Dark Fields (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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Dark Fields, low (high)lights
romanwheat13 April 2007
Well, the main girl character is easy on the eyes. The movie, however, isn't. I have no idea how this movie made it to Lion's Gate. Poor script, poor characters, poor dialogue, worst psychopath ever, no idea what happened to the driver of the car -- yet, this made it to the video store. Lion's Gate easily spent more money on packaging than it did on the movie. The shots tended to go way too long (i guess they really needed to extend it), the use of slow motion looks choppy. The only way, I mean the only way, this movie would have been interesting if the main female character went topless (it's part of the horror genre). No idea why this movie was rated R, spent the last 5 minutes of the movie on bloopers to extend the movie more, no mention of which concert they were going to, music was flat/no feeling, over-acting or no acting ability, definitely from Canada with the accents, the trucker's beard was fake looking, the only character that acted nicely was the father from the beginning who really did look concerned -- concerned that the movie was going to be bad. I liked the car driver character only because he made me laugh. There were more holes in this story and more lighting problems than I have ever seen in a film. In summary, I feel cheated out of an hour. Lion's Gate should be ashamed of themselves.
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Serious contender for worst slasher flick of all time....
FrightMeter15 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Up until I saw this crap film, I was satisfied with my declaration that the 80's cheese-fest "The Last Slumber Party" and the lame 90's "Ax 'Em" were tied for the title worst slasher flick of all time. Well, move over, because we have a new contender in town! I have to wonder if the filmmakers even WATCHED this film after shooting it! It's pure ineptness from start to finish and some of the most ridiculous scenes in movie history. The plot is simple: Four teens who seem to not even be able to stand each other very much decide to go to a concert together. On the way, the run out of gas and are left to explore an old farmhouse for help. It doesn't take long before one of the four disappears and the others go looking for him, only to realize that there is something not quite right about the property. Believe me, it sounds more interesting than it could ever hope to be. There are so many WTF moments that it is even hard to keep track: wouldn't the kids fill up BEFORE they departed on a miles long trip to the country in search of a concert? Does getting your hand stuck in a piece of farm equipment actually kill you? But those aren't even the moments that make this "slasher" film absurd. That comes in the form of us having to watch to of the most annoying and stupid female characters ever to appear in a slasher film! First, neither can act her way out of a paper sack. Secondly, the writer has them do the most implausible things. They never REALLY try to escape the killer, who, by the way, seems totally uninterested in killing either one of them. I think I counted 11 different times that the killer had the perfect opportunity to kill BOTH girls, but for some reason, doesn't. This is most blatant due to the fact that the either girl actually ever RUNS away. They walk! In one of the more ridiculous scenes, the girls hitch a ride with an old farmer, only to have the killer come along when his truck is stopped to kill him. This is the PERFECT time for the killer to kill the girls, mainly Because they both STAND BY THE TRUCK FOR ABOUT 5 MINUTES before walking away, yet the killer seems to care less. A similar thing happens when they take refuge in a glass office. And the climatic scene is just laughable.

Seriously folks, avoid this at all costs. There is NOTHING remotely interesting, scary, or redeeming about it and you will truly feel like you wasted 85 minutes of your life AND your voice for screaming at the stupidity you see while watching it! 1 out of 10!
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It's Definitely Harvesting Time
jamhorner14 October 2007
Oh yes, this movie. I noticed this movie on a $2.99 rack in a video store and it looked mind-blowing. The artwork was fantastic and although it reminded me of the Texas Chainsaw I still bought it. I got a refund. This movie was horrible, horrible, horrible. Basically it's about a group of teens driving on a dark highway, their car breaks down, they try to cipher gas from an old farmhouse and they are being killed, one by one, by a killer who lives in that house. This movie was a disaster but the title, it sounded good, almost like a kids book title.

The acting was so stale and wooden it was funny. The teens would usually overact or they would not act enough when the time called for it. The movie was a horrible rendition of your classic young-girl-stalked-by-unknown-killer tale. This movie looks like a bad high school movie project. I wish that I had more to say about this title but I forgot a lot about it and I would rather not remember it. So in conclusion this is a movie that should be sent to wheat thrasher.
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Z- Grade Horror !!!
willy200420 November 2006
This film looked like it had the production budget of about 3 bags of weed. It almost looks like a student film. Bad lighting, bad soundtrack, bad plot, shallow characters and even badder acting.

I laughed out aloud at some of the bad dialogue and the main character "Taylor" who was more concerned about flicking her long hair and looking sexy than actually trying to act.

Given the obvious lack of funding, the badly written script and the amateur actors - the director than likely did the best they could - under the circumstances.

But there are a lot better Slasher style pics out there which have been made on a similar budgets and still retain a good story with lots of good chills. The indie horror film "Malevolence" is a prime example.

Wold Creek had a budget of $1 Million US - and it was one of the scariest and brutal films ever made in the slasher genre.

Granted this was an amateur effort, but that's still no excuse. An original idea may have been all that was needed to elevate this film above the level of "absurd".
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waste of my life.
booyaachieved0629 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
even in the beginning i was seriously wondering, did they even WATCH the scenes they edited? surely there had to be a better take..... the bloopers at the end weren't funny either.. the movie was more hilarious than those little "woopsies" of the actors (who, by the way, were absolutely horrendous). there were MANY scenes where the film crew's shadows showed up. and in the scene after the 2 girls have their first encounter with farmer brown and knock him out by gently tapping his shoulder with a shovel, they wander BACK into the farm house to... well, i don't really know why... to investigate, i guess... they end up in a bathroom where they find news clippings and blah blah blah. at the end of the scene, they are startled by nothing and in the corner of the screen you see a man's hand holding up a lantern to light the set. by the end of the movie, i was really hoping he would just kill them all. i stayed watching just to see if he would. but apparently a small girl's punch to the face can easily knock him down. oooo! what a scary villain! AND!!! that butcher guy.. his beard was TOTALLY fake! it looked like they super glued cotton to his face! my high school drama department does a better job at make up and gore than this movie.
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Dark Nonsense
mattman97798 December 2006
This movie really deserves a 0 vote because it was so cheap. the title had nothing to do with the movie and had nothing to do with the plot.

This movie was not even close to being a horror because I could not stop laughing about the horrible acting. I can't believe Blockbuster would put such crap on their shelves.

It was peculiar how the school at the beginning only had four students in the hallways. Maybe it is because this movie had a low budget. But please do not waste money on this movie. It makes for a good comedy but not a horror. Overall the plot just a mess and did not make any sense...
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This is in my POS productions group
rwashington-519 December 2006
What is my POS productions group? It stands for Piece Of Sh@t productions. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my whole life!! You can see the boom mike at times. The whole movie is supposed to be happening at night yet there are scenes where you can see daylight in the background. There are 2 scenes where you can see the shadow of the cameraman on a wall. Also, you never find out what happened to the first teen that was killed. At least show us his body or something! There are at least 4 scenes where the killer could have killed the last 2 girls left alive but he doesn't. He just walks away and disappears!! And the acting?? Can we say elementary school play? Oh I'm sorry, I don't want to insult the elementary schools! And the climactic scene is easily the worst of all time!! I wasted $4.86 to rent this at Blockbuster mainly because on the DVD box there is a quoted from IFQ magazine stating that it is "The most terrifying movie of the last decade". I WILL NEVER TRUST THOSE GUYS AGAIN!!
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Not even fun as a cheese-fest movie.
natepogue23 March 2007
First of all, I'd like to say, my favorite type of movies are cheap horror flicks. I love them! The cheesier the better! But this one, this one was so stupid. I contribute it mainly to the "killer". The title says he has an Axe. He never uses the Axe but maybe once. And the hair? Its just a wig pulled over his face! They couldn't have come up with anything better, even cheesier? At least put a damn mask on the guy! This movie sucked. I liked the barn idea though, the unusually big barn with several parts. Acting was terrible, I like bad acting but this wasn't even interesting. It felt like a project movie for a class. But the main problem for this crap fest was the deaths.

The first death, cheesy, gory, I like it but how is he gonna die from his arm being "grated". He just lays down and dies after his hand gets cut off. Not even realistic.

The second death, guy gets stabbed. Kind of lame and slow, not even very "serial killer'-esquire. Whatever, I'll take it.

But then, the rest of the movie is the two girls running from the killer wildly, but then entering rooms and leaving their backs to doors and spots where the killer was. Who would do that? I would be scared shitt-less looking around me. Nope, they couldn't even add a little realistic emotion. Then the rest of the movie is also the girls getting knocked out by little punches the killer gives them. It just turns into a boxing match, with the killer getting back up every time from things hitting him and knocking him out. Finally the girls shoots him with something. I don't really know what it was because I was fast forwarding, but the movie ends. No brutal Axe deaths or chainsaw stuff. Just a bunch of dumb plot and dumb boxing. No wonder it was free on demand.

Oh and the "bloopers" Not funny at all. Very basic "oh noes i messed up a line!! Lol" Boo. Overall this movie gets a 1 out of 10, and I'm not harsh critic.
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Worst Movie Ever
SethGecko844 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this about a month ago because it came on-demand and I was bored. What a mistake! This is one of those movies that gets you angry just watching,everything about this movie is horrible.

There is one major flaw in this movie that made me go crazy during the whole thing: A couple of friends are headed to a rock concert and they run out of gas. Of course, they are in the middle of nowhere and no gas station is near. Why would they wait till they got to the concert to get gas when none of them have ever been in that part of the state? It would take the same amount of time to get gas in their home town! The second most hilarious thing: Something goes wrong with all 5 of their cell phones, I think most didn't have service and the others phones died or something. That is the most unlikely thing possible.

The third most ridiculous thing: Two girls are being chased by a killer the whole night, a man in a truck eventually drives down the road, he picks them up. He has blood all over his shoes and the girls flip out and try to jump out of the tuck. The man says "oh I work in a butcher shop down the street". The girls without any argument completely believe him 100% and continue to stay in the truck.

Well you probably get the idea of this trash movie. There are many other flaws and mistakes throughout this flick. I advise to NOT watch this, don't even look at the cover in the video store. THIS IS A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME.
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psybrdelic15 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was browsing through my On Demand and found this film, thinking, OK, this may be a decent low budget horror film. Mistake #1.

Mistake #2 was continuing to watch the film for about an hour before I finally turned it off. Not only was the acting crap, but the actual plot and scary scenes were lame. I can't even describe how annoying the characters were, which could be related to the Canadian "aboot." Who knows.

Granted, I did not finish the film and I don't know what happened to the acne ridden driver of the car, but I had a major problem with one scene. Tell me how hay can fall on someone and knock them out, to the point of unconsciousness? Come on. Don't even bother.

So, in general, I can appreciate poorly done horror films. Usually, at the very least, they're so crappy they're funny. This was NOT the case with this film. I kept saying, "Five more minutes, may be it will redeem itself." It made no such attempt.

If you wanna see a funny crappy horror film, I suggest Killer Nerd.
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Skip It
wljhnsun10 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm,three guys,and two girls who, together, are all too stupid to figure out what to do when low on gas. Whoops,an old two lane road,a shabby farm,and a tank on empty.Can you see where this is headed?

Usually, when a director subjects you to this kind of terrible acting,ridiculous story,and pathetic props, they at least throw in a good serving of flesh as an apology.

Not only does this flick deny you that obligatory payment for your suffering, but to add insult to injury, you are actually teased several times throughout the picture,starting even before the title sequence,every time you think, "Well at least I'll see some skin for my trouble..." you are denied.Taking into consideration that this would have at least given you something to tell someone they may enjoy seeing, you'd think it would be there.

Jenna Scott is attractive and if you like a tease show,she doesn't let you down.As for her acting, well a poor high school play can easily compete with most any portion of this film.
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funkeemonkee321417 April 2007
I actually registered for this site for the sole purpose of commenting this movie. In terms of scary movies, it was horrible, but if you see it as a comedy, it's the funniest movie in a long time. the actors are so bad, it's crazy. I counted three parts where you can see the boom mike, and two where you can see the camera man. Also, when they are supposedly "in the middle of nowhere", you can hear a car honking its horn in the background. Another hilarious part is when the first victim dies. The acting is so bad, at first I thought he was just messing around with his friend. I think that if you are ever home alone, and you have Comcast digital cable, rent this off of fearNET. It's free and it will definitely cheer you up.
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Not that bad, but could've been better
slayrrr6666 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Dark Fields" is a nicely done if still unspectacular slasher.


Going to a rock concert, friends Taylor, (Jenna Scott) Josh, (Eric Phillion) Zach, (Brian Austin Jr.) and Justine, (Lindsey Dell) agree to let Drew, (Ryan Hulshof) drive them out after previous transportation plans fall through. On the way out, they realize they need to stop for gas but are unable to find any that are open. Finding one near an old farm, he goes out to find gas but they soon realize that he hasn't come back. Venturing out to explore the site, they all start mysteriously disappearing at the hands of a mysterious attacker. Learning that he's a serial killer who years earlier survived the slaughter of his family to gas-thieves and think they're recreating history by doing the same thing, and try to get away from the homicidal maniac before he kills them all.

The Good News: This one did have a couple good moments in here that did offer some good points. The fact that this one had some nice suspense scenes is one of them, being helpful in making this one really entertaining. The stalking scene in the hay is really nice, using the setting as a perfect opportunity to deliver on some really good atmosphere. The way that it focuses on it's surroundings to deliver some really tense stalking is great, and these scenes in general are the best at doing this. There's the way that the film manages to be creepy during these scenes is a nice plus as well, as the abandoned house and the woods are all made to look really creepy and quite capable of generating a great atmosphere. The main one, though, is the chase through the ending, which alone is enough to give this one some real positives. From the chase through the station to the way that the killer constantly appears wherever they are, and it's all a series of fun and enjoyable scenes. There's some suspense along with the way with the killer chasing them in the station and around the surrounding areas, and of course the big confrontation in the meat-house. This is a great scene within the entire sequence, as there's a brutal encounter within the different rooms, including the use of weapons from around the area as well as tactics used to battle the killer. These are a lot of fun, and are helped out by the fact that the killer in here is really impressive and intimidating-looking. From the way the hair hangs over the face to prevent any kind of look at it, the large size difference allows him to lord over the others and it looks really nice to have an impressive and imposing killer. The last good part is also one of the best scenes in the film, where they encounter the truck driver on the road and suspect him of being the killer. The rationale works, the scene serves a nice purpose and the conclusion of which gives a nice shock. These here are the film's best parts.

The Bad News: There are a few problems to this one that keeps it down. One of the main flaws here is that there's an extreme amount of boredom that perpetrates the beginning half of the film. This beginning part is incredibly dull and isn't interesting at all, since all it consists of is endless scenes of the group driving around in the car without doing anything to generate something from this. It has the cycle of being the same thing over and over again, as they try to find out where they're going while someone cracks a lame joke and is then repeated again, leaving these scenes feeling really monotonous. It's not helped at all due to the lack of activity here, since nothing happens and there's no action at all. The killings start so late into the film that it takes forever to get to them and leave it here with another problem. Almost everything about the kills in here is a flaw. The main one is that this one has such a low body-count that there's no opportunities for creative kills. It doesn't even knock off half-a-dozen, which is a paltry number for a slasher film, and it's mainly due to the cast size since that alone determines how it's going to work, but even still there's not a lot of opportunities for this one to do anything to help it's kills. The fact that they're lame and quite bloodless when they happen is something else to get over here, as the kills are pretty weak and don't get any blood in the film. For a slasher, that's not all that good, and really makes this one feel weak.

The Final Verdict: Not exactly brimming with greatness but still good enough to feature enough to make it watchable, this one comes off as unspectacular. Give it a shot if you're into the low-budget slasher genre or might find some interest here, otherwise then just pass on this in favor of more complete fare.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity and a mild sex scene
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Utter rubbish. Watch as a prime example on how NOT to do a budget slasher.
user-1319529 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Simply put, the worst film I've ever seen.

I've seen better acting from junior school dramatics, and been more thrilled by Noddy books.

The 'plot', for lack of a better word, revolves around a sexy teen on her way with stereotyped friends (geek, jock, bitch, clown) to a concert, which they NEVER REACH (!)... and the group fall into the hands of the dumbest hillbilly psychopath in the world.

"My god, this place is so creepy.... quick, let's make out!"

The actual horror content is not even comedic - filmed on a cheap 'shakey' cam, tired clichés of 'he's behind you!', and 'the body has VANISHED!' are over-used, and by the end, if you actually have the stamina for it, you're praying they get cut up and hung up on hooks.

I've had more enjoyable experiences picking my nose.
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Wow. This movie sucks.
mtshakerjr7925 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Why does it say in the plot summary that the teenagers are hunted by a twisted killer with an axe? I never saw the killer touch an axe during the entire movie. What the hell is going on with this piece of crap? Where was the first kid who got killed? You never see his body again. Also, the killer looks like the killer from House of Wax (2005). Instead of wearing a wax mask they threw him in some overalls, hey haw. If you want to see one of the worst movies ever made watch Dark Fields. The killers death scene is maybe the worst acting that I have EVER seen. I am not exaggerating. Watch his reaction after he gets shot in the head. It is classic.
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Five teenagers run out of gas on their way to a concert at night. Stopping at a desolate farmhouse to get gas, they find out the farmer is intent on killing them.
JediSaber31 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Don't waste your money on this one. The acting is horrible at best, the special effects are poor (when there is any) and the sound track doesn't fit in with what's happening in the movie. There really is never a feeling of suspense or impending doom. None of the actors tend to behave like a real person would in the same situation. One guy jokingly sticks his hand in a farm auger and when it turns on his hand is obviously mangled, but he dies instantly and his girlfriend runs off instead of helping him. Later, we see him dead and his whole arm is mysteriously gone. After all three boys are dead and the girls are being chased, one girl screams when she sees the farmer and the other girl actually asks her why she's screaming. Another scene, the girls arm themselves with knives and when they come across the farmer, they hit him with the flashlight instead and run off. On top of that, they seem most concerned with finding a place to warm up instead of the fact that their boyfriends are dead and they're next. Be prepared to feel like you've lost 50 IQ points if you decide to watch this one. What a waste of time and money.
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vegeta398621 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First let me start off by saying, i LOVE bad horror movies. i think movies like camp blood 2 and my bloody valentine, while being retarded, can be quirky and fun. So believe me when i tell you, that this is the WORST HORROR MOVIE EVER MADE. and i'm not saying this lightly. This film is atrocious. In order to review this film, the best place to start is the beginning.

The first thing we are treated to is the title screen followed by A SHOT OF RUNNING. that's how the film opens. not a slow fade in with credits, nothing to prepare you, the obviously photo-shopped title and then RUNNING footage pasted on the screen. hoy boy this is gonna be horrible. we then learn that our band of heroes, who go to the community college of the cliché, (which by the way is one of the most deserted college hallways i've ever seen) as they decide how they're going to get a ride to the big concert. dorky mcdorkson (aka drew) offers the girls a ride to the concert, but uh oh, jockey ass-hat and the lovebirds want to tag along, but that's OK, why not. And so, they are off to the big concert. on the way, lover boy has to pee and then starts to make out with his girlfriend and they run out of gas. i just described to you about 10 minutes of the movie in those two sentences.

There's no gas station for miles except the Shell seen in the distance, and i assume the group has some anti-shell policy, so they're stuck. until they see an old house in the middle of nowhere. awesome. so they decide to stop at the old house to find some gas. Drew is sent to go get gas by himself after losing a match of rock paper scissors. cause lord knows when i drive 4 random strangers to a concert for free i'm gonna do ANY of the legwork. As Drew looks around he finds an outdoor gas tank. being the nice guy he is, after he takes some gas, he leaves ten dollars. He walks off-screen, and you NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN. i'm dead serious. i assumed later, his dead body would show up, or he would be the killer or something imaginative, but no, he just disappears from the movie, most likely getting out while he could to save his acting career. After their friend drew doesn't come back, the rest of the group goes to look for him. for twenty whole minutes. oh boy. they barge into the house, search it, comment on the old toilet and rooms, the two lovebirds have fake taunting sex, the usual. the main girl and jock talk about something that i didn't even listen to, something about dreaming about playing in hay, i don't remember, i didn't care by this point.

But wait! at that point we get the first and most exhilarating kill of the movie! after having good ol' fashioned tease loving, the lovebirds see the lights of a car turn on and think it's their good ol' friend drew. to prove that it is drew, the lovebird male (sighs) i'm not making this up, puts his hand in an inactive thresher and says "hey drew, if that's you, turn it on." seriously. does the killer even HAVE to TRY? leave them alone long enough and they'll just kill themselves. but the killer turns the thresher on and cuts off the kid's hand. and the kid dies instantly. cause you know, when you get your hand cut off, you die right away. medicine 101. after this starts lover girl's first of fifty million unbearable screams throughout the film. she finds the other girl who's boyfriend eventually gets stabbed with a screwdriver. the only other kill of the movie. yes this movie has a body count of a whopping 2. awesome. (drew doesn't count because he just left the movie)

the girls meet up, run away, scream, run away, see him again, run away, and eventually have a final showdown where the killer, a mixture of the girl from the ring, Michael myers, and the butcher, who walks literally 1/4 of a mile an hour, gets nail-gunned to the head, not defending himself in the least. the cops then come and save the girls as the movie ends. and we still never see drew.

This movie is so terrible, i'd rather see Halloween 3. It's excruciatingly boring, the characters are tired stereotypes that i'd rather just die than get to know them, the production quality is nonexistent, the killer is as appealing as a sack of wet newspaper, and the movie has no resolution of who the killer is or why. the closest thing we get is a girl who finds a newspaper clipping in the house that tells how a boy's parents were killed by robbers who tried to steal gas. how convenient. only DREW PAID FOR THE GAS! this movie has so many plot holes, it puts Sparta's pit of death to shame. it's so boring, drywall's ain't got nothing on this, thank god i only spent 2.30 on this movie. i still want it back though. after 15 minutes, you don't even care. you just want everyone to die and the movie to be over. and the icing on the cake? THERE'S NEVER ANY FIELDS. the entire movie takes place in a house and barn. not only that, the cover (which by the way is the best part of the movie) clearly depicts a man with a fish hook,which you never see. i can't get over how bad this movie was. Everything about this movie was just plain crap-fest. This movie should have never seen the light of day. This movie, without a doubt, gets a 1, out of 10.
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Sux Ass!!!
dalillady_2422 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible,and I pride myself on loving all kinds of movies,but this was just terrible.The actors were very good looking the actresses were pretty with cute little bodies,but goodness I would rather them put in a few uglies than to have a ucked up script and story line.These people CAN NOT act!OK who drops down and does the nasty in an unknown barn,with a buddy missing?Not even in the worst horror movies has this happened.The story makes no sense.But if you can get a copy with the bloopers at the end,those are pretty good.The best part of this movie was the bloopers.The unfolding of the story was way too slow,the plot DOES NOT thicken,the actors can not act,the music sux,there's no "boo moments" as my friend calls them,everything that is going to happen is so freggin obvious its sad.This was a TOTAL waste of production dollars.Someone suggested that this seemed more like a student film,but as I'm sure that person knows,student films have been so much better than this before,as he said,that is no excuse.I recommend to try it because everyone has a different opinion,but ewwww!!
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Are you kidding me?
politehere13 August 2010
I don't see a "minus 10" vote up there, so I had to give it a 1. (what a shame)My 10 year old nephew is so much more capable of acting. During the movie I was literally laughing at just how bad and stupid a movie could get! I always wondered what some people meant hen they said horror movies made them laugh. Thanks for this piece of garbage. If anything it gave me a chance to experience it for myself! The two girls were acting like the dumbest people I'd ever seen. If the two survivors were the dumbest, then the three boys who got killed would be the most brain dead characters in the history of cinema. Was that really a killer or a scare crow that couldn't even raise his hand and stab somebody? He just stood there like a piece of dead meat and did nothing. Nothing at all! This is the dumbest killer I've ever seen portrayed in a movie. Let's all hope all killers are just as dumb in the real world! The movie looked as if it's been made by a home video camera. This so called "movie" looked home-made! I can't believe IMDb would even consider putting this here up for vote! Peopkle who say there are worst movies out there need to think twice before saying such a thing, because obviously this is the worst movie ever made, so no there are no films worse that this out there and I hope there never will be!
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That looks like a tool shed
nogodnomasters14 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main attraction of this film is super hot high school kid Taylor (Jenna Scott). Her and some of her immature pimply faced friends are headed out to a concert when they run out of gas near a creepy abandoned farm house. The driver, Drew (Ryan Hulshof) goes up to the house to attempt to get some assistance. When he doesn't return, the kids come after him. This was your basic slasher formula. The kids in fact joke about it as they look around. The dialouge was immature, and I thought realistic to the point of being bad. The slasher character was not developed at all. Who is he? How is he related to the kids? We find out about midway through the film when we are read an old newspaper clipping, something every good slasher keeps.

The blood, killings, horror, and suspense just didn't make it.

F-bomb, brief sex, no nudity, Jenna in a bra/ bare midriff in a sweetly tanned body. Better than your typical Tempe production, but doesn't measure up to an Asylum.
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Move Along, Nothing To See Here
thetauren139 May 2009
If you're interested in seeing this movie, don't. The only thing it does well is bore you half to death. There is no plot and no acting. I could forgive such grievances for a lot of slasher films, but you have to at least attempt to make it up some other way. This movie could have at least salvaged itself as a mediocre slasher if there was some gore and nudity. Unfortunately, there was neither. The vast majority of this movie is spent watching these silly kinds wander around and say dumb stuff to each other, with only one even remotely gory incident (and I use the term 'gore' lightly). There were also plenty of chances for both of the actresses to show their boobs on screen, but somehow they managed to pass it up. Boring, boring, and even more boring. And I'm not even going to get into the ridiculous plot holes or how incredibly lame the killer is, or how anticlimactic and contrived the climax is...
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Dark Fields
Scarecrow-8822 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A group of obnoxious high schoolers are on their way to a concert when they find that their car is running low on gas. The driver, dweeby, pimple-faced Drew(Ryan Hulshof)also gets the gang lost, having missed the highway leading them into hicksville, where a sinister farmhouse and massive barn reside on a country road. Clownish Zach(Brian Austin Jr), his fraidy-cat(..the kind afraid of her own shadow)constantly complaining girl-friend Justine(Lindsay Dell), annoying immature jock Josh(Eric Phillion), and high school hottie Taylor(Jenna Scott)find themselves looking for Drew when he leaves to find a possible fuel pump nearby the farmhouse never returning. As they search through the farmhouse and barn, they encounter a backwoods psycho whose face is hidden by long messy black hair, quietly awaiting each victim before attacking from behind when they are most vulnerable. Those who are able to get away, head for help and a phone trying to stay one step ahead of the predator.

Obvious Texas Chainsaw Massacre clone lacks any tension whatsoever. Despite some eerie locations such as the abandoned farmhouse falling to waste and ruin, a barn still equipped with livestock and hay, and a slaughterhouse up the road from the main setting of the film, there should be an abundance of atmosphere. But, it seems instead of building dread, director Al Randall builds boredom as his cast spend 85 minutes of the film searching for either each other, a phone, or assistance. Walking, walking, and walking some more, these characters are always looking with little action taking place. The violence on display is lacking as one victim sticks his hand in the blade of farming equipment(dumbass)attempting to prove that no one is among them, one victim is stabbed with a screwdriver, and another is knocked unconscious by falling hay. Jenna Scott as "final girl" Taylor, is very attractive eye candy, certainly nice to look at for 90 minutes, often seen pulling off her shirt with the director establishing just how developed she is under her bra, has no personality whatsoever. She's merely on screen, constantly keeping her hair out of her face, belly exposed after scissoring her shirt early in the movie. Taylor's confrontation with the killer during their final showdown is numbingly ineffective, devoid of tension. The killer spends a lot of time off-screen as the two girls run around trying to find a phone, easy prey yet the predator seems little inspired to catch them. When he does trap the two girls in the slaughterhouse, he moves so slow and gives his quarry plenty of time to fight back. Just a terrible climax following a tiresome 80 or so minutes of wasted time.
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jmkilgore25 June 2009
okay: i'm going to give the secret plot away, so, if you don't want to know, don't read this. what these other people don't see is the genius of negative capability in this film, which ingeniously obscures the role of Drew as an evil mastermind. We think Drew disappears but clearly he hates the other "assclowns" and has set up the entire plot. The clue is that he pays off Farmer John at the pump--to kill those idiots--and then neither his body nor the car ever return in the film. He never wanted to go to the concert anyway. Go drew! oh, this movie is worth seeing just for the haystack scene. wait for that! farmer john would have done better if he could have seen. he wasn't very smart: all he had to do was move the hair out of his eyes.
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Dumb, waste, Awlful. pathetic, senseless,insane,useless - a horror for the audience.
dracula-khan6 August 2007
What a hell. Nothing can be worst than watching this movie.I never knew that these creatures from hell who made this movie roams the earth. I think they are thrown out of hell by God after seeing this movie. A donkey can make a better movie.

Awlfully made. pathetic, senseless,insane,useless - a horror for the audience.

Some correction is required

Beware !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing about this movie is it forced me to register with IMDb , this is my first review comment in life
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Dark Fields Review From One Of The Cast
mothmancold14 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hello all, this is ryan, aka drew.

I thought i would give a useful synopsis of the film. Other than the mounds of butt-hurt i usually see. ( though credit where credit is due at the funnier expressions of displeasure. ) As far as plot... well , don't blink.

A bunch of kids go to a concert, after i look for gas, never to return, someone who bears a striking resemblance to alice cooper shows up and starts wreaking unintentionally pg-13 havoc.

The deaths are poor, the acting is poor, though the film stock is quite good. This was an experiment done by our little local film company, and somehow it got bought by lions gate.

All bashing aside, there is a select group of individuals that would like this film. If you have any of the following films in your collection, chances are you will enjoy dark fields, as a gem of bad cinema.

Garbage pail kids, octane, The conquerer , Plan 9, etc.

The visual mistakes, coupled with the dialog, and the fact that we were all 17 or so playing our own age, makes this a crowning a achievement of bad/lucky cinema.

So if your looking for saw, look somewhere else, if your expecting a Tobe hooper esquire masterpiece, your going to be disappointed. And truth to be told, if you are expecting this going into the film, the box art caught you. And i apologize, lol.

Two final comments. One, if you see this film for about 5-10 bucks, and you like bad cinema, its worth it. If both criteria arn't met, don't worry about it.

Lastly, if your going to give this film a try, and you arn't a bad cinema fan. The only way your going to get enjoyment is to get a bunch of guys together, get some beer or some herbal equivalent, and go nuts.

As a final thought, i have been thinking of putting together an audio commentary for the film, knowing the production history, and the commentary associated with such, is a much more enjoyable experience than the film itself.

So in closing, thanks for giving it a watch, and i have been working on an idea for a remake, seeing as both the film company and cast, have matured in the respective meanings of the word. Don't hold your breath for it getting produced, but my standing offer of sending everyone who bought the film 10$ if a sequel gets made still stands, lol.
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