Why? (2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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It's definetely nothing but 'why'
IzzyMaeDoorite6 May 2021
Why did the guy started murdering people in that town some time ago? Why stopped? Why started again? Why now? And, finally, why, after all the spree kills, he started this dumb hide-and-seek game with the protagonist (portrayed by a so-so Allison McAtee) and wasted more than a day exclusively on her? Too many unanswered questions, too many wasted cameos (I'm really disappointed in Emma Bell, she can do much better), too wague script, too amateur execution. The most watchable part is a tent double-kill featuring a young couple that exists, like the most of the characters, only to die. "Why?" will not satisfy neither genre fans nor any other person looking for something not totally insufferable to watch.
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Tell me whyyyyyyyy!
Stanlee10710 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The title of the film poses the question of why it got made. It reminds me of a copycat of Mike Myers without the compelling back story or character developments. It is a slasher film from a forgotten bygone era that does not stand the test of time. There is nudity at the beginning and a benign storyline thereafter.
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No storyline and terrible ending...Why? is absolutely right!
pecorakarl10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that overall the acting wasn't bad, but the writers made the characters seem kinda dumb and totally naive. I mean yeah, I get it, it's an independent horror film; some blood and gore...but c'mon ya gotta give the viewers a little more to chew on then this. Even films like Friday the 13th and Halloween did a decent job giving a storyline! The main character does one stupid thing after another after she realizes that there's someone out there stalking her. From throwing her handbag away (with phone in it) to casually watching the killer roam the cabin from afar; instead of running towards the main road to try and intercept her boyfriend who she knows is on his way there...I mean geeeezzz Louise!! It really goes south from there, especially when the sheriff (Lance Hendrickson) sends one deputy out to check on the strange goings on in the area regarding missing persons, ugh! Oh well...you get the picture? And the ending made no sense to me. Why is she smiling and so happy about her published book after so many people including her fiancee got slaughtered by the "maniac"? Why????? Is absolutely right on with this flick and it's title!
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There is bad low budget horror then there is this!
omendata15 May 2021
What is Lance Henriksen doing these days taking bit parts in ordure like this?

Every movie he seems to star in is of the utterly worst quality and it is not as if he is not still a great actor but the other reviewers are entirely correct, I should have paid attention.

Acting is not that bad but it is a realllllllyyyyyy boring stalk and slash with no story whatsoever or even a single interesting kill!

Very poor 2 hatchets on my horror scale!
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Just dumb.
MK_Ultra_5 May 2021
Comes off as something of a mindless slasher because it is both; mindless and a slasher film.

Plot is a straight line point a to point b...never deviating from its " scarred up guy in green jacket" killing for some odd reason. Doesn't rely on jump scares as much as it suffers from terribly mundane story with Jason/Michael-esque kills. Zero story. Terrible acting. Looks like it was made as a film school project funded by a failed Kickstarter. Hard pass.
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Straight out bad
gabrielastanton30 May 2021
It's a bad movie.

Even if we consider that it is an indie, low budget movie, that is not enough to justify the bad quality of the story or the terrible (terrible, terrible) acting. I can forgive the bad effects, but that's it.

Also, it's not scary at all. It's predictable, boring... not even in a funny way.

The only good comments must be from someone related to the actors or director or such.

It's good that it's short... so you didn't waste a lot of time in it.
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boring not scary
Jesus18750075 May 2021
So bad its a joke i would give this a miss.

Bad acting all the way.
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mightychristina11 May 2021
Yet another dumb copycat movie...the beginning was a copycat to the remake of 'Friday the 13th'...REALLY? But not only that but other horror movies too like 'Halloween' and 'when a stranger calls' and I must say the blood in this film looked so fake. And yet a third or fourth film in 2 years Natasha Henstridge was in it for little moments...and her being in these low budget films is destroying her career including her acting skills because if she was still in high budget movies like she was years ago her acting skills would had stayed better in a straight line...and she started off the same way as 'Charlize Theron' did all those years ago but Hollywood took Natasha down the wrong road over in time which was silly because she was great back in the 90s to early 2000s. But yea this film sucked so bad.
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Once Again, Consider the Cluster of 10's...
jm-vincent24 December 2021
Before I watch any flick (or movie, using the latter term for what is worth watching) I check IMDB scores, looking carefully at the lowest scores as they are usually the most honest. Here we have a lot of 10's and high praises associated with those, all given in one month...these are clearly an the result of a pity party attempting to pump up the score for this atrocity. Go with the lowest scores; those are the honest ones. If it weren't for the fake 10's I might have given this a generous "3" but the pathetic attempt to deceive the audience made me drop the score to a "1".
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What a joke!
cirisortiz11 May 2022
Disclaimer: I watch anything with Lance Henriksen, knowing most movies he is in will be lousy. Favorite show ever: Millennium. This was so bad, that I didn't stay around to watch him. When the main (idiot) character starts saying "who's there", you know the script is trash. What do they expect? "It's me the serial killer". Any horror movie, regardless of lousy, I give the benefit of the doubt IF IT DOES not have anyone that stupid.
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ta650420 May 2021
Edge of your seat horror. Exactly what it was intended to do.
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For horror fans only ?
helenmag-1567325 December 2021
While murder scenes in this film are very violent, it's all professionally done. If you are a horror fan, you should be pleased with the solid acting and believable plot. I was seriously scared. Terrified me as much as the Halloween movies.
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Another boring slasher
Kaos6573 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is yet another of a long list of slasher movies that give the killer absolutely no backstory, or any kind of explanation of who he is or why he kills. The purpose is of course, because they think it increases the suspense and drama of the movie, but this movie lacks both. The killer in one scene stands above over his victim and slams his axe down on what looks to be her head, but somehow decapates her. That is just poor directing, editing, and acting all around.

This movie isn't even good enough to be slasher considered slasher porn. You know those movies right? Where it is just someone killing simply for the sake of killing. To me this movie is predictable, and the main character has several scenes where she looks more like she is trying not to bust out laughing rather than screams of terror, and fear. The blood in one scene looks more like cherry kool-aid than blood.

This movie is a great example of why Hollywood remakes so many of the older films. It is a waste of time, effort, for those poor sobs that paid to see it, money. If you value what little time you have in your life, and you happen to love horror movies then you should do yourself a favor and skip this movie. I am now asking myself, "Why?" "Why did I watch such a boring movie instead of watching something with even a little bit of substance?"
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The title is what you'll be asking throughout this film.
Christopher3707 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I love horror, but this was so strangely done that I half wondered if it was actually a spoof on the genre than a straight horror. I say this because the victim was made to be so incredibly dumb that it looked like she was spoofing or parodying what some characters do in these types of films when running from a killer.

I won't give much away but I just have to point out what really made me tune out of the film and not care what happened after a certain point.

Here was a woman all alone in a cabin in the mountains.....While reading a book in the evening she hears strange noises right outside. After getting up to investigate, a rock is clearly thrown by someone into the window of the living room she's in.

She begins screaming "Who's out there?" and acting hysterical looking in fear for her life, which is understandable. But what she does 5 minutes later is jaw dropping......he shuts the lights.....AND GOES TO SLEEP!!! LMAO. WHY?!

She went from hysterical and in fear for her life to "I'm going to bed" in the span of 2 minutes. It made no sense at all and that's when I wondered if this was actually a horror spoof movie.

Who would DO that in that kind of situation? She doesn't even use her phone either.... Just turns all the lights out and goes to bed. I was astounded by her actions and didn't care if she lived or died by that point.

There are more instances like this with this woman. She's the dumbest character i've ever seen in a horror film, and i've seen hundreds.

She drops her phone on the ground to run after seeing a dead rabbit hanging from a tree LOL. WHY?! Why do that? Did the sight of a dead rabbit scare her that much to toss her phone away?

The stupidity was just too much with this one....why write her this way unless the intention was for the viewer to root for the killer. But even he wasn't scary as he should've been.

He can't even catch this whimpering idiot when he's wrestling with her in the front seat of her car. I was laughing at parts I should have been biting my nails at.

This could have been a really good suspense flick if the victim were written with a brain. And the police...OMG...there's a known serial killer in the mountains yet the Police Chief sends out one cop to investigate...who is all of 5 feet tall, and a middle aged woman to boot. No backup for her at all?!

If you must watch this film, I suggest you do it on Tubi where it's free. I see that Amazon has the gall to charge $3.99 for this and no one should waste a penny to watch this flick....that alone is the true horror! 1 star for how stupid the main character was written.....I still can't believe SHE WENT TO SLEEP!!...."WHY?" is definitely the perfect title for this mess.
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Why? Is a Great Title For this Film
rebeltaz-1870523 August 2022
Why was it written? Why was it released? Why was the killer killing? Why was the main actress so bad at acting? I mean... seriously. The woman overacts every scene. And the killer... there is no backstory whatsoever regarding him. We don't know who he is, why he's killing... nothing. Everybody in that town seems to know all about either him or at least his murders, but nobody bothers to warn her or even finish any sentence or thought concerning the goings on in town. Don't bother wasting your time. I only gave it two stars instead of one because as bad as this was, believe it or not, I have seen worse.
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Lets make a sorta halloween knock off! Why?
Bmoviegoer119 June 2022
For a film with at least some of the cast you might actually of heard of this is a very forgettable flick writing this review 10 minutes after watching it and can't remember a single characters name! Nowhere near a 10 rating but watchable on a free stream!
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Predictable horror killed with atrocious sound design
azraeliz25 July 2022
I love indie horror movies and i have seen alot of them over the years.

I always expect less than subpar audio and video, so when that is done well that its always a huge plus. This movie however has the distinction to have the most annoying and irritating score and sound design i have heard in a movie. All supense is killed with dreadful bass tone and overbearing music.

Pushing the volume to 11 to try to fix the obvious flaws of the movie(script, acting, direction) just made everything even more awful. With less is more approach the movie might have been more entertaining but unfortunately that did not happen.

I have not seen other movies by this director, but if he has the same sound team i will avoid them.
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Why, oh why, did I watch this?
indy-6850020 February 2024
I guess I ought to be thankful. This movie taught me how to take a competently shot, potentially decent movie and give it a swirlie in the backed up locker room toilet. I've watched a lot of disappointing movies in my time, but the amount of failed potential here actually pissed me off enough to write a review.

1) Show the killer too early and too often.

2) Spend enough money to hire recognized actors, but not enough to actually use their talents.

2) Destroy all hope of enjoyment with a cliche', tensionless climax that felt like a film student said "good enough" before heading to Lauderdale for Spring Break.
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Many Good Things
naaipbt30 May 2021
Cool flick. Many good things about this movie, some of which include acting and cinematography. Good casting, good directing. I've checked out other Timbrook films...seems he's been in the game a while and is quite solid. It's really hard to make a quality horror flick...I've seen some pretty terrible ones. But Why? Checks off most of my boxes. Worth a watch.
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copyhub-7414821 May 2021
I don't think people, (couch critics), realize how hard it is to make a small budget movie look good, sound good and keep your attention throughout. WHY does just that. It is a well crafted film. Well directed and well acted. Sure there might be things that seem familiar,...who cares!! It's scary!!!
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Finally a good indie slasher flick
jbick5420 May 2021
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. Edge of your seat suspense and nail biting horror in the form of an indie movie.
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Hold onto your face...
alexisa-5652320 May 2021
A fast paced & suspenseful indie horror film - what more could you ask for? Makes you rethink taking that relaxing remote vacation in the mountains.
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As a Slasher film enjoyer I loved this
fskbnkc8 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not blood or jumpscares that make a slasher film good. This film may not have that much of a story but that makes it more realistic. Do people really think that every time there is a killing that there is some unique story behind it? No sometimes, as much as people don't like to admit, Killing sometimes just happens for no reason. You could be out walking your dog and someone kills you out of nowhere. That why I like films like this since they are scary to me and show that even if you aren't in a "unique story" that you can be harmed. This films title matches the movie because seriously WHY are you doing this? Who know? Maybe there is no reason. SUSPENSE!!!. I'm gonna be having nightmares about this man.
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