Dinocroc (2004) Poster


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An experiment escapes.
michaelRokeefe25 April 2004
This is a low budget Roger Corman horror/creature flick. A DinoCroc is created when manipulation of prehistoric genes runs amok. An engineered croc first kills one of its own then gets the taste of human and becomes a fast growing terror after escaping. None of the characters have any depth, but then they are not the focal point. We only get a few glimpses of the huge two-legged dinosaur descendant and some of the best "kill" scenes in a small budget film.

My favorite scene is of a moronic character trying to use a three legged dog for bait and becomes croc food himself. Nothing left on the pier but ankle top feet. With no real stand out roles: Jane Longendecker, Bruce Weitz and Charles Napier. Most pathetic is Matt Borlenghi and an obnoxious professional croc hunter Costas Mandylor. I was most impressed with the alluring Joanna Pacula as the respectfully feared Dr. P. DINOCROC is redeeming as a crock of pickles.
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Corman's CGI catastrophe
Chase_Witherspoon2 May 2011
An unscrupulous genetic engineering firm, conducting cloning experiments with crocodiles as a means to resolve the world's impending food shortage accidentally releases a specimen into the woods surrounding a popular lake with predictable consequences. Executive produced by Roger Corman, you might have hoped for better than this limp wristed CGI-dependent cheapie that features some capable and familiar faces. The leads are so busy getting into each other's pants, that poor Michael (Jake Thomas) is left to search for his missing dog alone, ending up on the Dinocroc platter. A grieving brother (Borlenghi) then sets about taking revenge with the assistance of Aussie game-hunter doubling as an ichthyologist (Mandylor) and Corman veteran Charles Napier as the local sheriff.

Joanna Pacula's role as the firm's chief could have been a stroke of deft casting, but she receives so little air time, her role is reduced to a caricature of the stereotypical villain. But even more disappointing is the reliance on CGI animation and post-production effects to create the action sequences with the "Dinocroc". Much of the camp quality of the Corman-inspired monster movie was in the flimsy, plastic construction of the title beast. Some of the sequences on the lake (take the water skiing moment) would have been far more entertaining were it not for the clumsy computer animation.

Co-writer John Huckert does a misguided Peter Benchley inspired cameo as a journalist – now punters will know his face as well as his name, which could jeopardise future writing gigs once you witness the quality (or lack thereof) of this effort. Choral orchestral soundtrack layered over the attacking sequences give the beast an almost unholy reverence, but the CGI effects are out of sync and the result is anything but precision or grace. If there's any redemption at all, you might draw visual relief in the fresh-faced and feisty Jane Longenecker who in spite of her lower order billing, is the constant presence throughout (and much better looking than either Mandylor or the "dinocroc").
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Scarecrow-882 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...

Another computer generated mutant croc on the prowl for human lunchmeat, let loose by another one of those facilities conducting mad science. Gereco Biotech company is fooling around with growth hormone research, accidentally releasing a baby crocodile which is evolving at an accelerating rate.

B-movie cast add a deal of fun to this run of the mill "genetic mistake monster movie". Costas Mandylor evokes Mick Dundee, Aussie accent, hat, big ass knife, the works, as a croc specialist hired by Gereco executive Joanna Pacula(..wasted in the stereotypical role of corrupt administrative executive who denies any involvement with the gigantic beast her facility let free on innocent people). Charles Napier is the local sheriff whose town is in danger and Jane Longenecker is his hot daughter, who works at the animal shelter. Soap opera star Matthew Borlenghi is Longenecker's love interest, a local artist who welds sculptures(..his brother is a victim of the croc). Of course, this skill will come in mighty handy when our heroes set up a created trap for the croc, hoping to poison it with carbon monoxide.

The croc itself is never the least bit convincing as it rampages through a reserve looking for food, the special effects of a low grade variety. In regards to Roger Corman productions dealing with renegade dino-monsters, I stick with Carnosaur. The monster here is essentially a crocodile standing on it's hind legs, often upright as it pursues potential victims. I felt Mandylor and the filmmakers were spoofing Crocodile Dundee with his croc hunter, and this imitation might amuse where the monster itself fails. Borlenghi and Longenecker actually have pretty good chemistry together on screen. As expected, Pacula gets her commuppance in hilarious fashion(..gulp).
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Pretty weak
gtc8328 April 2004
This is your standard genetic experiment gone wrong plot - a "dinocroc" is created by Evil Co. (or something like that) and starts munching the locals. The story centers on an animal control officer and her dad (the local sheriff) and her boyfriend. The female lead is quite good, but the male lead plays his part as if he's mildly retarded. It's gets funnier every time he says a line. One starts to wonder about the extremely low standards the girl must have in men. Then there's an Australian croc hunter, loud and obnoxious, but with a tender side, blah blah blah.

The film moves along okay until the ending, which is not only utterly unbelievable, but anti-climactic as well.

Overall, a somewhat below average creature feature, but the CGI was perhaps a bit better than usual. I wouldn't exactly recommend it.
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The only thing more primitive than the monster was the acting.
Carycomic13 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
(Borderline spoilers) Where to begin? Well, for starters; I'm glad this wasn't directed by Roger Corman! Don't get me wrong. The man well deserves his nickname: "King of the B's." For instance, I absolutely loved the "Black Scorpion" series. But, after the way he b*****dized the sci-fi novel CARNOSAUR, I fear he would have similarly ruined this movie. That's why I'm glad Kevin O'Neill directed. He, at least, made the film not just another "Jurassic Park" rip-off. In fact, the CGI of the mutated croc resembled artists' depictions of an actual dinosaur species called "Suchomimus." So, there was some genuine paleontology presented, even if unintentionally!

And, I loved how the Judas dogs (a pun on the tiger-hunting term, "Judas goat") were rescued by the sheriff's daughter before the titular monster could reach them!! That, and the presence of Charles Napier* prevent this movie from being a complete mega-flop. As it is, I give this movie two-point-three stars, out of five.

*He's been one of my favorite "tough guy" actors, all the way back to BJ AND THE BEAR.*
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Totally fake CGI. How can anyone fall for it?
nerpaakula3 July 2006
There are some things I can never understand. Such as this movie. What if I were to create a really really cheap and crappy looking Dino and crocodile polygon model in Maya and then proceed to cut and paste that into an amateur video clip having people scream and getting eaten by the same thing? How can anyone even believe that an utterly fake CGI dinocroc that looks completely out of place, would influence the events in this movie? I know that its B-grade, low budget and all but the producers could do better than making a piece of crap that no one will ever seen see or sit through. It just does'nt make sense. Are people really so stupid that they would sit through this? Apparently so. For laughs? No, this thing isn't even worth laughing at.
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The Editing Department Went on a long vacation.
parhat14 March 2005
A large part of the scenes should be cut off. There is a lot of scenes that should have been cut off. For example the scene where the hunters mentions "I got spiders on my dick", "I like dick", playing in the mud scene, or a bar scene where a professional dinocroc hunters main job is a snake charmer.

How about other terribly incoherent scenes featuring a woman, Diane who wants to loose her virginity to a boyfriend who walks like he wears women's panties three sizes too small. While they make love, didn't they realized they are making it out next to the little boy who will soon run away and loose his head? Why did they do in a living room? I mean his head really flipped. How about the beach scene very reminiscent of Steven Spielberg's Jaws scene at Grant Lake. All these strange scene could easily be re-dubbed and billed as a comedy.

Here in my local town, the cineplex theaters had been advertising for months about Dinocroc, and I am glad I didn't watch it because I later found out it was shown only for 1 or 2 days before it was canceled. The movie was THAT bad. I suspected that Dinocroc was not a good movie looking at the preview. It features the leg of Dinocroc that looks like a child wearing green pajamas and slippers with claws and walks up and down like a 2 year old. It could easily passed over as Baby Geniuses.

If any students of movie making wants to learn what not to do this is a real classic trash. Such as Diane's boyfriend who walks like he had an advanced case of syphilis makes you wonder what the poor woman sees in this guy who looks drunk even before he get to drink beer. When this happens, who cares about Dinocroc? The panties man looked more more interesting than the entire movie of Dinocroc. His acting was so bad, he makes a much better replacement for Mr. Bean. MOVE OVER ROWAN ATKINSON, here is a man with a better comedic talent in a horror sci-fi flick. Perhaps the worse casting in the history of Hollywood.
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Another giant beast decides to have lunch
MartianOctocretr529 August 2009
Pretty stupid, but relatively harmless nonsense.

Try to imagine a hybrid child of Jaws and Lake Placid; this flick shamelessly rips them both off at will. A giant crocodile with Stegasaurus stuff on its back roams in as well as out of the water, munching on everybody it can find. It growls a lot, too. At least the frequent deaths are often suggested rather than gruesomely exploited visually. You've got a skeptic sheriff, of course. His goofy daughter is a game warden who's against euthanizing puppy overpopulation. There's a guy who wants revenge against the monster running around and screaming a lot. There's even a big game hunter complete with Indy Jones garb. The ever-present annoying character who you love to hate, and that you know will get devoured sooner or later, is a loud-mouth freedom-of-the-press psycho journalist who is as irritating as those cable "news channel" talk show hosts.

The CGI is so fake it's funny, and the dialog is also absurd. People always yelling at a beast challenging it to fight is even more laughable. The story storms forward with its primeval creature making one kill after another, there's rarely a dull moment. The way they finally get rid of the thing is both innovative and amusing.

Goofy stuff, and OK if you watch it for the sole purpose of laughing your insides out.
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groovyuniverse10 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I like me a bad movie now and then but this one was TOO BORING. Can't say too much really about this one, noteworthy things are the slow pace, mediocre acting and the crappy CG effects. I mean, if the beast would have been made with a rubber suit or something it could have worked better but by using prehistoric CGI they waste the opportunity to give the beast some creep-factor. The dumbest scene was the one where the little boy gets killed his severed CGI head gets catapulted into the camera. It's one of the first kills in the movie and a bad way to kick things off. Why does an innocent boy does have to get brutally murdered like that, with the flying head as a vulgar exclamation mark?
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You should be payed to watch this movie
d-graaf1217 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a joke of a movie,they lost me already at the opening scene (Spoilerwarning) dangerous creature kills other creature in his cage,this is watched by a scientist that works there on a monitor and guess what she does,well lets go in to the cage to check the stuff out,omg how dumb do those writers think human beings are come on thats the same like jumping in a fish tank with a great white shark because it ate your goldfish...Pretty useless and even more dumber.And i will not even talk about the cast because they aren't worth the effort. why they didn't fired the guy that wrote that immediately is a mystery to me.....And this kinda dumbness continues the entire movie. Only good thing where the cgi that is better then average for these kinda low-budget movies.

If these kinda things don't bother you go see it,but be warned if your IQ is above 60 you will probably hate it.
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I watched this movie please kill me!
redshootingtwo8 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Now I myself am a lover of the B movie genre but this piece of trash insults me to no end. First of all the movie is starring Lizzy McGuire's brother as the annoying little kid that goes looking for his lost 3 legged dog. Now please what kind of dumb ass mistakes a three-legged dog for a god damn mutated crocodile please I ask you? And heres another point for pondering, why do they show the Dinocroc on the back of the movie box being enormous and actually in the water? I believe if memory serves the thing spent about 2.6 minutes in the water and was just shy of 6 feet tall, that was a heart breaker. But redeeming qualities to this movie were that it was so bad that i almost died laughing because believe me the bad acting made me wish for death. But the fact remains that once again this thing is created by another military testing site to train super crocodiles for military combat or something like that from the source of all things evil E.V.I.L Corporation. And let's not forget the characters let's see we have jerk off #1 as the male lead and half way decent chick (who doesn't know how to act) as the female lead to that I say WOW! The only thing worse then the acting was the end of course the heroes spend about what seems like 2 hours talking and planning some long elaborate way of killing the dinocroc only to have it fail and kill it in an ordinary way that could have taken about 15 seconds to come up with. All in all this movie was beyond gay with its random opera music in the background and the fact that it was probably the gayest of all CGI monsters ever made along with the fact it of course was impervious to bullets and bombs (otherwise it wouldn't have been made for the military DUH!). By far the best scene was when Lizzy McGuire's brother runs into the shack and the dinocroc eats him causing his head to pop clean off with a popping noise i might add. I believe that you would be better off shooting yourself between the eyes then to watch Dinocroc. And as for the director I believe that we should get a bunch of people to hang him by a noose and all take turns kicking him in the crotch for wasting an hour and a half of our lives until he finally dies and then I can go on living.
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Fun throwback to the Creature Features of old
TheFoywonder21 April 2004
Roger Corman's DINOCROC is a true b-movie in the grand tradition of atomic age monster movies. And make no mistake about it; this is an old-fashioned creature feature and not a typical nature gone amok/killer animal movie. The Dinocroc may be a prehistoric Supercroc but gene manipulation has evolved it into a two-legged dinosaur-like creature that makes for a pretty cool movie monster. The film clocks in at a scant 82 minutes (plus almost another 4 minutes of needlessly long end credits to pad out the running time) zipping along at a breezy pace without getting too bogged down with lots of boring exposition, moralizing, etc. The movie doesn't give you much time to think about what's going on but then there isn't a whole lot to think about. Not to say that the movie is completely mindless but that it is simply a straightforward monster movie, nothing more, nothing less. Yes, the plot is flimsy and the characters are mostly one-dimensional yet it still has a likeability factor and sense of fun that helps you to overlook its shortcomings. Each of the primary characters has a purpose for being there and their chemistry playing off of one another helps gloss over the fact that they don't have much depth to them outside of the position they fill in the story. The fact that they didn't get on my nerves by being annoying as hell or by constantly doing incredibly stupid things as characters in so many horror movies of today tend to do, especially the low budget variety, is also a major plus. The movie also has one of the best kills I've seen in a movie in quite some time and it happens to a character that I didn't think was going to get it especially in such a brutal fashion. That scene alone was worth it. And kudos to whomever came up with the idea to use a score that sounds more appropriate to a supernatural horror movie than a rampaging reptile monster movie. It enhances the cheese quotient considerably.

What can I say about the Dinocroc itself other than it's a pretty spiffy looking monster? At times it seemed very reminiscent of the abomination that was the Tristar Godzilla but the Dinocroc is actually a much more fearsome looking beast what with teeth outside of and on top of its mouth and this constant mad dog gleam in its eyes. For a low budget monster movie the CGI was actually pretty darn good. Even at it's worst it isn't bad enough to completely take you out of the movie unless you're just a stickler for computer effects. Much of the CGI is actually on par with or better than that found in some movies with astronomically higher budgets like say THE MUMMY RETURNS and I suspect Dinocroc's budget was probably only slightly more than the amount spent on that film for Brendan Fraser's hair. I've read that Corman already has a sequel in the planning stages. If so, I hope they give it a bit higher budget and allow the Dinocroc a bit more interaction with the characters next time other than jumping out and going `Rahr!' every so often as it does for most of the movie. The biggest drawback to this movie's low budget was lack of screentime for the monster. I wanted more Dinocroc action.

With one more rewrite and a little more budget I think DINOCROC could have been a great monster movie but it will just have to settle for being a fun guilty pleasure and there's nothing wrong with that. There are far worse ways to spend 86 minutes. Heck, I'll take this over CARNOSAUR any day of the week.
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Samiam328 July 2009
If you know what to expect, then Dinocroc, may not be such a terrible watch. The best word to describe it would be amusing, because it is just as unintentionally fun as it is intentionally.

The premise is your typical science experiment gone wrong. One night, a genetically engineered baby croc (prehistoric croc actually) escapes from a lab, and after a midnight snack of human flesh, it grows to full size in a matter of hours (now that's funny). A mixed matched handful of people go out to stop it, before it kills any more.

In addition to fairly weak acting, and visual effects that wouldn't fool a four year old, Dinocroc also has several blatant Jaws rip-offs. At the same time however, it makes a few wiser decisions. It chooses to avoid extreme gore, and clear sighting of the creature until the director feels it's time to move into action mode.

These movies are usually made for no more than a couple of million dollars, but Roger Corman has made so many that together they probably cost as much as Titanic. I don't know much about him, other than he's a veteran of the B-movie industry. I've chosen not to ask why he does this sort of thing. Dinocroc is not bad, there is better but there is also much worse.
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I'm not sure what DinoCroc is, but I'd like to unleash DinoCroc on the people who made "Savage Planet"
Phillemos13 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The problem with DinoCroc is, it looks too much like a dinosaur for killer-crocodile-movie fans to get into it, and it looks too much like a crocodile for killer-dinosaur-movie fans to get into it. I'm not quite sure exactly what it is. At the beginning of the movie, the woman who's in charge of monitoring the baby DinoCroc in captivity walks past a sign that says "Sarcosuchus imperator," which DinoCroc is definitely not. Sarcosuchus was a prehistoric crocodile that looked like, well, a giant crocodile. This DinoCroc spends most of the movie walking on two legs like a dinosaur. ("I knew Sarcosuchus. Sarcosuchus was a friend of mine. DinoCroc, you're no Sarcosuchus.") It's disappointing that the aforementioned young lady is the first to get killed when DinoCroc escapes, because she's quite attractive. Her role as heroine is taken over by town Animal Control Officer Diane Harper, whom unfortunately isn't as cute. Her wannabe boyfriend Tom Banning is a real wuss and you're kind of rooting against him. His little brother Michael spends the whole movie looking for his lost, three-legged dog Lucky (the assumption is that Lucky was an early DinoCroc victim), and you're kind of rooting against the kid too. So when Michael gets tweaked because Big Brother is trying to get it on with Diane late one night, and decides to head out into the wilderness to continue the search for Lucky, you kind of want Michael to stumble upon a hungry DinoCroc. Sure enough... This movie also has the mad scientist from the amoral genetic research company, the "crocodile expert" who thinks he knows how to capture/kill it, the sheriff who doesn't want anyone else to tell him how to handle the situation and all the usual monster-gone-amok movie stereotypes. There's also a Beethoven/opera musical score that is played as background music whenever DinoCroc is stalking a potential victim. Weird, yet inexplicably it works very well in this movie. Overall, despite all the ranting, you could do a lot worse making a killer-dinosaur/crocodile movie than this. DinoCroc moves at a fast and lively pace, there are no boring stretches to speak of. The monster effects aren't "Jurassic Park" quality, but are better than most lower-budget monster movies. The ending falls a little into the "we need to find a REALLY creative way to kill it" mode, but it would be kind of boring and anti-climactic if they just dropped a nuclear bomb on it. And of course, the ending leaves the door slightly ajar for "DinoCroc 2." As far as movies you'll see on SciFi Channel (I don't believe this was a "SciFi Original" movie that they produced themselves, but a "SciFi Premier" where they buy the rights to an already made movie and make it the centerpiece of their Saturday night movie lineup), this is one of the better ones.
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Crap creature feature from Roger Corman.
poolandrews14 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Dinocroc is set in a small US town where Gereco laboratories has it's headquarters, chief scientist Dr. Campbell (Bruce Weitz) has genetically engineered a live creature using DNA from a Dinosaur ancestor of the modern day Crocodile. After a laboratory accident the Dinocroc creature escapes into the nearby reserve, the top brass at Gereco hire world famous Australian big game hunter Dick Sydney (Costas Mandylor) to kill the beast & keep bad publicity down to a minimum. However animal control operative Diane Harper (Jane Longenecker) & her dad the local Sheriff (Charles Napier) discover that the vicious Dinocroc is loose & take over the remit to kill it before it eats anymore innocent people...

Directed by Kevin O'Niell I was pretty surprised to find out that Dinocroc wasn't an original Sy-Fy Channel film but was far less surprised to learn that cheap rip-off merchant Roger Corman was behind it, apparently had the working title Primevil & it's just about as bad as any of those awful Sy-Fy Channel creature features. The script for Dinocroc takes a little bit of Jurassic Park (1993) with it's DNA Dinosaur cloning aspect & adds a whole dollop of Lake Placid (1999) as a small community is terrorised by a giant Crocodile monster thing & it's up to a big game hunter & the local Sheriff amongst other's to try & stop it. The script is utterly predictable, throughly bland, truly forgettable & unforgivably uninspired as it's 85 minute duration plods along & feels like twice that. The story makes no great sense, there is no explanation given as to why this company Gereco are cloning prehistoric Dinosaur Crocodiles or why that stupid scientist decides to just open the door to it's cell & just sort of stand there totally unarmed, what did she think was going to happen? The Dinocroc wasn't going to invite her to sit down & have a cup of tea was it? Then there's the leading ladies affection for stray Dog's, I mean at the end her dad the Sheriff tries to use these stray Dog's to lure the Dinocroc into a trap yet Diane goes crazy & risk's not only her life but her dad's life, her boyfriend's life & everyone else there lives as well in order to sabotage the trap & save the Dog's. Are we really meant to believe that as a motivational factor? It's either the Dog's or possibly dozens of people. With a throughly predictable & sometimes embarrassing (the montage as Tom drowns his sorrows over his brother's death is really bad) script Dinocroc fails to deliver any sort of entertainment value, the attack scenes are dull & quite why the Sheriff didn't just call the army in I'll never know.

The CGI computer effects are average for this type of fare, while not the worst looking monster out there Dinocroc is hardly convincing. There's a little gore but not much, a boy has his head bitten off, a guy's severed legs are seen & there's a bit of blood splatter but nothing to excited about. The attack scenes are poor, there's no excitement or tension & no sense that Dinocroc is any great threat as it just sort walks a bit & roars. The makers never have it do anything else. The best part of Dinocroc is when Diane decides to stick up for Dick Sydney, without a hint of sarcasm or irony she says 'I like Dick'. That moment raised a smile from me & is probably the best part of the film.

Dinocroc has reasonable production values but nothing special, the acting isn't that good with seasoned actor Charles Napier slumming it here, Costas Mandylor turns up as the Australian hunter a couple of years before his star role in the Saw franchise started in Saw III (2006).

Dinocroc is terrible, it's as bad as it's Sy-Fy Channel counterparts & offers nothing new. Followed by the slightly better Supergator (2007) & the equally awful Dinocroc vs. Supergator (2010).
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Good soundtrack and alluring Pagula, but cheap, irritating nonsense on the whole
TheLittleSongbird1 August 2012
Just for the record, Dinocroc is not the worst movie I've ever see, or even one of them, not even close. But I don't really recommend it either. Dinocroc is certainly not without redeeming values. The scenery is decent, though could have done with more of an atmosphere, while the soundtrack is haunting and not too obvious and Joanna Pagula as well as having an alluring presence does what she can with a rather stereotypical character. On the other hand, I was very mixed on the story, it didn't ever bore me, it did start off well and it deserve credit for not being too derivative of Jurassic Park, on the other hand it has a very standard concept which was partly why I was never surprised at what went on in the film, the attack scenes are not suspenseful and come across as goofy instead and the the climax is abrupt and just not convincing on any level. Apart from the scenery, Dinocroc was lacking for me visually also, the editing is not as choppy as similar movies I've seen but there are moments where it is rather obviously done which detracts from any kind of nail-biting terror or suspense. I've seen worse effects, but these ones are still artificially rendered with the monster crude and not scary or the like at all. The script is horribly cheesy also, while the characters are stereotypical and made to do irritating things(like the man using his dog as bait but is still killed) and the acting is bad, especially from a bland Matthew Borlenghi and an over-the-top Costas Mandylor. All in all, cheap and irritating nonsense but not the worst way you can waste your time on. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Not the best of Corman's work
ebiros224 December 2011
Roger Corman makes entertaining movies, and he's made several giant monster movies for the sci-fi channel. Out of them all, this follows his classic style the most, including not so good special effects.

The classic style that didn't work includes the monster not showing itself, lots of people shots that are just fillers, and slow story development.

The special effects croc is a joke. It has no believability to its character.

This is a cheesy movie what people expect from a borderline B movie. Since this was first in line of many of this type of movies to come, it may have had budget problems. In any case, the movie itself was successful, and spawned many different super beast movies. The later productions has much better quality.

I couldn't warm up to this movie, and this is not one of the best of super monster series that came from Roger Corman's production.
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DinoCrap indeed!
gothicgoblin133426 March 2006
What a terrible film. It sucked. It was terrible. I don't know what to say about this film but DinoCrap, which I stole from some reviewer with a nail up his ass. AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh.. It's not Roger Corman that I hate, it's this god-awful movie. Well, really? But what can you expect from a movie with Homoeric computer graphics. Which is another thing, the CGI sucked out loud; I hate this movie dreadfully. This is without a doubt the worst Roger Corman B-Movie, and probably the gayest B-Movie too. It's-it's--- DINOCRAP! I'm sorry, I must have offended some nerds in these moments. It's just an awful movie... 0/1,000
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i have seen worse.
audiosabbath_2972025 April 2004
This is the first non-zombie subgenre review ive done but this movie is worth doing a review for. Dinocroc is a good movie in general but unfortunately it is still an obvious b-movie. The Dinocroc itself looked great but i thought the movie itself needed a little bit more weight as in action and violence because whenever the croc is shown or is in a fight scene not very much goes on except the croc is shown and the croc either kills or runs off in a repeated process. Jane Longenecker was hot which is a plus and the acting was better than average and the most surprising thing is that the croc looked fleshy instead of like a cartoon coughs* curse of the komodo*coughs. I enjoyed this movie enough to be glad that there is going to be a sequel which is more than what i can say about some movies in general. Overall 3/6 stars and worth a watch.
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Not a Waste of Time
gamay928 March 2014
Why would I write a review of a 2* film? Why is it not a waste of time? First, I appreciate that IMDb permits user reviews and doesn't edit them, unless they are grossly obscene. My reviews never fall into that category.

This film was on Epix, a network on which TWC is giving their consumers a three month freebie. Most of the films are very good, like 'Mud,' 'Jack Reacher,' 'Bandits' and 'Flight,' but this one is awful.

The only redeeming value is Jane Longnecker, who is a cute, petite woman whom every man adores. But, she never takes her clothes off. Now, I'm bordering on editing. Joanna Pacula, small role, was still beautiful in 2004 but I have seen her in quality films where she did take her clothes off. That's why I remember the roles she played.

Admit it virile males; you like petite women who take off their clothes. That's why Jane Longnecker hasn't made it big. She's a delicious young woman who won't undress.

Oh, the film review. Read the other reviews; they go into more detail regarding the 'plot' and the characters, 'special effects(?)' etc., etc., etc....I'm just interested in cute, petite women who......
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Dino scrap
windrider0079 July 2008
the film looks like as if the director was forced to make this movie by some gang of terrorists . it should actually be called dino crap.

there is nothing good about this movie.. even the actors are not worth a penny. don't waste your time watching this movie. the director should be shot in the head for having the mentality to create such a bad movie . i mean isn't he ashamed of looking at peoples faces after they have seen his movie ? the dinocroc looks as if it was made in power point and pretty much cut-and-paste stuff. and its the same old story . man plays god . creates some creature . it escapes and is happy eating people . and finally a pretty girl and a guy in a sleeveless shirt has to come and kill it . bla bla.. u will figure out the plot in the first 5 minutes of the movie
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Pretty Bad
j-dub9615 June 2010
This movie is so bad. I couldn't even watch more than ten minutes. I saw it on TV and I couldn't take any more of it. First of all, the special effects looked like it was done by a twelve year old. Then, the music didn't even fit the movie. It sounded like it was something off of The DaVinci Code. Also, really horrible, and I mean horrible acting. A person gets eaten by this dinosaur crocodile piece-o-crap CGI and there is no expression. The guy is just like, "He's gone" and sounded like he was half-asleep. I mean really, it was the worst acting in the world. If I would have had to pay to see this movie I would probably kill myself. OK, maybe I wouldn't kill myself, but I would pay a billion dollars to the producer to destroy the movie film. I would say that it was the worst five minutes of my life.
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A Valiant Try with good plot and a happy ending
Marley224 April 2004
I'm a big Sci-Fi and horror fan. I just watched Dinocroc on the SciFi channel. It's about a young woman who works for animal control in a small town. She loves animals, can't even put them down when the sheriff ( also her dad) tells her to put down the dogs to make more room.

Her on again off again boyfriend Tommy then helps her and the idiotic gene- manipulation plant to battle a creature that is half-dinosaur and half-crocodile and twice as deadly.

The most interesting character by far is an Aussie herpatologist and hunter named Dick. He drinks, smokes, has no fear. Whenever he's on-screen, your attention goes right to him.

Throughout the film, Dick and Tommy seem to have a 'special' relationship, even though Tommy sleeps with the animal control lady once.

Overall, an interesting watch and not bad for a straight-to-video movie. It's more SciFi than horror but it gives you a few jumps and surprises.
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Dinocroc Review
ksj87012 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm surprised Dinocroc doesn't have a somewhat elevated reputation within the realm of low-budget sci-fi monster movies. True, it has its weaknesses, but compared to many other similar films it comes off pretty well. The script tells a familiar story of science gone wrong as a genetic experiment results in a ravenous prehistoric pseudo-crocodile which proceeds to terrorize the people of a small town. The monster--that would be the Dinocroc of the title--looks decent for a low-budget creation and is appropriately fearsome. The big difference between Dinocroc's script and that of many similar features is that a great deal of time is invested in the main characters, who generally come off as rather more realistic than the types who usually populate such films. They aren't all likable, but they are for the most part fairly true to life. Because of this, the on screen perils they face have a bit of an edge to them. This is particularly the the case when a young boy meets a grisly demise at the hands of the Dinocroc. The scene is set up well and carries an emotional impact that is a little rare for movies of this caliber. Though the ending does allow for a sequel, it doesn't ruin the preceding story and is a little ambiguous in nature, so even those viewers (like myself) who hate the usual "cheat" endings horror movies are known for shouldn't get their feathers ruffled. Obviously Dinocroc isn't a classic and it is very much a b-movie, it is nonetheless much better than some of its contemporaries and worth a watch by fans of the genre.
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A Few Surprises Here and There
Uriah4324 December 2014
After a 100 million year old dinosaur, related to our present day crocodile, is discovered a corporation by the name of "Gereco" decides to conduct genetic research using its DNA to stimulate growth. As it so happens the experiment is a complete success until one of their specimens escapes and begins consuming everything in its vicinity. However, rather than alerting the authorities the Gereco company decides to keep everything top secret in the hope that they can somehow contain the damage themselves. Now rather than reveal any more of the story and risk spoiling the film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this movie was pretty much what I expected from a Roger Corman film in that it had a definite B-movie quality to it. The acting wasn't that good and the CGI could have used some improvement as well. But Jane Longenecker (as "Diane Harper") was certainly cute and even though it was mostly predictable there were a few surprises here and there which managed to keep my interest for the most part. I especially liked the suspense toward the end. In any case, while I don't consider this to be a good movie by any means I suppose it wasn't terribly bad either and so I rate it as just slightly below average.
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