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Tries too hard... and fails.
Siamois31 August 2008
Director/lead Larry Bishop tried way, way too hard with Hell Ride. The movie wants to be edgy, witty, provocative, outlandish, biting all of this, seemingly in a Quentin Tarantino/Rob Zombie style. But it's not edgy. The references seem forced. The dialog tries to be clever and fails. The humor is never funny. Nice try setting a gritty tone but we'd have to care about the characters or the story for it to remotely succeed.

What you're left with are cool Harleys and pretty girls surrounding a bunch of tired, old and out of shape "bad boys" in what looks like an attempt to do a modernized Sergio Leone western. If this movie can make newer generations interested in 60s and 70s films, kudos for it. But on its own, it is rather boring and irrelevant. I do believe there is a place for style over substance. But this movie is not it.
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A vigorously polished turd
fertilecelluloid11 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I wish I could write the following: "HELL RIDE is one hell of a ride." Unfortunately, I can't. The bikers in this movie do get to ride some sizzling hot women, so all is not forsaken. Larry Bishop's homage to biker pics tries hard to tart up its terrible script with a lot of cinematic lip gloss, but a turd is a turd, no matter how vigorously you polish it. The "story" is a lazy excuse for profanity, badly staged violence, and sleazy sex. Without the sleazy sex, this would be something of a bust. Imagine if a bunch of cult and counterculture actors got together for a reunion and filmed that reunion. Well, "Hell Ride" is that film. I'm sure Quentin Tarantino (the presenter) and his buddies had a great time partying on the Weinstein dime. They all look like they're having a great time; a lot of bare breasts get ogled and fondled (thank Christ!), and some decent performances do emerge from Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper. As stated earlier, the women are very, very hot, and Bishop's camera zeroes right in on the bits and butts that count. The deliberately washed out, tilt focus photography feels very old hat, and the direct steals from many of Leone's films only serve to underline the bankruptcy of talent behind the key roles in this wanna-be of a biker flick. One of the most disappointing aspects of "Hell Ride" is the lack of hellish bike action. Do not expect even one-tenth of the action of a classic like "Mad Max", a film itself that homaged (stole from) "Born Losers", amongst others, but emerged with a fresh synthesis of its influences. Can you hear that churning sound? It's AIP spinning in its grave.
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"Tarantino" in titles is disappointing, but movie you can swallow smoothly with cola
CasualView1 September 2008
Everything negative written about this movie is true, but mainly based on high expectations ("Tarantino" in the titles is absolutely misguiding). However if you have some free time, cola or beer and snack, do not expect ANY fresh idea from a movie and just want to relax - you can go and watch it without hesitations. No really, that's the good "upper B-class" with all attributes of biker's movie like dust, guns, leather jackets, shootings in desert and babes. Authors even added another "cool" killing device similar to cattle gun in "No Country for Old Men". Protagonist's ("Pistolero") face is so sour like he has been fed half-a-dozen of lemons through his rectum, but other actors honestly do their job. Just don't expect anything else besides of features described above and you likely to be satisfied.
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This movie is so cool!
shanayneigh30 August 2008
Or that's what the filmmakers would like you to believe, anyway.

This movie tries sooo hard to be cool it's ridiculous. Everything, from the look of the film, the cinematography, the editing, the dialogue and the acting, is geared in super cool mode from the get go. Just to make sure that no one misses how cool this film is, there's a soundtrack of really cool rock n roll tunes and a twangy western-surf-tex mex guitar playing constantly throughout the film. As a final reminder of how frickin cool this movie is, all the actors have been instructed to speak in a hoarse voice, because, as we all know, that's badass.

The plot (if there indeed is one) seems pretty straightforward. But as someone else already pointed out, the director and star of the film, seems fiercely determined not to tell that story, instead focusing on a plethora of naked babes and dialogue that's supposed to be badass, but grows tired surprisingly quick (did they have an contest to see how many times they could cram the words "pussy" and "f*ck" and its derivatives in an 80 minute film?).

This movie was absolutely horrible.
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Don't waste your time
locomotivebreath837 August 2008
Tarentino should be ashamed to be involved with this awful film. The acting, directing and script are all third-rate - with the entire film playing out like an excuse for writer/director/star Larry Bishop to get laid. The only reason it was made at all is most likely due to his association with QT. The plot of the film is pretty flimsy, and basically tries to survive on not-so-obscure references to older B-movies and some cameos from guys like David Carradine, Dennis Hopper, and Vinnie Jones. Each one is listless in their performance, particularly Hopper who is in full-on paycheck mode at this point in his career. The saving grace, if there is one, is that the script is so laughably bad that it can be entertaining. Bishop tries so hard to get that trademark Tarentino banter and just fails miserably, which can be pretty humorous at times and grating at others. I'd only check this one out if you love bad movies...or if you're really into biker films.
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One of the Worst Movies Ever Made
DaveDiggler25 February 2009
Larry Bishop writes, directs and stars in this soft-core porn; a plot less biker movie about nothing to do with anything. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I actually felt sorry for the girls in this movie (who probably thought they were in the making of a feature film). In all reality they're making a porno. They walk on set, spend three or four days there, say some sexually themed lines to a bunch of old men - thirty years older than them - then they take off their cloths and run around naked. I can only assume this was Larry Bishops only way of getting laid. You see shot after shot directly on girls asses. Shot after shot of Bishop walking up to some random chick and grabbing her by her crotch, as if he were shaking her hand. How this crap was even funded is beyond me.

There isn't one redeeming quality, or one moment in the movie that creates any kind of reaction, or shows any inclination that these people had any idea of what they were doing. If you don't see naked women all that often, then I guess this movie would be for you. If you're eleven-years-old, you might like it. The acting is awful, the writing is awful, the production is awful, and the direction is awful. It's not even worth your time renting it just so you can say you witnessed the car crash. You shouldn't even be reading these reviews. I shouldn't even be writing one.
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It's not awful, but it is a pretty rough ride.
raul-7130 August 2008
To say this movie is bad would be to simplify matters to the extreme and with the exception of Hell Ride's plot, nothing in this life is that simple.

So what's wrong with it exactly... Larry Bishop. The guy must have balls the size of two small dogs to think he could pull this off. Bikes, beer and booty makes for one great cocktail but bikes, beer, booty and bishop... not so good.

The story is interesting, the theme is great, the cast, characters and acting are over the top but welcome, hell, even the directing is good but Larry, why did you have to put yourself in it as the lead? Casting yourself as the lead is a step too far. This isn't going to get you any leading actor roles but will most certainly deem you to a life of character bit parts and walk ons. Larry successfully delivers some of the most ham-fisted dialogue in the most atrocious of displays of acting ever witnessed on celluloid. I can't even bring myself to disgust the batman-esq vocal shenanigans but it's poor.

I am beginning to meander almost as badly as this movie. So in a nutshell: Great cast, great concept, compelling direction, terrible, terrible lead acting.
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tribute to biker films of the 70's
johnc214117 May 2011
While most critics were harsh on hell ride,i thought it was a really good biker movie,sort of reminded me of the 1970's biker flicks by American international.a very good cast led by Micheal Madson,and smaller roles by Dennis Hopper and David Carridine.pretty violent and has the Quentin Tarentino trademark.would have been a good drive in flick.features some great music on the soundtrack like cc rider.which was a biker movie from 1971,with Joe Namith,and William Smith,if you like good biker flicks and exploitation,then hell ride is for you.all i can say is i liked it.and i like Tarentino movies.too bad William Smith and Peter Fonda were not in this.but then again it still works.7 out of 10
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lynstly28 August 2008
I have had more boring stretches of 80 minutes in my life, but none are coming to mind right now. Hell Ride is based on the retro cult 70s theme that Tarantino brought back, and did right, in movies like Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. The problem with Hell Ride is, unlike PF and RD, the story is garbage and so is character development. How many movies does Bishop think he can blatantly steal from? The brief case in Pulp Fiction, the air gun in No Country, etc. etc. Speaking of Bishop what the hell is he doing acting in this movie? I couldn't help but laugh at those scenes where he's standing with his pelvis trusted out, desperately trying to seem like some hardened biker. Nothing in this movie is believable. And why Dennis Hopper? Did they really need the Easy Rider motif too? I blame Larry Bishop, for his horrible plot and dialogue, not to mention his failed attempt at the leading role. Don't bother watching this movie, it's a waste of time.
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Greasy fun
funkyfry22 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Fans of the old B movies might just want to check this movie out to see how Larry Bishop is doing. You might have thought he crawled into the same hole in the universe that Ross Hagen and Tom Laughlin disappeared into, but now he's back and on a rampage. He wrote, directed and stars in this movie along with Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour (cameos by Dennis Hopper and David Carradine). At one point the whole movie sort of becomes a self-conscious joke, when he hands this huge stack of his writings to a woman who just gave him peyote (we hear the strains of Funkadelic's classic "Maggot Brain" on the soundtrack to accompany his weird visions) in the midst of an odd conversation revolving around the word "fire." This is basically the point where you're laughing at the movie and the only difference is whether you believe it was intentionally crazy and ridiculous or that the director/writer actually thought he was making a profound film. I'm going for the former, considering how much exploitation content is stuffed into this film in the form of nudity and sadistic violence. I think it's pretty obvious that Bishop and everyone else knew that they were making a very excessive film. Some critics seem to believe the film's lack of focus is a weakness -- I think their personal need for focus is their own weakness.

Not that this is really a great movie even within the boundaries of what it probably set out to do, but I felt like it hit more than it missed. Bishop makes a fun gritty anti-hero, Hopper's cameo is a blast. You have to be able to immerse yourself in this world, where supermodel type women are flinging themselves at the ugliest bunch of road hogs you ever saw. Actually considering how much drugs these bikers probably carry with them it might not be all that unrealistic, although the girls wouldn't be quite so good looking. At any rate it's a mistake to really look at this movie and expect realism in any way. It's not the post-modern biker flick that producer Tarantino's fans were maybe hoping for; it's a lot closer to the genuine article. That's bound to please some people and turn others off.

Very cool soundtrack in addition to being the only movie I can think of that uses "Maggot Brain" (RIP Eddie Hazel). The whole feel and style of the movie is sort of in the "new western" mode of biker films like Corman's "Wild Angels" or Guercio's "Electra-Glide in Blue", with desert landscape homages to John Ford and everything. The audience I saw this with was drinking beer and laughing at the movie -- some of the people talking about it outside seemed to think it was a bad movie, but at the same time I think most everyone enjoyed it. So again I think there's just some confusion about what the film-maker's intentions are, and in my opinion entertainment is his primary concern. As such it was reasonably entertaining although a couple good action scenes would have helped it instead of all the bad guys just getting ambushed rather easily.
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What a ride
kosmasp11 August 2012
If you are easily offended by nudity or swearing, maybe you shouldn't watch this. Actually you shouldn't watch this period! On the other hand it is one of the last (if not the last) movie you can watch the late Hopper and the late Carradine together in one movie. Of course there is one scene with Carradine that might make you cringe, especially if you know the circumstances of his own death.

But there is one other thing that might leave you baffled. It's the story. The fact that you might not be able to follow it through from start to finish. It doesn't even matter that you have a "McGuffin" in there (a very obvious one). What you do get, is a very confident and good Michael Madsen (QT producing might have again brought out the best in him, with a scene on a tree that does look very ad-libbed).

Overall this movie does have a fascination to it (a weird one, that has nothing to do with all the female nudity, though this might make the movie either more or less appealing to you). Not good, but not a bad one either ...
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Don't see all the complaints!
bullet-tooth-tony9 August 2008
I honestly do not get why so many people are upset with this film. Its rough, its ridiculous, its over the top, and its a great ride! I admit its not film-making that will change the world- but its a gritty exploitation film, and for anyone who's gotten a kick out of "Devils Rejects," "Kill Bill" or the "Desperado" series this is at least worth taking a peak at.

The cast is all great- Bishop, Balfour and Madsen make a cool trio, each stealing the show at different moments, Dennis Hopper really gives a memorable and entertaining performance, and Carradine shines in a very (darkly) funny cameo. Vinnie Jones is good, he could have been given more to do, but he is entertaining and handles his weapon of choice quite expertly. The story, well- its simple. Its a revenge tale, and an excuse for lots of mayhem and carnage to take place. Again, if you want a gritty, rough around the edges exploitation flick, I do not know what else people are expecting. The story serves its purpose, and keeps the audiences entertained for the hour and a half it plays out. The dialogue does get a bit overly cheesy at points, but that really only adds to the charm of this absurd film- it'll make you laugh, it'll make you puzzle, but I never found any lines to be so distracting that I could not enjoy the film.

So see it if you know what you're getting into! There's a hell of a lot of violence, far far far more nudity, disgusting language and a good amount of despicable anti-heroes. For the type of film that it is, it is very well done and very entertaining! I heartily recommend it for a good, demented time at the movies. I only wish it'd get a wider release, Im lucky I got to see it at all!
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Worth Watching
movieguy99998 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is good, and worth watching. it has all the same type of dialog as a Tarantino or Rodriguez film, and the usual same sappy ending you would get from Tarantino himself. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the real guy behind the scenes instead of just producer. Same corny dialog as Grindhouse, same feel, unnecessary language, violence, and sex. Its what you would expect, and thats why we watch his films.

Michael Madsen and Vinnie Jones are the most entertaining to watch, without them, the movie would not be nearly as good, Not enough Dennis Hopper or David Carradine, but their presence adds something. Its going to be a biker cult classic.

If you really like tarantinoesque movies, and like a ton of violence in your movies, then this is a great film to watch. Plus, I like the story too.
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Poor Tarantino replica
Floated218 December 2022
The Quentin Tarantino Presents banner was deemed simply to garner in fans of Quentin Tarantino. As a film, Hell Ride is simply a very poor replica. The writing, storytelling, acting and overall style are nowhere near as good as Tarantino's films.

Having seen a few biker movies, this movie seems like it was trying too hard. The dialogue tries being funny and witty but it isn't. They throw in a lot of over the top gore and occasionally nudity to blind people into bypassing it.

The story isn't original and it's something which has been done many times before. Nothing stands out and nothing is memorable. Could barely remember much detail following the viewing.
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Running on Empty.
Mr_Censored29 July 2010
From executive producer Quentin Tarantino comes "Hell Ride," a throw-back biker flick/vehicle for Larry Bishop, who not only serves as the lead in the film, but also steps up to the plate as writer/director. The film follows the exploits of a hardened clan of bikers known as The Victors whose penchant for booze, women and good old fashioned revenge seems to have bonded them for life.

Bishop, along with his co-stars Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour, manages to conjure up enough charisma in spite of poorly written characters and the cringe-worthy dialog they are forced to spew. Here is where the Tarantino touch would have saved the film, but alas, the famed director's involvement appears to be limited to providing funding and promotion for the film, rather than actually helping to nurse it along. Bishop does the whole Grindhouse/Tarantino/Rodriguez schtick well enough on the surface; the film looks good and has a vibrant soundtrack, but not much else. What the film lacks is true charm and appeal, not to mention, a cohesive or even mildly interesting plot.

Bit parts from the likes of David Carradine and Dennis Hopper may serve to shake you out of the semi-comatose state the film lulls you into, but neither character do much to improve or advance the story. It's almost as if they are there for us to say "Hey, look! Dennis Hopper! Neat!" rather than having the actors put to good use. In the end, "Hell Ride" is all style and no substance. There's lots of eye-candy -- from the babes to the bikes -- but not enough plot to go around, even for it's miniscule 80 minute running time, which still makes for a ride that goes on way too long.
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bikers and babes
SnoopyStyle22 August 2021
This is a biker flick. There are a few known actors among them. There's something about money, and something about the past. The gang is concerned about a rival gang. The story is a mess of boredom and confusion. Larry Bishop seems to have done a bunch of biker films back in the day and worked a bit with Tarantino. The man only has a few writing credits and it shows. It's not cohesive writing. It's mostly posing. The most memorable scene is pissing on Dennis Hopper's boots. The best thing he does is to cast a whole lot of beautiful babes. The snarky comment would be calling them a bunch of strippers. Hollywood has plenty of beauties willing to take it off for the camera but they aren't always strippers. All I can say is that they are probably the highlight of the film.
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The Wannabe Wild Angels.
Coventry15 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so writer/director Larry Bishop obviously has some important connections and knows the right people in Hollywood in order to produce his own film and fill up the cast with eye-catching names. Good for him! Now what he really still needs is inspiration and talent in order to come up with an actually worthwhile scenario rather than the overly pretentious and wannabe convoluted crap he penned down here. "Hell Ride" isn't a movie; it's a hectic and hopelessly inept fan-boy endeavor to bring homage to the notorious biker-flicks of the 60's and to the recently revived Grindhouse cinema formula in general. With "Hell Ride", Larry Bishop embarrassingly fails in his set-up and there are many obvious reasons for this. He hasn't got a story to tell – or at least not a very interesting one – but gravely tries to cover this up through numerous redundant plot twists, loads of gratuitous and very women-unfriendly sleaze, overlong and piteous dialogs aspiring to be cool and giant amounts of senseless violence. The plot looks complex but can actually be summarized in one sentence. The ancient vendetta between two rivaling biker gangs flares up again with the arrival of a new member; a boy who may or not be the long lost son of a double-crossing wench that got executed back in 1976. That's it, seriously! All the rest, going from betraying gang members over to the recruitment of old timer members over to toying with his nymphomaniac informant girl, is all completely pointless and confusing padding material. Another major problem in "Hell Ride" is Larry Bishop's very own tremendous and seemingly insatiable ego. He definitely shouldn't have rewarded himself with the role of tough and relentless gang leader, as that only comes across as incredibly pretentious and narrow-minded; especially when there are so many other and more experienced stars in the movie. Granted, Bishop starred in a couple of genuine 60's biker exploitation movies (like "The Savage Seven" and "Angel Unchained"), but that was a long time ago and he honestly isn't any good as an actor. Maybe it simply was Bishop's life-long dream to play a character that always outsmarts his enemies and for which every hot babe sexually craves, and just wrote a whole screenplay around it. The veterans in the cast, like Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen, don't really bother to leave a plausible impression and I can't say I blame them. This whole production is lame and pathetic and I can't bring myself to recommending it to anyone, regardless of many beautiful babes parade around with bare breasts and naked butts.
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A good movie with the wrong leading man.
tobyq-129 January 2009
Mickey Rourke or Danny Trejo would have been a much better choice. Madsen is really good. The story line is plausible however takes place in a completely ambiguous small town. The story seems to be a compilation of many biker stories and legends brought together. I found it as a biker to be believable, action packed and somewhat accurate. Definitely worth the watch for any enthusiast or action junkie. Again, perhaps because of budget constraints they decide an unknown cast could be carried by Michael Madsen and Dennis Hopper of Easy Rider fame. The bikes and stunt men riding them are great. The costumes are somewhat believable and the story is interesting enough to hold your attention. Lots of flames, explosions and gunshots make this a fairly good action-adventure.
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Worst Movie on 2008, so far
hlywdman8 August 2008
Once, you figure out that the 'alleged' star, writer/director, 'producer' is going to shoot the entire film consisting mostly of himself in scenes in closeups, you've got the idea. I don't mean to suggest that Mr. Bishop doesn't have talent: it takes some kind of nerve to get the financing for what seems, at best, a weak knockoff of a Tarentino film. The film has a slender plot and even that, at best, is hokey. To say that the film objectifies women might just be the understatement of the year. Combine the fake boobs and fake bake that the very young ladies of questionable acting ability have with the very slow moving story, and you have a snooze of a film. There aren't even any good action sequences. The mayhem is very literal and very slow. How fast can Michael Madsen move anyway? (He also has developed a super over tan: did everyone go to Hawaii before shooting?) At the end of the day, you see that the film is barely opening, and to small audiences, and you know that Hell Ride will quickly be forgotten. The rating, as is usual with IMDb, is overly happy. This is a 1 all the way.
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This movie.
john-527-27738112 November 2012
Well, I found this movie great. Not spectacular, but great.

If you're a fan of the grindhouse, B-movie genre then this is definitely the movie for you. A simple story, with interesting dialogue people penalise this movie for the fact that the dialogue is bland, the acting is amatueristic. However, one thing you have to take into consideration when watching Hell Ride is: it's not meant to be a blockbuster. Nor will it ever be, it's just a fun 84 minute biker flick. Eric Balfour delivered a brilliant performance as Bix/Comanche. Michael Madson, as always, was an amazing choice for his role.

Now, Larry Bishop...

He's not such a brilliant actor. As many people will agree with me, he should spend more time behind the camera rather than playing the lead role.

The setting was great, the cheesy peyote tripping worked well and the cameo performances of Dennis Hopper and David Carradine fitting in nicely.

If you don't like the B-movie genre, explicit dialogue or guns and mud wrestling then this isn't the movie for you.

Otherwise, enjoy :)
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Bad Biker Movie Forces U-Turn out of the Theater
l_brennan197921 June 2009
When a movie called Hell Ride comes out you expect a certain amount of biker cliché. With character names like "Pistolero", "Comanche" and "The Gent" I braced myself for the worse and was punch in the face by just that. The dialogue, soundtrack and shooting style are standard for biker movies. Dusty desert blurred from the heat as bikes coming tearing down the road while "CC Rider" plays and they talk about sex and violence. Yawn! The three leads were just ridiculous and unbelievable. Seeing old men like Bishop and Madsen (in a freaking ruffled shirt) riding down a dusty strip of desert highway reminded me of two men trying desperately to relive their youth. Poor Eric Balfour tried his best but with such poor material it got lost. Even an appearance by Dennis Hopper in full Easy Rider swing, couldn't save it. And let's talk about the store bought tans shall we? Many have compared this to Tarantino's work. It is not even close. What makes Tarantino's work so brilliant is he knows it's over the top so he just goes balls out and takes it as far over the top as possible. Bishop took this film so seriously that it became nothing more than a poor copy of the exploitation genre.
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I see lots of folks just didn't 'get' this film
brad-owens21 February 2010
The first time I watched this movie I wasn't sure I liked it.

It seemed very cheesy and over the top. I didn't like the way they seemed to be trying to be like the 60's and 70's biker movies.

I missed the point the first time I saw it.

But there were some scenes I wanted to see again, because I had watched it late one night and didn't finish it, so I watched it a second time and I must say I liked it a little more. The next day I found myself thinking about it and wanting to watch it again to see some of the sections over again.

So I watched it a third time, and not on my veranda as I had the night before, but in my private office/study and paid attention to every scene. I must say it really grew on me.

It reminded me of the movie Natural Born Killers. You either 'got it' or you didn't. You either loved it or hated it.

Now I read all 11 pages of reviews and I can see the film students are out in force, but this was not a film that was going to follow what your professors told you about plot and plot development. Or script writing and some other things that people seem to want to 'act' like are part of making art films.

I digress.

However, having made a few micro and low budget films, and being in many small budget ones as an actor, I can tell you that this movie had flavor. It was, as someone else said on another review, a movie about biker movies.

It had sex, but never showed anyone HAVING sex. It showed a lots of T & A, but nothing so bad I would compare it to porn, and those that do are just not living in reality.

Now, was it weird? Yes. Was it Oscar winning? No. Was is good entertainment? YES! I judge a movie by a few simple things. Was it entertaining is the primary goal I seek in a movie. This one passed with flying colors.

The acting was NOT that bad. The chatter between the folks was right out of those macho, campy, films this one was inspired by. Anyone who doesn't see that doesn't understand the true 'B' movie and REALLY doesn't get Bishop's idea here.

Not surprising in today's film world of computer generated images and gazillion dollar blockbusters but this is different.

I will again state, if you see this movie at least three times, keep an open mind, leaving all your QT wannit-to-be at home, let yourself forget all the stupid (and usually wrong) stuff your film professor told you, and allow yourself to see a movie that was meant to be a 'B' movie about 'B' movies, in other words, fun and nothing else, you just might 'get it.' And for all the folks on here talking about all the stuff that was 'stolen' from other movies, I say, show me the super duper ultra original piece you flaunt as your ideal movie and I will find the movies they stole stuff from.

It is a stupid argument and ignorant at the same time. Anyone who has ever made a REAL movie will tell you that everyone 'steals' from other movies, it's called inspiration.

And for the folks calling the bikers 'un real' I can tell you that you have never been around true outlaw bikers before. And you have never been to a real outlaw biker party. They are hard drinking, hard screwing, hard riding, dudes you don't mess with. You would be very surprised at all the 'old dudes' getting laid by hot younger ladies too. I would love to see the yuppie Harley types show up at a real biker rally. Oh boy.

I digress again.

To those who haven't seen this, don't listen to the nay sayers, see for yourself. You just might be one of the folks that 'gets it.'

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Pretty Cool Biker Flick
ceerider5 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm...so many bad negative reviews about this movie I just had to see for myself...and...I reckon it was pretty good...Well done Larry Bishop. Yeah sure it's not an Academy Award winner but it does have some pretty cool scenes in it and all in all, I thought the acting was pretty good. The story revolves around Pistolero, his gang, a rival gang the 666'ers and revenge for a murdered woman. There is action, sex, violence, humour and drama in this what I think is a well crafted film. Make sure the kids are in bed though and not watching, as it can be quite violent at times. So..if you like bikers and the rough neck antics they get up too..then check out this movie. 7/10
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Quite simply a complete pile of sh@t
roowonkenobi12 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The worse film i have every seen. Like the other honest reviewers, it is just an excuse for getting naked birds with their juggs out. Don't get wrong, naked women isn't a bad thing but there is another film genre for that.

Boyfriends beware. I sold this to my girlfriend as a classic bike gang fest (due to reviews) to be greeted with every other scene full of naked women gyrating about the place. Slap in the chops for me.

What makes me laugh the most is all the dogey bike dives they went to in the film were full of models with the works cosmetically - what biker bars have these? They are usually slightly haggard with tattoos and far saggier juggs! Completely unrealistic.The acting is terrible, loads of pointless swearing and a complete waste of time storyline.

Did anyone check out Vinnie Jones's attempt at an American accent? Its as embarrassing as his football skills.

Avoid like the plague. The only reason you would watch this film is if you are a young lad who cant access p@rn and have nicked it from their parents movie collection for a few pervy kicks!
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Hell Ride or Porn Ride
wishuwereher15 June 2009
That's what I kept asking myself while watching this film. I mean the amount of nudity and sex was one thing but another part of the movie which gave its genre to the adult industry was its lack of storyline. Really I just wanted to get up and leave during the whole movie, but I persisted. I persisted in the hope that maybe the storyline would get better, that there might be a good twist at the end. However I couldn't have been more wrong. In the end I persisted because I figured I could write a bad review for it if anything after watching it.

I mean don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with beautiful, sexy and vibrant women, but when the director only shows that along with a shitty story thinking it's what the viewer wants to see, it insults us all. To think we are all so shallow to only want to see burlesque from rep ratable, big movie industry players is preposterous. My advice: hire a different movie.
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