Trailer Park of Terror (2008) Poster

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It delivers on it's premise
kosmasp29 September 2008
Which isn't that much to be honest, but it still is a nice movie to watch. Especially if you like horror movies. It doesn't give you anything new, yes, but it's nicely told (edited) and shot, there are some nice effects in it and it even has some funny characters. That should indicate that it's not a straight horror movie then, so if you like your horror straight and absolutely derived of any "funny", than this isn't for you ...

If, on the other hand, you don't mind a bit of (crude) humor, you will like this movie. Again, maybe not love, but at least like. The decision is yours now ...
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potential wasted
movieman_kev24 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Norma (Nichole Hiltz) seeks vengeance thanks to a mysterious man in black (County music star, Trace Adkins) and kills all the residence of the trailer park she lives in after the boy she pinned her hopes and dreams to gets murdered by one of the sleaze-bag residents. She then proceeds to blow herself up. This isn't the end of the story as some time later a group of troubled youths chaperoned by Pastor Lewis get stuck in the ill-fated park after a freak thunderstorm. A hospitable older Norma regales the stranded group with the select parts of her story before they learn a bit too late that there's redneck zombies in their midst.

The opening prologue to the movie with a disgruntled Norma showed a bit of promise and boasted my hopes up a tad. Sadly when the main movie starts with the introduction of the delinquents those hopes were dashed and replaced with a meandering generic 'hillbilly horror' film that doesn't offer up anything new (2001 Maniacs did it better). The last half hour or so was a tad better then the bulk of the film, but I found it to be too little too late to save the movie. Unless you just have to get your dose of hick zombies then feel free to skip this one.

My Grade: C-

DVD Extras: both the R and Unrated versions; 'Life at the trailer park' featurette (9 minutes & 30 seconds of actors giving interviews in character which gets old fast)
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Trailer Park Trash
BA_Harrison16 January 2009
Although Trailer Park of Terror, a horror/comedy aimed primarily at a teen audience, fails to offer much in the way of either scares or laughs, it does manage to deliver quite a lot of graphic nastiness, plus a little bit of sheer lunacy, thus making it just about worthwhile viewing for fans of gore and cinematic craziness.

Based on a comic I've never heard of, this bloody piece of supernatural hillbilly horror sees a bus-load of delinquents, en route to Jesus Camp, making an impromptu visit to a trailer park after their bus collides with a lorry. On arrival at the park, the group are greeted by busty blonde Norma who provides them with shelter for the night; unfortunately for the gang, Norma is actually a ghost who, along with her dead trailer park trash pals, is condemned to collect souls for the devil.

With such twisted moments as a zombie hooker giving hand relief to a teen before yanking off the poor guy's todger (when she 'pulls off' a customer, she REALLY pulls him off!), a bloke being skinned and boiled alive by one particularly nasty ghost who prides himself on his prize jerky, some splendidly sordid sex scenes, and a mouldy rock 'n' roll spook who plays a mean guitar, Trailer park of Terror can never be accused of being boring, but never amounts to anything more than a throwaway slice of splattery silliness.

5.5 out of 10, rounded up to 6 for IMDb.
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Kind of Revolting
yngpsych19 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I was curious about this since it was shown at the Fantasy FilmFest in Munich. Also I had read a good review in Fangoria. Actually I thought this might be a silly horror comedy from the title. Well not so funny. Although I admit the production values and acting are top notch in this, did I really need to see a long drawn out scene of a guy being skinned alive, made to eat his own flesh, then deep fried? Plus there are some other torture scenes in the film that made me a bit sick. This really does make Hostel and Saw look like Disney. Then there is an annoying undead zombie guitar player that was just kind of dumb I mean, if this is your thing, go for it-like I said,it's well made. I just want to forget about it.
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Oddly empty and directionless
The_Dead_See24 January 2009
After a promising, stylish opening involving the shotgun slaughter of an entire trailer park, I settled in for what I thought was going to be a great little movie. It had a lot going for it in the early stages - superb production values, tight direction, good actors, and a steaming hot southern-rock soundtrack. It even flaunted the classic old tropes of the severe line of thunderstorms moving in to isolate the area and the hick locals telling the protagonists to avoid taking *that* route. So much potential!

But as we all learned at school, potential energy must be converted into kinetic energy in order for work to be performed... and, frustratingly, Trailer Park of Terror just stayed right on the starting line and didn't really go anywhere until the end credits rolled.

The big problem is that the movie has no sense of direction. It just doesn't know what it wants to be. Instead of finding solid footing, it tapdances clumsily from one style of horror to the next. Ghosts one moment, zombies the next, torture/slasher grindcore the next.

Likewise, it can't find an even tone either - it's funny one moment, and too disturbing to be funny the next. Exciting one moment, and meandering the next. Scary one moment and painfully awkward the next.

It never manages to merge these components together into a cohesive whole the way other successful comedy horrors have done (i.e. Severance, Behind the Mask, Undead, Dead and Breakfast, Bad taste etc.) and the end result seems empty and pointless as a result.

In conclusion, if you're a hardcore gore fanatic, it might be worth a rental as there is enough here to satisfy, but if you like even the tiniest bit of plot and development in your horror, leave it on the shelf.
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Trailer Park of Terror
Scarecrow-8817 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Norma, whose like a dandelion in a sewer, hopes her new boyfriend can rescue her from a trailer park chock full of hick degenerates and foul lowlifes, reeking of filth and trash, but loses him when one of these scumbags, Marv, pushes the fellow into a spiked fence. Seething with hate and despair, Norma(Nichole Hiltz)makes a deal with a long-haired cowboy(Trace Adkins), who very well might be Satan(..or at the very least an emissary urging her to commit sin for his master)to get her revenge by shooting them with a gun he delivers after their arrangement is negotiated. After a shooting spree, Norma blows the entire trailer park to smithereens, including herself, setting up the remainder of the film. A group of obnoxious *sinners*(..a list of stereotypes handpicked for slaughter)who have been traveling in a "salvation trip" with driver and chaperon, Pastor Lewis(Matthew Del Negro)to help them kick their various vices/troubles, find themselves in an unfortunate wreck during a heavy rainstorm after colliding head-on with an abandoned rig in the middle of the road, stranding them with their only refuge a trailer park nearby. This trailer park just so happens to be the one supposedly blown to bits and we see Norma with a wig, dressed like a leering, lusty housewife, who welcomes them in with open arms. We know these people are in for one hell of a ride.

The teenagers include a goth chick, a hefty addict, a nympho, a shoplifter, a homosexual seeking "moral counseling", and a smart-mouthed bullying wise-guy. This trailer park's former denizens, all victims of Norma's bloody rampage which rearranged their faces creating hideous facial scars and flesh damage, are now ghouls following her orders and they wreak havoc on the kids, destroying each in one grisly way or another. One victim's head is ripped away from his neck. One victim's arm is removed by a saw, before becoming a gut-munching feast for a large carnivorous trailer park neighbor who just loves her meat. One victim is force-fed helium from a tank, her mouth enlarging and hemorrhaging blood. One victim is gruesomely tortured by a cook, flesh from his chest slowly peeled by the killer's knife, later broiled in grease! Another victim's spine is crushed, the bones protruding from the skin of his back. One poor soul, while trapped in a cage, is plowed through by a car exploding from the inside of a house. And, one of the hick zombies, the guitar-playing southern rocker Roach(Myk Watford), who, when alive, collected various weapons, steps on a mine he planted blowing his body into pieces scattering all over the place. The film sets up the goth chick as the "final girl" whose life mirrors Norma's in that she could not escape the scrutiny of a false reputation. The film uses both CGI and practical effects which actually work rather well. The film seems modeled after Rob Zombie's brand of "white trash cinema" and the tongue-in-cheek goremedy 2001 Maniacs. Strong stomachs required. Probably more suited for exploitation and gorehounds who would appreciate the tasteless antics of the hicks and their affinity for harming people they don't like. Startling enough, there's no nudity despite lots of sexually uncomfortable subject matter and frank situations. The trailer park setting really provides the viewer with little more than a cesspool of sick individuals who live to commit all kinds of unpleasant behavior. Non-stop profanity, so if this bothers you stay far away.
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Not Great but Good...Independent Horror Movie.
Bublenutz1 December 2008
I was not sure what to expect going into TPOF. Obviously there was going to be trailer park and terror, but from the box I was assuming it was going to be another attempt at a independent zombie movie. I was wrong, dead wrong! TPOF is not a zombie movie, which is good (just because of the saturation), it also had an interesting setup which gave us some insight to the characters (Terry from 3's company is still hot!) but I had a serious problem with the storyline.

The are some flaws which should have been addressed, in addition to some unfunny scenes which were unnecessary. However the production value, set design and SPFX was above average from my perspective. The acting was decent plus being a no-budget producer myself, I know first hand how important these aspects are.

I could not recommend renting this unless you like slasher horror movies, good gore or dark humor and this is not a zombie movie, so if your expecting a zombie movie you will be disappointed. JP Welcome to Dreadville Series
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Pretty damn bad
overkillxx26 August 2009
The only good part of this movie was seeing the lead actress semi naked at the start, after that it was all down hill at high speed.

The zombies if you would call them that were pretty stupid and I was just praying that the would be victims would find a way to kill them just to shut them up!! The plot itself was poor in places and there is nothing really redeemable about it other than the occasional laugh which isn't what makes a good horror.

One to avoid to avoid, mowing the lawn is more entertaining. I do believe the lead actor however would excel in porn movies due to her great figure & Poor acting..
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Trailer park zombies.
HumanoidOfFlesh25 October 2009
"Trailer Park of Terror" starts with young Norma about to finally leave her trailer park for good.When her fiancée is murdered by rednecks she makes a deal with long-haired Grim Reaper,so she can exterminate all of her tormentors.Unfortunately Norma and her victims are now cursed to be undead,coming back every night to kill any unfortunate victims that wander in after dark.The victims include a group of troubled teens heading to religious camp.Norma herself is the leader of the pack and is just as vicious as her old trailer park foes."Trailer Park of Terror" offers some gruesome scenes of torture and cannibalism accompanied by the singing of Roach from on top of his trailer.Zombified redneck plays his electric guitar with style.The soundtrack of the film is fantastic and the script makes fun of trailer parks,southerners and fat people.The set design is great:the trailers look gloomy and disgusting.7 out of 10.
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My Review
joemamaohio20 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Norma (Nichole Hiltz) is a young, beautiful trailer park girl who yearns to be more than just a trailer park girl. However, the rest of the residents won't allow her to reach her dreams, so she turns to a stranger (Trace Adkins), who gives her the power to change her future - by killing everyone! Now, eighteen years later, six wayward teens and their pastor end up in the trailer park, where everyone is still alive...well, not so much alive, but they're still kicking, and ready for some fresh blood.

Just your average, typical, run-of-the-mill zombie flick, even though the comedy mixed in is kinda funny, it doesn't make it a good film. Even Nichole Hiltz's performance didn't do the film any favors.
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No Evil Dead, but definitely a good time
evlved30 November 2008
don't listen to all of the super low ratings for this film. of course you can't really compare it to bigger budget horror/comedies. it's no Shaun of the Dead by any means, but this movie has it's shining moments, and there are definitely more than a few.

the movie starts extremely strong. i'm not a fan of country music, but Trace Adkins cameo at the beginning was very well done and entertaining and led right into the rest of the movie.

of course the biggest factor that can determine whether a movie in this genre is good or bad is the script. i have to say that a lot of the one-liners in this movie are pretty clever and you'll find yourself laughing practically through the whole film, and not at things the filmmaker's didn't mean to be funny either.

if you're a die hard horror fan, this movie is right up your alley. there is enough blood to satisfy your appetite... and for fans of dark comedies, you'll enjoy it as well.
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Pretty Decent for a low budget
chicomangh2 November 2008
I liked this movie because of it's soundtrack and the no name actors A few hiccups in the film but for the most part a pretty decent story and a lot of good laughs. My favorite was the guitar playing dude who later becomes a guitar slinging zombie The big fat jerky maker was another great character Overall this movie was cheesy but great and very well filmed - I think the sets were great and the director did a good job. I probably wouldn't watch it again for many years but still a great Halloween flick - For a low budget horror flick it was dead on the money and the comic relief was just right - The make up was great and the gore was pretty cool too the no namers were alright and their demises were also just right. Certainly a better flick than many of the more recent ones to come out
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jdevinejim22 September 2021
Possible the worst movie I've ever it is the worst movie I've ever seen.
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Campyesque Horror Misses the Mark
Peppered_Productions5 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The movie opens with Paula, a young girl getting ready for a date. Along the way to meet him, she comes across several of her neighbors, who refer to her as the town whore (a job she inherited from her mother). Tragedy strikes, and Norma takes her revenge - killing everyone.

Several years pass, and a group of stereotypical misfits on a 'fix-em-up' religious retreat end up in her ghoul-filled trailer park.

Yep, the pastor who fornicates, the klepto, druggie, goth chick, and the *gasp* homosexual are part of a group that seek refuge in the trailer park after they have an accident on the road.

They're welcomed by Paula, queen of this trash pit. Things quickly spiral as Paula and her hillbilly friends start murdering everyone.

Oh, and let's have one of the 'townsfolk' perform a random song mid-movie.

Sure, why not.

Can we guess who will be the last standing? Yep - within the first 15 minutes. (To be fair, one of my guesses was killed).

There are some fun moments, and overall the acting is good.The movie is definitely watchable. However, it could have been shorter and more effective. Plus, the overt stereotypes lump it within typical fare. Could have been better, but, then again - it could've been MUCH worse
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doctor1321 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with the other posters here that the film looks great, is cut wonderfully and the acting is stellar. Some of the humor is good, and there are several trailer park in-jokes that will probably offend anyone who actually LIVES in a trailer park.

My problem with the film is that evil gets the upper hand at the beginning and keeps it throughout the film. The kids and the minister have no chance once they have their accident. The evil characters are in control and once you realize that there is no way out, no way to kill the undead and no happy ending, all suspense is gone, all dramatic tension is gone and the film is simply about special effects and screaming. It tries to be a mix of Texas CHAINSAW MASSACRE and DEVIL'S REJECTS, but fails at achieving either.
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i really wanted to like this movie...but
daworldismine23 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
as i was browsing through my local DVD shop the other day i stumbled on this movie, now i love horror movies, and horror comedies and this looked right up my street, redneck zombies, cool, came with a comic book nice, was looking forward to some sweet gore, and loads of laughs, and got neither, nor did i get my redneck zombies i was promised. the movie was poor in every way, some OK special effects nothing to write home about. the lead actress was OK, but it could of been much better, and it thought it was clever but it wasen't. now look i love me a bit of horror cheese ya know 'evil dead 2' 'braindead' and 're animater'. but where as they were genuinely funny and meant to be, i was surprised at how serious the thing tried to be, dashes of humour here and there, but it was trying to be to dark and fails. there was one scene that was pretty cool, when a dude gets boiled/fried but other than that this did not impress me one bit, its so far from the cult classic its supposed to be stay away, its just trash
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Astonishingly bad
Leofwine_draca15 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TRAILER PARK OF TERROR is an astonishingly bad B-movie horror flick that feels like a cheap rip-off of the work put out by Rob Zombie. This trashy movie sees a bunch of dumb characters heading into a trailer park filled with even dumber characters. Eventually they all get taken prisoner by a bunch of undead demons, who are merely bad actors wearing rubber masks. Plenty of torture and gratuity ensues, all playing out without the slightest wit or interest. The disappointing cast's sole redeeming feature is the underrated Lew Temple, of THE WALKING DEAD fame, but the rest of the no-hopers make no impact, and nor does the film.
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Solid & Entertaining
Soucriant11 November 2008
Norma is a pretty young thing who has had more than her fill of the chauvinist thugs that live in and and pretty much rule her trailer park. She is all set to get out of there, but things don't go quite according to plan...This brings us to a decade or so later, when a bus of wild teenagers who are undergoing a faith intervention, wind up at the aforementioned trailer park.

'Trailer Park of Terror' relies heavily on stereotypes. From the uncouth, sickening residents that occupy the trailer park, to the goth chick, the whore and the jock. Saying that, the cast mostly put their all in, and performances are above average.

This flick is also chock full of excellent one-liners, and I found it very amusing. It doesn't look distinctly low budget, and there are a good few stylish camera tricks here and there. The gore is good enough, and there's one particularly nasty scene.

There's not much in the way of plot here, most things are left unexplained. I found that rather interesting. My only quip is the ending, which felt very rushed and disappointing. My score would have been an 8, otherwise.

All in all, Trailer Park of a Terror is a good tongue-in-cheek, entertaining flick, with plenty of hilarious one-liners and memorable characters.

Worth your time.
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Lifeless characters in more ways than one
tracy_flick12 March 2009
It was a little eerie watching Steven Goldmann's "Trailer Park of Terror" just days after reading about the three KFC employees who took pictures of themselves bathing in the chain's sink. If that wasn't quite enough to put me off dining in fast food joints then this woeful grindhouse experiment of horror probably closes the lid on my uncertainty. Some of the individuals lodged in this comic book inspired universe will distinguish anything as worthy of the chicken sobriquet. And if the KFC workers had been left red-faced by their actions, one character here is red all over after some 'chicken' is cooked Southern fry-up style. And, yes, these guys like to photograph such opportunities too.

Read the full review at my personal website:
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Not what you're thinking ... not a bad thing
Poe-1727 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen the comic tale this is based on and I would have by-passed this DVD except for the title. I'm old school where "The Horror of ..." and "The Terror of ..." and similar titles dominated these kinds of movies. Understand I didn't expect anything but it was a buck at Redbox and I couldn't resist that title.

This review is after a second viewing. A second viewing.

Not a great movie but one of those embarrassing favorites.

This film just goes haywire and runs off the map and all over the place and, if you're bent just right, is dark and disturbing hilarious.

Trace Adkins is the devil and when you first see him he's urinating in a field and his urine hits the ground and emits plumes of steam. He's a lightweight bookend for the story that follows.

That was my first hint this might be "something different".

It is.

It might not be something "different enough" for you but it never failed to entertain ... something I demand.

Trailer tramp lady has reason to eliminate everyone in the trailer park, Devil gives her a way, trailer park denizens become zombie-kind-of-things and, years later, a group of youthful Christian-Campers (don't you love it?) make their way to the park.

Everything you can imagine, and some you won't, ensues.

Trace provides one bookend and a quote from Norma, before she becomes a mass murderer, provides another.

But the movie isn't about tidy details.

It's about the jolly horror romp in between.

It is a jolly horror romp.

Hee Haw!
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tommywilley4713 January 2011
I'm only scoring it as high as i am cause it did have a lot of gore in it which was a plus for me. everything else was absolutely lame. i felt like i was watching an episode of jerry springer in hell. i felt like i was dumber than i already am for watching this and i will do whatever i can to not see it again anytime soon. the gore was cool but the rest was absolute garbage. id rather stare at the microwave or pass a kidney stone.i guess the psycho billy music was kind of cool. i do like some psycho billy from time to time. i am just not into the whole white trash, hooker stuff. the old dumpy fat woman who wanted meat all the time was a little amusing. i say if you are really desperate give this movie a go but don't say i didn't warn you.
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Nothing short of spectacular...
paul_haakonsen21 October 2011
Wow! This movie totally took me by surprise. Initially I bought it because it is a zombie movie, but I had not imagined that the movie would be this cool. If you liked "Shaun of the Dead", then you definitely want to check out "Trailer Park of Terror".

The story is pretty straight forward, and as you would expect of any horror movie; something sinister happened in the past, then many years pass by and a bunch of teenagers find themselves in the location of the grizzly deed that happened many years in the past. And then it all takes a turn for the worse. Enter the hillbilly zombies!

"Trailer Park of Terror" combines three great things into one great movie; humor, gore and really amazing zombie make-up. I was in awe at the effects of this movie, and it was really obvious that Drac Studios are really knowing what they are doing. Hats off to them for the amazing effects they have pulled off on the zombies in this movie. That make-up and special effects alone make it worth sitting down and watching the movie.

And the music score/soundtrack for this movie was really great as well. Very well picked music that worked well for every scene. And the song that the zombie was singing when he was on top of the trailer, that was just phenomenal. It was so well placed for the movie and the timing of the story.

The cast they put together for this movie was nice as well, though I didn't really recognize anyone here. But that doesn't matter, because they did great jobs, and it is refreshing to see new faces in movies every now and then. And I must say that it was really the zombies that carried the movie, because they had so much personality, and they were hilarious. (Plus their make-up really helped them well along the way.)

"Trailer Park of Terror" is really a gem much like "Shaun of the Dead" in the zombie genre. There is a lot of humor in this movie, so don't except to see a Romero style zombie movie here.

I am a huge fan of zombie movies, and once in awhile I stumble upon a zombie movie that perfectly incorporates comedy into an otherwise gore-stained and serious genre. "Trailer Park of Terror" is a definite MUST watch for all zombie fans.
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Whaa? A charming zombie flick....with cleavage
djderka21 January 2013
Yes, I enjoyed his flick. Nichole Hiltz is great as Norma. I thought I saw her in My Name is Earl, but that is Jamie Pressly. I was fooled as were some others. Both actresses are great as trashy hot hillbillies. Loved the red dress on Norma showing ample cleavage. Wow! Everyone knows the plot.

Norma is not 'appreciated for who she is', so she dates someone out of the trailer park. Big mistake. The trailer billies punch his lights out. Ticked off, she deals with the devil and blows up the park with her in it, but only to exists in some sort of purgatory waiting for innocent victims to show up and become dinner as she become a living zombie with the others. The funny parts are their goofy characters, which they play well.

The trailer park becomes a zombie park and the residents become alive again, torturing their visitors. Each one had their own unique 'personality' from meat eaters to the 'jerky' guy, to the guitar guy.

The visitors are troubled teens with their own set of issues. Between the zombies and the troubled teens, these are a lot of characters to handle and movie around and develop given their time on the screen. But I think the director handled them all with finesses. In an ensemble casts such as this, there is not much room for deep character.

The movie reminded me of Mortville to fans of John Waters. The movie Desperate Living takes place in Mortville, a town of homeless people that live and play in a garbage dump. The blurb for the flick was "who are these people, where do they go when the sun goes down", which of course was a mandate to see it.

Special effects in Trailer Park were superb. I mean who can just treat the zombies as real characters with out spilling the, I mean guts...of the character. Music was good and appropriate. I think the flick was under rated. It is really above most zombie movies and had a great cast,set design,sound track,lighting design and direction. Script pretty good from a comic book title.

My copy came with a DVD of P2 another good film. So I got quite a bargain in the two DVD set.

Nichole Hiltz has been in a lot of flicks and I will look for her in new ones....great job. Her and Jamie P. could rule a huge trailer park. That's a wrap, nice job everyone.

By the way, if we treat woman 'for who they are', rather than as piece of meat we can avoid such zombie scenarios in the future. A warning to chauvinists everywhere.
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epalejandrocarrillo12 October 2019
In the 80s a trailer park filled with horrible people get massacred but somehow they are walking talking undead. A church youth group filled with horrible kids gets caught in a storm and seaks shelter at the trailer park. Like the Texas chainsaw massacre they get tortured and killed. It takes an hour for something to actually happen. I was completely bored, no amount of beer can save this terrible movie. Don't waist your time.
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"You want happy ending?"
Backlash00731 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers

If you want "happy ending", then don't look here. Trailer Park of Terror (based on a comic book of the same name) is one big heapful of wasted potential. The film starts off really good and has kind of a Devil's Rejects meets Dead and Breakfast vibe to it. It has several actors who were in Rejects (Lew Temple and Priscilla Barnes), and a few who should have been (Duane Whitaker and Tracey Walter). It also has this really cool rockabilly troubadour guy that reminds me of some of the best moments in Dead and Breakfast. The film looks great and it's clear that someone behind the camera knows what they are doing as well as those out in front. Unfortunately, after the intro the film becomes the standard teen movie where the interesting characters take a back seat to the same group of kids you see in every horror movie out now. The storyline also takes a nosedive. What Trailer Park turns out to be is another version of 2000 Maniacs (they even make reference to this), only not as much fun as Tim Sullivan's remake. The plot is identical. So if you've seen 2001 Maniacs you will certainly feel Deja Vu should you decide to watch this flick. I've always said that watching a movie that doesn't live up to its potential is worse than watching something that is out and out crap. Trailer Park of Terror continues to make my case.
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