Unfit: The Psychology of Donald Trump (2020) Poster

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One nation .. divided by one man
kosmasp8 January 2023
No pun intended and it is not just the one man that divides them. It is the two party system. The fact that I rated the movie I did, will leave certain people liking or disliking my review, even without having read it. And whatever you want and can say about Trump, he is savvy enough (not saying clever) to see an opportunity and seize it.

I highly doubt he will ever face serious charges or will have to atone let alone be really prosecuted for any wrongdoings he has done ... and will continue to do. And that is not just because I can't imagine finding an "objective" jury to be on his trial ... but that he is so brazen, using any loophole in his way (grabbing them if you will - and no pun .... well I guess that was intended in a way).

The movie lets you and eveyone in ... it invites us to understand how Trump worked ... how he got where he got ... and no one can really be proud of that moment. Not as thorough as another documentary I saw, but still quite enlightening and easy to digest ... if it only would be as easy to make some people understand that the title of the documentary here is important! While I am not a fan of psycho analyzing people from afar, I think when someone displays the behavior Trump has, it is only fair to judge him by that. What does it say about those still cheering for him? Tough to say the least ... not sure there is a way out of this mess ... one that 30-40% of Americans would be able to comprehend ... other problems to worry about and all that ...
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Please watch!!
webbiekt6 October 2020
Everything that you ever thought about Trump is reviewed by professionals in this essential documentary. ALL US citizens should be made to watch this before the November election. I'm not American but the US presidency is so important to the entire world. The scariest threat about Trump as pointed out in this doco is the imminent threat of nuclear war and Trump is clearly UNFIT to have full control of US's nuclear weapon arsenal!! He has got to go! VOTE BLUE this November!! <3 <3 <3
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fischer_patrick27 January 2022
A very interesting and insightful look into the Former Guy. The psychological side was presented in an easy to understand and engaging way. The video evidence supporting the doctor's opinions was damning.
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Just try to be unbiased
bsverloop28 March 2021
Don't watch this as a Trump lover or hater. Just try to be completely unbiased. Everything in this documentary makes perfect sense. It just does.
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Portrait of an Autocrat
edwin-wks30 October 2022
It was satisfying to finally get confirmation from experts in psychology and psychiatry about something many of us had suspicions of. I still recall where I was when I learnt of the improbable news that Trump had won the elections. It cemented America's reputation as the land where anything, no matter how absurd, is possible.

It is alarming that the world's most infamous autocrats share a collective set of maladaptive personality traits known as malignant narcissism. They tend to be sociopaths, rather than psychopaths, because of their emotional dysregulation and resulting impulsivity and rage. Add the fact that sociopaths are shaped by their early childhood environments, a lot of human suffering at their hands have been preventable.

The documentary warns against taking democracy for granted. I did not grow up in one; my birth country was listed among those that are not free. I came very close to migrating to America after years of being seduced by what I saw on TV. However, I eventually chose Australia instead. I am glad that Trump was never my president and hope that he may never be voted into office again. Instead of falling to the autocratic tactic of divide and conquer, we can exercise the one thing they are incapable of - empathy. This includes empathy towards those who think and behave differently to us, including Trump and his supporters.
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Really: Hits all the key points
rzajac7 July 2020
Not much to say: There are rafts of key points to be made about the ascent of Trump, and this flick pretty much hits them all.

If you're a Trump supporter, and you *really* want to get a genuine perspective on the core reasons for Trump loathing, watch this flick attentively.

Of course, if you meet both those criteria, you're a rare bird, indeed!

Mostly, the flick will sing to the choir. Trump loathers generally aren't "haters"; that is, we know and can fairly well articulate what it is that causes us to see Trump as a harbinger of doom to U. S. republicanism.

But sometimes it's nice to see those views arrayed for delectation.
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The uneducated are frightened and confused by liberal democracy
gruntypups13 March 2022
It is interesting to see all the 1/10 ratings versus the 8 to10/10 ratings. As explained in this tremendous documentary, there really are two groups of gorillas - and one of these groups has chosen a murderous, malignant narcissist to be their model, to speak for them, and to be their leader.
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A Well Made Documentary Whether You Agree or Not With Conclusion
tkdlifemagazine10 March 2022
This is a very interesting look at the psychology of Donald Trump, through interviews with Psychologists and assorted people who know Trump personally. The general diagnosis is that Trump is a "Malignant Narcisssist". Whether you agree with this statement, and diagnosis, or not you can't help but find this documentary and its historical footage and photos interesting to watch. You get a look at his personality from public figure to Presidency. This is a well made documentary.
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Frightening, entertaining, important
howardm-4154611 September 2020
Very timely film revealing the most important untold aspect of the world's most dangerous man - his pathology. Well put together with articulate user-friendly mental health professionals and compelling pundits and experts. The film entertains and it scares the daylights out of you, and it's so rare for a film to do both. Loved the segment on the chimps explaining tribalism in America. Excellent beginning and ending. The best doc I have seen in years.
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A non-American view.
zysis12 October 2020
I have no stake in the game, so to speak but a sick man is a sick man and when that sick man has so much power, the sickness is a scary thing. The warning signs are there, we can all say we saw them because we did. I just hope this film reaches who need to see it and that it's not too little, too late.
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Trump Derangement Syndrome continues
jdthird25 January 2021
Just more of the same ghost chasing and inane babble we've had to put up with for four years. Funny how this is supposed to be credible. Love all the bogus 10 star reviews.
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ultor-049428 September 2020
Just great. so true. so sad. eye opening. excellent.
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I love me some critiquing of Trump, but this was lacking in some areas
Jeremy_Urquhart31 January 2021
I think Trump is a dreadful human being and far from appropriate leader. That being said... I didn't think all the arguments here were consistently great.

The golf stuff was funny but a bit petty, and I'm not sure it's really likely that we're heading into fascism the way Italy and Germany slid towards it in the 1920s and 30s.

But many of the points were solid as hell, even if you've heard them before, and the presentation is slick and watchable (editing was a little tricky here and there though, but I don't take points off too much if that gets used a little).

I guess they didn't need so many arguments to argue something that's admittedly pretty easy to argue- Trump is (or was nowadays!) unfit to be President, in certain regards.

And with me, they were preaching to the choir, because as morbidly fascinating as I find Trump and those who support him, I have never and will never be convinced he's a good leader.

It's more of a guilty pleasure documentary now that Trump is out of the position. It's no Totally Under Control (probably my favourite film of 2020) but it's kinda fun to watch post 2020 election, even if some of these problems do (and will) certainly persist...
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Steaming pile of....
parasharsp-289-95341716 October 2020
Just your average Stage IV TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) afflicted losers coming to grip with reality. Watch to lol at their misery.
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Clear and present danger
pguarin27 July 2021
A loser, 6x failed businessman conman of horrifying proportions and this' movie lays it out perfectly. "a practical joke that's gotten out of hand" sums it up.
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dloffland10 September 2020
I'd recommend this film to everyone. Supporters of trump will certainly be interested in learning more about their leader and themselves. Most people will be interested in learning why trump behaves the way he does.
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Trump is a global embarrassment
stormimurtie11 September 2020
Excellent documentary. Those who need to see it will not, but, deep down, they already know. What a chilling case study of powerful, dangerous, mentally ill men who pay their way to our most sacred leadership positions only to realize, they have no idea how to function. Terrifying.
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On point.
QweenOfTheDarned30 October 2020
Everything you already know, but presented by people who have the credentials to say it... and they say it well!
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This is unfocused
CubsandCulture4 December 2020
I voted for Biden and I am very glad to see Trump out of the White House. However, this isn't a very good documentary. I had expected a lot more of in-depth discussion of Trump from a clinical perspective and yet this documentary is pretty much just a primer on why Trump's character and disposition make him a dangerous person to give the power of the presidency too. The material about the possible personality disorder Trump suffers and the various ethical challenges around psychologists discussing Trump's mental health was compelling but it is was maybe a third of the movie. The rest was potboiler anti-Trump arguments.
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Trump Supporters: Read This Review from the rest of the World
fredbusiness23 May 2023
There's a lot to be said about this movie, and it supports my view of the man in the first week of his announcement and the way truth is treated in the States. What I found most interesting were the comments from those polarised into left or right. Both sides, however, are trapped in America's definition of truth that fails to meet world standards, and I fear because of that, the arguments will chase their tails until the cows come home. Here's one piece of truth Americans love to bash.

I'm not an American anymore. I'm writing this from Canada-a real free country. British N America beat the American invaders in their first war, the War of 1812. That war was so embarrassing for the Americans that they made the poem penned during the raid on Baltimore into a National Anthem. And, like America, it is misleading. It's FAKE. The raids on Washington and Baltimore, originating from Burmuda, were designed to pull American troops away from the Canadian border after an American raiding party put British civilians in harm's way from starvation and exposure to the cold. The governor-general of Canada advised the British Commander to implement the planned raiding attacks. It Worked.

The raids were meant to put fear in the Americans and pull border troops to strengthen their port defences. Yet the anthem sounds like the British are the aggressors and were trying to invade and take Baltimore but failed. Raids aren't meant to do that, although a great meal was had in Washington. There's a reference in one of the stanzas about slavery and a reference to braveness and freedom. But wait, Canada fought back 11 invasion attempts to protect their way of life, liberty and freedom while Great Britain was fighting for their existence in the European Napoleonic wars. The pretext for British raiding parties on American ships, etc., justifying the invasion was a hoax, and Britain never rescinded those orders. You have got to love Madison and the American war hawks.

Yet that anthem is sung at every hockey, baseball, basketball, or most any event hosting Americans and Canadians. Talk about insults. Still not one American understands the history and truth of that first war the Americans decided to get into... "... a mere matter of marching..."

American history is full of this propaganda, and it is an illusion that they invented freedom and liberty and are the freest. On that point, google Freedom House: List of Countries. Sort the list, and you'll see Canada in the top 3 positions and the States somewhere around the 60th position. Really.

If Americans have a tradition for propaganda promoting American values, it is any wonder that when the country hits a rough patch, many Americans swallow, hook, line, and sinker lies they want to hear from their politicians. This is not a purely American phenomenon, but it does seem to find a steadfast home in American cultures... such as in Hollywood cinema.

Critical thinking is essential in separating the wheat from the chaff in the news provided by the most reliable and usually unbiased organ for democracy, free journalism. If Americans continue to fail this critical process, is it any wonder that the likes of Trump can pull the wool over their eyes?

For those who think for themselves, the documentary is an eye-opener/confirmation of the sorry state of affairs in America and the rest of the world. For those of us that don't, especially the far right, once you embrace Trumpism, you fail to see logic ever again.
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One important point, though
nakrugt4 February 2021
Well, the "kids in cages" policy was in fact from Obama administration, therefore, factually wrong. The implementation of that policy is something else, of course. The rest is nothing new.
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Fascinating Psychology
julcaesar20007 June 2021
I was very impressed with the depth that this documentary goes into to explain Trump and his political career. A major reason for its depth is because of the credentials of the professionals that speak with authority on matters of psychology and politics.

It's fascinating and scary.
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Warning from space.
Bernie444416 September 2023
It is not like I told you so. We get a list of educated people that tell you of Trumps shortcomings. In the process we get glimpses of his rogues' gallery of cronies.

We star with Kellyanne Conway explaining that lies can be called alternative facts.

We learn that Malignant Narcissism had four components: Narcissism Paranoia Anti-Social Personality Disorder Sadism

The real drawback of the presentation is that it is in soundbite form. There are lots of quickies from different people that rotate back and forth, instead of focusing on one presenter until he/she is finished. Then we get film clips, and they are good ones to present examples of what the narration is about. But the film clips are still soundbites and even though I believe them they may be out of context.

This presentation is dated. The advantage of being dated is now you can see what they were trying to warn you about back in 2020. A more dated presentation that shows that Trump is just a puppet in a wider conspiracy is "Is Trump for Real?" (2018) A John Hankey Documentary, with detailed foot notes. This documentary is ridiculously hard to obtain. You can find the official trailer.

The question is will we listen?
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On the Mark
porterh-0342611 September 2020
Finest expose of a Mad King since Shakespeare. A MUST SEE!!!
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Worth watching
redcard-111 September 2020
Most of us know what's happening, but it's good to have multiple experts confirm and articulate the situation, Unfortunately, 30% would prefer to ignore the science because Karen always knows better
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