Appendage (2023) Poster


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It's not Basketcase, or Malignant...
HorrorFilmHellion5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Although mixed with similar themes and queues to other "body horror" type films before, it does bring a new variation to the table. I thought this was quite solid overall, mainly because care went into how it was shot and produced. It was set up with some fine acting tidbits, such as amusing Desmin Borges as the stereotypical eccentric clothes designer.. laughed several times at his contribution. The effects weren't fantastic, but I don't think they were meant to be.. these were mostly metaphorical demons (even though the DNA twin ingest thing was explored), and it seemed to be tied to conditions and mental issues that are quite valid when people struggle with adversity. Even if it wasn't saying that, I enjoyed it.
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briannamarie-901333 October 2023
This movie was interesting. It wasn't bad, per say, but it definitely wasn't good, either. The synopsis had me intrigued but I can see why it was listed as a "horror/comedy". The acting was off and on, the characters didnt feel original, but the plot was unique. I was interested just because I wanted to know what would happen in the end but after I finished it, I felt like I had just wasted my time finishing the last half of the movie. It wasnt a good ending nor a bad ending, it was just... there. Im giving it 4/10 because the plot was unique, the cinematography wasn't bad, but the acting and execution could have been a lot bettet.
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6 for effort.
Patient4448 October 2023
Of course while watching this, I kept thinking about Basket Case and wondered if the director took some inspiration from it, or it just happened for the same idea to resurface after so many years.

And just like in the case of Basket Case, I couldn't look away. Now the difference between these two is that the first relies on some gore and for those times, utter violence, while Appendance is trying to be smarter and even introduces a twist to this genre.

If you want to judge Appendace all on its own, I think it's less fun, so definitely make time for Basket Case as well. 3 parts as I remember, but at least watch the first.

For a solo Appendance appreciation, I do believe it is a solid effort, it is shocking without being gross or violent and it does keep you curious throughout its run time. So I definitely believe this should be seen by horror fans, as it comes out rather fresh, intriguing and even offers a free moral lesson.

Watch it and you'll find out.

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What did I just watch??
krismoore-764362 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Did they mean for this to be a comedy?? Lol because it was hilarious.

Basic plot - depressed and needy fashion designer intern spawns a parasitic twin out of a birthmark on her stomach. It's pure evil and tells her horrible things about herself and her loved ones. Then said twin takes over after a fight, determined to live her twin's life.

The story itself is fine - I was actually super interested to watch it based on the plot line. My issue was the special effects. Why did they make it look like that?? And then they did such a bad job! Better feature effects in the original piranha when you could see the strings holding up the fish hahaha. It literally destroyed what would have been a good story. Unless it was meant to be a comedy cuz then it was funny as hell!
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Mental Illness comes to life!
cillasaenz4 October 2023
This movie truly made me ugly cry. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, in other words I have this disgusting, ferocious "appendage" that feeds me lies and drains me of all my energy. But here is the catch, it's all happening inside my head!

This film is a true representation of the depression, paranoia, and anxiety that accompanies the disorder. I often feel like I grow weaker as my illness grows stronger and forever tied to it.

Unresolved childhood trauma, especially with the relationship with her mother had me sobbing. I want to ask her to watch it, maybe she'll get to understand me. Wishful thinking.
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Good enough but could be better
mgalercail2 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An awkward mash up of Body Snatchers, Malignant and How to get ahead in advertising; Appendage has the pleasure of being a copy of a copy, of a copy with much less of a punch.

Now in these days, it's really not about the plot, it's more how do you handle the usual presentation.

Here we have the standard story of a struggling young person in the midst of a stressful job, rocky relationships with family and friends and lingering past trauma that hasn't been dealt with.

One day at dinner, Hannah is plagued by a sudden pain in her side. A protruding mass presents itself during an uncomfortable interaction with her mother.

After being embarrassed at work, the pain continues until her side forms a mutant twin that detaches itself and begins to manipulate her and eventually wishes to assimilate itself into her life.

Overall this is a standard watch once type of deal. The dialogue is very on the nose with its metaphor and delivery. Everyone comes across as caricatures instead of people; perhaps the intention.

I'll give credit where it is due. There is indeed an actual threat to the main character, instead of it being an obvious reflection of whatever ails them.

I have no problem with the latter, but I do get frustrated with the bait and switch tactic sometimes.

Direction is bland, acting is serviceable. Everything is just..ok.

Much like The recent, No one will save you. We are given a simple premise and delivery with no frills. But is it enough? Who knows. Maybe you'll like this more than I. But I do feel the easy to digest content has been pumping out more and more with an ever decrease in quality is problematic.

I feel this is no exception.
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Too campy/corny, not my kind of movie
MovieQween-336223 October 2023
I can totally see how this 80s/90s campy type of horror movie is someone's cup of tea. This just happens to not be mine. Personally I think the appendage idea was unique but I just wasn't entertained or scared. Like I said, I'm sure some people will love this kind of idea/movie, you do you boo!!! I prefer more horror and less camp, unless it's the movie Drag Me to Hell (one of my faves) which blends both. In Appendage, I wasn't overly invested in any of the characters or the thin plot. We are kind of just thrown in from the get-go and didn't get a chance to know or care about our main character. Needed more story and less corny, not a fan.
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Weird Movie but I couldn't stop watching
cepdominguez-763625 October 2023
So I started watching this movie at the recommendation of someone.

I stopped the movie 10 minutes in and rang them and asked them if I should keep going because it seemed weird.

They pushed me to continue and I'm glad I did.

It's is weird but it's original which is hard to find these days.

Your probably could describe it as "artsy".

It has its "giggle" type moments but I wouldn't say it was a comedy.

I definitely recommend watching it, it has a good message at the end and I kinda think it's sweet in a sense.

To love and care for yourself even when it's hard and all you want to do is tear yourself down.
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stevelivesey-371832 November 2023
There seems to be a new trend in 'horror' movies like this at the moment. It is this high concept, feelings based type that seems to be permeating our culture. Some of them are good, really good. Some of them, like this, are awful.

This is a film which has terrible direction, plot, script, acting, production values and editing. However, I will give it one plus point, that of the mental illness manifesting itself in physical form. That being said, the physical form in this case takes the shape of a seven year olds play doh puppetry of laughable proportions.

Honestly, don't waste your time with nonsense like this.
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People struggling mentally will appreciate this movie
CandyassGoth24 December 2023
I suffer with depression and anxiety and self esteem issues and etc etc, so the lesson of accepting how you feel and just treating yourself kindly is one you learn to be able to cope with these issues, and this movie does a great job of giving us a visual representation of this idea with a fun horror flare.

It has funny moments, gross moments and many relatable moments. It's not particularly scary, it's more of a bizarre fever dream kind of experience.

Either way: Would I watch this again? Yes.

Would I recommend it? Yes, to those who aren't too serious or can't suspend belief.

Will you miss anything by skipping this movie? I'll conservatively say yes, it has a fun twist and could help people who have yet to learn how to handle mental and emotional troubles.

Characters? They were all fine I thought, no one too annoying or anything. My only huge peeve was the main character taking what felt like forever to go to the doctor about the nasty thing developing on her side XD

Was it interesting? Yes, I thought it was. Nothing wild, but enough to enjoy.

Thought provoking? Yes, definitely a window to our modern stresses and how we neglect those injuries.

I liked it.
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jomayevans19 October 2023
Hahahaha oh deary me!! OK about 12minutes in, I burst out laughing.. then for the next 40, I realised I was seriously feeling putting off and nauseas at the thought of cooking and eating the omelette I was supposed to have for tea because of This Film lol.. it induced my anxiety and came across as a bad attempted indie film which is a shame because there could've been something there. Yes it's not nothing new in ideas. But the camera quality was good and the lead actress was really good ( she was too good for this film though) she kinda reminded me of a Drew Barrymore looks and speech. The problem with this film was the pacing of the movie was very choppy, not enough action, nor any good sound effects or music score, which all left the movie feeling flat and you deflated with its progress. I always much prefer practical effects over cgi and it some parts they were fine but others ( The thing!! Bahahahahahahahaha !! Aww stop) I just couldn't take it seriously lol I've give it a generous 4 because I liked the actress and there could've been a story with potential if it maybe had had some1 else behind the making writing. But without I was really left feeling crummy and like I wish I hadn't been scooped in by the reviews here.
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I absolutely loved it because I could relate to it.
cmdown-5050613 October 2023
Let me start by saying I had no idea this movie even existed nor what it was about, I just randomly watched it and I came out in pieces.

At first glance I thought it was going to be another "it's all in your head" standard metaphorical type of films about mental health which had me double guessing everything throughout the whole film but not was I wrong (kind)

Appendage gave me a great glimpse into my own struggles as someone who has dissociative ptsd, depression and anxiety. I applaud the writer/s because there were so many times I had to pause the film and reflect on my own personal internal battles I have with myself every single day and for the first time in what seems like forever I felt like I was understood, seen and accepted. I may receive unhelpful responses because I gave it such a high score but to me this was more than a horror movie this was a reflection of my life.

This is the first time I've watched a film that I feel I can fully relate to and I implore everyone to watch it.
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Anyone with child trauma and the "gremlin" in their head will relate
zack_gideon12 October 2023
This movie will impact people that have experienced child trauma or abuse and are left with the nasty demon stuck in their head. Those who do the work and get therapy learn the bpd or anxiety or depression issues are there from bad parents or childhood.

This film is an allegory about how if you feed the gremlin in your head it will grow and grow (by allowing negative self talk and ignoring your past). It's really effective and has a good message.

It's also a horror movie (kind of). I enjoyed it, not just for the allegory and how it impacted me but also because all the actors did a fantastic job. I've spent a year in therapy and a few more trying to kill my gremlin, and just like this movie it's not easy!!! 6.6/10.
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Would rather chew tinfoil
witchcraft-3903531 October 2023
Maybe the worst acting in the history of man kind only overshadowed by worse directing.

If you got some paint thinner you're better off taking a sip from that. Cringe from start until the very very cringe end, it's just a strange and weird journey through the mind that's definitely had too many mushrooms. That it made to a streaming service is a feat in it self and that's the 1 star. I mean you really really should find some alternative to this junk. Literally anything will do, trust me on this.

If you got some paint thinner you're better off taking a sip from that. Cringe from start until the very very cringe end, it's just a strange and weird journey through the mind that's definitely had too many mushrooms. That it made to a streaming service is a feat in it self and that's the 1 star. I mean you really really should find some alternative to this junk. Literally anything will do, trust me on this.
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Wasted actresses
cjonesas14 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A horror drama movie for puppets, average in near everything. Having a good interesting premise, but not evolving, exploiting and doubling down on it. It is way too mild with some good and well-done visual effects, besides the "monster" in infant form. The drenching of life off of those puny "humans" was acting-wise well-done and believable.

Unfortunately, the movie went nowhere and kinda got back to its square one and a half. Why they make many "horror" flicks so mild, I don't understand.

  • Screenplay/storyline/plots: 5
  • Development: 6
  • Realism: 5.5
  • Entertainment: 5.5
  • Acting: 6
  • Filming/photography/cinematography: 6.5
  • VFX: 7.5
  • Music/score/sound: 6
  • Depth: 3
  • Logic: 1.5
  • Flow: 5.5
  • Drama/horror: 5.5
  • Ending: 2.
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A rather unique storyline...
paul_haakonsen2 October 2023
I happened to stumble upon this 2023 horror movie titled "Appendage" by random chance. I had not heard about the movie, but it being a horror movie was sufficient to make me want to watch it. And I have to admit that the movie's cover and poster was actually interesting enough to catch my attention.

Writer and director Anna Zlokovic put together a script and storyline that proved to be rather unique and also entertaining. It is definitely a storyline unline anything I've seen before, so thumbs up for originality here. And I will say that the storyline was adequately strange and bizarre to prove to be all the more enjoyable.

The acting performances in "Appendage" were good. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble, but the actresses and actors did put on good performances and carried the movie quite nicely.

Visually then "Appendage" was okay. The special effects in the movie were adequate, but not really top notch effects. There certainly were room for improvement. However, the special effects worked as intended and that was good enough.

While "Appendage" proved to be watchable, enjoyable and entertaining, then I have to say that it is not a movie that warrants more than just a single viewing. But if you enjoy horror movies, then writer and director Anna Zlokovic's 2023 movie "Appendage" is certainly well-worth sitting down to watch.

My rating of "Appendage" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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bjornrhein12 November 2023
Someone wrote " Weird but I could not stop watching it " Well I could ,,, not a problem for me to press the red button on the remote controll, this is bad , it was so bad its insane

The only thing that scared me with this movie was the high rating on imdb ,, how ? Why ? This is impossible to like , story is trash, production is awful, acting is,, none,, not even existing, effects are horrible,, but yet people like it, thats amazing, I also remember basket case movies from my youth, it was ok but nothing more , but to reinventing the wheel all over again will just not even be close to ok

Garbage,,, just Garbage.
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This was actually kinda good!!
liberty-rebel-smalls694 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is like malignant on speed but slower lol

Okay so same concept, with the twin. But it detaches itself, becomes you and feeds off your insecurities?

The whole thing was just so wacky and fun while having a good storyline. If they put more effort into the way they fed, the cheese ball ending, some actors and made the fashion designs a bit better, this would be a top notch horror flick with originality. I don't know why this movie is getting such a bad rep. Give it a try. And really give it a try cause there's some fun to it.

Also I was pleasantly surprised to see Emily Hampshirite from schitts creek in this. I didn't watch the trailer prior, but they do a fabulous job at playing a total b word. I love them as a villain!!!!
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The People Must Read
hsenst-5766418 May 2024
I would first like to introduce myself I am Hadley I love horror movies but one thing I don't like is white drunk girls so if you share this opinion with me you will absolutely HATE this movie and it isn't even scary in the slightest it's just a waist of time. It absolutely shattered my day when I sat down after a long day for work a movie and I thought that I could give it a chance after all it is a Hulu original and it was just absolutely garbage it made me sick to my stomach that this is what horror movies have come to I think that director needs to go back to the drawing board with his whole thought process of his movies.
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Disturbing and Strange
HardyReviews_10 October 2023
Appendage is a very strange and disturbing story of how depression can effect a person. In this movie, Hannah's depression and inner thoughts come together in a very strange way. This creature-esque body horror shows an intense story of how one can come out of depression with the help of people are them if you let them and if they listen. This film takes a complete turn and it's one you're not expecting which is so well done for this movie. The pace for this movie is good for a movie of this type and for a Hulu original movie it's definitely worth the watch. If you're coming into this expecting to be scared though, you're watching the wrong movie. This movie is disturbing and disgusting and will have you cringing at some of the most disgusting moments. I'm giving this movie a 3.5/5 for its perfect pacing but was a more basic story that comes together well.
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Perhaps the Worst Movie Ever Made
arfdawg-18 March 2024
There is NOTHING good about this fiasco of a movie.

The premise is dumb.

The writing is literally moronic.

The directing is slow and monotonous.

And the acting.....well.....there is no acting. These "actors" are horrible. Really amateurish.

It's the kind of story where this woman goes to a doctor with an unborn sister starting to pop out of her and the doctor tells her to use a cortisone creme!!!!! REALLY?

That tells everything about the level of intelligence of this movie.

And what about that unborn sister? Well let's just say the special effects are high school level. There were better special effects in low budget movies four decades ago!

A number of times watching this garbage i thought it might be a comedy. No kidding.

Quite possibly the worst movie ever made.
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By far a better movie than the latest trash we've gotten
anaissiller7 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you watched it and didn't get it, it's because you have never dealt with intrusive thoughts. These are basically dark thoughts hating you all the time like that little ugly thing in the movie.

She was trapped, she couldn't deal with the stress, she couldn't cope with depression, and was a slave to it. Once she accepted her demons, she was able to keep on going. An appendage might be unreal, but anxiety and intrusive thoughts are real and annoying AF.

This is basically a way to represent anxiety, a way to materialize it and put it in a movie, and I thought it was great. The lead actress is great.

Nicely done !
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more allegory than horror
SnoopyStyle6 October 2023
Hannah (Hadley Robinson) is a young fashion designer struggling at work. She has a pain in her side and something is growing out of it. A creature out of her doubts emerges. She seeks help from a self-help group where she is befriended by Claudia (Emily Hampshire).

This is more allegory than horror. It needs help to be more scary. Mostly, the creature is too campy or too cheap. It takes any realism out of the movie. It should be devastating body horror. Instead, I'm looking at it side eyed. To be fair, it's not trying to be camp. It has no humor to speak of. It would be better as a slug coming out of her body.
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more than just...
ops-525354 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Science fiction, as this covers many unspeakable sides of life, especially dorky parents and how to be mental stable within the queue of sosialization and personification when coming of age.

The film reminds me about the teratomatatious film called ''malignant''(2021), where hidden uterinarizational and more or less evil appendixes making life a slithering and griffendorian strive between good and bad, not so graphic though, but its in there somewhere in the genre called alienation..

its not a perfect production, and the appendage couldve been better, still it takes you by by the hand, and you may really start to wonder, a small recommend from the grumpy old man.
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Fun and Well Done!
tbridges-5155712 October 2023
I wasn't sure if this was my kind of movie, at first. But it wasn't too graphic with an original execution with only minor goofy decisions.

I would have appreciated additional retribution but the story was neat and tidy, so that would have made the production way too long.

The actors and actresses were pretty good. Mom's character was unrealistic but I guess that was just part of our protagonists development into the person she was.

I enjoyed the movie very much.

I was also very surprised to find out that Stevie, actress Emily Hampshire of Schitt's Creek, was playing a major supporting role.

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