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Cliché prison story with music video-like fast mo-slow mo fight scenes.
Someguysomwhere10 November 2010
After a drug sting operation goes bad with the death of 2 cops and the accidental death of the dealer, the cop who pretended to be a buyer in the sting is arrested some time later at his home where a search turns up money and drugs in the mattress of his bed. It is insinuated that he deliberately killed the dealer and his ass is sent to a prison where a criminal he sent away years before is running a "cage fighting" operation in the basement (Well, where else they gonna hold it?). At some point in the course of his stay, it is impressed on him by said criminal that he has to participate in the fights and "no" was not an option.

While this movie is a cliché of the genre (guy in prison fights to survive in illegal prison matches), it isn't unoriginality that necessarily spoils it because even original ideas can be executed badly. By the same token, old ideas can be done well. If you like clear, methodical, workman-like exchanges in your fight scenes you might not be happy with the "music video-editing-and-effects-type" of fighting employed here. Mind you, I think the music in this movie is good, and I like music videos --BUT-- this was a bit much. The whole film in retrospect seemed to me like one very long music video even though there were actually scenes without music. I wonder why?

Further, because of the way certain things were thoughtlessly thrown into this movie it seems to me that the people who made it were being exploitive and were probably using a formula directed at the younger crowd: hard rock and rap, visual effects (lots of slow mo & fast mo), and a little T&A thrown into the mix for good measure. So. Music, ass-whippings, and ass. A formula for success, no? "Not necessarily" is what this movie proves.

Instead of loud music, video editing and effects, the fight scenes should have been bare and workman-like; just 2 guys in a cage, mano a mano, showing their technique and the size of their balls with the only sound coming from their contacts and the crowd watching. This, by itself, with the same tired story-line would have been a great improvement. That said, the movie is not "worthless". It can provide "light entertainment" for the individual who just wants to kickback and not think too much. As well, if you can't get enough of music videos and don't mind your movie essentially turning into one, you could get something from this.

The guy wrongly convicted

The sadistic guard

The clueless or corrupt warden

The prison bully

The helpful cell-mate

The mess hall encounter

The threats

The showdown at the end

Can anyone put the list above to music? It should be a song by now. Love, Boloxxxi.
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A B-movie; Undisputed 2 is much better.
mineface6 November 2010
There are just to many newbie's to the acting field in this movie. You can tell who is new by noticing the ones who absolutely can't act. The story seems more of a remake of Undisputed 2; and not a very good one.

If you have seen Undisputed 2 you have seen this movie as well.

Undisputed 2 is much better.

The acting is just bad... The speech is not smooth, it is as if they are still reading their lines, the fight scenes for the most part are not fluid and hugely tell tell signs of choreograph; I don't even know why they even both to pull punches any decent fighter can see it moving in slow motion with plenty of time to counter.

Don't bother to watch this movie if only for your favorite MMA fighter, they just have a short intro cameo.

basically it is a CRAPPY version of undisputed 2.
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Pretty bad, but at least a small improvement
lovecraft23112 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
As I make my second foray into reviewing a "Tapout Presents" movie, I've come to accept the fact that I'm Lionsgate's bitch. Sure, I tend to bitch about them, and I even took a hiatus from them, yet for some reason, I just keep coming back for more. In a way, I almost admire the studio. Yes, the Direct to DVD movies they release are usually worthless crap, yet how many other major studios are releasing so much exploitation garbage on a regular basis? I kind of appreciate that to be honest. So, while Daniel Zirilli's second foray into directing a movie for Tapout is an all around bad movie, it's at least a slight improvement in a few regards, and at times shows that maybe (and that's a really big maybe) they'll finally achieve their obvious goal of giving the world a passable afternoon action flick one of these days.

The plot, like many of these pictures, is nothing special: Danny (Tony Schiena) is a respected cop whose set up and taken to prison. In this prison, underground cage fights are being orchestrated by an ruthless crime lord named Anton Vargas (Vinnie Jones), and it's not long until Danny is forced to participate. Good thing for him that he's got a trainer in his cellmate Irving (Voice Actor Dave Fennoy.) Can Danny make it out alive? Can his innocence be proved? Why are so many Mixed Martial Arts stars promoted, yet only given small roles?

Before I get to the good and bad, I think it should be noted that MMA stars Kimbo Slice and Rashad Evans are on the DVD and Blu-Ray covers. This is notable because the image of Kimbo used is the same one used for the box art of "Circle of Pain", only it's now kinda in the background. I don't know whether I should shake my head at how cheap this is, or if I should applaud it.

Now, onto the nitty gritty. For the bad, well, there's plenty bad about this movie. While the production values have improved, the action scenes are now shot with super slow motion and music video techniques, which is kind of annoying. Also, Bai Ling is in it, but not for very long, and she was obviously cast just so she can get naked. Plus, she clearly seems like she doesn't want to be in this, and that she'd rather be doing something that's at least a little more dignified.

Apart from that, it's the usual complaints you hear about these "Tapout Presents" movies - mostly wooden performances, the fact that Mixed Martial Arts stars are promoted as being in it, yet not given much to do other than fight and curse (though that's for the best, as Kimbo Slice delivers his dialog with all the conviction of a 12 year old), throwing in more gratuitous than usual sex and nudity (why do these things keep briefly turn into something resembling a soft core Cinemax movie?), a horrible script, more clichés than most action movies, terrible Nu-Metal, Pseudo-Grunge and Hip Hop blaring in the soundtrack, etc. Then there's Tony Schiena himself. It's obvious that the director and producers (all 22 of them - yes, a total of 22 people are credited as producers) want him to be some kind of action star, but he's just not that convincing as a bad ass or an actor to achieve such status.

Now, for the few positives. As I mentioned, the production values have improved, as it now more resembles a movie than it does a music video or soft core flick in those regards - director Zirilli actually makes something out of his limited budget, and makes something that looks more expensive than it probably was. Also, the score actually resembles a film score for a change, and what do you know, there's more than one good to passable performance in this. Of course, it's Vinnie Jones who steals the show, clearly having a ball with his role, though Fennoy actually delivers a good performance as well, doing the best with what's ultimately a really clichéd role, and Sarah Ann Schultz does a decent enough job.

I can't recommended "Locked Down" to anyone other than really undemanding fans of action/exploitation garbage. That out of the way, it's the best "Tapout Presents" movie thus far - though that's really not saying much - and it gives me at least a (most likely false) sense of hope that they'll pull off something that's at least somewhat watchable someday. It's very unlikely that will happen, but a man can hope.
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poor action film
metheridges12 November 2010
ohh where to begin????this film has poor fight scenes,the look like they were choreographed by a 5 year old. the acting is terrible, the cast look like they are plucked straight from the street and they act like it. on the plus side though the main character puts this funny batman accent on (think Christian bale meets keanu reeves high on speed.)the film looks cheap, it has an unbelievable storyline which defines logic in some places. and these are all the good points. rubbish film, waste of 90 minutes. if you want to see a good prison fighting film, watch undisputed 1,2 or 3 (2 is my favourite) this film is a rip off of all 3 of these films, and a poor 1 at that.
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Wow it's awful
darques125 December 2010
Well, I have a fondness for b movies however this is likely the worst movie I have seen ... possibly ever. The acting is sub par even for a "Tap Out" movie with the best acting job being done by Kimbo... and that was mostly grunts and swears. Tony Schiena's acting is... well I don't know if you can really call it acting. Tack on a pointless and rather cheap looking sex scene and it's a recipe for a failed and embarrassing movie.

By the way, I noted that IMDb has a bio on Tony, and after a bit of checking, I have concluded that it's mostly (if not entirely) fictitious.

He claims to be a world champion Karateka, but doesn't include what organization, style or any other details. The bio is done by some company in England that I am pretty sure is his own as they have not reviewed anyone else on IMDb. He's got videos on You Tube titled "World Champion" consisting of a few seconds of blurry action in some sort of local karate tournament, with rave reviews by people that I can only assume are himself. All in all... really cheap.

Which brings me to the last point. Action. All the fighting looks like it's done by drunk bears. Repetitive screaming and waving your arms around is not martial arts.

On the other hand... if you really like bad movies, this is likely the worst, so it's got that going for it.
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"I'm betting my life on it."
tarbosh220001 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
In Chicago's Blackwater state penitentiary (not to be confused with the covert ops organization), mob boss Anton Vargas (Jones), rules the roost. Everyone is on his payroll, including the warden and the guards. He runs Punchfighting matches in the basement of the prison. Meanwhile, undercover cop on the edge Det. Danny Bolan (Schiena) is involved in a drug bust gone wrong where he's framed and mistakenly sent to Blackwater. While inside, he faces off against Vargas and his Punchfighting minions in order to survive. That includes criminals he himself put in jail.

This modern-day Punchighter is another 90-minute commercial for the TapouT brand. While Circle of Pain (2010) has more TapouT product placement than Locked Down, still, somehow, inmates in a maximum security prison have have TapouT shirts and hats.

These TapouT ( we feel very silly adding that last capital T, just so you know) productions always manage to get one B-list name - in Circle of Pain it was Dean Cain, Beatdown (2010) has Danny Trejo, and here we have Vinnie Jones. He is underused as the baddie, and this role doesn't let him live up to his full potential. He wears the same outfit the whole movie and doesn't say that much. As for Kimbo Slice, the filmmakers tacked on some unrelated plot about him fighting people in Florida. The word "shoehorned" comes to mind here. Tony Schiena is such a meatheady dolt - more than usual - I didn't recognize him at first.

There are a lot of classic clichés on display: Bolan tells Vargas "we have a lot of history together", the scene where a guard says to the incoming prisoners "this is the end of the line" and "you can't do anything without my say so", and at one point Bolan even says "this might sound clichéd, but my father was a cop...my grandfather was a cop..." Also, Bolan's shrew of a girlfriend whining, telling him he can't a be an undercover cop because she never sees him anymore. The lifer/trainer of the Bolan character, and much more.

Despite some of the negative things we've said so far, Locked Down is really not that bad for a modern-day Punchfighter. These movies hark back to a late 80's/90's style of filmmaking, which is decent, but what ruins that is all the horrible nu-metal music over the top of it all. Tunes such as "Wildfire in the Streets" by Tommy Fields, and other bands such as "Stabbed", "Eject", "Dgat" and others offer their selections as well. The most ridiculous song names a bunch of real-life fighters and how they are all going to, and I quote "pop your hood". What this means exactly is open to interpretation.

As far as the fights, they have all the slow motion and quick cuts you might expect, as well as the choreographed pulled punches, but at least they seem to be TRYING.

Locked Down is worth seeing if you liked Circle of Pain or other TapouT vehicles. It's more of the same.

for more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
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Really nothing new
mike_2111 November 2010
Nothing new or innovating here. I didn't like some performances, especially Tony Schiena's performance, who was not convincing at all when he was talking; a bit better when he was fighting though.

The whole movie was very predictable, like you seen it before and know what happens in each step. Because of the low budget, the fight scenes were mediocre at least, but overall I give it a five out of ten as it is still watchable, despite its faults.

I agree with one reviewer the undisputed 3 was way better, but I guess its budget was higher too. I would be interested to know if the make any profits out of this movie.
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insanely crap
az-kuligowski9 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you think you got a good action packed movie, you end up with this dump. The story line is pathetic and absolutely predictable. I had the feeling i was watching karate kid in prison, mind you karate kid was much better in comparison (which again underlines how crap this movie is). you can figure out how the movie ends after about 30 minutes into the film, which looks like it was written by a 10 year old at best. All dangerous criminals walking around in prison without handcuffs while guards parade holding their m16 in 1 hand. Very realistic, if you were raised by wolves in a forest. The acting is completely unconvincing, and i think the best part of the movie is a couple of hot girl featured with partial nudity. If you can miss 90 minutes of your life and a dollar for red box, be my guest. Otherwise just watch regular TV. You'll be better off trust me. Why Vinnie Jones.... WHY?!!!!!!
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Basic Overview
ChristianSloan15 March 2014
When viewed in the correct context this low budget (est. $1.6mn) action film achieves it's objective in providing the audience with mindless entertainment whilst showcasing great martial arts sequences.

Yes more of the budget could have been allocated towards enhancing the production value but ultimately this hits all the key notes of an 80's formula martial arts film......a simple story that creates the backdrop from which to thread together the escalating fight sequences which attract viewers to this genre.

If you're looking for a serious action film in the frame of "Bourne Identity" or even "The Expendables" then this isn't for you........if however you're in the mood for cheap thrills and casual amusement then this could be a ride worth taking.

Vinnie Jones continues to deliver his trademark edgy persona as Tony Schiena uses the platform to showcase his potential to grow into a genuine Action Star in the guise of Viggo Mortensen.
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Schiena does what he does best. Not acting
patrickfilbeck25 August 2021
A film that has soaked up principles of failure in unispirated action films. Schiena is as pale as the color of the film when it flickers on a screen. Nonsense that you don't have to see.
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I scored the movies as pretty good.
truxter20 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Clearly was not the highest paid film. and quite predictable. but for as low budget as this film looks, the movie was good. had a story, had a plot and had some familiar faces. better than most of the movies you get at red-box. Good fighter cop gets framed and put in a prison full of fighters. The prison is ran by an ex-mob member who the cop had arrested and imprisoned. Prison warden is a fat scamming dough boy. Mobster gets women to visit the warden. Pay off. Kimbo slice is in the movie but says very little. Some how at the end after credits start rolling, Kimbo slice screams that he is going to get the cop. I can't give the movie a full ten because it was predictable and quality was low. Then again, not much you need in a fight type man movie. full ten for what it is, but what it is isn't a ten against the rest of the movies.
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OK... not bad, but far from great.
destroyerwod27 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
MINOR SPOILERS ONLY I clicked the box just in case to avoid any troubles. The spoilers is mainly about Kimbo's Role... Really he is basically just some prison fighting thug in ANOTHER PRISON, yeah you readed right, and he is there basically just to show the main bad guy run his "activities" in many prisons. He is the "king" of the prison over there, do one fight, and except 30 secs of screen time outside that fight, thats about it. From the cover i was expecting him to be the big baddie enforcer(and final fight) of the movie, especially since he got the face for it.

Then you don't even have one single picture of the hero on the cover... not even on the back cover... LOL. As a fighter he was OK, but his acting was indeed not really good, even if he has that deep voice. I saw worst but saw way better. Vinnie Jones is believable in the role of the big bad, he do an OK job. As for the MMA fighters... there basically cannon fodder... Anyway lets say the plot is super classic, yet correct, the fights are decent yet they could had been way better... add some TnA scenes for the young Males, and you have a fighting movie in the "tournament style" that i would call decent yet not impressive.
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Shawshank Redemption Meets Karate Kid
mastashredda-kj3 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
At the start of the movie I wasn't expecting a top-notch film, but I hadn't been watching more than 6 minutes and got my first taste of stiff acting, which continues throughout the film. Some other reviewers wrote that the fight scenes weren't very good, but I found them generally entertaining, although they could have learned a thing or two from the film Never Back Down.

Besides the acting and sheer predictability of the film, what really disappointed me was the prison-break attempt. It seemed like something added onto the script at the last minute.

A large portion of the film was unpolished and haphazard, the acting of the lead was extremely poor, and was the biggest let down of the whole film. If there had been a believable lead character, I may have overlooked the other ridiculous characters, such as the Cage fighter, the female prison guard, and just about the entire rest of the cast.

The concept of a police officer being framed by a mob boss that he locked up to be put into the same prison had some potential, but it was all wasted on horrible direction and a terrible cast.
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Very poor Mr Jones
dannylennon198118 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is a very poor action film, who would have thought that a prison would have about 20 inmates and 3 guards. The acting is awful the actors are rubbish apart from Mr Vinnie Jones who always carries off an English hardman well. did not like this film although you do get a few topless women popping up now and again to keep you interested. And a cameo from Jamie bell who realised the film was so bad he removed himself from the credits. only watch if you have nothing better to do with your spare 70 minutes.I recommend that you watch either Death warrent or In Hell which star the great Jean Cluade Van Damme he is the true action star for these type of movies. And vinnie you need to start making decent movies.
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Hope the Budget was $50 bucks
pos_itive21 January 2021
Where is the Zero stars ???

I fast forwarded the whole thing after watching 5 minutes.

Can't believe this qualifies as a movie!

My friends and I did better movies back in the 90's with a standard VHS camera on the shoulder!!
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Action Film for Prepuebescants
haiden-sean5 February 2012
Not in content but in terms of maturity and plot this film is generified to the point you could have seen this movie without actually having seen it.

In short third generation cop gets set up, locked up with the criminals he's put behind bars, corrupt warden, sadistic CO, slutty CO, the entire prison is run by a convict, cop is forced to join an underground fight club. He quickly rises and defeats any challenger in his way (let me get this straight white cop who's main weapon of defense is a gun is able to best prisoners who have nothing to do with their lives besides fight and workout only DAYS after getting shanked) until he inevitably confronts the man who set him up. He also meets a long haired martial arts master who helps him to overcome his challenge.

This film features plenty of sex, violence, and no plot. Within the first ten minutes there's gratuitous nudity and a sex scene that's probably aimed at the films likely underage immature audience.

Lots of profanity that (having grown up in the most profane of environments) I've never heard used before. The protagonist (who oddly enough doesn't appear next to the big names on the film's poster) spends the entire film trying different accents and tones of voices to sound like a badass grizzly bear.

In short what this film lacks in acting, plot, making sense, originality it makes up for in violence and sex. It's like a two hour porno with great production values. Wouldn't recommend to anybody.
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Lockout is about a rogue U.S. agent sent to infiltrate a prison floating in space after the President's daughter is taken hostage by delusional prisoners.
zwesterb23 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As I sit here attempting to find the words to cleverly describe Lockout, I draw a blank. Instead, one word continues to repeat itself in my head over and over again: absolutely terrible. Okay, that was two words, but seriously James Mather and Stephen St. Leger (Directors and Writers) could not have directed a worse movie. Rather, it appears as if the two sat down and decided they would challenge themselves by attempting to direct a quality movie in two weeks flat. They were not successful.

Lockout is about a rogue U.S. agent Snow (Guy Pearce) who is sent into space to save the President's daughter (Maggie Grace) on a floating prison. The prison, which boasts to be the safest maximum security prison in the world is taken over by a delusional prisoner during an interview. From that point on, the movie unfolds into a world-wind of confusion and mediocre action scenes which inevitably leaves viewers wondering, what just happened?

Allow me to be that beacon of light and give a few reasons why movie goers should avoid this movie at all costs.

There is no fluidity to this movie what-so-ever. The movie just cuts from shooting scene to shooting scene with no regard for keeping viewers informed on the plot line. More so, St. Leger and Mather attempt to maintain a subplot while given little explanation as to the importance of it.

Secondly, the action scenes are dull. At one point in time ten police officers are shooting at Snow from five feet away and do not connect one single shot. A rocket launcher whizzes by Snow's head, collides with a wall and creates a gigantic hole. Thats it. Literally. No big explosions. No gripping shootouts. Not a single moment that raised my blood pressure. Instead, the characters in the movie are thrust through a maze of impenetrable metal doors and hallways that they somehow always find a way through.

And if the action wasn't enough to deter someone from seeing this movie, the dialogue is comical. Here I thought I went to watch an action/thriller when in reality almost every word that came out of any given characters mouth had me snickering and chuckling under my breath. Word of advice: don't see this movie. There are so many more activities you could do like watch paint dry or read through spam emails.
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kosmasp22 May 2014
In the 80s this might have worked more than fine. But having a lead that does not have the charisma to carry the movie on his shoulder, throwaway female roles (Bai Ling reduced to almost nothing and therefor criminally underused, no pun intended) and other stuff that does not add to make this movie any better.

The fight scenes overall are decent, but not as spectacular as others in similar movies I've seen. And that is a "neck" breaker, because you don't expect much in the story department, but there should be something in the action department. While there are worse movies out there, there are better. Even Vinnie Jones has done better roles and movies ...
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Underrated nice B action movie, give it a chance
jose_moscardo12 May 2015
I like this movie. OK, they didn't spend (or waste) a lot of money and the story is not "Gone with the wind". But inside its limits I have enjoyed it a lot. First of all, I found it very entertaining. Much more entertaining, in fact, that many Hollywood blockbusters. Second, I really think that Tony Schiena is a good actor for this kind of action stuff, this is my first time to watch him on the screen but his fine performance (cool but also human and believable) deserves my respect. I was surprised too because fighting are built into a dramatic story that makes sense for me. This is a violent film but not only a film about violence, I found more topics in it: friendship, honor, loyalty, family. If I can complain about something, it is only Bai Ling's waste performance. This actress deserves something better than appear only some minutes with a few lines of dialog. Watch "Red corner" or "The beautiful country" and you will understand what I am talking about.
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i give it a thumbs up
flexgirl_610 November 2010
I feel this movie had everything needed in a good movie, there was action, suspense, and some really great fighters who i think did pretty awesome in the fight scenes. Usually you can tell that there is no connection with the hits in fight scenes, but in this movie the hits looked like they all really did connect. Especially considering some hadn't acted before they were believable in their characters. Some new faces to the movie scene added to my interest as I recognized them as well. It had a good story line and even some romance, what more could you want in a movie, i was very impressed! Without giving anything away I feel that the only part that could have been tweaked a little bit would have been making there more of a believable build up of the romance part of the movie. Otherwise it's a solid movie that I recommend to anyone who loves a good fight movie!
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Solid action film with great fight scenes and music
coryshpprd19 November 2010
I know this film didn't have a big budget like the ones many are comparing it to, but I judge a film by it's own merits. And to me a formula plot, especially in an action film, means I get what I paid for. The fight scenes were very stylized and music-driven, which added tons of excitement for me. Even with a low budget, the fights were awesome.

Okay, so the lead was a little stiff and needed more dimension, but I saw him as a Dirty Harry-type, or Christian Bale's Batman. Vinnie Jones was great - he stole every scene he was in and he's just a great bad ass. The MMA fighters were intense and provided a better performance than I expected. Plus, I got my dose of T&A in all the right places.

If you want a re-invention of the prison fight film, then perhaps you may not rate Locked Down at the top (though it's still worth a rental if you're a fan of the genre by any stretch). But if you want your blood, action and vengeance served to you without reservations, then Locked Down is your ticket. I thoroughly enjoyed this film.
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I am a fan!
outofthecart10 November 2010
This film is intense, off the wall and little sexy!!

Every film has a few things to complain about but i didn't have any problems sitting through it and I loved the soundtrack!!

All films have their story line point to hit this one had a few as well 1. reason to got to jail (or be set up) 2. The dame that comes to rescue the inmate and get him off 3.Crooked warden and guard 4. the man to help the set up realize his potential and get out and do right by him

WELL DONE!! Great cast and quality!

I highly recommend you check it out!!
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Testosterone overload
p-stepien10 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
As if stolen from the garbage can of an "Undisputed" scriptwriter, the movie tells a story of an undercover cop Danny (Tony Schiena) framed for drug smuggling, money laundering and murder. Put into prison with criminals he helped place in the slammer he is destined to confront dog-haters. In order to save himself from being back-stabbed under the shower Danny agrees to join up for underground prison cage fights organised by Anton Vargas (Vinnie Jones). The decision keeps him safe from harm. That it until the night of the fights to the death...

Given how tragically unoriginal script all that the movie could offer was a good execution of the beat down script. However in order to pull this off you would need to arrange a cast and crew, which isn't borderline dull. Tony Schiena, even though he can pull off a tough-as-nails face, is absolutely appalling with his line delivery and lacks any acting range whatsoever apart from punching peoples guts out. Most of the supporting cast is equally dreadful with only Dave Fennoy, who very amiably plays Danny Irving's mentor, and Vinnie Jones (being his normal rat-faced self) pulling off a decent showing.

The unoriginal script also does itself no favours with some absolutely gut-wrenching logic epitomised by a dreadful end-scene, where Gwen, an uncorrupted Internal Affairs officer, gleefully watches Danny give a stash of stolen cash to the family of a convict. Given the absolutely basic nature of the story the amount of plot holes galore is absolutely astounding.

In a sheer attempt to overawe sensory receptors of the male audience in order to hide all the above deficiencies, the director overloads the movie with loud music (mostly in-your-face nu-metal or hip-hop), gratuitous sex scenes and some brutal fights. The fights themselves, which actually are key given the nature of the film, are decent enough, although they lack proper build-up and necessary drama to really involve. On top of that these sequences are woefully painful to watch from a cinematographic point of view due to the sheer amount of slow-motion shots.

All in all: Not a good movie. Not even in its testosterone driven B-movie action category.
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it could be ...better
Kirpianuscus30 September 2022
I want not be very critic about this film. Obvious, its target is so precise than nothing against it matters. But the chance to be little better remains and the regret, to. Nothing original. A very old recipe of action films about cops in prison, revenges, survive, the wise venerable friend and the pure bad guy are present. And, maybe, the presence, more than acting , of Vinnie Jones can works for sustain this...film.

So , not exactly bad , but the sex scenes, the presence of women gardiens in a men jail, the low effort for choreography in the fight scenes, the dialogues are the sins of a film who presumed can be mediocre .

But, sure, the public reigns .
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aka Battle In Prison (in Japan)
Drago_Head_Tilt24 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Schiena stars as a tough martial arts-fighting undercover cop framed for drug possession and sent to Blackwater Penitentiary, Chicago (cheap, unconvincing sets), where most of the musclebound crooks he sent down lay in wait for him. He's forced to fight to the death in illegal cage fights run by kingpin inmate Vinnie Jones. The cast includes several MMA fighters: Joe Doerksen, Forrest Griffin, Rashad Evans, Cheick Kongo and big Kimbo Slice. But even the action is boring. Bai Ling is utterly wasted as a sadistic guard with a silly haircut. Total dtv sludge.

Movie reviews at: spinegrinderweb.com
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