Liberty Bound (2004) Poster


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Deals with 9/11 with heart, compassion and scepticism
grotla21 November 2004
There are few enough films that really deal with this event, fewer still that deal with it on a truly personal level. Choosing to deal, not with the impact of 9/11 so much on New York, The nation or the world, but on the individual level of each person that Rose comes in contact with. It seems to be a journey of discovery, digging deeper than the immediate reaction to the tragedy. Getting past the move toward patriotism or conversely, cynicism and getting into what people feel is the behind the event. How do we look at the larger context of this catastrophe, resolve not to tread down the path of fear and learn from the mistakes of America's past. Rose asks the tough question, "How have the things we have done encouraged such attacks against us?" Almost no one out there has been willing to ask that question or the other questions the film poses about what will we sacrifice to regain the illusion of safety.
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Excellent film - check it out!
dj_bozo22 October 2004
I was once told by a friend that, "America is NOT a free country. If you want freedom you should move to Europe!"

Did I miss something? Isn't this America? Isn't this the country where I have the freedom to do and say whatever I want..., you know that whole Bill of Rights thing?

Since 9/11 our freedom has been slowly eroding and films like this bring that subject to the forefront. It's been more than 5 months since I first saw this film and to this day I'm a changed person because of it. This was my first introduction to Howard Zinn and Michael Parenti, 2 individuals I've come to respect.

Powerful film! Tell a friend.
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"Liberty Bound" a Hit in Florida
mari_eliza_11 June 2004
"Liberty Bound" is a feature length documentary on 9/11 that seeks to find answers to the many questions surrounding the tragedy, and the effect it has on civil liberties. Filmmaker, Christine Rose, interviewed prominent historians and social commentators as well as ordinary citizens in her search for the truth. Howard Zinn, Michael Perenti, and Michael Rupport shared their historical viewpoints and opinions on what is happening and why.

As Rose traveled across the new landscape, nothing was sacred. One of the most poignant scenes is a chance recording of an event on a train, in which an American citizen, returning from years overseas, is harassed by local authorities to avoid certain subjects if he wants to ride on the train. Someone complained because he was enthusiastic and passionate in his remarks. Other interviews and stories she uncovers reveal a disturbing increase in abuse.

A lot of care has gone into finding and perfecting the quality of archival footage, which is used to illustrate the inaccuracy of certain widely-held beliefs. Original digital media mixed with CNN tapes and old analog WWII footage, is put together in an almost seamless manner. Of course some of the old footage is irreparably damaged, but, the the final mix works surprisingly well..

I watched "Liberty Bound" develop over a period of time and have joined different audiences in a number of venues. When the DVD version was screened in a private studio in Florida, the audience was really impressed by new information and insights provided by the film, that have not been covered by the media, even during congressional hearings into 9/11. Everyone wanted more information on screenings of the full feature film to share with their friends.

That kind of audience response and word-of-mouth recommendation is worth a 10.
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I loved Christine's earthy involvement with her subject
iamraygeorge1 June 2004
Christine Rose is relatively new at the documentary venue, and like all new projects, there are some rough edges to this piece. Having said that, and having seen Mike Ruppert's "Truth and Lies of 9/11" and Michael Moore's movies, I was very impressed with both her coverage of the issues she presented and the footage she was able to obtain. I considered myself very knowledgeable regarding the activities of the government and the images of the twin towers, etc. but Christine showed me things I had never seen and audio segments that I had never heard, some of which were quite frightening.

She has an "everyman" style to her film-making, which I enjoyed very much. She talked to real people, who had real, and in some cases, terrifying experiences, with our post 9/11 government. She seemed to be in the right place at the right time to obtain footage and audio that makes the audience question, "Could this happen to me?" And the answer is, yes, it could. Ms. Rose asks all the right questions to her interviewed guests, and gets some very real, and often disturbing answers. We are living in a world where a select few have taken on the task of controlling everyone else, because they think they know what's best for all the rest of us. This differs dramatically from what the founders of our country based this government on.

I feel that Christine Rose has given us a cold, hard look at where this country is headed if we don't raise our collective voices and speak our minds, letting the powers that be know that we do not agree with their vision of a subdued populace, obedient to the masters. Slavery was abolished well over a hundred years ago, it was a horrendous treatment of one race by members of another. Now it seems to be more of a class differentiation than a skin color that separates us, but the belief that one knows what's best for the other hasn't changed. I hope, as intelligent human beings we are not too late to shift this way of thinking, and take back what is the best part of this country, our true liberty.
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Riveting, Mesmerizing
marvin_op1 October 2004
This is Michael Moore (e.g. Fahrenheit 9/11) without the venom. An intoxicating initial film debut, built on little more than guts and determination. In making "Liberty Bound," it is astounding the number of sheer coincidences that happened in Christine's midst.

But could these be sheer coincidences? It is doubtful. As Christine was on a cross country breakout tour, she described an immigrant lady from Germany saying, "this is exactly what happened during the Third Reich!"

A reader can call me crazy; maybe even call me loco! I am not making any assertion. I am only calling on each viewer to see "Liberty Bound" for themselves.

Also because the numbers you see are in the aggregate, it does not tell the full story. Few have leveled very low scores. Approximately 85% of the other raters have given this movie a 9 or 10. You owe it to yourself, your country, and your family to see this movie! Otherwise, American Democracy was well, but a nice try for 225 years.
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A film every American should see
alexpoole4 July 2004
This documentary is a little rough round the edges, but the content hits home very effectively.

The most powerful and shocking parts of the film were the personal testimonies given by ordinary people who's constitutional rights were repressed under the Patriot act. These accounts were very scary indeed -they show that American law enforcement officials are carrying out exactly the same kind of subtle and not so subtle repression of ideas that occurred in many totalitarian communist states such as in the ex Soviet Union or present day China.

The explanation of the historical and political context of the Bush power block and neo-conservatism was also eloquent and interesting.

I urge any American to see it, whatever their political views. It is important that they see what damage is being done to 'freedom' in their country.
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Powerful documentary that should be seen by everyone
rdwatersagltd19 August 2004
With all of the furor and publicity over Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11", it is sad that Christine Rose's film has been overlooked. In many ways it is a much stronger film than Moore's. Hopefully, she will find a wider distribution soon.

Rose could not have picked better commentators for her documentary. Michael Parenti and Howard Zinn are two of the finest writers/speakers/scholars today. Her investigation of the loss of civil liberties in the post-9/11 world is strong material. Zinn and Parenti help frame her video segments to present a disturbing picture of what is happening to liberty in America.

For a first film, "Liberty Bound" is really well done. The editing and sequencing are effective. If you decide to watch it you won't be disappointed. It is an excellent, thoughtful documentary that should be seen by all Americans.
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lizzyp16 September 2004
Saw Liberty Bound in Portsmouth, NH, with a huge standing-room only, crowd. My impression, other than praise for the work, was that it needs a little editing. Some parts are too long. One only needs to see one or two wounded or dead children to get the message. One only needs to look at talking heads just so long. Then it becomes a temptation to scream if I have to look at HZ again! The talking heads messages could be listened to while the camera shows relevant subjects and scenes. The repetition of the twin towers attack was overdone. TV has already filled us with those visions which will never be forgotten. The film is quite long and viewers got restless, even tho the message was valuable. What I found best was the testimonies of people affected by governmental agencies. There's nothing as impressive as personal experience and eye-witnesses.
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An excellent, very over-looked film abut the personal effects of repression at home
claycolt12 August 2006
When you realize this film was made in 2003, (well before Fahrenheit 9/11 came out in the fall of 2004), it is an invaluable documentary. It still contains information that other films have not brought out. The parallel between the Reichstag fire in Germany and how it was used to justify repression there – and the way the Bush administration has exploited the tragedy of September 11th to launch the neoconservatives' agenda of perpetual war and empire-building. Five years later, and into the future neocons will continue to use 9/11 as their Pearl Harbor justification for further erosion of our Bill of Rights through their repressive, (and Orwellian new-speak-named) "Patriot Act.")

The personal first-hand accounts from ordinary Americans lend a powerful credibility to this film. It is really a shame that it has been so rarely seen, and is now out-of-print. Unless and until the filmmaker can come up with the necessary money to reprint more DVDs, it is now one of the hard-to-find but well-worth seeking out documents of our post-9/11 American nightmare of denial and Big Brother consolidation of power under the Bush regime's so-called "unitary government." Whatever became of "checks and balances", and the three independent branches of the federal government (legislature/Congress, judiciary/Supreme Court, and executive/White House), and the Bill of Rights? This film is an extremely valuable introduction to get Americans thinking about these vital issues. After seeing "LIBERTY BOUND" and outstanding follow-up film is the documentary "Hijhacking Catastrophe" by the Media Education Foundation. Watch both. They compliment each other.
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I like the simple, forthright approach, with no theatrics.
james-warner-13 July 2004
The interviews are astounding, often chilling. As an American living in Paris, I'm afraid I'd have a problem with the Patriot Act if I went back to the States. I had no idea how it can demolish individual human rights and privacy. Tampering with Constitutional rights, such as free speech, I thought that was illegal, anti-American and downright treason! The list of countries the USA has bombed in the past few years is quite impressive also. My sincerest thanks to Ms Christine Rose for making this film. I'm telling everyone about it and will do my best to send as many people as possible to see it.
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Thoughtful insights which complement Fahrenheit 9/11
pbareiss18 September 2004
Film maker Christine Rose says she is inspired by Film Maker Michael Moore. Her film shows it, which I think is a complement. It has a good flow and is very watchable. Her take on the 9/11 tragedy adds additional perspective and information beyond the Moore film and of course the general media coverage. She goes further by documenting the idea that the Bush administration seems eerily prescient of the tragedy and all too ready to exploit it politically. She makes many additional points. I should mention that Rose says her film was virtually completed by the end of 2003 giving us an historical view of the time before the revelations to the 9/11 commission and the Moore masterpiece.
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Don't bother!
c11y29 October 2004
I just walked out of this screening right after I had a word with the filmmaker. As a former NYC resident (17 years) and a direct witness and survivor of the 9/11 WTC attacks, I feel completely exploited with the filmmaker's treatment of a very sensitive, very sensational, and a VERY personal event that completely and irrevocably changed my, and may others' lives. It is very clear that this film is devoid of the compassion, sensitivity, and respect that permeated throughout Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11", perhaps due to the fact that Mr. Moore is a long-time NYC resident.

If you've seen "Fahrenheit 9/11" don't even bother wasting your time and money on this amateurish film.
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