Dawn Rider (2012) Poster


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Nothing Special but worth the 90 minutes
nowego9 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having always been a big fan of Westerns I saw this listed and after reading the cast thought it might be an OK watch even though it got a low score on here.

Low scores seem to be becoming a standard on here for any movie that doesn't have lots of action and explosions.

Christian Slater can be very hit and miss with his movies and Donald Sutherland is getting a bit past it and now only plays bit parts, but I still thought this was worth a watch. I hadn't seen any of Jill Hennessy's work before but after watching this now will be having a look at Jordans Crossing.

This follows the tried and true formula of a lot of westerns in the past with man hunts and revenge and a bit of humour thrown in here and there.

Without giving the plot away completely a son (Christian Slater) comes home to his home town and his father gets murdered in a robbery. The son get wounded in the robbery as well and is nursed back to health by an old friend (Jill Hennessy), who just happens to be the sister of one of the robbers.

The son, is also an ex Pinkerton detective and on the run from a dubious character (Sutherland) and he decides to try to find his fathers killers.

Some of the gunfights are a bit farcical and they are not very good shots but overall the movie is quite entertaining and mostly moves at a good pace with a few slow spots. 6/10 for me.
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Well LOL
dallasryan16 February 2015
What can you say, this movie is what it is. I think the movie's budget went to paying all of the top 4 actors their salary. I must say Jill Hennessy still looks great and she was the best thing about this movie. What's up with the town they live in though? There's only like 10 people that live in this town. They couldn't hire 20 more extras? Gee whiz lol. I mean, Mason couldn't figure out out of the 10 people that lived in the town who the bad guy/guys were from the beginning? Again, I think the budget went to the salaries of the actors.

I loved Christian Slater's early work with True Romance, and Pump up the Volume, but he hasn't been able to play adult roles very well. He never was able to make that transition convincingly. If you want a good laugh though, check this film out.
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Good enough to watch if you keep low expectations
savitch994 July 2012
This movie is good in the way a Steve Austin action movie can be good if you know what to expect. It feels like a parody of a western because all the stereotypical elements are there but it treats itself seriously. That's why some will like it and others completely hate it so it makes it difficult to recommend to anyone.

I personally found the clothes and sets a little distracting because everything felt slightly wrong for pre-1900. The low budget probably limited what could be custom made so you just have to overlook it. The music was also wrong in a few places, some points have an almost comical tone and don't match the situation.

If you are the type to get bothered by details then this movie would be difficult to get through, otherwise it's a good average western themed movie. I just don't consider it a good western.
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Plodding western
Wizard-825 June 2012
"Dawn Rider" is a remake of a John Wayne "B" western of the 1930s. The original version ran only about fifty-three minutes, while this remake runs an additional forty minutes - which happens to be one of the big problems. There isn't enough story here to justify a ninety-three minute running time, so frequently the movie runs at a VERY slow speed. But there are other problems with the movie. The movie is also quite dull, and while there are several action sequences, they are very unexciting. While Christian Slater has given some fine performances in the past, he's hopeless here, the last person you would consider being a hardened gunfighter despite not shaving for several days. Donald Sutherland only appears in five brief scenes, indicating he was only hired for a few days so that the movie would qualify for Canadian content rules. The production values are okay, and there are a few well-photographed sequences, but that's not enough to make the movie appealing to even western addicts like myself.
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A bit dull
deloudelouvain19 February 2015
When I saw the cast I thought I was going to be in for a good western even though the score was pretty low on IMDd. But in the past I saw movies that I liked that ranked low here so I thought I give it a try. Well this time the IMDb ranking was spot on. This western is not really worth watching unless you are bored and have absolutely nothing else to do. If the budget was 5 million it for sure went just to the actors because they didn't spend much on anything else. Another western where there are only like 10 people living in a town. Could you really not afford some extras as bystanders? The plot was also very predictable, what made it quite dull. I was glad when the movie ended and won't watch it again.
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devosurf3 June 2012
I'm a big fan of westerns and have been since my childhood in the 60's. This is perhaps the worst western i've ever seen. It had such promise, Christian Slater and Donald Southerland are two actors I've always enjoyed. I sought this film out because they're in it, what a walloping disappointment! Stupid plot, flat acting, ridiculous inconsistencies, modern dialogue far removed from period correct, empty characters, the list of bad qualities goes on. The entire production is really lousy. There are giant holes in the story line that get filled with the kind of convenience elements a high school level writer would utilize. i tried really hard to care about any of the characters but they were so thin that there wasn't anything to care about. Phoned in performances from Southerland and Slater were a huge disappointment.
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Worth watching because of the cast and better then most recent westerns. Nothing that amazing but it is watchable. I say B-
cosmo_tiger25 May 2012
"When my father died he was trying to tell me something, Dos Equis." When fugitive John Mason's (Slater) father is killed by a group of masked bandits he decides to hunt them down and get his revenge. Things get complicated when he realizes that the bandits are closer to home then he thought. I have said a few times now that I don't know what happened to the western genre. After "Dances With Wolves", "Tombstone" and "Open Range" the genre seemed to fall off drastically and is now limited to very low budget cheesy made-for-TV movie type movies. I was looking forward to this one mainly because of the cast. I thought finally a descent western that I will like. While this is a great many times better then 90% if the recent contributions, this felt the same as the rest. This could have easily been another made-for-TV movie if not for the cast. Nothing really original and this is not the return of the great westerns I was hoping for but this is easily one of the better ones in recent memory. Which isn't really saying that much I know. Overall, worth watching and entertaining but it is a little slow and still a B-rate western. I give it a B-.
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Terrible writing
timullett11 December 2018
Character development was poor. Act wasn't good. But it was a western, guess they thought it wouldn't matter. A few f-bombs thrown in for good measure.
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Just saw this last night
scythempress10 November 2013
Jill Henessey is looking old, as is Sutherland, because he is. Slaters constant drinking, smoking and quotes got old fast. Henessey as an Annie Oakley wanna be, finally gets a chance to use the gun she keeps displaying to shoot her worthless criminal brother and doesn't. Why in the world didn't any of the fools who saw the masked marauders during the day put two and two together on their clothes and hats? They looked the same in town except no masks. Even in those days, you didn't just pull the badge off a dead man and become his replacement. A bounty hunter who is also a US Marshal is tracking a man who cheated at cards in a Mexico prison resulting in the death of one prisoner and the release of another for a family that wants revenge. Wow, talk about a reach. The only thing I find mildly good about this is the ending. Everything from opening credits to that point was a waste of time.
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RosanaBotafogo14 May 2020
Well, but it's not contagious, something is missing, that spark that brings us passion, because the film is like love, chemistry has to happen, it didn't happen, but it's not bad ...
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a lousy remake
sandcrab27718 August 2021
John wayne did this western in 1935 and this piece of garbage has no business of being released for viewing .. some peoples idea of a western was badly misjudged ... mostly trite and pretentious without any redeeming value.
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" I told you before, I Ain't never been to Cincinnati "
thinker16914 June 2012
In this day and age when the genera of the true Western movie is becoming a rarity, it's difficult to see any which are memorable. Some good examples are 'High Plains Drifter, The Wild Bunch and Unforgiven' where a gunman is remorseful of his past. To that group is this new addition called " Dawn Rider." Growing up I remember the same title on another movie, but nothing as memorable as this offering. Director Terry Miles who also co-wrote the story relates the western tale of a man (Christian Slater) who returns home to his father who unfortunately is killed in a hold-up. His son, being a former Pinkerton detective, silently ponders who might have been responsible. At the same time the son is tracked by a shadowy, but persistent lawman (Donald Sutherland) and his posse who have an outstanding though dubious arrest warrant for him. In addition, the rider has set his eyes on a woman (Jill Hennenssy) who becomes a nurse and friend to him, unaware she is set to marry another man. The rider has a persistent problem in that a group of cowboys in white masks is making themselves known as a ruthless band of killer robbers who are planning for their final confrontation with the law, while the rider remains vaguely unaware how close the danger really is. The movie appears to have been hewn from an authentic western photograph. Indeed, the rustic town is rough-cut, thread bear with all the black and white images of early Americanna, complete with colorful names for the citizens and multiple uses of buildings. The movie itself is believable in mannerism, costumes and even dialog. Slater does well to carry the film to it's inevitable conclusion with Donald Suttherland giving a convincing performance with a surprise ending. Excellent Film. Recommended. ****
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nogodnomasters26 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
1883. Montana, Wyoming, Dakotas.

Christian Slater stars as "Cincinnati" John Mason, a man wanted for murder in Missouri. Donald Sutherland plays a marshal hunting him down. Meanwhile, there is a group of hooded bandits robbing stage coaches and the mail. We, the audience, know the identity of the bandits, while John tries to figure it out because they shot and killed his father. John has a love interest in Alice (Jill Hennessy) and whiskey.

The movie is supposed to be a remake of the 1935 John Wayne film, which somehow I missed. I found Slater to lack the charisma and toughness to play a cowboy. While not terrible, he was unconvincing. The soundtrack was cowboy cliche with all the bells and whistles (literally) that we have come to watch in modern spoofs. The movie has slow moving sequences of long drawn out dialouge with frequent pauses for the characters to take a long breath or a swig of whiskey. Once the film gets about half way through it picks up and even had some decent scenes.

If you looking for a western to download off Amazon, this one beats out "Hells Fury" and "Hell at my Heels" by a long shot.

F-bomb, no sex, no nudity. Two adults in bed after sex.
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Nothing to review beyond petty larceny
horn-525 June 2014
Using most of the character names as was used in the original Tom Tyler film (Monogram) and the remakes starring John Wayne (Lone Star-Monogram) and Bob Baker (Uinversal), it would appear that such an outright theft should have also been noted when the writing credits appear on this film...but try as I may I fail to find one line on any frame of this film that mention this film was base on an original story and screenplay by Wellyn Totman, and also on subsequent screenplays by Robert N. Bradbury and George Waggner. Evidently, the use of previously-written copyrighted material, without crediting any of the original story or screenplay writers is no problem in Canada. A simple based-upon-by nod would have been honest, at least.
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You shouldn't have tried
bkoganbing15 October 2014
Lately John Wayne films have been getting lots of remakes. Offhand I've seen remakes for Stagecoach, The Alamo, The Sons Of Katie Elder, The Angel And The Badman, True Grit and now a film from his early B western period, Dawn Rider. John Wayne was one of a kind, no one should expect to emulate him. But Christian Slater, you shouldn't have tried.

Several of the plot elements are the same and Slater and the rest of the cast use the same character names, but there's no way unless you were a John Wayne fan you could possibly guess this was a remake of one of his films.

Slater, a man of some notoriety in the west comes home to visit his father who runs the local Express company office in his town and shortly afterward is there when his father is killed in a robbery attempt. It's a quest for vengeance after that and the killer is closer to him than he thinks.

One new element that was introduced was Donald Sutherland as a bounty hunter also after Slater. His character seemed to superfluous in a way. But this remake is certainly not a true remake of the Lone Star western the Duke did in his B western period where the good guys and bad guys were fairly obvious. Then again that western was for the Saturday matinée kid's trade in 1935.

Slater is an actor who specializes in quirky and sometime unstable characters. John Wayne's boots were too big to fill.
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Weak western
garymg25 August 2018
It's better than watching golf, pro football or commercials. Beyond this, the movie is weak-uneven acting and cliche ploys.
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Not great
cudax16 November 2021
Mediocre at best. I really like Christian Slater and Jill Hennessey.

I like Donald Sutherland ...however, none of these great actors shines in what is at best a poorly written screenplay. Also, even though it has the xray feature, it only shows Robert Downey Jr, who is not even in this movie! Very disappointing considering the caliber of the main actors.
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TV western
SnoopyStyle19 July 2020
In 1883 Dakota Territory, John Mason (Christian Slater) barely escapes bounty hunters led by Cochrane (Donald Sutherland). He goes home to his pa and falls for Alice Gordon (Jill Hennessy). He doesn't know that Alice's brother Rudd Gordon (Lochlyn Munro) has been robbing the mail with his masked bandit friends in order to save the family farm. During one of the robberies, Pa Mason is killed and John vows revenge.

This movie starts with watering the fern. It's trying to be a gritty western. It's got some top level acting talents. It's not the worst thing in the world. It tries. The difficulty is that it doesn't have the filmmaking skills. It's at best TV movie level or less. All in all, there is some good but it doesn't reach the level of cinema. The intensity is simmering at medium low. It's not worth more than a late night watch.
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The movie is bad, really really bad
jordondave-2808513 May 2023
(2012) Dawn Rider WESTERN

Another straight-to-rental Christian Slater movie starring in a forgettable western centering on his father getting killed as a result of a group of criminal outlaws attempting to score something big while stealing mail from unsuspecting post offices. The ironic thing is that the father that was just killed also happens to be one of the rustlers dad as well except that he didn't know about that until after he was shot and killed since he was outside guarding the horses. He did however killed the guy who shot him but is still part of the group. In terms of the shooting scenes in this movie is amongst the worst and the most unconvincing I had ever seen since everybody including the ones who are supposed to be really good all look like lousy shots, since they're many close scenes of people shooting at one another at close range and yet, they still miss, like how bad is that if a kid in real life, can aim better than the adults shown in this film. I stopped at half way before shutting it off and was unable to watch anymore, but I think I'm going to use the fast forward button while playing the rest of the way. Don't bother to waste your time. Bomb.
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An ex Pinkerton agent returns to his home in Wyoming to see his father and becomes enmeshed in discovering the identity of a band of outlaws.
fiddleferme24 March 2013
This was a remarkably well done western with class performances by Christian Slater and Donald Sutherland as well as the rest of the cast. The authenticity of the era the movie represents is excellent. The plot is involving and complex with well thought out character development. No canned music or banal stereotypes, typical in such movies as The Quick and the Dead. I found the movie thoroughly enjoyable, with a moderately paced action and well done action scenes. The music enhanced the plot without manipulating the viewers emotions. The hero/villain roles are complex.If you like Westerns, this movie is definitely worth watching.
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Overly swift, with the heart & care it should've had traded in for ill-fitting modern sensibilities
I_Ailurophile26 November 2023
I thought it was a fluke over the opening credits, but it continued to catch my attention in the opening scene and beyond: there is an overwhelming sense of falseness to this picture. From the weirdly accelerated time-lapse photography over the opening credits, to the music that feels forced and charged; from the overly clean sound and visual effects, to the perfectly crisp and smooth cinematography, and pacing that feels a tad too swift and unnatural, the presentation comes across as a little hollow. I suppose part of it is that impeccable modern production values just seem ill-fitting for a genre that's filled with grit, dirt, and rough edges even in the storytelling, but then, there have been other westerns made in the past ten to twenty years that didn't suffer from the same issues. Maybe it's the very idea of a modern remake of a feature from decades before that invariably would have not had the benefit of the same pristine techniques and new technology; maybe it all can be laid on the shoulders of director Terry Miles, or producer Paul Malvern, and choices they made along the way. It's certainly not that 2012's 'Dawn rider' is outright awful, but it consistently feels like an imperfect facsimile of the movie that it's supposed to be.

The acting consistently feels empty, bereft of the earnestness that would make every moment real and impactful; it's like the actors are divorced from the characters they're portraying, and just going through the motions. The same quite goes for the fundamental orchestration of every shot and scene: the story beats, movements, stunts, effects, and lines are all there, but the heart and soul of the whole affair isn't. In turn, every word and story idea seems to have the strength sapped from it; the story feels overfull, for that matter, and for as quickly as the pacing blows past each notion in turn, nothing here is allowed to manifest, linger, and resolve of its own accord. The result is overcharged, thin, and less than entirely convincing. I see what 'Dawn rider' could have been, but what it could have been is not what it is. Why, by the time it feels like we should be at the climax, with surely only a few minutes left to go, it's mystifying to look at the digital timer and find that there are still somehow twenty minutes left.

Making a tale fast, snappy, sexy, and violent is not the answer to creating entertainment. The people telling the tale have to feel it in their bones to make it count for the audience; we in the audience have to feel it in our bones to get anything out of the experience. There's nary one beat or characterization that's believable, or that comes off well, and incredibly, I think this actually manages to get worse within the last act (before at least concluding on a better note). I appreciate what everyone involved put into it, and the basic work is solid. Somewhere along the line, however - or if we're being honest, at multiple points along the line, including and not limited to both writing and direction - the core value is greatly diminished as one decision after another creates a sense of heavy-handed artificiality. Had more judicious care been exercised in shaping the film, had it not been crafted with modern sensibilities, and had the pacing not been so brisk, then this could have been terrific. None of these changes would have been hard to make. Yet here we are.

I don't dislike 'Dawn rider,' and there's still value here despite all its many faults and shortcomings. The fact remains that this is no more than half the picture it should have been, and we have to work to find something to enjoy. I'm glad for those who manage to get more out of it than I do, but for all the other deserving westerns that are out there to watch - both classic and new - unless you have a particular impetus for watching, there's no major reason to check this out.
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won't worth a penny
rightwingisevil31 May 2012
terrible western screenplay with lousy storyline and deadbeat plot, bad directing and bad acting. this western should not be made into production because it's worthless. pretentiously tried very hard to be cool but turned out to be so hollow. first, we got a close up of the guy urinated with a projectile urine line in the very beginning when it showed 'Dakota Territory, 1883", then we heard the title song kept singing in the background, then the song went on vaguely, then when the so-called 'Cincinnati Kid' open the door, the volume of the song suddenly became louder. well, did you see what wrong with such stupid arrangement? no? well, let me to tell you: it's like that there's a phonograph (record player) playing the album inside, the volume was blocked by the door, so when the door was opened, the volume suddenly came out of the opening; such arrangement of directing was just....!@#$! then the guy kept drinking out of a bottle, then three bounty hunters came and sneaked up, two of the low-level no-brains started shoot at the cabin built with lumbers, they shot the door, the glass windows...and the leader said when the shoots ended: "alive worth $500 more....now you killed him". give me a break, will you? shooting at a lumber/timber cabin from afar thru the windows and the door would kill the target? and later when the so-called Cincinnati drinker/drunk came to town, he found the robbers in front the post office then he started shooting WITH HIS TWO GUNS at very close range, his shootings were so lame, the way he held his guns was so funny, and his two guns kept shooting, at such close distance, his double guns....? well, i just can't go on to tell you how bad this movie is
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If you want to waste your time...
carlosmidence25 October 2020
It is like a high school drama on tape, even the horses didn't want to play their role.
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Campy And Cruddy
wandernn1-81-6832745 January 2022
Some pretty bad writing puts to waste some talented actors in this unnecessary western yarn. I've been to Old Tucson many times and seen better stories acted out in the street performances. 3/10.
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Sturdy Remake of the Vintage John Wayne Western
zardoz-1317 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hollywood has all but forsaken westerns. Typically, the sagebrushers that are produced turn out lame. "Recoil" director Terry Miles and "Knockout" scenarists Eric Jacobs and Joseph Nasser prove the exception to the rule with their above-average remake of the vintage John Wayne B-movie western "The Dawn Rider." The Wayne oater was a remake of director Lloyd Nosler's oater "Galloping Thru" (1931) with Tom Tyler. As it turns out, "Dawn Rider" is the second time that "The Dawn Rider" has been remade; director George Waggner's "Western Trails" (1938) preceded it as the first remake of "The Dawn Rider." In their remake, Miles and his scribes have opened up the action considerably and supplemented the narrative with greater depth as well as length. The original ran a scant 53 minutes compared with the second remake at 94 minutes. Mind you, Christian Slater couldn't fill John Wayne's boots, but he makes a credible western hero in his own right. Donald Sutherland co-stars as a heavily-bearded, bulletproof lawman on our protagonist's trail. No lawman pursued Wayne in director Ray N. Bradbury's 1935 original. Indeed, the Sutherland character recalls the sheriff that Harry Carey, Sr., portrayed in a later Wayne horse opera "Angel and the Badman." According to Miles, he appropriated the indefatigable lawman figure from another of his own screenplays. Lochlyn Munro makes a good villain, while Jill Hennessy emerges as our hero's romantic partner. She isn't relegated to the periphery. She brandishes a revolver and holds her own against the guys. The production values are sturdy, and the cast looks seasoned as well as believable. Miles stages the shoot-outs with reasonable flair, but this oater doesn't break any ground, except casting Slater as a western hero. The villain resorts to a life of crime to pay off a bill involving ownership of a ranch. The hardware appears authentic enough, with cap and ball pistols sometimes substituting for cartridge carrying sidearms. Although it won't win any Oscars, "Dawn Rider" ranks as one of the better westerns to trot across the screen.

"Dawn Rider" opens as John Mason (Christian Slater of "True Romance") urinates in the woods and then checks the cherry tomatoes in his garden. Mason marks an X through October 13 on a calendar. He has been holed up in the cabin for over three months. Later, U.S. Marshal Cochrane (Donald Sutherland of "M.A.S.H.") and two trigger-happy gunmen ride up and cut loose with a barrage of rifle-fire. Cochrane reprimands them for shooting indiscriminately into the cabin. He stands to lose a $500 bonus if he doesn't bring Mason in alive. When they storm the cabin, these fellows hear an explosion, and trapdoor in the floor shudders as Mason makes his escape through a tunnel without injury. Meantime, in Sarsaparilla, Wyoming, a gang of outlaws wearing flour sacks as masks shoot it out in broad daylight, kill a marshal, and steal a bag that contains only mail but no money. Rudd Gordon (Lochlyn Munro of "Recoil") is desperate to round up $5000 to pay the debt on the ranch he owes to the Standard Rail Company. Rudd's sister Alice (Jill Hennessy of "Wild Hogs") lives with him. Mind you, Alice has no idea that her brother is a desperado.

Miles and his scenarists have changed quite a bit from the John Wayne version of "Dawn Rider." Not only does Mason have a reputation as a gunslinger from Cincinnati, but he has also spent time in a Mexican prison. The John Wayne protagonist in the 1935 version was lily-white pure. Miles' remake preserves the plot device involving McClure's ring, but adds the complication that drives Rudd to crime to pay off his debt. Alice and Mason are old friends, too, unlike the couple in the Wayne original. She sleeps with a revolver stashed under her pillow. This plot device is introduced right after she nurses Mason and paid off later when one of Rudd's gunman tries to rape her. "Dawn Rider" benefits from fresh scenery, enough shoot-outs, and a twist at the end involving the shooting of Cochrane.
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