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(II) (2006)

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Fans of Ketchum and low budget films will enjoy
droppedatbirth6663 September 2006
First off, some people just can't get into low-budget films. And I agree many are unwatchable. However I've also found some decent films among the crap. Bottom line, if you have a problem sitting through indie films. Then this movie probably won't change your mind. However if you're a fan of Jack Ketchum (who wrote the novel it was based on) then you'll probably enjoy it. It manages to stay pretty close to the book, other then the book being set in the late 60's. At first I thought this was going to be a problem, but as the movie goes on it kind of takes on a timeless feel. And being a low-budget movie, setting it in another era would have been too costly. The acting was pretty good for an indie, the actor who plays Ray Pye pretty much nailed the look and essence of the character.

I caught this movie at the Rue Morgue convention where there was a Q&A with Jack Ketchum afterwards. Which was pretty interesting, he explained how low-budget films allow the director to follow his sometimes grisly story lines more accurately. That's OK with me, I don't mind low-budget movies, especially when they're based on such powerful writing.
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A Good Effort...
Moviguy13 April 2008
The Lost is a film that had a lot of potential, some great directing, a good cast, and a decent script. The problem is that it goes on forever.

The movie starts with a bang, and then kind of slows down, and the audience is given a group of characters to follow around. It is during this part of the film that all structure falls away, and things just kind of float. There is no real movement. Now, The Lost is based off of a novel, and the scenes in the novel probably had a bit more power because the reader can get into the character's head. It is much harder to do that in film, and because of that the importance of some of the scenes is unclear. Whole scenes could have been excised, and nothing would have been taken away from the story.

Then we get to the ending. I'm not going to say what happens, but I will say that it is very easy to see when things are starting to pick up and get back on track, and once they do, all bets are off. The ending of this film is one of the most disturbing and painful things I have ever watched in my life. The thing is, the audience knows that this is coming, but still, it is hard to brace yourself for the intense cruelty that you'll witness.

This is a film that gets an A for effort, but a C+ for execution. While the beginning and the end are tight, the middle of the film seems to lack direction and focus. Nothing happens, and very little is gained. So, this one is a rental.
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Solid drama with a hard hitting finale.
Hey_Sweden24 July 2013
Jack Ketchum's novel, itself inspired by a true story, provides the basis for this chilling look at the actions of a young sociopath, not giving a damn about anybody or anything, and capable of chilling acts of violence. One day, he murders two young women, and his two friends, despite their misgivings about his character, cover up for him. Cut to four years later, and he's still walking around free. Detectives know he's guilty, but can't prove it. It's only a matter of time until the unhinged young man will explode again, and when he believes the people in his life, including his new girlfriend, are all betraying him or letting him down, the stage is set for a bloody revenge.

This works more like a series of episodes for a while, rather than an ongoing story, and is deliberately paced and character driven. Writer / co-producer / director Chris Sivertson sometimes goes for stylistic flourishes, but more often than not handles the material in a straightforward manner. It manages to be subtly spooky and only towards the end does it really get intense; this final act is shocking in its brutality. There's a bit of titillation (breast shots and full fledged nudity) and a respectable amount of gore at the end. As the movie goes on, one feels more and more uncomfortable in the presence of such a smarmy psycho. Actor Marc Senter is compelling in the lead role of Ray Pye, playing him with an effective mixture of uneasy charm and genuine creepiness. His co-stars Shay Astar, Alex Frost, Megan Henning, and Robin Sydney are also good in their own way, and some excellent veterans - Michael Bowen, Ed Lauter, and Dee Wallace - provide some wonderful support. Lauter has one of his best roles in a while, but it's disappointing to see Wallace's participation basically limited to one big scene. Ruby Larocca and always delectable Misty Mundae play the murder victims in the opening sequence.

One may wish that the ending weren't as abrupt as it is (there's no epilogue of any kind), but all in all "The Lost" is fairly potent stuff that doesn't leave the viewer unaffected. Ketchum really is a master at telling these grim and gut wrenching horror stories.

Seven out of 10.
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Jack Ketcham's The Lost
Scarecrow-8814 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Ray Pyke(Marc Senter) is a narcissistic developing psychopath, whose volatile nature is sure to eventually meet a crescendo of violence as his drug habit and infantile fits of rage represent a volcano on it's way to eruption. Ray's friend Tim(Alex Frost)and girlfriend Jen(Shay Astar)bare witness to his gunning down two girls camping out, and must carry such a burden out of fear for their safety(..that, and Ray has a control over them). This depraved act of violence works as a reminder to us that Ray is a ticking timebomb, as we watch his life slowly spiral out of control as Detective Charlie Schilling(Michael Bowen)hounds him over the murders, knowing that he's the one responsible, just without proof. Ray is the kind of dirtbag who dresses like a country stud, with boots(..with crushed bear cans to make him look taller), black jeans and shirt(..with additional slight touches of eyeliner )& hair slicked back right in place. Sparta, as we soon realize, is a small blot in Texas where dreams are elsewhere and the pretty girls who live in this place have few options in regards to male suitors so Ray is one they flock to. He's merely an assistant manager of his mom's "Bates Motel", but carries himself as if he ruled the world. Just charismatic enough to attract the local female, but it's merely an endless parade of humping and dumping, with the girls returning because there's nobody else it seems. Three particular female characters which have the misfortune to have ever found themselves locked into Ray's radar are Sally Richmond(Alice Hirson), a young woman, temporarily working as a maid for his hotel, who wants nothing at all to do with him, recognizing the kind of sleazoid he really is(..that, and she is involved with a 60 year old retired detective portrayed by screen vet Ed Lauter), Kat Wallace(Robin Sydney), a wealthy babe, her mom a schizophrenic, whose obviously attracted to the danger and mystery he presents(..that, and she's bored and craving excitement), not knowing how obsessive and juvenile he really is, and, of course, Jen who would do anything to please him, always on the receiving end of neglect, ridicule., and abuse. Somewhat holding himself together, while abusing drugs and liquor, it's only an amount of time before Ray snaps.

The fuse is lit by Katherine who Ray longs for in every possible way, as she backs away from a possible's realized that Ray was a fling for her, and she wishes to move on with her life. Also adding to this is the discovery that Tim and Jen have slept together(..and that Tim has been taking hash from him). We have come to the understanding that Ray's sanity is hanging by a thread and it won't require much for him to crack.

Sivertson's disturbing portrait of decaying youth bent on destruction, given commanding treatment thanks to how developed the story is, and how it will end. Ray is the kind of character just looking for an excuse to terrorize somebody, and Senter does a good job of displaying the many facets of his troubled character..someone attracted to the spotlight, addicted to a neverending stream of girls and drugs, also carrying serious homicidal tendencies, whose anger fits and outbursts serve as a warning of things to come. Robin Sydney is quite a find, a stunning bombshell whose quite photogenic and seductive(..the camera loves her) can see how such a gal would cause Ray(..or many a man)to get all out of sorts. Astar is appropriately pathetic, and sympathetic as Ray's much maligned squeeze, deeply in love with him no matter how emotionally he abuses her..Ray doesn't even hide his sexual excess from her, yet Jen remains loyal to him. Frost is the buddy who probably wishes to be Ray, to have the girls at his feet, the charisma to approach people the way he does. This setting is rather depressing in that we see a cast of characters with little to do but embrace the drug and sex culture available. Ray's fury at the end is rather unsettling and shocking, once he decides to go on a shooting rampage, killing anyone he so chooses(..this has been on the horizon for some time, and Kat's rejection of him finally sends him over the edge), gathering up the girls who infuriated him the most. We also follow Schilling's dogged determination and on-going interrogation to bring Ray to justice, getting what he has so longed for with the unfortunate price of lives. Sivertson's skills as a visual filmmaker are proved here(..and in I KNOW WHO KILLED ME, although that one is ridiculously convoluted and silly)with how he captures the events and characters, building them to the eventual climax. Carefully, Sivertson details what will bring Ray to the breaking point, and those characters who are effected by his rage. The climax takes place in the cabin where Ray discovered the guns used on innocent people, and is appropriately chilling, as he collects the girls who caused his psychological trauma together..completely unglued, Ray has become lost to madness(even besieging a couple there to clean up the place;his violence towards them is truly unpleasant, to say the least)as Schilling grills Tim for his whereabouts.
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Boring character study.
poolandrews4 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Lost starts late one night as Ray Pye (Marc Senter) & his two best friends Timmy (Alex Frost) & Jennifer (Shay Astar) are out in the woods, Ray spots two girls who start kissing each other which offends Ray's moral sensibilities so he shoots them with a rifle killing one girl & leaving the other in a coma. Jump forward 'Four Years Later' & the crime remains unsolved, the girl has been in a coma for four years but has now died. Detective Charlie Schilling (Michael Bowden) has investigated the case for four years & his only suspect is Ray, Schilling is convinced Ray is responsible but cannot prove it. Ray is obsessed with his image & chats up every girl he meets, he has violent outbursts & is mentally unstable. Schilling tries to manipulate Timmy & Jennifer's fear of Ray in order to get a confession but when Ray finds out he loses control completely...

Written, produced & directed by Chris Silvertson based on the novel by Jack Ketchum this rather dull serial killer thriller is more of a character study & was a real chore for me to sit through, there is no horror or suspense & I thought it was pretty lifeless. The script focuses on Ray as a character, the problem with that is I though Ray was extremely unlikable. Ray is arrogant, treats people like dirt, he's a liar & cheat, he's a callous murderer, a druggie & selfish which is just about every annoying trait you can imagine which makes him as a character very unappealing & impossible to relate to. I was also quite surprised at how long The Lost goes on for, at a good two hours I felt like i had been sat there watching this for days as not that much actually happens. After the two girls are shot during the opening the script just follows Ray around, there's some subplots about an underage romance, the cop trying to prove Ray is responsible & a rich girl named Katherine who pops up occasionally & seemingly isn't bothered when her boyfriend Ray admits he brutally murdered two girls in cold blood. What all the good looking girls in this find so attractive about Ray is a complete mystery to me, a lying two timing rat like Ray turns on his bad boy charm & the girls just fall for it. Generally the script is quite bitty, it never seems to focus on one aspect of the story for too long & with such an unlikable central character I found the film hard to sit through.

Horror author Jack Ketchum drew his inspiration for the character of Ray Pye from the real life convicted serial killer Charles Schmid who was apparently nicknamed the 'Pied Piper of Tuscon' for reasons I don't have a clue about. The character of Ray Pye represents Schmid quite well apparently including his fake mole & copious use of lipstick & make-up. There is next to no violence or gore here, a few people get shot at the end & the two girls are shot at the start but with not much happening between them don't expect a high body-count or a blood bath. There's some sex & nudity thrown in if that's your thing.

Filmed on a low budget the film looks alright & has decent production values but with lots of dialogue heavy exposition The Lost didn't need to have a big budget. The acting is pretty good, I can't say I warmed to any of the character's but maybe that show's how good the performances are as I don't think your supposed to like anyone.

The Lost is a film that starts off quite well & promises to be a serial killer thriller but settles down into a boring character study full of melodramatic tedium that bored me silly. At two hours long not enough happened to maintain my interest & a really unlikable central character just killed the viewing experience dead for me.
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As close to Ketchum as cinema can get
fertilecelluloid2 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Stephen King's work is easy to synopsize and market because his premises are novel. There's a hotel that holds onto memories in "The Shining", a little girl who starts fires in "Firestarter", and a fan who goes nuts in "Misery". It's no surprise that King's work has been cannibalized to death by Hollywood because it's easily reduced to a marketing hook. Marketing King is like marketing a McDonald's hamburger. You know what you're getting. There aren't too many surprises. Jack Ketchum, though much admired by King, is a different kettle of fish. With the exception of "Off Season" and "Ladies Night", his work is not the stuff of Hollywood marketing hooks. The beauty of Ketchum is how he gets into his characters' dark heads. His work is much darker than KIng's and he makes few concessions to mainstream expectations. His horror lives in the house next door or in the mind of the person you're married to. Aside from "She Wakes", Ketchum steers pretty clear of the supernatural and focuses on the sort of people who get arrested every night on the news. Which brings me to "The Lost". It's about a sociopath, Ray Pye, who manipulates and bullies everyone around him. When not destroying other humans with a gun, he destroys them slowly by mere association. You don't want to meet the guy. You want to steer well clear of him. Especially if you're female. Now, this story has been done to death (in novels and films), but because Ketchum is Ketchum, his take on it is fascinating and chilling. The movie version of "The Lost" is less successful and less creepy than the novel because its horror is externalized. We get strange sound effects, bizarre editing shifts, and some interesting color treatments that attempt to internalize the mental dynamics, but what made "The Lost" book so disturbing is only half present here. Still, the movie is a good one. Marc Senter is strong and convincing as Ray Pye and Chris Sivertson's direction is solid. But because Ketchum's beauty is his point of view and not his plotting, the movie's plotting becomes predictable. It will come as no surprise to anyone that Pye goes on a rampage at the end after he is pushed into several corners from which he can't escape. Though the scenes of him blowing people away are potent, their power is diffused by their predictability. Part of me feels that Ketchum works better within the universe of the printed word. Poe is the same. The nature of King's work lends itself to cinematic translation, as does the work of James Patterson and Alistair McLean. With "The Lost", you get a smart, well made tale of horror, but you don't get the essence of Ketchum. You will only get that from a Ketchum novel. So if you can't translate Ketchum adequately to the silver screen, why see these movies? Well, that's the challenge for the filmmaker.
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I'm surprised I stayed awake
toadwarrior6 December 2012
I saw this as a recommendation on a page for a film I enjoyed and it was cheap on Amazon so I bought it. Unfortunately I didn't investigate the film at all and I must say, I feel some of the reviews and comments on here feel a bit like astro-turfing is going on here or I'm just completely different to everyone else that has seen this.

The Lost feels like a made for TV movie and I would have guessed that it was except for it does have some nudity in it.

The gist of the film is Ray is a psycho. It starts out with him killing two females partially because they think they're lesbians. That in itself feels ironic because, whether it's a case of bad over acting or not, Ray comes off as a bit of a closet homosexual (there are some scenes that lead me to believe that maybe they were trying to hint at that). Then it just feels like it's nothing but bland scenes conveying that Ray is a jerk towards women, possibly has issues with them and this all builds up to an uneventful climax.

Unlike the other people commenting on this film, I didn't find it gripping at all and I wouldn't call it a horror by any means nor is there really any suspense or much of anything that would make it a good film. When there is killing it's very tame even in the finale.

I've not read the book and the book may be good. It could just that this film is like Stephen King's It where the film just doesn't convey any of the same feelings you get from the book.

I would fully recommend thinking twice about buying it even if you see the DVD for a $1.00.
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cult classic
Chris_Docker24 August 2006
The Lost starts like a fairy tale. Once upon a time there was a boy called Ray Pye. He put crushed beer cans in his boots to make himself look taller. We meet him with his two friends, Tim and Jennifer, in the campgrounds of a wood. Ray strolls towards a wooden toilet cubicle erected on the hill, the door opens, and a naked girl steps out, quickly apologising as she thought she and her friend were alone. The image is so startling that you know at once this will be no ordinary movie.

Ray has killed rabbits before and decides to kill the girl and her friend, to 'see what it feels like'. Tim and Jennifer, whom he dominates, are coerced into covering up. Four years later, Ray hasn't been caught, in spite of one cop who is determined to make him pay. Ray goes on to much nastier things.

If The Lost teeters on the edge of violence that is so extreme as to revolt most audiences, the question that will hover in the mind of many serious viewers will be whether the end is going to justify the content. Some will not stay that long - in the screening I went to, several people, after a section of intense and escalating violence, walked out at a point where a pregnant woman is stabbed in the back. You have to be able to stomach quite a lot, calmly to consider whether the film, in spite of this, has artistic merit. During the end credits, it says, "If you liked the movie, read the book. If you didn't like the movie, read the book." Ironically, many may not have stayed to this point.

While the film is not a masterpiece, I will argue that it does have considerable artistic merit, even if I feel slightly uncomfortable at disenchanted, gun-toting American teenagers watching it. It delivers both in style and in substance, and if censors want to intervene, that is maybe more a reflection on the people they think might be influenced by it than on its standing as new, invigorating and perfectly valid art-house cinema.

Firstly, the film gets a reaction. Not one of bored disgust - it provokes a gut-feeling, it makes the audience test and question its own tolerance levels. The acting is good all-round, but that of the lead character particularly memorable. His psychotic, drug-fuelled mannerisms stick in the brain like a traumatic encounter. The storyline and editing are stylish. Characters, almost in keeping with the once-upon-a-time introduction, have a two-dimensional quality, like those in fairy stories and we tend to see only traits that are essential to the plot. The characters' development does not go so far as being tongue in cheek or a caricature, but reaches an almost symbolic level where they become ciphers in a particularly challenging onslaught to the senses.

The cinematography and art direction is inventive. There will be switches to high grain film, or unnerving mixes of slow motion, missing frames and superimposed images. The bedrooms of Ray, and also Katherine, a lush that he falls in love with, use vivid reds and blacks to create a surreal effect, and props that include a statue of a black panther. Ray wears black eye make-up, throwing himself into a Bowie-esquire larger-than-life image to give himself an almost god-like appeal to the other, less dominant, teenagers. In contrast, when he finally comes clean about 'the worst thing he ever did', he is sitting dressed in black but on a pure white sofa and background. Katherine, who thinks at first she can 'handle' him, puffs languorously at a cigarette through red lips as Ray talks and she becomes sexually aroused.

Marc Senter's performance (as Ray) is like a turbine that drives the film ever faster forward. The potent soundtrack reflects a cocaine-frenzied adrenalin rush, and even the 'normal' characters offer only some queasy sense of relief. There is 60yr old Ed, for instance, who is in a relationship with teenager Sally; and Detective Charlie Schilling (Michael Bowen), who might seem crazy until you put him next to Ray. Unlike many films that try to capitalise on excessive violence, The Lost wins partly because it is not repetitive. There is nasty violence, quick violence, prolonged violence, mental torture with cruel and violent treatment, 'justified' violence and sick violence. Then there is even offhand violence - "I didn't like you anyway," says Ray as he aims and fires, killing someone with all the casual pride of a sharpshooter at a fairground. (In case you haven't guessed, there is quite a lot of violence!) Supporting scenes draw on popular subculture for realism, such as the rush to flush drugs (grass) down the toilet with limited success when the cops try to bust a party, or the 'friend' who tries to shave an unnoticeable amount of resin from Ray's cannabis delivery. Sensuous, opulent, and recognising few limits, The Lost strains at the sequins to be a cult nasty and succeeds. Even the sex scenes throw in a level of wit not found in the average shocker. "I'm sorry that was a little fast," says Ray after f*cking Katherine the first time. "I've had it faster," she retorts nonchalantly.

While featured songs such as "Drink, Fight, F*ck," might sum up the superficial ethos of the film, it rises well above the trailer-trash slasher that it could easily have become. More concise and elegant than Freeway, more intelligent and visceral than Natural Born Killers, demonstrating a considerable array of talent in its determination to shock that was so noticeably absent in The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael, less high-brow than Irreversible, and more hypnotic than American Psycho. The Lost, however repugnant many people will find it, lives up to its promise of being controversial and worthy of attention by all lovers of the genre.
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Boring and nasty but with some style
neil-4762 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Teenager Ray Pyle, having murdered two girls without consequence (his companions being successfully browbeaten into terrified acquiescence) eventually gets to the point where he goes on a murderous rampage.

Allegedly based on two real-life cases, this film starts and ends with fairly savagely violent sequences with a long and seemingly endless central section in which Ray takes drugs, pursues an active sex life and behaves generally unpleasantly. I suppose that for gore fans there is a lot of gore in the closing section, but it is uncomfortably close to real life which makes it difficult to be emotionally isolated - it is more real life than fantasy horror.

There is good acting here though I felt that Marc Senter, as Ray, overacted horribly, not to mention being possessed of an enormously distracting mole on his cheek. There is also some directorial style which makes the low budget stretch further than one might expect. There is also a prodigious amount of bad language.

And I dare say I mentioned the extremely boring central section.
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The Lost (Highway)
Rathko6 February 2010
An okay indie thriller about the gradual meltdown of a psychotic teenager. It's a solid screenplay bolstered with some excellent performances, starting out with a dirty, gritty authenticity that's reminiscent of classic exploitation flicks of the past. But about halfway through, director Sivertson seems to be possessed by the muse of David Lynch. We have the bad-boy Greaser, the red-lipped femme fatale, the nighttime drives and seedy motel rooms, the graphic sex and violence, the contrast of raucous jazz with grating death metal. Unfortunately it lacks the all-important intellectual rabbit holes and surreal artistry. The tonal switcheroo is kind of distracting, and the second half drags terribly to an over-the-top WTF last act of shameless overacting. Sivertson clearly has talent, and he manages to convey a suitable sense of unhinged psychosis and disorientation. But he needs confidence in his own style and vision instead of cribbing from the playbooks of others.
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One of the most disturbing real life crime movies ever made...
Indyrod10 November 2008
THE LOST is one of the most disturbing real life movies I have ever seen, period. I thought Ketchum's "Girl Next Door" was about as disturbing as you can get, based on a true life crime, but this one is much worse and very graphic. Actually, Ketchum took two real crimes, the first about two women that get shot in a woods because some psycho thinks they are lesbian, and the other crime which occupies the rest of this movie. Ray Pye is a twenty-something psycho, that with his good looks and car and crap attracts a few followers and girls in this small town. He puts smashed beer cans in his boots to make him seem taller. The movie moves ahead four years, after the girls in the woods are killed, and Ray is having a ball, balling who ever he wants, and partying and drugs and the whole nine yards. But his egomaniac world is starting to come crashing down along with his sanity, when his girls start to turn against him, especially the beautiful Katherine (Robin Sydney). He pretty much goes berserk, and the last twenty minutes or so of this movie are very hard to watch, even for this old gorehound. It turns into almost a cross between Last House on the Left and the Manson murders. Ray even references the Manson murders when he takes his hostages into an unsuspecting couples cabin, with a young couple, the wife being pregnant. Even Jack Ketchum says in the commentary how difficult the last twenty minutes were for even him to watch. This is incredibly brutal material folks, and the director holds nothing, and I mean nothing back. Ray looks to me like a young Tom Cruise, or maybe a cross between a young Elvis and Tom Cruise, that seems to be the look he is going for. When he snaps, and I mean snaps, it's like the devil himself has taken him over. This is a hell of a movie, and it did make me flinch a little, and that to me is very impressive. Not for the easily offended for sure, but for everybody else, put "The Lost" on your Want List immediately!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not recommend this extremely disturbing movie any higher. Very very well made by the way.
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Not what i was expecting
X-marxTheSpOt3 May 2010
I have to say I went into watching this movie blind. I went to my local best buy and they had this on blu ray for 6.99 so i picked it up because the synopsis intrigued me. I honestly never heard or read the novel by Jack Ketchum and if I had the choice i would have read it first. This movie just grabs you by the balls and doesn't let go. something about this film and its realism that shocked me. the weird thing about it is i can sit through tons of horror and thriller movies and never wince or feel real terror like i did watching this film. the acting was amazing, as much as i hated the main character ray pye, he just had this affect on me to continue watching. there were several times i wanted to shut it off because i couldn't take anymore but i stuck through to the end. the only thing that disappointed me was the abrupt ending but im sure if i read the novel first i wouldn't have been. still an incredible emotional impacting film.
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Overly long
BakuryuuTyranno8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Essentially some guy named Ray killed two girls and nobody could find incriminating evidence so he got away. Now more people are dying.

The movie feels like writers trying too hard not to change the book too much. It takes too long before the story really gets going which is disappointing because honestly it should have been a good film.

I don't know why Ketchum insists on writing about unbelievably misogynistic people but essentially it's like the stupidly evil husband from "The Offspring" (also based on one of Ketchum's books if I'm not mistaken) being the entire threat.

While kidnapping girls who annoyed him in minor ways, the killer at one point prances through the house towards a victim incompetently and gets a door slammed into his face. Later while going crazy he practically dances around in anger in a room with five people he's threatened yet despite getting his back close to victims they never bother to disarm him & beat him senseless. The movie ends without a resolution to the situation which is pretty annoying.
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David Lynch, Move Over!
Kashmirgrey31 March 2008
Chris Sivertson's "The Lost" is a rattlesnake lying in wait. You sense the rattle, but don't fully realize the danger until its fangs are buried deep... and it's a long way back to civilization!

Marc Senter IS the amoral sociopath Ray Pye who limps around due to the smashed cans he uses in his boots as lifts. He is a pathetic punk, a sinister sadist, and I guarantee by the end, you will loathe him. This is the intent, and Senter brings Ray Pye to life in an extraordinary performance.

When Ray murders two young women while camping in the woods, he catapults his two dim-witted companions into a frenzy of complicit mayhem. While he puts the moves on one young lady after another, the law grows ever more relentless on his trail.

"The Lost" is a roller coaster from the moment the film begins with Ray coming face to face with a beautiful, unsuspecting nude sunbather until the ending credits roll. This is no dot-to-dot-I-know-what-will-happen-next. Sure, you think you know, but you're always wrong. It isn't a pleasant film to watch, but instead, a nasty and powerful moonshine that burns going down and burns coming out!
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Don't Bother its a CRAP FEST.
johnnightflyer6 June 2011
Just watched this pile of sh*t and all i can say is don't bother. The lead actor cant act. He must have payed someone to be in this. The other reviewers that have hyped this up must have been on the payroll to. I have just wasted 2 hours of my life watching this. All i can say is Im glad i didn't pay to watch it. The book may have been good i don't know i haven't read it, as someone else wrote 'maybe it should have remained a book' and not been made into a film. Maybe if they had cast the lead actor with someone who could act and done away with his greasy hair and eyeliner and cut it to around 70 minutes it might not have been so bad. I don't usually comment on here but i feel i had to in this case to stop anyone else wasting their time. Believe me it is a crap fest and thats being kind.
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This is a Documentary - not a Horror Flick
ronnie0a19 January 2007
I enjoy the kind of horror "romp" that has been coming out of Seduction Cinema in recent years. I also enjoy the "scxreamers" with Michelle Bauer." That's not what we have here... this is not even Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers!

I lived in California while we all wondered about the disappearance of two women from a National Park, and whether or if they'd ever be found. After months they were, but they might not have been found... and here's what might have happened to them AND DID IN FACT HAPPEN TO OTHERS! For reviewers to comment that they would "grab the gun" from the crazy is to ignore the fact that this is basically a true story. The gun wasn't grabbed from him!

It's not just in horror stories that horror exists, but in the world around us. The message is that we should take precautions, that perhaps we should learn HOW to grab a gun without having it go off in someone else's face (NOT just us big bruiser Veterans!) This is a message NOT to coddle our children, making them easy victims! As the saying goes, "There are a lot of places to bury a body in the desert."
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Clever! Clearly the title relates to the audience as they watch this film
dbryn22 March 2013
I'd like to think that I am at least as insightful as an average person. Having studied the craft and written a couple of screenplays myself, I'm at a loss of words - which doesn't happen very often. Maybe one has to read the book, which I'm guessing is far superior to this cinematic mess, in order to follow or 'get' what the purpose of the film is. Three teens in the woods stumble upon two girls in the woods, they're shot. OK, good start... but then we jump to a cast of characters with a LOUSY setup. Who are they? How do they relate to the story? It takes too much effort to piece it together and my 30mins+ we don't really care - we're LOST! The setups in the film don't really have any satisfying payoffs and there's a lot of ON THE NOSE scenes that are placed in order to ensure the audience understands the plot that hangs together by a thread. Are we the audience suppose to root for Ray? I don't think so. Is there even a protagonist in the film? I don't think so. So are we the audience just sitting through a bad movie that showcases a villains dark side? Totally unsatisfying. Again, no comment on the book... I'm sure it's wonderful in a dark kind of way, but it's likely an impossible feat to convert that story into a successful film - this one has failed. Yes, the audience is the only thing about this movie that is clearly LOST and this is likely the worst or second worst movie I've seen in years.
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The Lost: A Return To Realism
adlanders12 April 2006
Possible Spoilers!!-I attended a preview screening of "The Lost". Having read the book, as well as an account of the true story on which Jack Ketchum's tale is based, I had an idea of what to expect, however, I was unprepared for the integrity shown by the filmmakers in their unflinching look at narcissistic violence. The main character, Ray Pye (chillingly portrayed by Marc Senter) represents the childish nature of current American Pop Culture in which we have become so accustomed to instant gratification that, when we don't actually get what we want when we want it, the infant inside us can explode. And that indeed is the story of Ray Pye. "The Lost", for me, is a return to 1970's style film-making, ala "Taxi Driver" & "Straw Dogs". To call it simply a horror film is to sell it short. The writer/director Chris Sivertson has created a character driven story in which Pye's need for control is driven up a notch with the introduction of each new (independent) female character, women with their own problems, and so not as naive as the two "robots" Pye has controlled since high school. This loss of control, combined with the scrutiny of a dogged police detective, is what ultimately causes Pye's "makeup" to crack, if you will. What results is violent indeed, but shown with a realism much needed in this day and age of CGI "shock and awe" gore. And unlike some of the unnecessary cruelty depicted in movies like "Saw", scenes of torture shown seemingly for no other reason than to "top" the competition, the culmination of Pye's frustration has a very specific conclusion, and without trying to psychoanalyze too deeply, it is indeed symbolic that Pye's rage is infantile in nature. The ending of the film will cause many to gasp, but is in no way gratuitous. At any rate, it is not my intention to "review" the film, per se, although it is made with much technical skill and good knowledge of effective camera angles, dynamic sound effects and some very inventive "kinetic" editing sequences, giving the viewer an "adrenaline" rush, coming from fear, as if we are in the room with Pye and his victims. If you have read any of Ketchum's work (or are familiar with the true story of Charles Schmid) you will know going in that this film is no fairy tale. And yet, it is hoped by this film fanatic that "The Lost", BECAUSE of it's realism, and BECAUSE it depicts violence as it really is, neither glossed over nor unnecessarily gory, will find distribution to as many screens as possible, because believe it or not folks, there is an audience out there who remember the great independent filmmakers of the 1970s and have been wondering for a while when the next batch of Scorceses and Schraders were gonna come along. Coming from a totally original perspective, two of them are here now: Chris Sivertson and Lucky McKee. They have made an excellent character study here. With "The Lost", they have cast a steady gaze on the nature of violence, holding Ray Pye up in the mirror to show us the real reflection of what takes place when a culture of indulgence goes unchecked for too long. In this day and age of ho-hum mass murder and twenty-four hour turnaround "change the subject" news media, to make a film like "The Lost" takes courage and integrity. Sivertson and McKee have these qualities, as well as talent in spades. Let's give them the recognition they deserve!
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Yeah baby
digimatic30 August 2007
Why did the distributors pitch this as a horror? I, like someone else commenting here, saw this at a horror convention so was expecting something very different. What I got instead was one of the hardest hitting movies I saw all year (06). I found it pretty heavy, especially the ending, this is not a nice movie, but it's not supposed to be, that's why it worked for me. Well acted, especially the lead. It's a pity it didn't get more attention on release. Well I need to write 10 lines, so here are the fillers, rent it, you won't be disappointed; if you like gritty psychological dramas. A fine study of one young mans demented narcissistic psychosis.
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Over use of T&A scenes.
thebe123-484-48832723 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I was ready to turn this off in the first couple minutes but withheld and did wind up watching to the end. Did not care for the many dragged out T&A scenes.

Best acting was done by lead actor Marc Sentor who played Ray Pye. He looked like and even his acting reminded me of a cross between a young Ray Liotta and Rob Lowe. Hope he gets more lead roles in better scripts because he deserves it.

Sometimes it reminded of American Psycho though the only pop tune it played on and off as sound track was "I'm a Pied Piper" from the 60's.

I guess why I rated it only a five is because I didn't care for most of the characters and outside of Ray Pye they were under developed. Again, more could have been done there over the extended T&A scenes. Nearly every character we did somewhat get to know was dysfunctional and not totally likable. Sometimes it was difficult to tell who was the sickest personality or character.

I would have rather seen more suspense and logical/realistic detective work rather than Pye having a meltdown or whatever that was. Also didn't care for the ending or the big climax.

But kudos to Marc Sentor, I'd give him a 10 out of 10 for his stellar performance.

It's worth a watch if you can handle the T&A.
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A Faithful Adaptation And Well Made Film
DelVarrick17 August 2006
Caught a special screening of The Lost this past weekend at Horrorfind Weekend in Hunt Valley, Maryland where author Jack Ketchum was in attendance. Ketchum introduced the film by saying how impressed he was with the end result. An opinion I share whole heartedly. First of all, the cast is a top notch mix of veteran character actors and relative novices, all of whom are very good at what they do. This is something one doesn't often see in such a low budget project. Many familiar faces grace the screen and talented ones at that. It is the presence of such a cast that sets the film apart from the crowd right at the start. The Lost also has a great look to it. Aesthetically speaking, the film doesn't appear to be as low budget as it actually is. That's an element which can really hold a film back and one which I was afraid might be an issue here. Fortunately the film looks wonderful. As I mentioned, The Lost is a very faithful adaptation of Ketchum's book. This isn't to say that a few liberties aren't taken. Nothing that should offend fans of the book though.

In all, The Lost is a very satisfying film which Ketchum fans should enjoy. Hopefully the film will be shown the appreciation it truly deserves.
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really slow movie but the end delivers the goods
trashgang17 January 2012
This is a weird movie to review. It is filed under a serial killer horror. But it is so-called based on a true event, well, it isn't. It clocks in at almost 2 hours and for the horror geeks, nothing really happens until the end. But the movie is saved by the excellent acting.

This flick tells the story of Ray Pye but I am also in the lives of serial killers and let me say, Ray never existed. The only thing that came close was the Charles Schmid case. Just like Ray here Schmid was a short man who wore cowboy boots stuffed with newspapers and flattened cans to make him appear taller. He used lip balm, pancake makeup and created an artificial mole on his cheek. Schmid was sentenced to 50 years in prison but was stabbed 47 times by two fellow prisoners on March 10, 1975. He lost an eye and a kidney and died 20 days later. Schmid strangled Gretchen Fritz and her sister Wendy, earlier he killed Alleen Rowe.

Nothing of that is shown in this flick were we have a lot of talking. But I said it before it is really the excellent acting that saves this slow builder. Towards the end we really got into some messy shots when Ray goes berserk. I would mention Marc Senter (Ray Pye) and Robin Sydney (Katherine Wallace) who really did an excellent job. Marc we knew from Cabin Fever 2, Robin from Wicked Lake. But there is more to see, Ed Lauter is in it as is Michael Bowen both know for years in too many flicks to mention. Dee Wallace has a small role (ET, The Howling, Hill Have Eyes)and for the perverted Misty Mundae is also in this flick doing what she can do best, walking naked full frontal. Here she's in her pseudonym Erin Brown. Still funny that she's not shaved or trimmed at all and still is popular by so many. Nevertheless, the movie goes on and it is over before you know it but it do has some slow parts in it. Maybe if they could have cut it to 90 minutes it would have been more interesting. If you like a good suspense then this is for you, it contains a lot of nudity, and the last scene is maybe a bit offending for some.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 2/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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Telling a bad story as well as possible
MBunge27 June 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Lost is a nice example of the difference between telling a story badly and telling a bad story. Except for one scene where writer/director Chris Sivertson apparently decided that in each individual shot the camera would be a different, randomly selected distance from the actors, he and his cast and crew did an okay job here. Unfortunately, their efforts are wasted on a tale that has nowhere to go and takes too long getting there.

Ray Pye (Marc Senter) is a teenage malcontent who dresses like a singer from the do-wop group Sha-Na-Na and has two tagalongs, Jennifer and Tim (Shay Astar and Alex Frost), who are even more pathetic than he is. The film opens with Ray killing one girl in the woods and gravely wounding another, just for kicks. Four years later, the wounded girl finally dies in the hospital and Ray's fashion sense has improved to where he looks like a cross between John Travolta's Urban Cowboy and Elvis from his TV comeback special.

After beginning with such savagery, the next hour of this movie is like watching The Secret Life of the American Teenager or some other basic cable teen angst drama. Ray is living and working at his mother's motel and still leading Jennifer and Tim around by their noses. There's one subplot where Ray is a lecherous jerk hitting on Sally (Megan Henning), a new maid at the motel who turns Ray down because she's secretly dating Ed (Ed Lauter), a 60 year old ex-detective who investigated Ray for the attack on the two girls. Ed's old partner Charlie (Michael Bown) is still on the force and there's another subplot about him rediscovering his interest in Ray as a suspect and rattling his cage. Yet another storyline has Ray playing the little, lost bad boy who finally finds the girl that "gets" him in the irresolute Katherine (Robin Sydney), who happens to have her own back story of parental dysfunction. There's also a bit about Ray being a drug dealer where Tim is cheating Ray out of some of the drugs.

After that first hour, a few arbitrary plot points kick in and move the film toward a conclusion that features some good old ultra-violence and plenty of Marc Senter overacting. It all tries very hard to be shocking, but by the time it gets to Ray stabbing a pregnant woman in the belly off camera, you'll be rolling your eyes. None of it is poorly executed. It simply doesn't stand up to even the least bit of scrutiny.

For starters, if you took out the brutality at the beginning and end, along with blurring a few naked chicks in the middle, The Lost would be a PG rated mish mash where Ray plays the heavy in the Peyton Placey relationship of Sally and Ed and he's also the clichéd rebel without a clue who falls for the girl from the rich family on the other side of town. The meat of this thing does not validate or support the viciousness at either end. You're left waiting around for something to follow up on the assault on the two girls and by the time it arrives, it's been so long that you not only don't care, you can't take it seriously.

This movie also flounders on consistency. On one hand, it works hard with two different girls to establish Ray's sexual inadequacy. On the other hand, it shows him being a sex god who successfully beds and bangs a string of chicks. It establishes Katherine as being sort of a kindred spirit to Ray, then tries to set her up as the one we're supposed to root for in the last third of the flick. But if she's like Ray and Ray's a psycho, how exactly does that make her the hero?

I don't blame these filmmakers for any of the problems with The Lost. Even when Marc Senter starts chewing the scenery at the end, it's clear he's doing it because that's what the story calls for. The only mistake made here was the decision to do a film adaptation of a Jack Ketchum novel that very few people have ever heard of because it isn't that good. If you're a fan of the book, you'll probably like this movie. However, I can't imagine anyone who watches The Lost will feel the need to seek out the source material.
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This movie was AWFUL
svanessa7 April 2006
I love horror movies. I love seeing people brutally murdered in movies. I love movies about serial killers, or just killers in general. I love movies that make me cringe. This movie, however, did nothing but make me laugh and roll my eyes through the entire thing. And not in a good way. I can't believe I wasted almost two hours of my life watching this thing.

I will say that some of the actors were good. But even they couldn't save this crappy movie. And even though the acting was good, I still didn't find myself caring about anyone in the movie. I wasn't drawn in at all. It was trying so hard to be edgy and visceral that it turned out like a comical caricature of a good movie. Don't waste your time on this movie.
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not one scare in this movie = weak
hplovecraft66620 August 2007
This movie was soooo weak. Its a bad bully drama that was so boring it took almost an hour for something to happen and by then it was no surprise to the viewer. The actor who played the bully couldn't scare a fly in real life and it just seemed like a boring lifetime movie. There's a reason this stinkers been on the shelves for almost 3 years!!! I think the best part was seein MIsty Mundae in some lesbo scene which didn't really fit in either but at least it was better than seeing the bad drama of kids scared of some yutz that was harmless. I haven't seen the directors new film but hope he got more cash to work with as this one looked like it was shot for nothing and thats about what was put into it.

See it at a friends house on fast forward and you'll still fall asleep!!
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