Resident Evil: Damnation (2012) Poster

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Keeping Resident Evil's tradition of excellent graphic and poor storytelling alive.
quincytheodore7 January 2014
Never heard of Resident Evil: Damnation before? Can't remember which movie it is since most Resident Evil movies have one spectacular word in the title but ultimately fails to deliver? Worry not, Resident Evil: Damnation is a 3D animation Blu-Ray/DVD spin-off which didn't air in cinema, so at least you won't regret paying for ticket. Using full CGI, the movie has excellent visual and wicked action scenes, although the usual problem of campy one-liner and some plot issue linger like bad does of T-Virus.

Graphic is top-notch, it's on par with some of the best CG of this gen. Facial structure and body motion have been polished greatly, and props to Capcom for making hair look quite realistic. The shiniest part is how it cleverly manipulates the lighting, every light source has different ambiance. Tone of atmosphere looks differently under many shades, be it from moonlight, sunrise, tiny light from bullet holes or even simple flashlight. Shadow dances about delicately, making the contrast of light and dark even more featured.

Monsters are eerie down to its gruesome details, especially noted in occasional switch to first person view. While there are not many kinds, the movie highlighted its monsters with dynamic speedy movement and imposing physique. The movie succeeds in capturing the intense essence of older Resident Evil games, while not as consistently as it could've been, it's certainly better than what its predecessors had to offer. Action is swift and neatly done, some are melee hand to hand combat, and silly it may be, Ada Wong fighting against female president is quite the spectacle.

At latter part, the action intensifies with remarkable pace. There are not many sequences that can rival the movie in its climatic moment, even amongst today's adventure movie or game. However, these bits are rather short compared to the dull slow build up, its graphic is not without fault either. In some larger scale scenes, motion and details aren't as smooth as the rest. The constant slow-mo might get old and it becomes very apparent from the number of stuffs thrown, it caters to 3D viewing.

Story is expectedly confusing, despite the social and political back story it tries to present. It's a shame, since the plot could've been more solid if only there's more explanation than stupid quips. Resident Evil is infamous in its regurgitation of B-movie humor attempt, it thinks that it's clever, it's most definitely not. I find it hard to believe anyone would have the time to produce corny remarks when running from homicidal nightmarish creatures.

The bad dialogue also hurts characterization, even though the movie barely has any character development to speak of. In several scenes, it tries to draw some sort of emotion, but the ludicrous script contradicts the effort. This is not some self-deprecating jokes that can be funny, it is just bad. Story severely needs more clarity, things just sort of happen, little to none explanation is given as it pushes more dramatic moments with frivolous lines.

Somber chirping tracks accompanies the movies; it's pretty good, obviously bringing more reminiscence and some tension. Dubbing is decent, there's a lip-sync awkwardness, but it is expected in multilingual film. Ending song is simply atrocious, bad marketing decision since the credit also serves as teaser for Resident Evil 6.

It's undeniably the film has some production value as quality of the visual and action are high. Capcom commendably elevates the graphic, but the use of flimsy screenplay and inane catchphrase should be things of the past. The franchise is trapped in the limbo of advancing technology and mundane writing. As it stands now, Resident Evil: Damnation is a decent DVD spin-off plagued with tiresome plot.

Rate 6/10
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Fun to watch
hardandwaiting18 September 2012
Of note, this is a movie. It will not scare the pants off of you like the games can. Understanding that it is not the game makes the film easily enjoyable.

The CGI is VERY well done and the English voice acting leaves little if anything to be desired. The storyline is simple and recurring characters are portrayed faithfully. The fight scenes are choreographed very well.

Leon seems to have more quips in this film, but those are forgiven in the light of everything else. Thankfully, he is starting to show a bit of weariness in his plight. JD steals the show for a short bit without detracting from the mood of the film. Ada is ruthless and manipulative as ever. All in all, a fun ride.

You do not need to have seen Resident Evil: Degeneration to enjoy this film, though I would suggest you see it anyway as it is a great film in its own right.

For fans of the video games, there is a treat to be had that is not on the cover.

This film, as well as Degenerations, are considered to be canon whereas the travesty known as the live action films are not.
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Good movie on its own
mergatroid-119 October 2012
I have not played any of the Resident Evil games, but am a fan of the movie series.

This movie apparently takes place in the game universe. I had purchased the first Resident Evil animation, but have not watched it in a while.

This movie stands quite well on its own. The plot is fairly straight forward. Mr cool guy spy had been ordered away from his vacation to check out a problem regarding prisoners of war in a war torn former soviet country. It turns out they were turned into BOWs (Bio Organic Weapons). These are basically humans that have been mutated by a weaponized virus into deadly creatures controlled by whoever has been infected with the master form of the virus.

The country is undergoing a revolution, and the rebels have resorted to using the BOWs against the army. Our hero tries to survive and fight until he can figure out who's controlling the BOWs, and discovers the rebels are not the only ones with BOWs, and there is in fact a much deadlier version right under his very nose.

Action packed all the way through. The animation is better than the first animated movie and the story and acting are great. I enjoyed every minute of it, and I think animation, horror and/or zombie fans will enjoy it too.
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Very good action movie that kinda foresaw some political events.
alexfromhorn19 July 2016
This movie definitely feels like a Resident Evil title to a fan of the game series which is good for all RE players, so most of us will like this movie definitely not like those Mila Yovovych movies... The story is interesting with some small twists, the political aspects even make it nicer. The action which is very well and interestingly performed (or directed) and can actually surprise you in a good way, not like most of those new Hollywood action movies that seem to get more and more boring... Leon S. Kennedy is again the protagonist of this movie, I would choose a different guy this time but they managed to portrait him well in this animated movie, but not as good as in RE: Degeneration. The side-characters were not well enough developed and they lacked a bit in background story and ambitions. I really liked the president of this "Eastern Slav Republic", she was hot, she was well development and simply an intriguing character. Compared to RE: Degeneration this movie felt a bit weaker because I think the dramaturgy didn't go that well and too many things were left unclear which is really sad - maybe some of the games give an explanation, but that certainly doesn't make this movie better. A really interesting thing is how this story actually kinda foresaw the Ukraine/Krim-Crisis in a very abstracted way, because this movie was released a short while before stuff started to go wild over there... even the president kinda reminds heavily of the general-secretary of the Krim Republic (and internet-star) Natalja Poklonskaja which is an (almost?) prophetic coincidence. In a short sentence: Watch it if you like RE, watch if you want to see some good action stuff.
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Beware of the BOWs
Pairic18 May 2021
Resident Evil: Damnation: Japanese 3D animated film, based on the original game rather than the live action film series, a sequel to Resident Evil: Degeneration. Leon is back in a an ex USSR state which is now in the throes of civil war. He's investigating the use of Bio Organic Weapons (BOWs) allegedly being used by separatists. The monsters are created by humans being infected by a virus.. But all kinds of conspiracies are at play in this game of smoke and mirrors. Most of the characters are being manipulated by those with agendas. Great battle scenes with the monsters, even one monster type which looks like an Engineer from Prometheus. It's animated and shoot-em-up like the games but the characters here aren't two dimensional, they really have back stories. Directed by Makoto Kamiya from a screenplay by Shotaro Suga. On Netflix. 7/10.
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Silly but fun !
magnus_nilsson9920 July 2021
A silly movie linked with good animated action set-pieces ! It's all about the action everything else ... Not that important apparently !
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More umbrella-like nonsense.
almafuerte-123 September 2012
As usual in anything Resident Evil, we've got villains that are so cartoonishly evil as their plans and motives are ridiculous. Every single faction in the movie is a carbon copy of Umbrella Corp. The movie is supposed to occur in the Eastern Slav Republic, so everyone speaks flawless English, even among them, but with a Slavic accent. The monsters suck. Bullets and other projectiles are small, fast-moving, autonomous plot devices that cause variable damage depending on the importance of the character their hit. In some cases, hundreds of bullets that go towards a specific target disappear midair and let him/her/it get away. In other cases, a monster that survived constant rifle fire at short range several times unharmed is killed by a single 9mm bullet.

The CGI is bad. The voice acting is bad. The lip-syncing is even worse.

The pro-American propaganda is pathetic, obvious, and omnipresent throughout the movie.

There is no script.

It's as if the director of this movie took Shoot 'em up, removed the sarcasm, replaced the hitmans with monsters and the actors with poor CGI models.

All that said, if you've seen every other umbrella-related thing, if you've played the games, and it's a gray Sunday afternoon and you really have nothing better to do, shut down your brain, and the action will be enjoyable.
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A lot better than the RE films, that's for sure
siderite26 September 2012
I have mixed feelings about this movie. The 3D CGI, while not being perfect, provided enough realism to put in doubt the classification of "animation film". The script had different factions, character development, lots of action (without it being too much over the top) and by that standard alone was a lot better than the Resident Evil films.

Of course, there were plot holes and no Milla Jovovich and also, I believe because of rating purposes, there was not much gore or horror. Consider it an action film with monsters, but this time a definite improvement from Resident Evil: Degeneration, the animation movie from 2008. Plus, some sentimental scenes were pretty far stretched almost to the point of annoyance.

Bottom line: I watch Resident Evil films for Milla and the monsters. I like the monsters, but I like Milla more. This film had more story, no Milla and was 3D animated. There was less gore and no horror. While I find it hard to admit, I think I've enjoyed this film more than the live actor versions.
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More Faithful and entertaining than the live action films
johnboyjunior27 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Being a big Resident Evil fan who is constantly disappointed with the Mila Jovovich Resident Evil movies I was awesomely pleased with this movie.

The plot is simple, Leon Kennedy is sent to an European country to investigate the use of B.O.W.s in a civil war. Shortly after arriving he ''meets'' some local freedom fighters and things escalate from there.

There are quite a few nods to Resident Evil 2 (The game), the best of which was very unexpected but makes the climax of the movie pretty damn exciting. The movie itself feels very much like Resident Evil 4, which is no bad thing.

**MILD SPOILER** The characters from the games leon, Hunnigan and Ada act just the way they should. Ada turns up to antagonize Leon as usual, and their innuendo ridden to-ing and fro-ing continues.

It really says something about a CGI movie when it outclasses its live action counter part and Resident Evil Damnation does this in every way.

If you enjoyed the Paul W. S. Anderson directed Resident Evils...and I use the term ''Directed'' very...very loosely then you will love this movie. A Resident Evil movie...that Actually feels like a Resident Evil Game, Brilliant
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Great for fans of the games
mahmus11 October 2020
I might be giving it the same rating, but this is a huge improvement over Degeneartion, especially in terms of animation (Leon actually looks like Leon).

The story is a bit convouluted and the post credit scene undermines a lot of the ending's power, but just like with the first one, if you're a fan of the games, this is a much better alternative than the live action films. And they're canon, so that's cool.
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A little boring but the action is enjoyable
Darkside-Reviewer22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second CGI Resident Evil movie to be released and after seeing how amazing the first one (Resident Evil Degeneration) was I was really looking forward to the release of this movie and while it did turn out to be a good movie with CGI that looked as amazing as the first movie I just didn't enjoy this one as much it's got a lot less action in it and focuses more on politics and cival wars than it does the Las Plagas infected also added was a storyline about humans being able to control low level BOW's like Lickers and Las Plagas infected humans which on paper sounds interesting and different but sadly it fails to do anything inventive or interesting with this development people just use the BOW's in a cival war but all they do is kill everyone and destroy everything so neither side really wins anything at all with the use of the BOW's.

Leon is the movies main character and is the highlight of the movie but that's no surprise he's always a badass and he's voiced by (Matt Mercer) so double points for that alone. Leon also comes across Ada Wong in the movie several times but they share less than screen time than in any of the games cut scene's so no real plot development on that old continuing storyline. Ada's scene's are pretty much copy and paste fight scene's from Resident Evil 4 some flying kicks and then grappling gun the hell out of the building.

The best part about the movie is the last 30 minutes which is where a bulk of the movies action scene's happen there are some really cool fight scene's that have Leon shooting up a ton of BOW's. We then get a 15 minute fight that involves several Tyrants (Mr X's) and they do look very intimidating and huge with cool looking body armour and they even end up shedding the body armour and mutating into Super Tyrants that look pretty cool and badass.

I recommend this movie to any fan of the Resident Evil games it is fun to watch and it is enjoyable just don't expect it to be as good as (Resident Evil Degeneration) was because it doesn't even come close to be as good.
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Ultra cool CGI movie. Better than the live action films.
jhpstrydom28 July 2013
I was pleased at discovering that there was a second RESIDENT EVIL CG movie as I very much enjoyed the first one which is called DEGENERATION. This however has a lot more action and a very intriguing plot to hold your attention. The CG itself is very well done and the action is non stop and very intense. Although I wouldn't say this film is very child friendly. One of the things it does better is staying true to the games. It doesn't go in THE MATRIX direction like the recent live action films did, it really stays true to both the feeling and the atmosphere the RESIDENT EVIL games are known for.

Overall, It's very cool and much better than the live action movies. Fans of the games will certainly have a blast.
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sbweightman15 June 2021
Based on the plaga from RE6 means there's a lot more action this time around, but unfortunately, no horror to speak of. The animation is also better with more realistic looking characters, monsters and gore, but the plot isn't as interesting and is a bit flat. The action scenes are good, although they do get silly towards the end, and it's nice to see more BOWs and lickers. Some characters were annoying, but the leads were very entertaining.
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Better than Degeneration, still not very good
ThatAnimeSnob29 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
-The CGI quality has improved slightly in motions and lip-sync. It also feels far darker, bloodier, and grittier.

-The setting is more interesting as it takes place in a war zone located in a city. No more silly fluffy areas and annoying civilians running around.

  • Voice acting is laughable, especially for Leon. I mean, come on, it's like he didn't even care to perform.

-The story moves away from the style of the first three movies, which was basically a zombie epidemic in a civilized area with some secret laboratories. It moves to the later trilogy, where there are no innocents. The civilians are all hostile and in this case, armed and dangerous, plus the whole place is in the middle of a civil war.

-There are technically no zombies in this film but rather possessed people. The result is pretty much the same but surely, it looks closer to tentacle monsters using human hosts.

-This time it is not so much about evil multi-national organizations trying to take over the world with bioorganic weapons. It is a lot more about localized political intrigue, and messages around terrorism and wars for natural resources. I must say it made the set up to feel far more realistic and interesting.

-Of course they hardly do anything smart with the whole thing. It's still gust a slugfest to the most part with the resolution being weak and almost anti-climactic. But at least it gives you the impression that the villains got away and almost won. It made it feel catchier this way.

-There are Tyrants as bosses. We can't do without them. Only this time they are mass produced and felt like they were beaten easily by mooks. Lame! -Leon grows a goatee and looks even more badass now. Other than that, he acts extremely uncaring and spouts lots of lame one-liners.

-No more of that bimbo Claire, thank God. Now we get Ada Wong being badass, manipulative, and even taking part in a cat fight. Now that's more like it! -Some rebels are in this movie and try to offer drama by mentioning how the stronger countries are manipulating them for resources and now that they resist decided to wipe them out. They could have made something interesting out of this but in just half an hour you stop caring about them, since the plot is basically Leon walking around and killing mutants. Very weak presence and importance.

-There is a politician present again, only this time it's not a weak fat cliché asshole. This one was smart, cunning, strong, and willing to do all it takes to have it her way. Yes, she is a woman to boot.

-And then we have undead… sort of. Closer to mutated bio-weapons in the form of Crimson Heads and Lickers. And apparently this time they are controlled telepathetically by a human who acts as a bee queen or something. It was an interesting twist to the mindless hordes of monsters up to now but still complete mooks to the plot.

-Overall, the second film had a smaller and more interesting cast, though clearly in terms of coolness and not depth.

-It is surely better than the first, less of a Romero rip-off, and more of an attempt at delving into politics and conspiracies. It still remains nothing but a one-timer, as it doesn't escape the tired Hollywood brain-dead action formula it is based upon, while the short duration makes it impossible to feel anything for the war drama. Which is kind of a shame considering how it began in a very interesting way.
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It's an okay movie
nodlimax9 June 2021
RE:Damnation provides decent entertainment. The story is okay even though the twists and turns are pretty predictable. It still is a mostly coherent story.

There are some enjoyable characters. However there is not much character development. It's literally just a day at the RE office...

The action sequences work even though physics are often ignored by the writers. It still is fun to watch.
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Really good action horror animation movie!
dakuchonekobing10 July 2021
I have watched this movie more than 2 times and never get bored. The action scenes are amazing and well done. It's great that you watch it sometimes.

There are only some things I wish it was better, it's the development of the characters, especially the way they feel and how they react to each other, I want it to be smoother.

Anyway, it's a good movie that you can enjoy with friends over the weekend, and definitely better than other RE movies.
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Resident Evil: Damnation isn't damned at all and is actually a damn good watch.
TheMovieDiorama31 March 2018
Whilst not as good as 'Degeneration', this second instalment in the animated series remains true to the source material and is able to capture the gritty dark environment that the video game franchise is famous for. Leon infiltrates a former soviet state to investigate a rumour that its president is releasing Bio Organic Weapons (BOWs) in their civil war. Immediately the personality from the likes of Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong are replicated to precision. His masculine heroic traits ooze through the screen and Wong remains enigmatically mysterious. The story was linear much like the video games yet embedded within are various exciting scenes that replicate the aesthetic appeal of its source material. Consistently switching between first person perspective, still corner shots and other cinematic directing styles that prevents this from simply being a long cutscene. It feels like a film, incorporating the differing camera techniques that imitate the various games, creates a true incarnation. A myriad of familiar enemies and plot points, such as Las Plagas, Lickers and Tyrants, will appeal to the fans of the games whilst remaining accessible to newcomers. Plus, the female president isn't just used as an antagonistic puppeteer, she actually has her own combat scenes! Film is complete. Voice acting was functional although occasionally monotonous and some of the character facial expressions feel like blank canvas'. The narrative follows a familiar structure to 'Degeneration' which comes across as uninspired, especially the final boss fight which looks incredibly polygonal given the outstanding CG motion effects throughout. The supporting characters, such as JD, could've used some more development to enhance that emotional investment. However, it's an adventurous exciting zombie flick that sits well as a prequel to 'Resident Evil 6', despite its basic execution and familiarity. Lastly, let's just appreciate Leon's incredibly silky hair and how it sways in the gentle breeze...
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Well I liked it
dieterperras26 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Its better then resident evil retribution lets just get that out there right now OK. good lets continue....

yes the enemies are ridiculously evil and bullets have no effect on the important characters, but I'm in the sort of mood where I'm willing to overlook the flaws in Resident Evil Damnation or RED for short, which is good because there are a LOT of flows in RED. This is probably the effect of watching it right after watching RER or resident evil redemption.

Its good to finally see Hollywood make a movie that actually follows along with the storyline of the original work its only a shame that they did it with resident evil because The Resident Evil is written by Capcom, a company to which writing is the same as throwing some plots in a blender and stitching them loosely together to make something vaguely understandable.

The characters were well portrayed and voiced well and the creatures were interesting but unfortunately it fell into the old death trap of having the weaker creatures seeming to vanish as tougher ones appeared and when they brought out the giants I was like "cool I remember those from one of the games." But that initial interest quickly died after the 7th f***** one appears out of nowhere with not so much as a single zombie in between.

But at least its fun to watch and as I said before its better then RER.
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Best resident evil movie yet!!!
nhatlamsokul22 September 2012
I can't say anything more! it's amazing to me that Capcom and Sony have brought the best movie of the series to all of us, and importantly the fans of the video game. Resident Evil Damnation was a spectacular breakthrough, more interesting and better than RE: Degeneration. The Effect and CG was great to me, it showed the monsters extremely vividly, beautiful slow-motions. You must keep your eyes open all almost 2hrs because of the very-fast rhythm and nice action of Leon and Ada. The noteworthy thing is about the Lickers- fast,many and even they were the good assistants (know while watching!!!???). Dramatic has been pushed up to the climax when Leon and Buddy against 2 giant Tyrans. And that was the 2nd anniversary of Leon when he was getting on the brink of death to save someone (1st in RE Degeneration)!!! Will you have a good day off? So let's buy the DVD or Bluray from 25 Sep. and enjoy it, maybe you'll agree with my reviews. My rating: 9/10
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Powerful piece of cardboard filmmaking
p-stepien11 December 2012
The Biohazard / Resident Evil universe invites with an animated story focused on the well-liked character of Leon S. Kennedy (Matthew Mercer). In a made up Slava Republic (Why do they always have to think stuff like this up? Why not just keep it real?) infighting between the presidential forces of Svetlana Belikova (Wendee Lee) and resurgents led by Alexander 'Sasha' Kozachenko (Dave Wittenberg) causes the latter to dabble with Bio-Organic Weapons of the Umbrella Corporation. By attempting to utilise the Plaga parasite to control lickers the tide of civil war is supposed to turn. This situation causes the appearance of Ada Wong (Courtenay Taylor), who undoubtedly possesses hidden motives. Meanwhile Leon tries his best to contain the BOW use before the situation explodes out of control...

After a severely disappointing Resident Evil: Retribution, the animated feature comes off as a breath of fresh air. While this isn't entirely true, as voice acting ranges from over-exuberant to wooden and the dialogues churned out for story purposes as unanimously god-awful. That said the plot itself remains enticing, although without much of a survival thriller feel to it, more inclined towards all out action focused on biological warfare than stricte Zombie genre stuff. And what action it is! The movie is infested mostly by Majini and some gruesome Lickers, but the best comes in the form of the appearance of Tyrants. The ultimate Resident Evil foe appears with intended mayhem, delivering an absolute epic battle featuring exploding trucks, tanks and Tyrants vs hordes of Lickers, which make up for the atrociously shallow scriptwriting.

The much appreciated CGI animation is riveting - a pure feast for the eyes, full with mind-blowing details and captivating sequences.
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Resident Evil: Damnation (Biohazard: Damnation)
phubbs16 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Right I'm gonna be honest here and admit I lost the plot with Resi Evil along time ago. I had the very first original game and followed the plot easily. Since then the story has spiralled off in various directions and has morphed into something quite different from the original simple idea.

Thusly I am completely unable to determine if this new CGI animated sequel is accurate or follows on from any part of the numerous videogames. Of course the bottom line is if you wanna see a good proper Resi Evil flick then this is what you watch, unlike the comicbook style live action films.

Yes this film is bloody and violent with no holds barred on what you expect from the Resi Evil franchise. I'm confident any fans will get a kick outta this new offering with some great creature action, zombie action and your obligatory slow motion action sequences which show off the crisp CGI to the smallest pixel.

For me...I didn't really like it. Why? because the plot is sooooo so unexplained, do you have to be a Resi Evil fanboy to get this? No reason for anything that happens or why, characters are dull and stereotypical plus it just feels like a long video game ingame sequence, but I guess that can't really be helped. I also found the CGI to be very very good on the human characters, especially facial close ups, but rather average on pretty much everything else! Lip syncing on speech is still somewhat lacking and looks a bit crappy.

As for plot points, I didn't like the fact certain humans can now control the Bio-Organic Weapons through their mind via some kind of technological advancement. That advancement being an 'Alien 3' rip where by the Bio-Organic Weapon uses a human host to live in which creates a connection between the two, eh? I also didn't understand where all this BOW's came from either, this one guy controlled them and there seemed to be a never ending stream of the things...from nowhere.

Other issues cropped up like the zombies going round stuffing these embryo type things down uninfected peoples throats. I guess they were the BOW embryo's that would enable humans to control them, but why would the zombies be doing that? who is controlling the zombies? oh my! Finally who or what on earth were these huge pale bald Mortal Kombat looking characters in the finale?? Just popped up from nowhere, virtually indestructible and looked like the alien space jockeys from 'Prometheus'.

What really bugs me about Resi Evil now is the fact its become a kind of monster mash with no real suspense anymore. Its just a guns blazing, blood spilling, in your face monster brawl along the lines of Mortal Kombat, the original spooky horror element has faded away for pure adrenaline soaked action. I also feel the whole idea has been milked too much and the Umbrella company lost its mystery yonks ago.

This is definitely the kind of Resi Evil film your looking for if your a fan but for uninitiated folk like myself it may seem a bit hectic and raise many questions. Questions like...what on Titan is going on here?!

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Leon FTW!
alex_aka_nostunna21 September 2012
I've been waiting like a fat kid who wants candy to watch this movie and the candy was good. Once again i watch Leon S. Kennedy fighting bad guys but this time not Umbrella, he's stuck in a civil war in Europe between government ops and rebels.

The Plot was a little more than "good" but not excellent, i liked the first movie more but this movie was a little bit different. The feeling that i had watching this movie was kind of a widespread feeling but it felt good. I highly recommend people who love the RE:Franchise to watch the animated movies because these movies are more like the games.

These animated movies really capture buildings and the beautiful environment really good that makes the movie more pleasant. All from graphics to the sounds was RE-style which made this movie a killer.

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Amazing animation accomplishment; not so amazing plot.
suite9221 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is animation via 3d modeling tools coupled with recording of live actions. Looks wonderful; better, in fact, than many live action horror films that I have reviewed lately.

The main action takes place in a fictional former Soviet bloc nation, Eastern Slav Republic, that came into existence after the fall of the USSR. The film follows an American agent, Leon S. Kennedy, who goes rogue during the continuing civil war in ESR. The rumour that Leon wants to check out is whether or not the rebel forces in the civil war are using BOWs (Bio Organic Weapons). Leon encounters a BOW almost immediately.

President Svetlana brings in Ada Wong from the BSAA (Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance) to look into the allegations. By themselves, the BOW are useless (attack friend and foe alike), but if a plaga is applied, control can be asserted. Sounds tricky. Leon needs to get some sort of evidence of all this. So does Ada Wong.

The things that look like zombies walking around in Eastern Europe seem to be humans enslaved by plaga attaching themselves to spinal cords. Great. I was expected a high quality zombie film, and got a no zombie film.

Will Leon or Ada get the evidence they needed? Will the ESR survive as a country?


Art/Animation: 10/10 Exceptional; I'd like to give it a 73 out of 10, but 10 is tops. Most of the film looks great. Loved the fight sequences between Ada Wong and President Svetlana.

Sound: 8/10 Sound leveling could be better. Going from fight-action music to/from conversation is a disaster.

Voice Acting: 7/10 This varies a lot. Matthew Mercer, Wendee Lee, and Courtenay Taylor were good. Val Tasso was mighty irritating. Most of the others were competent.

Story: 4/10 Wow. Terrible dialog in so many places. Is this a civil war film, a zombie film, an east vs west film, a biohazard film? The connections to Resident Evil seem weak.
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Amazing, but...
paul_haakonsen25 September 2012
Let me start off by saying that I am a fan of the "Resident Evil" universe, but personally, as far as the way that the concept has evolved and mutated away from it just being zombies and zombie dogs to strange biological mutations used in warfare, to giants and what else do we have, well... Not really much fan of that. I guess I am just old fashioned that way, leave it at zombies, not all this stuff that is just hard to buy into.

I thoroughly enjoyed the first CGI animated "Resident Evil" movie "Resident Evil: Degeneration" and I was thrilled when they announced this one to be released.

And now having seen it, I sit here feeling somewhat disillusioned. This was just too much remnant of the "Resident Evil 4" game, which I didn't enjoy that much. Plus there were no zombies in the movie at all. It was all 'lickers', strangely infected pod-people (infected with something that looked like a mutated flower, then making them look like zombies, but they weren't!) and giants. Giants! Are you kidding me. I could appreciate Nemesis, but these? No way! They looked like cousins of the blue guy from "Watchmen", it was just ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, "Resident Evil: Damnation" is not bad, not at all. It is an amazing treat for the eyes to behold. The CGI graphics were off the charts. There were so many great details in the scenery and on the characters/creatures. The movie is well worth watching a second time just to pay attention to the details in everything on the screen. And the animation of the characters and creatures was really great and very believable.

The movie had a good amount of action and fighting, which was very nicely choreographed. And the storyline was fast-paced and continuous, although it was a bit shallow. It didn't really offer much new to the "Resident Evil" universe, sadly.

The characters in the movie were nicely portrayed, and it was good to see some familiar faces revisited. The voice acting was also good, which is really important in an animated movie. However, I don't understand why these Slavik people weren't speaking in their native tongue. Why were everyone speaking English with a slight Eastern European accent? It is just like World War 2 movies where the Germans speak English with a prominent German accent, it just doesn't work that great. Had they opted to have them speak in their native language and had English subtitles the movie would have worked on a whole other level.

Now, the bad things in "Resident Evil: Damnation" was the lack of a deeper storyline. It was fairly shallow and didn't really offer much for anyone in the story to work with. And what was up with those giants? When I saw that, I was ready to turn off the movie and find something else to watch. Nemesis was acceptable, as he was a zombie-like mutation towering over humans, but these giants were just downright ridiculous. The worst flaw in the movie, in my opinion, was the lack of proper zombies (as seen in the first three games). "Resident Evil" should have and not just zombie-like pod-people.

I had my hopes and expectations way up high for this movie, and I was shot down hard because of a shallow storyline and laughable mutated creatures (and the lack of zombies just appalled me). Sadly, "Resident Evil: Damnation" is not as enjoyable as the preceding "Resident Evil: Degeneration" CGI movie.

But if you are more open for various mutations and a deviation away from the original "Resident Evil" concept, then I am sure that you will find "Resident Evil: Damnation" to be rather enjoyable.

The movie is well worth watching for the amazing graphics and CGI alone.
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Better Than Retribution
vyasabhishek9992 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Right from the start of the movie i felt very good because of the beauty of Animation, for some time i thought i am in game and i don't have to press the analog and rest of the keys. Eda Wang and Leon are too stylish and there one liners are simply awesome. The level of Animation and its action sequences are worth watchable and enjoyable. Truly this ride must not be missed by those who love animation. The climax fight of the movie specially when Leon fights those monsters and blow the head of one of them by a tank was simply awesome. Presidents fight with Eda Wang is a fight to remember or Leon jumping from one blocks to another in order to save himself from those monsters was simply "thrilling". I am certainly looking for its next part to come as soon as possible. Finally as a conclusion i can say its a must watch action thriller with all the elements of entertainment in it.
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