October Moon (Video 2005) Poster

(2005 Video)

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Are you kidding me?
tuckerdog-310 December 2007
This was one of the worst films I have ever seen. And I'm 54. There was a point in the 1970s that I saw over 500 films in one year. I've seen thousands I'm sure. But, this. Wow. There is dialog so pretentious, so unbelievable within the first ten minutes that we found ourselves thinking, "Well, maybe it will be a cult film, or campy" but the whole thing became so overbearingly amateurish we had to give up. The dialog was so lame and awful...the pacing (well there wasn't any) so bad, it became uncomfortable to watch. It became very obvious this was a group of people who got together and raised enough money for this vanity production thinking that 1)filmmaking was easy; 2)acting was easier; 3) writing and direction was simple. Even ad-libbing is difficult. There is nothing here. I rented this on Pay-per-view cable (PPV) and actually went to the trouble to ask them to give me a credit for the $4 today. My advice: Don't watch for more than 5 minutes or you'll have to pay. As a person who has written some small doc films and worked in editing, etc throughout the years, I understand the creative process. I give a lot of leeway toward a film. In my life, I have probably walked out of two films in theaters in my entire life. If I had seen this in the theater, it would be on that list.
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an awkward man's plunge into obsession
reeves200229 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad movie considering how low their budget was.It was nice to actually see a gay couple who were monogamous(although they did have typical issues), and who planned to stay together forever except for the circumstances that tore them apart.The story with Elliot was predictable but still fun to watch.The characters were portrayed well especially since some of them haven't acted before.Some of them remind me of people I know or have known.The part I hated was the abuse Elliot took from his bloody mother.I was waiting for him to stand up for himself and explode at her.Also there was not a lot of mention of his father.I hope in the sequel his father is shown or talked about more. It would have been nice if the shot of the moon at the end was longer.At the end there was a mention of the killings and that something similar happened years earlier.That part didn't make a lot of sense and was too rushed.I wouldn't call this movie a suspense or horror but more of a drama or an off beat thriller.I did get a lot of laughs out of this movie.It may not be everyone's taste but I hope people give it a chance.I really like independent films and am looking forward to seeing the sequel called "November sun"
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Not just low budget, but low talent and low quality
mrcool112230 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to what most other reviews have said, this movie breaks absolutely no new ground, nor features anything near a high-quality execution. An unrequited love turns an obsessive admirer violent? Give me a break. The mere fact that the love is homosexual is hardly enough to provide an adequate twist, or to persuade someone to lower his standards enough to accept this film as watchable. Horrible actors stumbling over pathetically groan-inducing lines, uninspired cinematography and editing, and an agonizing hour of useless exposition all contribute to make it an extremely tedious experience. A low budget is no excuse for a lack of talent. As a romantic drama it ranks below the worst standards of television, with its extremely trite and overwrought love-triangle concept, and as a tense thriller it falls flat on its face by creating absolutely no tension. It fails both in concept and execution, producing an all-out stinker.
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Effective character study.
FrightMeter4 May 2010
Contrary to my initial assumption, "October Moon" really isn't a horror movie. Not that there aren't some rather disturbing moments, but the film plays itself out more like a psychological drama in the vain of "Fatal Attraction" (yes, the comparison is inevitable) or "Unfaithful." The climax of the film verges on "slasher" territory, but ends up being more depressing that actual scary.

The film centers around Corin, a thirty year old professional, and his younger, party-loving boyfriend Jake. The two have been together for awhile. but it is obvious that all is not rosy in their relationship. While Corin has settled down and likes to spend quiet evenings at home, Jake still loves the "bar" scene, and often views his relationship with Corin as holding him back from enjoying his youth. At work, Corin is able to confide in his boss and good friend Nancy (Brinke Stevens) about his relationship troubles. She listens with a caring ear and seems to be the only person to really understand him. Due to an increased work load and his unstable home life with Jake, Nancy decides to hire an assistant of sorts name Elliot to help Corin with some of his duties. At first, Elliot is awkward and somewhat nerdy, but likable nonetheless. Corin learns that Elliot lives with his over-protective mother (Judith O'Dea) and is engaged to be married to long-time girlfriend, Marti. Corin begins spending some time outside of work with Elliot, inviting him home and to various outings. Before long, Elliot begins to develop feelings for Corin and realizes that he is a homosexual. This causes severe mixed emotions in him; his mother is deeply against this lifestyle because he husband left her years earlier for another man. With no real support for his new feelings, Elliot's feelings for Corin begin to become a dangerous and disturbing obsession, resulting in a dark, depressing climax.

"October Moon" is truly a character driven story and because of this, may cause some viewers to lose interest. No real action occurs until the films final moments, but the build-up is almost more intense. Elliot's behavior does become more and more disturbing and where the film excels is in its believability. The characters actions and reactions are realistic and because the characters are developed extremely well, it is easy to sympathize with their individual situations. Even at the end of the film, it is hard to really blame Elliot for his actions; he desperately just wanted to be loved and accepted, and like many gay men, the emotions that came with falling for another man, when his entire life he had been told how wrong that was, were almost too much to handle. The writers takes careful steps to ensure that Elliot never becomes a despicable character and it works to the film's benefit. While there is some clichéd and dialogue steeped with stereotypes, overall, it does an adequate job of moving the plot along and creating interesting characters.

The biggest flaw present in "October Moon" is certainly its low-budget, resulting in extremely amateur looking production values. For example, the picture looks dated and often times is no better quality than you'd get with an old hand-held camera. The sound fades in and out in many spots, making conversations hard to comprehend. These issues don't necessarily make this a bad film, but do, at times, make it hard to take seriously. The acting really is a mixed bag; the actors portraying Corin and Jake are adequate, but often times some cheesy dialogue interrupts their performances. Jerod Howard is effective as Elliot, but some particular scenes seem to put noticeable strain on his range. Horror veterans Brinke Stevens and Judith O'Dea are both serviceable, but criminally underused. What is really distracting about the performances is that in some scenes, the actors are brilliant, but in the very next scene, verge on being terrible. The climax is rushed and, while somewhat effective, doesn't pack the punch that it really could have.

Overall, "October Moon" is an interesting, engaging little independent film. Like so many other low-budget films out there, it is very apparent that the filmmakers actually cared about the final product and did the best of their ability and resources to make a decent film. While those expecting gore and non-stop action will likely become extremely bored with "October Moon," it is an effective that not only cares about its characters and presents a believable portrait of obsession and desperation, it subtly makes a statement about expectations, relationships, and the consequences of intolerance. It's a slow burn, but "October Moon" is an effective, creepy film that puts substance before style; the end result and a memorable portrait of love gone wrong on many levels.
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This movie sucks
Maxnchz7 April 2013
This is the worst piece of garbage I've ever seen. The acting by the two main guys isn't bad but the guy playing the crazy straight guy who becomes obsessed is over-the-top and cringe-inducing to behold. And as an extra layer of smelly crap within crap, the scene where the gay guys teach the straight guys how to have fun is offensive to gays everywhere. Way to reinforce stereotypes. Was this movie made by the Republican party? If you were a gay filmmaker, why would you put in a scene to show that straights are "squares" and need to be taught how to have a good time? AND that said time would be a (warning! shocking twist ahead!)...a DANCE PAR-TAY!

I did like the scene where the janitor in the background sneaks a swig from his mop bucket, that's the only reason I'm giving this mop-bucket-of-a-film one star instead of none? Haven't seen the sequel, maybe next time I want to botch a date I'll put it on as she goes running for the hills. Or maybe I'll just stick with the original to do the job.
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October Moon is one of the best gay films done independently this decade!
prettyman593 October 2005
October Moon was seen by myself and several friends at the North 94 Club Kenosha, WI-- showing this past Sunday Oct 2, 2005. Many of the cast members, including the producer, and go-between were present. These folks were as down to earth as it gets. Many times when people think of a gay film, thoughts of 'queeny princesses' pop into mind. This movie was directed and acted out by some of the most loving, wonderful, down-to-earth folks that there are in the Midwest. Everyone should see this awesome film. Since it was only done in one week......I have to say it receives a 10 from me on plot, story-line, actors, costumes, scenes, sound, visual, etc. God blesses the gay folks that really put their heart, soul, and mind into meaningful projects like October Moon! I also wanted to add that the illustrative Christ scene compared to the mothers' ignorance (in the movie) was a delightful touch. Who lies to who?, who destroys peoples lives?...many ignorant and narrow-minded straight people--that's who! Also, the passion (and reality) of gay life between the two lovers was spectacular, and I must state that because we live in a day and age where social constructs push us gay folks toward failure....we must stand up and be counted for as human beings! We too deserve a chance at long lasting relationships like the straight world! Praise is due this most delightful work my brothers and sisters regarding this most magnificent gay film project!!! I wish you the best...and know that it will go far. Good luck at the Gay-Film Festival Milwaukee! Everyone should vote in favor of this most wonderful cast! God Bless!
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Slow start, good suspense later.
jfherr652 January 2008
This movie started out slow and it seemed like it was going to be another stupid low budget movie. But it got better and better until my friend and I were clutching pillows from the suspense.

I liked Sean Michael Lambrecht best as an actor in this movie. He played his character with a surprising amount of depth, and became eminently likable because of it. He's cute to look at, and he endears himself to you.

Yes, there was lots that could have been better. But the characters grow on you, the acting gets better as it goes on, and you end up on the edge of your seat.

The ending stayed with me for days, and I have been analyzing everything the characters did and didn't do. Rare that this happens to me with a movie, so say what you will about the budget, but this was a surprisingly fun movie to watch.
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A lost opportunity
theTRUTH-hurts27 February 2006
Here's Fatal Attraction for the gay set with a few additional twists. The basic premise holds some definite potential but it's soon stamped out by severe reality-killing amateur acting (Sean Michael Lambrecht and Jeff Dylan Graham being the worst offenders there) and mediocre writing, and ends up basically coming off like a rushed production job. The character of Elliot is potentially interesting but he's not fleshed out to the point where his sexual transition or obsession is at all convincing.

Shot on video with the lowest production values you're likely to stumble across (I stumbled across them on Netflix), best I can say here is that the filmmakers tried but failed to come up with something a little different, though it's nice seeing Judith O'Dea again after such a long absence from films. Other than that, this offers very little of value and is instantly forgettable. I will not discount the director's future endeavors on behalf of this weak effort but will just advise him to sharpen up on his writing and hire better actors next time. It's also fishy that there are currently five glowing reviews for this film on IMDb. Even more fishy is that four of them were submitted in the same day!
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Enjoyable and edgy
ierectm14 December 2007
I really enjoyed this movie. It was edgy, heart-warming (at times) and disturbing (at times). It took some unexpected turns and kept me guessing where it was going to end up. I feel the individual performances were strong. Jerod Howard, Jeff Dylan Graham and Sean Michael Lambrecht each made their character their own. My emotions were all over the board on this one... just the way I like a film. Watch the 10 minute mini-feature in the "extras" section to find out some of the motivations of the director and cast. Jerod delivers a great performance even when dealing with a personal tragedy during filming. My guess is that he used that tragedy in his character. Because of October Moon, I am a new fan of all three main actors (Jerod, Dylan and Sean).
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Pass on this Takeoff on Horror Films
gradyharp18 August 2006
Jason Paul Collum both wrote and directed this little film that resembles a gay 'Fatal Attraction' without the benefit of a tight script, good actors, suspense, or sophisticated effects and camera work. Sadly it boils down to a fifteen-minute story spread out over an almost interminable 2 hours.

The story involves on Corin (Sean Michael Lambrecht), a 30-year old ad exec in a five-year bumpy relationship with 23-year old party boy Jake (Jeff Dylan Graham). Corin's boss and friend Nancy (Brinke Stevens) understands Corin all too well, appreciates his relationship, but in attempting to relieve his work duties hires an assistant Elliot (Jerod Howard), a gender confused nerdy lad who is engaged to his lifelong chum Marti (Tina Ona Paukstelis) in a push from his mother (Judith O'Dea) to make things 'right'. Elliot is befriended by Corin, brought into Corin's and Jake's friendship, and Elliot and Marti and Corin and Jake begin socializing. Elliot falls for Corin, comes out of the closet to the extreme dismay of Marti and his mother, and despite Elliot's friendship with Corin and Jake, he begins to stalk Corin. Corin's rebuff of his advances leads to disaster and the film tumbles downhill from there.

Yes, some may view this weak little foray as being full of statements about love, obsession, relationships, and friendships, but all of that has been said far better before and without the seemingly tacked on genre of a horror film. The acting from the women in the film is good, but the men are blunted stereotypes. Everything about the film screams low budget. One annoying factor - a music score that sounds like lessons on electronic keyboards and obscures a lot of the dialogue - turns out to be a blessing in that the weak script is covered frequently. Most viewers will utilize the fast forward button to get through the repetitious dialogue and race for the end, a predictable, stagy tableaux that really doesn't resolve anything. Not worth two hours of your viewing time.
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It's better than the soft porn movies that most gay movies are about
ginoframe7 February 2021
Giving it was a terribly low budget, I like the storyline I didn't mind the actors at least it wasn't one of those soft porn gay movies that all gay movies are usually about yuck, but all in all I enjoyed it good job guys
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Characters you don't care about
Leofwine_draca17 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
OCTOBER MOON is a very low budget shot on video gay relationship drama with a few horror touches. It's only really notable for featuring NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD's Judith O'Dea and scream queen Brinke Stevens in support. The horror elements only really feature at the climax and until that point the journey is grainy, long-winded, and populated by characters you simply don't care about.
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Too painful to watch anymore
panorama9224025 December 2020
After 40 minutes we called it quits. Poor acting and boring story line. Gay characters were dull and the supposed straight man was a joke. I didn't recognize Elliot's mother but I remembered her name from a horror movie back in the 60's...Night of the Living Dead. Her acting was bad back then and she never improved. Don't waste your time on this TURKEY! And, unbelievably, they made a sequel of this trach 2 years later!
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Elements of excellence in the indy persuasion.
hnsmdvl197324 January 2006
Having myself seen my fair share of independent movies of both the gay a straight persuasion, I can honestly say that October Moon is definitely a shining example of honest story telling with fictional edge. Recently I saw the movie "Ice Men" and have to say it was pretty awful....definitely expected more considering director Thom Best (Ginger Snaps, Queer as Folk) has done better in the past. The characters were flat and predictable and the acting was at times reminiscent of "Showgirls". With October Moon, this was definitely not the case. I found the characters believable and the writing to be an honest portrayal of people in general. The movie has a wonderful flow and holds your attention from beginning to end. Collum has shown a great deal of personal development in writing style and direction from previous endeavors. Apparently his work with TEMPE and as assistant editor for Femme Fatale has matured his talent and craft. I definitely recommend this movie, its storytelling at its best.
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Brilliantly Portrayed, Amazing Story
gagepetronski7 January 2011
This film contains many of the elements so many 'wannabee' writers strive for. The suspense and horror infused with comedy and a slant of 'old school horror genre'. The story seems to surround the viewer with a credulous feel but only on purpose. This film carries a viewer through the darkness of obsession, whilst maintaining that excellent subtext of "love what one has for it could be gone in an instant". That precise combination is something so difficult that many writers only hope to have accomplish and achieve such a balance. The filmmakers intentionally obfuscate the viewer to immerse them in this journey, making this a very gripping story to watch unfold. The overall feel in the film from scene to scene is beautifully played out for the audience, and inherent to the very horrific ending. Watch this film with great pleasure. Do not listen to the mindless and vapid chimes of those who refuse to embrace a different journey. This is a film worthy of every moment and beautifully presented. It is deeply encouraging for those of us who strive to create such a journey in film and succeed in sharing it with the world. Our hats off to a brilliant story, superb actors and a flawless cinematic experience!
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An intelligent drama.
eviceman24 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I found myself enjoying this movie a lot more than I thought I would. Expecting a slasher flick I found October Moon to be an intelligent drama, picking up steam as it progressed. Solid performances by industry veterans added a lot, offsetting a wooden performance by the lead Sean Michael Lambrecht. Jerod Howard's portrayal of Eliot's (forgive the cliché) "descent into madness and obsession" was aided greatly by his expressive eyes. I am eager to see what director Jason Collum can do with a bigger budget.

All in all, I enjoyed this movie, and recommend it not as a gay themed movie, but as a study of what extremes love can push a person and a comment on the importance of being true to oneself.
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A must see!
erin-donaldson24 January 2006
I saw the movie in Racine, Wisconsin. I thought the movie was wonderful! The relationship between the main characters and their dynamics with the other not so nice characters kept the movie interesting and moving. I can't believe the ending...not at all what I expected. You almost had me feeling bad for Elliot. The way his mother treated him was horrible and gave me an insight into what it must be like to have the great fear of coming out to your parents/ loved ones. Although nothing excuses his behavior! Great movie...definitely one I plan to add to my collection. Please don't let the 'gay horror' thing scare you away. This is a horror, and love story like any other. I recommend seeing it wherever you can. Congrats and good luck Jason Paul Collum!
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Much more than eye candy for the gay crowd, this film is tense, clever, and very well-written.
pirateblu24 January 2006
While billed as a gay horror flick, I would like to point out that the problems and issues experienced by the film's main characters easily translate to anyone. Most of us have experienced the pain of unrequited love, the fear of unacceptance, and the insecure flailings of figuring yourself out. These very human themes are dealt with in a very honest and direct manner, all while adding a touch of cinematic horror and psychological suspense.

And while the budget was low, it is not a distracting or apparent element. Mr. Collum has made a first-rate horror flick with a heavy dose of reality. October MOON is a wonderful example of what one person can do with hard work, passion, talent, and skill. I am immensely impressed.

Having been a fan of Mr. Collum's other films, October MOON is the best and brightest, so far. I expect, and look forward to, much more in the future.
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Why u never want to mess with someone who steals your undies
scarlet_firre27 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"And a very Special Thanks to President George W. Bush and his motorcade for disrupting 3 hours of our shoot and not giving equal rights to ALL Americans.Please, Hilary, save our country." Hate to break the news to you fellas but Hillary is a man! Didn't know what to expect from this creeper and ---- WOW! I WaS TrEatEd 2 A reaaaaal weeeeeird movie, plots quite muddled and disturbing, totally gross, esp the part with the coffee mug(slurp). I am in love with Brinke S and I am not afraid.I would turn back over to the "dark side" for her. WOOHOO! She such a hottie!!! Johnny: (in a creepy voice) They're coming to get you, Barbara! Barbara: Stop it! You're ignorant! Johnny: They're coming for you, Barbara! Barbara: Stop it! You're acting like a child! Johnny: They're coming for you! ...points to the cemetery zombie... Johnny: Look, there comes one of them now! Barbara: He'll hear you! Johnny:Here he comes now! I'm getting out of here! Judy where have you been all my life! She has a great return to the small screen here as the mommie dearest cliché which she makes her own what a B*****. If that was my mother I would have fed her to zombie Republicans or maybe sent her hunting with Cheney. I felt pretty horrible for Elliot even if he is just a lonely cup licker. Guess you just cant win when you play the crying game. When is the sequel coming out? They should bring back u know who and have him invade the dreams of the straight audience. You know they are afraid. Gay freddie??? I smell a closet sleeper.
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8 for a hell of an effort
steeleronaldr28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You can't even call this movie a spaghetti budget movie. Calling it a shoestring might be more appropriate. On a budget of a unheard of $13.000.00 I wouldn't have expected what this movie offered. I did go in with zero knowledge of the budget and never would have guessed that low. It's cheaply made and looks it but is utterly saved by a very good story and interesting characters. I did watch this movie for the fact that "Night Of The Living Dead" actress Judith O'Dea is in it but only has little screen time which is sad.

The movie itself comes off as a gay themed "Fatal Attraction" type movie. It centers on our two lead's Sean Michael Lambrecht as Corin and Jeff Dylan Graham as Jake who's relationship seems to have ran it's course and slowly deteriorate. When Corin's work load starts to weigh him down his boss hires a new man to relieve the pressure. At first all is good but soon the new hire Elliott played by Jared Howard starts to feel attracted to Corin. As time goes on and the attraction grows it soon turns to obsession and murder.

The story is very character driven and right which makes up for the cheap budget. One thing about this movie is it's dialogue driven so not much action really happens till the last 15-20 minutes. Another plus is it actually moves at a good pace and doesn't drag scenes out. Focusing on a homosexual relationship however may not be for everyone. I say to at least give this movie a try as it does have something to offer. No CGI throughout, no explosions and no shootouts but good story telling.

I'll add that I'm really not a fan of cheap movies but this one did have my attention. Would I have guessed the budget... not even close, I would have started around $100-150.000.00. Yes you can't really tell it's that cheap. And the story is fantastic, the acting now is I will say pretty much below average but above par. Can't hire big name's on the budget at hand.

After all is done the final product was more of a work of love, a dream project come true.
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