"The Prisoner" Episode 1: Arrival (TV Episode 2009) Poster

(TV Mini Series)


Jim Caviezel: 6, Michael



  • [first lines] 

    Number Six : Why are they after you? Something happened to me. How...

    Number 93 : [hoarsely]  Listen to me. Tell them *all* I got out.

    Number Six : Something happened to me. I-I was in New York.

    Number 93 : Go to 554...

    Number Six : 554 what?

    Number 93 : ...tell her...

    Number Six : [angry]  What's - dammit, where am I!

    Number 93 : [with confused surprise]  You're... you're not from here.

    Number Six : I don't even know how I got to this place.

    Number 93 : You... are... a bloody... miracle!

    [the old man laughs] 

    Number 93 : [breathlessly]  Be seeing you.

  • 147 : Hey, where to now, my friend?

    6 : Drive. Just drive.

    147 : Okay. You know, I thought I'd lost you. You know, this job is crazy. The hours I do, man, I never see my wife, never see my kid. I have got to get out of this. You understand?

    6 : Yep.

    [seeing a picture on the dashboard] 

    6 : Is that your little girl?

    147 : Oh, yeah. That's my 832. Hey, let me tell you. I got her this little bike, right? Man, I have never seen anything like it.

    6 : What did you say her name was?

    147 : Name? It's, uh, it's 832.

    6 : If I asked you to take me to 554...

    147 : Well, I'd say now you're talking.

  • 2 : What were you doing in the mountains, 6?

    6 : I was... I was lost. I mean, I have no idea how I got here. What did you call me? This... look, something's wrong here.

    2 : Yes, you are wrong, 6.

    6 : Do not call me that. I am not 6.

    2 : Show me your ID papers.

    6 : Well, I don't have any papers.

    [finding an ID card in his pocket, he throws it onto the table] 

    6 : Well, you just put them there.

    2 : You were seen in the mountains. What have you done to 93?

    6 : I don't know anything about 93.

    2 : Where is the old man?

    6 : You can't do this to me. I don't care who you are. Do you hear me? Now, I wanna get back to New York.

    2 : That's not possible. There is no New York. There is only the Village.

  • 6 : So, this guy at the hospital. He wants to know where 93's body is. Why? That's not a delusion. That's happening here right now.

    313 : If you did see 93.

    6 : Is that why they set me free? To let you loose on me? The caring, sharing doctor with the big, beautiful eyes and the nice girly smile. Soften me up, get me to talk.

    313 : Of course you doubt me. You doubt everything, but that's not you speaking, 6. That's your condition.

    6 : My condition is that I'm being held here against my will.

  • Michael : I resigned today.

    Lucy : Oh, that's why you're celebrating?

    Michael : Alone.

    Lucy : Too bad. Um, I go this way.

    Michael : Oh. Really?

    Lucy : Really.

    Michael : Uh, what's your name?

    Lucy : Lucy.

    Michael : Lucy. Well, I'd like to get to know you, Lucy.

    Lucy : Well, maybe you can.

    Michael : Well, I'd like to get to know you tonight.

    Lucy : Well, maybe you can.

  • 313 : You were talking to someone.

    6 : You shouldn't listen to other people's conversations. It's rude. How come you're interested in my life back there if it doesn't exist?

    313 : Of course I'm interested. I want to help you with these delusions.

    6 : I can't leave here, can I?

    313 : Why would you want to leave? Why would you even think such a thing?

    6 : All right, doctor. My delusion is I met a woman the other night. And I invited her back to my apartment.

    313 : Did she come back? To your apartment?

    6 : I don't know.

  • 6 : [waking up in the hospital, he recognizes 313 from the nightclub]  It's you.

    313 : And I thought you just wanted to dance with me.

    6 : How long have I been here?

    313 : Well, you've been sleeping a while.

    6 : I thought I was dying. What's happening to me?

    313 : I wish you didn't fight it.

    6 : Fight what?

    313 : Please, let me help you.

    6 : I don't want your help, lady. I wanna get the hell out of here.

    313 : Look, here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna fix you a cold drink, and then someone is gonna take you home. You're a free man.

  • Shopkeeper : What can I do you for?

    6 : I'd like to buy a map.

    Shopkeeper : Street or topographical?

    6 : Biggest one you got.

    [the shopkeeper takes out a map the size of a small notepad] 

    6 : That's the biggest?

    Shopkeeper : Pull her out.

    [as 6 opens it, the map becomes huge] 

    Shopkeeper : That's it.

    [going to get another] 

    Shopkeeper : Buy one, get one free.

    6 : What the hell would I want with two maps?

    Shopkeeper : Makes a perfect gift. Big enough for you? Here we are.

    [indicating a spot on the map] 

    Shopkeeper : You are here. That's the Palais 2. "Wow" being the appropriate word. And that's the Clinic, and...

    6 : Where's the road out of here?

    Shopkeeper : [snickering]  Oh, you crack me up, 6.

    6 : You've not seen me before.

    Shopkeeper : No, sir. You I would remember.

    6 : Do you know my...

    Shopkeeper : Welcome to the Village. Everybody knows everybody.

  • 6 : I have a message for you from an old man.

    554 : 93.

    6 : Yeah.

    554 : Is he okay?

    6 : He wanted me to tell you he got away. He said I had to find you.

    554 : No, please. Don't involve me in this.

    6 : Involve you in what? Who is this guy? And why was... why was he being chased by those... I don't know what they are, but they're after me now.

    554 : Um, he was just a drunk who used to come in here and talk lots of crazy talk. If he's got himself in some kind of trouble, that's got nothing to do with me. I have to go. I can't let them see me with you.

    6 : Why did he want me to find you? He must have had a reason.

  • Lucy : Do you think I could use your phone? Mine's just been stolen.

    Michael : Yeah, go ahead.

    Lucy : Actually, I lied. I lost it. I'm always losing my phone. I hate leaving messages, don't you? I noticed you because you looked like you're waiting for someone.

    Michael : Maybe I am.

    Lucy : Who are you waiting for? Don't answer that. I'm late again.

    Michael : [following her out]  Hey, you got my phone.

    Lucy : Oh. I'd say sorry, but I promised myself I'd stop apologizing to men.

    [hearing the bottles in his bag clink] 

    Lucy : Having a party?

    Michael : Yeah, you wanna come?

    Lucy : Ehh... can't make it tonight.

    Michael : Oh. There's no party, anyway.

    Lucy : That's what I thought, drinking alone.

    Michael : I'm celebrating.

    Lucy : Oh, yeah? What?

  • 6 : I'd like to speak to the American consul, please.

    2 : Look, see how the sun makes it all glow. Kind of day that makes you glad to be alive.

    6 : Why are you keeping me here?

    2 : I see no locked doors.

    6 : Well, they were after me.

    2 : Ooh. Sounds terribly ominous.

  • 147 : Hey, man, need a cab?

    6 : Why would I need a cab if I'm going into a cafe?

    147 : Well, you know, people who go into cafes come out of cafes. And sometimes they might need a cab.

    6 : Oh, I don't know if I'll need a cab. Why you hasslin' me, anyway?

    147 : Hey, 6, I like you. You're a likable man. And I like giving rides in my cab to people I like. Sometimes being nice is, uh... well, it's just being nice.

  • 147 : [6 gets into the back of his cab]  Where to?

    6 : Yeah, I need to get to a railroad station.

    147 : A rail what?

    6 : Yeah, a train. A train. Take me to the nearest town if you have to.

    147 : Hey, man, I only do local destinations, okay?

    6 : What's the matter with you? I need to get out of here.

    147 : Hey, man, I don't know what you're talking about. Trains and railroads.

    6 : I'm sorry. I'm just trying to get my bearings here. I...

    147 : It's okay.

    6 : Where is this place?

    6 : This? It's the Village.

    6 : Yeah, but what village?

    147 : Hey, man, what gives with you? This is *the* Village. And I do local destinations...

    [6 jumps out of the cab as it's still moving] 

    147 : Hey, hey, hey. You crazy?

  • 6 : I need you to help me.

    313 : Oh, uh, let's dance first.

    6 : I don't know how I got here.

    313 : You've never been to Club More? Are you okay?

    6 : What the hell is going on?

    313 : Hey, hey, hey.

    6 : Where am I? The whole place?

    313 : You're in the Village. Where else would you be? Are you sick or something?

    6 : I must be. I can't seem to get a hold of any of this.

  • 2 : [finding 6 searching 93's cabin]  Can you see, 6, how I might wonder why you're here if, as you claim, you know nothing about 93?

    6 : I came here to find out who this man 93 is.

    2 : And now that you're here, do you see what he was? A drunk. A fool.

    6 : Maybe he drank because he found the lie of this place unbearable. He knew what I know. The Village is not all that there is.

    2 : What is it you're suggesting? A hole in the sky? Aliens landing secretly in the night? Mm, a mysterious road that leads beyond, beyond, beyond? A magic gateway, perhaps? Some portal leading into Never Never Land? Take a look outside, 6. People going about their lives. Strolling in the sun, sitting together in the park, or anywhere where they might choose to sit together. They take a scooter ride, go dancing, enjoy a beer in the cafe while they gaze about the Village. Contented. Hopeful. Every day above ground is a good day. The problem is in your mind.

    6 : Well... I want out.

    2 : You've tried that. There is no "out". There is only in. Now, you can go on tormenting yourself if that's what you want. Or you can stop.

    6 : If 93 were no more than a drunk... a fool, as you say... then why were they chasing after him? Shooting at him? Because 93 found something. And if he can do it, I can.

    2 : I pity you, 6. You refuse to open your mind to the possibility that you're wrong.

    6 : If I open my mind, you'll take it away from me.

    2 : We might. But we will always give it back.

  • 6 : A hundred billion stars. Over and over, billions of galaxies. And that is just what we can see. Can you honestly tell me that the Village is all that there is?

    313 : Of course not. Has to be life out there somewhere. Perhaps another village. Oh, it's, um, 400 billion, by the way.

    6 : Look at me. Isaac Newton, Galileo... Plato, Socrates... Karl Marx, Groucho Marx... Darwin. Surely, Darwin. Kennedy, Bob Dylan, David Beckham. Who invented the telephone?

    313 : Oh. Uh...

    6 : Alexander Graham Bell. The light bulb?

    313 : 5-12.

    6 : Everyone says it was Thomas Edison. It was Joseph Swan. Where do these names come from, these memories? I was taught this stuff by a lady named Mrs. Radcliffe, my teacher. Now, where does that come from?

    313 : Now, tell me about Mrs. Radcliffe.

    6 : You're humoring me.

    313 : Tell me anyway.

    6 : Okay. She had a big blue nose, skin like a crocodile. She actually looked more like a man in a dress. Not just a man, but a boxer.

    313 : Wow, I like her already.

    6 : Do you know what a crocodile is?

    313 : Are you trying to trap me?

    6 : Yes. No. Yes. Are you trying to trap me?

    313 : Yes. Yes. No.

  • 554 : Our specials tonight are beef noodle wrap and warm feta salad wrap, and for dessert, we have my own favorite, cinnamon fig and honey wrap.

    6 : Do you have anything that's not a wrap?

    554 : Why would we?

    6 : I'll stick with a coffee for now. Thank you.

  • 6 : 93 was convinced that his dreams meant that he had another life before this one. He started saying things. That we're prisoners here.

    6 : Prisoners?

    554 : I've said too much. I don't even know who you are.

    6 : It's okay. You can trust me. I am not one of them.

    554 : I dream this all the time.

    [showing him a drawing of the Statue of Liberty] 

    554 : What is it?

    6 : This is more real than anything out there. This is the first bit of hope I've been given since I got here.

    554 : There are others like us who dream. And they got to thinking that 93 escaped then.

    6 : Do you think there are others? Do you?

    554 : Are you for real?

    6 : I promise you. You're safe with me.

  • 313 : 6, wait.

    6 : Why are you calling me that?

    313 : Well, I think that it suits you, 6. I like it. 6, where do you think you're going?

    6 : Going home.

    313 : You won't get far. Is there nothing I can say that will make you wait?

    6 : You could tell me the truth. What the hell is this place?

    313 : You're one of us. That's the truth.

  • 6 : What's going on?

    2 : You know what it is, 6. 93 deserves a decent burial.

    6 : You didn't find his body. 93 is gone. He escaped. He found the way out.

    2 : If 93 found the way out, 6 can convince himself that there *is* an out. 6 must try to escape because 6 knows there is nothing to escape from. In his mind, in his soul, 6 knows that 6 is 6.

  • 6 : [313 deals with victims of an explosion]  What is it? Terrorists? Some kind of resistance? Tell me.

    313 : You should've stayed away from her.

    6 : So, what are you saying? Are you saying this is my fault?

    313 : Look, I...

    6 : No, you tell me. Damn it. What's the matter with you?

    313 : Don't you see? There's sweat coming out of every pore of my body. I'm scared. Look, um... sometimes, not very often, something like this happens. Everything goes back to normal. Things, they settle down. They do it for us. Just, please, don't make things worse.

  • 554 : [after an explosion at the Village cafe]  I'm glad I met you, 6. I'm glad I told you. Perhaps we can escape together.

    6 : When you're better.

    554 : 93 said... he said... follow the towers.

  • [last lines] 

    6 : [outside 2's palais after 554 dies in an explosion]  2! Do you hear me? She's gone! You did that! She knew there's a way out of here! And I'm gonna find it! I will find a way to escape! You hear me? I AM NOT A NUMBER! I'M A FREE MAN!

See also

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