The Encounter (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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Excellent film, worth the watch
jennshe7 April 2014
First of all, we watched "The Encounter" without knowing what it was about. We were basically just looking for a film to watch before we fell asleep, something not too challenging. This film was excellent. It held our attention the entire time. The acting was superb, not cheesy with bad sound and worse dialogue like some of the other Christian movies we've watched in the past. The film gracefully and unashamedly tackles some of the really hard questions Christians face with answers that are refreshingly genuine. We were left with lots of food for thought, and afterward we had a very lively discussion about several of the points raised in the film. We shared it with one of our adult children, who was intrigued and plans to watch it as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend this film for all age groups. Finally, it was also very funny in some parts. We laughed out loud, and you will too.
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Feel-good film!
paulclaassen19 May 2019
The constant use of 'God' and 'Jesus' became a little bit overbearing. Ultimately, though, the film delivers a powerful message - not only from a religious perspective.

I enjoyed the setting in the diner on a dark and stormy night. I enjoyed the various characters. The acting in general was very good. Bruce Marchiano, especially, was believable as Jesus. He certainly sold the character to me. We also see Steve Borden (wrestling star Sting) in a very different role, which he does wonderfully.

Whether your religious (Christian in particular) or not, this is a feel-good, inspirational film (despite being one-dimensional).
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Very good movie...
anton-1391022 June 2019
I came to watch this movie because I remember Jaci Velasquez's extended family. They used to live here. I also was impressed by Jaci's Christian music. I just wanted to watch the movie because I did not know that Jaci was also an actress at the time. Found out that it is a very inspirational movie for believers in Christ.
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Good Movie With Great Message that Will Uplift the Believer, Draw In the Seeker, Aggravate the Hater
parker-530942 August 2020
This movie covers the heady topics of Pride, Suffering, Sin and Brokeness in a very poignant but also uplifting way.

It certainly broaches topics that the character Nick, and some of the like-minded reviewers here (the haters) would prefer not be discussed. It's almost as if they are possessed the manner in which they spew venom at the mere mention of Christ's message.

All of this and a lot more is covered in this movie.

I highly recommend this movie.
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A Very Enjoyable Movie with A Positive and Life Changing Message
kkfews16 June 2011
When I initially saw the beginning of the movie I was not impressed until I stopped and paid attention to the storyline. The setting was one in which a girl is walking on a remote road and looking to catch a ride as cars are passing and a storm with lightning and heavy rain is quickly approaching. The key players are those that pass her on the remote road, as well as the one girl who is prompted by a voice to pick her up. The story unfolds with the players about five or six ending up at a road crossing where a police officer stops them because of a possible washout of the road. They are turned back and all end up at a diner that was not supposed to be at the location. In any event, they all enter and encounter a person named Jesus. Lives and legacies are unveiled in a unique way making application of the Biblical scriptures as well as modern concepts like what it would be to encounter the savior. The story as well as the approach is very thought provoking and leads a person to consider their life and the events of their life in an effort to make a decision for Christ. I have enjoyed a lot of movies, Christian and non-Christian. By far this is one of the best written, staged and acted movies I have seen. It is well worth the time to see it and a great tool for sharing how life takes us down a variety of avenues. I would add that the movie really should be viewed with an open mind to see what the message and points are. It is not a heavy action flick…just a thought provoking hear-felt movie that is well worth the time.
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God's Message in a movie
joseph-10922 September 2011
So I looked at the New arrivals on Netflix and saw the title. I thought it was maybe a horror movie so I loaded it and waited but what I got was a really really good movie that touched me and made me feel good and wanting to be better. It's a movie that needs to be on TV, Hulu, and anywhere possible. I enjoyed it and I do believe in God and Jesus and not ashamed to say it. I do not go to church weekly but I have him in my heart and my family believes in him.

Many out there will make negative comments about this movie and that is there right but it is also my right to praise the movie and the message it gives to all. Too much hate goes on in the world and this movie reminds you whether you like it or not that there is good if we can find it in ourselves to make it good. I hope you will give it a chance I think you will be surprised if you believe and maybe if you don't you will be touched.
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Here is one for the shelf
lagudafuad15 December 2012
Many a times we blessed with Christian movies that take you down a path of character change, showing you the strength of holding on to faith and never letting go.

With movies like Facing the Giant and Fireproof, these movies touched the lives of many by setting for them examples in which they could follow but The Encounter is different. The movie just deals on remembrance, here is a movie that the main Character is Jesus himself (played by Bruce Marchiano) and all his is trying to do is to make people remember that he has always been with them and to make them understand that all that they have been facing in life was leading to this moment, where he will call them to live the darkness and come into the light.

The movie does star Jaci Velasquez, who is a notable Pop and Gospel singer, I actually expected mediocrity from her but I have to say that her acting was quite good enough for me to respect and say that was not bad. Also in the movie is the wrestler Sting (Steve Borden), who has publicly declared that he is a Born Again Christian. Sting who has already had many acting experience his acting was in a way head over shoulders above everyone.

But the Character that gets your smile is the man who played Jesus (Bruce Marchiano) he did a good job his smile was just beautiful.

The movie plot is about 5 people all heading down a road way when a storm caused them all to divert and stay in a diner, where they met a man who claimed he was Jesus. His claim stood as he was able to tell each one intimate secret about them. The 5 people were: 1. Kayla, who is a runaway teenager that Hank refused to pick even after he heard a still small voice telling him to. 2. Hank, who is a God fearing Christian but he allows his wife to take control of his life and his marriage 3. Catherine, who is Hank's wife, she is a controlling lady that wants to leave Hank and chase after something she will never have 4. Melissa, who was heading to go see her boyfriend, hoping to receive a proposal, she too is a born again Christian like Hank and she obeyed the voice and picked up Kayla. 5. Nick, he is a self made millionaire who doesn't want to have anything to do with God.

Like most Christian movies the antagonist is the devil. The movie did have some flaw in the cinematography area, but you do have to cut them some slack, as most Christian movie makers have to source for finances independently, but that is not saying that what is worth doing is not worth doing well. The cinematography is a low 4/10.

What can I say, a good Christian movie to me is one which I am able to learn something from, here I learned that all sin has their root in pride and that God has placed in front of us the path of love and worship and the degree which we can experience this love is the degree in which we are willing to bend to his will.
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Very skewed ratings
SternMarcus8 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First let me disclose I am not a Christian, nor even religious, but I find the subject extremely interesting. I considered myself fair and balanced and wouldn't rate a movie poorly simply because I didn't like or agree with the "message" or a particular actor, etc.

The really high ratings seem to be focused on the "message" or topic rather than the movie itself. I watched the movie hoping for something along the lines of "The Man from Earth (2007)", not so much for controversial ideas but at least something thought provoking. The movie missed the mark on so many levels it's shameful.

Other negative reviews have already touched on many of the cinematic issues, from acting, dialogue, music score and even continuity, so I won't rehash those. While those issues were hard to take at times, the core of the movie was simply poorly developed.

The movie portrayed the believers, and non-believer (truthfully there was only one), as one dimensional, simplistic and not very intelligent. Intelligent people would have asked serious and rather profound questions, this lot didn't ask any. At best the questions were singular, simplistic and dropped after a simple response from Jesus.

Overall the movie can be summed up as: Jesus loves you, no one can love you more than Jesus, if you blindly love Jesus you'll live eternally in peace and love in Heaven, and if you don't blindly follow Jesus you will burn in Hell. The message might be what some want to hear, but the journey the movie took to get there was empty and not worth the effort.
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junkthemail-4756917 June 2019
Great, inspirational messages and it wasn't preachy. It was honest and on point! Amazing film and well done!
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Overall not a bad film
bobmichigan111 May 2011
I started watching this movie and I was thinking OK typical Christian movie all heart and bad acting. The acting was not as bad as facing the Giants although i put it behind Facing the Giants because it had a better theme. No i am not a die-hard Christian fanatic although i do enjoy some of the movies that are put out there because they put me back in my place.

The basic concept of the movie is five people end up getting sidetracked by the devil because of flooding and get sent back to a diner where Jesus is trying to save each individual from going down the wrong path. The movie overall had a great concept but it got a little too deep on the religion side although i do understand the reasoning but it got pushed over the top a little. I rank this a 7 out of Ten and i put Fireproof, Facing the Giants, and To Save a Life ahead of this small treasure of a movie.
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A very disturbing movie
notorius197713 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Who wrote that script? The Christian I Know Everything About God Monopoly? I cannot go into details without spoiling the movie, so in a few words I would characterize it as a hardcore medieval Christian ideology filmed in a US country dinner. A non violent, calm, pure propaganda movie. A person with a tiny bit philosophical attitude towards life will find it very disturbing. This movie tries to explain human problems in a theological-Christian way. God knows everything, can do anything, Has a plan for everyone, but His cryptonite is our free will. Suffering exists for our evaluation and improvement as if God could not find a more pedagogical way to teach His creation. Nations wipe out other nations in order to punish sin. And most important of all - I think that this a new one, if you are related to a person, who is special to God. - yes even God has His favorites - then He will make extra efforts for your salvation.
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An amazing movie that will break you and build you up again!
rajivness14 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
WOW! i totally loved this movie. Its about a bunch of strangers all meeting in a diner and being served by God. The movie is an eye opener for sure and is a must see for believers and those new the faith or seeking answers alike. The man behind the counters wears a Jesus name tag and calls everyone by name and knows intimate details of their past, present and even future. I thought the acting and dialogue was great - not too over the top or extra dramatic.

In the mix we have a couple where the wife wants to leave her husband, a runaway teen girl, a woman driving 400 miles to meet her boyfriend and potential fiancé and a rich restaurant franchise owner played by WCW wrestling champ - Sting!

The state trooper that stops the people midway (saying the road is flooded/damaged) and sends them to the diner - we learn later is Officer De Ville or Devil. The Devil ultimately claims Sting since he chooses to not accept god's love and grace and follows foolishly after the devil to his death.

The important take out is that God is ever watching and is always looking to talk to us through that lil voice in our heart and mind.
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This movie will stick with me for a long time!
luvhorses7931 October 2011
This movie was amazing! It is different then what we normally watch, but in no way was i left feeling disappointed. The story was a 10/10 but the acting had a little to be desired. The meaning and purpose is very clear.

I am purchasing this DVD, I watched it twice on online and now I find myself wanting to watch it again and again. Both times, I was left feeling very comforted and loved. After watching I can imagine what it would feel like to spend some time in Jesus presence and how much he loves me.

It is great family movie, also recommend for one trying to find their way to Jesus (or even if you already know him). I rank it as my favorite feel good movie. Highly recommended!
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Preachy Christian Movie With No Depth
Ted9Yaz814 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I did not go into viewing The Encounter thinking it had the potential to be a cinematic masterpiece; in fact I was thinking the exact opposite. In that regard I was definitely not disappointed. To say that the characters in this film are one-dimensional is an overstatement: we are dealing with bland stereotypes that barely fill out a dimension. We have the rich jerk (played by wrestler Sting), the attractive young woman who wants to marry her boyfriend, the married couple about to split up with a spineless, henpecked husband and overbearing wife and a young runaway who comes from an abusive, drug-addled home. Oh, we also have Jesus as a diner owner and The Devil/Satan as a cop.

These five people find themselves in Jesus' diner and the Big J informs them all that he wants them to follow Him and go to Heaven in lieu of the alternative. The only insight into any of these characters that we get is told to us by Jesus with the exception of I believe three short flashback scenes. We are really not given any reason whatsoever to care what happens to these people.

Questions, and good ones arise through the film, such as why would an all-powerful, all-loving being order the ancient Jews to commit genocide against the Canaanites or for that matter allow a drunken step-father to molest his wife's child. The answers provided by Jesus, who comes off as creepy in this film in a serial killer way, leave a lot to be desired.

At one of more ridiculous moments in the movie Officer DeVille (the Devil, duh) comes in and tells the patrons the road is safe while Jesus tells them it is not. Jesus and DeVille start to argue and at one point JC channels his inner Darth Vader and uses his Jedi Powers to choke DeVille. I wish I was joking.

The acting is poor, the plot is paper thin and the dialog is uber preachy. 90 minutes pass by like 90 hours and I would encourage anyone, be they Christian or not, to avoid this dreck.
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Great Christian movie. Good Cast. Two thumbs Up
KATO-SUBZERO2 November 2016
1 November 2016: I saw this movie twice, yesterday and once three years ago. The cast is good, the story line is good. God is a Holy Spirit and God came in human form as Jesus Christ (Yeshua) to forgive us, save us and die for us.

My two favorite actors playing Jesus Christ / Yeshua is Diogo Morgado and Bruce Marchiano. Bruce does a good job as Jesus an ordinary man, who is proved to be Not ordinary.

I liked this movie from start to finish. I was happy that near the end, Jesus finally showed a bit of power over Satan in the café when Satan after convincing "Steve Borden as Nick Crusher Crushetti to follow him, Satan said "that's one for me." In a flicker Jesus lets Satan know who is still in control and who has the power.

Jaci Velasquez and the rest of the cast is fairly okay. The best supporting cast was actor, Jaime Nieto and actress Dinah Williams.

I give this movie two thumbs up.
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Great Message with Original Presentation
parker-530941 August 2020
If you are the type who hates all things Christian, hates Christ, you should most definitely watch this movie. Even if you still end up rejecting Christ's message, well, at least you will have been notified once again of His message. If on the other hand, this movie brings you to Christ, well Glory be to Jesus ! That's one more :)

What I liked most about this movie is that it delves down deep into heady topics, particularly suffering. And the question "why does God allow suffering?" It tackles the subject of Pride and the subject of Sin, and the broken nature of this world. Basically all the important issues we all face, issues that are regularly brushed aside by smug humanists of our day who believe man should consult man when resolving crises CAUSED BY MAN, all the while ignoring the nature of man: Sin. A procedure that proves futile everyday in our lives as evidenced by the obvious current state of the world. This movie endeavors to chip away at the facade of humanism and all its failures, falsehoods and wickedness. This movie's message does a pretty good job to this end.

The movie itself is no masterpiece. It's a low budget movie that showcases Christ's message, not man's useless message. This movie will never be embraced by the world because the world hates Christ, always has. No great mystery to a Christian. This movie does not showcase or market that which the world deifies. This movie does not include special effects, endless scenery shot in or at far flung places all over the world, it does not include in it's casting marquee Hollywood Actors who are off doing God knows what type of evil, there are no murder scenes, nudity, drugs or alcohol abuse, nobody gets shot, violence is not glamorized, and nobody calls anybody a racist throughout the entire movie!! So yeah....Hollywood's fingerprints are not anywhere near this movie.

Check it out. Strongly recommend to Christians and non-Christians alike.

God Bless!
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Is this what Christians really want us to know?
xheil27 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...if so, it's an interesting little piece.

First things first though: It's shot on video, the production values aren't great, but there's some nice interior shots when we're introduced to the diner, and some good use of lighting (though for the most part it's a little bright - yet that may be intentional on the director's part, in an attempt to convey an atmosphere of honesty and truth being shone on each character's circumstances).

The dialogue roams between realistic conversation and very formalised speech, never quite settling in one place - which has the unfortunate effect of reminding the audience that we are watching a film, but we are usually brought back into the suspension of disbelief in the next moment, so there's a general flow to the story.

The premise is simple; several strangers meet in a 'last chance diner' where a mysterious and all-knowing owner talks to them about their lives - a theme that could easily have been ripped straight from 'The Twilight Zone', which the dialogue acknowledges with a knowing nod. And any fan of that series can pretty much guess at a lot of what happens.

So this is where we get to the actual 'message' of the film, which seems to be not only an evangelistic tool but also a meditation for actual Christians, because it not only looks at those outside the flock, but also spends some time addressing believers - and the themes it touches on range from dysfunctional marriage, infidelity, abortion, child abuse, and addiction all the way to mass genocide in the Old Testament - and when I say 'touches on', I mean it - there's a very light touch given to each of these questions, for which some might accuse the work as being over-simplistic.

Yet the fact that the director has chosen to cover them at all, is to his credit - all of them quandaries in which the Church has been in debate with secular society for many years.

And in recognising that his audience will range from young teens to mature adults, he has attempted to give answers to all these questions as gently as an apologist may - so that everyone who watches his film will have some measure of satisfaction no matter how delicate or jaded their sensibilities are.

This is to be especially felt within the arguments one of the more troubled characters have with *SPOILER* Jesus (for yes, it is he - a fact that's made clear a little too soon into the film), for this more harried soul has much to contend with God about, being a survivor of abuse and suicidal depression. Not to mention the interesting dynamic between a self-proclaimed 'self-made' man who credits all his achievement to pride.

But at this, I'll have to refrain from much more detail lest I spoil some of the story, save to say that I think this film is worth watching, if only for the insight into how Christians think about the world and what they believe God wants you to know about.

This is by no means a perfect film, but it's fascinating for all of the above reasons, so I recommend you take a look.
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Wonderful Movie
ra_hooks29 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a good evangelistic tool for unbelievers, great to show a new believer to help him/her understand God and his plan for our lives. Personally I learned a lot from this movie as I saw the person who portrayed Jesus operate in love,patience,and kindness towards the strangers. Especially, how he was very patient with the businessman who consistently reject him, questioned him disrespectfully, and even man handled Jesus. Made me realize why I am not God because I would have told him to leave the Diner because he wasn't interested in a life change. Jesus never told him to leave and when the business man tried to leave Jesus still tried to offer him grace. This is a must see for everyone who want to understand more about God's grace in a practical and relevant way.
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Christian propaganda and... nothing else.
chip_cristian5 January 2014
I rated this movie an honest 4. The only reason it has such a high score rate is because 90% of the Earth's population believe in God and more than 2 billion in Jesus. But if you're a atheist or agnostic you should skip this one because it's nothing more than a cinematographic summarization of the Bible, including the naive, child-appropriate story telling, fight between God and the devil and so one. Bad acting, bad directing, scripting, effects and everything related to cinematographic art is bad. The way the main character talks will remind you of a very passionate priest or pastor or Jehovah's Witnesses on a Sunday morning. The only thing I liked was the initial idea: a horror-like movie where you gather a bunch of people in a diner on a bad weather and things happen... but despite a classic film where people die in terrible pain and horror, this time only good and wonderful things take place. But besides that, there is no action, no story line, the characters are weak and flat, the ideas and philosophy are STRICTLY religious and the dialog disputes "don't stay in court". As an agnostic, I always like a good religious dispute but I was deeply disappointed this time. If you have one chance to face God what questions will you ask him? I have a bunch of them prepared and ready but non were heard in this film, nothing to upset the All Mighty, nothing to make the watcher think more than she/he should. If the biblical dialogs were more elevated and smart it would have made a good religious documentary. If you would take the whole religion idea out, it could have been a good movie.
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It had me in tears
trbd-780106 April 2017
It starts off a bit uninteresting until you get to the dinner part. Maybe I've met too many people who struggle in those problems, maybe my life is broken down by all those characters in only one person... don't know what it was. Its not like I haven't heard those messages before, but for every doubt, every question, every fear that I battled watching a movie made me understand it better than listening to others tell me. Nothing in this movie is controversial to the Bible, nothing is what I haven't heard before. Difference is, when you have a visual of what you already know, it's almost like you can picture it for your life as well. The abuse in childhood with inability to forgive, the embarrassment of my poverty, the pride in my riches, the religious attitude, the atheism, the desperate search for love, the despising of a spouse, the lack of leadership and the desire to know God and recognizing Him. It took me 5 hours to watch this movie as Jesus spoke to each problem and it almost felt like he was saying it to me and I would break down in tears and had to compose myself and keep watching. It fills you with hope, truth, biblical wisdom and fear of the Lord. Wish they had more of these.
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This would make a really powerful church play...
artsong247 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This would make a really powerful church play, but as a film, the script lacks any kind of subtly or artistry. The characters could be described as cliché, but I would describe them as representational. The writer's intent is obviously to appeal to a breadth of hurting people. The performances, although not brilliant, are sincere. Bruce Marchiano did not convince me he was Jesus, but he did convince me that Jesus is loving, caring and passionately wants to be involved in our lives. Jaci Velasquez was the most subtle and surprising. I would not watch this movie expecting to be entertained, but my hope is that you would be uplifted!

I have to give the movie six stars for it's truth and sincerity.
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Started off pretty cool, got preachy fast
AshenGrey28 September 2011
I have to say in full disclosure that I'm a Wiccan and not a Christian, so my review won't be colored by the subject matter.

The acting in this film was mediocre at best. The "Jesus" in this movie was much more heavy-handed than the Jesus I remember reading about in the Bible. Also, I have a hard time imagining Jesus making someone's car not start just so he is part of a "captive audience".

My other beef was how easily "Jesus" became an apologist for the Old Testament genocides. (Hint: when Bronze Age warlords burned villages to the ground, they usually gave God the credit afterward). The Jesus of the Bible, being a quasi-socialist pacifist, is unlikely to have approved of the rampant murder of whole populations whose only crime was worshiping God in a different way.

This was a pretty unspectacular Christ story.
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Great movie with an interesting twist on the reality of Jesus
Webmaster-42-4465681 July 2014
First of all I find it unsettling that there are some who attack people's ratings of this movie because of a failure to meet a cinematic standard they want to see in a movie or others beliefs as Christians. We're suppose to rate the movie, not peoples ratings or their beliefs.

This is a low budget film, of course it's not going to be on the same level as a major Hollywood blockbuster. But what it lacks in that is made up in the content of the film. The actors chosen for this film are perfect for their roles.

What I enjoyed about The Encounter is the reality of Jesus who knows everybody and how he intervenes and reaches out even when they don't know he is there. The concept of meeting him at a diner I found to be brilliant, making him personable and real. It's put a fresh new perspective of him in my life and how simple it is to reach out back to him.

This is a different Christian movie than most others and really refreshing. It really showed the reality of the choices we are faced with and the consequences, both good and bad of those choices, and the constant battle between good and evil.

If you're a Christian, you'll love this movie, if you're not, it's definitely worth giving it a chance because believe it or not, this movie shows a real side of Jesus you won't find anywhere else. It succeeds in showing how real and approachable Jesus really is. There are much worse things you could waste your time watching.

I would have given it a 10 except that there were times the camera shook, like the camera man either moved the tripod or the shot was hand held. Even for a low budget film, camera shake is really not acceptable.
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Enjoyable - try it
mike-ryan4551 March 2013
The Encounter is a nice piece of independent Christian cinema. It doesn't star Sir Lawrence Olivier or boast a cast of thousands. The low budget production values clearly show but they don't distract. The cast is not sterling and the script could have used another draft or two. Still, the movie was decent and thoughtful and generally enjoyable.

There isn't any violence or obscenity or sex in it. That's a welcome relief these days. You can actually sit down and watch it with the kids and not cringe.

If you like a quiet Christian movie that will leave you feeling good and slightly more humble, this should fit the bill nicely.
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no subtlety like anything blatantly Christian
hilldomain4 January 2014
Horrible. Production quality is OK. The movie would be better as a play... in a church. I am a Christian but this movie is all I hate about Christian productions. Zero subtlety. Other people can get their point across through careful character development instead of such obvious church propaganda. Why can't Christians who have God to give inspiration do the same? Diner owner named Jesus? Really? Only serving water? Then he gets right into the weirdness and creepy behavior and bad duologue and quotes from the Bible. I am so depressed after watching 10 minutes of this. Please some Christian should make a movie for people with a brain.
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