Emily (2022) Poster


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A great deal of artistic licence
Lincsobserver17 November 2022
Emma Mackey gives a strong performance as the central character in this drama; she is charismatic and beguiling, an emotional display (though at times this does stray into the histrionic). Whilst the director's intention is to provide a portrayal of the character and inspiration behind Emily Bronte, rather than a straight biopic, the amount of artistic licence used does undermine the credibility of the story. It is implied that the failed romance between Emily and the local curate provided the inspiration for Wuthering Heights, yet this romance did not happen; the characters in the story do not question the idea that the girls might want to become published writers - but society's prejudice at the time meant that they (and Mary-Anne Evans - George Eliot), all had to publish under male pseudonyms. Charlotte is portrayed as a prissy school ma'am - it's hard to imagine this person writing a classic like Jane Eyre. Ann, also a published novelist, is virtually written out of the story. It's a visually attractive film, but unconvincing, and ultimately, rather disappointing.
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Great period drama
masonsaul18 October 2022
Emily is a great period drama that announces writer/director Frances O'Connor as someone with clear talent and one to watch and further proves lead actress Emma Mackey's burgeoning stardom with a story that's funny, tragic and full of natural beauty.

Emma Mackey gives a true tour de force performance, earnestly portraying Emily's shy nature and vivid imagination whilst also having an infectious rapport with Fionn Whitehead (great) and some truly fiery chemistry with Oliver Jackson-Cohen (also great).

Frances O'Connor's direction is excellent, utilising handheld camera work to great effect with some very stylish framing but it does overuse cutting to black. The music by Abel Korzeniowski is amazing, beautifully balancing moments of whimsy with a more classical score.
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CinemaSerf20 October 2022
Emma Mackey is really quite strong in this imagining of the life (and love) of "Wuthering Heights" author Emily Brontë. Portrayed as a rather shy and reluctant woman, she lives in the shadow of her successful teacher sister Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling) with her somewhat wayward brother Bramwell (Fionn Whitehead) under their outwardly imperious father Patrick (Adrian Dunbar). Remember this is set at a time when women were little more than chattels, and her father hoped that she would follow her sister into one of the few professions readily available to ladies of the day. The arrival of curate "Weightman" (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) causes many an heart to flutter and after a rocky start, the two begin to bond... This is a great looking film, shot at the original West Yorkshire home of the Brontë family and together with the almost biblical amounts of thunder and rain, the whole setting is effective in delivering a sense of just how this family lived their life in rural 19th century England. The cast work well together, there is an increasingly engaging - if somewhat bamboozling towards the end - chemistry between Mackey and OJC and there is a sparing degree of dialogue. The story is very much of the woman, and not so much of her writing, and it develops using a potent combination of the powerful score, bleak scenery, some humour - usually deriving from the antics of Bramwell - and from our own imagination, to make this so very different from many similar style period bio-dramas. I didn't think that pace was a problem, but it is a slow burn. The establishment of the characters takes it's time, so don't expect it to hit the grass running. That said, though, I found it a thoughtful and characterful depiction that smacks well of plausibility, love and of mortality, too.
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Unfortunately quite lacklustre
ethanbresnett13 October 2022
Emily is a real shame as it is a film that had some great promise but failed to engage me.

This is largely because I felt like I was never actually let behind the curtain, and was kept at a frustrating distance from the characters. I never got under the skin of Emily, or any of the Bronte's really, and left the film with far more questions than answers. For a biopic, even a highly embellished one, this is unforgivable.

Given what the film was trying to achieve and the angle it took, I was surprised by how little emotion was stirred in me. I wanted to feel more watching this film but just never felt like I was part of it.

This lack of connection and emotion wasn't helped by the fact that the colour palette (whilst appropriate) was very bleak, the runtime was quite unforgiving, and the acting was rarely noteworthy.

Unfortunately all this adds up to create an unremarkable film about a remarkable woman. Which in itself is an impressive feat I suppose.
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emily bronte as DH lawrence
lonesomedove_806 December 2022
Frances is a decent actress ..and technically she is semi decent director so far..but as a creator of art..she is far from it we had many of those ( reimagining of famous authors lives ) in which these authors were seen through their works and made part of it.. the results were absurd always from ( shakespeare in love ) to ( becoming jane )..till this one.. these fictional works suggest a writer can not write anything not autobiographical ..that there is no such thing as imagination ! Or simply these authors lives were so boring unless we spice it up by a spicy love affair...that has no source in real life actually the handsome curate in question has never been linked to this bronte AT ALL in any source.. rather it was the other tow who were allegedly connected to him ( as he was alleged to have been interested in anne in a platonic sort of way ) but alas .. all of this is so boring for todays public and creators.. so we make emily bronte something of a DH lawrence INSTEAD I cant wait for tolstoy biography inspired by anna karenina ..next.
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john-8396915 October 2022
This is is well-directed and well acted with beautiful photography. It is loosely based on Emily Bronte's life and depicts events which are mirrored in Wuthering Heights. It is not hard to find factual errors eg.it was Anne who had the relationship with William Weightman, but if you just treat as a story in its own right, it is a great piece of film-making. I was reminded that the films: Becoming Jane and Shakespeare in Love, were also about famous authors used failed romances as the impetus to write. I noticed that the first edition of her book had her own name inside the cover. Like her sisters she wrote under a pseudonym: Ellis Bell.
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Concentrated tedium
sotheran576 October 2022
Over-long, plotless and pointless with a highly improbable, corny drawn out story line. If I had been on my own I would have left an hour and a half earlier!! Overall the acting was mostly wooden with fluctuating accents from main characters. There was far too much atmospheric thunder and heay rain (its not like that in Yorkshire!) in outdoor and some indoor sequences. Predicatble story. Filled with groan inducing cinematic cliches too numerous to list and discuss here. The six star rating is for the authentic looking interior sets and excellent lighting . I sure that I will soon forget it. But some might like it.
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A genuine surprise that accurately captures the spirit of Emily Bronte's work
steveinadelaide16 January 2023
EMILY surprised me. I was expecting a run-of-the-mill period biopic, but it quickly took a turn for toward the extraordinary. Little is known of Emile Brontë. So, Frances O'Connor has embraced the freedom of the absence of historical information to make a riveting fictional, yet authentic-feeling story. The result is a beautiful and mesmerizing exploration of the life of one of the world's most influential authors.

The film follows Emily Brontë as she discovers her passion for writing and begins to craft what would become one of the most beloved novels of all time. We see her struggles with family dynamics and gender expectations, along with her love affair with local curate Weightman.

The acting is superb, particularly from the lead actresses playing Emily (Emma Mackey) and her younger sister Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling). Their interactions are a highlight of the film, demonstrating the bond between the sisters despite their different ambitions and ideals. The chemistry between Emily and Weightman is also well portrayed, making for some genuinely touching moments.

The visuals are stunning, from the stormy Yorkshire moors to the grandiose period settings. The costume design and cinematography bring Emily's world to life in vivid detail, making it feel like a living, breathing place.

EMILY is an enjoyable and thought-provoking film that deserves more attention than it's been getting. It captures Emily's struggles with poignancy and humour, without ever feeling over-sentimental or melodramatic.

Director, Frances O'Connor, has crafted a beautiful and powerful movie that accurately captures the spirit of Emily Bronte's work.
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So Disappointed.
destiny_west17 November 2022
I was so looking forward to this film. The Bronte sister's are my favourite authors. With Charlotte being my all time favourite.

I had such high hopes for this film when I first saw the trailer. However, I just found the film extremely dull.

There was no gusto, no life to it at all. I was not enthralled, or endeared to the characters. If anything I was annoyed by the characters.

I know the Bronte sisters, like any sisters, obviously had their ups and downs. However, this film made Charlotte out to be absolutely terrible.

I do not think the film was well cast at all either.

Usually with films such as these I will want to buy them for my collection and watch them time and time again, with this though, I would not be bothered watching it again. So sad.
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marymgrover25 February 2023
This would be 9/10 if it were based solely on Emily Mackey's acting. Genius. Aren't we all in love with her, and in Sex Education, too. But I think in a biopic, you shouldn't rampantly ignore all information about your characters. Charlotte Brontë is portrayed as lively and gay, even a flirt. In actuality, she was reserved, intense, somewhat awkward, albeit yes, the most worldly of the sisters. In the first scene of the movie, she rails at Emily, saying Wuthering Heighte is ugly, with selfish characters, and where did that come from! This is what Victorian critics said about the book. Charlotte was a fierce defender of her sisters' literary ventures. The father is portrayed as affable, as is the brother, when in actuality they were both prone to outbursts of abusive, behavior, domestic violence, and the brother, total alcoholism, which lead him to an early death. This is where the "ugliness" came from, same with the alcoholism in Anne's novel. The sisters shared what they wrote, reading it aloud before the fire. Yes, Emily was the weird recluse, but Charlotte never thought that held her back or made them all look bad.

You'd think the writer or director would bother to read, oh, one or two Bronte biographies, but it seems like they only watched a couple of YouTube videos and then forgot about them, though remembered movies about Jane Austen's novels and did some of that, but with Moors. I walked out after 20 minutes and restrained myself from turning around to the audience and declaring, "This is an abomination!" I had to listen to Kate Bush sing Wuthering Heights 3 times after (more true to the Gothic spirit of the Brontes), to purify myself. What's really sad to me is that even the NYT critic raves about it. She has a masters in film studies and I suspect hasn't read the novels or biographies either. Anyway, rant and rail, how could they?
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The Life and Inspirations of Emily Bronte
sbweightman15 October 2022
The Life and Inspirations of Emily Bronte, although how factually accurate all of it was is questionable.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Still, it perfectly captures the desolate and isolated setting of the moors as well as the trappings of a creative mind in a strictly regulated society and the pain and drama of forbidden/unrequited love.

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It felt a bit too long towards the end, but I enjoyed it and it was interesting throughout with plenty of events, great acting and good use of music.

  • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Overall, I would score this film as a nine out of ten.
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the Bronte mystery
ferguson-616 February 2023
Greetings again from the darkness. These days, it seems like we know entirely too much about the personal and professional lives of writers, actors ... well, just about everyone. Of course, it wasn't always like that. And taking that to an extreme is the all-too-brief life of Emily Bronte. Imagine if someone wrote a book today as popular and terrific as "Wuthering Heights". We would likely know the name of their pet, their spouse, and where they eat lunch. For Emily Bronte, the details are not only scarce, but also not totally trustworthy, given that much of it comes from her older sister who had a touch of envy, or at least a competitive edge.

Frances O'Connor (known as an actor in such films as AI: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and MANSFIELD PARK) chose a dramatic imagining of Emily's life as her first feature film as writer-director. Emma Mackey (DEATH ON THE NILE, 2022) stars as Emily Bronte, and turns in a really nice and believable performance as someone whom we can only imagine her life in the 19th century. The reputation is that of someone who was socially awkward, and a bit of a sickly recluse. We do know that she died at age 30. We can also relate to the opening scene when Charlotte asks an ill Emily "How did you write it?" (referring to "Wuthering Heights").

In fact, filmmaker O'Connor likely based her entire script on that question, and what she presents is quite interesting - regardless of how accurate it might (or might not) be. Emily and her younger sister Anne (Amelia Gething) spend days constructing stories together, and then Emily takes it further by writing poetry. As the eldest sibling, Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling) is the favorite of their father (Adrian Dunbar), a priest at the local church. Emily is known as "the strange one", despite her beautiful piano playing, and mostly secret writing skills.

Emily and her brother Branwell (Fionn Whitehead, DUNKIRK, 2017) have an unusual bond. He's a troubled young man weakened in spirit by spirits (the alcoholic kind). All of the dynamics shift quickly when William Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen, MR MALCOLM'S LIST, 2022) arrives as the new curate. His sermons are a kind of poetry and this intrigues all Bronte sisters, especially Emily. As Weightman teaches her French, their relationship transforms from one of butting heads to one of clandestine intimacy ... and both are changed.

Although the film does explore the effect of the mother's previous death, in real life, this family faced even more grief from death ... including Emily's at age 30. The sibling rivalry is a believable aspect, as Emily wrote "Wuthering Heights" and Charlotte wrote "Jane Eyre" (and a portion of "Emma"). With such a legacy, we have been left to wonder what became of Emily's other writings, and Ms. O'Connor offers up one idea. The proof of Emily's brilliance and talent is on the page for all to read, however, we will never truly know her inspirations and desires. Kudos to Frances O'Connor and Emma Mackey for filling in the gap ... even if we will never know how close or far from the truth they landed.

Opening February 17, 2023.
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Emily Bronte is spinning in her grave
abiluptonlevy24 October 2022
First. The things I liked: the music the costumes the fact that it was filmed in Haworth and roundabouts it's beautifully shot.

However, it veered so far away from anything known about about Emily's character or known facts about the Brontes as to be hilarious!

Snogging your employer's wife in church in Victorian Yorkshire? I don't think so!

Some events and even names lifted straight from Wuthering Heights and presented as real life.

The extremely reserved Emily transformed into a raving hysterical nutter with attachment issues.

Emily and Wuthering Heightskerp inspiring film makers, but anything that does do either justice remains sadly elusive.
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Looks good, much poetic licence.
Jaffaroll23 January 2023
"Emily", the debut directorial effort of English-Australian actor, Frances O'Connor, is focused on Emily Bronte from the late teens to the finishing of her only novel "Wuthering Heights". She was the middle of the three remarkable young ladies who made a mark on English literature in the mid 18th century. The movie is worth seeing for the trip back to the time and place, aided by the authentic Yorkshire setting and the excellent cinematography by Nanu Segal. Acting was generally good and Frances shows potential as a director. I felt it could have been a bit shorter and tighter. Music was pleasant and unobtrusive apart from a couple of times it built up to a portentous rumble --and nothing happened.

Emma Mackey looked the part as the introverted but then wilful and free spirited Emily, the 'smouldering' nearing 11. Fionn Whitehead was fine as the wayward artist brother Branwell who was expected to be the shining light. The 'close' relationship between brother and Emily may be largely fiction as was the romance between Emily and the curate. There apparently was some sibling rivalry as suggested in the film, but that is endemic where there are siblings. And Charlotte did value Emily's work.

Despite the liberties with the story, I gained some feeling of the place and time, and more admiration for the achievements of those three young ladies in their brief allotted time. I shall re-read "Wuthering Heights".

Recapping the Brontes; There were 5 progeny. The 2 eldest girls died as children, probably from Tb and possibly helped by the privations of a dodgy 'charity school' for parsons' children. The famous trio were- Charlotte, 1816-1855, -"Jane Eyre"- died at 39.

Emily -"Wuthering Heights"-1818-1848, 30, Tb.

Anne -"Tenant of Wildfell Hall"- 1820-1849, 29, Tb.

One son, Patrick Branwell 1817-1855, 31, Tb.

Their mother died young. They were raised by the widowed parson father and an aunt.
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Total Fiction But is was Amusing!
martimusross10 January 2023

Not really a biopic more a total fictional flight of fancy. The Brontë society will be aghast, however as a fluffy fictional amusement it kinda worked.

Emma Mackey, despite an overworked sullen look most of time, grappled with the material she had been given and it was good. We did have some very good supporting parts, the father, the curate but Bramwell part was not that good.

Of course, the genesis of the these great novels is; highly educated women, under utilised by society, trapped altogether in a miserable place and competing and critiquing each others work, not interesting I know but there you go.

Of course there is no evidence of a fling with the curate as an explanation of the passion in Wuthering Heights, a tall story but we needed something interesting.

I'm giving this a 6 outta 10, meaning an interesting watch!
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A romantic yet tragic tail
kathrynabeer9 October 2022
The film portrays a wholesome story surrounding Emily Bronte: the quirky personality that she offered and the challenges she faced that inspired the writings of Wuthering Heights.

The casting proves well with characters being consistent, delivering a believable and emotional story.

Many scenes showed a beautiful authenticity of the era while some were shocking: for example a more thrilling and scary scene which was exciting and tense and very unexpected.

Scenes are elegantly segregated in parts by wonderful showings of the Yorkshire moors and horizons which is effective in setting the mood for calmer scenes and dialogue. At the same time, the films soundtrack consists of relevant piano music which is inviting and warming.
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A worthy and imaginative addition to the canon of Emily Bronte bios.
JohnDeSando26 February 2023
"How did you write Wuthering Heights?" Charlotte "I took my pen and put it to paper," Emily (Emma Mackey) "There is something more, something you are hiding from me." Charlotte

"Something more" is what new bio-Emily explores. It's not about Emily Dickenson, but it could very well be. Like the secretive poet, a reclusive artist of the 19th century, Emily Bronte, is the subject of this lovely and imaginative film as it imagines a more robust life than the demur novelist lived, one where we could see the intimations of her gothic romance, Wuthering Heights, in the tumult of a parsonage on the Yorkshire moors and a love to mold fictionally into Heathcliff, the troubled hero of the novel-one of the greatest ever penned in English.

Frances O'Connor, an actress for thirty years turned writer and director and Emma Mackey doing a stormy star turn as Emily help create a memorable biography that stands proudly beside the recent Bright Star (2009) and A Quiet Passion (2016). Not to be forgotten are Devotion (1946) with Ida Lupino as Emily and The Bronte Sisters (1979) with Isabelle Adjani as Emily. The role brings out the best in actresses, Moreso with Mackey, whose face was born to be in front of a camera.

No one who has walked the moors of Yorkshire parish and drank in the Haworth pub can deny the influence the barren landscape and fast-running ale could affect any of Emily and Charlotte's romantic characters. Being daughters of curate Patrick (Adrian Dunbar), the ladies and other sister, lesser artist Ann, can dream only of being teachers, hardly acclaimed writers. Alas, they can dream of being artists, about the only worthy profession open to them as long as they assume masculine names.

Although this cinematic take is rife with poetic license, the spirit of that dynamic family and its artistic children, includes dissolute artist, brother Branwel (Fionn Whitehead), with whose incestuous yearnings O'Connor titillates the audience. The brooding landscape, captured in clouds and perpetual rain by cinematographer Nanu Segal, could have turned Emily into a brooding, rebellious writer of a classic novel for all times.

O'Connor's romantic curate, William Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), impossibly handsome, and Emily engage in tempestuous romance to rival that of Cathy and Heathcliff of WH fame. This "Emily" is brimming with sensibility and chaos, also conditions that will turn Charlotte into the world-class author of Jane Eyre. My oh my, what a family.
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A fairly well made teenage fan fiction version of the life of Emily Brontë
stevelivesey-3718316 March 2023
Emma Mackey is a great screen presence and gives a solid performance as do the rest of the cast. However, there are some problems. Firstly, some of the acting very film school, almost amateurish. Secondly, the Yorkshire accents are all over the place, fading in and out with each scene.

The sound editing is quite effective as is, the close up, intimate style of direction.

The biggest problem is the fan fiction plot that clearly believes that Emily Brontë lived Wuthering Heights instead of writing it.

All that being said, it is worth a watch, there are some scenes, the mask, that are very well done.
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An Emotional Love-Letter To Emily Brontë
JoshuaMercott24 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First Impressions: This Emma Mackey movie hit all the right notes as a semi-biographical take on the life and times of the legendary English novelist and poet Emily Brontë (1818-1848). The prolific and inspiring author is best known for classic literature like "Wuthering Heights", "Jane Eyre", "Emma", and assorted poems. This movie beautifully dramatized romance and family elements, enough to make most Brontë fans smile.

The Crew: Frances O'Connor did almost miraculous work bringing this story to life, and making it feel credible and compelling. As both writer and director, she aced at doing both.

Abel Korzeniowski's musical scoring was faultless.

Sam Sneade's editing was amazing.

Nanu Segal's cinematography was engaging and all-encompassing.

Steve Summersgill's production design was superb.

Michael O'Connor's costume design was excellent.

The art direction and set decoration teams did great work.

Sound effects and hair-makeup were quite good.

The Cast: Emma Mackey as the titular Emily Brontë was a revelation. She was natural, believable, and emotive in all the right ways without coming across as a caricature.

Oliver Jackson-Cohen as William Weightman (the love interest and new curate) was noteworthy.

Fionn Whitehead as Branwell Brontë (the brother) was amazing. His screen presence and line deliveries had an aura all their own, especially when juxtaposed with the rest of the cast.

Alexandra Dowling as Charlotte Brontë (the older sister) was great.

Adrian Dunbar as Patrick Brontë (the father and reverend) was good.

Sacha Parkinson as Ellen Nussey (Charlotte's secret lover) was notable.

Amelia Gething as Anne Brontë (the younger sister) was good.

Gemma Jones as Branwell (the aunt) was also good.

Plot Summary & Analysis: "Emily" was based on a real-life person who was known for being revolutionary and prolific at a time when it was severely frowned upon for women to do anything but become stay-at-home wives. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but this particular woman wanted something different for herself.

The story bloomed into an exciting, inspiring, and meaningful semi-biographical drama of what the real Emily Brontë may have experienced and overcome growing up. She was a misfit verging on outcast, and a rebel through and through. For all that, the lingering mystery around the woman still persists to this day.

While not everything you see in this movie can be considered solid fact, it nonetheless blended truth and realism with a touch of logical speculation, and did so in admirable ways. The possibility of Emily being a closeted bisexual was completely avoided.

I say 'possibility' because her older sister Charlotte Brontë (played in this movie by Alexandra Dowling) did indeed have relations with an Ellen Nussey (played in this movie by Sacha Parkinson), and that Emily herself used more than a few same-sex elements in her writing.

Whether it was inspired by things she'd observed in her sister's secret life or if Emily herself harboured similar feelings for other women, none can definitively tell. There was still the possibility that Emily may have been bisexual. This was indirectly emphasized in this movie through her passionate desire for William Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen).

The locations in West Yorkshire were soul-satisfying to watch. The characters and music beautifully complemented every shot, especially some of the panoramas.

All in all, "Emily" was a simple and linear story that has to be seen from the eyes of those who lived in that era. Only then will anyone truly be able to appreciate the depth of meaning contained in this retelling of Emily Brontë's life.

The movie also needs to be seen from a human-experience angle. After all, most of us have had situations that involved forbidden romances, strict familial duties, feelings of being trapped, being called a disgrace, harbouring erotic desires, and so on. All of these and more were captured humanely and from a simplified perspective in "Emily".

Final Notes: Little is known for a fact about this prolific and provocative author who died too young. She was about 30 years old when she perished from tuberculosis. In the years that followed her passing, this singular woman's life grew into a source of celebration and motivation for women and men alike, especially writers.

The movie took simple and almost mundane situations and made them seem serious and consequential. It was (historically) challenging for people living in the rural countryside way back when to cherish even the little things they liked. Goes to show just how strict everything used to be, and how good so many of us have it today.

I also liked how they made it so Emily would end up inspiring Charlotte to start writing and tell the stories she used to share with Emily when they were kids. In fact, near the end of the movie, plenty of poignant scenes and losses enriched the script and made me feel like I was part of something huge. Call it, a moment in history. Anyway, how accurate some of the scenes were can't really be confirmed.

"Emily" captured plenty of good, bad, and ugly moments in the writer's life. Though it was a slow movie, it was also a triumph in filmmaking, thanks in large part to exemplary writing, smart directing, simple storytelling, and empathic performances.
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7/10 Emily Brontë Gets Emo
wheeelertron17 October 2022
A semi-Brontë-biopic mostly concerned with raw emotional drama tinged with gothic horror is it seems appropriate, written and directed by Frances O'Connor with plenty to say it's also a refreshing perspective, if a little clunky in moments. It is not fun to watch but nor was Emily's life fun to live by all accounts, especially her own..! That subject is expertly dealt with, and viewers with no knowledge of her novel will I think be left in little doubt of the likely themes and content, what a cinematic achievement. It's at times such a painful story that clearly an actor with power in reserve is needed and while I struggled a little with Emma Mackey as cast I was quickly absorbed by her performance and left devastated by the realisation of her character's trauma. A reminder maybe to be kind to all even and especially those with a prickly persona, as we are all shaped by our experiences and life is sometimes brutal, naive personal relationships among the sensitive can be a disaster waiting to happen, especially poignant in this story as the tragic missed opportunities for redemption resonate around the rolling and occasionally-quite-damp landscapes of Yorkshire, with individual moments referenced in reflective vignette. Nanu Segal's cinematography is excellent.

I think this kind of artistic interpretation, built from personal perspectives and reflecting great literature, is fantastic and much-needed, and I hope to see more of it from people who really know and care about their subject, in this case Brontë is understood and then laid out for all to see and feel and I think it will really affect people.
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What did I just watch???
Janetcolgate18 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Wuthering Heights is one of my favourite classic novels, so I was looking forward to seeing a movie that was loosely based on the woman who wrote it. However, throughout the film, my emotions ranged from bored, confused, and frustrated at the sledgehammer way that O'Connor seemed to suggest that the core elements of Brontë's classic novel (passion, forbidden love, gothic horror, life, death and illness) were based on Brontë's clichéd affair with one character, incestual desires with another, and just plan weird peeping Tom antics on neighbors while drinking and drug taking. In taking the sledgehammer approach, O'Connor missed the opportunity to explore more subtle questions that were raised around the character and family of the woman who wrote one of the world's greatest love stories - why was Emily so reclusive (we don't know, this was put down to being"odd"), how did the loss of their mother and two older siblings at such a young age effect the family (not explored - just brushed off by Charlotte as "we're not allowed discuss it"), why was their brother Branwell a drug addicted alcoholic (again - not addressed, he "just was"), why did the children feel the need to keep seeking approval from their disapproving father ... Not deemed worthy of exploring, but just accepted as the cliché it was.

I came out of the film feeling like I had just watched something really distasteful - and felt almost guilty at paying to see such outrageous conjecture about the woman who wrote one of the most famous novels in English literature. The whole mess felt like a high school student's literature project, in which O'Connor couldn't even bring herself to acknowledge the fact that Brontë actually published initially under the pseudonym Ellis Bell - another missed opportunity. Nor could she seem to acknowledge that perhaps Brontë was just a really good writer, who had everyday, ordinary demons to live with as opposed to outlandish fantasies that mirrored her novel.
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Dark Moors, Bright spirit
Pairic17 October 2022
Emily: An imagined life of Emily Bronte, setting out events which might have inspired her to write Wuthering Heights. Emily (Emma Mackey) has a torrid affair with her father's young curate, William Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) she is also led astray by her brother Branwell (Fionn Whitehead) who introduces her to alcohol and opium. Emily suffered from social anxiety so these drugs may have been a crutch for her, Mackey puts in a powerful performance, ranging from gloom and downcast eyes to ecstasy and then determination as Emily seeks fulfilment in literary endeavours. She wanders the moors like Cathy seeking Heathcliffe. Her sister Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling) always seems at odds with Emily, yet is also caring when Emily breaks down at school, she also vies Weightman's attentions and seems to be inspired (out of jealousy) at Emily's achievements to write Jane Eyre, Adrian Dunbar is the Patriarch of the Bronte household and channels Supt Hastings rather than DI Ridley with his fearsome sermons from the pulpit, fortunately he doesn't sing. The gray dark skies (the rain puts Angela's Ashes to shame) and starkly beautiful Yorkshire moors and heaths are also stars in this narrative. A sombre scene is captured during a game of charades when Emily dons a mask and transforms the amusements into a seance. A wonderful tale brought to life by Frances O'Connor who Wrote and Directed the film. 8.5/10.
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Great Lead Performance in an Ok Movie
anthonygiancola2419 March 2023
There is one scene, about twenty five minutes into this movie that is better than the rest of the film altogether. The scene, which comes almost out of nowhere, is a set piece directly out of a gothic horror novel. Much like the ones written by Emily Bronte. It is the one scene where the movie really takes advantage of the loose bio-fiction format, and leans fully into a horror film.

It's so good, that the rest of the film almost suffers because of it. Again, this happens relatively early on, and is so exhilarating a sequence that nothing else tops it.

As a debut, this does announce Frances O'Connor as one to watch, and I truly believe if given the opportunity, she will become a master of the craft in a few short years.

Emma Mackey looks so much like Margot Robbie at points that it is almost distracting, but she has a much different energy. Everyone in the film does a good job, but there's no mistaking whose show it is.

All I really need to carry me through a movie is good direction and a solid lead actor, and this movie has both. Not great or anything, but I was really interested the whole way through.
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Shamefully cliche imagining of a feminine icon's short life
clarissak131317 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the real Emily Bronte is much of an enigma, one can assume there would be creative license taken for any film about her life but other than very basic biographical information/setting this film will lead those seeking her story astray (as Emily supposedly did to the William character).

Not that it wasn't a cinematically beautiful film but the story is as ridiculous and cliche as you could imagine any trope about a young independent woman finding her way in the world--think Hallmark does emo in the 1800s...

So what does happen? A dashing young curate comes to a far flung parish only to be first repelled and then enraptured by one of the parson's 3 eligible daughters, the "odd one" at that. This young woman challenges his faith, her writing ignites his passions!

Are you nauseated yet?

There's sex in the rain also maybe in a graveyard, I don't actually know where, I gave up paying attention through much of the last half (think I went for more popcorn and a walk along the moors).

Anyway there's a breakup (shock!), a death or two, followed by regret and torment which Emily channeles (pun intended) into writing one of the most remarkable novels ever penned by a woman. At this point in the film if I'd had a copy of WH I'd have thrown it at the screen!! Emily did NOT need a man/relationship/break-up (such lazy and cliched storytelling!) as motivation to create her masterpiece. I guess we'll never know what did, this film sure didn't enlighten us.

As a fan of the Brontes and their work for over 30 years, having read books about them AND visited their home/Haworth I'm appalled at the lack of vision or care with telling Emily's story. It's not only a pitifully banal tale but leaves out such important details as her love of animals, her close-knit relationship with Anne, and the fact that the sisters had to use male pen-names for years.

These sisters were stuck in a man's world, mostly writing for themselves but hoping (I believe) to be taken just a little seriously as female authors. It's just a shame that this production didn't do these literary sisters any better justice than the society they lived in.

I wish I'd saved my time and stayed home to read Wuthering Heights (again) instead.
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A traditional tragic romance movie superimposed on a historical figure
steiner-sam28 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an imaginative biopic of the poet and novelist Emily Brontë set in Haworth, West Yorkshire, England. It tells Brontë's story from about age 17 to her death at age 30 in 1848 within the context of her surviving family members and a fictional relationship with a young curate.

Emily Brontë (Emma Mackey) has an older sister, Charlotte (Alexandra Dowling), a younger sister, Anne (Amelia Gething), and an older brother, Branwell (Fionn Whitehead), who is somewhat erratic and carefree in his behavior. Their mother has been dead for many years; their father, Patrick (Adrain Dunbar), is a stiff, domineering, but largely absent clergyman.

All of the four surviving Brontë children are creative and close-knit. However, Emily is exceptionally shy and thinks outside the box, questioning orthodox Christian thought. She is particularly close to Anne and Branwell. A young curate, William Weightman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), assists Patrick in his parish. After Emily returns home after failing at teaching because of her reclusiveness, Patrick hires William to tutor Emily in French. Much of the movie follows the developing relationship between Emily and William.

After Weightman's death from cholera, Emily writes "Wuthering Heights." The film's conclusion suggests that Charlotte began serious writing after Emily's too-early death from tuberculosis.

"Emily" is engaging but quite unhistorical. The close but sometimes competitive relationships of the siblings are well shown. Emily's reclusive nature but vivid imagination is also excellently portrayed. The relationship with William Weightman is pure fiction but dominates the film. Emily's relationship with her father is unexplored. In some ways, "Emily" is a traditional tragic romance movie superimposed on a fascinating historical figure. The acting is high quality.
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