The Uninvited (2008) Poster


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starts off well, but loses its way (mild spoiler)
Rick-3429 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
For some reason I recorded this and it sat on my DVR queue for six months, but I finally got around to watching it two days before Halloween, in the hopes that it met my need for a good scary movie. A lot of today's horror films are little more than murder porn. The Saw series is the best example of this trend, and the Hostel movies are similar. The film starts with a discussion of Lee's pathological fear of space. This is a great device to be the center of the film. We're given some background as to how and when it started - it seems to have started when a boy next door died as a child. One suspects suppressed memories. So, she's alone in the house, and some kind of ghostly things start happening. She hears noises, has nightmares, coins start spinning themselves, the TV goes off an on for no reason, etc. We wonder if this is a ghost story or a psychological study a la Vertigo.

Sadly, the filmmakers have decided to cross Vertigo with some kind of Rosemary's Baby story that seems to entail the sacrifice of a baby. Also, the story is confused because some of Lee's visions are her own personal demons while others are the spirits of the house. And then there are some demonic forces involved. On the whole, there's a lot of promise in this film but it sadly gets wasted by an incoherent plot. I wish the first half of the movie had led to a better second half. That could have been a pretty good film. It certainly would have simplified matters if the filmmakers had stuck to a story that dealt solely with Lee's phobia. Whatever they were trying to do didn't work.
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Pretty Dumb, Don't Waste Your Time
kat_astrophi31 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes to see a decent independent film with Ms. Moreau as an interesting female lead who is recovering from her unique phobia of big spaces. First part was fine, showing her issue through the lens of a documentary, and how she has overcome her fear and is living in a nice cabin house in the mountains with her new husband.

If they had focused the movie on her phobia (which she played effectively) and the scary old woman that triggered it (and somehow killed her childhood friend? This does not get explained) I would have probably enjoyed the film. But no, they had to throw a bunch of stuff at you that didn't make sense. Some demons/spirits are tangible, others disappear? The house was the scene of 'dead bodies' but we don't know how/why they died? There's going to be a baby sacrifice? And her husband's in on it? And maybe at the end she is possessed? Don't look for explanations because they give none.

Technically speaking, Marguerite Moreau is a pretty good actress although for most of the movie she just runs around scared and crying and hiding. The male lead was, so-so. The young female was kind of bad although in her defense the writers mostly made her act like a teen brat who waves a gun around and demands her baby back. The special effects were laughably bad and not sure why they even included them. Music was so-so. The lighting was irritating because many scenes were so dark that rather than scare me they just confused me.

To sum up, the writers did a nice job introducing the set-up but then proceeded to destroy everything by never tying up loose ends and leaving you remembering only the bad effects and confusing plot. Don't watch this film. It's pretty bad.
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Stop watching it at the 30minute mark
zerobeat3 July 2011
What's starts out with an interesting situation devolves into one of the stupidest hackneyed menu of random "scary" stereotypical imagery and scenes ever.

Before I watched it, I noted the description, something like "woman with mental problems...". Well, it turns out there's another movie of the exact same name in 2009 with a vaguely similar premise. But when I went to IMDb to check the reviews (just the ratings), I thought I was checking up on THIS movie. The ratings for the other one are quite decent. So I thought I'd take a chance and see the movie (or what I thought was it).

All through the movie (well, past the half hour mark... it's decent up until that time) I'm wondering what drugs those reviewers are on, or how much they were paid to write false reviews, or if the reviews were all written by the film makers directly.

Directly after the movie ended I logged onto IMDb to investigate such false allegations of a good movie and lo and behold after I started actually reading the reviews (and not just look at the ratings) I discover that they can't possibly be talking about THIS movie.

If I do one positive thing before I die, if might be to lower your expectations about this movie enough so that you expect crap, but come away pleased that there was indeed *some* good stuff about it.
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Disappointing - Waste of Time
ArdentViewer4 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie on IFC, originally thinking I was watching the 2009 film of the same title (thanks, cable company for mis-labeling the description!) The beginning was interesting but the rest of the movie fell flat. It was confusing and disjointed throughout. Although I like Marguerite Moreau, in my opinion very few movies can be successful with only one actor on screen for the majority of the film (e.g., Cast Away) and this one is no exception. Even the greatest actress in the world would have had nothing to work with here. I was intrigued by Lee's unusual phobia and how it was initially presented to the viewer. However, the only reason I kept watching it was because I expected (or hoped) that the rest of it would live up to the beginning, and I was sorely disappointed. There were certainly scary moments, if you are into that sort of thing, but even those were very predicable - I almost always knew when to look away or turn down the volume to avoid being bombarded by yet another scary face.

The plot simply didn't go anywhere and the film just dragged and dragged. I don't believe that the origins of the phobia were adequately explained. I was waiting for some big revelation about the old woman, what had happened next door, etc., but it never came. I certainly didn't come to any better understanding about it. The character experienced flashbacks from her childhood but nothing connected to the present. The scenes with the therapist were confusing - was she recalling the therapy or was she imagining it now in order to cope with her current situation? The subplot with the ghosts in the house and demonic presences was poorly executed. Okay, so the spirits were messing with her mind. So what? To what end? It was obvious that her husband had drugged her - why else would he keep asking if she ate the breakfast? The husband seemed sketchy all along and I wasn't surprised that he turned out to be evil, or an opportunist, or whatever. But that whole storyline was inadequately presented and was not resolved.

The movie seemed to tease the viewer with the beginnings of ideas but failed to follow through, as in a poorly supported essay or thesis. You were teased about the husband's new project dealing with spirits, but there was no elaboration. You were teased about the history of the house, but not enough information was provided. You were presented with the situation with the girl and her baby, and it rang incredibly false. To me the girl's character was unnecessary and uninspired. I realize she was there in order to move the plot along, but it didn't work. I wasn't invested and didn't care what happened to her. I didn't care about her baby. There wasn't enough of a presence of her in the movie to make the viewer engage in her character. The man in chains was another confusing character. Yeah, I get it, he was scary, but what was he doing there? What did he add, other than a tribute to Frankenstein's monster? I realize, unintentionally, my review of the movie has been quite choppy. Inadvertent as this was, this is appropriate since it parallels the path of the movie. Nothing made sense, nothing was properly explained or concluded. At the end I found myself wondering, what the heck was this movie about? Although I did not enjoy the movie I was hoping for some kind of resolution, something to take away, some bottom line I could gather as to what the film was about. But I was disappointed yet again, and I still can't figure it out. I am a fan of films that weave the plot with enough ambiguity to allow the viewer to make up his own mind and draw his own conclusions. This wasn't one of those movies. There were so many gaping holes in the plot that there were no dots to connect - just wide open space. You are left guessing all the way through, and worse, at the end, you don't even care.

Bottom line - if you like psychological thrillers, horror movies, ghost stories, occult films, or movies in general, stay away. You will just be annoyed that you wasted your time. I would rank this movie among the worst I have ever seen. It was a failure as a scary movie or any other genre of film.
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mariajonasfahlsing31 July 2012
I have no idea what just happened in this movie, who most of the characters were, and I have a raging headache. This movie left me cold, disappointed, very confused, and wishing I could have my 2 hours back. The characters are not really developed aside from the main character, Lee. The other characters aren't essential to the plot, are mostly absent from the story, and their interactions with Lee don't make any sense and do not drive the story along, so you don't care about them. It's nearly impossible to feel connected or even interested in the other characters. I've been sitting here for about 15 minutes trying to figure out what the plot was supposed to be and why the director failed to notice that the final cut of this film is a nonsensical mess. I'm terribly confused and angry, because I thought I would be watching the more recent film by the same name and my cable company failed to notice the difference.

Seriously, do not waste your time on this piece of garbage.
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triplechip0329 September 2010
I watched this movie on one of those days when you're ready to just sit back, relax and hopefully get treated to something really great that you just can't wait to tell somebody about. sucked, and now I feel obligated to sit in the reviewers corner with the other disenchanted viewers who kept waiting for something, anything, to happen in this film.

We generally give every film a fighting chance at least for the first 20 minutes right? Even if it's creeping along as the characters are developed and the plot is revealed,I can usually be fairly patient, but instead I found myself clock watching till it was almost over.

One of my biggest pet peeve's is the overuse of extreme darkness in a film, it's impossible to watch especially if you're watching a movie during the day, and there's ambient daylight falling on your TV. The only revealing thing about this situation is it shows you how many fingerprints are on your TV screen. With a four year old in the house, that means many.

As far as the characters I'm a little biased since I'm a huge Colin Hay fan, I wanted him to be good in this, but the script didn't allow it. Mr. Hay in my opinion is by far one of the most talented musicians out there however this script bound him to a mediocre at best character.

I thought the main character Lee was believable and as neutral in personality as Nick's, but perhaps it was the two like personalities,the overuse of darkness, and the "baby thing" thrown in at the last minute that left me with a feeling akin to buying that gotta have it gizmo thing from a late night info-mercial only to be sadly disappointed when you finally open the box.

All in all I think some good talent got sent straight to video on a slow train to nowhere.
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Thumbs down, much worse than most of the horror films you see now a days.
poolandrews21 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The Uninvited starts as Lee (Marguerite Moreau) & her documentary maker husband Nick (Colin Hay) set off for a shoot that will solve all their monetary problems, Nick's production assistant Helena (Brittany Curran) also comes along. The documentary shoot is taking place at an old isolated log cabin where several people were found murdered seven years previously, however there are no reports of any ghost's or anything silly like that. When she was younger Lee suffered from a rare phobia, a phobia of space & Lee always had to be by something like a wall & she couldn't go outside either, Lee met Nick while he was filming a documentary on her recovery but while in the cabin alone the phobia of open space starts to come back. Lee sees & hears strange things & Nick also acts suspiciously, is the cabin in fact haunted? What is Nick & Helena up to? Will Lee ever be able to go outside again?

Written & directed by Bob Badway when you search for The Uninvited on the IMDb it brings up no less than fourteen results, probably the most well known of these is Dreamworks horror film The Uninvited (2009) which was actually a remake of the South Korean horror film A Tale of Two Sisters (2003) & the classic Ray Milland shocker The Uninvited (1944) also show's up (I have seen neither of those, for what it's worth) but if your looking for this particular film then read on & try to let me convince you not to waste 90 minutes of your life watching this. Once again the films failings come from a crap script that was written around a low budget in a 'how can we make the cheapest film we can' sort of way. The only piece of originality The Uninvited has going for it is the rare phobia the central character has but she is cured shortly after the film starts & while it comes back to an extent nothing is made of it & by the end sh is completely cured again as she walks down the road, to be honest if you remove this phobia from the script the film would still be exactly the same as it has no significant purpose. The plot is awful, nothing is explained in any detail or to any great satisfaction, why did Nick take Lee to the cabin anyway? Lee's presence served no purpose & in fact only complicated matters more. Who did Nick strike a deal with? And for what? Nick had to pay for the baby anyway so he couldn't have been broke. Who was the guy in chains? A Ghost? A ghost that drives a car & is easily distracted by a train going past? Why did he & that old woman want a baby anyway? Who were they? Where were they going to get all this money that they promised Nick? Why did the deal have to take place in a 'spiritually charged' cabin? Why did Helena change her mind? Just what the hell is The Uninvited all about? The pace is excruciatingly slow, nothing & I mean absolutely nothing happens for the first hour & the supposed twist which never really comes takes up the last ten minutes. The seemingly random ending has Helena come back to life & drool blood, since when did it turn into a zombie flick? The the thirty seconds, that's when. There are only three people in the whole thing really, the character's are awful & the clichéd haunted house shenanigan's like hearing noises are just plain dull & boring. I hate this film, I think it's awful in every way & makes no sense & is seemingly put together at random with no regard for coherency or logic or viewer entertainment.

Shot on video mainly in one single location The Uninvited looks cheap, there is no visual style & I suspect most would suffer from extreme boredom rather than extreme fright while trying to watch this. Forget about any decent exploitation either, there's one shot of an old woman eating a babies severed arm but otherwise this is bone dry as far as blood content goes & there's no nudity either. I am not sure if this was meant to be some sort of Rosemary's Baby (1968) rip-off but the plot is so loose & the twist so unclear I couldn't really decide, I suspect it was but that the makers just screwed it up big time & we all ended up with a total mess of a film.

Obviously shot on the cheap this looks like the direct to video bargain bin crap you would expect it to be, basically it's ugly. The acting is bad, Colin Hay as Nick is awful why the guy playing that zombie ghost thing was terrible too.

The Uninvited is an awful direct to video low budget supernatural horror film with an almost unfathomable twist & the main characteristic about the leading lady feels like an afterthought to pad things out & has no real significance on the plot other than to keep her in one location. The Uninvited is definitely an unwelcome guest as far as I am concerned, do yourself a favour & keep it uninvited & away from your home entertainment system.
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All twenty damn fingers and toes down! This dull as dishwater excuse for a ghost horror mystery is one of the most boring things I've ever seen!
Foreverisacastironmess12311 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Afraid of space itself!? Is that or is that not the lamest phobia ever? Get outta here, that's one of the stupidest things I ever heard! Did they make it up? I find it hard to believe such a ridiculous phobia actually exists. I can't believe Marguerite Moreau has ever been in much else, her acting skills really stank! She never said not a one word that had a little emotion to it in the slightest, and she somehow managed to keep her expression totally blank for the length of the whole movie. She wasn't even all that nice to look at. She was like an even lamer version of Sandra Bullock. And didn't you just wanna slap her? All she seemed to do was wisp around the walls, and whine. I could kind of relate to her, in that sitting through this monster was akin to staring at a white wall for 1hr&30! For me, it wasn't actually that this was a terrifically bad movie it was just a terrifically dull and boring one. I literally began yawning. It was all so weak and lifeless I could freaking feel it sucking the life right out of me!!! It was vaguely atmospheric, but I don't think being slightly anything is enough to save any film from an avalanche of boredom. The movie seemed to play a curious game against time...every second just stretching on longer than it should, while me the poor viewer just kept on waiting for something to happen... It barely had one, but here's the plot!: This girl once had a weird phobia, she got herself cured of it, some guy made a documentary about it, they got married and moved to a log cabin somewhere that just happened to be haunted. Bad move. She has a relapse, nothing happens...something about a baby, nothing happens some more...something about a weird baby-eating ghost granny, then another ghost appears that's wrapped in chains and grabs her spatially-challenged ass and tosses it down a basement. She then bumps into a crazy friend who accuses her of stealing her dead baby(?) The crazy friend wanders off and finds the chain biker dude ghost. He leaps out of nowhere and wails on her, it's actually a little >scary!< She shoots the ghost dead(?) and goes back to Lee. They reconcile. She then dies of her injuries. It's a little sad.. Lee hears a spooky noise. She runs and hides under her bed. Her husband returns from wherever he's been throughout the movie, looking for her. He finds her and speaks a load of unintelligible crud. He leaves her to investigate. While he appears to check out some panties in the basement, granny gross ghost comes back and grins at Lee like a retard for about 5 mins. Lee finally drags herself from under the bed and stands up to the ghost, thereby conquering her fear, it really should be awesome or something but by this point you just don't care because the movie has completely devolved into a horrendously dull and confusing mess. She sees her husband. He's holding a real baby(?) He's revealed to be a real jerky who's just been using her to get the baby. He's gonna shoot her. No he's not, because he's surprised and strangled by the chain ghost. Lee looks at the reunited ghost family of her crazy friend, chain ghost, and baby. She shoots them all dead(?!?) Lee stands there with the baby, or the baby's ghost, oh god I don't know! She hears freaky backwards voices. She leaves the cabin. She walks away. The ghost of her crazy friend emerges from the cabin behind her and grins like a goomba, strongly indicating that this ain't over. It ends, and the goddamn Blair Witch Project was more fun.. A decidedly stupid, grey little effort of a psychological supernatural mystery horror with zero real excitement to it. I just gotta say it, it's a film done the Badway! Bye now.
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A work of staggering ineptitude
Leofwine_draca24 June 2016
There are plenty of films called THE UNINVITED but this has to be the worst to date. It's an independent production that looks and sounds like a ghost story but in fact is an aimless time waster, shot in a murky old house in the half-light for the most part, and charting the non-adventures of a young woman suffering from crippling agoraphobia.

THE UNINVITED is one of those films that makes zero sense to most people watching. There's a jumble of characters in the script, some bizarre, some very ordinary, and a handful of predictable scare scenes to make this a horror film, but other than that I didn't really have a clue what I was watching - or want to know. I don't mind a little ambiguity in cinema, but when a film is as wrong-headed as this one then it becomes an exercise in time wasting.
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Solid if unspectacular ghost entry
kannibalcorpsegrinder24 September 2012
While trying to recover from a bout of agoraphobia, a woman finds that the ghostly visions she's experiencing around her house may have more sinister motives than just haunting her.

One of the many variations with this particular title, this one happens to be an incredibly slow-moving and what initially-appears lifeless ghost story, more about freaky flash visions or dreams rather than any out-and-out horrors before it turns it around in the second half and delivers some really solid hauntings in that part. The early set-up is rather fine, but far too much battling her fears which resorts to nothing in particular happening as well as the constant and rather confusing addition of the others mistreating her condition, which feels too forced and entirely disingenuous to everything else going on. Thankfully, again, the hauntings in the second half are far better with some solid jumps and the discovery of a pretty intriguing reason for the haunting set-up. A little too much plot twisting is done in this section as well, with a lot of stuff that's just not needed to move the story along, and they're could've been a little more to do with the ghosts' involvements going for a kill now and then since there's not a lot of that going on, but it trades it in for a little bit more suspense and becomes more watchable as it goes along.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Violence and children-in-jeopardy.
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Two different Movies same name
timbritton8410 February 2013
Ridiculous thing is, these two movies are within two years apart. Never seen that before! So here's the painful part! I saw the other version when it first came out. I remember it being an at least decent movie. So then I come across this on TV thinking it's the same one. Completely confused I sat watching this painful mess of a movie trying to figure out how I couldn't possibly have remembered " the uninvited" as being such a horrible movie. I mean in the making of this movie, the apparently did not get one little tiny bit of a care as to how horribly bad acting was being played out. Yes the movie storyline itself is horrible, but the acting is downright the worst I have ever seen! Watching this movie just made me angry! Apparently they knew that once the word got out that no one would waste their time with this movie. So the only way to get an audience was to steal the name of another movie that had came out at about the exact same time. Horrible movie! As bad as it gets!
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Thumbs Up, Much Better than Most of the Horror Movies You See Now a Days
arsalanchauhan9 August 2010
well i saw this movie on television when i was bored and it was quite late in my room alone then this movie started i first mixed it with the other famous uninvited (2009), as i started watchin' it thinking' that i'm watchin' that famous one i really began to like it after a while i knew it was some other movie but it still had my interest, and the style they started this movie was also very interestin' tellin' some woman's past how she got some phobia n now she can't see in open space n stuff, well i hav to say it did'nt disappoint me that much as i was really scared at some moments, really got my interest thou there were some defects in the script could have been much better if they had taken the suspense and intensity till the end but it was'nt really there till the end. still i would say it is a pretty interestin', scary and enjoyable movie and i i'll suggest u guys to watch this movie with an open mind don't expect anythin' or make your predictions about the story.
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drklabs21 August 2010
Don't loose your time this movie is not watchable i have nothing more to say its not even worth the 3 i gave it 2/10 the plot sucks the actors suck the lighting is horrible you ll get your eyes damage so try to avoid this crap or at least play it to fast forward not to loose valuable time from your life the ghost story started to be annoying after the paranormal bullshit I just wondering there so many haunted houses in USA with ghosts and staff that researchers watching out night and day why people don't give us movies with real stories from people got murdered and stuff would be more interesting stuff to watch than this one -the ghost stories to be watchable must been based on real info's surrounded by mystery and not crap like this who will gonna be scared from this one? no one! If you have a fireplace and you got this on DVD burn it and watch it burning out it will be more fun!!
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Some intense jumpy scares.
walkers1230 December 2012
Like most of the reviews I too watched this based on the wrong movie information from satellite or the movie channel. I however did enjoy the movie. It was a scary psychological thriller movie. From the beginning they had you bond with the character by starting as a documentary about the main character's phobia. I watched it alone in the dark and it had me on edge of my seat through much of it. With close up shots, the dark lighting and scary music I thought it was much scarier than slasher flicks or very far fetched stories. The main character had a tough time with reality which made it scarier. It's plot was all over the place and confusing at times. I think much more could have been done with the plot but it was still entertaining to me.
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The WORST ever!!!
kyhlap7 February 2013
I was duped into watching this mess! My cable listing posted info for the 'other' uninvited movie. I didn't even know this one existed, and no wonder! But Anyway, I pray no one else makes my mistake because this was by far the most pointless waste of time ever. Nothing tied together or made any sense. I kept wondering why the mean character seemed so stupid. Most of the movie was filmed in very low lighting. I guess that was supposed to invoke fear, but there was nothing scary about it at all, it was just annoying and anti-climatic with zero plot. Seriously, if you are considering watching this movie, don't waste your time. I have never reviewed a movie before, but this one was so bad that I had to speak out. Hopefully I will spare someone some unnecessary suffering.
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Why do some filmmakers try to deceive the audience instead of making better films?
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi1 March 2024
THE UNINVITED is a movie with an intriguing premise that is handled in such an amateurish and unsatisfying way that by the time the end credits roll, one is left with confusion and displeasure. I originally gave this a score of 3, but then I noticed that there are a bunch of fishy things going on with it:

1. It appears the IMDB score is being gamed: there are, as of this writing, 385 perfect scores of 10/10 out of about 1.1k scores, making it by far the most frequent score. There is no way anybody but unethical filmmakers or paid shills would give this stinker a perfect score.

2. the Wikipedia page of this movie gives only comments from a single critic whose review, though containing criticism, is overall quite positive. What seems strange to me is that the critic praises the movie exactly for the aspects at which the movie particularly sucks. Also, the wiki seems as though written by a person who is biased in favor of the movie.

3. The title is identical to several other movies, including one much better known which was released in January 2009. IMDb gives the release date of this movie as 2008 (no exact date), but Amazon and Google play give it as 2010.

As I was watching the opening, I was taken aback by how amateurish this film seemed, but because I confused this with the 2009 movie, I decided to hang in there.

Though admittedly the premise of a woman suffering a strange phobia being terrorized by some kind of supernatural entity or Satanic cult is good, the movie manages to completely botch the execution. Apart from the amateurish direction, the movie is simply incoherent. I have watched thousands of movies, and I rarely feel like I wasted my time watching one, but on this I did.

I will make sure to strictly avoid any further movies from this director.
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Big bag of suck
asalcewicz28 November 2020
Incoherent and aimless. If you told me that someone made ~30 minutes of a movie and got run over by a bus, then the producers brought in a team of monkeys to randomly cut the remaining footage together so they'd have something to release then you'd have told a better story than whatever this was. Hardest of passes
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They should allow negative stars
ryleilove19 April 2023
This has to be the worst movie I have ever seen. Now, if you look at my IMDb history, I watch a lot of bad movies but this takes the cake.

I was so bored the entire time watching this. One hour in and nothing happened. I still have no idea what this movie was supposed to be about and was confused at what was happening from the beginning because I was uninterested the first 10 minutes in.

A little over 1 hr in I just cut it off. I fell asleep for almost 10 min and rewinded thinking I was missing something and that full 10 was pointless. I missed absolutely nothing. This movie wasn't even background noise worthy. The slowest movie ever.

No, wait there was one other movie that was just as bad something about a girl babysitting and a demon or monster after her or whatever, so yea this is the second worst. I didn't finish either. Waste of time.
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Loved it!
sarahpusey-250668 August 2019
The movie has a eerie slow pace that ties into the real life feelings of the protagonist, Lee who suffered from agoraphobia for most of her life before getting serious inpatient rehabilitative help. The relapse she suffers from the supernatural experience she had was greatly depicted. The fear this woman goes through is completely exhausting but not for the audience. You really push for this woman. The horrors she experienced in her home that she is a prisoner to are super frightening. I think it's an amazing movie. Very difficult to find on your cable provider though. It's definitely worth watching!
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Psychological Thriller
catfish-er11 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The most interesting part of this movie is the phobia. And, its manifestations. Shot up-close and hand-held, when she relapses, the film develops a very claustrophobic perspective. It puts us into the mind of our heroine.

The documentary at the beginning gives us an instant bond with the main character, who we now know married the filmmaker. Fallen on hard times, he's now working on a new project that's going to change their lives forever.


Yes, IFC had the wrong description. Yes, the other movie THE UNINVITED is better. But, what a refreshing take on horror, to be inside the mind of someone literally living in fear.
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