Screw (TV Series 2022–2023) Poster


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'The prison is not full of bad men,it is full of men who have done bad things'
ianlouisiana13 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So says Wing Boss Nina Sosanya early on just so's we know she is pretty non - judgemental and inline with the thinking of the Prison Service at the start of the third decade of the 21st century.. Certainly 'C'Wing has its share of what used to be unforgiveably known as 'nutjobs' now that facilities for mentally unwell prisoners have been pared down to virtually nothing.

No prison can be run without at least the tacit co - operation between cons and screws.

If this breaks down,as both parties are well aware,anarchy reigns,and most cons - who just want to do their bird and go home - keep their heads down and count the days.

'Screw' paints a picture of a nick where everybody hates their environment and wants to spend as little time in it as possible(except for Ms Sosanya who is living in one of the cells for some as yet unexplained reason.

Amongst the staff we have the obligatory jolly cockney( a closet racist,natch) who might have been played by Michael Medwin back in the day and the lazy old screw nearing retirement (think George Woodbridge).

Including the Wing Boss there are three female officers,one on her first posting who may be hiding a Big Secret.

All the ingredients are in place for an above moments.

I look forward to seeing how it develops.
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Sometimes Disjointed but solid overall
theredhairedcrow10 January 2022
Comparatively, I wouldn't describe this prison drama as "gritty" at all. But it is a drama set in one wing of men's prison, a wing where all types of inmates are housed, especially those not suitable elsewhere such as those needing psychological care. Some have stories that are compelling, while others they focus on suggesting they may become bigger players only for them to disappear into the crowd.

You have a team of wardens with a boss who has a secret she desperately trying to keep hidden, and a new recruit she immediately seems to dislike. A new recruit whose behavior suggests she just might be as dodgy as assumed. You have the inevitable stoic veteran, and the officers trying to do a good job, another overzealous and the type who sympathizes a bit too much with the prisoners.

They deal sensitively and fairly with some topics like transgender prisoners and survivors of child molestation. There are a few brilliant scenes that show the variance of "life inside" far different than that one knows about of the US incarceration system, whether its between prisoners, wardens or a combination of both. Some are even heart-warming in their moments of humanity.

It doesn't really stand out thus far from any of the prison dramas I've watched, and certainly not those like Wentworth or Oz, but it's not a waste of time either if you like the genre. I would definitely watch more episodes as they become available.
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An odd mixture
mjb3010868 January 2022
I can fully understand why people aren't liking this but there is something I find quite enjoyable about it. I wish it was more of a serious drama without the forced unfunny comedy bits in though.
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Waterloo road in prison!
monetgrayson11 January 2022
Im enjoying it! People need to stop expecting to see a "prison break style" show when something is based in a prison!

I wouldn't say its like wentworth, bad girls or any of those UK prison movies.. its waterloo road set in a prison and its a cool take on the dilemmas and problems prisoners and the CO's face on a daily basis!
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Kind of like an English Scrubs. Set in a prison. Without the humour.
wadevanstaden8710 January 2022
Strong head character. Unusual work environment. POV from the newbie's first day on the job learning the ropes. Complex relationships with the surrounding co-workers. A fresh take on a very cliche premise.
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We are more alike than we care to admit.
arxionus9 January 2022
I spent 25 years as a correctional Officer in the US so I figured to check out a show about prison in England to see how they would portray the environment. I am amazed that half way across the world and a different culture would portray the same environment and problems facing correctional staff as in the US. I guess we are not as different as we would like to think. The show might not be for everyone, but those of us that work in this environment will find a kinship and familiarity with the officers in this show no matter what part of the world you find yourself.
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roffles-263-18448914 January 2022
An alright drama with a few lighthearted moments. I never found the overall plot arc of the series that interesting, it all just felt a bit improbable and the main characters did odd things that even in hindsight I don't really think make sense (particularly Leigh Henry, who is in charge of the wing).

I enjoyed some of the side-plots more though, and liked some of the characters. It's quite balanced with the characters, not making the 'not very PC one' and the 'inappropriate sexual comments one' pure evil, but making them feel relatively 'real'.

I do kind of wish that the show hadn't had a big overarching 'threat', and had just done shorter stories exploring prison life for all involved, as some of the lighthearted moments are very fun, and the writing isn't bad overall.

The show does go out of its way to portray most prisoners as sympathetic characters, many of them with mental health issues, and most of the serious character discussions about the topic and the implied intent of the show writers is very pro trusting, supporting, and loving prisoners, and rails against the idea of punishing them, and sometimes even of having a prison system at all . Whether you find that grating or agreeable will depend on your personal opinions and experiences I suppose.

Overall wouldn't say I recommend this show, but wouldn't tell anyone not to watch it either. It's OK.
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Jamie-Lee O'Donnell & Nina Sosanya is great duet, give it a chance you will see.
agent9078 January 2022
Cong. To Jamie-Lee O'Donnell for good start as leading actor :) along with Nina Sosanya who got her own series, finaly!

Writers should do more plot in first episode so people would understand that is show about day by day life of C block and not Orange New Black sitcom.
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wheatley-202309 February 2022
An interesting watch.

The first couple of episodes present a rather believable picture of a male prison wing, coupled with a serious attempt to present the punishment vs rehabilitation conundrum.

Then things take a sharp turn downwards with the drive towards excitement straining credibility.

But then things pick up again. The final episode offers us a believable explanation for the wing boss's behaviour that goes some way towards regaining credibility.

Overall this is a credit-worthy series and certainly worth watching.
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Good but not great
RedMars20178 January 2022
It's got its moments. The cast are great. But the script teeters between out and out comedy and dark prison crime drama. It doesn't all hold together and the dramatic twists can be seen a mile off. Would've been better if it had stuck to being a comedy. The central idea and characters could have been the basis for a brilliant cult comedy. As it stands it's all so predictably done, it becomes hard to recommend. A bit forgettable and derivative. A missed opportunity.
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Not sure what I just watched
centaur11358 January 2022
IMDB has categorised this as a drama. It's not. If there is a story, then it wasn't visible. It just lurched from one improbable scene to another till the credits went up. I wanted so much to like it, because some of the acting was good and some of the characterisations were good too, but the script and the story (such as it was) let it down. It is an insult to good actors to give them drivel and expect them to turn it into a masterpiece. The first episode is always supposed to grab your attention. I saw it all, and I won't be seeing any more.
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Entertaining Prison Drama
njboden17 January 2022
I quite enjoyed this TV series as the central premise is a novel one, prison dramas from the perspective of prisoners have been done before but not really from the perspective of prison guards. This progression in ideas is similar to how programmes like 'Grange Hill' and 'Byker Grove' led to 'Teachers' and 'Waterloo Road' and I expect several similar dramas about prison guards will now follow. Another plus is that it stars Nina Sosanya and the upcoming starlet that is Derry Girl's Jamie-Lee O'Connell who are both great actresses, in fact all the cast acts well. The problem is this show doesn't know whether it's meant to be a comedy or a drama and it relies on implausible behaviour by its often unlikeable and unremarkable characters to move the story forward, not only that but the viewer is often expected to find these things plausible and the characters likeable and relatable. I'd say it could be a 10 but the writing brings the score down a couple of points to a still respectable 8.
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Decent but uneven female centric prison drama
JRB-NorthernSoul6 January 2022
Nice to see a great actress, Nina Sosanya in the lead role as a prison officer with secrets, Leigh Henry. The production values were good and it was realistically cast, soundtrack was a bit so-so.

The story didn't blow me away and I found bits of it unconvincing. It seems that Leigh is a bit of a rebel, she's improbably sleeping in one of the cells at the prison and generally not playing by the rules and rookie officer Rose Gill is on her case.

It was a bit uneven in tone for me, not quite sure if it wanted to be a straight drama or a comedy. Didn't reach the dramatic highs of Jimmy McGovern's brilliant 'Time' but to be fair its a different kind of show. Felt more like it was trying to be a prison version of Paul Abbott's cop show 'No Offence' but the writing didn't have the same snap.

A canny start, could go either way, hopefully will improve as the storylines develop and we get to really know the many characters at Long Marsh.
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jaynzsarah-561-35973719 January 2022
This had potential, but as usual slipped away into a world of unrealistic tv land, disguised as a gritty drama turned out to be a Trojan horse of manure.

I wonder if the writer has been into a prison at all? I used to work in one and I can tell you this program isn't anything like one, sure there's moments of relatable content but on the whole this was like an episode of Porridge.

Gash .
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Was good but could have been better
chrissydang11 January 2022
Binged on all episodes at once which I found enjoyable but I don't think I could have followed it week to week there was a real lull in places I feel like it missed to hit the mark in places but I suppose every pilot series has its issues, will look forward to a second season hopefully works out the bugs.
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Enjoyed the show but want more
crystalatkinson-7177510 January 2022
I really enjoyed watching it but i am hoping there will be anymore episodes or maybe series.

How it has ended there should be more.

Like what is going to happen with the guy!
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Thought provoking but still entertainment
henri-2684216 July 2022
Thought it may not be accurate, it is a drama and therefore there are embellishments from what would be in a standard prison. However it teaches empathy and tackles all of the issues we on the outside think about and the welfare of officers and prisoners. It really is a worthwhile, and decent, honest neutral ish show.
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Great series
kyliebaby-748738 January 2022
It's not meant to be factual or serious, honest in places, yes but it's not gritty drama it's just great entertainment. The ppl giving it poor ratings obviously haven't ever worked with criminals. View it as what it is a fun series about a prison. I look forward to the next series.
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It's Screwed. (spoiler alert)
reidkenj25 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a drama to work, it must have at least a hint of realism. It is not only unrealistic, but it is quite impossible that a prison officer on her first week at work could smuggle a gun into her workplace!!
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Great Series
rick-09019-018059 January 2022
People see this as a comedy..One reviewer watched 1 Minute and swiched off yes it was funny in parts but to for anyone in this kind of enviroment prison gaurds and prisoners do laugh and joke .. But the story line is real life .Another person expected prison break UK this was not written by the same team as prison break "Rollls Eyes" I have never been in prison but i have worked in security and how do you think we got through the day in a job we hated not knowing the danger of criminals shoplifters ect .. We was on first name terms with some shop lifters . Some prison gaurds can be quiet decent .This is a bit mild to what prison is really like i would say this is close enough to how prisoners are treated Ido know mostprisoners keep theier heads down and do thier time..watched thiswith a friend who was in prison and his words where its exactly how it is maybe a little rougher.
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A bit too woke but it almost pulls it off
degrees-333658 January 2022
Like most things coming out of British and American TV studios these days it's woke af. This is no exception with female leads being the strong, serious ones - and the males ones being silly twats with low IQ.

Having said that it pulls of what it is rather well.

It's not a great show and it's not utter trash - it's just somewhere in between. Something you'll watch and immediately forget.
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I thoroughly enjoyed these 2 series obviously written by someone who knows the system
terrysevern19 October 2023
Having spent 27 years in the prison service, I can recognise people on both sides and the problems both sides have to put up with. Anyone who has spent time inside would easily recognise the characters shown in this series, the humour and the routines and the normal setbacks of everyday prison life. The truth is prison is a dumping ground, there are many inside who cannot cope mentally and should be helped but instead are placed in an environment that they cannot deal with and are exploited by career criminals. We are a forgotten service and unless there is a riot or escape no one thinks about prisons and those involved. Governors are trying to run their prisons with too few staff and too many prisoners and financial restrictions placed on them.
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More than meets the eye...
duncanh-8035621 January 2022
Yes, at first it seems to struggle with genre identity, but in the end, this mirrors real life - everyday struggles intermingled with humour to get you through the day.

For those with any insight into modern British social issues and the social care system in any guise, this series is a great vehicle to communicate some of the many facets. The acting is wonderful, humour and calm belying the turmoil beneath, like so many lives. I can't wait for the next series.
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Who's being punished, prisoners or viewers?
bwmcg4 February 2022
There's an old expression "As slow as a week in the jail". This seems to fit the bill.

I'm on episode 5 and nothing meaningful has happened yet.

Maybe they're saving it all up for a fantastic ending?
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Unrealistic but gripping
itnash13 February 2022
I can't believe most of this actual happens. Maybe each storyline had happened once in different prisons, BUT it is a gripping Drama and, for me, great acting, I look forward to a second series.
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