I Love You Phillip Morris (2009) Poster

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tinker4showz29 November 2021
I'd never heard of this movie. Or the story behind it. And, I gotta say, never been a big fan of Carey, TBH, though I have seen most of his films. I kinda think this is his best work. Certainly up there in the top three.

Same for McGregor, whom I do like, but often seems like he takes himself too seriously (sorta the "ac-TOR" type, mebbe..). But this work is understated, 'real', wonderfully shy and fun to watch all around.

I liked it!
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My 327th Review: An important film that shows the world has changed - entertaining too
intelearts8 June 2010
I love You Philip Morris is an exceptional film, not because of the script, acting, or filming all of which are above average but simply because it seriously tries to take a homosexual relationship and show it as a heterosexual one and does so without the squirm.

Maybe the world still ain't ready (this is most under-reviewed of any Carey film on IMDb) but it is a good film.

With strong elements of humor, con tricks, prison, and a heart that is genuine, it is a very entertaining film.

Hopefully it is a ground-breaking film. It is enjoyable , has real depth, and you would need to be mean spirited indeed to find it repugnant in any way.

Go see, then complain.
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myeggparty14 June 2010
I was very lucky to see a screening of this movie just recently, and I honestly though that this would be horrible. I loved Carrey in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Truman Show, and Dumb and Dumber, but that's really all about it. However, his latest film makes a mark on easily one of the best films of the decade. It's not the comedy itself that makes it memorable, it's the characters and the story that really makes this film a very enjoyable pleasure.

Loved every minute of it, thoroughly entertaining, actually very funny, and very sincere at the same time. It has a lot of flaws and not much detail, but with the addition the story being true just really does make it a remarkable film in the movie industry, as well as in Jim Carrey and Evan's career. A truly deserving 4 stars.
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The con man who wouldn't go straight!
paulclaassen27 March 2022
Well, you gotta love the comical presentation of these real life events. Yup, its almost hard to believe 'I Love you Phillip Morris' is based on fact. This was really funny! Off course, in real life it was no laughing matter - especially not for the actual person, Steven Jay Russell, on who's life the film is based.

Jim Carrey is well cast as Steven Russell, and I found Ewan McGregor rather endearing as his lover and titular character, Phillip Morris. Phillip Morris, as it turns out, is also an actual person and real life lover of Steven Jay Russell.

I seldom enjoy gay-themed movies (not for any other reason apart the fact I find most of them boring and predictable), but I really enjoyed 'I love you Phillip Morris'. This was hilarious and unpredictable and I enjoyed the way the story unfolded. I loved the characters and the actors who portrayed them.

This is not a role you'd expect Carrey to portray, but his trademark humor is well suited for the character and he does it brilliantly. This is not exactly a film suited for family movie night, but it will hit the target with the right audience. It was a lot of fun!
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Ridiculous and Yet It's a True Story
spikey_jap8 June 2012
Surprisingly, I never expected to like this film as much as I have intended, since I viewed this film as a flunk. The film was just well executed, well paced, and not presenting anything unnecessary. The story is pretty interesting and it sticks to what needs to be told. There were never any moment in the film that took a detour, as it stayed on focus on what this film was about; every scene mattered and nothing was put into waste. I do not know how much of this was real or if Russell did everything for a gay lover, but the film does a good job of explaining and depicting the infamous prison escapee and portraying his intelligence. It was actually quite fun to watch as you follow the character falling in love and fooling around him, in order to get the things that he wants.

There are not as much exploitations as you see in "Milk," but do expect at least few gay sex scenes. Despite the exploitations, I really liked how the director didn't overuse scenes that involved the gay couple because it really would have ruined the film for me. Adding these scenes in various parts of the film, really feels like the film wants to be funny by adding potty humor. You will only see less than a few of these scenes, one is quite exploitive, by the way; however, the director didn't focus on adding more of these scenes, only focusing on what needed to be portrayed on the film.

This is categorized as a comedy, but I will say that don't expect for some non-stop laughter. Not everything that you see is laugh out loud funny, but it is comedy that you can watch and actually enjoy without having some non-stop laughter. Personally, the only comedy that I found laughable was watching how Steve Russell, portrayed by Jim Carrey, escapes from prisons numerous of times. The real Steve Russell is known for being the Houdini of prison escaping and you see why he received that nickname. It is very comical to see all of these escape routines that Russell will do and you will see something different in every escape attempt. Each one of his escapes were well-thought, smart, and unique as you see a different escape attempt each time and will never see the same attempt used again.

You have a small cast for this film and I thought everyone was pretty good in their roles. Ewan McGreggor was actually good as I never expected him to even consider to portray a character in this type of film; he is not a bad actor and was good as Russell's gay lover. Now, the person who did steal the show was Jim Carrey. This is not the Jim Carrey that you have seen in his 90's comedy flicks, but this is Jim Carrey acting and using his talent that made him famous, to portray the character. You'll see that Russell is a smart character and have succeed in multiple prison escapes and Carrey was great as the role. I thought to myself that Jim Carrey was near perfect for this film because of the characteristics of his character. You have to have a character that is capable of fooling people by being able to do countless of voices, impersonations, and doing the impossible, in order to escape; what better actor than Carrey to take on this role..

This film is definitely not in the same level of funny as you see in "The Hangover," but watching these numerous escape routines and watching Russell fooling the people around him brings in some humor. A good cast , great performance by Carrey, a decent storyline that was executed quite well, and a smart character that was able to escape countless of times, made this film surprisingly enjoyable.
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A great movie!
bryanplateado9 June 2021
I Love You Philip Morris is a great movie to watch if your a fan of Jim Carrey's dramatic work! Jim Carrey gives a great performance in this and he has great chemistry with Ewan McGregor, who also gives a great performance in the movie! The movie also has great writing, directing, and keeps you hooked throughout the movie. The movie does have a few problems, but this is still a great movie to watch, and I recommend this movie to anyone who are fans of Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor.
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Plateaus then falls into predictability
awerling4 May 2014
Maybe it's just the way Jim Carrey comes off and he just can't help it, but up until a certain crucial point in the film, I took this as a really fun, goofy farce on romance films. We could get into genres and call it a romantic comedy, but the comedy part is not part of the romance like in a Meg Ryan movie; it's more a parody on romance between two characters who happen to be gay. Is it really based on a true story? On the DVD I watched a couple favorite scenes with commentary and based on the comments apparently it partly is! But that doesn't excuse that this movie really does take the wrong turn during the crucial scene I mentioned (don't worry, no spoilers). It gets sappy, stops being funny, and the audience is supposed to fall into tragic mode. It didn't work for me. Maybe I'm too cynical. I just wanted to keep laughing throughout the film, but the last 25% or so, the laughs just stopped, and there wasn't a real reason for that to happen that I could ascertain. Ewan MacGregor remains a fantastic actor, and he's just adorable in this. I'd say it's worth watching, but depending on your level of mushiness-tolerance, your final reaction will vary.
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A Brilliant And Courageous Departure For Jim Carrey
marcosaguado11 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A packed screening at the Sunset 5 in Hollywood. The audience rewarded it with a heartfelt applause and me among them. A stunning surprise. The film starts by telling us the story is true, really, really true and that adds to the already enormous surprise. A con man in the vein of Leonardo Di Caprio in "Catch Me As You Can" that deep down is overwhelmingly honest. After years of being a wonderful father and husband he confesses to his wife that he's gay. He remains friends and close to his family. Ends up in jail and meets the love of his life. The love story between Jim Carrey and the astonishing Ewan McGregor is a first for the screen. Miles away from the wonderful Brokeback Mountain because here their love is public without borders. I totally believe in the flame that both of them ignite looking into each other's eyes. It is so intimate and real that I realized I had never seen it quite like this on the screen before. The fact that this film couldn't get a distribution is beyond me. I'm certain it's going to be one of the hits of 2009 and Jim Carrey as well as Ewan McGregor will get Oscar nominations. I saw the film on the 8th, 4 days ago and I've been craving to see it again ever since. Look at McGregor's face when he realizes this man really loves him. The tenderness is nothing short of breathtaking. As if all of the above wasn't enough "I Love You Phillip Morris" is hysterically funny. Highly and warmly recommended.
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One of those love it or hate it movies, I liked it
TheLittleSongbird8 June 2011
Not love it mind it, but as a movie with its subject matter I found it very credible. The script does get overly-vulgar sometimes, the editing could have slowed down a bit as some transitions from one scene to another felt choppy and rushed and some of the tone shifts particularly towards the end take a while to settle. However, whether with or without McGregor the film is compelling enough, with some genuinely funny scenes such as Steven breaks into jail after just being released. Ewan McGregor is nicely understated and quiet as the heart of the film, and while Jim Carrey does do his in-your-face style of acting he does show some subtlety and poignancy too. The two lead characters are written creditably and their relationship is surprisingly tender in how it's shown. The film aside from choppy transitions does look good as well. All in all, I liked it though I can understand where people are coming from when they say they don't. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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don't like Steven Russell
SnoopyStyle20 November 2014
Steven Russell (Jim Carrey) is a cop married to Debbie (Leslie Mann) with a milk and cookies family. He finds his birth mom but she rejects him. He feels like something's wrong. He packs up his family and moves to Texas. Oh! And he's gay. He's living a lie until a car accident. He comes out of the closet. Only his gay lifestyle is expensive and he becomes a con man. In prison, he falls for sweet Phillip Morris (Ewan McGregor).

The problem for me is that I never liked Steven. Jim Carrey is giving a big performance. I wish I can fall for this character but I can't. The jokes fall flat for me. I would rather have this be a serious movie and let the craziness be funny on its own terms. I think that I would be willing to laugh at Steven if the movie sets a slightly different tone. The material is there for a black comedy. This is a near miss for me.
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The Power Of The Truth
the-ppfitzgeralds13 July 2009
It's more unique than rare that a film affects me this much. The center, the emotional center of Phillip Morris has entered my subconscious in a way that I can't quite describe. It changed my perception of things. This is the first time I see two men kissing that made complete sense. I believe and understood like never before the "normalness" of the feeling. I liked "Brokeback Mountain" too but in that case, the torturous path of self-loathing that the Heath Ledger character goes trough, kept me at the periphery of the story like a sympathetic, moved spectator. Here I was part of it, of them. I'm sure Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor have a lot to do with it. No cheap shots, no low comedy. They are so true that you can't help loving them and rooting for them, flaws and all. I predict "I Love You Phillip Morris" will become the sleeper of 2009.
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I loved Phillip Morris
tezbraves117 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I have literally just got back from watching this film and i can honestly say 'I love you Phillip Morris' is probably Jim Carrey's greatest performance. Bravo Mr Carey. The feel of this film from start to finish was that of a warm, touching picture with moments of ball-bouncingly brilliant comedy.

Ewan McGregor is completely convincing as a love-struck gay man. The two lead men have wonderful on screen chemistry which shows throughout the whole film. In my opinion the perfect casting of two gay lovers. Take a bow fellas.

If you love seeing films which show Carrey's slapstick antics whilst maintaining an emotional story-line this is definitely the film for you. If this film had come out a month ago Carrey would definitely be in with a real shout at an Oscar.
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The Abominable Showman
Radu_A5 June 2010
When straight guys play gay guys, this can go either pretty well or pretty badly, this film being a prime example of the latter. If it goes well, you'll usually have actors who play their gay characters as in any other (not necessarily tragic) romantic involvement, which is what Gyllenhaal and Ledger did in 'Brokeback', and what Colin Firth did in 'A Single Man'. If it goes badly, the actors and/or the script rely heavily on common gay stereotypes, which is what Patrick Swayze did in 'To Wong Fu', and what Jim Carrey does here.

That's all the more regrettable as the true Steven Russell story is indeed brilliant screen material, among other things dwelling on the reasons why family fathers, at a turning point of their lives, may question their sexual identity. What do the script and the abominable showman Carrey make out of this? He exclaims 'I wanna be a faggot! outlined on a stretcher after a car accident.

His character quickly evolves into one of the most offensive Hollywood portrayals of gay men I've ever seen: while the extravagant, shallow con-man lifestyle Russell aka Carrey pursues in the film may be accurate for the story, I could have done very well without cliché remarks such as 'I discovered that being gay is terribly expensive'. This plays well into a certain public stance towards gays: we tolerate you as long as you behave according to our stereotypes, which films like this embrace. Typical for this are the ridiculously overplayed sex scenes, which seem to have caused a stir, even though there's a straight sex scene just as ridiculous to match, which should have shown that credibility isn't quite the issue here.

To be fair, it's not all Carrey's fault: the script jumps from one perspective to the other and simply can't decide what this is supposed to turn into. A gay romance? A con-man story? A comedy? A dramedy? A biopic? McEwan seems just as confused about this as his hapless character; even though he is about the only good thing this drivel has to offer, his acting angle appears to be just as clueless as the viewer in regard to the plot.

Or maybe I'm just being a drama queen, and Carrey's shenanigans are just the harmless silly fun they've always been. Yet it's hard to be objective about a film that mocks a significant part of your life.
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Jim Carrey's Performance Is Just What This Story Didn't Need
evanston_dad6 September 2011
Jim Carrey might once have shown promise as a serious and versatile actor, but on the evidence of his performance in "I Love You Phillip Morris," it would seem that the time in which he might have put that promise to use has passed.

Carrey can't play any character as a real person, instead falling back on his usual bag of grotesque, exaggerated schtick. This can be very funny when paired with the right material, but it's not helpful when we're supposed to care about what's happening to his character or other characters with whom he's interacting. To be fair, the entire tone of "I Love You Phillip Morris" is about as glib as Carrey's performance, giving this supposedly true story about one con man's never-ending crusade to avoid the law and be with his one true love (played by Ewan McGregor) the quality of a tall tale pulling our leg. All well and good, but then what are we supposed to do with scenes showing Carrey's one-time lover dying of AIDS, or the tender moments between Carrey and McGregor, scenes that could have been somewhat groundbreaking in their own way (how often do two straight actors play homosexuals having tender moments) if they weren't treated like a joke. Carrey's uncontrolled comic performance almost dares us to care about anything we're watching. Well guess what?......we don't.

This film should have taken its cue from "Catch Me If You Can," another movie about a con artist, and spent more of its time on the details behind the cons themselves. It would have made it a rip off, but it would also have likely made it more entertaining.

Grade: C
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Always good to entertain audiences
Cat-Wings2 October 2011
Jim Carrey is a talented actor who played funny characters with vigour as if he is jumping out of the screen such as "The Trueman Show (1998)", "The Cable Guy (1996)" and "Yes Man (2008)", while he also portrayed an ordinary guy who suffered the pain of love that everyone would experience one or more in their life, in "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)". This time, the story is a love story based on a true story, which describes a genius corn man who has an IQ of 169, and became gay after he experienced an accident.

He tries to impersonate a lawyer, embezzle money from a corporation, and attempts to break out of jail many times, just because he is in love. In fact, Steven Russell played by Jim Carrey who attempted to break jail many times, and he was sentenced to prison in Texas for 144 years. Assuming from Jim's extraordinary characters he has portrayed, it may be imaginable that Jim could play someone gay using an interesting look and mannerisms. But you would be surprised how natural Ewan McGregor acts as a boyfriend of Steve.

Steve would do anything including crimes for his loved one. This feeling reminded me of "Monster (2003)", where Charlize Theron played a role, who became a serial killer only for the sake of seeing her girlfriend's smile, which was also based on a fact.

Another interesting thing in this story would be how the network in an American jail is created by prisoners.
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Shaving down the pieces to make them fit...
moonspinner553 February 2016
Jim Carrey plays real-life con-artist and closeted married man Steven Russell, who had incredible, indefatigable moxie when it came to cutting corners, telling lies and cheating the system--but who was also a crook with no street smarts, leading to numerous incarcerations. Peculiar adaptation of Steven McVicker's book--a dramatized true story penned by the film's two directors, Glenn Ficarra and John Requa--is well-acted by Carrey and Ewan McGregor, but is often agonizing to sit through (Russell's flamboyant but not-thought-through cons are mounted with the kind of precise awkwardness that makes one cringe). Russell makes a heartfelt deathbed promise to his lover that he will take care of his next partner without the artifice, and fails to do so. Is this irony? The film begins as high comedy (pitched too high, perhaps) before working in a more serious undercurrent, which the filmmakers then undercut with more wild behavior (some of it too silly, as with the tag). Carrey has lost his boyish appeal and now appears gaunt, emaciated (even when his character is supposed to be healthy and prosperous). The actor is so ghostly, it takes a while to believe in the love relationship he forges with McGregor's trusting Phillip Morris (who was jailed for "keeping a rental car too long"). The picture does work on occasion, and there are magnificent moments that mix a raucous, crazy-quilt sort of comedy with genuine sweetness (as with the lovers' dance in jail to Johnny Mathis' "Chances Are"). If the movie fails as a whole, it may be due in part to the final sequence of events, which intentionally (but not amusingly) cheat the audience. Steven, in and out of jail before feigning illness, flashes back on a childhood memory and shares a teary phone-farewell with his partner, but these scenes are pointless. They've been designed to give Carrey a hearty moment or two as an actor, and yet the 'cute' twist has no payoff beyond a slap in the face. After investing one's time and interest in these characters, Russell isn't the only one who gets a cold slap. **1/2 from ****
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A Hard Movie To Sell To Jim Carrey Fans
Matt_Layden2 June 2010
Steven Russell was a gay man married to a woman. Once he decided to come out and leave her, he became a con artist, which eventually led to him getting caught and thrown in prison. This is where he met Philip Morris and they became lovers. What happened next involves dozens of escape attempts, multiple impersonations and a love story that is funny, depressing and real.

Jim Carrey has two film careers, the one where he makes his stupid faces and sings out of his butt and the other in which he goes the more dramatic route and gets recognized at the Golden Globes, but not the Oscars. With his latest film, he walks a very fine line of comedy and drama. I Love You Philip Morris, right from the start was going to be a hard sell to the movie going public. It openly featured gay men and gay relationships in the forefront. Jim Carrey's target audience isn't the same type who would probably go see Brokeback Mountain, another film that prominently featured two gay male leads.

After watching the film, I decided to look up how much of it was true, since the film opens with the words "This Really Happened...It Really Did" and to my surprise pretty much everything that Jim Carrey does in the film, the real Steven Russell pulled off. Steven Russell has received the nicknames of Houdini and King of Con. His outlandish attempts to get out of prison worked every time, no matter how bizarre they were.

Jim Carrey plays the role where he loses himself in the character. There are scenes that are truly dramatic and test his emotional depth, then there are scenes in which he has to throw himself down some stairs. As I said earlier, he walks a fine line of comedy and drama here. Ewan McGregor is Philip Morris, a shy, soft spoken blonde haired and blue eyed man who falls in love with Jim Carrey while in prison. He isn't given much to do until one emotional scene that requires McGregor to do some pretty intense stuff. He gives more emotion in one phone call in this film then he did in all three of the Star Wars prequels.

I Love You Philip Morris is tackled by Glenn Ficarra and John Requa. Two writers in the directing chair for the first time. They don't shy away from the homosexuality of the film. It's never shy to show you what it wants to show you, if that involves Jim Carrey having sex doggy style all sweaty with a Freddie Mercury wannabe, then so be it. The film plays out with a sense of danger and excitement. Seeing the ingenious ways of how he escaped each time is interesting and fun to watch. The film handles both comedy and drama in a weird way. But based on how the real story happened, it was the best way they could.

I Love You Philip Morris is a funny film, at times. It's never a laugh out loud riot. It has a story to tell and it's a love story. The relationship between the two leads is more real than any romantic comedy you'll find this year. The problem is that it might get lost in the style of the film. It felt odd at times, not knowing when to be funny or not. This is a role for Jim Carrey and it isn't. This is a romance film about love, not Jim Carrey having a funny good time.
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Widening your view
tktgrosses11 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was out with friends, and they had already decided to go for that film. I didn't have a clue what was it about. In the first place, I'm not a fan of Jim Carrey's humor. Still, why not? I'm far from homophobia, but telling the truth, during the film I thought my buddies had been tricking me. Putting my stubbornness aside, I just watched the movie. What made me laugh most were not that much the funny scenes. This movie has a real quality. It makes one's see that men who have feelings for other men are no different than men who have feelings for women. It also makes us wonder a lot about our situation, what we want, what we're doing, where are we going. It is a comedy, but I think it deals more with, society, love, and even psychological matters. It is definitively a gay romance. A romance as touching as the most popular ones, Nothing Hill or The Notebook. I feel a hint of remorse, judging that film before. And let's point that the actors performance, especially Ewan McGregor, were quite great, really into it. Ficarra and Requa made their character's love possible to our eyes not minding the episode's absurdity. :) I felt this movie tearfully (for the most emotive ones), a little mentally troublesome because out of place at certain moments, and of course funny, drawing the whole of it quite exciting. What I liked most was the untying of the story. It is a must see movie, to seek when you're in a good mood and with people to laugh with. Unadvised to watch during the week, coming back from work. As far as I'm concerned, I would rather have watched it on my sofa at home, on a Sunday late evening; I mean, not something to go to see a theaters wondering if you just shouldn't have waited for it to go out at TV. (:
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Carrey and McGregor create a first.
lifeinmovies-912-7873191 December 2010
Just when I thought Jim Carrey couldn't surprise me anymore, even if he tried...bang! "I Love You Phillip Morris" Here Jim Carrey creates the most complex and complete character of his career. A bisexual co-man of all things. An amoral guy who finds love and when I say "finds" we see him finding it. The romantic entanglement of Carrey and McGregor is a real first because we, even the ones who don't quite get the same sex thing, gets it. I saw the love between this two men and I believed it. "Brokeback Mountain" was easier to believe because the tragedy filled with deceit and self loathing fit perfectly with what I, and many others I suspect, believe that kind of union may involve. Here I saw romance in Ewan McGregor's eyes. His disbelief that somebody loves him is out of "The Nights Of Cabiria" - I will certainly see this again.
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Pleasantly Surprised
filmbantha14 March 2010
This is not a film I would go to see by choice but fortunately See film first came up roses again with free tickets to a preview screening. You can tell that I had low expectations of I love you Phillip Morris, and this was mainly due to the fact that Jim Carrey's rubber face and daft noises have never been enough to get me excited about a film. Some of his previous roles in captivating dramas such as The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine have been a key to the overall success of the movie but his appearances in low brow comedies tend to leave me disappointed.

Thankfully, I Love You Phillip Morris falls in the middle of Carrey's previous performances, a healthy dose of comedy which is aided by an engaging storyline as the captivating conman struggles to escape the law and eventually meets the love of his life in prison. The relationship between Ewan Mcregor and Jim Carrey is completely convincing, despite the absurdities of the situation, which is actually based on a true story.

It is hard to describe the film without drawing on comparisons to another well known film in which Leonardo Dicaprio runs from the law; this is essentially Catch me if you can with a gay man. Although the film fails to live up to the success of its predecessor, it is an entertaining ride and a welcome escape from the teen comedies which tend to dominate the box office.

I have no doubt that audiences will flock to this film expecting another zany Carrey comedy but the humour does tend to take a back seat in some of the more poignant moments in the film. Fortunately the life story of Phillip Morris is a compelling one, although the dramatic turn near the end of the movie is not as effective as it could have been.

If you're a fan of Jim Carrey, you are sure to enjoy this, I was pleasantly surprised by the film but this could be due to the low expectations I had. Definitely worth a look if you get a chance but I doubt I would go out of my way to watch it again.


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Catch me If You Can, Milk, Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert and Man On The Moon
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Just didn't get it
skr-538-62574925 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a con-movie, romance, slapstick comedy, family drama, gay movie and some other genres as well. I really couldn't keep track, and quickly found it very hard to relate to any of the characters. Jim Carry was his usual self - which I find very funny - but his comedy seemed to me very misplaced in nearly every scene.

The only thing I could really learn here was some great ideas about how to escape from prison - the real life Steven Russel is really brilliant at that.

I'm from a country where porn was legalized in the 60's so I'm really not offended or provoked by the soft gay porn scenes, I just found them boring and off the point, whatever the point was? So to sum up I experienced this as a movie with a messy script I didn't understand, portraying some not very nice nor interesting people I wouldn't get along with if I met and who's story did not touch me in any way.

It is supposed to be based on real life, and if fact sometimes surpass fiction this is an example of such extraordinary weird facts that should never have been put into fiction.

I do not recommend this movie.

On the other hand it has got an 6.9 rating? How is that possible? It seems like people have watched another movie than me? Or maybe I have just completely misunderstood it! It's a big mystery to me how it can get such a high rating??
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Funny, Sad and True! (from May Nashville preview)
amanda-69431 May 2009
There's really only one thing you need to ask yourself before you see this movie: are you prepared to see Jim Carrey getting it on with Ewan MacGregor? If so, you should definitely go.

The movie tells the true story—and trust me, you'll have trouble believing it's true—of Steven Russell, a gay man who just can't stop conning his way through life. He uses his extraordinary abilities to gain a variety of jobs, gets indicted for embezzlement, and wins the love of the titular Phillip Morris while the two are fellow inmates in prison.

"I Love You Phillip Morris" was written and directed by Glen Ficarra and John Requa, the same writing team responsible for "Bad Santa". Like "Bad Santa", this movie effectively balances humor and with some very dark themes, though I would say the overall tone is not nearly as bleak as that of the earlier movie.

The writers told the Nashville audience that when choosing material to include from Steve McVicker's nonfiction book, they decided they primarily wanted to tell the love story. They do so very successfully. You might even call this the perfect romantic comedy for people who hate traditional romantic comedies: it's homo- rather than hetero-oriented, it's non-fiction, and it features a somewhat off-kilter con man as the romantic lead. Sounds bizarre, sure, and yet all these elements come together to make a really entertaining movie.

For the most part Jim Carrey loses himself in the character of Steven Russell, delivering an effectively non-hammy (and non-Carrey) comic performance. MacGregor's Phillip Morris is also believably innocent, Southern, and wide-eyed. Nice supporting performances, such as Leslie Mann's as Russell's ex-wife Deb, round out the movie.

Much of the romance takes place in prison, and this creates many beautifully absurd scenes. The movie also has its fair share of sad moments, and contains a pretty clear message about social justice in Texas -- as did the book-- but this is kept mercifully subtle, underlying rather than overshadowing the story.

The directors said they hoped the movie would make spectators laugh, cry and think, and the Nashville audience seemed to do all three. There were a lot of laughs but some definite sniffles at the appropriate moments. At the Q&A, there was a fair amount of interest in the real story, and Ficarra, McVicker, and Requa were happy to oblige with further information.

Come to think of it, you may not have to worry about seeing the two leads have sex. Although the love scenes were kept technically PG, the directors were expecting a fight with the MPAA because of the homosexual content. That's a real pity, but I hope they win.
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Confusion when Carrey and Macgregor hits the big screen
gustafsundberg27 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
My expectations for this movie wasn't high. To be honest I had no expectations at all. But the cinema was fully booked and I were glad when I found the last two tickets to the premiere.

On arrival I noticed that there were about 12 people seated. Something that gave me a odd feeling. Jim Carrey has always been a personal favourite of mine, and I try to watch his more "non-physical" (You know what I'm talking about) movies as fast as I can. And this one was no exception.

I love you Philip Morris is about a con-man named Steven Russell, who after a car-crash decides to live a new kind of life, a life as gay. He ends up in prison and meets another homosexual man, called Philip Morris. Together they start a new life as partners.

Throughout the film I had troubles determine where it was going. Was this supposed to be a serious drama or a hilarious comedy? In the beginning we are told jokes with sexual innuendos and we watch Jim Carrey hurt himself in different ways. But after a while it's a totally different impression that the viewer receives. I feel that this movie has troubles in defining what it wants to say and be.

Regarding the gay theme, you can expect some pretty shocking scenes. But I think that the movie still give the Homosexual man a fair chance. It's not those stereotypical gay characters you use to see in other movies. Of course there are some pretty predictable gestures and voices uttered by Jim and Evan. But it's still a human portrait of two persons and their love that "crosses all boarders".

This is a pretty good movie but I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed when the credits rolled. Some of the jokes are funny, some of them are not. Don't expect either a new Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind or a hysterical Ace Ventura. It's good, but it's not great.

Therefore I give "I love you Philip Morris" 6 out of 10
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No redeeming value
bandw19 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was sold to me as a comedy, and if I could think of a single laugh I had, then I would give it a higher rating. There is an interesting story to be had here, particularly its being based on the true story of one Steven Russell (Jim Carrey). Russell was an ultimate con man and jail-breaker, but this presentation is so erratic and exaggerated that it fell flat for me.

Russell winds up in prison where he meets the eponymous Philip Morris (Ewan McGregor), his true love. Carrey and McGregor have about as much chemistry between them as any two straight guys pretending to be gay would have. I have rarely been more conscious of actors straining to act a part. How McGregor got involved in this nonsense is beyond me.

With regard to its failure as a comedy consider just one scene, the scene where Carrey is being chased and jumps off the ledge of a building. He first throws his shoes over and we see that they land softly on some bags in a dumpster. Then Carrey jumps and we see that he has missed the dumpster entirely and is on the ground bleeding. It's supposed to be funny that we think Carrey is so stupid as to jump *away* from the dumpster and that we think he is dead? But not only is he not dead, the story continues as if nothing had happened.

The depictions of how Steven Russell pulled off his cons are so simple that, as presented, they could not have worked in reality. There is an idea that one can get by in a profession by simply pretending, without any preparation. The real Russell was surely cleverer than what is shown here. Can you win a legal case by calling the judge into his chambers and remaining silent until the judge volunteers winning case law to you? In fact it would be interesting to know just how the real Russell did accomplish his astonishing feats.

I did not find the the frequent references to homosexual practices (e.g. you can either pay for that or perform oral sex) particularly funny. A potential audience should be warned that there are some explicit scenes that many will find disgusting, like the anal intercourse scene. Will anyone find that amusing?

The tone is all over the map. Most scenes are played for comedy, but then you have a scene like the one that has Carrey at the bedside of a partner who is in the final moments of his dying of AIDS. That scene is played for drama and if you think that Carrey has the chops to pull that off, then you have a higher ability to suspend disbelief than I.

This thing was a total loss for me.
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Enjoyable Movie (Possible spoilers)
WalkAwayRenee12 August 2011
I don't know what movie some of the bad reviewers were watching, but I enjoyed this. It was well worth the rental price and time. Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor bring substance and believability to the characters and besides that I didn't see anything here that could be considered 'graphic' as far as the sex scenes went. Maybe I was watching a cleaned up version by mistake or maybe I'm more liberal minded than I thought I was, but if you say something is sexually graphic, I'm at least expecting to see gratuitous shots of genitalia somewhere. There are three sex scenes (as I recall) and two of them are little more than implied, and in a way that is no more graphic than you see in some of the sitcoms on cable TV these days. I can't help but think that for all of the protests that they have nothing against gay people or homosexuality, maybe anything showing two men together in a romantic fashion is repulsive enough to be considered graphic. There was humor and genuine passion in this movie and I recommend not writing it off.
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