girls screams out that they have to hold their breath, because as legend has it, spirits of bad people could roam around cemeteries and could possess you if you don't hold your breath. They all do except one of the guys who's too busy smoking pot all the time.

When they make a pitstop they discover the abandoned hospital nearby and go to investigate, except dope-head who is indeed possessed by the spirit of our villain from the intro. He kills a cop and acts like a jerk toward his friends.

Eventually they make it to camp, but the evil spirit jumps to another guy and he drives back to cemetery with one of the girls, whom, he kills gruesomely. When the rest of the kids go looking for them they run into an old cranky hospital guard who knows exactly what is going on and wants to put an end to it.

I haven't seen an Asylum horror movie in a long time. Things have changed quite a bit. The movie looks good, except during the night when all the actors have some glow in their eyes. The acting is very good by the entire cast. Unfortunately, the script is a bit unfinished. Direction and editing are amateurish. One wonders whether some of the mistakes are on purpose, that's how silly they are. But the cast is attractive, the girls are gorgeous, there's some nudity, some gore, however some of the special effects look like they came from an 80s movie. Overall, a botched B movie saved by the charismatic cast.
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I wanted to like it....
bangel332214 August 2020
....however a good storyline was severely let down by bad acting and extremely bad dialogue. And it's a shame because this had the potential to be something different. And it went a bit wacky toward the end.
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nogodnomasters8 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of a killer spirit is not new to the films. These are normally "Bloody Mary" movies. Only one time has it been done A+ and that was "Fallen." In this Asylum production, we see a mass murderer who was also a preacher being executed.

We then jump to the hard body present where 20 somethings go camping. Along the way they pass a neat looking Spanish Moss cemetery near an abandoned prison asylum. Of course the stoner doesn't hold his breath and we now have the spirit of the slasher loose, entering bodies at will, killing whoever he wants. This could make for a decent film, but for some reason the execution and dialogue didn't make it. They did have a few decent kill scenes, but not enough to make a memorable film. If you're going to do something that has been done, bring back the slide trombone with the knife attachment.

Low end 80's style slasher.

Parental Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Erin Marie Hogan / Lisa Younger)
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"Don't Hold Your Breathe: It Doesn't Get Better"
Kamurai253 February 2021
Decent watch, could watch again, but can't recommend outside of a Bad Movie Night.

This is, when it comes to it, a horrible version of "Fallen", so go watch that instead.

However, this movie is a lot more fun, with some really bad cg and over emphasized drama.

Katrina Bowden ("Tucker and Dale vs Evil") is by far the best acting in this, with Marie Ann Hogan a show stealing second.

While an evil body hopping ghost sounds cool, the execution has to be done correctly with the appropriate amount of gravitas and this movie just fails across the board in so many ways.

The lines, the fighting, the effects are all bad, but the cast manage to pull off a somewhat endearing dynamic and the journey is just good enough that I would sit through it and laugh at it all again.
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