After Death (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

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Worth seeing!
davidhoque28 October 2023
I thought the movie (really a documentary) was pretty good. No new ground is explored though. The writers did try and work in solid scientific opinions regarding NDEs. What was interesting to me is that some of the empirical research had well established doctors like Dr Sabom asking hard questions and maybe believing that there could be consciousness after death...beyond experiences from the dying brain. We've seen these spiritual documentaries on cable and they are always interesting. This production is no different and the verbal experiences described by some of these people, personally reenforce my faith and hope that there is an afterlife to look forward to after we pass. Now, this movie was created by the same folks that produced "The Chosen" and "Freedom". Although, it has strong Christian influences, the testimonies aren't heavily faith based. It's a positive movie and worth seeing. Esp for people who may need a spiritual boost or for some that may be suffering from depression. In fact the producers ask that the viewers pay the experience forward to someone in need. It will most likely come out on cable soon too. I recommend it to all people.
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Not Unbiased
sharonangelina-9278411 November 2023
I'm glad to see a movie of this kind taking hold in an industry full of saccharin entertainment and meaningless fluff. But I still found it a bit fluffy for my taste. A bit too formulaic and predictable. The scientific disbeliever, the enthusiastic pastor, the credible neurologist, all repeating and repeating themselves. Lots of repeat stock footage of blobby outer-spacey imagery. I also found it rather male-dominated, very few female voices in there. And the bias was heavily white Christian. I would have enjoyed seeing interviews with people from other parts of the world in other faiths. Overall it was pretty enjoyable, but not the breathtaking inspiration that the trailer makes it out to be.
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Not Especially New But Exceptionally Absorbing
brentsbulletinboard29 October 2023
Talking about the subject of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) was once about as taboo as speaking about UFOs or seeing a psychiatrist - sure signs that someone was priobably psychologically unstable, even if he or she merely believed in these things, let alone having had experiences with them. Thankfully, however, those days are largely behind us now, and speaking about them openly and honestly has become much more rational and commonplace. Such is the case in this new offering from directors Stephen Gray and Chris Radtke, who provide a comprehensive look at a subject that was once considered suspect - even laughable - but is now taken quite seriously, including by those who were once among its greatest detractors. The film presents a detailed look at the phenomenon, featuring interviews with such researchers as Raymond Moody, often credited as being primarily responsible for bringing NDEs into the mainstream dialogue, and experiencers of these events. It also presents a series of NDE re-enactments, including depictions of what led up to them and what happened as the experiences unfolded, all backed by stunningly gorgeous CGI effects of an admittedly indescribable reality and a beautifully emotive original score. This combination of elements thus provides an excellent overview of what make up NDEs while simultaneously conveying the obviously heartfelt emotions associated with them, bringing the experiences home to viewers in a way that other documentaries on the subject haven't previously been able to accomplish. It sheds profound light on what can happen when one goes through these existential gateways and how returnees are often fundamentally changed by the experiences, giving them new outlooks on life and their purpose in it. While it's true that this offering doesn't present much that's especially new about NDEs and that its pacing can be a little slow (and redundant) at times, it nevertheless does a superb job of immersing audiences in the material, again, a big improvement over previous attempts at addressing this subject. And pay no heed to the cynics who have erroneously called this little more than religious propaganda; while it's true there are a handful of Christian-oriented references scattered throughout the film, the overall take here is more spiritual in nature, an ecumenical approach at examining the afterlife than one that's exclusively rooted in any particular theological tradition. Viewers who may have been skeptical, unfamiliar with or skittish about this subject may find themselves surprisingly enlightened by what this release has to say. And the fact that it's playing widely in mainstream theaters to astonishingly well-attended audiences also speaks volumes about the appeal and apparent universality of this title. As this film so astutely shows, death isn't the end - and it's high time we stopped looking at it that way.
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Fantastic doc
oystermanproductions31 October 2023
I'm not really a documentary guy, I'm a narrative filmmaker. This is one of the most fascinating docs I have ever seen. Step Into Liquid was my original favorite doc. After Death might be the best.

What this movie does is try to capture all the experiences that people see and hear after they die. A lot of medical testimony from doctors, and most of the interview subjects (people who die) are highly educated people: doctors, professors, airline pilot, etc. And none of these people seemed crazy to me.

Plato mentions a similar event in his famous book, Republic. Paul talks about it happening to him in the book of Acts in the Bible.

Everybody's experience is unique and different. People's hearts stop beating. In some cases their brain waves stop, and they are in extreme cold. They have out-of-body experiences. Some are heavenly (a light) and some are hellish (it's dark). The filmmakers do an amazing job of helping us visualize what these people saw.

If you're looking for "proof" for life after death, this movie won't prove anything. But is there any evidence for it? Yes, there is, and that's documented as well. You might want to keep an open mind and check this out. It's very thought-provoking. By the studio that did The Chosen.
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Incredible stories
ericrogers-2071529 October 2023
I thought that it was a very impactful feature, especially with it being documentary. You would tend to think that it might be boring because of the format chosen but it was enthralling. I truly found it fascinating from beginning to end.

From the moment it started I could hardly hold back my tears. (...and I'm not typically a person that cries in movies) This movie evokes thoughts of the afterlife and will really make you take a look at your life choices. It's a must see for any & every skeptic, believer and atheist.

I would recommend this to be shown to the whole family. (PG-13) No only were the stories moving but it was definitely entertaining too!

Great movie.
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Interesting, but.....
nicar-3840729 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I thought this was a good movie. I would like to see it again. Lots of beautiful thoughts. Isn't it wonderful to know there is a glorious place waiting for us.

But, while I understand what Don Piper was talking about, and he relayed his thoughts and emotions quite well, as wonderful as I'm sure heaven is, I like to believe I would not be so quick to want to leave this earth, and my children, so I personally can be in a better place.

I have two sons who have a loving father. I would not be so quick to want to leave them. I would want to stay with them as long as I can. Saying heaven, in that regard, is better than being here, is problematic for me. My children are my heaven on Earth.
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A movie for Christians by Christians
rachelnstephens9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie seriously misses the mark in trying to be a convincing proselytising tool to get unbelievers to convert to Christianity. As a Christian married to an atheist, time and again, Christian films are inadvertently made to make the Christian who brings a non-Christian to see the film feel warm and fuzzy, while being wholy unconvincing to non-Christians.

It was my athiest husband who reserved tickets to this film, not me. As I assumed, he walked out after the end of the film thinking they were all liars. I don't blame him. The film was disjointed and glossed over a lot of science.

For example, a woman has surgery but they supposedly purposely had her dead on the operating table for an hour? How did they do that? How did they know she'd have a near death experience or that she'd comeback? They drained her blood and did some sort of brain surgery? As far as I know, a patient is awake during brain surgery so that they can gauge how the patient is faring.

My husband said that whole part seemed like a lie. I wasn't convinced by the fact that the doctor said that his patient said that she saw tools that looked like her "dad's socket set." Well, you're having surgery. Common sense says that tools will be there. Also her chart may have had information regarding her surgery, so it just felt bogus.

The guy at the end really was not a good fit for this film. My husband said it was weird how he became "best friends" with his abusive dad to the dismay of his mom and sisters. Supposedly Jesus told him that his purpose is to love others. Sure, Jesus Himself in the Bible said that the whole law hangs upon loving God and loving our neighbours, but there's slightly more to Christian salvation than simply loving people. Not only that, the movie completely glossed over why he had a bad relationship with his wife and kids before his accident, and afterwards, when he "became a zealot" about telling everyone about his love mission from Jesus, his kids "didn't respect (his) experience" and his now-ex-wife "poisoned" his kids against him and now they want nothing to do with the Bible. I'm seeing a real lack of accountability on his part on the continued breakdown of his relationship with his wife and kids. His "testimony" made my husband agree with him in that "people think he's crazy."

Theologically, this film is lacking. Scientifically, this film leaves the skeptic unfulfilled.

Stop making Christian proselytising movies for people who are already Christian. We are the wrong audience. Start screening your unfinished films to athiests only and go from there.
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You'll be talking for hours after watching
Firstly, this is a great documentary that you will not regret watching. Without divulging too much, let me tell you what I appreciate most about this film (which may bother a number of people who watch it). I've worked in disease research, and currently work in cardiovascular science and surgery. Science, by design encapsulates topics which historically turns-out individuals who become inured, rigid, and quite frankly cranky at anything that challenges the current popular "latest and greatest" understandings. I can say, first-hand that although there is improvement in the field over the years there is still a majority of scientists and doctors who remain shutoff to anything remotely perceived as fringe (such as NDE).

What I strongly appreciate about this movie (and is even addressed towards the end) is that it is a conscious effort to broach the subject of NDE using empirical data and information that is difficult to refute. While there is a certain level of depth that each account goes into, the focus is more on the occurrence of the phenomena and the scale that NDE's take place.

Many people will leave the movie wishing it went deeper into the subjective experiences and descriptions of heaven and the afterlife, but I don't think that would have served the purpose of this movie best. For those who already have faith and belief in the afterlife, you don't need further confirmation. Progression doesn't occur in an echo chamber.

To advance the topic of NDE and further our understanding requires introducing the conversation to research scientists who, mostly consider it purely subjective and therefor not warranting further investigation. The means to garnering necessary support is by approaching the topic with what empirical data does exist that irrefutably demonstrates there is something more that is worthy of funding and investigation.

While we all can discuss in great detail the wonder and beauty of seeing our loved ones who have passed on, of feeling the pure and unadulterated love of the creator, it is subjective and counter productive to include in a conversation that is meant to move a fringe topic towards the center of a meaningful round table discussion in order to advance science and medicine. I think this documentary does that beautifully.

After Death is very much worth the watch and I hope it garners some viewers who are currently closed off to the notion of the soul and an afterlife.
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Something To Think About
stevendbeard31 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I saw After Death.

This is a documentary about people that have had near death experiences. It's based on real cases and has interviews with medical experts, scientists and survivors of these life changing incidents. Some people where in plane crashes, some in car accidents, some committed suicide and some had heart attacks. A lot of the stories are similar in tone; having an out of body experience where they can see themselves being resuscitated or maybe seeing bright lights and tunnels, etc. If you are a religious person, it will give you hope about what to look for after death and if you are not the religious type, it will still give you something to think about. There is so much we do not understand and can not be explained.

It's rated PG-13 for violent descriptions, bloody images and drug references and has a running time of 1 hour & 48 minutes.

I don't know if I would buy it on DVD but it would be a good one to stream.
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Mostly Christian based documentary
dwvsjrfx29 October 2023
Interestingly, there was no other deity discussed except the Christian faith. It would've been interesting to hear from people with similar experiences that aren't from a god based religion. They did have some people that were agnostic or atheist, but all had come to believe in God after their "enlightening" experience. I'm not for or against christianity but it made me wonder if people from other religions only go to heaven/hell or do they go to their Devine afterlife? Not interviewing people with near death experiences from other religions made me feel like I only had a half a story. I think they should have expanded to include other religions or spiritualities to be convincing. I didn't realize until after I went to the movie that it was a Christian based documentary-oops!
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Love a movie that you can walk away from as a better person
daineclark27 October 2023
Really gets you thinking, regardless of your belief structure. Like how they kept it neutral on a religious standpoint. Definitely made me wonder, and especially ask myself if I'd be proud of myself if I had an experience like one of these peoples'. Definitely worth the watch in theater around several other people. Cool energy from the crowd.

You could definitely tell that some of the people had what they would consider a religious experience, but the way they portrayed in the movie did not push any certain religious belief, they really kept it to only things they could absolutely prove scientifically. As a religious person myself I actually appreciated that. Makes a good message for all audiences.
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It's a start
willybomba28 October 2023
For people that have had an NDE or have a lot of knowledge of the subject... the documentary is VERY basic. For first timers on the subject, it's ok. The people and stories they picked are NOT the most compelling NDE stories out there. The movie touched a little too much about religion. Christianity specifically. The fact that the studio that made the movie is VERY into Christianity makes sense... and most NDEs are not about religion... but about love and source. Anyways. No harm done. Not a bad documentary. There's a bunch on YouTube that are much better. If anyone decides to read Raymond Moodys book because of watching this movie. Mission accomplished. Everyone should read that book. I'd say that proof of heaven the book was missing form the movie.
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Authentic Reporting from Unbiased Professionals
intimgod28 October 2023
This topic is a source of intense curiosity for some and strong skepticism for others. So, I had some reservations about how well they would present the subject in this film. I was happy to see they chose sources who were both experienced in collecting the testimonies of many different patients, and committed to conducting a sound scientific study, free of bias. And I was pleased that they shared testimonies from people of varied backgrounds. This film restores hope for an eternity of love/light, and challenges us to live today in such a way that we are positioned for such an eternity. I highly recommend this film for people of all beliefs.
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A subject people love to hate...
tellovan28 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary was interesting, in that it did tackle the question of what happens after we die. I've known atheists that have gone through experiences like this, where they've died, visited hell, came back and have devoted their lives to Christ.

I do appreciate the film for bringing in legitimate experts in the field of brain study, as well as all the survivors. Their testimonies felt real, because they are real.

People hate these films because they don't know the truth right in front of them. That seems to be a trend these days. People deny the truth because they don't want to tell themselves it's real.
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Absorbing but Nothing New
csubryan1 November 2023
Most of the material in the film has already been explored elsewhere but what I found especially disappointing was that it was mainly presented through the experiences of North American Christians. Dr. Moody actually touched on the experiences of believers of other faiths in his 1975 book but, for some reason, it did not come up in his interview. As a person from a devout Catholic background, I would have appreciated hearing of the NDE of people of other faiths, in particular Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims who make up almost half of the world's believers. They most certainly would not have met Jesus, as a number of the interviewees in the movie have claimed they did, and it would have been interesting to hear how they described the "Being of Light" encountered in their NDE. Since it appears that all of us live on after physical death and good deeds and love of others are an important part of our purpose in our present existence, then people of other faiths would be eligible for admission to the "heaven" described in many NDE's. Perhaps the makers of the film should consider a more inclusive sequel that would be of interest to more people than this one presumably was.
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Interesting but disappointing at the same time
theologos-1322112 November 2023
Interesting on one side but also a bit disappointing. They build a case for the afterlife and elder to heaven and hell but they never get around to really dealing with Jesus for salvation. It's a very New Age look at religion. All you need is love. Do good and love. Um, I think the Bible would disagree. We need Jesus for salvation. Yes, he is love but it doesn't matter how nice you are with out a relationship. The movie seems to make it seem all religions lead to the same loving God. They do tough on hellish experience but they vague. The whole movie is vague about how one can go to heaven and those who go to hell. I'm disappointed this is supposed to be a christian movie, but it's not. Religious, yes, but not Christian.
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Please go see this movie with an open heart.
deemccree29 October 2023
This movie brings to the surface a knowledge that I truly believe is seeded on the inside of all of us. For some, the seed is buried under all the things that this world has thrown at us. Go see this movie with an open heart and when you feel something on the inside of you move to the surface and possibly manifested through tears, know that the tiny seed is being watered. Keep nurturing it and watch it blossom fruits of love. I went to see this movie by myself. The theater was packed, when I left, there was this feeling of oneness with everyone who was there. It was like we'd collectively been given the beautiful gift of ultimate wisdom.
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A great documentary movie which might not change your mind unless you try to discover for yourself
jshwtktuttus13 November 2023
My wife and I used to go to the movies a lot until Covid changed everything. We decided after a long time of streaming them to see this movie in the theater. We are both experienced metaphysical travelers and, as such, we did not expect much out of it. The first half was boring. They were trying to prove what cannot be proven by human senses, things you must figure out for yourself with your own effort and determination. They are other ways besides Near-Death Experiences to receive the proof that The Other Site does exist, ways you can navigate through when you move the prevalent part of your mind out there.

Do not take me wrong, many Kudos to this movie creators for their bravery to try to inform, provoke and inspire the public to consider a topic which is unfortunately still taboo and a subject of mockery by often influential people who have had zero personal experiences. For my wife and me the movie, using a parable, is trying to prove that there is water in the sea, trees in the woods or sand in the desert. The only things explored from the beyond are the variations of Heaven and Hell. And then what? There is not even an iota about it in the movie. The metaphysical or spiritual reality, choose which word you like more, is vast and infinite, unlimited. Experienced travelers venturing out of human bodies navigate it by going beyond our physical senses, using extra-sensory perception, non-verbal communication and understanding of non-form-based environments. They communicate with highly developed entities residing in both form based, transitional and non-form-based dimensions.

After the movie, my wife overheard two ladies commenting on the movie and told them that she had traveled everywhere beyond the physical realm. "And did you see Jesus?", they asked. She answered that not just him but many other beings, trying to tell them that they could do it as well. "But did you see Jesus?" they insisted. That is what a religion person would expect. An atheist would have doubts immediately after the movie had just started. And that is the main problem with this marvelous work. Most people expect that someone else will tell them, especially celebrities. It does not work that way; they usually do not know more than you do. The movie also creates a rather biased impression that only those with Near-Death experiences, usually ones with traumatic moments, can visit The Other Side.

That is why I think that for most of you this movie will not change your opinion. But it can inspire you to start looking for more, much more. We were created, modified, or evolved for a reason. If you don't take action, you might look forever by asking other people. If you do take action, you can open your mind and find the ultimate truth in your mind and heart by connecting to everything. You can find answers for all the questions you might have now. I did it and I know everything I need to know, like where we came from, what we are doing here, where we go after we die and what we would be doing there. And mainly, that everything is in our hands. Our death is just a graduation from this school, no need to be afraid. We are sailing toward it.

Jozef Simkovic, Writer.
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Not what I expected from a Christian Perspective
karenwales-0844130 October 2023
As a born again Christian, I was very disappointed that this movie insinuated that you get to heaven by "loving each other" like Jesus commanded us to do; rather than a saving faith in believing who Jesus is, and what he did for us. - The gospel was never presented. I feel like a non-believer will walk away with the impression they just have to love their fellow-man to go to Heaven.

I was hoping this would present scientific evidence (which it did) that we DO have a soul/spirit (because I have a lost family member on his last days of life who believes everything will just go black) --- I was hoping this movie would be something I could show him, that we do have a soul, and that you DO have to have a relationship with Jesus to get to Heaven.

I thought ANGEL films was a Christian organization. That's why I went to this particular movie. - Now, I wonder who is REALLY behind that company.....?
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This movie really makes you think
kevingn27 October 2023
Just returned from an opening night showing. This movie is excellent! It is definitely worth your time. I have been impressed with all the movies from Angel Studios. I saw His Only Son in March of 2023, Sound of Freedom in July of 2023, and now, After Death. This one does not disappoint. The topic is truly fascinating. The three hellish experiences were so interesting, and the heavenly experiences were extremely inspiring and beautiful. It is amazing to think about the brief nature of our lives and the eternal reality that awaits all of us. Go see it! You will not regret it. It truly does make you think about what happens after death.
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Very disappointing message
jpeplow5 November 2023
As a Christian I was very excited to see this movie. Exploring near death experiences from many different viewpoints is a great opportunity to make people think about what happens after you die. The movie does a good job of showing that physical death is not the end, but instead it is a portal into the next life (or death) as the case may be. However, the most disappointing thing about the movie is that once it has the viewers thinking about what happens after you die, it completely drops the ball. Instead of letting people know that the only way to heaven is believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, it instead focuses on a generic message of being a good person and general love for others. The Bible clearing states that you can't earn your way into heaven (which is what this movie promotes), but that the only way to have eternal life is through accepting Jesus. After seeing this movie I did some research on Angel Studios, thinking they were a Christian based studio. Well, I discovered I was wrong. The term Angel comes from the source of their funding "Angel investors". There goal is to make shows that are family and kid friendly, without explicit material. As for this movie, the director states that he is an Evangelical Christian, but made this film for everyone. If that's the case he will have a lot to answer for when he stands before God. To whom much has been given, much will be required. To have the ability and resources to reach so many people with the gospel and not deliver is truly a crime. He may be a Christian, but I doubt he is an "evangelical" Christian.
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Very DRY!
angryville5 November 2023
The way they promoted this film, yes, they said it was somewhat documentary, but it's pretty much ALL documentary. Dry, facts and figures, narration, etc., but that's it.

We walked out after 40 minutes of this because we just couldn't take any more. After you get past the initial research presented, it's just way too repetitive. A snooze-fest.

What they should have presented in their commercials was "If you like lectures and seminars, this movie is for YOU!"

That's the problem with most movie promos these days.....they show you some humorous banter between a couple of the characters and lead you to think it's a comedy and it turns out that's the only snappy patter in the movie. This one never claimed to be a comedy, but they made it seem like there were going to be more re-creations and intriguing scenes and there's practically none of that.

If you want entertainment, you'd be better off having a cinder block dropped on your head.
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A good film about the greatest mystery
dtucker8627 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What happens when we die? That question has fascinated and scared us all since time began. This movie is the first documentary film about near death experiences since Sunn Classic Pictures Beyond and Back that was WAYYYYY back in 1978. This is a fascinating film featuring interviews with NDE research pioneer Raymond Moody as well as others who have explored the issue. The best part of the film is interviews with those who have had NDE's. The most prominent are Don Piper a minister who was involved in a car accident and claimed he saw his grandfather in Heaven. He was so happy that he actually went into a deep depression when he came back to life! The other is Howard Storm an art professor who had a medical emergency while visiting France. His near death experience was initially hellish and terrifying and then he said he was rescued by Jesus. An athiest before this, Storm became a pious Christian and an ordained minister! This film should be watched by everyone to make them realize how precious life is and how we should value each day.
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Fascinating and thought provoking
loriincali30 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Fascinating and thought-provoking look at the biggest question of life... what happens when we die? I really enjoyed the mix of people being interviewed - scientists, survivors, experts. The survivors stories are incredible - and how their stories all align is fascinating. I don't want to put in too many spoilers, but their stories are incredibly impactful - and will stick with me for years to come. Especially the woman who watched her own surgery! My biggest take away is that today is precious and it matters. We don't know what tomorrow has in store and how we love, how we relate, how we treat people today is important. Kudos to the filmmakers for brining together such a fascinating cast.
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Good or survivable
jkhamorama17 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Great compelling concept! Terrible horrific execution! My favorite section of this film was definitely the bald catholic man's story. The atheist man that lived through literal hell! Great description and detail with that one sequence! Everything else was just completely confusing, chaotic, and especially choppy to understand. It was very interesting yet inconsistent and inconceivable! All of the other sequences and characters sounded very similar and blended together. It was thrilling for a few moments yet disappointing overall in a mixed misused misunderstood plot and application. It deserved more respect and attention then it received!
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