Steven Universe: The Movie (2019) Poster

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As a HUGE Steven Universe fan, I enjoyed it but I'm kinda disappointed
maxglen3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Now before you get out your pitchforks and torches let me explain... I don't think this movie really brought anything new to the table. We got a new fusion which was great don't get me wrong but a lot of the film was them trying to get there memories back and as a result it felt kind of like a "Steven Universe Greatest Hits". the music is wonderful as per SU standard and the animation is brilliant but Spinel's story is really the only new thing here and it comes around and is wrapped up very quickly with no sign of having any effect on the show going forward. Even the town is back to normal by the end. I think it's worth the watch but it's no Change Your Mind where they were paying off 5 seasons of buildup. It's just kind of it's own thing but not at the same time because 80% of it was as I said a sort of recap. I was personally just hoping for something new and we didn't really get it in my eyes.
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Liked the movie, don't like the ending
Movierefview16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Dont get me wrong, the movie is good especially with all those singing and the action going on but the plot is not good, i mean the protagonist Steven loses their closest gem memory while a villain which is Spinel goes to kill everyone, but after that everyone loses memory, and to get the memory, he have to do everything the gems just said their past to him while the injector is like killing the planet, but after that everything went back to normal so quickly after everyone regained their memory, like how the liquid from injector dissapears, like the entire liquid destroys all the living things, i know its a movie but it just doesn't make sense
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tomassalazartrivino3 September 2019
No words. I LOVE THIS MOVIE. I thought it wasn't going to be that great when I found out it was going to be a musical, but it's soooo well done and yet so emotive. I LOVE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!! Also, this movie made me realize that there are still some things that can be done with the show, so I hope we get another season.

An excellent, emotive, really powerful movie. I love it. I'd watch again.
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Bulldog17212 September 2019
This movie was just flat-out AMAZING! It followed along with the series finale very well and it brought us the most heartwarming story that Cartoon Network has made in a good while!!!

While i say that this really ends the Renaissance for Cartoon Network, Steven Universe: The Movie really was an Amazing story filled with Laughter, Drama, Heart and soul. It really made me feel like the show ended off with a great ending and it really is one of those movies that can be described as a fun time!

Hate to see this show go away. But the movie itself, AWESOME AND AMAZING!!! Cartoon Network needs more material like this instead of Teen Titans GO!

But take it from a guy who studies animation as an art form, Steven Universe's movie really has my sincere recommendation! I hope that we can all BELIEVE IN STEVEN.........
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A Musical Masterpiece
SweetSoundP0N33 September 2019
It's everything you know about Steven Universe and it's plethora of creative characters and ingenious writing, but stretched to an hour and thirty minutes. Songs that go through various genres, animation that is as smooth as butter and very pleasing to the eyes, important and universal messages & to top it all off the immersive and powerful voice acting. The top moments are the emotional songs and the relatable villain. If you're a fan of the series, story-driven cartoons or anime you will highly enjoy this movie!
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More please.
neverends7 September 2019
More. Please. So positive, beautiful, musical. This show helped me raise my kids. Made all of us better people. We all need more of this.
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I think sometimes the fans forget this is a childrens show
dushamidear4 September 2019
I really loved it. I would have loved it more if there was more plot development for the show overall, and if a few things had happened differently. But the target audience is literally kids, not 25 year olds, so I'm not going to hold the things that I feel could be better against the show. I bet kids absolutely adored it, and that's who it's for.
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Musical Overload
PyroSikTh15 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge Steven Universe fan. The show is five seasons of pure, exquisite fantasy, interlaced with meaningful messages, and a story that's so well written it genuinely rivals the greats. There's twists and turns, and characters mature and develop as the series goes on. And the music is simply fantastic, almost all written by the show's creator Rebecca Sugar. Music is a big part of Steven Universe, with a lot of the most pivotal moments being emphasised by a musical number, so it makes a heap of sense that the movie would be a full-on animated musical, again entirely written by Rebecca Sugar.

And yet here's where my very first criticism of the movie comes in. The music is pretty good again, no denying that, but it serves an entirely different purpose here. The movie wants to make sure you know this is a full-blown musical, rather than a cartoon with songs, so inserts a song at every single opportunity. Every time. There's seventeen songs in total, in an eighty minute movie, leaving only about half an hour of dialogue, plot, and action combined. In fact there's so many of them that it's overwhelming and means that the great ones are lost in the malaise of average ones, and you come out the other end without being able to recall a single one. For Steven Universe - a cartoon with such catchy and memorable songs like "Let Me Drive My Van Into Your Heart", "Lapis Lazuli", "Stronger Than You", "Do It For Her", "Peace and Love on the Planet Earth", "It's Over Isn't It", "Here Comes a Thought", and even the credits song "Love Like You" - it was disappointing that all the songs in the movie immediately faded into forgetfulness as soon as they finished. And finally the movie is so preoccupied with being a musical that it plays the most ill-fitting music over the film's climactic action sequence in order to keep the musical number that bookends it going, removing all tension and excitement from the scene. Things like this is why I have a bias against musicals and really dislike when songs are used in place of important dialogue, like it's totally normal to just break out into song and dance in the street.

The next problem I had with the movie (yes, there's a list, strap in) was how the vast majority of the story revolves around restoring the Crystal Gems to their current states. The villain bursts in and just resets every main character back to 0. It makes the movie feel like a glorified recap, except there's nothing to recap it for because the whole thing is a recap. Garnet doesn't even fully come back until the film's climax, and then she barely features because it's not about her. She's completely clueless up until then. Pearl is reset back to a servant, and her enlightenment happens so quickly and without fanfare that it makes you wonder what was even the point in resetting her anyway, other than for plot convenience. Amethyst gets the worst reset back to a literal blank slate who doesn't even have any kind of identity, but she's the first to regain it. Of course the big problem with the film's logic in restoring the characters is that many of their character-defining changes occured years before Steven was even born. They're tens of thousands of years old and Steven's only been around for the last sixteen years of their development as characters. So how does his memory jogging even help? Just sit back and accept it I guess.

However the dirty isn't only done against the reset characters. The Diamonds make small cameos at the beginning and end and they're annoyingly needy. They're great rulers of a distant world and countless colonies, but they struggle without Steven, who (again) they've only had in their lives for the last two years, out of thousands. Spinel just flat out annoyed me from beginning to end. There was potential in her character, at a fundamental level, because her backstory is genuinely heartbreaking, but beyond that she was just a clingy pest. No wonder she was abandoned by her only friend when she behaves like that. That and her paranoia and lack of trust makes sense in the story, and I understood the point, but that didn't stop me from just finding her intensely annoying. I didn't dig the 1930's Mickey Mouse animation style for her either. It made her stand out for all the wrong reasons; like she's in the wrong cartoon. Lapis doesn't even seem like her sarcastic self either, like she was replaced by a completely different Lapis.

And Connie, poor Connie gets completely sidelined! Again! Her and Steven's relationship, be it platonic or potentially romantic, is one of the most interesting aspects of the entire show. Except in the opening scene she leaves for Space Camp and isn't seen again until the third act, where she's more of a cameo seen rescuing people in the background. Okay, I'm really biased here because her and Stevonnie are probably my favourite characters in the whole thing, but she's barely a presence in the Steven Universe movie. Greg gets more screentime than she does! On which note the movie is decidedly sparse on fusions. I can understand why considering the fusion overload of the series finale Change Your Mind, but the one big fusion we do get is between Steven and Greg. No doubt it was interesting to see Steg, but it had no emotional weight, and considering how weak Steven's gem was at the time I'd be interested to know how he could even achieve it in the first place. Just like the criticism levelled at Change Your Mind's fusion collage, it felt unnecessary and unearned, thrown in just to show off a new fusion.

But I can't say this was a terrible movie. There were some aspects I did really like about it too. I mean it's Steven Universe, there's always going to be something about I like, and Rebecca Sugar and her crew will always have neat little creative flourishes that will make this show stand out from it's Cartoon Network peers.

What I liked most about the movie was the time jump. We're immediately thrust into a world two years after the events of Change Your Mind and things have changed. Steven, for starters, has grown up a lot. He's no longer the teenager masquerading as a small kid, but has now embraced his teenage self, physically growing taller, getting a deeper voice, and acts much more level-headed and mature. And it's fitting too, because a big part of the movie's overall message is about growing up and leaving childish things behind. Sure, it's a message we've already had from the Toy Story franchise, but Steven Universe puts its own spin on it. Spinel is modelled after 1930s Mickey Mouse precisely because she's a childish toy, a relic of the past, something that has been left behind after the world around her grew up, developed, and didn't need her anymore. It's sad, but life moves forward, and she needs to find her own place now that everyone else has moved on. Nothing lasts forever, and dwelling on the past is unhealthy.

The animation is really good too. There's definitely been a step-up in quality since the show, maybe thanks to having more of a movie budget than a TV show budget, but it shows. There's some neat scenes and shots that wouldn't have been possible otherwise, and the style and design feels neater and more refined. And as much as I disliked the overbearing Musical nature of the movie, there are some really good songs here. Spinel's introductory song - "Other Friends" - is pretty good and is a nice shift in musical tone that shows how capable Rebecca Sugar is as a musician. Her backstory song - "Drift Away" - is also really good. And then there's the movie's defining song "Happily Ever After" which is rich with references and motifs to songs in the show, such as piano tinkles during Garnet's lines that mirror "Stronger Than You", and lyrics that recur throughout the movie, albeit altered and changed to suit the various moods of the scenes they recur in.

Unfortunately I came out of the Steven Universe movie disappointed. It failed to recapture the magic of the show, and completely mistreated too many characters for me to really enjoy it. It almost felt like a pointless addition as Change Your Mind was such a great way to end the series, despite its flaws. And other than advancing the timeline ahead a couple of years, it didn't really leave much for a potential sixth season to build off of either, so I'm still left none-the-wiser as to what a sixth season could even focus on. It feels like they've told the story they wanted to tell, and are now just milking it for all it's worth. I give the Steven Universe movie a disappointing 6/10.
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I love it
paz090514 July 2020
The Steven Universe film was really great. I hate musicals or music films, but when I saw this film for the first time I was in love.
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buih-477313 September 2019
Uhhh.... so this movie, is, uhhh. It's good. not bad in anyway, it's got that classical Steven Universe charm, and its wonderfully animated, but theres just something about it.

First of all, too much singing. I like musicals, i like Steven Universe, and i mostly like the songs in Steven Universe. But sometimes, there's just too much of a good thing. There was a point in the movie, where less than ten seconds after a song ended, A NEW ONE BEGAN! then after that, 20 seconds, and A THIRD SONG!

Spinel is a great villain, but her arch is all over the place, it packed plenty of emotion, and Rebecca Sugars strong writing shines through, but her character simply lacks coherence.

Third. it is very obvious that this movie was written by like 17 people. count the credits, 8 people made the story, then 13 wrote and storyboarded it, which makes the movie less consitent, both in tone and quality.

Overall a fun and satisfying movie, but it is flawed in many ways.

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emperorofdestruction3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Where do I even start? So this movie was so great! I really enjoyed seeing it. And the trailer really fooled us all! We thought the plot was like Steven and his friends fighting Spinel (the unknown pink gem) for the entire movie! But no, It was mostly Steven having to bring his memories back to his friends, and spinel of course. AND WE ALSO LEARNED FROM THIS MOVIE THAT PINK DIAMOND IS A TRAITOROUS JERK. She left Spinel in the garden, I felt so bad for her. Okay overall this movie was amazing! I couldn't have done it better if I was a writer/director. I liked how the trailer fooled us all.

The problem is that there is too much singing! Like every 10 seconds there is singing. It gets annoying!
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Don't read if you don't want a critique of your favorite show.
prankt5 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This review is subjective, don't get too emotional if you don't like what I have to say, its just my opinion.

I'm no critic, not by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel like I have to say something about this movie. I've watched Steven Universe since it first premiered, and it only gets worse as you get older. There's a lot of reasons to complain about the show, from it's normalization of space Nazis who have killed trillions of people, to it's awful animation. Just look it up on youtube and you will find many in depth reviews that can do a much better job at criticizing it than me. The movie shows promise of making Steven Universe good again, or at least as good as it can be. Lets start out with the good.

As always, the music in Steven Universe is very good, and helps set the tone of all the scenes. It's basically a musical, since most of the major scenes are guided by the music. "Other friends" is an amazing track, speaking of which lets get to the character introduced with that track. The villain is amazing as well. After the flop that was the diamonds, I was expecting Spinel to be the same. Surprisingly though, she is a very good character and makes a great villain who actually deserves to be redeemed. Her entrance is the best scene in the movie, hands down. Great music, great animation and choreography, just all around fantastic. After this however, she falls from her pedestal. While she's her happy go lucky self, she is relegated to a background character, following Steven around while he attempts to bring his friends back. Once she heads back to the garden, she picks up again. Her backstory is sad and actually makes you feel really sorry for her, as one of the many, many people who Pink Diamond screwed over. Her rationalization of Steven betraying her makes sense after all she's gone through, and the final battle with Steven is fun and action packed. The way she moves around is extremely fun and bouncy, providing a different style of fighting from what we're used to, just a breath of fresh air. She is by far the best character in the movie, and I would be glad to see her later in the series.

One big thing that the movie improves on from the show is the animation. I don't know who they got to animate this movie, but it greatly improves it from the show. The action scenes stand out above all else. You'd have to watch them yourselves to see how great they are, like Spinel's entrance fight. I hope the rest of the series looks like this, because that's one of its biggest flaws. As for the other characters, not much has changed except Steven. Steven is now older, and that's really it. He's still the same light hearted kid we all know and hate. His whole thing at the end where he says he has to keep changing and nothing can stay the same forever is a nice little message, but isn't anything ground breaking.

The voice acting and singing is the same as always, good. That's as far as it goes, except for Spinel. Sarah Stiles did a phenomenal job voice acting this crazy and erratic character. Maybe it's because i'm so used to Steven sounding like a squeaker who you meet on 360, but he sounds worse.

Now for the bad. The story is mediocre at best. We have a big macguffin that's going to destroy the planet, we have to stop it. It's at its worst when Steven has to try and bring back his friends, and its at its best when we are focusing on Spinel. She isn't anything new really, but her character really carries the scenes focusing on her, and the whole movie really. She's another person Steven needs to redeem, who wants to destroy the earth, blah blah blah. I'm just glad she actually deserves to be redeemed unlike *cough* the diamonds *cough*. The story does it what it needs to and nothing more.

Now for the really bad. Except there isn't any really. There's a lot more I could go into, like character design, the morals, character development, ect. ect. But I can some most of that up with 1 sentence. It's all mostly average, except for Spinel. Overall nothing is bad or anything, it's just mediocre. Spinel really carries this all the way. If the rest of the movie rose to meet her character, it would be a 8 or 9. Unfortunately, it relies on many things the show has already done. You should give this a watch if you love the show or have hope for it to be good again, like me.
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Not worth watching really.
Arkl1te17 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Back then, at the end of the TV series, singing became more and more frequent. Now the movie has way too many singing moments for what is worth. It's like watching a Disney movie, while annoyingly desperate to hear the voice actors talk instead of sing, regardless of how beautiful the voices may be. It felt like watching an old Disney movie. I liked the story enough for a two-part episode rather than for a movie (a movie where tv-series characters suffer from memory loss and the main protagonist has to restore them is cliché material), I expected something that added a twisted, interesting turn to the whole series. Something that perhaps I could've overlooked. Nah, it's just a streched out episode.
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honeylemonspider3 September 2019

This is a beautiful story and it is amazing I am speechless would recommend to the world we all need to hear this!
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I liked it.
rroke3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was a nice movie. I really liked all of the call backs to the show in the film. I really like the animation they use for the main antagonist. She reminds me of a mixture of Luffy from One Piece, Harley Quinn, and one of the Cupheads. I really hope they do another season one day to answer one of my biggest questions. Who made the Diamonds!? We know the machines made gems but who made the Diamonds? Otherwise I really liked the movie it had it flaues too like rose/pink diamond. When she leave to go to earth she leaves that gem for 6000 years is just heartbreaking. Still see the movie its pretty funny too.
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jaki08099619 September 2019
I saw a lot of Steven Universe episodes, so I have an idea about the animated tv show. But for some reason, some strange reason, I think that Steven Universe: The Movie is the best thing that it was made in last years. I'm not saying this is the best animated movie ever ( I still believe that Spirited Away is the best animated movie of all time); I'm simply saying that there is something about this movie that I really appreciated and made me feel in love with this movie. This is strange, because I wasn't a big fan of the animated series. I liked it I thought it had good elements. I'm just saying I wasn't one of the greatest fan of the tv show. But, after watching this movie I totally changed my opinion about the tv show. The story is pretty much simple. Steven Universe and his friends after the events of the last episode are programming to take a vacation. But a misterious gem is attacking the Earth. So after a short fight with this gem, something strange happened to him and his friends. So he has to find out what happened and find a solution to save him, his friends and in the same time he has to save the day again. What I find strange about this movie is that the story has a lot of elements and clichè that should not works, like: the sad backstory, the characters who lost memory, etc... We should hate this elements, but somehow this elements works brilliantly. I love the story, the characters, the animation, but I especially love the songs. This songs are fantastic. There's no a single song that I didn't like. I never thought there was a song totally out of place. Every songs are important to explain the moods of the characters. I can't believe that something like Steven Universe entertained me so much. Every movie based from a cartoon usually are not as good as the tv show. This movie did exactly the opposite. I can't believe that finally we got something completely new. This movie makes think that there is a chance it is possible to have something new, something completely different. This movie is enjoyable to watch and it gives exactly what the big fans of the animated tv show are looking for, and even more. Not only this movie challenges my concept of good movies, but it rocked me to my core. I'm not the only one who loved this movie. I recently discovered that this movie is rated 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. I have nothing else to say about this movie, just check it out. This is a beautiful movie to show to people, especially for who never seen the animated tv show. If you are great fan of the tv show or you think it is good like me, go immediately to see this movie. I don't care how many Steven Universe movies they will make. There's no way it can possibly can be better than this. This movie will always have a special place in my heart.
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sarcastic_otaku12 September 2019
An absolutely beautiful soundtrack with songs that keep getting stuck in my head
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It does something perfectly!
troy-daniel-bush6 November 2019
Spinel is the best villain Steven Universe has given us! She has a heartbreaking backstory, an intimidating appearance, personality, and set of powers. And a devious voice. She's also very identifiable, and you understand why she's doing what she's doing. She's also really funny! Her opening song is simple yet very catchy and memorable! And her backstory song cuts you deep. I almost teared up myself. Top all of this off with a dedicated performance from the talented Sarah Stiles and you got yourself a perfect villain!

Apart from Spinel, this movie doesn't really improve upon anything else. It still has the great voice acting, funny comedy, catchy songs, memorable characters, intense action, and beautiful animation we've all come to know and love.

The series is a prerequisite to watching this movie, however. I highly encourage you to do so, it's pretty great. I have some issues with it but... yeah. Go watch it.
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You will adore it!
cody-793073 September 2019
There is not a moment in this movie that doesn't matter! Every second counts! Every single song is memorable and the animation is simply stunning!
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More like a special episode than a movie.
jebyvyson23 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Pros: -Good music -Spinel is the better villain than this diamonds -Touching moments -New fusion was...okay -Good animations

Cons: -This movie is a musical -Too many musical songs (I get it a musical movie, but there so many songs that doesn't progress the story, it just randomly happens. SOME of them doesn't have a purpose.) -Steven acting out of character on Spinel and only care about his happy ending. -Brought nothing new to the table, just the same-old Steven trying to fix his mother's mistakes. -Parts of the movie feels rush. -Spinel when she turned young or reform to her old self was annoying. -The diamonds
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Reckno644 September 2019
It was as good if not better than anticipated! Songs are brilliant yet again, the animation is SOOOO GOOOOOOOD!!! The story is simple yet very intriguing, and they snuck in some clever one-liners too! (Including the one in my review title ;)

If you are a fan of the series it's a must see no matter what. Even if you haven't seen the show I highly recommend this movie! I guarantee you will want to see the show for yourself once you see it! The message of love and understanding is as poignant as ever, and I think it needs to be said now more than ever in this toxic world.
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Too much music, good villain and story though
technusgirl5 September 2019
I really liked the story line, you feel really bad for the villian, Spinel at some point and it really casts a shadow on Pink Diamond. Spinel actually makes for a pretty good villain and reminds me of early 1920s cartoons. The ending was pretty good and brought some good closure. However there was just too much singing for my taste. It felt more like a musical than a movie.
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As an SU fan I was disappointed...
jdora-820587 September 2019
Before anyone starts flaming me let me just say that I really wanted to like this movie and enjoy it, but unfortunately it let me down.

Honestly I didn't have great expectations for this movie but I was still left down. I obviously didn't expect the next pixar but I hoped for a decent movie that would add to the show.

The movie felt bland and unoriginal. The animation was pretty good especially in comparison to the show's animation. The songs were okay I guess, didn't really like them that much and it didn't help that 90% of the movie was just singing. I knew that this would be like a musical and I look forward to Rebecca's songs but this was just too much.

Everything about the story felt rushed, especially the villain's arc, making it inconsistent. Because of all this the ending didn't feel as satisfying. Overall the story didn't add anything new except the villain and a fusion that made me really uncomfortable.

There's much more that I didn't like about this movie but I don't want to rant. In conclusion if you're an SU fan and have time to spare go ahead and give it a watch you might end up liking it.
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Beautiful Message for Children: Wonderful Family Movie.
michael_the_nermal19 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a big fan of "Steven Universe". I first got into the show because I love the fantasy/sci-fi genre, and "Steven Universe" engages the viewer in a rich world that serves as a platform for the creators' worldview: people must be free to find themselves as individuals, and use their unique talents to in turn help others. Another great message from the show is that it's always a good idea to empathize with even those who hate you, or who would use violence against you. Understand the point of view of the other side, and see if you disengage a conflict by using dialogue. They're beautiful messages, really. This is a deep cartoon, with rich world-building and vivid animation.

These qualities are transferred to the film. I highly recommend parents watch this movie with their children. There's little here that grown-ups will find objectionable. The protagonist, the eponymous Steven Universe, will show children the value of empathy in conflict resolution and in building friendships. The problem with this message is that not all bad people can be reasoned with, but I think it's an important cognitive step for children to learn as they go through life and interact with other people.

The movie also has a quirky charm that will no doubt delight old and new fans alike. The new character Spinel plays a big part in this film's appeal, and this is no doubt buoyed by the character's voice actress, theater veteran Sarah Stiles. Her talents (especially notable in the singing segments) bring a shining theatricality that is missing from most children's media.

Some negatives: even if you empathize and engage in dialogue with others, not everyone can be reasoned with. Even thoughts film evokes pathos and sympathy for this film's antagonist (I was almost brought to tears a few times), it does not excuse her wicked behavior, and I think she gets away with her bad deeds with almost no consequences. With that in mind, this is a positive film with a great message for children.
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A Wonderful Treat
aidanratesmovies3 September 2019
A magical, emotional, and by far entertaining adventure that is bound to please all fans of the t.v. show and plenty of those who have hardly watched it. The voice talents in the film shine greater than ever, taking the characters not only to completely other levels we have never seen before, but also truly encaptivating to believe it is so. The animation is fantastic, and the film is full of all new songs that are bound to get stuck in your head. The film takes the approach of a musical rather than a standard animated film, which while the t.v. show does contain many musical elements, made me wonder if it would be a good fit altogether. Watching it however, proved all my doubts wrong. The music in Steven Universe, both the show and the film, is truly the heart of what makes it so important, and that is never clearer than in this film. As for my problems with it, the film does seem to drag a bit once the true plot starts, and at times can feel a little formulaic, but nothing overall to truly ruin the film. All in all, the film is everything Steven Universe fans can ask for, and is certainly a rewatchable treat for all of those who wanted it to be. My Rating: 9.75/10
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