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War Makes A Child Grow Up Too Quickly and Brutally
3xHCCH16 January 2013
I learned about this film "War Witch" because it was nominated for the Oscar in Best Foreign Language Film. It is in French and was submitted by Canada. It is not an easy movie to watch. It chronicles two years in the life of a female child warrior in civil war-torn Africa.

Set in an unspecified African village and country, Komona is a 12 year old girl who was forcibly abducted by rebels to be a child warrior among many other children in her village. She had a unique talent of seeing spirits of the dead, which gave her the distinction of being a "War Witch" and thus a sacred member of their band of rebels. Despite this, she would still live a harrowing life of constant violence and anguish. This would be interrupted by an interlude of love, but sadly it would not last too long.

We hear the story in Komona's point of view so we can share in her very thoughts through her narrations. Young Rachel Mwanza bravely and compellingly played Komona. We literally see her face age from the first time we see her on screen to her final scene. We see a child forced to mature beyond her years in the most brutal ways possible. As you watch this, you will be thankful you do not lead Komona's tortured existence.

The direction, screenplay, cinematography and make-up of this film are outstanding. The depiction of the dead spirits Komona sees are very effective in its simplicity. This film succeeds to bring the heretofore unknown hell as experienced by children in war-ravaged Africa into the consciousness of the rest of the world. Are you ready to see this hell?
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Sensitive realistic character study drama
estebangonzalez105 February 2013
¨We are rebels. Respect your guns. They're your new mother and father.¨

War Witch, also known as Rebelle, is a Canadian film directed by Kim Nguyen that has been nominated for this year's Academy Awards for best foreign picture. It is an enlightening film about the horrors that some children have to face in Africa when kidnapped by rebel forces. Nguyen, who also wrote the screenplay, did it in a very sensitive manner without relying on melodramatic or shocking moments. This is more of a sensitive drama focusing on a character study of a young girl's life when forced to kill her parents and join a rebel army. The harsh and violent reality of her life is softened by her innocence and supernatural mystic powers. The film combines these two elements in such a way that it makes the movie a much lighter and pleasant viewing experience. The addition of a sweet love story between her and one of the kids in the rebel army is what balances out the ultra realistic violence in her world with a touch of magical romantic moments, such as the search for the white rooster which gives the movie a much more lighter touch in midst of all the drama. The performance from Rachel Mwanza feels so real and authentic that it makes the film work as we see how this innocent girl's life changes as she becomes a woman in the midst of war. War Witch wouldn't have worked if it weren't for her unique portrayal of this character. This is a powerful film because there is no denying these things are happening in real life, and we need to put an end to this senseless brutality. Kim Nguyen does a great job with the direction of this film by adding some unique touches in the sound department, and the cinematography works really well.

The movie takes place in an undisclosed country in Africa where Komona (Rachel Mwanza), a young 14 year old pregnant girl, decides to tell her unborn child the story of her life. When she was 12, rebel forces raided her village and forced her and other children to murder their parents and join them. They were all given guns and prepared to fight for the Grand Tigre Royal (Mizinga Mwinga). She was the only child from her village to survive an early encounter against government army forces, after being warned by the ghosts of her parents to run. After this, she was considered to be a War Witch due to her mystical powers. She befriends another boy from the rebel army, who is also considered to have some sort of mystical powers and is known as the Magician (Serge Kanyinda). Together they decide to run away and hide at the Magician's uncle's home. He is known as the butcher (Ralph Prosper) and is very kind to the young kids who fall in love with each other. The Magician asks Komona to marry him, and she says that she can only marry him if he finds her a white rooster, which is extremely rare to find in that country. Despite the pleasant life she seems to be living, the ghosts still torment her, and after a brief moment of peace the rebels are back again to haunt her. Will Komona ever find peace in this senseless and brutal society she's living in?

War Witch is only about 90 minutes long, which was perfect because it could have gotten heavy handed if Nguyen had decided to expand the screenplay more. I really enjoyed that he decided to include this world of superstition in the midst of all the violence because it is a great part of the African culture which is left out sometimes. Despite the violent world in which Komona was introduced too, she also was able to find love although it was short lived. Nguyen found a perfect balance between this horrific world and the magical romantic one that Komona lived in. This will not win the Oscar, because Amour is a lock at this point, but it still is a unique film that is worth checking out if you 're into foreign films. I really enjoyed this film, although I wouldn't call it a masterpiece. It isn't groundbreaking, but is worth seeing for the story and performances alone.

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Definitely an applauding pick of Oscar board (Y)
shahriyar-ovi22 January 2013
During African civil war, Komona, a 14-year old African rural girl, gets abducted by some brutal rebellious chaps and bears unbearable woes, along with an unborn war child in her miserable fate. Kim Nguyen, in his path of direction, seems brilliant with the treatment of children psychology in that inhuman environment. He beautifully represents the war-witch, Komona's romance with the Magician who was also believed to have some spiritual ability just like her. The way how Komona is forced to be mature in the cruel world at her early days and her mental conflicts during her pregnancy would play with our sentiments and emotions a lot. A deep melancholy tone flows throughout the film with narratives. Definitely an applauding pick of Oscar board (Y)___
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A Too-Short Look At Child Soldiers
colinbarnard-125 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Kim Ngyen's "Rebelle" is everything that a Canadian film should be: a confident, non-American, distinctly Canadian look at the world around us. Ngyen's film succeeds in presenting vignettes of what a "war child" is presumed to go through: the indoctrination through brutalization, clinging to an immature version of humanity whilst expected to do very adult things, and ultimately trying to exit the soldier's life and find a life of normalcy.

The magnificent Rachel Mwanza is the absolute centre of the film, richly deserving her Canadian Film Award as best actress, delivering far more depth of performance through her expressive face than delivering any of Nguyen's dialogue. It is incredible that a young woman of 13 can portray all of the experiences her character undergoes, including the rigours of childbirth. I hope that she is allowed to appear in more films- a major world talent.

The film was made in the Democratic Republic of Congo, for a reputed $3.5 million. The actors are local, though the film never indicates what country it is set in (so as to better represent the African whole, I expect).

While not the film's fault, it is disheartening to see yet another film about Africa that presents the continent and its people as wholly dysfunctional. Yes, there are conflicts, bad governments, poverty, blood diamonds and child soldiers, BUT, there is also everyday life, beautiful cultures, and struggles of 'people just like us'...just trying to get by day to day.

Where the film falters, I think, is in trying to have, or at least imply, a happy ending for Mwanza's protagonist. After undergoing what she goes through, it is difficult to believe that she has the inner resilience to return to a normal 'teenage'life, let alone one of motherhood. PTSD has a way of rendering impossible functional relationships. Also, as noted in my review title, the film is much too short. I was reminded of Apocalypse Now in the themes that Nguyen deaves into, and I think REBELLE needed Apocalypse's length. Maybe we will eventually get 'Rebelle' REDUX.

Note to the Producers: the film is a Canadian film, not a product of the Nation of Quebec. So, do not put Quebec as the country of origin on the DVD case. You took Canadian tax dollars to make the film, and submitted it to the American Academy of Film Arts as the official Canadian entry. I am proud that Rebelle is a Canadian film, IN French, one of our two official languages.
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Sad War Drama
billcr1211 January 2013
Rachel Mwanza is the war witch of the title, a twelve year old girl who is captured and turned into a child soldier by a violent rebel group fighting undefined government forces in an unnamed African country. Mwanza is quite good as Komona, a kid who has to grow up unnaturally fast. She becomes very proficient with an AK-47, and after surviving an ambush by the enemy, is given the name "war witch" by her leaders. She befriends a boy named the magician, and he looks like a young version of the former basketball player, Dennis Rodman, with platinum blond hair. The two fall in love and escape the rebel fighters, as the film shifts from a war drama to a love story for a brief time. Without giving away too much, there is no happy ending here, and ultimately the theme is just about survival at any cost. A ghost story aspect is part of the plot, a slight reminder of Toni Morrison's "Beloved", a similar mood is shared by the two movies. Rachel Mwanza makes "War Witch" worth it.
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Surprisingly ordinary.
planktonrules19 March 2015
I expected much more from "War Witch". After all, it was nominated for the Best Foreign Language Oscar and is about a very important topic, children who are kidnapped and forced to serve in evil rebel forces in Africa. I've seen several documentaries about this (especially in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Uganda) and the films have been absolutely heartbreaking to watch due to the evil being perpetrated by these groups (such as the Lord's Army). Yet, inexplicably, "War Witch" seemed far less hard-hitting and interesting.

When the film begins, the main character (later dubbed the 'War Witch') is narrating about her life two years earlier. An unnamed rebel group in an unnamed African nation comes on a small village and they kidnap the children (who looked about ages 10-14) and they forced these victims to murder their own parents! Then, they are taken to a rag- tag rebel camp and indoctrinated. The rest of the film follows this girl's adventures--such as her strange ability to see dead people as well as her ill-fated marriage.

Considering how tough the film began, I was really surprised that over time the film just seemed to fizzle and seemed to lack direction. The film SHOULD have been a strong indictment of the evil forces on the continent that rob children of their childhoods but it got lost, a bit, with the ghosts, white chicken, marriage and other distractions. My advice--see one of the documentaries instead, such as "Sewing Hope".
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A beautiful and unforgettable ride through hell
LetwitJr17 September 2012
I attended a screening of this film at the Toronto International Film Festival. The director was there and spoke of the tedious process of getting his film released. I am not sure when it will be open to the public but I hope it can come out in a not-so-distant future because it's definitely a must see.

Rebelle is not for everyone. It's hard to watch and may be too much for some. But what's so terrible about this film isn't what is shown. It's what isn't. The story is about a 14 year-old girl, telling her story to her unborn baby before giving birth. It spans the two years preceding the opening of the film, when the girl was abducted from her village by the rebel army and turned into a child soldier. As every step, something terrible happens. But somehow, leaving the theatre, you simply know that in real life, it may have been even more horrible.

I won't spoil anything but as you can imagine, as she lives with the rebel army, she is forced to do unspeakable things. She is somewhat protected by the leader as he believes her to be a witch. Throughout the film, she has visions of the ghosts of people killed by the rebel army, including her own parents. It doesn't seem unrealistic or made up. It makes the film just this more bearable to watch, as we're let into the mind of a child and her ways of coping with the events around her.

She befriends another kid believed to have special powers, a boy barely older than she is. As their relationship evolves, you find yourself within their own personal haven, their escape from the atrocities of the life they are forced to live. You understand why child soldiers do what they do, how a human being can be turned to commit inhumane crimes. From their adventure together, you will laugh at times and cry at others.

It's really hard to write about this film without giving away anything. All the emotions you will feel watching time come from the characters around the kids and the small things that happen to them that give them the strength to go on. The 'butcher' may be the best character in the film. His kindness to the children, his understanding of what they have been though and his acceptance of what they have become is incredibly touching.

It's a tough film. A beautiful film. A film that stays with you long after you've seen it. Most of the actors hired had never acted before but they are all fantastic. Rachel Mwanza in particular is unforgettable. I hope she goes on to have a brilliant career because she was fantastic.

If ever you have an opportunity to see Rebelle, take it. You won't regret it.
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Reminded me of City of God
maximkong18 May 2013
There are already a few pieces of movies with the same core reference to child soldiers in Africa. They all had one thing in common - they showed us an overall birds-eye view of what child soldiering was like. This movie appeared to be steered in a different way. It is not an overall picture of things, but rather a personal ordeal told from a strong-willed girl.

Aside from some of the the wishy washy 'voodoo' and romance elements of it, there are many things worth pointing out from this movie. The key attraction is of course the fantasy side of things which artistically fit very well into the overall story. But ultimately it is a heartwarming story of survival.

The style used in this movie reminded me of City of God, not because of whether it possess the same style or the gore behind it (well it was not that gory), but the music used and the tone of the setting are unique in its own way.
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Brutally Stark & Heart-Rending
larrys324 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Canadian filmmaker Kim Nguyen brings this brutally stark and heart-rendering drama to the screen.

Rachel Mwanza gives a magnificent performance as Komona, a young African girl kidnapped from her impoverished village, in an unnamed African country, and forcibly conscripted into a rebel military force fighting against the government. The movie details the horrors she subsequently faced from the ages of 12 to 14.

On her first mission as a child soldier, the ghosts of her parents appear to warn her of an impending ambush from government forces. The leader of the rebels, named the Grand Tiger, anoints her as his war witch due to her supernatural powers which can help them in combat. As a war witch, she receives a higher status within the rebel group.

Komona befriends a young soldier, named Magician, also superbly played by Serge Kanyinda. When Magician warns Komona that the Grand Tiger has killed the last three war witches, she agrees to run off with him and escape the rebel forces.

With their bond deepening, Magiciain asks Komona to marry him, but her father had told her that he must present to her a white rooster before any wedding can take place. This becomes an interesting and rather touching part of the story as Magician tries to find her the extremely rare fowl. Komona eventually marries Magician and becomes pregnant with his child.

I won't go into more plot details, as I'll leave them to the viewer. However, I will say that the rebels come looking for their war witch and that Komona must resort to increasingly desperate and brutal measures to try and save herself and her baby.

In summary, despite the film being difficult to watch at times with its' starkly depicted violent realism, I found it to be well worth hanging in there. The powerful performances, writing, and direction, made it a movie that stayed with me long after it was over.
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Haunted girl runs around Africa in search a Henry James plot
Beginthebeguine5 May 2013
This is not, by any means, a sophisticated film. It is slightly above amateur. There are two noteworthy exception first the acting of the lead actress and second a compelling story. It is the story of an African girl whose village is overrun by Rebels and then is forced to kill her parents and fight for these self same rebels. She is haunted by her dead parents throughout the film. First they warn her about the "government" soldiers who are laying in wait in the forest and then they begin to haunt her for not paying proper respect to their remains. This is the interesting part of the story, it mirrors Henry James's Turn of the Screw (in a simpler manner) and it is dynamically acted by the lead actress. The conflict runs throughout the film until she is ready to confront her burned out village and her parents remains.

The rest of the story is unsatisfying. There is a War Lord named Tiger who the script builds up to be important, but his character is never fleshed out. The same is true for all the other characters.

I watched it in its original language and then with the captions in English and much is missed in the translation. In other words the translation is really poor. I give it three points for effort.
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Really well-made film--Great
brucetwo-24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I'd hate this film--another "60-minutes"-like guilt-trip about child soldiers. But it was something else--a personal story, an adventure, a love story, etc. The camera-work and editing were original and very good--all done in a low-budget way. Art over technology!

The story itself felt very real even though it is also very classic and very generic: --war-time, challenge, and hope of redemption. She gets pregnant, has to return home, things get worse before they get better, etc. It reminds me of a Brazilian film I saw about street kids back in the 1980s or 1990s--"Pixote." The homeless street kids in Brazil didn't have AK47 guns, but their lives followed a similar story. "Streetwise" an American documentary about homeless teenagers in Seattle also has similar stories--growing up too fast. Sad to think this is true all over, which also makes it so classic. Faulkner's novel "LIGHT IN AUGUST" comes to mind too--many parallels. And then there are the ongoing drone-strikes the US does all over the world--more disrupted lives, more rebels--and more movies...
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The Danger of the Single Story & the Beauty of War Witch
michellemmb27 December 2013
When we think of African countries, many Westerners think of countries in the midst of bloody civil wars involving child soldiers, senseless violence, AIDs, etc. Our impression of African countries is one that we've learned from movies like Blood Diamond and from images presented by charities and documentaries with major press coverage like Invisible Children and the Kony 2012 campaign. The unintended consequence of these shocking images, presented for the heartfelt purpose of raising awareness, is this: the single story. We have a few images serving as one generic story representing an entire continent of countries and cultures.

The complexities, variations, and even just the common middle-class, everyday lives that exist in African countries are reduced to this single story: of starving, war-torn people waiting for the rest of the world to save them by donating a few dollars, or by buying a "buy one give one" pair of Toms shoes.

War Witch embodies the single story that many Westerners think of the "country of Africa" because we simply meld all African countries together into one homogeneous war-torn state. In fact, War Witch doesn't even differentiate which country or war the story represents. The setting is simply "Africa." The Beauty of War Witch As I watched the first few scenes of the film, the tragedy of the child soldier story quickly become apparent as the movie's story. I was initially disappointed as it is a story with which I'm already familiar. Luckily, the beauty of this film's simplicity also became apparent. Without much dialogue, we as an audience were able to suspend our disbelief and appreciate the supernatural aspects of the story as a child's attempt to cope with the tragedies she faces. We watch as she deals with death, separation, and heartbreak while she is haunted by ghosts of her parents. The ghosts aren't cheesy nor are they scary, they are simply haunting reminders that the soul of the main character is not at rest.

While the child conveys strength through each atrocity she faces, we as an audience are reminded by the white ghosts that she is not at ease. Title slides appear at different moments throughout the film and denote our young protagonist's ages throughout the film: 12, 13 and 14 years old. Displaying her age, rather than a date and time, reminds us of the innocence robbed as we travel with the main character through her struggles as she "forces tears back into her eyes." Were it not for these displays of her age, we would forget that the strength shown by the young woman is actually shown by a child. Nguyen excels at reminding the audience of this, in portraying the child's coping mechanisms through supernatural visions, and at having us witness tragedy without astoundingly gory scenes that, while they may be more accurate, would distract from our journey with the child.

Visit aMovieaCountryaJourney.com for more.
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Great compelling until they escape
SnoopyStyle30 January 2014
A pregnant older Komona tells the story when as a 12 year old village girl, she gets abducted by rebels and forced to kill her family. She is taken along to fight, and she falls for an older albino child soldier. Together the two walk away from the fight. He's on a quest to find a white rooster which he needs to marry Komona.

This movie starts off with a bang... literally. It goes on with a compelling narrative as she's being forced to fight. However, the escape diffused a lot of the tension in the movie. It loses a lot of the danger. It turns more surreal and rambling. It's as if there is a different movie going on. I think an escape is better as the climax.
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A presentation of a cruel reality
tomigarciap12 July 2013
"War witch" delivers the story of a young girl who is kidnapped by rebels and is forced to join their fight against the government. The rituals needed to become a child-soldier and the fanaticism to their leader the "Great tiger". The rebels soon realize that there is something special in this little girl.

As an illustration of brutality and the madness of child-soldiering, the movie is a success. We are able to places ourselves in a reality that is very distanced from our own. But I believe the movie achieves no more than that. The film shows very shocking situations and it makes you feel angry and impotent, but so does any other story about child-soldiers.

The movie lacks something else. Something that can widely differentiate it from any other tale of this kind, because there are in fact a lot of movies that deal with this subject.
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Amazingly sad!
wow-no-maybe-yes11 April 2013
I watched it last night, I couldn't stop crying, it was heart breaking, to see people, being treated, like no one should ever be treated. I don't understand why people do the things they do, It's just wrong that we live in a world where this goes on, Africa must be the hardest country to live in, my heart goes out to everyone there, cause it just isn't fair that anyone has to go through this one life we have like this! There aren't any words what can express what those people go through , Not that I would understand anyway, it's far from from my little world. It was enlightening for me though, I don't know much about Africa, but It is clear as day, that this violent reality of life they live, has to end! we need to put an end to this senseless brutality, it just shouldn't exist anywhere!
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Opens your eyes
pacoundouriotis17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rebelle was a very interesting movie in my opinion. I knew a lot of African countries were struggling economically and in terms of civil unrest etc., but I never really thought of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mainly after the events in Libya and especially what is going on in the Middle East right now, I didn't really pay any attention to how any other country was doing. After this film however, I now see how many countries are currently going through tough times all at the same time also! It's crazy to think how blind we can become to other problems in the world that don't directly affect us in any way. I thought this film had a lot of similar characteristics to other films we've watched. There is this reoccurring style of long periods of silence that we have gotten in many movies along with very little dialogue. This movie has little internal dialogue and most of the speaking is in the form of the main character telling a story of her life. I find this type of movie to be pretty interesting because its so different to what we are normally exposed to in movie theaters here in St. Pete or elsewhere. I didn't really like how there were quite a bit of unexplained things. For example, where specifically she lived, what the governmental situation was at the time, the towns they would go to while looking for the white rooster, etc. Another thing I found interesting was that when they showed the ghosts every so often, it wasn't CGI effects, it was real people that were painted white. I thought this was a clever use of resources.
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Cool Film
logatherum17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
during it. I liked the different personalities of each character and how they contrasted from each other, but during the beginning I was a little confused as to what was going on. At first, I was confused because I thought that the movie somehow went forward in time right before Komona got married. I could not believe that not only was she 13/14 years old and willingly getting married, but also fighting in war and killing her family! However, the subtitles helped when it would say her age, because then I realized that it did not go forwards, and that this was just a really really different way of life and culture! My favorite character was Komona because she was so strong. I felt so bad for her because if I was forced to kill my own parents, I would probably kill myself since I would not be able to go on knowing I did that, even if I WAS forced. Not only did she have to kill her family at a very young age, she had to go on with life- and she sure did. I felt really bad for her because she suffered so much loss, and I wish this film showed a little more of her emotional side and a little less war. On every thing about this film that I found super intriguing and cool was all the albinos! I did not expect to see the scene where dozens of them were all together, like a little village. I found it kind of ironic how Magicien was searching for a super rare white rooster, and he was kind of like the super rare white rooster since he was albino.
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Gripping tale of life in a war-torn land
Buddy-5122 September 2013
In the harrowing, Oscar-nominated Canadian drama "War Witch," a young African girl is conscripted into a band of armed rebels, ordered by them to kill her own parents, then forced, along with the other children in her village, to fight against the government forces they're opposing. Because she seemingly has some sort of psychic visions of where the enemy is hiding in the woods (it's actually hallucinations brought on by a psychotropic liquid she imbibes from some local plants), she earns the position of personal "witch" to the chief rebel himself - a position that brings with it special protection as well (at least up to a point). But that's only the beginning of Komona's ordeal as she hooks up with an albino "magician" (the excellent Serge Kanyinda) with whom she tries to flee the horrors of the world around them.

And it is those very horrors - the nonstop terror and violence, and the ever present prospect of sudden death - that writer/director Kim Nguyen captures to such powerful effect in this film. Despite its occasional forays into the surreal, what one takes away most from "War Witch" is its unflinching willingness to confront the brutal realities of life for Komona and the countless others who share her predicament. Then there are the occasional acts of random kindness that allow hope to flourish even in the most horrible of circumstances.

And all throughout her ordeal, Komona must find a way to bury, both literally and figuratively, the ghosts of the parents she killed.

Rachel Mwanza is utterly amazing as Komona, and she richly deserved all the praise and awards heaped on her for her performance. Whether it's her heartbreaking narration to her unborn child or the understated way in which she reacts to and internally processes the unspeakable atrocities she both witnesses and is forced to commit, Mwanza embodies a much larger tragedy within the narrower confines of a single character.

It may be hard to watch at times, but "War Witch" provides an invaluable reminder of what happens when we send our children off to war.
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Disturbing and gripping exposé of child soldiers in Central Africa
Turfseer24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Kim Nguyen's "War Witch" delivers an unflinching and disturbing portrayal of the horrors faced by child soldiers in an unnamed central African country. The film follows the gut-wrenching journey of Komona, a 12-year-old girl abducted by a group of armed rebels who brutally force her into becoming one of them.

From the outset, the film confronts the audience with an agonizing scene where Komona is forced to kill her own parents, marking the beginning of her harrowing transformation. Armed with AK-47s, the abducted children are forced to fight government soldiers, engulfing them in a cycle of violence they cannot escape.

The narrative explores the twisted dynamics within the rebel group, led by the ruthless Great Tiger. Komona, seeking solace and guidance, finds herself in possession of a hallucinogenic tree sap that induces visions of her murdered parents, haunting her throughout the film.

As Komona escapes from Great Tiger and flees with the albino child-soldier, Magician, the film briefly introduces moments of comic relief. However, the brutality quickly returns, with Magician meeting a tragic end. Komona's act of self-defense against Great Tiger's attempted rape showcases her resilience, earning her the title of "war witch" and sparing her from further physical abuse.

Throughout the film, Rachel Mwanza's stunning performance as Komona captures the raw emotions and complexities of her character. The audience is drawn into her painful journey, witnessing her escape, survival, and eventual childbirth, which offers a glimmer of hope amid the darkness.

However, the film's conclusion leaves some questions unanswered. While it attempts to deliver a hopeful ending, it raises doubts about the realism of Komona's safety from Great Tiger's men. This somewhat undercuts the impact of the film's message, emphasizing the ongoing vulnerability of child soldiers in war-torn regions.

Despite this minor flaw, "War Witch" remains a powerful and thought-provoking depiction of the plight of child soldiers. The film unearths the harsh realities faced by innocent children caught in armed conflicts, where outside intervention is scarce, and the local authorities prove powerless in protecting them.

Nguyen's creation shines a much-needed spotlight on an often overlooked issue in some parts of the world today. "War Witch" serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address the tragic fate of child soldiers and the larger crisis of violence plaguing these regions. The film is an emotional rollercoaster that challenges viewers to confront the uncomfortable truths of our world and consider the desperate plight of those trapped in seemingly endless cycles of violence and exploitation.
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War Witch
olrovin16 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really loved this movie. I think it is my favorite film from Africa that I have watched so far. The way that the director portrayed the ghosts was very creative and made it seem more real. The various magical and spiritual elements that were woven into the movie made the plot even more interesting. Komona is a young girl who gets kidnapped by rebel forces and forced to murder her parents. The strength that she exudes throughout the movie is very impressive especially based off of what she has seen and done in her short life. At first I was worried that the Magician's love for her was not reciprocated, but it was evident that it was especially in the scene where they are laughing in the woods. I thought that was a very sweet part. I found the balance between the positive and negative in the film to be refreshing because I feel like there has been a lot more negative in many of the foreign films that I have seen. Yes, this film was sometimes gruesome and upsetting to the point where I had to look away in some scenes, but those scenes were short and usually balanced by some positive scenes later. Overall, I was really engrossed in this film and would give it 5/5 stars.
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Johnny Mad Dog with a female lead role
dragokin1 June 2013
War Witch is more a lesson in movie production than movie making. It is not the first to tackle to topic of child soldiers, with Johnny Mad Dog (2008) first coming to mind, but the female lead character changes the standpoint drastically. Then there is a love story which toned down the reality of war and made War Witch more appealing while touring the international film festival circuit.

The movie follows a girl recruited to a rebel army in Sub-Saharan Africa. The narrative is close to a documentary and mostly chaotic, as it is to be expected in a country torn apart by a long and exhausting civil war. However, it offered no answer to the absurdity of violence apart from looking into oneself for solace.

War Witch is not bad despite occasional drops in performance by the cast.
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Very Good Film
brszasz17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Overall, I believe "Rebelle" was a very good film. If I were to criticize anything about the film, it would be about the confusing introduction. I felt completely lost at the beginning of the film. I was not able to follow everything that was going on at the beginning of the movie. On the other hand, it was extremely exciting when she was forced into the decision of killings her parents herself or having the army kill them at just 12 years old. When she did choose to shoot her parents, it was a shocking and scary wake up call that showed us just how crazy things can get in these African countries. I personally was a big fan of the ending. Though it was sad when magician died, it showed a good representation of how disappointing life can be at such a young age there. As a side note, I thought it was really cool how they made the ghosts look pretty creepy, especially their grey eyes. I also liked how the movie went in a full circle and ended with her returning back to where she killed her parents, so she could bury them. Also, the baby provided a small glance at a happy ending driving off into a new life, leaving the past behind her.
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A Powerful Women's Journey
cacrawford-6082517 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Rebelle was a movie about how powerful a woman can be in the context of war. Komona was a little girl who lost her parents to Great Tiger's rebels at the age of 12. Great Tiger's rebels made Komona shoot both of her parents with an AK-47. This haunted Komona so much, that she saw the ghosts of her parents in her nightmares. After the rebels kidnapped Komona, they used her as a "war witch." The Rebels along with Komona continue to fight across the Democratic Republic of Congo, until the Magician and Komona decide to run away. The Magician, who is an albino who is believed to be someone who can perform witchcraft. The Magician asks Komono if she will marry him, and she says that he needs to get the mythical White Rooster, which is very rare. The plot than changes to Komona and the Magician travelling around to find the White Rooster, until they find somebody who knows where it it. The man who knows where the Rooster is drives them to a village where a group of albinos live. You can tell that the Magician feels more at home her, seeing that he is also albino. After they get the rooster they go the Magician's uncle, named the Butcher. The movie slows in pace until the Rebels of Great Tiger find them again, killing the Magician and kidnapping Komona again. The movie ends after Komona has a baby with the general of the Rebels, and then gets on hitch hikes onto a truck. I liked the progression of Komona as a character, especially when she went back to her home town and "buried" her parents.
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magonzalez-1576217 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I thought that Rebelle was a very interesting movie to watch during class. I found the characters to be very compelling and the story to be a great view. Though, I didn't really understand why she was able to do everything that she could. Why was she able to see ghosts and why was she able to kill all of the soldiers? I understand that most of it was just for effect, but why was it able to happen in the first place? Also, I was confused about all of the spiritual aspects of the story. The magician had a large amount of talismans that he would give away like a sort of currency, but what were they? Also, why did the uncle continue to let the magician and the witch back into his house after they repeatedly destroyed his life? It probably has to do with the weight that family has in African culture, but I couldn't imagine anyone in America doing that.
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Makes the Heart Crumble
view_and_review9 January 2022
When my sisters were twelve they were in seventh grade, still watching cartoons, and worried about whether or not their favorite pair of pants were clean. What a world of difference between our lower middle class suburban life and that of Komona (Rachel Mwanza), the main character of "War Witch."

"War Witch" is a foreign film that conjures up visceral feelings of sadness and despair like "Blood Diamond," "Hotel Rwanda," "Sometimes in April," and "Shake Hands with the Devil." The main character is a twelve-year-old girl named Komona. In the very beginning she was forced to gun down her parents and become a child soldier. Her statistical prospects for survival were extremely low, yet against all odds she survived a vicious firefight. After that she was known as "The Witch" which earned her a high rank amongst the rebels. You just hold your breath in angst waiting to see what misfortunes will befall Komona.

I've said this time and time again: these types of movies are so difficult to watch, but I almost feel like they're necessary. We see first world problems all the time being whined about on social media and it blinds us to the fact that there are people out there, outside our borders, who are living in hell. "War Witch" gives you a glimpse of that hell from the eyes of a girl forced to grow up way too soon.
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