Linha de Passe (2008) Poster

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Walter Salles's most mature, satisfying film
debblyst17 October 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Walter Salles's first Brazilian feature film since "Abril Despedaçado/Behind the Sun" (2001), "Linha de Passe" -- in which he shares direction credit with Daniela Thomas for the seventh time -- is a contemporary neo-realist essay that confirms Salles's humanist concerns. In these our times of cynicism, nihilism or downright pessimism, Salles's unbending belief in compassion, resilience and man's intrinsic goodness might seem naive or filled with Christian piety. But he's no preaching Pollyanna: he looks up to the great humanist filmmakers (Renoir and Rossellini on top) yet he never compromises in cheap schmaltz, happy-go-lucky naiveté or Hollywoodized feel-good endings.

Inspired by the insightful TV documentaries co-directed by Walter's younger brother João Moreira Salles, "Futebol" (1998 - revealing some of the shady business/management practices in Brazilian professional soccer) and "Santa Cruz" (2000 - about the sweeping spread of Protestant cults in Brazil, especially among the poor), "Linha de Passe" takes the structure from Visconti's "Rocco and his Brothers" -- a mother raising four sons striving for dignity and a better life in a big, oppressive city -- and transposes it to an ugly, lumpen neighborhood (Cidade Líder) in the outskirts of São Paulo.

The family is poor, not destitute: they belong to the working-class that's near-bottom but not quite. Forty-something house- cleaner Cleuza is pregnant with her fifth child (we never meet the fathers). Her four sons are teenagers Dinho, a gas station attendant who joins a Pentecostal cult in his search for purity of body and soul; sly Dênis, a motorcycle courier whose desperate need for money to help raise his baby son (he's separated from the boy's mother) and pay for his bike leads him to crime; closed-in Dario, who at 18 may already be too old to pursue his dream in professional soccer; and super-smart pre-teen Reginaldo, whose black skin makes him an outcast even in his own family, as he obsessively goes for bus rides in search of his unknown bus-driver father.

The plot, structure and dialog may seem occasionally déjà vu, and the screenplay (by co-director Thomas and TV-writer George Moura, with "City of God"'s Bráulio Mantovani's "collaboration") doesn't quite succeed in developing the five individual stories with equal creativity and strength (Dinho's thread is the best, Dênis's the most contrived). Clichés surface whenever middle- and high-class characters are involved. And, as usual with Salles, water symbolisms abound: the rain, the soul-cleansing shower scene with Dinho and Dario, a baptism in the lake, culminating with a maddeningly obvious clogged sink, symbolizing the "clogged" lives of the characters.

Despite all that, there's a LOT going for "Linha de Passe". The setting and locations are among the film's finest qualities: away from the over-explored favela environment and its usual combo of guns, drugs and violence, the film focuses on one often overlooked geographic and social landscape of Brazil's class structure. It's also a miracle of casting, from the right physiognomies (the five protagonists really look like they share DNAs) to the careful attention for accent-nailing, something very rare in Brazilian films (actors from different parts of Brazil speak with accents typical of São Paulo's periphery). Their performances are dazzling, especially when you consider that, excepting Vinícius de Oliveira (Dario), they're all feature film first-timers. Sandra Corveloni, surprise winner of 2008 Cannes Best Actress Award for her role, is the spine of the film as the weather-beaten, end-of- the-rope mother trying to hold her crumbling family together. The four boys are impressive, but José Geraldo Rodrigues is simply stunning as soul-searching Dinho: he's a seriously talented actor (it's also the best, richest role).

Salles's tone is, as usual, melancholy but never maudlin; he's too classy to stoop to audience manipulation. He's found in D.P. Mauro Pinheiro ("Cinema Aspirinas e Urubus") the ideal cameraman for this film, away from the beautifying images that compromised parts of his other films -- the imagery here is dry, desolate, akin to some of the best recent South American movies by Lucrécia Martel, Pablo Trapero or Pablo Stoll. The emotional power comes out of staring at "real" people in real locations, in the best neo-realist tradition (the scenes at the soccer stadium are especially compelling). The carefully planned editing fully succeeds in keeping the 5 stories alive and interconnecting in fine rhythm. Gustavo Santaolalla's spellbinding, deceptively simple music proves once again that he -- more than any other contemporary film composer -- owns the secret key to open hearts and minds without ever sounding obtrusive, overblown or mawkish.

"Linha de Passe" wisely and democratically offers "open" denouements for each character's thread: it's OUR job to come up with the conclusions, and they'll depend on our (in)ability to believe there's still light at the end of the tunnel (for some of the characters, at least). But Salles+Thomas's affirmative position comes clearly in the shape of the closing credits' song: the classic samba "Juízo Final" by Nelson Cavaquinho ("The sun will shine once more/ Light will reach the hearts/ The seed of evil will burn out"). It's the same song that we heard at the closing credits of Jorge Durán's moving humanist manifesto "Proibido Proibir" (2007). It's no "coincidence": the song is there, as it was in Durán's film, because -- if we're ANY human -- we leave the theater feeling that, unlike the tons of junk movies which desensitize us in the name of "entertainment", we've just seen a film that ACTUALLY has urgent, important things to say. And says it sensitively, insightfully, poignantly.
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Too much of Iñáritu, perhaps, but rich and engaging naturalism
Chris Knipp9 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This collaboration between Walter Salles (Central Station, The Motorcycle Diaries) and previous co-director Daniela Thomas provides a look at the struggles of urban Brazilian youth without melodrama or ultra-violence. (Salles saw Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund's City of God as an impressive film but one that misled the public into thinking every Brazilian kid packs an AK-47.) The texture of the film is gritty, but attractive. Like the boys in Visconti's Rocco and His Brothers, the focus is on the sons in a family who have a natural glamor, but are presented in a neorealist style. Linha de passe is a term for passing a soccer ball from one player to another without its touching the ground. An English language title hasn't been found yet; the French used simply Une famille brésilienne/A Brazilian Family. The film is engaging, if a bit chaotic. The May-through-September time-lined structure helps add organization, but the effort to move constantly back and forth among five different characters and scenes becomes wearying toward the end, though the lack of any resolution certainly is an honest reflection of the protagonists' near-hopeless lives.

Living in the slums of São Paulo, the country's most populous city, Cleuza (Sandra Corveloni, who won the Cannes Best Actress award in 2008 for this performance) is a hard, spirited woman who smokes, works as a housekeeper, and keeps having sons by different men. Cleuza is an obsessive soccer supporter with four boys, none of whom knows who his father is. She's pregnant again, and when her mistress notices, she edges her out by hiring another woman to replace her. Cleuza's youngest, Reginaldo (Kaique de Jesus Santos), who is black, is intent on resolving the mystery in his own case. He believes his dad is a bus driver and so spends all his spare time riding buses, befriending drivers, and learning how to drive a bus. His final exploit of stealing a bus and driving it off on his own, designed to draw attention to himself and thus lead him to his father, is based on a true story.

Reginaldo is feisty, handsome, and precocious and his exploit is amazing, but the film balances its attention among each of the sons. Dario (Vinicius de Oliveira, who when very young starred in Salles' Central Station) is a talented soccer player who wants to make it on a commercial team. But having just reached 18 he is at the limit for hiring of newbies; when he finally finds a coach still interested in his impressive ball handling, shooting and (with prodding) teamwork, he finds out he has to come up with a big "tip" to get the team official to ease him in. Dinho (José Geraldo Rodrigues) works at a gas station, but his life revolves around evangelical Christianity. He's had some badness in his past, but is determinedly righteous now. Dênis (João Baldasserini), the oldest, has a small boy he very seldom sees and cannot provide support for as a motorcycle messenger. He is still paying for the bike. This need for money leads him to crime.

The settings are real and gritty and the main actors, save Vincius, had no previous experience. All this contributes to the vigor, spirit, and naturalism of a narrative that grounds its drama in sociology. It begins with the statistical fact that a large percentage of São Pauolo's children are fatherless. There is little sense of social organization or services here.

Dênis' momentary turn to theft and carjacking leads the film as far as it ever goes into Hollywood actioner territory. Meanwhile Dinho is having his faith tested and seriously losing his cool, little Reginaldo is moving up to joy-riding a giant bus, and Dario, who earlier went on a dangerous drug and alcohol spree in frustration, is seemingly getting that big break on the soccer field, but his lack of money to bribe the manager may doom his chances. Everyone is moving boldly forward, hopeful in the face of despair. One ends the film feeling wrung out and uncertain. Salles has become seemingly more realistic but also more pessimistic by now than he was when he made the emotionally moving but somewhat saccharine 'Central Station,' and he does not wreathe his ghetto youths in mist as he does the Che Guevara of 'The Motorcycle Diaries.' This is a valiant effort, with many engaging elements, but the final effect is somewhat lukewarm.

The editing by Gustavo Giani and Lívia Serpa is unfailingly clear; it is not their fault if the focus on five plot lines at the end of the film becomes a little overwhelming, and ultimately numbing. If this is the influence of Iñáritu, that is always a dangerous one.

Premiered in May 2008 at Cannes, 'Linha de Passe' is still unreeling in various countries. Seen at the San Francisco International Film Festival May 29, 2010. In the dual-theater projection, an unfortunate staple at the SFIFF, the print did not look very good; presumably a fault of the projection and not of highly experienced d.p. Mauro Pinheiro Jr.
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Invisible People from the Periphery
claudio_carvalho22 March 2009
In the periphery of São Paulo, the pregnant single mother Cleuza (Sandra Corveloni) works as maid in the apartment of a middle-class family. Each of her sons has a different unknown father: the oldest, Dênis (João Baldasserini), has a baby son that lives with his mother and he works as motorcycle courier; Dinho (José Geraldo Rodrigues) is Christian converted and works as attendant in a gas station; Dario (Vinícius de Oliveira) is an aspirant soccer player that is getting older without the expected chance in a team; and the youngest, Reginaldo (Kaique Jesus Santos), is obsessed to find his black father that works as a bus driver, and spends most of his spare time traveling by bus. Along the months, each brother experiences new deceptions and expectations while the family fights to survive.

"Linha de Passe" is an overrated tale about the invisible people that live in the periphery of big cities. The characters are very realistic, but the screenplay and the edition have many cuts, and the development of the characters is very confused in the beginning. The movie also uses unnecessary footages of the Corinthians soccer team that has the second largest legion of fans in Brazil after Flamengo, maybe with the intention of increasing the box office in São Paulo. The acting is top-notch and Vinícius de Oliveira is indeed a good soccer player. The inconclusive open end is deceptive – the writers could have written a non-corny conclusion, for the good or for the bad of the characters. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Linha de Passe"
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Can't believe this film doesn't have more comments
jeremy-liebster-18 October 2008
Absolutely outstanding film. A slice of sometimes gritty, sometimes funny, sometimes boring life in Sao Paolo seen through a lens. Much as I enjoyed City of God and other similar 'favela' style films, having been to Brazil I do get the impression that they sensationalise a certain lifestyle that just doesn't apply to your average city-dwelling Brazilian. Which is partly why I loved Linha de Passe - there was no gun-toting gangsters, just a single parent family struggling with the day to day Sao Paolo life. And lots of football. The main characters were magnificent - all of the sons and the mother were just so incredibly believable that you feel that they can't possibly be actors. The cinematography was beautiful - the football scenes didn't feel clichéd and the urban environments were used to stunning effect.

Linha de Passe isn't something you're going to enjoy if you need a film with a parcel-wrapped storyline dressed up with a pretty ribbon on top. It just offers you an often moving glimpse of what feels like very real life in one of the most populous cities on earth.
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A poignant, beautiful glimpse of the real Brazil
msparadize30 August 2008
This movie is similar to Walter Salles' "Central Station," in that it shows a part of Brazilian life that people know very little about: the poor suburbs of the big cities. This time, he looks at a family living on the outskirts of Sao Paulo and the everyday struggles they face. Salles shows what life is like for the poor in Brazil without the in your face violence from "City of God" but with the same grace and humor as Central Station.

Part of the success of the film are the wonderful actors, who turned a decent script into much more. Sandra Corveloni won Best Actress for the film at Cannes, and Vinicius de Oliveira, famous for his amazing performance as a child in "Central Station," plays one of Sandra's sons. Kaique Jesus Santos plays Sandra's youngest son, who equals Vinicius' "Central Station" performance.

Don't expect an action movie or love story, but do expect the chance to get a glimpse of the real Brazil.
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Salles at his best
brunoccassiano18 September 2008
Walter Salles and his longtime partner Daniela Thomas come at their best with 'Linha de Passe'. After shooting Dark Water (which I haven't seen but only heard bad things about it) and the predictable Motorcycle Diaries, Salles focused on his best ability: showing the real Brazil to the world and - even more important - to Brazilians themselves. The acting is so accurate that sometimes the movie looks like a documentary about people who strive to have a decent life despite living in a poor suburb in São Paulo. Not only Sandra Corleoni - who won the Palme d'Or - is brilliant, but nearly everyone, even the characters who are not so much in evidence. I would say that this the movie captures the contradictions of the urban Brazil in such a profound way that it leaves you with little else to talk about the subject. Although each character kind of represents a particular stereotype of Brazilian people, there's so much subtlety in each of them (because of the screenplay and the acting) that the plot sounds completely natural, which doesn't happen with 'Crash', the awarded American movie that 'Linha de Passe' reminds me of. In my opinion, Salles' masterpiece is still 'Behind the Sun' (Abril Despedaçado), but if a foreigner asked me to explain what's to be Brazilian, i would suggest him to watch this movie.
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The best Brazilian movie of this year
welingto-125 October 2008
More than a movie, Linha de Passe is a study about the moral and ethical dilemmas that young people from Brazilian suburbs of big cities face on a daily life. It is a film much more rich and complex than it seems. By the apparent simplicity and fragmented structure, should not have the same impact of the Brazilian Central and the Motorcycle Diaries, Walter Salles recent productions.

The Cannes Film Festival confirmed the film to grant him the Golden Palm for best actress to Sandra Corvelloni, single mother of four children, maid and resident of Sao Paulo suburbs. The family, by leaps and bounds, struggling to survive in the metropolis. The oldest is Motorcycle courier, Dinho works in a gas station, Dario wants to be a soccer player and youngest Reginaldo, in brilliant interpretation, is obsessed by her father unknown.

The script, written by Daniela Thomas, Bráulio Mantovani and George Moura, gives an account of five characters who have to kill a lion a day and are faced with ethical dilemmas at every turn, choosing between them to deliver anything goes or to remain in line.
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Salles' Brazil
rachelbh3228 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Salles never disappoints, and his film "Linha de passe" is no exception. The movie tells the story of a middle class mother raising four boys in a large and unforgiving neighborhood in São Paulo, Brasil. Unlike Salles' most famous movies, "Linha de passe" does not tell a story of a hero or of a dramatic and impressive story of people overcoming extreme circumstances. It is a pure and undramatized story of a single-parent family just "getting by."

The acting is believable to the point it is difficult to imagine the actors as anyone else but their characters. The writing is impressive, with five stories depicted and developed yet there is an amount of inconclusiveness left up to the imagination of the audience.

It seems as though this story was received by Brazilians as being true and honest to what a picture of the typical life of a family in Brazil. As an American, I appreciated the apparent authenticity of the movie as shown through the excellent cinematography and writing. I would definitely recommend this movie.
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something of Iñarritu
eduandre3 February 2009
I haven't many comments to add, but something I really noticed in this good movie is that Walter Salles got a lot of inspiration, specially camera takes and editing, by Alejandro G. Iñarritu, not to mention the instrumental background music. The tone of Salles movies remains focused in the hope and good heart of the poorest despite deep unfairness of Brazillian society. Unfortunately, we do not watch good actor Vinicius Oliveira acting more often. The "moto boys" were admirably portrayed as well as the church followers. By the way, Corinthians, the football team supported by The Mother indeed went to 2nd. division in real life, as she worried at the beginning of the movie.
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A dark satire of reality in Brazil
gokselll4 September 2019
This movie is a striking portrait of Brazilian lower class which focuses on a poor family's story. Avoiding an agitative langue, it presents sanctuaries and small gates of hope of poor people like religion or football.

This is a sorrowfull lesson for those who are only aware of funny dancers in Rio festivals and of famous football teams in Brazil.

Absolutely should be seen, especially by the ones loving "Mondays in the Sun" by Aronoa, "City of God" by Meirelles or "Amores Perros" by Inàrritu.
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A slice of Brazilian life
Tweekums20 August 2018
Set in São Paulo, Brazil's largest city, this film follows the lives of one family. This family consists of single mother Cleuza, who works as a cleaner for a middle class family, and her four sons, by different fathers; Dario, who dreams of making it as a football star; Dênis, who works as a motorcycle courier; Dinho, a born again Christian who works and a local petrol station and helps at the church he attends; and Reginaldo, who travels around on the city's buses hoping to find his father. There is no plot as such; we just observe each of them as they live their daily lives and try to achieve their personal goals.

As I started watching this I knew nothing about the film so had no real idea of what to expect. Early on I was waiting for 'something to happen' but not much does till quite near the end and even then most of the questions raised aren't answered. That might frustrate some viewers but I gradually felt myself drawn into the characters' lives. Directors Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas do a fine job keeping everything very real... for example a motorbike pursuit through the city's busy streets feels more real, and thus more dangerous, than more extreme chases featuring obvious stunts and set-pieces. The cast are equally impressive so it feels as though we are watching their lives not watching people act. Overall I'd say this won't be for everybody but if you want a solid character lead film this is well worth checking out.

These comments are based on watching the film in Portuguese with English subtitles.
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A Realistic and Clever Drama
adrianaprsouza-6388617 August 2021
Linha de Passe (2008) tells the story of 5 characters whose lives connect naturally, because they are a family. Cleuza is pregnant and is a single mother of four sons: Dênis, Dario, Dinho and Reginaldo. Their stories are very interesting, well thought out and relate in a great way. Besides, it has a smart writing, an escalation in the narrative... Through this 5 stories, George Moura and Daniela Thomas explore many important social issues in Brazil, such as poverty, unemployment and inequality in an entertaining way. The realism in the screenplay and in other aspects I'm gonna mention, add to this movie a strong documentary appeal. The lines are fantastic.

What reinforces realism the most is the set, with many real locations, the costume design, make up and the acting. It's not by chance that Sandra Corveloni (Cleuza) won the Cannes Film Festival (2008) Best Actress prize. She is brilliant in Linha de Passe, with a very believable acting and an amazing chemistry with the boys, as if she was really their mother.

João Baldasserini is very charismatic as Dênis; Vinícius de Oliveira owns every Dario scene, he is very natural; Geraldo Rodrigues nailed in portraying somebody who passes through a roller coaster of feelings, like Dinho does and Kaique Jesus Santos stealed the attention with his sarcasm and irony as Reginaldo. One of the best child actings I've ever seen.

In addition to all of this there are the perfectly simple and beautiful Gustavo Santaolalla scores; Mauro Pinheiro Jr. Clever cinematography, that utilizes the city light and Walter Salles and Daniela Thomas sensitive shots.

Everything named contributed to a very worth watching drama that, unfortunately, still represents a lot Brazil.
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