Putzel (2012) Poster


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What a delightful package of entertainment!
alxndr-628-3044129 March 2013
We previewed this film at the Cinema Society of San Diego, and what a delightful evening it was. The movie was tender, funny, adorable and elicited laughter and embraces from the audience. Each role was played out with understated, well-cast characters who delivered believable performances, making the entire movie feel like home.

Our guest speaker, Allegra Cohen, who played the part of Willa, and produced the movie, brought it all to life with her own energy and enthusiasm to the members' questions and comments.

Though the story is age-old (boy meets girl, unrequited love unfolds, and the end turns out okay), it's the characters, setting and acting that make it so tender and touching.

You'll want to catch this flick on your film festival circuit, and hopefully, when it's out in theaters and on Netflix!

Enjoy, it's a little bouquet of pleasantly-scented flowers that we can all appreciate!
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Wow, Just all together BAD.
doc-9012 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I'm somewhat shocked at all the stunningly glowing reviews for this film and how hauntingly similar they all are. I don't think the market is the only thing that smells fishy!

I went to see this film because it had been pushed as a positive film for the Jewish community. If this is positive for the Jewish community, then Blacula is the ultimate African American role model. OK, I'm being harsh, but it really wasn't a very good film.

The lead character, Putzel, was every bad Jewish stereotype available. But played in such an ineffective way as to not really matter. Like most of the characters in the film, you never really care about him. They all have frequent emotional outbursts, but they only seem to be because the script said emotional outburst. Melanie Lansky is a great actress wasted on this poorly written script. She is deeply distraught about something, but her dialogue doesn't give you a clue. Again, it seems to be a stage direction.

I think the core of the problem was a cookie cutter script. It was like a mad-libs version of script writing. It couldn't have been more exact formula in any other way. A then B then C then D. Just like teacher said. Since this is the first and last thing the screenwriter has written, lets hope it's a high school kid following a pattern he found online.

It was not bad because it tried too hard, or not hard enough, or was too anything. It was bad because it was bland, pallid, and went nowhere. Don't waste the time. If you want to visit New York, see Smoke, or 100 Cigarettes, or ANYTHING else.
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A fantastically warm and relatable romantic comedy!
buckd4091 March 2013
Putzel is a film which demonstrates that with love and the right amount of courage, you can break free from your metaphorically familial and mental shackles to reveal the person you are truly meant to be.

Through the keen directorial skill of Jason Chaet paired with Rick Moore's quirky, sensitive and a tiny bit raunchy writing, you find yourself deeply engrossed in a love story that is rarely seen nowadays. It is a tale with true heart and soul acted beautifully by the likes of Jack Carpenter, Melanie Lynskey, John Pankow and Susie Essman. And to top it all off, it is set in the historic and world renowned Upper West Side of Manhattan! What you find in the end is that there is a little bit of Putzel in all of us. We have our faults and our strengths and this film helps you decipher between the two. So get together with some friends and family, have a nosh and go see Putzel. You'll be glad you did!
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Charming, disarming, delightful.
woodvirt17 February 2013
At times farcical, at times whimsical, PUTZEL is always true to itself. Walter (Jack Carpenter) is a young man grappling with his future. Paralyzed by both a familial legacy and his own neurosis, he struggles to achieve security and a clear path to happiness. Sally (Melanie Lynskey) presents an attractive yet thorny alternative to those expectations - but at a cost. In the end, freedom will come if only if he is able to - forgive me for this - swim against the tide. John Pankow's performance as the uncle continues to deepen in my memory. New York's Upper West Side gives an uncredited major performance. All principles are well cast but the secondary roles - Armando Riesco, Adrian Martinez, Jarleth Conroly, Steve Park - are delightful and nearly flawless. (A hilarious scene with Fred Berman will have to be kept hidden from his family.) Hard to believe it was shot on such a low budget. Definitely worth checking out - a modest gem.
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Try the Fish!
tony-968-61324114 February 2013
I thought Putzel was funny, sweet, edgy, and original. There were some surprisingly dark moments, that I wasn't expecting when I sat down to watch a movie about romance on the Upper West Side. I thought John Pankow really went there and gave a visceral performance that really stuck with me. I also found the fish obsessed delivery guy sub-plot to be warped and hilarious in a way that I so enjoyed. I respected the writing, and the realism and tension in the relationships portrayed. And the level of talent in the casting was really impressive, and so well utilized. I'm sure that this piece will have a lot of positive buzz on the festival circuit, and will be a treat for a wide audience when it receives distribution.
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a fishy movie... in a wonderful way.
idazu9016 April 2014
if you're an upper west side jew who is afraid to go below 59th st or above 116th st, you work in your family's fish store (and you plan to work there for the next 40 years of your life), this movie is actually about your life. so you should see it.

for the rest of you (and me) who don't fall into that category, here's why we should see it:

1. change is scary, but a lot of the times it's also so needed. this movie is a good reminder about that. 2. it has a lot of fish. fish can never be a bad thing. 3. also bagels. 4. you can never see too many love stories. this one will make you laugh, feel a little awkward and maybe even tear up. 5. this movie deserves to be seen more than any of the Hollywood glam movies that are out at the moment. this movie is real. 6. it gives an answer to the ultimate question that we've been asking for CENTURIES; what's a putzel?

so, yeah. just watch it. watch it now.
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What's a PUTZEL?!?!
shorteeroc2424 February 2013
No 3-D, CGI effects or robot monsters, but an unlikely superhero of sorts. PUTZEL is a charming throw-back to the simple art of storytelling. In an era of big budget movies, this indie rom-com is a breath of fresh air with a positive message - sometimes the scariest risk delivers happiness on a platter (maybe even on a "harry" platter;) Jason Chaet & Rick Moore bring a wonderful modern day Upper West Side fairytale to the screen. A film with a lot of laughs and moments where you find yourself "verklempt". Great, great ensemble cast! Stand-out performances by: Melanie Lynskey, Jack Carpenter, Steve Park, favorites John Pankow and Allegra Cohen. Also, Susie Essman breaks out of her normal character type and displays some solid acting chops. If you like to laugh, cry, and eat smoked fish, then throw on a "tank top" and see this movie!!!
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great romcom
camsolloway3 February 2013
Saw this at the Palm Springs Film Festival. My girlfriend picked it out and I didn't think I was going to like it. But I did. It was offbeat, without being annoying. And funny as hell, but also sad in parts. The story is about a guy who works in a deli in New York who's kind of a Woody Allen type. He spends most of the film trying to figure out what he wants to do with his life and falling in love with the wrong girl. The acting was great all around and there were a lot of actors you've seen before. The girl who played the lead was there and answered questions after it was over. (She also plays Rose on Two and a Half Men). When is the movie going to be in theaters?
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Little bit of everything
Legaminevie28 February 2013
Putzel is the perfect blend of heartwarming and hilarious. A group of well written and well acted characters telling a story anyone can relate to. The acting, direction and script are so well done that you find yourself engaged by even the most minor characters. It encapsulates life on The Upper West side of Manhattan without alienating audiences elsewhere. Instead of being alienating it makes the Upper West side feel relatable, like it could be anywhere. Although at times it deals with surprising sad and dark subject matter it leaves you feeling hopeful. It also will make you laugh with some of the funniest moments you've seen in a film. These things and it's Billy Wilder like style make it an instant classic.
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christi-711-42109228 February 2013
PUTZEL is an adorable, poignant, funny film set entirely on Manhattan's Upper West Side. While it does mix in some sad moments, the film ends on a hopeful, uplifting note. Walter, aka Putzel, is an endearing protagonist with whom I assume everyone can relate: We all have our insecurities and unfulfilled dreams. As the film develops, we realize Walter's issues stem from a particularly dysfunctional family relationship. Again, something to which most of us can relate. How Walter both acknowledges and transcends his past is the film's journey. If you have an opportunity to see a screening of PUTZEL, don't miss it. And let's hope this gem of a film finds wider distribution. It deserves it!
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They don't make em like this anymore, but they should
bill30311 March 2013
If, like me, you've bemoaned the lack of character-based, pathos-filled, and genuinely laugh-out-loud funny relationship comedies lately, then Putzel will come as a welcome breath of whitefish and lox-scented air. With all the bite and heart of the best Billy Wilder movies, director Jason Chaet tells a story of dysfunctional romance and blighted dreams, set entirely within the delivery radius of an old-school, family-owned Manhattan deli. The stakes have never been higher for Walter "Putzel" Himmelstein as he gamely attempts to manage an uncertain future, a wildly egotistical uncle, an irrational phobia, and a deli counter, which all finally comes into focus for him when a ballet and fish-loving shiksa goddess played by the always great Melanie Lynskey plies (plee-ayys?) into his life. There's bona fide laughter and tears here, and it all comes in a witty, Manischewitz-soaked punch.
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Heartfelt New York Love Story
samunderwood-nyc15 February 2013
Saw the premiere of this at Woodstock Film Festival. A tremendous heartfelt comedy with an incredible ensemble cast. Jack Carpenter (Putzel) is an incredible young talent and John Pankow really knocks it out the park as his Uncle Sid. If you've ever enjoyed Melanie Lynskeys hilarious character on 3 1/2 Men, you will really enjoy her playing a real life complex character in this movie. If you are looking for something light-hearted with a poignant message served by terrific actors - this is the movie for you. I also learnt so much more about Lox than I ever knew before! Looking forward to what else Jason Chaet and Rick Moore bring to the screen.
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Why do I keep quoting this movie!? Cause so much of it is memorable...
stevejprowe15 February 2013
I first caught this when it premiered at the Woodstock Film Festival, and it caught me completely off-guard. So much so that I jumped at the opportunity to see it again a few weeks later at its NYC premier to figure out if I really loved it as much as I thought. I did, and do. Jack Carpenter, Melanie Lynskey and Susie Essman are super-believable and endearing in their roles. There were at least 5 scenes that I laughed through so hard that popcorn was coming out of my nose. Here are a few things you won't stop saying for weeks: "-ish" ... "tickle, tickle" ... "Poseidon, King of the Sea!" ... "he loves _____, too much". You'll understand when you see it, and you should.
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Definitely go see it
emilylkrull9 March 2014
I saw a showing of Putzel in a private screening in New York City. After the screening was over I immediately asked when it would be coming out so that I could order a copy.

Putzel is classic storytelling at it's best. It had its moments where I laughed so hard I almost cried, and moments where I actually teared up. Through the skilled directorial work of Jason Chaet- Jack Carpenter, Melanie Lynskey, John Pankow and all the rest of the cast developed characters that made the audience want to know more about each of them (to even what fish they'd like to order).

I'd recommend Putzel to all of my friends and family. It's an ideal feel-good-about-life movie.
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Great Film
riven6115 August 2013
Putzel is a wonderful blend of entertainment and heart. More often than not romantic comedies follow a basic formula and rely on cheap tricks to tug on your heart strings and get a laugh or two. Putzel effortlessly grabs your attention with its charismatic characters, and genuinely funny scenes. I found myself laughing out loud more than once in this intelligently written, and wonderfully acted independent film. There are particularly strong performances from the leads, Jack Carpenter, Melanie Lynskey, and John Pankow. It's rare to see a romantic comedy that's actually about something. Kudos to Producer/Actress Allegra Cohen, Director Jason Chaet, and Writer Rick Moore for putting together this wonderfully enjoyable film.
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Friends and fish alike, see this!
ellie_kahn7 March 2014
Friends, this quirky piece is absolutely relevant and a joy to watch. I had the pleasure of seeing it at a special viewing here in NYC and "funny" does not cut it -- Putzel warms your heart, tears it apart, and warms it all up again, all the while centered around a tiny fish and bagel place. Warning: it will make you crave New York-style bagels, particularly if you haven't had one in a while. Whether you're Jewish or not, or from Manhattan or not, this film is sure to be a new indie go- to. To top it off with surprising performances by some of our generation's favorites, it will have you continually pointing to the screen saying "Omg! That guy! Yes!"
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so fricking fantastic
apost246813 March 2014
I saw this amazing film in Chicago and I ABSOLUTELY ADORED IT! I even dragged my mom to see it and, to be honest, I think she loved it even more than I did!!! There were laughs and tears coming from both my mom's and my face. Not only was the story touching, but the actors were phenomenal. The actors brought so much love, sadness, and joyful moments in their characters. I did not once think, "Damn, this actor needs better training!" On the way home we called my dad and told him how awesomely funny and powerful Putzel was! If you haven't had a chance to see this film, DO IT! You're life will be changed.....and I'm not joking....I'm a tough critic when it comes to films and acting performances. IT'S FANTASTIC!
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One of the best RomComs I've seen in years
cassandrathackery13 March 2014
I'm not the Rom-Com movie type, but I'm proud to say I loved this one. It's got such character and is simply unique. The Upper West Side of New York becomes a character of it's own, simultaneously trapping and enabling our heroic, if a little unsure, Putzel. And all of the performances are so beautifully done! No matter how small the role, you know everyone in this film as if you grew up with them yourself. Laugh out loud funny, if a little bit raunchy sometimes, and deeply heart warming, Putzel inspires you to step outside that comfort zone you've boxed yourself into and create the life you want to lead. Warning: You will crave bagels and lox for weeks to come.
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A charmer of a romantic comedy
bsaxonrkay5 March 2013
Putzel is a charming romantic comedy about a 30'ish boy/man (Jack Carpenter) who dreams of owning the family bagel and lox store in the upper west side of NYC. Problems arise when his wife wants a divorce, his uncle, who currently owns the store, wants to sell it to someone else and move to Arizona, and his fear of leaving his comfort zone by not being able to venture beyond the boundaries of his neighborhood.

Further complications arise when a 30'ish aspiring dancer (Melanie Lynskey--"Rose from the TV show "2 1/2 Men") enters his and his uncle's lives. Confusion, pathos, and many laughs follow in the best tradition of Woody Allen.
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My experience with Putzel
pablo-esteban199510 March 2014
A friend invited me to a screening of Putzel in New York City, I had no idea of what I was going to see, the plot, or the people in it. However as soon as it started the movie grabbed my attention, and here's why: Im not from the states and I had been living in New York for a short time, but that was not a inconvenient because the storytelling was so sharp and universal that I felt identified with the characters and situations, it spoke about community, success, facing your fears among many others, besides being hilarious throughout the whole movie. I loved the subplots too because (without giving much away) usually those minor characters are weak in movies but in here they were my favorites, performances with No stops. It was a sudden but pleasant experience that my friend shared it with me, and now I would like to share it with my friends. GIve it a watch if you have the chance.
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Putzel is a light hearted Comedy about a Bagel boy who must become a Bagel man, by way of love and a journey beyond Columbus Circle.
mrsmellgood2179 March 2014
I saw this at a special screening at a JCC near Columbia University (NYC). I went with a couple of my best friends, and we laughed out loud many times. We enjoyed a solid story about an area of New York we were so intimate with at the time. The movie and it's atmosphere was so inviting, and it captured the city so well. It was such a real and personal movie. I thoroughly enjoyed all the performances from Jack Carpenter all the way to the blind man, and I myself cannot wait to buy this film and share it with everyone I can!

I cannot wait to see what else Jason Chaet and Rick Moore bring out! Huge fans and supporter of Jason Chaet's and he did not disappoint whatsoever. Thoroughly enjoyable,and I cannot wait for his next work!
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One Happy Jew
mattweinstein1013 March 2014
"Putzel." What exactly is a "putzel?" A Putz is a yiddish word for "penis," often used the same way "schmuck" is. It is mostly used at someone, not in an anatomical way. e.g. "Hey, don't be such a putz."

In the film, "Putzel" is the nickname of our protagonist, Walter, who, after thirty years of living on the Upper West Side, longs to be the owner of "Himmelstein's," the family business. We follow Walter through a series of events, pushing him to take control over his life and break down the walls that he and his family have built up around him (literally and figuratively: watch, and you'll understand).

The film is a Jewish dream come true. What could be better than a handful of characters throwing around yiddish terms; lox, bagels, and shmeer; and a witty, yet moving, plot that makes you want to celebrate life with a bottle of Manny? (That's Maneshevitz for all you goyim out there...)

But "Putzel" doesn't only appeal to the Jews; it appeals to everyone. It is incredibly funny. Throughout the film, everybody is in cahoots with everybody, and a tangled web of mess among all the characters is strewn together.

Watching this film felt like home. There is a familiarity to it that I think a lot of people will find; the universal desire to want something great and to feel accomplished. I highly recommend it. It is the epitome of "a feel good" movie. L'Chaim!
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sanlm722 April 2013
You don't need to be Jewish, live on the West Side or even like fish to love this film. It is proof positive that brilliant films can be made on smaller budgets.

Jason Chaet (director),Rick Moore (screenwriter)and Allegra Cohen(producer/actor)clearly worked like a well oiled machine. Putzel was charming, witty, poignant, funny and human...so human. The actors were flawless in their flawed characters.

The film features John Pankow (Mad About You, Doubt), Melanie Lynskey (Two and a Half men), Susie Essman (Curb Your Enthusiasm),Jack Carpenter (I Love You, Beth Cooper) and a host of other brilliant actors who help make this story the rich and textured fable that it is.

This film is a MUST SEE. I predict that once it's distributed, it will become a staple in homes everywhere!
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Quirky and Fun
roberte1928 March 2014
Went into a special screening of Putzel in New York not knowing what to expect. Walked out finding it surprisingly hilarious. The performances and the music hit you in just the right way. It's all very Woody Allen. I know my Jewish parents will love it, so as soon as it gets released a online I'm going to get them to watch it. Melanie Lynskey is really great in this. I am a fan of her work and she did not disappoint. I had never seen Jack Carpenter before this movie and in the first 10 minutes I really clicked onto him. John Pankow is especially hilarious. The movie has a very honest feel and is overall a great film. I would recommend it to anyone.
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Aleeksa7 March 2014
I saw "Putzel" at a special screening in New York and I loved it. Not only was it hilarious, and entertaining but it moved me with its honesty and its incredible performances. I'm always a huge snob when it comes to music in films, but Putzel really nailed it. Each song compliments the action and gives it another dimension entirely; truly beautiful. From start to finish I was amazed with how effortless the entire film was - it flowed with ease, and didn't rely on any explosions or computer generated imagery - it just told the story and for that I commend it and have no doubt that'll it be loved by many. With the resemblance of a Woody Allen classic, it made me laugh out loud, it made me tear up...maybe..but overall it was a fun, quirky film that I'd recommend to everyone I know. Two thumbs up
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