Presto (2008) Poster


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And for my next trick...
ackstasis21 September 2008
For the theatrical release of 'WALL•E (2008),' Pixar Studios continues that lovely time-honoured tradition of preceding the main feature with an amusing animated short. Not only that, but they've developed one of their best, second only to the mini-masterpiece that is 'Geri's Game (1997).' A hilarious throw-back to the classic Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies cartoons – such that we can almost envision Bugs in a starring role – 'Presto (2008)' concerns itself with the art of magic. When an uptight stage magician, Presto DiGiotagione, neglects to feed his hungry rabbit, Alec Azam, the malnourished pet mischievously decides to exact revenge on his owner, with the help of two magic hats and no shortage of dangerous backstage implements. Each time Presto attempts to pull the rabbit from his top hat, his hand emerges clutching all sorts of painful contraptions, from mouse traps to live electrical wires to an entire ladder. His performance already in tatters, the red-faced magician tries even harder to convince the rabbit to cooperate, his every action only making matters worse.

'Presto' was directed by Doug Sweetland, a long-serving animator at Pixar, in his directorial debut. Entirely wordless, as most of Pixar's shorts are, the film relies on terrific visuals and sound effects to provide the humour, though this effort is notably less reliant on sound effects than the previous 'Lifted (2006)' {which, appropriately, was directed by sound effects whiz Gary Rydstrom}. Working with a simple scenario, 'Presto' begins with relatively minor sight gags, gradually upping the ante until all hell breaks loose on-stage, and the hapless magician finds himself strung high above the ground. Obviously, the audience finds all this utterly magnificent, and Presto – however battered and bruised – is only too happy to accept this gracious applause. Some may find all this to be rather mean-spirited, but certainly no more so than Bugs Bunny when he got Elmer Fudd in his sights, and children will definitely find the rabbit's hilarious antics to be uproariously entertaining. This is a delicious cinematic appetiser from the best in the business.
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Tricks Are For Everyone
boblipton29 June 2008
As any fan of Pixar's animated films know, when they send a new feature out, they include a short cartoon with it. PRESTO is the film that accompanies WALL-E and it is a silent picture.

A good part of the publicity surrounding WALL-E is that it is largely a silent film. But PRESTO is wholly one, concerning a stage magician, his carrot-hungry rabbit and a piece of real magic: a top-hot that is connected to a dunce cap. The magician can put his hand into the top hat and draw out things from the dunce cap. And, as is traditional, he intends to pull out the rabbit, but the rabbit, who resembles the rabbit in the TRIX cereal commercials, is upset that he is not getting any carrot, and sabotages the act in various amusing ways using the logic of the set-up.

A very amusing cartoon, and Pixar is to be commended for continuing to develop animation talent in its short subjects.
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Pixar's magic Warning: Spoilers
This short is simply perfect in my opinion.

It is cute, amusing, and very well animated, having great CGI and a very appealing design of characters.

Even when the plot from this short isn't something incredibly "complex" or "deep", that doesn't made this any less enjoyable. In fact, I think that the light-hearted tone from "Presto" balances very well the seriousness of "WALL•E", being something quite charming and delightful from beginning to end.

"Presto" has all elements of a perfect crowd pleaser. It could be easily compared with the Disney's Silly Symphonies shorts, or seen at least as a modern equivalent for those classic animations.

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What a Delightful Toon!
zgamer-122 July 2008
Pixar is the new Disney (as in the good Disney of old). They continue to make quality stories, push boundaries of visual design capabilities and, above all, charm audiences young and old. The same holds with Presto, the team's latest short cartoon which played before each screening of Wall-E. In it, a hungry rabbit, upset his magician owner will not give him the carrot promised to him, decides to sabotage the show in a variety of increasingly humorous ways until he gets it. What makes this simple premise shine is the clever slapstick gags, great characters and the overall sweet tone throughout the film. It's just pure and simple cartoon fun that sets the right tone for the film after it. The absence of dialogue actually makes the whole thing funnier, as their are no corny lines to ruin the enjoyment like in most non-Pixar cartoons. I highly recommend buying it on iTunes or seeing Wall-E just to make sure yo get to experience it.
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The funniest thing Pixar's released to date!
TOMNEL27 June 2008
To go with Pixar's most perfect movie, we're treated to a 5 minute short before the picture starts. Presto is beautifully animated, looking just as good as a full length animated picture would, and also, like the movie it was shown with, Wall-E, it has no dialogue, yet still comes off brilliantly. It induced more laughs than any other full length film I've seen this year.

Presto is a magician. He's late to work and forgets to feed his rabbit who he's about to use for a trick. Presto has a hat where anything that goes into the hat comes out of another hat. Rebelling against Presto, the rabbit refuses to be pulled from the hat and tries to make the magician look bad. Chaos ensues, as do many belly laughs, which have never been produced in me to this magnitude from a cartoon.

This was one of Pixar's best shorts. It was the perfect length with the perfect amount of jokes, mostly slapstick, which caused some real laughter from me, and the entire audience. The animation was vibrant and colorful, and the way it had a nice glow to it, similar to the way Ratatouille looks (I don't know how to explain it). Never has a crotch hit been more expertly thought out, and never have I laughed harder at an animation as I did with this little gem.

My rating: **** out of ****. 6 mins.
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5 minutes of joy
TheLittleSongbird31 January 2012
I have always loved Pixar, and Presto- shown before the enchanting WALL-E- is one of my favourites ever from them. Pixar films and shorts always have had amazing animation and Presto is no exception. The colours have so much vibrancy and warmth and the backgrounds are smooth and elegant. The music is suitably rousing and dynamic with what's going on screen. Presto has some great and very funny humour, not through dialogue, but through slapstick and visual gags. In fact, for me Presto is one of the funnier Pixar short films, the slapstick and visual gags are not just funny and there are plenty of them but also very clever. I also love how much heart there is in the simple story and how engaging the characters are, especially the rabbit. Presto has humour and heart, but what makes it so good is also its sweet tone without making it cloyingly sweet. Overall, a superb short film, it really is 5 minutes of sheer joy. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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An Amazing Five Minutes Of Anitmated Fun
ccthemovieman-17 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a terrific little theatrical cartoon which came with the WALL-E DVD. This is extremely inventive, and so frenetic it's almost too much but lends itself to numerous viewings to catch all the great sight gags. In fact, after I viewed it, I watched again. It's an amazing five minutes. It should win some awards.

"Presto" is a magician. His big act is pulling things - mainly a rabbit - out of his top hat. However, there is a problem. The rabbit wants the carrot that is a available. He's hungry, and without that snack, he is not going to help Presto perform his act.....and that's what happens. The magician, who was running a bit late, doesn't want to bother to feed the poor animal (as if it would take time!) and the little hungry bunny makes him pay the price by sabotaging his act.

How he makes the magician pay, I won't spoil by saying (even though I put spoiler warnings on this.) Suffice to say, the gags are funny and brutal, at the same time. However, things work out in the end because the people in the audience have no clue that all the mayhem isn't staged, and they think it's a great act! This is a good old fashioned "slapstick" short film with great, colorful and detailed animation. In fact, it is one of the best Pixar shorts I have seen, which says a lot since that company already has produced so many outstanding animated feature stories and shorts.

Considering Doug Sweetland is behind this effort, it's no surprise that it excels. Sweetland was the supervising animator on "Cars," and many of these great Pixar movies and shorts. He is talented man.
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excellent, uproarious throwback to 40's Disney shorts, with a touch of Looney Tunes
Quinoa198428 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful homage/recreation of the kinds of shorts kids used to go ape over back in the 1940s. It starts off with the opening titles, which are a direct reference to those shorts of old (not like the usual PIXAR shorts). Then it thrusts into the situation with total glee: a magician is having trouble with his rabbit for a very simple reason- the rabbit wants its carrot NOW, and won't get it. Then a series of totally over the top gags occur, making the usual rabbit-out-of-the-hat trick seem like kid's stuff in comparison. While it's ingenious and clever and all that and a bag of carrots, it's also a good mini-homage to the spirit of Looney Tunes shorts. There isn't too much missing except to replace Bugs in place of the cute white rabbit. Its sweetness is quintessential Disney stuff though, and its a great little addition at the start of WALL*E. Don't miss it!
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Probably the public's favorite to win the Oscar
planktonrules16 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Like last year, I went to a special showing of the Oscar-nominated animated short films. However, unlike last year, in addition to the nominees, several "commended films" were also shown. In this review I'll make my predictions, though if it's anything like last year's choices, I'll probably once again pick the wrong shorts as my favorite for the award.

PRESTO is a cute little short about a rabbit who is hungry yet his master, a magician, is unwilling to let him eat. After all, the show must go on and it's time for them to be on stage. But, being so very hungry, the rabbit decides to use a bit of prestidigitation himself and soon a battle ensues between bunny and magician--with hilarious results. In many, many ways, the film looks like a CGI version of an old Tex Avery cartoon--with lots of good old fashioned violence and silly mayhem.

Overall, this was probably my second favorite of the nominated films. I loved the artwork (not surprising, considering it's a Pixar film) and the film was cute yet violent (a great combination if you ask me). There certainly wasn't much depth to it but you can't fault the Academy for selecting it as a nominee--it's state of the art and clever.

Unlike the four other shorts that were nominated, this one actually received a very widespread release--being shown before the full-length film, WALL-E. Because of this sentiment and because the CGI is unbeatably good, it's probably the odds on favorite to win the Oscar. It's my second favorite of the nominees, as I slightly preferred THIS END UP--though I must admit its animation wasn't quite as good as PRESTO's. The reason I prefer this other film is because it had a very sick sense of humor and seemed much more creative--taking many risks. PRESTO, on the other hand, is a very typical Pixar release--a real crowd pleaser instead of an innovative or risk-taking film.

UPDATE: LA MAISON EN PETITS CUBES was the winner this year. Not surprisingly, I got this one wrong but at least saw the film as a strong contender.
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Fun short film for the whole family
doljacn14 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar has yet again won me over! They came up with another cute cartoon for all to enjoy. Presto is different from anything I have seen in a while. I loved the way it was portrayed to the audience. The animation on it was pretty well done, it has a good sense of humor, but wasn't over the top. It was fast paced and kept you guessing about what would happen next. I thought it was a fun short film to watch for all ages and gives everyone a big smile on their face. It was entertaining for many reasons and one of my most significant reason was that the story is so well told, despite being a silent film. Presto was a great short film and shows Pixar's true abilities. Pixar is one of the top animation companies out there and is getting better and better with every film.
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Love it but it's too long
injury-6544727 May 2020
I love the concept so much, I just don't think it needs to be five minutes long. Once you get the idea it becomes slightly tedious to sit through every single gag.
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The best Pixar short yet!
soodynem27 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Pixar has done it again. As usual, I enjoyed the short film almost as much as the actual movie(in this case, the excellent WALL*E). Even if the movie had not been what it was, I would still recommend seeing it just to see this wonderful little short about a famous magician, his reluctant rabbit, and a magical hat. The short's animation was literally stunning and the comedy could not have been better. It was even presented like an old fashioned cartoon, and it sometimes felt like I was watching one.

If you don't like movies about garbage heaping robots or Mac products, see WALL*E anyway to see this short. It will not disappoint.
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My Favorite Pixar Cartoon
agj801210 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I usually do not care for Pixar cartoons, but I found this one somewhat enjoyable. Its obviously a homage of sorts to the Looney Tunes cartoons from Warner Brothers. Though it doesn't quite capture the sophistication of those cartoons, it wasn't that bad.

Basically, a rabbit gets his revenge on a magician because the magician didn't give him a carrot. There are a couple of humorous gags and then its done.

This cartoon was sort of funny, but I just thought it was kind of stupid. Looney Tunes cartoons are much more well-written than these short Pixar cartoons will ever be.
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Not exactly movie magic
Horst_In_Translation3 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am a bit surprised that this is one of the highest and most frequently rated Pixar shorts on here, not only because it doesn't have a reference to one of their feature films, but also because I thought there wasn't really that much to it. Sure, the animation is nicely done as always, especially the rabbit, and here and there, there's even some wit to the duel between him and the magician, but all in all it was a rather disappointing 5 minutes sometimes even mounting in pointless over-the-top hubbub, especially towards the end. Still, I'm curious if Doug Sweetland, who did everything here, directing, writing and voicing, will ever get to direct his own feature. He hasn't worked for Pixar in the 5 years since this short, so it may not look too likely.

In any case, I don't think this film was quality-wise on par with the Japanese more melancholic entry, to which it lost the Oscar. "Presto" is, in contrast to lots of other Pixar work, only one for younger audiences.
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Pleasant surprise, hope they include it on Wall-E DVD
megrvt6 July 2008
I didn't do my research. Had I come to IMDb before seeing Wall-E, I would have known that we would be seeing Presto. It's a great Looney Tunes style short that pits a rabbit against his magician, all for a carrot. It actually had me laughing. Not just chuckling, but laughing and since you can't see the original Looney Tunes I used to love, it was a refreshing change to have a short cartoon do that for me. I'd almost forgotten what it was like. The animation is much better than the old favourites, but not quite as detailed as something like Shrek or even Wall-E itself. They keep it simple and light on its feet. Works perfectly in my opinion. I would gladly sit through Presto again if I went to see Wall-E a second time.
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The best short from Disney and pixar yet.
KentHandlet27 June 2008
wildly entertaining. very cute. and very exciting. all with no dialogue.

the quick story is really clever too.

again, a very very funny short film. kids will love it, and so will adults, and so will you.

it will win an Oscar. you'll see.

gotta love Disney and pixar. they always provide. and keep getting better. Presto really upped the scale for future DP short films.

i thought that presto was just the perfect appetizer for Wall E. it really gets you in the mood to laugh at the very charlie chaplin humor.
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neil-47627 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Presto is Pixar's CGI short film which accompanies Wall-E. It tells a simple story of a stage magician, his hat, and his rabbit. Without giving too much away, the story hinges on two things: one, the magician wants the rabbit to perform before he is fed, and the rabbit is disinclined to cooperate; and, two, the hat is genuinely magical in that the interior of the hat is a portal to elsewhere.

With these two bits of the machinery oiled and ready to go, Presto springs into action like - well, like a brilliantly executed magician's trick. It is fast, it is furious, it escalates magnificently, it features wonderful acting by both the magician and the rabbit and a selection of violent cartoon slapstick which vies with the best of Tom and Jerry and the Roadrunner and, above everything else, it is hysterically funny.

This is a terrific little film.
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Bugs Bunny, eat your heart out!
solacewaves22 January 2009
Pixar shorts have long established themselves as not only gorgeous eye candy and funny but also clever and intelligent. I have always found it incredible how short films (whether they are animated or not) seek to tell a story in a short space of time. The very best do so in such a way that you have become connected with what you watch. In this sense I find short films to be much more remarkable than full length features as the most poignant of them have to overcome the limited time slot allocated to them. And Presto does just that. How can a magician and a little rabbit cause so much hilarity and mayhem in just a few minutes while also making you actually care for both characters? It is beyond me but that's what Pixar delivers. Presto lends homage to many of the classic Looney Tunes cartoons and is a roller coaster ride of enjoyment for both young and old. Following on from the equally magnificent "Lifted", "Bounding" and "One Man Band", Pixar has cemented themselves as not only the masters of creative story telling on the feature-length screen but also the short-length one. Combine that with the ever amazing (and now taken for granted) techniques used in their animation and you have an animated package that you will want to watch over and over again. Bugs would be so proud...
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Funny Hunger
dunmore_ego29 September 2011
A magician, his magic top hat and his desperately cute and hungry rabbit.

PRESTO is a Pixar featurette before WALL-E and has brought back the classically hilarious "short," popularized by Warner Bros. and Bugs Bunny cartoons all those decades ago.

The protagonist, being a rabbit, made me feel somehow like a person from the 40s or 50s might have felt when that other cheeky rabbit careened across the silver screen for the first time, with that sense of amazement and wonder at watching something so guttingly funny.

Presto the Magician is onstage for his act, but his rabbit wants to be fed, so refuses to be pulled from Presto's magic hat until he gets his fix of carrot. The myriad ways in which he confounds Presto's attempts to drag him from the hat are – once again, when speaking of Pixar – absolutely ingenious.
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Hey Presto
Prismark1017 August 2018
Unusually for a Pixar short, Presto is a rather fast and frenetic cartoon.

A magician is preparing for his stage show and has a nice juicy carrot for his rabbit.

The rabbit is salivating but the magician is just teasing him with it. The hungry rabbit causes chaos with the show especially with the magic hats.

Inadvertently with all the bedlam and the magician getting injured with the tricks going wrong, the show wows the audience.
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Good Short
Michael_Elliott2 December 2008
Presto (2008)

*** (out of 4)

Animated short from Pixar, which was originally shown in front of Wall-E. A magician who specializes in pulling a rabbit from his hat forgets to feed that same rabbit. That night at the show the rabbit protests and refuses to be pulled, which leads to trouble. This film runs a short five-minutes and while it's not as attractive as the main feature it's still a nice little gem. There's some very funny stuff here as the magician has to do battle with his partner including a very good sequence where the rabbit keeps pulling tricks of his own. The animation is quite nice and the story work fine as well.
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slapstick fun
SnoopyStyle21 October 2016
It's magician Presto DiGiotagione and his Hat of Wonder. The top hat is actually connected to a wizard's cap. His rabbit wants a carrot and is not willing to cooperate in the teleportation trick until he gets that carrot. Presto keeps trying but rabbit outsmarts him at every turn. It is a non-stop string of slapstick hijinx. Presto's failures only make the audience laugh even more. This is a lot of fun. There is no dialogue and these are not known characters. This is a fun five minute skit. It's a Pixar short that hearkens back to the best of the old Looney Tunes cartoons. The animation looks great. It's not the most complicated thing but these characters are worthwhile to have more done with them.
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Eumenides_019 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Presto is a short Pixar movie that preceded Wall-E. When I first saw it I imagined it was just a clever piece of promotion, a teaser whetting peoples' appetite for some yet-unreleased major picture. But no; Doug Sweetland's five-minute short is all we'll ever see about a stage magician having his magic hat trick ruined by hungry rabbit that refuses to work until he's had a carrot.

It's a lovely piece of slapstick, a la Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, silent and all. But being animation, it can break the rules of physics and go a little step further than these two, creating a truly magical humorous sequence. truly worth watching.
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Shown in theaters before WALL-E.
ashfordofficial11 December 2021
A short film about the most curious thing we ask ourselves, "how the magician pulled the rabbit from the hat"? A genuinely funny, sad and happy story with full of action and magic!
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Magician VS White Bunny
MK_Movie_Reviews24 August 2021
The hungry bunny was cute. I could feel I was there!
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