Savage Salvation (2022) Poster

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Terrific actors, but an incredibly lousy direction.
imseeg7 December 2022
Not any good? Some terrific actors are starring in this flop. Those actors are the only positive I can think of. I mean who can resist watching a movie with Robert de Niro and John Malkovich? They both only have got small supporting roles though for just some 15 minutes. Bummer.

The bad: this Randal Emmett guy, who has been a producer of LOTS OF pretty lousy B-movies in the past, now turned to directing a movie for only the second time and what a disaster of a movie he has made!

Everything is wrong with this movie, technically speaking. The photography is bland, the music score is incredibly annoying and totally not suited, the editing is all wrong.

But the biggest fail is the direction by Randall Emmett, who just doesnt know the first thing about how to dose and mix the right amount of ingredients.

Completely disjointed. Overly sentimental. Lots of chewed out cliches. Tedious from start till finish. What a mess of a movie...
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I was adequately entertained by this movie...
paul_haakonsen31 December 2022
As I sat down to watch the 2022 action thriller "Savage Salvation", I must admit that I was harboring some expectations from it, as it had the likes of Robert De Niro and John Malkovich on the cast list. However, I had never actually heard about the movie prior to watching it, so I didn't really know what to expect here.

Writers Adam Taylor Barker and Chris Sivertson did put together an enjoyable script and storyline for the movie. Sure, this wasn't exactly a movie that revolutionized the action thriller genre, but I will say that I enjoyed the story, because it was nicely written and proved entertaining. Sure, it was somewhat generic, even for an action thriller, but it still played out nicely enough to entertain me.

It was initially the cast ensemble that lured into watching "Savage Salvation", and they did indeed have a good cast ensemble. Leading actor Jack Huston carried the movie quite well, though I have to say that I am not really familiar with him prior to watching him in this movie, but he definitely performed well and was nicely cast for the role. The movie also had a good performance from Willa Fitzgerald, along with Robert De Niro and John Malkovich, of course.

I did enjoy the storyline, as I mentioned earlier, and the twist to the plot was actually quite nice. That was a nice touch from the writers, and I didn't see that coming. So thumbs up on that accomplishment.

While "Savage Salvation" proved enjoyable and entertaining, then it is hardly a movie that warrants more than a single viewing, simply because the storyline is a bit too generic and doesn't really have the contents to support more than just a single viewing. However, if you enjoy action thrillers, then "Savage Salvation" is well-worth checking out.

My rating of director Randall Emmett's 2022 movie "Savage Salvation" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Cringe-worthy Thriller
bobrathome3 December 2022
Ruby Red (Willa Fitzgerald) and Shelby John (Jack Huston) get engaged and want to get clean of the drugs they were taking. Ruby Red wants to be baptized, too, and start life clean and free. But a drug dealer gets to Ruby Red. Shelby is beside himself and goes to kill all the drug dealers. Sheriff Church (Robert DeNiro and his deputy need to stop this killing spree.

Probably Bruce Willis should have played the Sheriff as DeNiro's performance looked a lot like a Wills slow walking gig in this low budget story. DeNiro had very little to do except near the end when he confronts Shelby with a gun.

No, most of the story is all Ruby Red and Shelby and later mostly Shelby as he goes gunning for drug dealers. A kind of surprising tidbit is when the movie is all Ruby Red and Shelby, we really didn't care for either of them. Whose fault is that? Yes, we wanted them to get clean of drugs, but when they were going through the withdrawals we just wanted those scenes to be over with and they went on for too long a time.

Directors these days are finding more brutal ways of killing and torturing people and this promotes unease in my wanting to watch an entertaining story. Cringe-worthy is a good word watching this movie.

Notables: John Malkovich as Peter, a supporter of the Church, but there is more to Peter as you will see; Clay Wilcox as Darius, a drug dealer; Quavo as Coyote as a drug runner.

This is watchable especially if you FF thru the killing and torturer scenes. Maybe this would have been better if the Sheriff didn't know that Shelby was the one killing drug dealers, but then again everyone knows everyone in a small town such as this was. (4/10)

Violence: Yes Sex: No.

Nudity: No.

Humor: No.

Language: Yes.

Rating: C.
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When you build enough goodwill to get actors on the downslope of their careers to take this kind of movie
chintones-722694 December 2022
First of all you see the names of De Niro and Malkovich top lining the one sheet and you think to yourself, 'How bad can this be?' Unfortunately I didn't see that Randall Emmett was directing. Just like his deal with Bruce Willis' last few films, it's just another form of exploitation. Jack Huston really deserves better (see Boardwalk Empire), Bob and John probably needed the paycheck, but after reading the script, they should've known better. The script spent the first half of the film portraying the challenges of addicts in love before turning itself into the righteous revenge killing trope of every 80's action hero film. I almost gave up after the first 40 minutes because nothing happened, I stuck around out of morbid curiosity. Throw in few God missives (because we are in the south after all), the usual dispatching of greasy baddies without the panache of John Wick, and end with speech of God meeting capitalism face to face. I met Randy at Cannes back in 2001, he was asleep in his limo with his mouth open as I walked up to a mid day meeting. Unfortunately, I think he's still sleeping. On the good side was the cinematography but the edit was over long and repetitive. So for those who have lasted this long in the review, it's definitely a slog and not worth the bother. Wendy.
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Famous actors needing a few bucks?
apiwat-911824 December 2022
I could not stand to watch more than 20 minutes of this movie with such a terrible plot, acting, and terrible everything. Very sad to see a acting legends like Robert DeNiro and John Malkovich stoop this low to be in a B movie and a terrible one at that. DeNiro is so old which makes him a very unbelievable law enforcement officer and at that age probably couldn't chase a suspect for more than a few yards. The rest of the supporting actors and actresses well very average as well which did not help this movie at all. Directing, cinematography, location with all terrible. Ocean City hope that Robert DeNiro and John Malkovich malkovich well not participate in any more of this type of movies.
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Another forgettable geezer teaser
dubond3 December 2022
"If that wasn't god pushing me to do his business I don't know what was"

Savage Salvation is directed by Randall Emmett and stars Jack Huston, Willa Fitzgerald, Robert De Niro and John Malkovich.

The latest geezer teaser arrives, directed by the king of the geezer teasers himself Randall Emmett. Have you ever seen a low quality movie in the clearance section of your local Target etc with a big name attached? Like Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Robert De Niro and John Travolta for example. Chances are this Randall Emmett guy is a producer on it. Everyone should know the process on how these movies get made. You attach an aging older male action star like listed above, then you cast a B list younger male actor as the true lead of the movie. And then fill out the rest of the cast usually with a bunch of D list actors no one has ever heard of before. It's provided early retirement and a nice paycheck for most of these aging stars and Savage Salvation is no different.

So if you couldn't tell by now Savage Salvation is not a good movie. The best part of this movie is easily Jack Huston and the best parts of this movie are when he's involved in a Vigilante Justice killing spree. Besides that there's not much else here to recommend. The story is very weak and not very compelling. The movie tries to craft a message on drug use I guess? However it wasn't done well at all. Robert De Niro and John Malkovich are obviously just here for a paycheck. (Thank god De Niro has Killers Of The Flower Moon on the horizon) But yeah besides Jack Huston nothing about this movie is good.

Once you've seen one of these geezer teaser movies you've really seen them all. In general Savage Salvation is a mess that doesn't know what it wants to be. A faith pandering movie, a message about drug use and a vigilante action thriller are all thrown in the blender here with incredibly weak results.
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'I've seen way way worse' from another reviewer...
isaacmizrahii5 December 2022
'I've seen way way worse' from another reviewer... so this is to be taken, HOW? As if this movie is actually worth one's time? I guess it depends on our mood. I don't know if it was the same reviewer who said that 'people who will criticize this movie probably enjoy dumb comic book movies'. And i guess that means that all comic book movies are dumb.

Or does it indicate more about the reviewer?

In any case...this movie is NOT's decent 'paint by number'. It's just funny to hear DeNiro trying to do a southern accent. Malkovich does a LITtle bit better...i have not a CLUE as to why DeNiro did this film. Some people wrote 'for the paycheck'. Hmmmm...yeah. Because he hasn't made anything from his other films, i guess...and anyways...why should he be beholden to ANY of us 'spectators'... i think the movie, though not any great work of art, might be therapeutical to the many who were affected by opiates, in any form, over the last few decades...this, of course includes relatives.

While revenge isn't, necessarily, the best form of payback(i believe in letting someone's choices catch up with them...but i'm not asking anyone else to follow this way of dealing with being wronged), revenge MOVIES can be a great outlet...high or lowbrow...doesn't matter.
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Despite what it pretends to be (with for example DeNiro & Malkovich in support) this is nothing but a dumb, imbalanced, forgettable, pointless 'actioner'
danieljfarthing6 December 2022
Robert DeNiro & John Malkovich (and Dale Dickey) are in support, and it has a long drawn-out first-half set-up... but despite these wrappings of supposed class "Savage Salvation" is still nothing but a dumb, forgettable actioner. In a small, depressed mid-west US town young & in-love Jack Huston & Willa Fitzgerald are recovering addicts, til she slips, ODs & dies... sparking his bloody, vengeful, muderous rampage up the local heroin supply chain - and that is ALL Adam Taylor Barker & Chris Siverston's screenplay offers. Director Randall Emmett adds nothing of note, making DeNiro & Malkovich's involvement bizarre & disappointing. It's a total turd. Flush!
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Nail gun justice!
deacon_blues-886328 February 2023
I really liked this film! What's not to like? Great cast, good music, excellent revenge story against drug dealing scumbags who definitely have it coming!

I thought the portrayal of the addicted couple struggling to get clean and start a new life on the straight and narrow was very moving and powerful!

Maybe all the negative reviewers are too fond of their own addictions to empathize with the main characters. I also wonder how many of them actually watched until the end. I know how hard it is for non-believers to watch a film that still holds out Christian faith as the only hope for the lost, so they probably tuned out and crossed it off before they even saw the end.

I would even go so far as to say that this film is one of the best films I've seen in the young year of 2023.

I've grown to appreciate Jack Huston's acting talents of late, just as Ive enjoyed his uncle Danny's performances. They are both a credit to the Huston heritage.

De Niro and Malkovich are their usual convincing selves. No complaints there. I liked the choice of music, all of which seemed very thoughtfully programmed to the context of each scene.

Don't listen to the negative reviews. This film is well worth watching, unless you're too cynical and secularized in your think to still believe in justice and the hope of true salvation in Jesus Christ.
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Some of the characters seem more like exaggerated cartoon characters.
trinaboice27 October 2023
IN A NUTSHELL: Sheriff Church (Robert De Niro) and Detective Zeppelin strive to keep the peace in their rough town, where residents' only two interests are the church or oxycodone. Newly engaged Shelby John (Jack Huston) and Ruby Red want a fresh start. They decide to have a family together and get clean, with the support of Peter, Ruby's brother-in-law (John Malkovich). However, Shelby discovers his beloved Ruby dead on their porch before she could fulfill her final wish: to be baptized in the river and washed away from her past sins. Filled with fiery rage, Shelby embarks on a vengeful killing spree to right all the wrong done to Ruby by every link in the drug dealing chain. Armed with nothing but adrenaline and a nail gun, Shelby picks off dealers and junkies one by one until he gets to the top. Sheriff Church and Detective Zeppelin must race against the clock to put an end to Shelby's vigilante justice before his fight with the crime lord Coyote (Quavo) turns the entire town into a bloodbath.

If you enjoy vigilante justice movies, you'll like this one. The problem with them is that you usually feel like you've been swimming in the gutter for 1 ½ hours after you finish watching them.

The movie was directed by Randall Emmett. The screenplay was written by Adam Taylor Barker and Chris Sivertson.

THINGS I LIKED: Who doesn't love Robert DeNiro? His face on the poster definitely caught my eye. He and John Malkovich both do a good job, but their talents are mostly wasted in this predictable movie.

The movie also features the awesome Dale Dickey. If you want to see her fantastic performance in a leading role, watch A Love Song.

Jack Huston also does a good job in his very dramatic role as the boyfriend who tries to hunt down the drug dealers whose products killed his girlfriend.

I really liked the soundtrack and musical choices.

There's a sense of satisfaction as you get to see scumbag drug dealers get what's coming to them.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: Some characters speak in such low, garbled voices that it's hard to understand what everyone says. Sadly, I could almost never understand what Robert DeNiro said.

Acts 1 and 2 are very slow-moving while we watch people do drugs and get super sick. Hopefully, this movie will be an effective cautionary tale for people who are considering drugs by getting a realistic look at the awful consequences.

There are some very contrived, hokey moments.

Some of the characters seem more like exaggerated cartoon characters.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: Tons of profanity and F-bombs Blood and gore Violence with multiple weapons High dead-body count with brutal deaths Cigarettes We see drug paraphernalia We see people shoot up drugs in their arm We see someone throw up.

We see a young woman in just her underwear We see a couple go at it (clothed) in a public park.

We see dead bodies.

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Surprisingly great little movie with a slow start and a dent towards the end
ChatTom692 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the movie starts really slow and a couple of scenes you you could easily fast forward without feeling you missed much. Nevertheless, this slow buildup is needed to set the mood for what follows: A silent, almost peaceful death by overdosing, a desperate man on the serch / hunt for the responsible - following the path he's been set on where ever it leads him to, no matter the consequences, all the way to the shocking top. DeNiro and Malkovich shine in their small but substancial supporting roles as bright as ever, Clay Wilcox's performance reminds of a raw unpolished diamond. The whole hunt is underlined by a great soundtrack that never lets you slip out of the mood. Unfortunately towards the end, the estableshing shots at Coyote's compound and the first part of the action there are clumsy at best, but that drop does not last long enough to let the mood slip. All in all a great watch.
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A missed opportunity.
Top_Dawg_Critic4 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, Randall Emmett has produced a ton of flops, but also a few legendary films (Rambo, Heist, Boss Level, etc), and his only two prior writing efforts (Fortress and Fortress: Sniper's Eye) were both flops big-time, but his directorial debut prior to this film (Midnight in the Switchgrass) was actually impressive imo. In this film, his directorial rookie mistakes were very evident.

Emmett has a slew of great casting talent available to him in many of his films (he can be my wingman bar-hopping L. A. celebrity hot-spots anytime), and you can't blame De Niro or Malkovich for being in this film. They clearly did their jobs well (albeit their talents not showcased or required for their basic character's roles), but more importantly, they convinced us to watch this film because of their presence. Well played Mr. Emmett, well played.

The missed opportunity here was that although Emmett can clearly assemble great cast, he seems to have a problem putting together a proper film crew. In his second directorial credit, this film had flaws - more than Midnight in the Switchgrass, and the majorly flawed jointly-written screenplay made Emmett's directorial rookie mistakes stand out more.

The story was nothing revolutionary for this genre, but it still drew me in mainly because of Fitzgerald's and Huston's great chemistry and decent performances, although with better cast directing, they (and all other cast) could've easily elevated their performances. There were many questionable scenes (e.g. Who-why were the photos De Niro's character kept looking at on his desk, the kid in the middle of the road, etc) that needed more clarity, or just didn't need to be in the film. Many scenes felt random and switched in or out too abruptly - maybe bad editing and/or directing. There were many plot and technical issues. The pacing was horrible; the 101 min runtime felt dragged out endlessly, and the entire first half of the film could've been shown in 15-20 mins instead of taking almost an hour for the film's set up. The last act was the best, with better pacing, action and some nice twists that elevated the mostly boring first two acts. It actually answered my question "why is Malkovich even in this film", when he did what he does best, bring out his characters true identity.

In the hands of better filmmakers, this could've easily been a better film, and although not the greatest A-list headliner film, it's certainly a worthy one-time watch, flaws and all.
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WHY Robert?
elpablo20134 December 2022
I managed to just about watch 25 minutes of this, and 10 of those last minutes were a real struggle! I'm thinking, surely this can't be this bad if the main man has decided to take a role!

This is the worst RDN film I have ever seen, if I could give it 0 I would have, utter waste of time with lots of great actors taking roles and will undoubtedly be a major facepalm, later in their careers! The film had no direction and was all over the place, none of the scenes made any sense and had no cohesion, maybe I'm being unfair having not watched the whole film, I just couldn't handle watching the greatest actor of all time not being the greatest actor of all time!
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Life is a river
nogodnomasters10 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film opens with a teaser because it is boring until it gets back to the teaser 52 minutes later. The action takes place in Waycross, Georgia. Robert De Niro plays the sheriff. The plot centers on John Shelby (Jack Huston) and Ruby Red (Willa Fitzgerald) who reside in a small rural trailer. They are both junkies. When John proposes to Ruby, she gets the idea they should go cold turkey. After being off the junk for a month we meet Ruby's family which includes her brother-in-law played by John Malkovich. When their plans are interrupted, John goes vigilante against the dealers.

Nice all-star cast with a boring vigilante plot that moved too slow for the first hour. The characters never held me. Seemed too stereotyped and fake. IMDB story line has spoilers.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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save De Niro
SnoopyStyle1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mike Church (Robert De Niro) is the local Sheriff. Drug addicted couple, Ruby Red (Willa Fitzgerald) and Shelby John (Jack Huston), work hard to get clean. Their drug dealer refuses to let them go. Ruby dies in an overdose and Shelby seeks revenge. First, he kills the dealer and then he works his way up the food chain to Peter (John Malkovich).

I kept thinking what these great actors are doing here. During the whole movie, I wanted to pull De Niro out of there for his sake. Someone needs to save him. Randall Emmett seems to be a producer trying his hand at directing. It's not his best skill set. The filmmaking is poor. It's a derivative thriller that can't get to a competent level.
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good grief
wrigco3 September 2023
Like many others I could not watch until the end, so perhaps it did have some redeeming features, who knows.

Robert de Niro plays Robert de Niro : grumpy frowning sourpuss. This time with a southern accent. Only saw John Malkovich briefly, but for once he didn't seem too creepy. Not that it matters because I didn't stick around long enough to find out.

The beginning with the drug withdrawal scenes....oh my god, they just went on and on. And on. So, naturally, you knew one of them would relapse - it happened to be her and of course there must be some revenge.

It was round about this time I gave up. Sorry.
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Naysayers Didn't Get It
dongillette6 December 2022
This was a fairly solid revenge film with stellar performances by Jack Huston and Willa Fitzgerald. John Malkovich was also exceptional. Robert De Niro's "southern accent" was telegraphed in and he was mis-cast in this one.

I'm reading a lot of negativity from Millennials and Gen X-ers simply because De Niro is 79 and Malkovich is 68 and evidently they're supposed to be put out to pasture but to me, that just spells cheap-shot reviewing. Don't like their performances? Why not? "Because they're old" doesn't cut it.

The story line and plot were formulaic; drug addiction, redemption, temptation, dealing with temptation, and revenge. But it was nicely done, Jack Huston was very believable, and you could do a lot worse for entertainment.
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Kept checking how much time was left
yhcuac4 January 2023
I think the title says it all but, since I have another 550 chars left... despite the cast having some big names it was that bad.

I wouldn't even say it was bad acting just the whole film felt soulless.

The plot seems something out of time, it could have been meaningful had it come before the Zoo station and all the drug-vengeance production we have had since the 80s but even so... boy is it clueless and just not working.

It seems like some old chap at a production firm opened a drawer that had been shut for 40 years and pulled out this story - which had been denied production ever since and not without reason.

I kinda feel sorry for Robert and John "having" to accept this script.
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Savage criticism
karlevans-7568217 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted so much to like this film so OK I was expecting some death wish kinda pic with the edition of two well known Hollywood stars. I saw the bad guy a mile off by the way!

So basically it's a drug addled love story come revenge action picture, it has some nice action sequences and some OK acting the direction is a bit hodge podge and continuity is all over the place but on the whole the main lead character plays it gung ho driven by revenge to kill the one person who in six degrees of separation style he believes killed his beloved fiancee.

Other reviews ask why de Niro and malkovich are in this the answer is who knows what they were thinking, but it's not a bad movie by any means, I'll never look at a nail gun the same way ever again, ouch!
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starring whoever duped multiple famous actors
J-C41V1N18 May 2023
Show and Tell is a baseline for any movie or tv, you guessed it, *show*. Show the history / behavior / incident / conflict / etc and use tell as an accent; exposition was necessary to literally set the stage in plays but on screen is a tell of a poor viewing decision.

At the almost exact midpoint of Savage Salvation, despite spending over 80% thus far with Jack Huston as our main POV character, DeNiro launches into exposition to tell (us) his deputy Savage's backstory as he was friends with DeNiro's son. This is followed by rehashing the killing used to open the movie with minor details yet no payoff or twist.

Rather than continue, a better use of my time was to go back and check how little we have of the other dealers up for revenge killing: less than 30 seconds. I have no idea how or why anyone watched another 40+ minutes.
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Disturbing the peace
kosmasp30 January 2023
No pun intended - it is a case of: you can try to escape the drugs, but the drugs will always stay with you. Or the world surrounding it that is of course. If things were easy, than I reckon you wouldn't always have movies ... the movie may have an issue with missing out on the real climax ... but on the other hand: where would you stop? Well hopefully you wouldn't even have to get started ... or stop after your first trip.

Great actors involved - especially De Niro. It may seem wild that he would be attached to something like this. But I reckon he has bills to pay too ... also he just likes the acting thing. The role really is not - well for an actor of his stature, of his calibre ... but hey, he has done other stuff too, that you may not approve of.

Still the suspense is high and the revenge part of the movie keeps you on the edge of your seat anyway ... if you let it that is.
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I don't get all the negative reviews!
Nick325794 December 2022
I don't get all the bad reviews! I'm sure the same people trashing it are the same who think Marvel/stupid comic book movies are good. I just finished Savage Salvation and I've seen way way worse, I'll even say I likes this movie, yea maybe the music was a little too loud and constant but other than that I've got no complaints. Robert DeNiro was never a good leading actor but always great at supporting so he's right at home here. Good story that starts slow and ramps up the plot and revenge. Couldn't ask for a better movie to watch on a Sunday morning. The people that are trashing this are just simple minded.
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I was drawn in by the big names (mistake)
sckarr-644582 December 2023
The plot to this movie has been done before at least 100 times over. The bigger names drew me in and I thought they would be able to carry the movie thru. The movie is a slooooooooooow burn. Which forced me to wait until at least 48 minutes in where I could not stand it any more. The acting by all other actors was amateurish! From tattoo ink fading away by sweat in one shot then appearing in the second angle as crisp and clean, to a dead person blinking their eyes while the camera was focused on them. I couldn't do it no more. The cliche lines obviously borrowed from other movies, to the inaccurate portrayal of heroin addicts quitting cold turkey. It must have looked good on paper, but in the screen it successfully. Do yourself a favor and skip it, or don't and just use the time to point out all the reasons why the movie was awful from your point of view.
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My Review
adevet-6384111 December 2023
Yeah, this is just not a good movie. Not even for a dime-a-dozen action flick. Even the actors know this. Robert deNiro fumbles through his lines, John Malkovich puts in a half-hearted performance. Admittedly, the plot doesn't give them much to work with. The first half of the movie tries to have us care for the protagonist and his girl, to justify the things that come after. Problem is that the characters both are comprised of tired cliches, and the backstory that ==needs== to be told is skipped. So we end up not caring for 2 characters for 40 minutes, after which the action finally starts. Not so much the movie, mind you, just a prolonged action sequence interspersed with characters reciting weird lines while driving a vehicle. It ends on, for an action-flick at least, small twist, after which the movies doesn't really know where to go next, so it stumbles to a very insincere heartfelt moment then fades to black. Leaving a lot of people dead, and not a lot resolved.

It's not horrible to watch (Better than Fortress, if that means anything to you, dear reader) but by God are there better things to see than this thing.
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Nothing can Salvage this movie. Utter dog poop
LennyReviewz6 February 2023
There is nothing that can salvage this abomination of a movie. Utter dog poop.

Uninspired acting, combined with an overly simplistic story makes this a must pass.

Two addicts are trying to recover and they manage to stay clean for a few. But one of them relapses and then revenge is sought by the other. Half of the film is spent on this buildup.

I don't mind slow burners, but this one is slow and dull at the same time. That makes for a lethal combination.

The fact he is able to just get all the information he wants so easily a makes this movie laughable. He literally just shows up to places and gets what he wants.

Stupid, stupid, stupid movie. I only saw it cause I saw that De Niro was in it. Not a good use of his talents might I add.

This gets a LennyReviewz Score of: 2/10.
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