OutPost 11 (2013) Poster


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I almost gave it a 1 star
cliff-2014 October 2013
Having just watched this film and still digesting it I can say that the acting is great in the film and the idea is actually a good one. The thing that made me quite angry with the film is that it is just plain stupid as in it got to the end and the plot of the film made no sense to me whatsoever.

If this film was made to be all about the screenplay and very little to do with the plot then it is is worth probably more than 5 stars, however as i suspect that there is meant to be some great innuendo behind this film which i cannot for the life of me fathom without being in the writers head then this film deserves a 1 star.

I am actually a little angry still that i spent an hour and a half watching this but at the same time can appreciate the way it was made...

I don't know anyone that i could recommend this film to personally who wouldn't turn round to me after watching it and call me something not very nice but being a weirdo myself i guess i can empathize with the weirdness of the film?!
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tedious building up to pointlessness
pattypattydang4 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I love alternate histories and this film started with a very cool premise. The second 100 years war has raged on into the current year, 1955. There is a stalemate between the British and Prussian forces that has lasted for decades. Far from the front lines and deep into the Arctic Circle, an isolated British Outpost intercepts enemy transmissions and works on forbidden science. How cool is that for a hook? Oh yeah, everything is steam driven in this reality so, hey, I figured some nifty steam punk stuff...nope.

I'm far from an expert, but the film seems fairly well produced (other than one completely lame animatronic like spider that looks like a fugitive from a 60s Sinbad movie) and is visually appealing. The characters are stock clichés for the most part but still, the film spends most of its time trying to build characterization. Granted this does keep the budget low, and the plot is about a slow descent into madness due to some sort of physic attack presumably from the Prussians, but overall it drags up to the last few minutes where it fails to deliver any punch at all.

In the first part of the film, there is a feeling of anticipation and the suspense that comes along with it, but that slowly morphs into just plain tediousness. This tediousness continues at a slightly increasing pace until it impacts into a puzzling conclusion. Lots of gaps and holes along the way.

I can't really say that this film was a waste of my time, but it was not time well spent either...and I'm pretty easy to please.
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Enjoyable Enough, But Not Brilliant
chearn-0973920 May 2018
This is a nice little slab of weirdness. Not the best acting, although not bad either. Odd storyline. Fairly low budget. But there are some interesting ideas, and I love the aesthetics of it. A challenging mix of sci-fi, classic war film, horror and psychological drama. No, not great, but it kept my interest until the end and I was glad to have seen it.
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tjilg5 December 2013
This film should NOT be watched by ANYONE, unless you want to completely waste 1 1/2 hours of your life. Put some fresh paint on the wall and watch that dry instead. It'll be more interesting, and at least the end result will be more fulfilling. Fair play to the actors, they did a good job with the script they were given, but just because some psychotropic drug - or whatever - was responsible for the characters going crazy, it doesn't mean that the storyline should make no sense. I was just very disappointed with this film and don't know why it was even made. Please! Will somebody buy me a load of paint. I need some excitement in my life.
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Absolute rubbish
soccercamp-15 October 2013
After a very stylish and interesting opening credits (which i actually gave the 1 for!) I'm sorry to say that this film is terrible in my opinion. I don't think at any point during the film I had my interest aroused. I kept watching in the hope that it would improve...but it actually got worse! Exploding hares (wtf), spider animation like "morph" from the seventies, a constantly masturbating old soldier (why?)and over the top ham acting from 3 of the 4 main cast members...just plain awful. 90 mins of garbage. If this film had some sort of hidden "meaning" behind it or is meant to make you "think" then I'd love to know what the hell it was supposed to be! Believe me, don't waste your time or your money on renting or buying this.
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if only i could get my hour back
omayfield1 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
OK, picture this... you are an ambitious movie producer seeking a worthwhile project and someone pitches you this... three British army men living in a weird, slightly techie dystopian future version of an endless World War I are stuck in a bunker in the Arctic going slowly crazy. "So what happens?" you would ask."Nothing really, thats the whole movie" the writer replies. "What?!" you shout, "No women?, no outdoor scenes, no flashbacks to civilian life, no character development, no quirkyness, no humor, no sex, no hope, no action or plot to speak of, nothing except that dreary descending misery throughout the whole film?" "Well," he says, squirming a little at your righteous and obviously justified outrage, "they do salute a lot and say 'Long live the King' and look out the window for the Prussians and in the end they play games and eat spiders". Now seriously friends, wouldn't you throw this person and his so called idea right out of your office with all possible speed? Couldn't you write a better screenplay with a cocktail napkin and a dull pencil in say, three minutes time? For some bizarre reason, this film's producer did not do that. Someone actually funded this movie! "What were they thinking?" keeps coming to mind. I dunno, maybe they were dreaming of a kind of Kafka or Poe or Lovecraft analogy, but that is wildly, inappropriately generous. I saw this on Thanksgiving and I was most prayerfully thankful on that day that the fast forward button on my remote was working properly. Actually, it occurs to me that a "making of" documentary of this film would be fascinating, if only to answer the three questions that I have, "Why?. Why? and of course, you know already... Why?" There's just no excuse.
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Not what I thought
Leofwine_draca27 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's not often I get fooled into buying a film but that happened with OUTPOST 11 (2013, aka THE WRONG ROAD) which I picked up on blu-ray thinking it was OUTPOST 2, a Nazi horror sequel. Instead it's an insipid and extremely low budget little British science fiction film in which Britain is at war with Prussia (!) and we follow the fortunes of a trio of soldiers holed up in a remote outpost. They soon start to go mad and must work out whether the enemy is coming to get them or if it's all in their heads. Well, from about five minutes in I knew this wasn't going to be very good. The horror is limited to a few scenes of spiders and the like and eventually some violence at the climax, but it's negated by routine direction and some really bad performances from all of the actors in it, especially the guy playing Graham. The whole thing is supposed to be set in some kind of steampunk future but it all takes place in a single room with just three characters so that's all by-the-by anyway. I was just tapping my fingers waiting for something interesting to happen, but sadly it never did.
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garyevo-730-1197257 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
***spoiler alert***

This is by far the worst movie i have ever seen. I am appalled that anybody can compare this movie to john carpenters "the thing" the only resemblance it posses to that movie is where its based.

I usually enjoy a low budget movie with obvious exceptions, but i am afraid the plot, acting, dialogue, fx, were just terrible. {COMPLETELY UNWATCHABLE}

all in all I could make a better movie myself by filming a steaming pile of poo on the floor and still capture the audience and get a better reception.

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Starts off so well
mail-103014 October 2013
This film comes with and interesting premise and a somewhat unfairly low rating.

An intriguing disappointment.

So what for? Well a it's stylish, claustrophobic steampunk romp filmed in pretty much 3 rooms, with occasional use of some great outdoor scenery. Alas it's disjointed and doesn't wrap it's self up at all, yet the spirit is there...

Outpost 11 is completely flawed by the final act that makes little sense. It's however far from total rubbish by proxy of it's ambition.

6/10 for weirdo effort
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Interesting movie, it needed a real ending
reallytorkedoff-8746417 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In a steampunk universe with England at war with Prussia for ages, an outpost in the Arctic is the scene for increasingly strange visions and behavior. It is revealed (maybe) that the three soldiers in the outpost are under attack from a psychotropic weapon that uses their Omega engine generator as a catalyst. Or maybe that's part of the weird goings-on. After a certain point, it's hard to tell what's reality and what is distorted in the soldiers' minds.

The ending is highly unsatisfactory. It appears that maybe they've destroyed the Omega machine or maybe they've all died or maybe something else. At the very end is a scene that makes absolutely no sense given every thing that came before it. Or maybe it's the answer to the whole movie. It could mean anything or nothing at all.

By it's very nature, it ruins everything that came before it. It was a big buildup to nothing understandable.

I have searched the Internet looking for an explanation, but nobody has one. The entire Internet seems to be as stumped as I am about the ending.

I honestly can't recommend it.
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The ultimate weapon is madness.
face-819-93372617 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is an "arthouse picture" from another alternate universe with the feel of a 3 man play. Hard to get through, and I can not promise you will feel at all satisfied if you do, but in the end it is a neat little experience of something new, and that is all that really matters. You need to really suspend your disbelief to get through to the pay off, but there really is a great story under the confusion. These actors, and the crew had to make this tiny speck of a set feel like the entire world, and they do a fine job of accomplishing that. In this new version of our universe it really looks like we have come in just a bit late to the party, all of the characters seem so certain in their beliefs that there had to have been a great cataclysm that we just missed, and they never quite touch on that. The naked lunch effect may be just what you need though. Enjoy.
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I can't tell if it was good but weird or weird but good
DavidBarak13 February 2021
Spiders, sorta'. Amyl nitrate or something like it. Masturbation'. Exploding rabbit. Splitting headache. "James has eaten his own hand." "What new madness is this?" "No you're not. Spiders can't use the phone."

And that, my friends, is my review. Personally I think it's worth watching at least once, twice if you've got mind-altering substances.
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Should have been better but it wasn't so skip it
yowilwasup28 August 2020
Three British soldiers in one small cabin. One is the aloof officer commanding officer. One is the most annoying character trope in film. A very English God Save the King type Sargent. He bullies the 3rd character, a sheepish army private. Nothing happens then something does then you're not sure if anything did happen... skip it
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They're Dosing the Private
bemyfriend-4018419 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
They're dosing the Private; because they're bored. They play something like Chinese Checkers, or Pachinko. The winner gets to dose the Private with a hallucinogenic, "psychotropic" drug. In a steampunk, sort of WWI and WWII world, two Brits dose a third. The craziness you see, is the result of that.
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dminton-4683027 January 2019
We looked at each other when it was finished & said, "Did that even make sense to you?" The reply was "no." The very last scene rewinds to a scene earlier in the film, but that even made no sense in the grand scheme of it all.

The best parts about it were:

One of the characters is very, very creepy. Luckily, I'm pretty sure he was meant to be. But I'm not sure if, in the 50's, there was really stuff you could inhale while you uh.....had your guy "me time". But what do I know about that sort of stuff. Anyway, it was a bit weird.

Other good aspect was it was a bit steampunk, which I like.

The acting wasn't bad.

After watching a lot of random movies by following others, we have decided that any blurb stating "in a remote, isolated........." means "there are 4 of us who decided to make a movie ourselves with no budget on a swatch of land owned by someone someone knows, because someone has access to some film kit"
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richardbrutledge1 November 2020
I kept trying to figure out the plot. The movie is over, and I am STILL trying to figure out the plot. This movie might have made a 2 star movie in the 1950's... maybe. Oh, and how can any review contain any spoilers on this movie? You can't spoil something that is already rotten to the core!
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wt f!
info-3930012 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie forces the Watcher to interrogate himself on what the process of picking up a movie instead of another, consists of. Is it the title, the location where it is set, the period, the plot, the actors/actresses? ... good, I guess i filled up the minimum five lines by now and therefore I can start the review itself. Which is the following: if reading a telephone book is for you a waste of time and a most boring occupation, then I suggest you do it instead of watching Outpost 11. At least you will find out how many funny names people can have.
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If you're bored; you'll be even more bored after this crap
jhr201224 June 2020
What a steaming pile. I have no idea what I just watched. For starters I couldn't determine what year it is set in? I'm thinking the 50's but then they watched a videotape? And what was the deal with the spiders? Stupid.
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Tense Sci Fi Thriller
rossboyask-117 January 2022
It's a modest budget production but there are some great ideas here, good performances and a tension-inducing sense of claustrophobia. A great example of UK indie genre film-making.
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A 1 Hour & 28 Minute Build Up To Nothing!
vengeance2016 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Confused this with the sequel to 2008's Outpost but realised this was Outpost 11 not Outpost II, anyhow I gave this a watch.

The film is about a group of soldiers located out in the middle of the arctic during the war. Not much to say as nothing much happens.

I found the film to be really bad. I mean as soon as you get to the 1 hour mark & nothings happened you know it's bad. The end or so called end did nothing for me & made the whole "build up" seem like a waste of time. I mean there's no body, no action, nothing. The film just plods along & plods along & get's nowhere. Aside from a whacking off soldier, young man who doesn't want to be there & another soldier who actually treats the young man with respect, you get nothing & not even the plot or story makes sense. It's just a bland film with little to nothing to offer.

The only good was the opening credits. Sad.

Overall, this film is pretty pi$$ poor & lacks really badly. 1/10
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Can't make sense of the plot? Read this.
viaobscurum21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers

This film is one of my favorite films, but I also see a lot of people struggle with the themes in it. It's understandable, especially due to how we're trained to interpret film language as an audience. This film doesn't use cinematography or colour filters to signify perspectives, but that's what it is: Perspective.

People think that the stuff they see on screen is the stuff the camera sees. It's not. It's the stuff the characters see. All the weird and random spiders, all the wild hallucinations, the paranoia about the generator, and the weird spider wound, all of this is not actually there in objective reality.

You're seeing what the characters see. It's not so much "random" as hallucinatory. What it's meant to do is to add suspense up until the big reveal.

In short, the audience is not intended to be an objective lens, observing a reality hidden to the characters.

Rather, you're experiencing the same reality that they are.

So what is the giant spider then? What was that strange wound?

Short answer: It's not that relevant. The suspense of the film doesn't come from what the illusions hide, but rather the nature of the illusions themselves. The horror is not about giant spiders, but rather a human mind that projects giant spiders into reality.

The horror isn't about the strange generator. But rather the delusions that drove the soldiers of the other listening post to incinerate themselves inside it.

You can't make sense of this film based on what it shows you. In fact, it's not supposed to make sense quite intentionally. Rather, you make sense of it by observing the things it doesn't show you. The subtext.

It's an indie film, the narrative and framing is experimental. But if you pick up on these hints, and see what it tries to do rather than what you're anticipating it to do, then it's really good and does make a lot of sense.

I don't fault anyone for not picking up on this intuitively. I think it'll take some trial and error for this kind of storytelling to work.

If you don't think there's anything to appreciate about this film, then I encourage you to watch it again with this perspective in mind. I promise you it'll be good after that.
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Korea & Vietnam psy-ops transposed on to WW1
adrossan19 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't mind this movie, despite the negative reviews elsewhere.

It's not for everyone, I'll agree with that.

3 British soldiers are posted to a wire-listening post in the Arctic, and as nothing much happens boredom and madness are never far away.

A psychotropic weapon is dropped nearby, and the men (in particular Grant) start showing aberrant behaviour.

He suffers from the handy-Andies, which many psychotics do, as it is a massive mental & tension relief process used by psychopaths as well.

The story revolves around how each of the three men, and the class system from they came, recognise and deal with the mind-altering substance that eventually controls their every waking moment.

This film requires a working knowledge of the British class-system, WW1, Korea and Vietnam psy-ops, and a smattering of modern military history, as well as a working knowledge of abnormal psychology.

Although I wouldn't add it to my collection, I did enjoy watching Outpost 11 and how "the madness" crept further into the daily operations of Outpost 11.
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night and day?
mtgospiller23 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie more than I thought I would. The cinematography is slow, steady and sometimes a bit too unimaginative. Meaning that it is something we have seen many times before. This is not an action flick or a classic sci-fi movie. The idea of steampowered alternate past is enticing. But it seems to do very little for the actual story.

The only thing I could not let go was the fact that they slept at night and worked in the daylight. The arctic circle does not work that way! It is not a 24 hour cycle.

But apart from that, a quiet movie leaving you a few thoughts for a few days.
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Has you wondering what happens next, A bit
mike-920-50584513 March 2014
watchable, but, supposedly set in war years, But some of the technology that is used?? One of those silly watchable things. Part funny part what the ?? The Captain or whatever rank, goes out hunting local animals which seem to explode. same as the steam boiler they have, seems about ready to explode at any time, The lower rank, does the cooking cleaning and everything, with a middle rank with doubtful faculties having him go into the boiler room, which he hates. The middle rank with acrophobia, had a problem on his hand, until he cuts it out. And so it goes on with spiders coming out of the woodwork. and every where else. It then seems to jump a bit, not sure, played section a few time to check, still not sure. Then all sorts of back flash etc. supposed funny phone calls etc. Gets even sillier. You need to watch for the silly outcome. If you want a movie with predictable outcome. do not watch this.
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