Circle of Eight (2009) Poster

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RickHarvey20 February 2011
This is one of those films that foreshadows the upcoming disastrous events and i write this put of context with the film. Instead, the disastrous events are the damage to the brain caused from this shallow, pathetically acted film. There some films that are bad but still hold up some positive notes but with this one, you wish you never watched it at all.

Acting is poor, the characters are empty, the story is obvious with some cringeworthy dialogue pushing it on it way. The only saving grace is Ed whom, despite his sweet corn anecdote, he was fairly good in his role.

Guaranteed, there will be many unintentional laughs. The wardrobe collapsing at the end, the lesbians, Jessica's leg catching fire. Many laughs are to be enjoyed.

At the end of the film, it makes you think, What were the other six doing in this eternal loop of hell? Why are they involved? All i can say is don't watch this film.
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Nice concept poorly executed...
ajs-1026 February 2011
From the description on the TV guide, this looked like it might be interesting. Unfortunately you cannot believe everything you read. The concept was quite good, however, the execution didn't match up by a long chalk. I'll explain what I mean later, but here's a brief summary first (summary haters and those that don't wish to know anything about the plot please help Jessica move in while I write the next paragraph).

Jessica is moving into her first apartment in the big city (Los Angeles in this case). Driving through the streets she's full of optimism and looking forward to her new surroundings. Outside the building, the Dante, she meets Evan, an attractive young man who helps her with her stuff. The building manager, Ed, is a bit odd, but likable enough, although he's a bit particular about tenants going into his 'File Room'. Having moved in, Jessica is then visited by several of the other occupants, an odd bunch to say the least. They are all very insistent that she joins them for a roof-top party to celebrate the New Year. And then strange things begin to happen, Jessica begins to see the other residents murdered, one by one. Nobody seems concerned about this and so she goes to Evan to try and get some answers. I'll leave it there and I've probably made it sound a lot better than it really is.

This film has the look and feel of a student short that got made into a feature. It all seems very amateurish, everything from the cinematography, to the sound, to the acting seems to have had little thought to it. Nobody on screen really deserves a mention, but I will name a few so you'll know who's responsible. If anything, John Bishop was the best performer as Ed, but he wasn't great, Ryan Doom (great name!) was adequate as Evan and Austin Highsmith was OK, I guess, as Jessica.

I feel I've been a little generous with my score (below), but the concept behind this very poor film was actually quite good. The trouble is, little, or no, thought went into the execution. Maybe some of it could be blamed on budget restrictions, but I've seen much better than this made for a lot less. I think you can probably guess what comes next… definitely NOT recommended… You have been warned.

My score: 4.1/10
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Not convinced
BakuryuuTyranno14 July 2011
The film originally seemed interesting but by the finale I started thinking perhaps there was no point.

I like when films don't feel they must spoon-feed the audience information about what's happening. People are generally reasonably smart and movies claiming to be smarter often end up insufferable.

However this movie was different. It didn't shove information up the audience's nose, but as the credits rolled it seemed as though the movie existed simply to appear intelligent without actually being intelligent. I'm not sure even the people who wrote this knew/decided what the story was. I only know its nothing I'd watch again
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What this show all about? Boring and waste of time to watch!
nk83507 January 2010
In am utterly confused watching this show. From the beginning, it was okay, seems a bit interesting but as the story moves on, it doesn't make any more sense and bored me. The show centred on a girl Jessica and she moved into an apartment and apparently strange things happened, people died and she was scared. She panicked but no one believe her as the bodies disappeared mysteriously so she got no evidence... blah.. blah.. blah.. The gore is minimal and there is no horror or suspenseful element to this show at all. Even to the end it was still confusing and i don't know what this show all about. Deja Vu? Overall, poor storyline and poorly directed. Bottomed with below average acting. I would advise all simply don't waste your time watching this show. I have to rate it 2.
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Absolutely Terrible
Kriszemail20 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Contains Spoiler- although I still have little to no idea what this movie was about. Jessica, (farm girl who is living with the guilt of not trying her hardest to save her little brother from drowning), for no apparent reason moves to a slummy apartment in LA, with only a single box and a mirror. They make reference to the mirror immediately, and it never ties in to the movie again. Weird. The hallways are dimly lit,lesbians getting pg13 freaky in the hallways,the place is filthy, moldy food in the fridge,and her neighbors are repeatedly walking in. In the midst of the filth and chaos,she again doesn't lock the door, and decides to take a bath with the door unlocked. Scariest part of the movie right there, I couldn't be paid enough to get into that filthy tub. Her neighbor Evan walks in with a gift while she's in the tub, so she gets dressed and leaves her apartment. In the hallway, she finds a dead neighbor hanging in the hallway. She freaks out, runs outside and hysterically flags down the police, who investigate and find nothing. An hour or so after she finds the dead body, she's in Evan's apartment about to have sex with this guy she's known only for a couple of hours. I guess a dead guy hanging in the hallway wasn't enough to leave a lasting impression? As she is in the throws of passion and seemingly just fine after a traumatic event, which makes no sense. He turns her down. Sex scene definitely not in this budget. So the movie aimlessly drags on and on this way. It's only evident that everyone but her knows what's going on, and that this cycle of events has occurred thousands of times. I waited until the last minute to find out what this movie was about. Never did. I would definitely not suggest this movie to anyone, unless your goal is to cure your insomnia.
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A confused and confusing mess
dbborroughs14 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Web serial tale of a girl who moves into a building where strange things begin to happen and people begin to die as everything seems to be recorded. Its patentedly weird for weird's sake with the building managers office in an elevator and a weird assortment of characters that exist only in films.

This may have worked as a series of five minute parts on line had someone decided to make this have some connection to reality they didn't, they just tried to go from pillar to post to try and keep you interested but it never really worked and I found I was fighting to see it through to the end in the hope it would mean something. Now comes the prospect of seeing this as a full fledged feature film (Paramount is releasing it to DVD) which means this is going to be a very stupid movie. I made it to the end and wondered why I bothered since none of it made any sense even internally. It was a very big waste of time.
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A hint of style, no substance.
mazeppa19683 October 2012
Even the hint of style was 'crap' style: you soon get sick of shampoo-advert beautiful young people characters with skin deep characterisation (at least I do, maybe I'm just 'old' at 44). The supposed creepiness/horror does not deliver: minimal gore, no real sense of menace despite building the house up into something that is obviously 'supposed' to be creepy. Compare this to 'Hell House', the old hammer movie with Roddy MacDowell - utterly no contest! Soon you realise that NOTHING about this movie is going to deliver. I doubt whether even the two leads (who are obviously set up to fancy each other) even get round to a good f. to alleviate the pussyfooting boredom.

The end of for me came and half an hour, when the 'heroine' comes across a bloodied corpse hanging upside down. There's a brief flurry of panic where she dashes outside to alert some police who happened to be passing by. despite being believed by no-one, she soon recovers when offered a drink by square-jawed unshaven hero. WTF?? No sane person would want to stay on in that house, and would be shaken up for ages. All credibility lost. Goodbye.

No idea what happened after that, and I totally don't care.

PS: Ha! Having read all the other reviews now, I see I was right: would have been a total waste of time to stay with it to the end: this movie does not deliver on ANY level. I was even right about predicting that the obvious sex with the 'hero' would not develop into at least a good adult scene to relieve the boredom: you get cheated even on this.

All pathetic. Give it a miss.
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Avoid at all costs: stupid
Topaz19227 April 2021
The title says it all. This movie will leave you utterly confused. This must've been the part project of someone because it is all over the place and a complete waste of time. WTF was I thinking?
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Incoherent, senseless movie
dracoqc28 September 2021
Another movie that waste your time.

Terrible actors, an ending that explain nothing.

It's very repetitive, the girl keep screaming ''I don't understand'' then the guy is like ''It's okay babe I love u''.

Lot of mysteries, but zero explanation.

Typical police who don't trust the victim ''heh are u on drug, girl?''

Giving it 2 instead of 1 because the beginning was intriguing.
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Why you should and shouldn't see Circle of Eight
glenjordanspangler3 October 2011
The Story Jessica (Highsmith) moves from farm country to a bizarre apartment building where the manager's office is the elevator and there only seem to be a handful of tenants. Everyone seems to both offer and expect Too Much Information, and insist that Jessica attend that night's New Year's Eve Party on the roof. Meanwhile, Jessica sees bloody corpses, which she finds a bit disturbing, mostly because they disappear each time she tries to show someone.

I just finished watching it, and I don't... I mean, I sort of get the lesson she was supposed, no. And how did they...if they...huh?

Why you should see it

So you can explain it to me. Because two female characters exist only for the scene in which they take their shirts off and make out on a broken desk for no discernible reason. Or maybe you can explain that too.

Why you shouldn't see it

You'll probably need someone to explain it to you.

--from my review at
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Waste of time.
venkat20214 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I just finished watching this movie and have been looking all over trying to find a plot explanation from any sort of site, and I found one! As far as I can tell, its about a young woman who 'tried' to save her brother but didn't want to die herself, so she let him drown. Sad! I know.

So, she moves on and moves out to 'The Dante', an apartment building with really weird people who have really bad boundary issues. They begin to stage their own death, and even get some fake cops in on the act. The protagonist falls for Evan, and the typical movie romance happens. Then, the real tragedy falls as she sets the building on fire. While she makes her hasty escape from a fiery death she knocks over a bookcase or something and it lands on Evan, pinning him. So she runs away and leaves him to die.

The end! ... or is it?

No. Not at all. Turns out this is try nine hundred thousand something and everyone else in The Dante knows she keeps killing them over and over. Kind of begs the questions, how 'bout denying her request to live there? Why stage their own death as a way to ward her off accidentally setting the place on fire? They're completely unrelated! Why not just tell her, 'Hey, careful with that pillow!'

In some sort of strange way, her abandoning Evan is related to her abandoning her brother. However, that doesn't quite match up as each time she leaves him she's only known him for about eight hours. Not quite like the brother, but whatever. It kind of makes sense I guess.

All in all, its pretty stupid. It'd be decent if its just on in the background while you're doing something else, but even thats still a bit iffy.
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I love this movie
vrgobabe19 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My sister rented this on a whim and we ended up loving it. It takes a little more concentration then some but if you aren't going to pay attention then what's the point in watching a movie anyway. I would recommend this to anyone and I really think you should give it a chance.

*don't read after this point of you don't want to know what happens* For all of you who didn't seem to quite grasp it here's my take! It's like groundhogs day in a way, they all keep reliving this day until she sacrifices herself and stays with Evan. Later when they better explain what happened to her brother they show Jessica begging for a second chance to save her brother but he is already dead and there is nothing she can do about it. Staying with Evan is her chance to redeem herself and get over the pain of letting her brother go. Everyone else in the Dante was not suppose to die originally...kind of along the lines of Final Destination in a way so once she stays they are all free form the cycle of reliving their deaths and are able to go on with their lives. Every time Jessica jumps out the window and the police go to aid her after her fall instead of the rest of them who are trapped on the roof. Once she stays the others are able to get help and are saved and she is able to die happy knowing that she has stayed and not left one more person just to save herself.
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Hey, I'm gonna explain the movie (and wonder whether anyone agree with me).
myaccs14 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First, people in the Dante house had been cursed, they can't get out of the house. Then, one day Jessica came, and she had the connection with the house (probably b/c of the story of her brother's death), and she changed everything, she made a "Circle of Eight". Here, she met the same situation when she faced with her brother's death, she had to leave Evan. And from this, the curse couldn't be solved, so the circle met its 'start point' and the story kept repeating and repeating. People in Dante house lived then dead then lived then dead... (and they blamed Jessica for this).

Then, one time, she acted a different way, she decided to stay with Evan and both of them dead. This decision solved the curse. People in Dante house can escape from it.

I think this story bases on a Buddhist legend, that people live in this world to correct their mistakes. As long as they still make mistake, when their life ends, they will reincarnate. They keep reincarnating until they don't make any more mistake. At that time, when they die, they go to the Eternity. Unfortunately, when people reincarnate, they can't remember their previous life, so they tend to make same mistakes again and again, maybe thousands or millions times.

When Jessica went to the files room, she found a number of USBs (or something else) in the closet (also a number of toothbrushes), and I think this is the number of times the Circle had occurred. So you can see the story repeated very many times for Jessica to correct her mistake. And one more thing, I think people in Dante house didn't just simply say "Careful with the pillows!" because they just simply couldn't. They had to leave Jessica act her way to find out her own answer by herself. Only this could solve the curse.

Wonder if anyone agree with me :D (or disagree :D) , if anyone have other explanations, tell me ^^ , check my Facebook

So far, I like this movie, I like its idea. However, I don't know how to say but I think the movie need more effects.
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Wheres the story?
vampyrecowboy21 January 2011
What happened tot he story? It starts to build, then just goes phhhht.

It wasn't scary, it wasn't chilling or tense or horror.

It was actually boring and lacked any real anything.

Characters offered nothing of interest, story didn't build up, overall, it just didn't get off the ground to go anywhere of interest.

This was 2 or 3 rewrites short of being a thriller or a drama or anything.

The opening scene was OK, but then it just left you there...with this girl driving in a car, moving into a new building and all fizzled away.

Maybe the next script will be a better movie.
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A typical cop-out ending by some very lazy writers.
fedor812 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A variation on "Groundhog Day", with the difference that everyone except the main character knows they're existing in a loop. The movie is set up in a fairly interesting way, but establishing an interesting set-up is always the much easier part. The harder part is RESOLVING it - at least in a logical way. Apparently, the lazy writers couldn't find a neat enough way out of their writer's block so they left the ending open.

About as wide open as a prostitute's t**t. Basically, the viewer is free to interpret the movie in a wide variety of ways. In other words, there is no explanation given, not enough clues are offered for any viewer to present a strong case for their favourite theory, hence the movie has no real meaning. It's a tried-and-true confidence trick that's been used in films for decades. Stuck with no ending to a complex, bizarre plot? Just end the movie without explanation, and hope that enough people will be too embarrassed to admit that they don't understand it so they come up with various semi-baloney theories to save face, and that way pretend as if they both understood and enjoyed the film. The inferiority complex related to the viewer's own intellectual (in)abilities has been a great friend and ally to the more pretentious (i.e. lazy and incompetent charlatan film-makers). What would they do without it.

As far as the enjoyment factor goes, it's by no means a terrible movie. It isn't dull, for one thing. Secondly, movies with an interesting set-up but no conclusion are at least fun to watch before they implode at the end. That's better than nothing. And it's certainly better than the opposite: a boring movie that explodes at the end, like "The Village" with its excellent ending for which the viewer unfortunately had to sit through 100 minutes of tedium and awful acting by a nepotistic cast of anti-talents. I'd rather have fun for 90 minutes and then be disappointed at the end – given a choice between the two extremes.

To anyone who is desperately trying to take this movie more seriously than it truly deserves, consider this: the early lesbian scene. There was absolutely no point to it, except to titillate the more desperate viewers. It had exactly zero to do with the story. Consider also the amazingly overlong intro which includes Jessica singing along to the ENTIRE damn song. So was this movie just a means to promote a hit-single wannabe? That song is awful, it's annoying, and we didn't have to be exposed to each and every of its 45 crappy choruses.

Jessica had expressed a desire to repeat the drowning event with her younger brother, i.e. have another go in which she'd save him. So why didn't she get THAT (her brother and a batch of water) instead of this whole nonsense with the "Dante" building? OK, fine, the name itself is a dead giveaway, of course she is in some kind of Hell. But WHY? Why is she in Hell? Because she didn't save her brother? That would be ludicrous, even by the many moronic religious criteria.

A reviewer (rather desperately but imaginatively) suggested that Jessica's loop may have to do with a Buddhist belief related to reincarnation and going through the same loop (i.e. life) until you stop making the same mistakes. Even if the writers did have that in mind (which is doubtful, hint-hint: lesbian scene), it wouldn't explain that much. Besides, does anyone truly find LOGIC in that particular religious belief? You're punished for your "sins" by repeating them over and over, without KNOWING that you'd committed them a zillion times? That makes no sense. What kind of a chance at "redemption" does that leave you? And once you've finally stopped making that mistake, you stop existing! That makes even less sense. Perhaps you have to be a Buddhist monk (or Richard Gere) in order to understand this line of reasoning, probably by giving it some bizarre spin that doesn't sound utterly ridiculous only to the fanatially faithful.

There is also the suggestion that Jessica one day burnt down the building and "dragged" the other tenants into this hellish loop, and the day is repeating over and over so that by sacrificing herself for hunk-boy she may give them all a chance to finally rest in peace(?) or live on(?). But WHY would the others be punished for her sloppiness with matches and fire? Illogical. If the other tenants are all in Hell as well, why is SHE the one whose actions decide whether they get to break the cycle or not? What maker her so damn special? Illogical.

The rather flimsy credibility of CO8 hangs by a very thin thread. How thin? It's like a one-armed man hanging on to a cliff's edge with three fingers while elephants are being tied to his feet to drag him down tumbling. That's how barely the logic in the story holds out without collapsing in on itself – even with outside help (such as the Buddhist-related explanation).

I'm all for intriguing movies with ambiguous endings, but they do have to give you a fighting chance to wonder about the conclusion. However, there is a distinct difference between an equation with one or two unknowns and an equation with a dozen unknowns. The latter type of equation does not have a solution. X+U-Jx3-R/G-H+B=X-1 is an unsolvable mess, not an intriguing mystery. Learn to distinguish between the two, ye who art cast out of excessively optimistic, naive material.
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2nd chance at nothing?
omzmokwana19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It's very predictable right from the beginning. Having the opening fire scene followed by "Jessica" in her car singing "I'm going to set my soul on fire..." it gave everything away. There were a few oh my goodness moments, but they weren't enough. Having things or people appearing and disappearing was way too convenient. The damsel in distress storyline has been done way too many times, why can't people add a twist to it or something instead of adding unnecessary information to prolong an already established point.

They had a great concept, but personally it seemed rushed and not well thought through.
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what this is about
boyke-8340527 October 2020
Why so many people create an un-ending movie these day's. i dont understand what this movie about.
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Puzzle movie
azrafiq19 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid movie, no point to view, no message, only headache.
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The worst movie EVER made - BY FAR!
davidsawdon38222 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS INCLUDED - Not that there is any plot to spoil. I want the ninety minutes ish of my life that were completely wasted back now please. I also want whoever is responsible for this tripe to be strung up by their privates in public, so the poor unsuspecting audience can throw rotten fruit at them. I've seen some stinky movies in my time but this is in a whole different league, there should be some kind of award for a movie this terrible! Please someone tell me it was intended to be a joke as there was no way to understand the pathetic plot, dead bodies or reasons for random lesbian scenes etc etc etc. No conclusion or end to the film, no point from beginning, lots of pointless padding throughout and the only reason I gave this film a "1" is because there is sadly no option to select zero or minus figures on here. The only positive I can think of is that Austin Highsmith is "Fairly" nice to look at - That is literally it. Do not watch this rubbish under any circumstances, spend the time cutting your toe nails instead - Or maybe even watching paint dry.
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Sorry guys but this does indeed contain SPOILERS!
laurenbabess14 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I think that the reason why the neighbours fake their deaths to Jessica during is to show her what she would be doing to them in a sense (as in when she jumps out of the window to save herself, she does kill everyone else by having the fire fighters attention on her). For some reason the neighbours are aware of the cycle that keeps repeating itself (as in Jessica moves in, starts a fire, and kills everyone) but Jessica is unaware of this… it bugs me why this wasn't explained. But hey, I am probably wrong, and this was just a guess. It also bugs me that is the neighbours know that Jessica is going to kill them all once new years eve repeats itself, why doesn't say Ed tell her to "go away" when she first comes to the apartments. Some reviews have said that the reason they don't is because in fact the neighbours (e.g. Evan, Ed, India, Damon, Bale …) are themselves stuck inside the apartments and the only way for them to escape is for Jessica to stay with Evan at the end in the burning fire. But even so if this was the case, it was not explained in the movie. I do believe that part of it was for Jessica to redeem herself from letting her brother go.. But hold on… if Evan also was aware about the repeating cycle, as he does indicate at several times by saying things like "I've always loved you" and "even after all these days.." or something.. And "you'll understand soon".. and does surely indicate he is aware of the cycle.. YET why when in the end scene with Jessica and Evan talking, and then making out and starting a fire, does Evan say and do exactly (EXACTLY) the same things as the previous night, as if he had no memory of that night. Also he repeatedly stands in front of the falling wardrobe, but surely if he did have memory of the cycle like things that he said indicated, he would known to dodge the falling wardrobe. Why is it the neighbours repeat the day the same again (shown when again standing on the balcony after Jessica spotting Damon's body and when Ed AGAIN gives her a new toothbrush at the end of the film, yet says something to also show his awareness of the cycle) even though they are aware of this loop like when India says "you're going to bugger it up again this time aren't you". They are completely aware of the loop, yet repeat the day exactly the same as if they aren't aware like Jessica. The thing that baffled me the most is why the hell couldn't the firemen find Jessica's and Evan's bodies at the end? Where did they go? And when the firemen were looking did the camera look at something on the wall as if they were there? Why is Evan so sneaky and secretive about something.. He kept saying you'll understand to Jessica… Understand what? That she's in a cycle and needs to redeem herself? Because how could she possibly understand when she forgets. Also how can it only be the people in the apartments that are affected by whatever's going on, because when Jessica is first driving to her new apartment in both scenes.. She drives past exactly the same people, so obviously these people are repeating something as well, and are possible aware of it as the second time she drives past them at the end of the movie, they stare at her. It could be a groundhog type day, but in the film 'Groundhog Day' this was made clear! Unlike in this film. And if it was a groundhog day surely they would decide to not do the same thing each day. I admire the moral of the story that Jessica got a second chance to 'save her brother' (kind of).. But where does she and Evan disappear to.. Seriously? And why? … I have many many more questions I just this that I've written enough now.

P.S I do apologise for the pathetic screen name, I used an old email.. But if somebody can, please answer everyone's questions, I like to talk to the writer/producer/director.. Whoever themselves!
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Could have been better
tfarrell-874-21041518 October 2010
This movie starts out with a young girl moving into a new apt in the city. The first thing I noticed was that she only has one box of stuff with her? I kind of get the the story line somewhat. Some things they the two lesbians making out in the dark, dank building made no sense. What was the reason? The never show them again. Another thing that bothered me was that Jessica never locked her doors! Here she is a single woman living by herself in a nasty rundown apt building with a bunch of strange people who are always popping into her apt uninvited! You would think she would learn to lock her one point she was taking a bath and again Evan walks in on her....HELLO lock your doors girl! I must say that the best part in the movie was Ed! Too many holes in this movie...could have been much better!
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A failure on so many levels.
innocuous10 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's not completely awful, but it's pretty bad. (You can get some idea of the level of rip-off involved by examining the DVD cover: you've got a digit inserted in the name of a number. How many times have we seen that before?) There's no deep thought required, since all the metaphors are transparent and every scene has been foreshadowed. Plus, it makes no sense. Neither of the alternate "endings" is plausible. I never believed the main character would take EITHER of the courses of action depicted. When a secondary character is trapped by a piece of furniture, you never believe that he can't get free, especially with the help of the lead character. And why do the other tenants survive in one case and not the other? The lead character's actions shouldn't have had any effect one way or the other. So you're left with a 78-minute web movie that probably played OK as a sort of high-tech serial. What's going to happen next week? But it never comes together in a feature-length version. Not worth your time.
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Loved the beautiful message - take your chance and AVOID MAKING THE SAME MISTAKE , ' THIS TIME ' !
kaurpuneet14 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Only after reading the reviews here , I came to the realization that this is no ordinary film .

I wasn't even going to rate it let alone write a review , because I couldn't understand the ending , where did Jessica and Evan go , what happened to others etc etc

This movie gives out a message so important , that we have lived our lives far too many times to be making the same mistakes over and over again . But we make them anyway .

It's about reincarnation . Our faces change , bodies change , voices change , but our souls have remained the same since thousands of years and probably many more years than that , but we keep making the same mistakes every time .

😔 Because our memories are " erased " and don't know what we were and wrong we did in our previous lives . > All the memories of the previous journeys are gone , all erased . No matter how beautiful or bad the journeys were , we have to start from the beginning , so if you don't wanna start afresh and just want the cycle of life and death to end right here , start to act better , try to clean your heart of all the dirt , start loving with a more open heart , realize the power of 'pure love' .

> As Rob Broekhof has written above , in user reviews , in such a marvellous sentence saying "Still, when you finally realize your lesson in life, take that chance! ". So " when you FINALLY come across the lesson of your life , learn the lesson , take the chance to improve yourself " , "Remember! these can be the little things in your daily life , after all , trying to be a better person is a life long learning process " that is what life is really about , TO KEEP IMPROVING OURSELVES , KEEP BETTERING OURSELVES AS HUMAN BEINGS .

Changing our attitude , being nicer is the KEY 😊


Probably she was supposed to die with her brother , that her fear was real , that both of them will die by drowning because her brother was heavier for her to pull out of the water .

But she saved herself and let him drown .

Now she was given the second chance that she had always asked for .

She got a second chance not once but thousands of time , but kept repeating the same behaviour , the same mistake , having an erased memory of the previous events , she kept leaving Evan to die at the end and all the other souls were stuck like that with her in that building , because the cycle continued because of her " failed attempt " .

Everyone remembered the previous events , but Jessica .

Finally she did what was right , she did not leave Evan's side and died with him in the fire .


The other souls finally heaved a sign of relief 😊

There might be problems in execution , production , acting and other things of the film , but the concept and the story were superb! :)

The message was beautiful .

➡Wish it had a more clear ending , like what happened to Evan and Jessica 💖 finally and what will now become of the other people in the building .

>Again , I thank the reviewers who took time to write their thoughts down , you made me understand things better :) , you made me see things better :) , you made me realize an important lesson in life , no matter how far and how fast I run away from my destiny , it's coming towards me to get me with an even greater speed .



It's a nice film .
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Three ways to look at this
readyfornothing10 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The first option is to hate this movie. This is for idiots who don't like it when the movie isn't described perfectly to them and it isn't all wrapped up in a neat little bow by the end. If you choose option 1, then you're the person that got John from Cincinatti taken off the air for being "too confusing" and we probably wouldn't ever get along anyway.

However, if you saw the movie, and you like movies that leave open ends for thought discussion, then I have comprised two different theories on how the characters played into one another: ***SPOILERS BELOW*** OPTION 1: Ned and friends admit a new girl to the building who ends up burning the place down. However, they wake up the next morning like nothing happened, and lo! The girl is moving in again and has no memory of what happened! As they look and ask around to one another, they realize it's not tomorrow, it's the same day over again. It's Groundhog Day in reverse. Instead of the main character being the only one aware, she's the only one who isn't. Once that day plays out in awkwardness, they wake up and it's the same day again. So, over time, these people try absolutely everything to figure out how to get this day to move on. They try every trick in the book, right down to telling her on select days that she's living in a loop. They get used to her needing new toothbrushes and exactly when her light is going to go out because, well, do the math. They've had almost 2500 YEARS to get to know this girl and her pattern. I can tell you anything about my brother and I've only known him for 29 years. Law of Averages would make certain that they've tried everything they could, using their constant recordings and what not. Anyways, they eventually figure out the near-perfect way to play the day out for her to be faced with the exact scenario in which she must make the choice; she needs to choose to stay with Evan. After that, everyone else finally gets to move on to tomorrow. Evan and our fated chickadee finally go into the light after she finally makes the correct decision in the second chance she begged for after the death of her brother. Their hostility towards her would be explained by the fact that all of them had led simple artist lives until the day she came along and put them in a 2500 year curse. They didn't ask for that. She landed it on them.

OPTION 2: Ned and friends are agents that do this stuff eternally. A woman begs for a second chance at being willing to sacrifice herself to save a loved one. Upon her death, she goes into Limbo and her rites begin. To put the more celestial approach on it, Evan is a variation of her guardian angel, while the rest are more of a facilitating nature. They put the situation down the way it is, and Evan is the cooling factor as well as her appointed focus. He helps her through and nudges her in the right directions while the rest are fed up with her taking so long to move on. I'm less inclined to believe this theory over my first one, because they all seem pretty peeved about the fact that they have to keep dying, what with them constantly expressing their anguish towards how she will kill them. However it would explain why everyone else survives once she makes the right choice, and also why Evan disappeared with her.

I gave it a 7 instead of a 10. I did this because they left it "too open" and too open means holes. Even as I put the two theories together, I had to put parts of the movie into one, and other parts into the other. There's no explanation I have found that completely covers everything shown in the movie. It just means they could have run a tighter ship, but I liked the concept very much.
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Watch at your own peril
sandiesomanath-1013625 January 2021
Given the choice between watching paint dry or this movie, I would sooner watch paint dry. The acting as mediocre but the one performance that at least bears any semblance to acceptable is Jessica. This tries to be a horror version of Groundhog Day except that it has a weak script and poor execution. Watch it only with your finger on the fast forward button.
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