College (2008) Poster


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college romp with weak leads
SnoopyStyle16 December 2015
Kevin Brewer (Drake Bell) is going with bookish friend Morris Hooper for his scholarship meeting. His girlfriend Gina (Alona Tal) is going to Miami without him. She breaks up with him for being a dork. Fletcher tells the guys about a wild college weekend trip. Kevin decides to go partying with Morris and idiot best friend Carter Scott (Andrew Caldwell) at the University. He falls for college girl Kendall (Haley Bennett) and faces frat bully Teague (Nick Zano).

A large part of my dislike hinges on Andrew Caldwell. He is the standard fat loudmouth best friend. The problem is that he overplays the annoying card. He's far too unlikeable. His early interaction with his friends is off-putting. I need to laugh at him. Instead, I'm annoyed with him. Drake Bell is a dud. He's obviously trying grow out of his Nickelodeon TV show which I never saw. I don't blame him for trying but his acting is stiff. I like the endearing dorky third wheel Morris. On the other hand, Kenall is also a dud. Haley Bennett has always struck me as a high maintenance girl. She fits Gina much better and Alona Tal would have been a superior Kendall as a girl next door. This is not a particular special college party romp and the leads lack good charisma.
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so bad it's good
dpc-782-7108775 July 2010
OK, this movie is a real stinker.

If you are looking for a quality movie experience, look elsewhere. Yes, it is not original, it is predictable, the jokes aren't good, and the characters are one dimensional. But it's so bad, it's good. The clichés and raunchy-ness just add to the fun. A bit of a let down at the end when it tries to get serious, and not a classic in the "so bad it's good" genre. Don't be expecting Barbarella or Bolero, but there is some good raw material here. A stupider (not just vapid) ending would have gone a long way.

A few beers will enhance the experience.
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I liked it
dbborroughs29 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Three High school kids go to a college orientation weekend and fall in with a bad news frat and are forced to get revenge to save face and self esteem.

Low brow college humor that made me laugh. That may not seem like much but lately thats been becoming a rarer event as the jokes in these sort of film get worse and worse and stupider and stupider. I highly doubt this film will ever win any awards but for the hour and a half or what ever the running time was I was laughing a lot more then most other recent comedies that got better reviews. I liked it better than the similar Judd Apatow films I think because it has no pretensions other than being funny.

Worth a shot if you're feeling low brow.
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Super BAD.
creditdauphine28 August 2008
Well, there's bad movies and then there's BAD movies. I didn't expect this one to be high art, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. "COLLEGE" is a low budget, uninspired, horribly written waste of time.

The most amusing part of the movie was watching the fat kid try to mimic all of Chris Farley's mannerisms as an acting style. Pathetic.

I've seen a LOT of "teen comedies" and "raunchy comedies" and enjoyed them. But "COLLEGE" is an embarrassment to those types of films. To be honest, it was just...boring.

The three main characters

  • pale ripoffs of the three main "Superbad" characters, by the way...there's a Micheal Cera clone, a Jonah Hill wannabe, and a poor man's couldn't be more sadly obvious -

spent most of the movie covered in urine, vomit, and feces.

And THAT, dude, is the joke. For the ENTIRE movie.

"Whoops, we've got pee thrown on us. Whoops, we were thrown up on. Whoops, now we're covered in pig crap." I can't remember the last time I was willing to just walk out in the middle of a movie at a theater. But, had I paid to see it and not gotten a free pass, I would have left and asked the manager if I could see something else.

I've got no personal stake in this, and it obviously won't affect me if people see or don't see this film. But, I'm telling you, you'll kick yourself for paying money to see this movie.
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russell-grimm31 August 2008
Let me begin by saying this. I am taking time out of my day to sit here and write about how awful this movie is. Rarely do I ever write a review on here. I only do so if I really like a movie, or can't stand a movie so bad that I think others should be warned about going to pay to see it. All told, I've written probably four reviews. This is hands down the worst movie I've seen in the last five years. Sadly, I thought the previews made it look alright. Seeing as how I'm 23 and recently graduated from college, I also thought that this movie could bring back some nostalgia from my recently deceased college years. Me and three ex-fraternity brothers from school went to catch this movie with hopes that it would at least provide us some decent laughs before going out. We were dead wrong. Not only is this a blatant rip off of Superbad, Accepted, The Girl Next Door etc., it also is host to three of the most annoying main characters in the history of film. The jokes suck, the situations are beyond dumb, and the portrait it paints of college is completely wrong. In order to hang out with frat guys you have to take shots of tequilla from a dude's a$$ crack? Really? Don't remember seeing that in my college days. Annoying fat kids hooking up with hot blondes? Yeah, no, don't recall that either. College kids even caring that high schoolers were at their parties? Not the case. Where I went to school they were introduced and greeted with a beer. No one f**king cared if they were there. I could go on forever, but the bottom line is save your time and money. Go rewatch Superbad or Dazed and Confused or something. Or better yet, save your 10 bucks, get a 12 pack of shi**y beer, get drunk, and let the night unfold. There's a more realistic college experience for you.
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Seems like the Spammers are out in droves
jscheibel26 August 2008
I have also caught a screening of this movie....Seriously, the comments about this movie look so set up and not authentic. Each commenter leaving a positive review says almost the exact same thing in the exact same amount of words. They re-hash the same stuff until they hit the minimum amount of lines for a comment. Plus, look at the demographic that has given the highest scores for votes....middle aged and elderly women. Also, the group that has the best chance of enjoying this film (18-29 yr old males) have one of the poorest ratings. If they are this desperate to get a good word out about this movie and are failing at doing so, I'd avoid this trash heap.
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Stupid waste of time, money.
Redmist201026 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Very boring and unfunny. Seems to rip off so many other movies. For example the three main characters look like an exact carbon copy of the cast from Superbad, a shy skinny person, a fat snob, and one complete dork. Jokes aren't very funny and are old. In trailers the movie brags that this will be the colt classic of the decade comparing itself to Animal House, Revenge of The Nerds, and American Pie, but this movie seems to be a rental movie at best. The title college doesn't fit the film, sure the movie takes place at a college but thats it. This movie portrays college students as drunk,stupid, horny kids which might worry some parents.
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Major problems here. Drake Bell shouldn't even be in this movie, and it's not his fault.
The_Amazing_Spy_Rises8 September 2008
What you get with 'College' is, a lamely executed farce of a comedy that relies on idiotic humor that not even idiots would find funny. Luckily, the film has more boobs in it than any film of recent memory, and a couple of the female characters are extraordinarily good looking. That means, of course, that if you're either gay or female, you're going to want to kill yourself from boredom.

A simplistic plot for a simplistic movie doesn't allow for a lot of surprises, though the film's ending does get points for departing from the formulaic 'boy has epiphany and gets girl' ending, and adding a little more to it. Our three leads are tolerable at best. 'College' boasts a mostly unknown cast, with the only 'names' in the film being Drake Bell, Kevin Covais, and Verne Troyer. Andrew Caldwell's performance as a wannabe partier is basically a teenage version of Chris Farley's entire career. Except this one doesn't have the laughs. Bell is alright, but fails to gain the audience's attention as the leading man so many tween fans already tout him as. Kevin 'Chicken Little' Covais has a few funny moments, especially whenever he's acting drunk, but adds little to the film. He's a MUCH better singer than actor, as evidenced by American Idol. Haley Bennett was my favorite part of the film as Bell's love interest. Gary Owen is hilarious as 'Bearcat', the typical crazy frat guy.

'College' has heart, and gets credit for trying, but the execution on the part of the director, casting directors, producers, and to a lesser extent, the screenwriters is what hurts the film. First, I like that Drake Bell is trying to shed his Nickelodeon image, but he was the wrong guy to cast here, mostly because he isn't a big enough name to draw in the people, and what little fans he does have aren't old enough to see this film...there lies the problem. Bell's fans can't see the movie, and I seriously doubt all the people that voted for Covais on American Idol are fond enough to waste their money on this movie. Next, the rating of this film, while very much deserved, hurts the film the most. Had the film been made as a PG-13 film, it might have been just as 'good' in terms of quality, not to mention it would have made more money. Third, all the 'f' bombs and nudity were completely unnecessary, and seem to be there just to secure the R rating. Fourth, having been to college myself, this film is nothing like the real thing. The parties are crazy, but this is too much. It is so unrealistic on every level that it's just astounding. At least Superbad was some regards.

'College' is a painful and sad attempt to recreate college life on the big screen. If you want something more realistic, try 'Fifty Pills'. Or just take fifty pills of something. Bell is seriously miscast, and Deb Hagan's direction, along with her producers' bad choices, drag down what could have been a mildly entertaining and mildly successful Superbad ripoff.
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andykatzlove3 September 2008
This movie is pathetic. Awful. Just awful. Really bloody awful. The jokes -- if there even are any, it's hard to tell -- are painfully unfunny. They all fall flat. They are also all of the "poop", "fart" and "getting laid" variety which we've all seen done to death lately (and done much better) in other movies about us young people. Whoever made this movie should be jailed for the rest of their life just to make sure they can't possibly even accidentally wander onto a movie set again. That is how awful this movie is. I almost vomited. Somehow this movie gave me some kind of a flu. Everyone involved with this movie should be banned from movie work for the rest of their lives. Horrible acting, horrible writing, a horrible script all the way around. Not funny at all.
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Not as bad as some of you are making it out to be, not a masterpiece
ahhhhhh18213 October 2008
Wow this movie has some crazy reviews, from the industry planted great reviews to the ticked-off 1/10s. While this movie was nowhere near a great movie, it wasn't that bad.

A lot of you compared this movie to Superbad and those movies, but I think you all missed on the best comparison. This movie is basically a barely better version of American Pie: The Naked Mile. Many aspects of the film are right on, including quality of the script, actors, and pretty much everything else.

Since IMDb is the end-all and The Naked Mile received a 5.0, I give this movie a 6.0 for barely being better than the straight to DVD release.
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Try's so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter...
sbb659231 August 2008
If you go into college expecting the bare minimum of a movie and taking it for what it is (a mildly entertaining cliché filled coming of age comedy) you will still not enjoy yourself. The reason is simple, it tries too hard to be funny. It's most easily compared to that annoying guy at work who stands at the water cooler making immature mom jokes or an annoying teacher at school who desperately wants to impress the students. The script surprisingly isn't bad but this movie rips off of Superbad so much with the character of Fogel in relation to this movies Morris you could call it plagiarism. The ever so ridiculously cliché character that brings sympathy and laughs from the audience because of how naive he is always being so sexually insecure and inexperienced is just so old. The only actor who deserves any sort of a nod is Drake Bell for his mediocre acting and decent carrying of his co actors (Andrew Caldwell and Kevin Covais.) It's sad watching this movie really because the actors so desperately want to be funny (except Drake Bell) so that they can get recognition and be cast into an Apatow film. They have a chance really with the script and extremely humorous atmosphere filled with jocks and egotistical lunatics both male and female. They're acting coaches and idiotic attitudes hurt them here as they failed to make a humorous movie. You average group of teenagers may enjoy this, which is not a bad thing but if you go into this movie looking for a cohesive story line and enjoyable plot then go watch Tropic Thunder where the actors actually succeed in some of these categories.
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watch it drunk!! :D
bouterbridge12 March 2009
i don't care about the haters. this movie is fun and hilarious.

unrealistic? yes. some movies are unrealistic and the unrealisticness makes them all the more enjoyable to watch.

rip-offs? yes. this movie is a combination of movies i've seen before. all movies that i've enjoyed watching... such as animal house, superbad, American pie (including sequels and spin offs) , etc... good artists borrow. great artists steal.

so if you use clichés from other popular party movies and put it with an original story you come out with something thats really fun to watch. especially if your drunk.

my suggestion is to watch it with some buddies and a cooler full of beer for a good old drunken laugh.

this is not a great movie. this is a great party movie. so don't take it too seriously. please understand that.

and my two favorite characters are carter and bearcat... i don't care what anyone says, they are f***ing hilarious.
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Vastly underrated
stimpy_tr14 June 2021
In my opinion, this is a vastly underrated movie. People keep comparing it with older movies of the same genre but most of these are not much different from this one. Some claim that the subject is cliché and some claim that the actors are overaged without considering the movies they keep citing as example such as the notoriously overrated Superbad (2007). I have seen many movies in this genre. They all have cliché scenes and overaged actors. This one has a lot of fun moments with an average acting. The only criticism I can bring would be the forced happy ending for all.
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Haven't I seen this film before?
Whirlwind20130 August 2008
Oh thats right, I have.

Lets see. Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, Van Wilder, American Pie, Beta House, Accepted... ETC. ETC. ETC.

Whats the difference between those movies and "College?" The others managed to come up with more creative titles. Oh, and "Animal House" had John Belushi.

Seriously, if you've seen any of the above movies, then you've seen "College." The original ideas in "College" are so few and far between that you'll have to wonder if the creators of "College" actually bothered to write a script, or rather spun a wheel of clichés and inserted them in the appropriate spots. "College" once again tries to tell you what life on a University campus is 'supposed' to be like, and fails pretty horribly. You begin to wonder if the 'College' students in "College" are actually paying attendants of Fieldmont University (F.U! Get it? or they just happen to squat in the decrepit house near the campus. Apparently they don't attend classes, don't even OWN textbooks, and believe a GPA is a "Great Party Area" rated on a 0-4 scale.

Long story short, "College," while it claims it has something different than those other "College" films, is NOTHING you haven't seen done much better before. I hope it drowns out in its own filth and causes several film companies to go bankrupt, thus ensuring they'll never spit out cookie cutter crud like this.

Drake Bell and Co. deserve MUCH, MUCH better. They do well, but given a better script I would have been more impressed. I'd give it a 1 1/2 just because of their performances, but it won't let me so hey, their loss.

PLEASE, avoid it. You'll thank me later. And tell your friends to avoid it. Thats the only way to stop the cancerous spread
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A Cliché-Ridden, Cruelty-Filled Nightmare of a Film
projectmayhem113831 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing I must say about College is that since the beginning, its IMDb rating has been flawed due to a number of studio-funded plugs claiming it to be a genius comedy (which of course it isn't). These false reviews are easily recognized by both the fact that they are positive and their complete lack of any detail about the film. In fact, if you replace the various movie titles with other movie titles in these reviews, it still works. Not a great review. Then, further corrupting the rating came a series of one-star reviews from people who had not seen the film and were merely infuriated by the studios pitiful interference. I can sympathize with the feeling, but it is nonetheless partially their fault that College will never have a realistic rating. The regulators at IMDb really need to go through and delete these false reviews. However, for those of you who are curious, I saw College last night, and here is my take on the film. From the get-go, you feel like you've seen this before. Drake Bell, who plays Kevin, the nice smart kid in the movie (the characters in College really are just stereotypes *sort of* brought to life), is getting ready for a college visit with his friend Morris, played by Kevin Covais who is semi-famous for being known as Chicken Little on American Idol. Covais is atrocious, but we'll get to him. In comes Carter, as portrayed by Andrew Caldwell, the apparently mandatory overweight obnoxious kid who wants to get laid and constantly talks about doing so. This guy's bound to draw some comparisons to Jonah Hill's character in Superbad, but I assure you that is both groundless and insulting. Hill's character Seth in Superbad was obnoxious, but was in fact being so to cover up his concerns with losing his friend because of his going to a different college. Caldwell is unredeemed. He just goes about throughout the movie running his huge mouth and mocking others, particularly Morris, whom he also abuses physically on a routine basis.

This constant cruelty is one of the film's greatest failures, but it also disturbingly gratifying, because quite frankly, Morris's character is unbearable. His voice is whiny and aggravating, and he spends the entire movie complaining. I found myself pleased to watch bad things happening to him, and that made me realize how terrible the filmmakers are at their craft. How can you make a movie about characters that are meant to be sympathetic, but that people instead hate? Even a character like The Silence of the Lambs's Hannibal Lecter has some appealing qualities, but this teenage boy has been portrayed so unpleasantly that I would genuinely rather have him be one of the torture victims in the Hostel series. That's not right!

When the three boys get to Fillmore University, the school that they are visiting, they find that the girls want nothing to do with them because they are high school students, and the dorm they have been assigned to stay in is inhabited by a heavyset student who is engaged in a rousing bout of self abuse (if you don't know what that means, just think of something crude that a guy could be doing in a room by himself). Thus, our single-minded "friends" decide to go stay at a frat house of which Crater's cousin is a legacy. Naturally, the frat members treat them poorly throughout the rest of the movie, bringing about retribution and so on, so forth.

The major sub-plot involves the fact that Kevin's girlfriend dumps him before the visit for not being enough fun, and thus he wants to prove her wrong. Once at Fillmore, the three boys meet three sorority girls who for some reason find them attractive, and of course don't know that they're high school students. The most shocking thing is the attractive blond girl who is attracted to Carter. Looks aside the kid's a total jerk, and besides, she could do better. In fact, nothing in this movie is remotely realistic. I'm in college, and college is not at all like College.

The gross-out humor in this is excessive and unforgivable. Half the time instead of laughing you'll be gagging. This would be a great film to show in a film class to just demonstrate who easy it is to make a pathetic cliché-fest. My favorite line in the movie is when Kendall, played by the adorable Haley Bennett, says to Kevin "you're not like other college guys". This is obviously meant to be dramatic irony, and thereby funny. It's not. Nothing in this movie really is.
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The worst movie of 2008
Cinemaniac198417 January 2009
I can't believe I sat through this atrocious movie at the cinema. What was I thinking? I'm still regretting the decision to take the time out to see this load of garbage at the CINEMA of all places.

The whole movie is just a recycled plot of comedies such as American Pie, Animal House, Van Wilder, Superbad and Old School.

Maybe the first 15 minutes were slightly funny. The rest of the movie was just disgusting. The jokes and one liners were embarrassingly unfunny, and most of the scenes made me want to lose my appetite. Won't describe them to you, but believe me - it is really disgusting. Most of the comedy would not look out of place in a restricted pornographic movie. I'm cringing thinking about it right now.

I'm sorry I wasted $10 on a ticket for this. I can't believe I saw this at the cinema. Gee....I should have come at another time and saw some other decent movie at the cinema.

That had to be the worst movie I've had the misfortune of watching in 2008. I'm surprised this was not sent directly to DVD.

Overall: Atrocious and disgusting movie that is not even funny. You'll be regretting it if you watch this.

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Let Down
knight_visionn24 September 2008
I was a bit excited about this movie, I mean I like Drake Bell and Kevin Covais. I also do enjoy stupid comedy's, and love teen movies. But let me tell you, this movie was terrible. As others have said, this movie just basically used washed up versions of the main characters of superbad stuck in a desperately overplayed comedic premise. The jokes were lame, the fat kid was annoying as hell, the scenarios predictable. Overall, terrible movie. Do not watch. It is a waste of time. The only reason it got a 2 out of me is because I just watched Disaster Movie yesterday, and although this movie was bad, it was not THAT bad. Just take my advice and spend your time watching something better, you won't regret it.
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Horrible Movie
bigcoach072 September 2008
I got an account with IMDb just so I could post on here how bad I thought this movie was. I never review movies but I had to let everyone know how bad this thing is and hopefully nobody else will waste their hard-earned money on this trash. Horrible acting, horrible plot, horrible everything.

Only in a movie will the fat, annoying loser hook up with the hottest girl at "college." This was a gross mis-representation of college. Some people do get stuff written on their face; I wont lie, that does happen. But fat uglies do not hook up with hot blondes.

Also I don't think that you should have an actor from a Nickelodeon sitcom try to act in a comedy about "college."

In closing, I really wish I could get a refund for the money I spent on this horrible movie. I hope nobody else makes the same mistake I did.
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I can't believe this actually happened
Dakid56564 September 2008
Words can not describe how bad this movie was. I love movies. I LOVE comedies and I have never in my life seen a movie this obvious and uninteresting. I think this movie looked so bad coming out this is NOT an exaggeration, Me and one of my friends went into the theatre before our movie started to see how bad it really was. The characters were stolen from other movies and frankly, stolen poorly. Drake Bell was so embarrassing and the crew was WAY too old to be in college or even in high school. I honestly suggest people see this movie just to see what it's like. It is the Scarface or Godfather of bad movies. I could keep going all night long about how stupid this movie was but summation - the people that made this movie should be embarrassed and should never be in film again, but I also think people should see it just to know how stupid it really was. Wow.
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Just solid enough
UniqueParticle3 January 2023
Andrew Lewis Caldwell is my favorite being in this, I love him in anything! I enjoy most anything more than most and College is extremely easy to bash but it's mindless bonkers of partying entertainment despite loads of cliche's it's a wild comedy mostly entertaining. The kind of thing that is an acquired taste basically only few will appreciate this solid film about high school students that pose as college students for a weekend which is messy, extremely loose throughout, and fun for what it is. Would barely recommend at all it's very much clunky and not a well directed film in the slightest just great as a guilty pleasure experience!
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leoborsch917 November 2008
When the movie started it instantly reminded me of "superbad". The overweight kid with a big mouth and talking about sex constantly and the little nerd on the site that can't believe he's getting laid. No don't get me wrong i love "superbad", but this is just a very bad rip off. the humor( is there is any ) is so typical and not funny. The constant cheesy jokes about sex get very annoying within less then 20 minutes. Lately there have been to many movies that try to get a piece thanks to the originators of this comedy subgerne(American pie etc.) This is clearly one of them, thinking that nudity and cheesy jokes without a real story can make a good success. This movie isn't worth watching, and should not be bought or rented, it's not an opinion it's a fact.
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Really good, if drunk.
erihoney8130 January 2009
My husband and I watched this hammered and really enjoyed it. I think that you need to be in an "altered state" to have a good time with it. I want people to understand that this is a silly little movie that isn't meant to be taken seriously.

Do not expect Citizen Kane, much less Animal House. But it definitely has it's moments! I would say, "Two enthusiastic thumbs up!"

I totally have a crush on Drake Bell, as does my hubby.

Kevin Covais acquits himself well, to my surprise. And that's about it! A nice silly romp, if you don't expect much. I was very pleasantly surprised with the depth of production value.

The script.... Well, the script isn't much, but there are some terrific moments. Not spoiling, the "body shots" scene is HILARIOUS! Which you would be able to tell from the trailer.

ps. I am reviewing this immediately after watching, which means that I'm still WAY tipsy. Thank gods for spell check.

pps. It might be good even if not drunk. Who knows?
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It was an okay movie.
MatthewLong2310 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
THis is kind of what you expect out of a college movie. Lots of drinking, girls exposing themselves, and lots of pranks. Some of this movie was kind of funny and entertaining to watch. A lot of it was disturbing and just plain wrong such as when they have to do body shots on fraternity brothers. The things the 3 high school kids do in the end was kind of funny but also very gross. Overall a fun movie at times to watch but disturbing a lot and just plain sick. As a person who was in a fraternity at university nothing like that ever happens. The funniest part of the movie was probably when the kid who has to go in for a grant interview comes in and has his face written on with inappropriate words.
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There's no college like this on the plant
mlk186 February 2009
This movie was utterly ridiculous and without any redeeming qualities. I doubt there will another movie this bad in the next 5-10 years. The portrayed college experience was so far off base that I find it hard to believe anyone involved in this movie ever went to or visited a college in their lives. Worse yet, this movie is wrought with extensive homo-eroticism that was offensive to every person of every sexuality. The movie is listed as a comedy, but nothing about it was funny. Instead they used sad, old school, low ball, grotesque antics and poor acting to hold together a weak story line. I couldn't help but think of College as Superbad remade by mentally ill drug addicts in the basement of a half-way house. No, that was unfair. That version would have been much better. Avoid this movie at all cost.
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do NOT see
ginvite017 September 2008
FIRST off, you people who are giving this movie more than two stars truly have something wrong, maybe you didn't take your meds, maybe you developed a mental disorder while watching this movie or you are just naturally retarded.

This is without a doubt, the absolute WORST movie I have even seen. The writers, director, producer and most of the cast need to be banned from movie making. They really should be given a prison sentence for making so many innocent viewers suffer. I have seen infomercials more enjoyable to watch and with better acting.

This movie is NOT watchable, how did this make it in theatres? Should have been straight to DVD.. and then straight to the clearance isle bottom shelf at Wal-Mart.
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