The Men Who Built America (TV Mini Series 2012) Poster

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Very Well Done
dallasryan16 February 2015
I was expecting the usual type series you get for series' like this which is the usual 'they are good, but it's kind of boring and hammy'. Not at all the case on this one. First of all, very interesting. I learned so much that I had no clue about before. The acting is actually pretty good, but what really drives this series home is the terrific narration, the fantastic editing, and the magnificent sound and music that ties along with it.

This series is proof that if you have some patience, talent and money to put into the production, the possibilities are then limitless. And this production understands the great importance and power of a well thought out sound and music to play in the background. At times you feel like you're watching different mafia families go at it with each other. That you're watching the high powered cartels dish it out and it absorbs you in to where you don't want to stop watching. This is a brilliant series to watch and I was very pleasantly surprised by it.
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Great Show If You Don't Pick It Apart!
genevievesfire5 February 2014
Although I am not a history major or a self-proclaimed history buff, I loved this show. I normally NEVER watch TV and I simply couldn't stop until I was done with the series. I thought the producers did an excellent job of making these stories interesting and I also enjoyed the commentary. The men portrayed, (Vanderbuilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, and Ford) were business geniuses regardless of their often unscrupulous tactics amongst each other, smaller business and the working man. It's still a part of American history that everyone should learn about, including kids in school. Also, it's much better than most shows you find on TV these days.
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Loved it!
cbkrasno14 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Came across the show while flicking through the channels one evening. Caught it half way thorough the second episode and was instantly interested. Decided quickly to find the On-demand channel for the History Channel so that I could start from the beginning. Watched the first and second episode in one swoop. Couldn't wait for next episode.

I thought the show was great. I was not born in USA, so to me the show was immensely educational. Also, liked the way the show was constructed. Halfway between a documentary and a film.

Many interesting and surprising facts about these "robber barons" - who they were, where they came from, how they made it and what made them tick. The most interesting thing was how these men were linked to each other through coincidental business deals. On another level the show explained the immense strength that America gained internationally through the tenacity and ambition of these men - without taking away from the individual aspect of the men themselves.
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Enormously engaging, succeeds in its aspirations
shinopanixcom24 August 2018
You know the names of the foundations, the musems, the cultural centers; not so much the circumstances of these men who contributed to America as much as any of her Presidents. This series aims to put faces to names, and succeeds in that aspiration memorably. Ideologically, it links innovation, capitalism and the social good as well as anything you're bound to see in the popular media.

The opening titles won me over then and there, demonstrating that this series was something different. it rolled out a sequence of what we thought of as dusty old names and depicted them in 2.5D as rock stars, recalling the opening titles of "Easy Riders Raging Bulls (2003)." High production values are evident all around, from the exceptional CGI recreations to the casting and acting.

At times the production comes across as bit over-the-top, but isn't that appropriate given the outsized subject matter?
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joseph_mohammed31 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Historically accurate, astute and shows the entrepreneurial spirit! By mixing it with drama, history and interviews this mini-series brought this exciting time to life! Reading about the exploits of these greats does not have the same effect as seeing them come to life! The only problem is the series should have been longer. There are many facets of the lives of these great men that could have been shown. Not only their successes, but also their failures. I know that it covers a certain time in history, but some more of Ford and the changing of the guard, as it was, would have been nice. One request to History Chanel: Bring more historic events/ times to life as this! Superb!
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Awesome documentary series
KLS880015 March 2017
I home-school my daughter and used this series to expand on this era of time in American History.

Traditional schools just touch on these men. I wanted her to get the idea of who they really were, how driven they were and how visionary they had to be to achieve such greatness.

Now that we are done with the series, we both feel more informed, and we will miss The Men Who Built America in both spirit and history.

Side note: Great acting by all in the series, they brought their roles to life and gave them personality and depth.
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Innovation, Big Business and the Emergence of a Superpower
Screen_O_Genic21 November 2019
An appealingly watchable and well done documentary on the men who emerged from post-Civil War America to become the titans of their respective enterprises and helped shape a nation into one of the greatest and most influential nations in history. The stories of Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford are shown featuring their rise from varied backgrounds to being among the most powerful men in the United States. Their interactions with each other and society around them, their triumphs, challenges, crimes and eventual declines are well presented. Decent actors portray the historical figures well and well done reenactments give a good glimpse into a time and place when these giants of industry dominated their respective domains. Interviews with authors and prominent business figures like Donald Trump and Jack Welch add a contemporary outlook and sense of perspective. Whether it be in shipping, railroads, oil, electricity, or automobiles the documentary shows that these moguls all had the vision, the confidence and the drive to succeed and saw opportunity in situations both good and bad and never allowed adversity or setbacks to get in their way. Informative and inspiring, "The Men Who Built America" highlights what man can achieve.
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Revisiting the history of American capitalism
dy1582 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The names we have come to take for granted, directly and indirectly still present in our lives. Their legacies which have actually influenced the way how we look at the world, the way we live, and how we look at money and influence. There is a reason why the 20th century is also called the 'American Century'. But how did the United States become the superpower as we know it?

The documentary miniseries is divided into the five men who would come to form the backbone of the miniseries spanning from the end of the American Civil War to the First World War: Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and Henry Ford. Men of varying backgrounds, but all being driven to make a mark for themselves, even when there are times the odds want to stack against them. But there are also the people who had shaped their lives, believed in them and in direct competition and conflict with them.

The lives the five men featured are being told through the medium of dramatisation, narration, and told from the viewpoints of historians, biographers, prominent figures from politics and the world of business and even a Rockefeller descendant as well. The combination of all these along with the news clippings and footages of its time help to ensure that the documentary miniseries come alive on its own, like as if we are also bearing eyewitness to the pivotal moments of the lives the five men had led whether in good times or bad as how the men saw it themselves. The viewpoints of those who spoke about the men who did the things they did which coincide with the social and political attitudes of the day, complementing with its current relevance and the lessons one can take away from, ensure that the legacies the five men had left behind long after they were gone, are actually still with us even till this day. Each time we want to think that it is only happening in recent times, it challenges the very notion of it and making us wonder if we had seen it all before. The wealth gap, the ruthlessness of business people and the lengths they go to achieve what they want…it has always been with us.

The stunning imagery and the outfits which represent the eras the five men live in help to reinforce of the viewer living in their moment, making us either want to root for them or not, depending on whether whatever they had done correspond or contradict with what we thought we have always know about the world we live in and what we have come to believe. The marvels of science and engineering, complementing with what the five men had done to make it happen. Then there is also the political aspects of their actions, which goes into the ethical realm.

Whether we want to agree or disagree with the way they did things which are directly and indirectly of their own making and how it has affected us ever since, one cannot dispute that they have all done it in the manner they have felt able to make them one step ahead of everyone else. Like the final words in the documentary miniseries from one of those invited to talk about what the men had done, 'How big do you want to dream, and how hard do you want to work?'. Love them or hate them for what they did when they were alive and the legacies they left behind in the form of charities, educational institutions, companies in current existence in the world today which were once in their control or still in their name…it actually forms part of the many strands in the history of American capitalism in itself.

Whether the interest is in American history in the realms of economics, with both of politics and science to an extent or just wanting to know and/or understand why some things happening the way they do economically while trying to make sense of the current economic times we are currently living in at the same time, this documentary miniseries is one to get the viewer interested. It may or may not help to answer everything the viewer want to know, but it will try to make sense in some aspects of it. It can get gripping to the extent that one can forget counting out the people who are playing especially the five men, the five major players featured in the miniseries are all actually real people after all.
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Entertaining, But Questionable Experts
ethanarmstrong793 September 2020
Pretty entertaining series, with an odd mix of commentators. Sort of a pot-boiler as historical documentaries go. We know it's more Hollywood than history when Donald Trump, Mark Cuban, Donny Deutsch, Steve Wynn, Russell Simmons, Jim Cramer, and Jerry Weintraub are consulted to comment on the history of American business. Alan Greenspan, good. Jack Welch, Carly Fiorina, Steve Case -- okay. Can't go wrong with Campbell Scott narrating.
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Too many recaps and scene spoilers throughout
bkh-7073420 May 2021
Well done except for the made-for-TV, commercial ready breaks that allow way too many recaps. This series' runtime could easily be cut down by a third or more. They show key moments of future stories before even getting to them. So you know you know the punchline before telling the joke, so to speak. That is frustrating. They really have a lot of substance and production value to be proud of. Too bad they make the viewer out to be a forgetful fool.
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Really good...but....
planktonrules17 June 2015
I enjoyed watching "The Men Who Built America" and do strongly recommend it. The show is engaging and interesting--no doubt about that. However, I did have a few minor objections which seemed to come up more and more when the shows progressed. First, the show would normally only be seen by people who love history and yet, time and again, the show tried to create cliffhanger moments even though nearly every viewer KNOWS that Rockefeller went on to become rich and Carnegie took a few gambles but became mega-rich! No surprises yet the show sure made it seem like it was. Second, sometimes the show was just a bit over-the-top when it came to the drama and music. Tone it down just a bit please. And third, a few times the history just wasn't quite accurate--especially in episode 4.

So what we have is a rare show because it talks about the men who made America the economic power of the world--Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan and Ford. This is important history and generally is quite watchable but just could have scored a 10 had they roughed out a few aspects of the show.
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Entertaining Despite Some Historical Errors
tigger_685 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I found this to be an entertaining look at the history of the robber barons and how the US economy (and in the long run the world economy) evolved during the last half of the 19th century.

The mix of interviews and commentary with actors portraying the historical figures was effective.

I did have a minor problem with some of the historical errors. For example in one scene they show the magnates viewing a film of William Jennings Bryan and the commentary is to the effect that he is "certain to be the Democratic nominee.

In fact there was no real front runner in 1896 and Bryan emerged as something of a surprise nominee following his famous Cross of Gold Speech But overall an entertaining series
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High Production Value Can't Change History
bilinguru-3224218 October 2020
There is no denying that this series is well crafted: expertly-written, produced and directed. Outstanding narration and perfectly cast re-enactments lend power and gravitas to an amazing era in American history.

There are however two irredeemable problems that no amount of money can solve. First, is that it is riddled with historical errors, overstatements and generalizations. If you are going to produce something for the history channel, you really ought to get the history right. Other reviewers here have pointed out many of these, so I won't belabor this point, but it is a shame they didn't get it right. The endless repetition was also a major viewing problem, but I lay that at the feet of the History Channel itself, rather than the writers, cast and crew, who did an excellent job.

And this leads to second and even greater sin: the blatant attempt to romanticize, even rationalize as good and right, the dirty, sleazy, underhanded and often downright criminal manner in which virtually every one of these scions of the industrial age conducted their affairs. I mean, if you turn to Donald Trump for insight into the mind of a successful business person, then you really have your ethical hat on backwards. All of the modern commentators are unapologetically in awe of the cunning and ruthlessness of guys like Vanderbilt, Carnegie and Ford, who regularly went back on their word, exploited their workers and couldn't give a damn about the American people, despite going to great lengths to project a white knight image of benevolent stewards of social development. They were total pricks, and the commentators they chose for this program are cut from the same cloth. You can plainly see that they all wish they were able to get away with today, what good old Henry Frick was able to pull.

It is apparent from the many positive reviews here that it had the desired effect. It seems to have reinforced the idea that these men, while undoubtedly crucial to the rapid rise of the American Empire, were basically noble Captains of Industry. The facts are, however, that they were horrible human beings and the moral rot that pervades America today should be directly attributed to their selfish pursuit of the almighty dollar at all costs.

Worth watching, but God Save America if you come away from it believing that History ought to look kindly and with respect the Men Who Built America.
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What about Labor?
susanlearudd23 October 2021
Watching this again nearly 10 years later...the ultimate devotional to capitalism!!! More should have been said about how these men built their fortunes on the backs of workers with low wages, long hours, no healthcare, no retirement or job safety rules. That would have been more accurate. They are not as admirable as we think.

The disaster at Johnstown showed that.
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Huge strengths, equally huge flaws
Colin_Sibthorpe_II11 October 2020
The Civil War killed more Americans than all other wars put together. How the nation went from that low point to becoming an industrial colossus in just a few decades is a fascinating story, well told here by concentrating on a few of the key players. The idea of having commentary from top modern industrialists worked well; they often had insights most of us wouldn't have. The reconstructions were very good and sometimes spectacularly so - you really felt you were watching film from the time. Overall an entertaining, enjoyable, informative show.

The worst flaw was the repetition. We're used to "previously on XYZ" type stuff, even "next week on" - but this show would rehash something it had just done ten minutes ago, sometimes word for word. It even crossed my mind it might be meant for people with learning disabilities. For the rest of us this was totally unnecessary, and it made it hard to watch streaming - I sometimes thought, have I seen this episode or haven't I?

The narrative would have flowed better if the rest of the world had got more acknowledgement where relevant. With Carnegie, the critical British invention of the Bessemer Converter was discussed; but with Morgan's Panama Canal, the previous unsuccessful attempt by the French wasn't mentioned at all. Worst of all, when Rockefeller needed a new use for his oil beside kerosene, we were told he looked for a use for gasoline which was then a waste product, and found it in the automobile - as if cars had sprung into being out of nowhere in response to his wish. Why not say this German invention started to flourish in America at just the right time?
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A visit to the Golden age of Capitalism
Documentary series which has an exceptional cinematography and contains nuances of great visionary entrepreneurs John D. Rockefeller, Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan, and Andrew Carnegie and Henry Ford who literally built the america from the ashes of Civil war, to the great nation that it is now.

Though there are few historic inaccuracies which aren't acceptable as it is presented by the "History" channel itself.

Regardless of their ruthlessness, cut-throat competition and monopoly, they offered something greater for their nation. I'm sure this series is worth every second, undoubtedly there are lots of information for us to learn from this mini-series.

Apart from the series, the only confusion I had while viewing the series was that IMDB mentions there is only four episodes with run-length of 45 min on avg for each episode. While in reality there are eight episodes with 45 min on average.
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Accurate program descriptions
jepackham1 November 2013
In the John Rockefeller episode. Described as Rockefeller 'fueling Vanderbilt's trains' . This should have been 'filling'. Your sub editors need to stay awake. Otherwise this show is riveting. Demostrating it is innovative business men who make a country great, not politicians. Perhaps the phrase ' what is good for General Motors is good for America' was right after all.

In the UK we have destroyed our industry. Any that we have is owned by overseas companies. They may provide jobs which provides some tax revenues, but profits go overseas. Under European Union rules, the government has to purchase from the lowest bidder. Recently, orders for new trains went to Siemens in Germany who have been able to automate their plant as a result, The UK producer is left in the dark ages.
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From the Historian
gkeith_126 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have a history degree. My favorite period is the Gilded Age/Progressive Era, and these men fell into that category. Too bad there are no women.

Slams: just a small part of the backlash against these "great"

men is shown. There were strikes and depressions. Some of those have been covered. These super rich men "ate cake" (named after a famous woman) while their employees starved or were forced to work ungodly schedules in the man-killing factories.

The Johnstown flood show depicted a lot of devastation and human heartbreak. Meanwhile, the biggies just went on partying.

I wondered why the Andrew Carnegie name on lots of our libraries. Turns out he was trying to assuage all his cruelty against society, e.g. his "robber-baron-ness".

I do think the actor who played Andrew is very handsome, and the one who portrayed JP Morgan is fairly good looking also. Vanderbilt looked kind of gross. Frick was the incarnate monster. I am glad the guy beat him up. Too bad Frick did not meet his maker.

Morgan Sr. was an old scrooge, but posthumously proved to be correct in his financial predictions. He said Pierpoint was pretty dumb to back electric light.

Westinghouse was depicted as a moron. Edison IRL was known for some shady deals, one of which was trying to get credit for the invention of the telephone away from Alexander Graham Bell.

Edison was also friends with Harvey Firestone and Henry Ford. Will that be covered her? Just saw a GE commercial on TV last night, remembering in this show how Morgan got Edison to give up his name in favor of General Electric Company.

This series is more about the financiers than the famous inventors. It takes money to fund people's imaginings and wildest dreams. Sometimes the dream financing is a true bust, but without dreamers where would we be today? Too bad the dreamers and financiers were not always the same person.

Turns out the Gilded Age means a layer of fake gold on the outside, masking nothingness on the inside. Supposedly these great men came from nowhere, determined to make it in the great nation of capitalism and post-Civil War optimism. Were they educated? When the money was pulled out from under them, they tended to collapse.
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President of the United States is an honorary title!
balafa28 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
President of the United States is an honorary title! If that is the case, who really runs the country? In an area where lines are no longer been drawn between fact and fiction,this show proved rather enlightening: This resonates hugely with me just a few years after Wall Street wrecked the US economy and was rewarded for that with taxpayers bail out money. If the president has no power, I will then speculate that the bankers do. I had studied the industrial revolution back in HS but this seemed a lot like the course they should have thought. As someone points out, there was no woman in the piece and the whole slavery drama seemed such a distant reality one had to to wonder if the slave trade had any impact in the making of the America I have come to know. If there is any element of fact in all of this, much of the conspiracy theories I have swallowed since Sept 11 2001 are founded. The rich and powerful are definitely above the law and democracy, in indeed so very overrated. The capital rules!
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Really worth watching
hyacintoblack6 January 2021
Great historic documentary with actors dramatising the events. However, one thing really annoyed me is how every 10 minutes or so there is a recap! It's probably made for the US where they have commercial breaks every ten minutes (!) but why the constant recap??
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dangerusstv3 June 2021
I will keep it simple. I am and have been a long time fan of documentaries, and this my friends is up there with the best in my opinion. I am young and this captivated me and consumed my attention. I look forward to more from them as long as they keep this formula going. I have recommended to all that I know. PLEASE WATCH and you will learn so much along the way. This country had developed so fast in such a short period of time and this series makes learning about it fun.
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Numbers don't add up.
mandrews12329 July 2020
As a numbers guy, my biggest complaint is the exaggeration of dollar amounts. In one Segment they say JP Morgan raises 40 million for the Panama Canal or "7 billion in today's dollars". A 175 times markup. And To build his first plant, Ford raises $28,000 or $700,000 today. A 25 time mark up, which is the accurate rate of inflation. This is just one example of many where the numbers just don't add up in this documentary. Other than the slow movement and repetitive nature, this series is ok to watch, especially if you have a fast forward button.
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Some wrong info.
robeve101425 June 2016
Some scenes show (quite naturally)trains running through the countryside. Problem is they are modern British Trains running through mostly Scottish countryside. The image hardly fits with stories about Vanderbilt. Again with Carnegie, during his great strike initiated by Clay Frick, we are shown Andrew Carnegie as being in Dunfermiline, Scotland at that time. Indeed, he was in Scotland, but NOT Dunfermile. He was in Skibo Castle about 250 miles NORTH of Dunfermline, and more out of touch with Pittsburgh than is suggested. Also, Dunfermline is portrayed as a tiny fishing village in a sleepy little seaside scene. This is also very wrong. My point is, if History channel got the simple basics wrong, how can I believe the other, more significant facts. My overall impression of this series was that some basic facts were correct, but the entire story was not. In all, a poorly done show and well beneath the ability and competence of The History Channel and those who created the video.
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The chronology drives me crazy!
wrushrd22 June 2023
I love history, and this series is no exception. However, the problem with this series is that it bounces around so much from multiple flashbacks to forewards and back again that I actually had to stop and look up certain individuals and research for myself to find out exactly what happened when, and in what order.

One of the most glaring examples is the relationship between Andrew Carnegie, and Tom Scott, and when Carnegie got involved in the steel business, and when Tom Scott helped him in his endeavors, and finally, when Tom Scott actually died. (This is just one example.) Otherwise, this is a great series.
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Best documentary series I've ever seen.
ssimon-625 July 2022
I have watched the entire series at least 10 times. Great production and narration.

I didn't know much of the history but this has left me intrigued and inspired. It has led me on a hunt for more information about all these titans. They truely built America and are so relevant to the way we live our lives to this day.

They literally changed the world.
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