World's End (2010) Poster


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lurpak1 September 2010
I have to agree with everything that previous reviews say when they point out the negatives of this film. For the first 20 minutes I had convinced myself that I had already seen it then I realised I was thinking of 'Book Of Eli'. Saying that the first 20 minutes you do feel like something of a plot is developing but at this point you can switch off as nothing worth watching happens from that point onward.The last 20 minutes of the film then go from bad to worse. I think whatever good this film had must have been lost in post-production as whomever was responsible for the final cut seems to have a bad idea of good film, which this clearly had the potential to become. Such a shame and I believe a career ender for many involved.
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An overlong B movie
Tronic228 August 2010
The movie takes place roughly ten years in the future, after the world has collapsed due to suddenly running out of oil. The premise is interesting and the story kinda hooks you up in the beginning, making you want to see where it goes.

Unfortunately, the production quality as well as the story declines quickly and by the ending credits you will only be disappointed. I made the mistake of watching the movie all the way, all the time waiting for that big twist to make it worth watching. Also, do not expect to see any cool sci-fi tech or you'll be disappointed even more.

The movie is rather brutal and this certainly will upset some viewers, even though I found myself wondering why they didn't do it all the way instead of making it dull like they did. This could have saved it in the lack of an actual story.
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Mad Ma... i mean Wes
Dhes728 August 2010
I think the movie was trying to tell us something about not wasting energy and conserving a bit more, that's fine. But to do it in this setting, I sorry but it's been done a million times. If you want to make a fictional sorry that conveys a message, use something "in your face" fictional (go see district 9), don't use pseudo-science. I could go on a big rant about what was wrong with the science of the movie, but I don't think this site is the correct forum for that.

In the end, if they would have used some out-of-this-world reason to explain what happens, the movie would have been better. Should you see it, sure, just don't read too much into it. The movie isn't deep and it's not a prophecy of what is to come, although I'm sure there are people out there that will say it is.
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Absolute dreck.
zazenjazz1 September 2010
Absolute dreck. One of the worst movies I've seen this year. Wretched acting, annoying soundtrack, overused end-of-times storyline, and ridiculously jagged editing. I wish I had back the 90 minutes that I wasted watching this crapola. If I ever see the names of directors Simone Bartesaghi & Philip Kim, I'll run in the opposite direction. If you enjoy the after-the-holocaust/bleak-future kind of thing (like I certainly do!), then catch 'Book of Eli' with Denzel Washington & Gary Oldman or 'The Road' with Viggo Mortenson, or for God's sake even the old 'Mad Max' trilogy. 'Downstream' has absolutely nothing going for it in an artistic or entertainment sense. Please don't waste your time on this piece of irritating nonsense.
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More than meets the Eye.!
jadfox14 October 2011
Many reviews stated to have been 'disappointed' by this film.I wonder what they expected, another nonsense-story of 'big' motives like 'Book of Eli'? This film is realistic to an almost unbearable degree, none of that 'superhero' crap ppl are used to see, none of that 'bible' crap either. What has been falsely called 'civilisation' isn't as solid as it seems, that's where the realism begins, people are NOT 'civilized' most of them act on animal desires, the 'system' manipulates them into a semblance of being civilized..What if all that 'manipulation' collapses due to lack of energy ( , is there an alternative energy source? (yes) And will those who use it be of any help to the abandoned masses? The only answer that makes sense is a big NO and they will protect their 'privileged' city like those 'gods' of old protected theirs! Remember Gilgamesh? He had to fight against a 'mechanical-metallic monster' (as he neared the city of gods) that had a 'death ray-sword' attached & revolving, cutting everything down that moved. (thats no sci-fi script but exactly what the Gilgamesh epic tells us) Gilgamesh survived with the help of some gods (his relatives) but the poor Wes didn't, he was shot down by a 'mechanical monster' that patrolled the area around the city. All That makes it apparent that those who wrote the script were more than just realistic; if such a breakdown of everything occurs, those who'd run a 'Cold Fusion-city' would have all that planned for long, & they would keep the outsiders out..& just wait for the masses to exterminate each other or die of diseases.A cancer virus that affects women more is a sure way to keep the population down, by the way thats what the film is hinting at..Population reduction by removing resources and energy & by killing women..The ending was unexpected but adds value to the film, those who expected a 'happy ending' or even a 'helping hand' are..well..unrealistic :) In my opinion one of the best films made in the genre, many don't seem to understand its value because they are used to Hollywood-crap.
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Simply: bad!
marko-milosevic13 March 2011
One of the worst movies I've ever watched. The movie could take no more than 5 minutes. music is desperate and there is still the irritating sound of a car.

One of the worst clones that talk about the future cataclysms of the Earth with bad choice of clothes, which would then be carried.

End of the movie is ironic because the producer did not want to spend even five dollars on special effects throughout the film but something is used at the end of the movie, which eventually becomes funny.

The only bright spot is movie poster and the fact that the movie still has an end which shortens torture.
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What a waste of film stock--and my time
nb-3816 October 2010
This is Phillip Kim's very first screenplay. If there is any justice in the world it will be his last.

I wasted 101 minutes on this turkey. Don't make the same mistake.

Two-dollar budget, one-dollar characters, confused, contradictory and abysmal script and a director who couldn't direct traffic on a Sunday morning. Not an original idea in it. Either the investors didn't read the script, or they *read* the script and figured it was a great tax write-off.

The movie has two, flawed, premises: The world will soon run out of oil--which proves typist Phillip Kim, (can't truthfully call him a writer), spends too much time reading comic books instead of scientific journals--and that a world-wide cancer wiped out the female population, (Frank Herbert did that far, far better in "The White Plague"). The fact that there are a number of females in the film--most of whom say and do nothing and don't really need to be there--shows that the typist couldn't stay on track with his own inept plot.

Skip Downstream--better yet, *toss* it downstream--and watch the better post-apocalyptic movies this disgrace has ripped off: A Boy and his Dog. Logan's Run. Mad Max. The Postman. Even Waterworld is a far better film.

Did I mention this movie is bad?
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A different kind of Mad Max
vampyrecowboy1 January 2011
I found this borderline good and borderline bad...why? There were some really good parts - aspects and captive moments.

Then all of a sudden, it takes a turn and just goes somewhere else. It takes the exciting and incredible story and bores the viewer for a while, then comes back.

A couple of rewrites and this could have been a big hit and a cult classic - like Mad Max.

However, the hero didn't have the charm and the story dragged in places.

The split screens worked in some places and were annoying in others.

The lead cast was wrong - just wrong. For whatever reason, he just didn't go with the movie and maybe that would have made this film more exciting.

To the writer and director who reads this comment, it had great prospect and died, came back and died...maybe your next will be better.
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Did they run out of Film? Movie drags on to big ending and Plop
walleye-425377 May 2017
The only reason I gave this movie a whole 3 stars is that it had a bunch of actors you would recognize from small parts and many 80's and 90's actors and some serious Hot Babes like the woman that played Sara, Elizabeth Roberts.

The Movie drags on and on and it makes you believe there will be a "Good" ending that it is building up to, but NOPE, the ending is just a big.......PLOP. The ending is like having Elizabeth Roberts naked in front of you saying, "Take Me" and just as you are about to, you wake up and it's actually Hillary Clinton. PLOP.

I love these kinds of movies, just NOT THIS ONE. If you are really bored and your choices are watching this movie and cutting off a finger, well, it is a toss-up, but you could at least "Justify" watching this movie then.

You have been WARNED.
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The music was good...
imaginaryforests8 January 2021
Pluses Some of the songs were catchy and overall, the soundtrack matched the film's mood. And the acting was okay, and the Big Chase/Fight sequence was workmanlike. And the opening setup (while the credits were running) was good. Minuses The plot. The ending. The characters.
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Not as bad as some reviews make out.
ChaoticNoize10 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The whole post apocalyptic wasteland has been done various times before but I am always excited to discover new films of this style. As I knew nothing about the film I decided to read a few reviews beforehand which nearly put me off watching it but I am glad that I decided to watch it anyway, I've seen it a few times now. This is not a bad film but nor is it a consistently good either, there are parts that require tweaking/re-shooting/removing in my opinion. There is a story but im undecided on whether it is strong enough to carry the film for 140 mins. Having said that, 'the road' doesn't contain much of a story other than that of survival and the relationship but that's a good film none the less.

Some of the negatives; The engine noise used on Wes' car - I understand the engines have been modified so would sound different but the noise just doesn't fit, it sounds more like a kamikaze plane dive bombing or ww2 propeller driven siren. Some really poor editing - For example there is a scene that shows a long road and to avoid an overly long scene it is sped up but then abruptly returns to regular speed which looks like someone has fast forwarded a VCR. The fact Wes can 'talk' to his dog - I just think the concept is silly and is too gimmicky and it doesn't really add anything which makes it pointless. - The ending - What the f is all I have to say about that!

Some of the positives; Some interesting characters - One of my favourites has to be Edward played by Billy Drago, sadly he doesn't get much screen time but the acting was great. Some interesting editing - In contrast to the poor editing there are some nice edits such as the split screen comic book style shots. Some REALLY cool action scenes - I LOVE the scene where Wes takes out those would be rapists, when I first saw that I was in awe of how amazing I thought it was. The music, the angles, the edits and the brutality made it memorable. I would love to have seen more like this. The sound - I really enjoyed the sound and music with only one exception of the song used when he goes into the town (about 16 mins in), I think it would have worked better without vocals.

In summery - for a low budget film I would say this is a good effort that could've turned out worse but didn't achieve its potential either. I enjoyed the film and have watched it several times now but I think more time spent planning the story direction and some different post production choices would've improved the film substantially. I would suggest that anyone who is a fan of this genre (or the fallout game series) should watch this in its entirety. You may not enjoy it all but I believe you should give everything at least one chance.
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a good low budget film
zhi_wen_wong1 September 2010
I am assuming this is a low budget film, and it is pretty good compare to other low budget film. Good acting from all of the actors. Especially the end really surprise me, and I never expect that, and I really appreciate the guy who wrote it, at least it is real.

I used to watch a lot of TV from sci-fi TV channel while working, and most of them are crap amount other crap even with much higher budget. Most of the plots in this film make sense and doesn't seem to be stupid compare to other low budget film. I can even compare its storyline with resident evil film series and Fallout video game. Of course, just my opinion. I give this 9 out of 10. It doesn't have big action, but the atmosphere and the story really worth to watch if you like after end of world scene. And it is 10 times better than those "sex-and-the-city" and other crap.

Hope they make more of this kind of film, with small budget. The other with lots of explosion and gun fights with very boring and predictable films are just boring.
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Back to Italin post-nuke!
Pingo-215 January 2011
Since I've made low-budget films myself, I first must say that I am impressed by what Simone put together with Philip Kim's script.

It's a professional product and very nice production value throughout. Especially some of the car-scenes had some complicated and really nice filming. I enjoyed the editing with the German-like experimental split-screen - especially since it was mostly used to tell two sides of the same scene.

Of course, we have seen most of this before. Especially in the MAD MAX-films, of course, but mostly, this film resembles A BOY AND HIS DOG (1975) and there's also a lot of nods to Enzo Castellari's incredible Italian Mad Max-rip off I NUOVI BARBARI (1982).

Downstream IS very Italian. If you haven't seen any of the Italian post-nuke films, then you're missing out on a lot of the films inspiration.

Mostly, I thought this was well-made and for the low budget these people worked with, they created a nice film that works. Sadly, the ending is a bit slow.

Otherwise, the fights and car-action was very good. It reminds me a lot of Marshall's DOOMSDAY (2008), of course - but do remember that that film had a $30M budget and this only a $1M! So if you like the casual Italian post-apocalypse thing, then this is for you.
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Just horribly bad.
henrijunkkala9 May 2017
My expectations weren't all that high but this movie sucks in so many ways that it nearly hurt to watch it. Let's face it: It IS entirely possible to make a really good post- apocalyptic movie on a really limited budget but that would require a couple of prerequisites that this film crew was lacking - you would have to have an interesting script, acted well by decent actors and a director/editor ready to spend weeks editing the accomplished product. Of these this film has NONE. It felt like I was watching a high school art class production, and certainly not made by the top students either. There has rarely been a time in the last 44 years when I thought to myself "life is too short for this kind of godawful crap" and quit watching halfway through the film but yes, I couldn't possibly finish this one. I cannot recommend this to anyone, not even out of curiosity and since it just sucks it isn't even comedically bad, just sad. The props and costumes are quite well done but that doesn't save the show when the acting is on par with old German porn videos (and if you have never had the displeasure of stumbling onto one, let's just say that they were not paid for their acting skills).
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Epic-Est Post-Apocalyptic Movie Ever
toxicholocaust13 August 2011
This movie is a must see. Out of any other Post Apocalyptic movies that I had ever seen this one delivers that sweet Benny Benassi "Satisfaction" of a aftermath catastrophe in a barbaric environment that pleases your human eye balls. I admit this movie is at times boring (but don't be bothered by those few times) the fantastic storyline of finding a City powered by Nuclear Cold Fusion means in a world set in a near future devastating chaotic aftermath of oil shortage is quite slim, and yet this is what makes this movie quite interesting and entertaining to the Apocalyptic Movie Styled fans. You will keep your eyes glued to this movie even if you don't like where the movie is going and that is what makes this movie as Epic as the story of Gilgamesh! But nevertheless this is a film with high hopes for the many Post-Apocalyptic movies to come. I had never seen Mad Max or The Road, but this movie surely puts those 2 movies to shame... Period! Despite the fact that at times what makes this movie a little disappointing is a few bad actors, yet mostly believable. This movie has a few mind boggling "whoa that's one gruesome crazy awesome scene!" moments... But unlike the bad reviews for this movie, In my eyes that have seen a lot of movies either bad or good, this movie is worth seeing either you like it or not it is a Must See.
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If you are reading this, Im so glad you found this movie
dagxc6 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Well congrats, you somehow found this god awful movie and decided to look it up. It really is one of those movies that's so bad it's good. The writer/ director clearly wanted to be edgy and unique, and that is admirable. Unfortunately the creative mind behind this project does not have an original thought in it.

Every post apocalyptic cliché is here, and any new ideas are "new" simply because every other film maker in history realized they didn't make sense and thus never wanted to put them on screen. I'm talking about the random diner in the desert that no-one attacks. Or the magic car that runs on "everything", but really just gasoline or blood. (Jesus, just call it guzoline, it's a rip from road warrior and you know it). Also, why do you have to scientifically explain why the main character can talk to his dog? JUST LEAVE IT ALONE.

Women are misused, clichéd and treated as property.. The plot is idiotic, things are revealed at the wrong time. They find out in the latter part of the movie they have just consumed a meal made of human flesh, but in an earlier scene, they saw cannibalism in practice. They never suspected anything? The main villain is killed in the middle of the film, which again destroys the flow of the story. And the editing, oh the editing... the person responsible should be tracked down and harshly scolded. That's all their delicate ego can probably take. Be gentle with them. I should probably edit this review myself, give it some clarity, cut some blubber out...

But nope. It's not worth it. Who's gonna read it anyways? That was also the director's idea apparently .
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political movie - NWO
dominik9631 August 2010
This movie lacks many things and is essentially a well made B movie. Nonetheless I gave it 10 points, because it is the first movie with a political message showing the possible effects of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Some points are: peak oil, threats through GMO, corporate world domination , population reduction and elite isolation and separate evolution.

This things are never obvious mentioned with the intent to educate the viewer, but are rather a glimpse in the story. If you know what's going on in the world then you can appreciate the effort of the director or writer. If you have never heard about NWO,Bilderberg,CFR etc. then you will see just a mediocre B movie.

I was very thrilled to watch this movie about NWO - the first I know about that is no documentary.
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A flip of an older movie
mikefrei9 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I seem to be drawn to the post civilization, end of days genre. I think in an intentional way, this movie pays homage to almost every one I can recall. Eli, 28 Days and 28 Weeks Later, Mad Max, I am Legend, etc.

The most significant though is the twist on 'A Boy and His Dog' where a very young Don Johnson (Vic) and his dog roam the nuclear wastelands of the mid US. He communicates telepathically with the dog, giving him an edge in finding food and naturally sex since women are scarce. Someone asked, "why kill the dog?" Well in 'A Boy and His Dog" Vic kills the girl so he and the dog can eat. Downstream flips all this giving a nod to the earlier version.
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Quasi prophetic post apocalyptic movie
bernie-engl23 April 2013
If you like to watch movies with your analytical mind turned on, alertly watching for all the subtle little visual clues in it, then you might enjoy "World's End" as much as I did. All the things they can't show due to the meager budget will be filled in by your own imagination. Ignore the clues, relax and don't think much about what you see, and what is left is a plot that just does not make much sense. This may be the reason behind some of the bad reviews. Turn on you mind and fill the voids with your imagination, based on your real world background knowledge on GMO food tumor rats, bankrupt governments, legislation against "non-certified" seeds, large corporations buying mercenary companies, you may even get the feeling this movie is prophetic. (I hope it isn't, but it feels like it). We also had a lot of fun discussing how we would have acted in certain situations shown in the movie where the protagonists clearly made a big (and often deadly) mistake. Sort of an educational movie for post apocalyptic preppers. Some things in the script really suck, though, such as the mysterious fuel they run their bio-fuel turbine with. In my opinion this and a few other blunders could be cut out, as they do more damage than good. Still, I do not regret to have bought the DVD.
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6.5 stars out of 10
davenumber725 September 2010
this was a low budget movie. you have to keep that in mind.i think there are too many negative reviews for this one. it held my interest from start to finish.i have also noticed negative descriptions of scenes where the reviewer didn't see what was actually happening.

no its not high tech special effects but it is definitely worth watching especially if you're not paying theater prices. i did notice a few goofs but i can forgive that if the movie is interesting. i liked this one slightly better than book of eli which is a similar plot lined movie. give credit where credit is due,i see a lot of big budget movies that satisfy me less than this . its a low budget winner.
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The lengths you would go to survive
hellokenney11 September 2010
I am surprised at the low ratings for this movie, I thought it was pretty awesome. The story hooked me from the start and the directing was cool with lots of experimental, comic-booky, split screen stuff.

Acting wise, I was slightly disappointed by the over the top villain but the charismatic lead, Wes, more than made up for it. You could really feel child-like Wes' uncertainty in the morality of his actions. Billy Drago also has a creepy, small role.

I am apparently in the minority here, but I'll go ahead and say it: I thought Downstream was a lot better than The Road (the book or the movie.) Check it out if you like post-apocalyptic stuff with a healthy dose of action and gore (and a dash of cute doggy co-star.)
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Definitely worth watching
ezgoinedk9 March 2010
Although I am not a big sci-fi fan, I went to see this movie at its screening just for the experience. I was very open-minded and didn't know what to expect. This film had enough going on – some great cinematography, quality acting and plot twists - to keep me interested. It has its own unique style/charm that makes this genre storyline refreshingly different. I've watched a great number of movies over the years and too many are too predictable. Not this one.

As a general movie viewer, I rate this above average, but less than sensational. A sci-fi fan would likely rate it higher. It's definitely worth watching.
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Decent movie!
kvarsh2 March 2010
This movie is similar to other movies currently released about the future of mankind if we continue with our wasteful ways. There were some very interesting uses of graphic art (kinda Frank Miller-ish) and multi-scene shots. In my opinion, the most interesting character is Tobias; the actor does an excellent job portraying a cut-throat S.O.B.

The tag line is something like "the journey begins when civilization ends" and that about sums up the entire movie. If you sit and jot down a list of what you think would happen if the world's resources were to disappear, you would have what writer Philip Kim came up with. That being said, bravo to the director for making such a stale plot interesting enough for me to want to write a review.

Bottom line: if you like sci-fi and are concerned about the end-of-days this movie is for you.
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really good....but
stephen-hall-video29 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
this film was great, the editing was original it kicked ass.... but then it slowed down to a screeching stop! It was like the writers ran out of ideas. so they decided to kill off all the characters and have a terrible CG shot at the end. The film was a good film if you stop watching at the end of the second act, anything passed that just seems like a waste of time. why kill the dog? Did Sarah die from period pain? and then the main character makes it to his destination, only to be picked off by the worst cg bot thing I've ever seen, but still it had great potential! But at the 100min mark it was too long and lost its charm.
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Post-apocalyptic fan
MixerBOS1 December 2014
Being a big fan of post-apocalyptic movies ever since my childhood I watched many of those and this one is one of the good ones. World runs out of oil cause for the apocalypse is not impressive enough reason for the wold to become a wasteland and the movie isn't original. It's pretty much A Boy and His Dog mixed with Mad Max but for a B movie it does very good job in showing very realistically an aftermath wasteland and the barbaric world setup. Main actors do a decent acting job and the dog does his part very good. Action scenes are done surprisingly good. All in all the movie is one the best post-apocalyptic B movies that you can find. If you liked A Boy and his Dog and Mad Max 2 than this one is a must see.
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