V/H/S/94 (2021) Poster


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A mouthwatering mess of a POV.
lojitsu6 May 2022
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "V/H/S 94" (R - 2021 - DVD)

Genre: Horror/POV My Score: 6.1

Cast=2 Acting=6 Plot=7 Ending=6 Story=3 Scare=5 Jump=8 F/X=9 Found=8 Creep=7

A police S. W. A. T. team investigates about a mysterious VHS tape and discovers a sinister cult that has pre-recorded material which uncovers a nightmarish conspiracy.

"The veggiemasher turns your vegetables into a tasty...mmm mouthwatering paste." I couldn't help but try and fix the tracking when I watched this...ok I'm joking. This movie was a weird mess of different horror types...just like the others in the franchise. It was not my favorite, but it did turn out to be a decent watch for the Found Footage fan.
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A worthy addition to the V/H/S/ movies.
frankblack-7996118 October 2021
Some of these shorts in this film series are suprisingly original and well executed for the budget. Every one of the V/H/S/ films has a few gems to give. If you are a fan of the anthology style horror films, then i would recommend this and the other films in this series.
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The score is dropping faster than my stock portfolio
brandonlewissmu6 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Segment One: I'm digging it. Something about a lizard monster had been mentioned but that's ridiculous so that was obviously a misdirection..right? Ambitious reporter and her camera man venture deep into a creepy storm drain with a new story in mind. It's getting tense. Oh no...the lizard was real and he's..a demon God? Or something. Ok.

Segment 2: Something is thumping around in a coffin. Let's flicker some lights and fail to build tension. OK, here ya go. He only has half a head. Crazy, right?

Segment 3: Nice work. Not as good as your cult story in the 2nd one but better than anything in this.

Segment 4: Nope. Not 100% sure what the idea was but 100% sure it sucked.

The wraparound: Often in life, less is more. For example, a half naked undead man sitting in a recliner or a woman watching tapes in an not-so-empty house. Simple. Effective. Unsettling. 8 awful actors running around a very elaborately decorated warehouse and a twist ending that none of us deserved. Complicated. Eye-rolling. I hate you.

I'd like to apologize to VHS Viral and all the mean things I said about you. While you still suck, you don't seem to suck nearly as much today as you did yesterday.

If Halloween Kills or the new Paranormal Activity pull a VHS 94 on me, I'm switching to romantic comedies from now on. This is bad for my mental health.
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Worth Viewing For Timo Tjahjanto's Segment Alone
CinemaClown13 October 2021
V/H/S franchise started during the found-footage phenomenon and has been noteworthy for offering new, up-n-coming horror filmmakers an avenue to demonstrate their creative talent. This anthology series has always been a mixed bag as a whole but there's no denying that it has a cult following. Having spawned a few sequels since its inception, V/H/S/94 is the latest entry in the saga.

The film features four short segments connected by a frame narrative that follows a police raid being conducted at an abandoned warehouse which contains remnants of a ritualistic cult mass suicide. It has a grittier, gorier & more unholy feel than its predecessors and also features shorts that are collectively in closer proximity in their tone n mood, which makes it better than its predecessors.

The first short is Storm Drain, written & directed by newcomer Chloe Okuno, and follows a news reporter & her cameraman as they investigate an urban legend. It has a grainy, dirty aesthetic that adds to its uneasy vibe, plus the film just takes its absurd premise and runs with it. The old-school creature effects are done well and it definitely evokes the early 90s feel while offering some splendid scares.

The second short The Empty Wake is written & directed by franchise returnee Simon Barrett and unfolds at a funeral home where a young woman is assigned to host a wake as a severe thunderstorm rages outside. It's a simple & straightforward segment with predictable scares that are routine and has got nothing new or refreshing to offer. But the interest doesn't fizzle out at least and that's the only good thing about it.

The third segment is hands down my favourite and single-handedly makes this sequel worth the price of admission. Written & directed by Timo Tjahjanto (The Night Comes For Us & May the Devil Take You), The Subject is a crazy blend of body horror, sci-fi & action that splatters the screen with blood, guts & metal and is crafted with glee & passion. Tjahjanto lets his love for excess take over and brings his short to life with brain & brutality.

The final short is Terror, written & directed by Ryan Prows, and concerns a white supremacist group plotting to blow up a government building and take back America. It aptly captures the brainwashed vision of such losers but is also unsettling when demonstrating their devotion to the cause. But once it escalates into a mayhem, it's just fun, hilarious & entertaining to watch and culminates on a bloody good note even if the scares are by the numbers.

Overall, V/H/S/94 makes for a better evolved & more fulfilling entry in the infamous franchise and features a better collection of short segments that keeps the entire ride tense & thrilling for the most part. The acting is all over the place but the 90s video culture vibe & aesthetics are carried out with finesse. It's the frame narrative actually that turns out to be the weakest of all but it doesn't derail the good portions. Worth viewing for madman Tjahjanto's segment alone.
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Watch it for Timo's segment - it's outstanding! [+53%]
arungeorge138 October 2021
Timo Tjajhanto's segment "The Subject" is the vivid standout in this messy found-footage sequel which heads back to its grainy-cassette-tape roots. After the last installment bombed, it needed franchise returnees Timo Tjajhanto and Simon Barett, plus a conceptualizer in David Bruckner to inject some interest back into this anthology series. Similar to the "Safe Haven" segment by Gareth Evans and Timo Tjajhanto in V/H/S 2, Timo pulls off yet another audio-visual showcase here that melds CGI and practical effects in an action-packed (but non-scary) thirty-minute stretch shot entirely in first-person. This segment towers over the rest in terms of its core idea, slick production design, and bucketfuls of gore. It's the only segment worth revisiting in the film altogether.

I also enjoyed Chloe Okuno's Storm Drain in bits & pieces, especially for its typical found-footage claustrophobia, wacky effects, and an unexpected tinge of dark humor. Simon Barett's "The Empty Wake" initially gets its mood and atmosphere right before squandering all of it for something unintentionally laughable. The exciting bits in Ryan Prows' "Terror" are far too less to really mean anything other than its authentic '90s touches. Jennifer Reeder's wraparound segment "Holy Hell" suffers from poor performances and frequent breaks - the tension is wholly lacking. What's uniformly remarkable all through is the film's aesthetics. The news reports actually resemble the ones from the 90s; there's also retro CGI and even a fake infomercial that looks too darn legit. Add some grunge music, CRT televisions, and shades of the early internet into the mix, and we get a pretty decent throwback of sorts.
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A pretty solid entry in the V/H/S series
wormsoftheerth8 October 2021
The V/H/S series has always been incredibly hit or miss. The first one, V/H/S, was interesting in that a lot of the shorts challenged (at the time) what the idea of found footage could be and used unconventional cameras (glasses cam, webcam, etc) to provide a different perspective on what a horror film was. While interesting, it didn't always work in practice as those segments had myriad issues (too slow, too much filler, too much obnoxious camera glitching, etc) which kept them from being all that good or entertaining. Thankfully V/H/S 2 significantly improved the formula, and it is still imo the best of the bunch. Things sadly took a nosedive in the highly forgettable V/H/S: Viral, but I'm happy to say that they've rebounded in the 4th offering and V/H/S94 is more or less good all around.

Wraparound story - "Holy Hell" - the idea of this one is really cool, with a SWAT team going into the abandoned compound of a death cult. Unfortunately this is one of the weakest segments due to the extremely poor film quality, cheap effects, and some of the worst acting I've ever seen committed to film which manages to get worse the longer the segment goes on. I would've liked to see a more expanded story as it definitely had potential, but I feel like I never had any idea what they were supposed to be doing.

"Storm Drain" - this one starts off kind of slow and between that and the lame wraparound intro, I was thinking this whole anthology would be a bust. However, this one gets significantly better as it goes along and ends up being pretty good. The sewers provide interesting, dark, and very creepy atmosphere-- vaguely reminiscent of As Above, So Below. This very much feels like what you'd expect from a found footage vhs horror film and I think nails what the series is all about.

"The Empty Wake" - this one also starts off slow as well, most of it is a lady sitting around at a somewhat unsettling wake, but it gets pretty good when it picks up. It's rather short and you get almost nothing in the way of story or development, but there are some cool visuals & gore, and it's suitably creepy.

"The Subject" - holy crap, this one is absolutely INCREDIBLE. This is by far the longest and most detailed of any of the segments, and the film quality is a lot better than everything else. The Subject is on par with "Safe Haven" from v/h/s 2 (the indonesian death cult one) as undoubtedly the best of the entire series...which makes sense as it turns out that the writer/director Timo Tjahjanto also wrote Safe Haven (along with The Raid's Gareth Evans). You get a mad scientist turning people into robots whose secret lab gets raided by the police - lots of really good body horror, violence, and gore. This one gets a little cheesy and video game-y at times, but overall it's incredible - very engaging and well made. Also, by far the least likely to have ever been transferred to a vhs tape lol.

"Terror" - this one had potential, but never fully realized it. You have a group of extremist militia guys who have some kind of secret weapon and are going to attack a federal building. I found this to be entertaining; it was realistic enough while also being suitably tongue-in-cheek. It had a decent build up, but it kind of fizzled out before ever hitting a satisfying crescendo. I think this one needed more time to develop the story and it could have been significantly better; once the "action" starts, it feels like they kind of rushed to end it which leaves you feeling like "oh...that's it?". I will say that this one felt very "vhs-y" and definitely nailed the vibe of what this whole series is about, however it's still the weakest segment other than the wraparound.

Overall, this is an enjoyable anthology. It offers one of, if not the, best segments of the entire film series, and 3 other segments ranging from decent to pretty good. And while the wraparound was quite weak (and generally they always are), it had a couple redeeming qualities. These found footage films aren't for every horror fan, but if that's your thing than it's definitely worth a watch and it's definitely better than VHS: Viral.
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Hot Garbage
jmbwithcats6 October 2021
Each of the first few segments had an element or two I enjoyed, but some felt too short, others too long, and the final part to me was unwatchable.
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My favorite one since V/H/S 2!
skylarschmdt21 October 2022
I don't get the hate for this movie. If people don't like this V/H/S then they should hate every V/H/S and at that point why are you watching them? This movie was tons of fun and the mixed cyborg people one was so great! Also the sewer one was super cool too watch. Honestly there wasn't a bad short in this entire movie but some were surely more memorable than others. The only V/H/S I haven't enjoyed is Viral but this movie makes up for it and shows why they continue the series. I can't wait for the next V/H/S if this is the quality they are putting out. If you like V/H/S you will enjoy watching this one late at night on a big TV! Have fun!
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Sorry, but no (a brief review by the genre(s) fan for the genre(s) fans)
kuarinofu9 October 2021
I'm somewhat familiar with the whole V/H/S series, I think I saw the first two when they came out like ten years ago or something.

This installment's good/bad stuff ratio is around 1:10.

I want to say upfront that this anthology will be quite shocking to average viewers, but it is unlikely to make a proper impression on fans of the genre. Mostly because it is set up as a gore galore (just your average grindhouse), not exactly trying to build up horror or anything.

I'll be brief.

1. The story that ties almost all of the segments together is filmed, acted, and written abysmally.

2. Most of the shorts have already been done in full feature in a better way (the obvious inspiration Grindhouse (2007), Rec/Quarantine, Frankenstein's Army (2013), Kill List (2011), The Tunnel (2011) to name a few).

3. Only two segments, The Subject and Terror were enjoyable. The Subject was ok because it was an interesting integration of the Doom Eternal videogame quick-kills, and the actor who played the Creator was fun to watch (although the limited budget almost killed it). Terror was a decent gory satire that went off the rails in a good way, yet heavily undermined by the way it was somewhat politically integrated into the main story.

4. The VHS effect gimmick is getting really old in these, so the fact that The Subject wasn't overloaded with it felt like a breather.

5. The film drags a lot without actually spending time on establishing anything. The time spent on running away (or sitting in a funeral house talking on a phone) could've been used to provide some attachment to the situation or the characters.

6. V/H/S/94 was repulsive, unpleasant, disgusting, but never actually scary. Again, this is very personal and obviously, it will have a stronger effect on the more sensitive viewers.

Overall, I don't think I can recommend it to horror fans. You might find something for you if you occasionally enjoy a gory mess like Grindhouse, but there's just so little of good in this. I don't think you should sit through everything else that ranges from so-so to just plain bad.

And yeah, the ending is too dumb to even try to pull it into an already non-existent story.
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Third segment stands out!
and_mikkelsen17 May 2023
Yeah the third segment might be my favorite as it is nothing like the others.. but in a good way!

This movie is basicly for separate hooror shortfilms foundfootage style with their own story and premise as each segment has its own director!

In short i would say that segment one and three were my favorite as they used horror and gore in an effective way! Segment one was the scariest to me while segment three were the gorriest as it went full on sci fi bodyhorror! It was really over the top and absurdly violent!

Segment two and four were the weakest to me! Both were slow at first and the scary qnd gory stuff didn't last very long!
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It's so bad, even V/H/S Viral was better then this garbage....
ryanrobinsonnn6 October 2021
As a huge fan of the V/H/S franchise, I had high hope going into V/H/S 94 on Shudder, what a huge letdown, most of the time nothing happens & you are waiting around for something to happen & by the time something actually happens it's the end of the segment, I had better expectations from the guy who directed Safe Haven in V/H/S 2, however the effects are so bad in his segment you can clearly tell they are that: just CGI. IF they're going to make another V/H/S movie they really need to go back to the original approach of V/H/S from the first 2 movies.
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The goriest V/H/S yet.
BA_Harrison12 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A S. W. A. T. team on a drugs raid discover the headquarters of a strange video cult whose followers thrive on extreme material. As the squad investigates the building, viewers are treated to several of the found-footage stories being played on the cult's many TV screens.

First off is Storm Drain by writer/director Chloe Okuno, in which Channel 6 newswoman Holly Marciano (Anna Hopkins) and her cameraman Jeff (Christian Potenza) investigate the story of the Ratman, a strange creature, half-man-half-rat, that is reported to live in the sewers (where else?). While not the strongest story to kick off proceedings, Storm Drain does deliver a couple of reasonable scares and some decent suspense, although the final scene is what people will remember most: having been rescued from the sewers, Holly returns to Ch 6 to present her news show, but vomits a corrosive substance onto her co-host, whose face disintegrates into a bloody mess. It's a terrific payoff and sets the tone for the rest of the film. It's going to get messy...

The second story is The Empty Wake, written and directed by Simon Barrett; it sees a young woman, Hayley (Kyal Legend), left alone for the night in a funeral parlour to conduct a wake. While passing the time, waiting for visitors that never arrive, she hears noises from inside the casket, and so phones her colleague Tim for advice: he tells her to stay calm... the man is definitely dead (his head was a mess, hence the closed casket), and it's just gasses in the body making the sounds. Of course, Tim's got it all wrong - when the lights go out during a storm, the casket falls open, and the mangled corpse staggers after Hayley. With half its head missing, a severed hand that crawls by itself, and guts that won't stay put, the 'zombie' provides the gore, but it's the atmosphere that really sells this story: after all, is there anywhere creepier to spend the night than a funeral home?

Tale number three, The Subject, is by Timo Tjahjanto, a director who rarely fails to impress me, and sure enough this is easily my favourite of the bunch. Tjahanto, an expert in the action genre, combines cyberpunk/body horror with plenty of fire-power, following a crack police unit that breaks into the lab of crazy scientist Dr. James Suhendra, who has been abducting people and turning them into cyborgs. The splatter starts as Suhendra operates on a male and female, removing brains and limbs, but kick ups quite a few gears once the police arrive, only to find themselves trapped in the building with the mad doctor's creations. The male subject is programmed to kill, and, equipped with a giant blade, slices up anyone within arm's reach. The female subject just wants to live, so attacks anyone who threatens her, and she just so happens to have a machine gun/grenade attachment!

The final story, Terror, written and directed by Ryan Prows, centres on the activities of a group of armed extremists called the First Patriots Movement Militia, who are plotting to blow up a federal building using the creature they have locked up in a barn, the nature of which remains unexplained until the end of the tale. Sadly, the wait isn't really worth it, this being the weakest of the four stories; it really should have been the first up, so that the film didn't end on such a damp squib. Perhaps if the wraparound story had been stronger, it mightn't have mattered so much, but one can't help but be left feeling a little disappointed as the credits roll.

Still, three out of four main stories are winners, which equates to a rating of 7.5/10, which I'll round up to 8/10 for the bit where the girl-borg's machine gun reduces a man's head to a pulp.
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A VHS fan, but disappointed
karindesign11 October 2021
Well I've waited for this for a very long time. I love the first one, second one was decent ("Safe Haven" the best of them all), Viral was not good, and by the trailer I expected more.

The first segment was ok, didn't really scare me, even though it was a bit creepy, so I'll give it a pass. The one with the doctor and robots was the best one of the whole movie!! So cool and futuristic! He's done it again.

The other segments were.. well.. boring and not good. The entire general plot was not good. Too bad, the vibe did remind me of the first one but the first VHS has so many good and scary stories, you just can't compare. Please - if you do another one, do BETTER stories, not just strange monsters.
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han-376166 October 2021
One of the worst films I have seen in a long time....
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Had fun watching this & hope to see a V/H/S 5 in the future!
SarahAliciaFox6 October 2021
I enjoyed most segments especially the first 3 and there were a few moments I was actually creeped out like feeling dread and it still holds the spirit of what I love from this franchise.

The only things I'd say I didn't like was the ending which was the segment where the swat team actually look at the V/H/S tapes. It fell really flat for me like really just a typical cliché and dumb reveal and thought they could have done much better with it. I was expecting something quite scary like it built up through out the movie but it doesn't matter cos they're all different stories and also there's a lot of cult segments now and it feels a bit overdone.

This sequel has one of the most disturbing segments so far too like nightmare fuel. I think I liked the 2nd segment best at the funeral it was really neat!

Overall I had fun watching it and would give it around a 7/10 and I really hope they make a V/H/S 5 they're so entertaining.
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noawareness11 October 2021
Loved the first two. Third one was enjoyable but this was was awful. Poor ideas poorly strung together.
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Great shorts ruined by sub-par wraparound
YaseenP4166 October 2021
The shorts here are great. Tjahjanto, Prowse, and Okuno bring very unique tales that are genuinely scary. Barrett's segment is adequate and on par with segments in previous the previous films. However, the wraparound by Jennifer Reeder is awful and taints the pros of the individual segments. The last 3 minutes of the film close the wrap segment and is the worst part of the film by far. Though not as bad as the wraparound in VHS Viral, this film didn't do much better for its framing device. Overall the film sits around the quality of the first two.

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Timo did his best
dave-leary6 October 2021
But still couldn't save this awful film.

I will start by saying that I'm not a massive fan of the series, some segments are good, like safe haven for example, others not so much.

This latest entry is the worst of the lot, quite possibly the worst film I've seen this year.

My expectations tanked within the first 5 minutes, when we have the worst police tactical unit exploring a building with the same awareness as a bunch of drunks looking for the last bar at 4am and it only goes downhill. Surely the swat extras from fbi or law and order are not to busy to come and help out?

The 2nd or 3rd segment, the experiment, done by Timo at least had some quality about it, decent acting, solid idea with good execution (recently done better in an episode of invincible though).

Some cool gore throughout but overall, this felt like a local, not very good drama club production, throwing some rough concept ideas together for an investor.
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Lots of fun!
BandSAboutMovies7 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1994: A police S. W. A. T. team swoops in on a cult that trades in illegal VHS tapes that lull viewers into drug-like trances or death. As they make their way through their compound, the tapes begin to roll and show the full range of insanity that they trade in.

The fourth film in the V/H/S/ series is here - and the first I've seen - with each short film converging for the first time into a unified narrative. While David Bruckner wrote much of this, he couldn't direct - he's working on the new Hellraiser - and Radio Silence had limited involvement as they're working on the Scream reimagining/reboot/sequel.

Made with older video equipment, physical tape transfers and digital effects so that each segment looks like 90s video, this film has a look much like our beloved Shot On Video 80s films like Boardinghouse, yet infused with the look of found footage. There's also plenty of first-person shooter feel to a lot of the stories, which should be disorienting yet totally works.

How can this get even better? Tons of gore - seriously, it's out of control in the best of ways - and a soundtrack by Greg Anderson - performing as The Lord - who is one of the hooded people behind SUNN O))).

"Holy Hell," written and directed by Jennifer Reeder (Signature Move, Knives and Skin) is the connecting story that tells the tale of the cops finding all of the static, noise and eyeless bodies.

The first tape that they watch, written and directed by Chloe Okuno, is "Storm Drain," which has a debt of gratitude to the WNUF Halloween Special. That said, it has its own energy and I love the reveal of the creatures, including the demonic rat god that lives in the sewer and the human rats that feel a lot like Giuliano Carnimeo's Ratman.

Simon Barrett's (who wrote The Guest and You're Next) "The Empty Wake" has a mortician's assistant alone - on a night with a tornado warning no less - with a dead body that may not stay dead. This reminded me of Silent Hill - the video game - in all the right ways.

Timo Tjahjanto (The Night Comes for Us) has the most technically advanced portion of the film, "The Subject," in which a mad scientist has turned numerous human beings into mechanized killing machines. This sequence makes an inspired leap from video diary medical gore freakout to SWAT video game attack to realizing that S. A. is the victim and then it becomes her tale as she battles her way to freedom.

Ryan Prows (Lowlife) wrote and directed the last segment, "Terror," which has a religious militia keeping a supernatural weapon guarded day and night, ready to unleash it to cleanse the world of sinners. This segment boasts an incredible idea and close, but may take a bit too long to get there.

There's also a commercial for a Veggie Masher that looks about as real as a TV commercial as I've seen. It's directed by Steven Kostanski, who made two of my favorite movies in recent years, Psycho Goreman and The Void.

The streaming world is filled with way too many horror anthologies. So many of them don't understand the need to have a framing story and a unifying theme. That's because so many are just shorts all jammed together to try and take your money. V/H/S/94 has the one thing those movies are missing - well, besides actual talent and artistry - and that's fun. Everyone looks like they had an incredible time making these, filling the screen with big ideas and plenty of guts and fluids.
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Stories are cool
pskurrie-284966 October 2021

Why bother creating a movie. We lived through the 'VHS' years and they were never as bad as this. Why bother filming something if you have it either, jumpy, dark or add effects to make you NOT SEE ANYTHING.

So frustrating.
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Love it
PhuccyXI11 December 2021
Quite refreshing for me. Didn't know they have 3 4 different segments so i was like WTF when they moved to the 2nd segment. I need to find other VHS films now.
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Better then expected
Draysan-Jennings15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When this film first came out it was getting bashed by user critics. I think it had a 3.6 rating when I first looked at the IMDB page. After watching the trailer I decided to pass on watching it all together. Then last night I saw a post on someone's Instagram of a lady interviewing a dirty homeless man down in the sewers. After doing a little research I realized it was a scene from V/H/S/94. It definitely sparked some interest so I decided to give this film a shot. I'm glad I did. The film was actually really good. The first 3 stories were great. Especially The Ratman part of the film. I didn't really care for the militia/vampire sequence but overall the film is definitely worth a watch. It's not the best in the series but it's definitely the bloodiest. 6 stars.
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So stupid
samistar88813 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My god not even 20 min in I'm laughing my ass off. That rat man just did it for me!!! Hahaha it's sad if this movie scares anyone. I wasn't a huge fan of the others, just didn't find them scary. Why they decided to do another is beyond me. SKIP THIS LOL.
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I love how all the reviews are either 2's or 9's
CriticismHurts7 October 2021
This is a poor film. You knew it going in, so lets not pretend this is even worth reviewing. Don't let this film be a stain on the horror genre. It's just another movie that was vomited out for reasons we will never know. It exists. I have no idea why.

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This is an uneven anthology that is worth a viewing
kevin_robbins7 December 2021
V/H/S/94 (2021) is currently available on Shudder and showcases VHS 📼 tapes accumulated by various bootleggers to upload onto the dark web. Various military personnel and others who come upon the tapes either whiteness bad things or bad things happen to them.

This movie is codirected by Jennifer Reeder (Knives and Skin), Steven Kostanski (The Void), and Simon Barrett (Seance), among others. This picture stars Anna Hopkins (Bad Blood), Conor Sweeney (Father's Day), David Reale (Chloe), Kimmy Choi (Rising Sun) and Steven McCarthy (O Negative).

This is made up of a series of short stories with some segments better than the others. The special effects and gore in this is actually the best of the series. The first rat man storyline is pretty good but the character was a bit of a let down. The newscasters sequence in this is awesome as is the morgue scene. There's some scenes in this that are just like a video game and fun to watch. The gore is really outstanding in this in some areas; however, the last few storylines are just okay.

Overall, this is an uneven anthology that is worth a viewing. I'd score this a 6/10 and recommend seeing it once.
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