5-25-77 (2008) Poster


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too long
SnoopyStyle25 March 2023
After 8 year old Pat Johnson watches the film 2001: A Space Odyssey in the theater, he becomes obsessed with filmmaking. As a teen, he (John Francis Daley) has been making movies with his friends and family in his backyard in small town Illinois. With help from his mother (Colleen Camp), he sets off to meet his hero in Hollywood.

This movie is too long. It should not be longer than two hours. It's really noticeable in the third act where all I want is for him to get to the theater. At least, Bill points out that he could have walked there by then and that's a good save. Linda becomes way too complicated and I would cut down on Tony. This movie needs to trim at every opportunity. Second, Bill's constant complaining is too annoying. It's frustrating and robs his later declaration of all its power. Finally, John Francis Daley is well into his 30's. It's time that he graduates from Freaks and Geeks. Mostly, this could be better but it still some good ideas.
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Not what I thought or hoped it would be
jp757011 September 2023
I was in the audience that day in May 1977 to see the opening of the first Star Wars film. I remember the build-up to it in the press, and the well-deserved hype afterwards. This film chronicles a young filmmaker's love of the craft and eventual entry into the industry - ignited by his viewing of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

You might not have heard of Patrick Read Johnson before this film, which unfortunately is a self-indulgent puff-piece by a director with anaverage career. And while Johnson is no Spielberg, in this film he supposedly meets a young Spielberg, the latter being depicted as an annoying know-it-all.

As a director, Johnson ***should*** be aware of the importance of editing. Sure, this film took a long time to make, but Johnson is not objective enough to tightly edit his own story. At a little over 2 hours, the film really drags in the last hour. This could have been 90 minutes (tops) and still conveyed the same story and message.

Of course, there are few directors with enough fame (or vanity) to make their own biographical films. Spielberg did it in 2022 with The Fablemans, and Neil Simon and Philip Roth did it as writers (not as directors). Woody Allen does cherry-pick biographical bits to put in his films, but not a complete life story. Really, there just are not that many directors who do this - not Martin Scorsese, not John Huston, not Richard Donner, not Christopher Nolan, not Quentin Tarantino, etc. The list goes on and you can kind of see why.

First, a personal story like this does not always have wide audience appeal. Second, it may come off as a self-indulgent and vain. And third, if you aren't a household name (and sorry, Patrick Read Johnson just isn't), chances are the box office potential will be very low.

In the end, 5-25-77 isn't offensive but it does commit two cardinal sins - it is not memorable, and it is boring in parts. While some liked it, I'm glad I watched it at home and didn't pay for a ticket. I was close to Johnson's age and went through many of the same things he tried to depict in his film. But there are better and more well-known coming-of-age films already out there. His film just doesn't rise to that level. Sorry, Pat.
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Great coming of age film for all fans of sci-fi classics
dpick18220 January 2024
I honestly did not know this movie existed. Despite people use physical media less and less. I still do. I actually still use my local library to look for titles I've never seen. Something anyone who has memories of video stores remember doing and looking at the box cover and renting the movie to see for themselves if the movie was as good as the box art.

I have to say after watching this movie nearly 20 years in the making, it is a good movie. I understand others who complain it's too long. But I think its just right for what it is. It at minimum is a companion piece to "The Fabelmans" if not superior to it.

I'll end with do check out if your local library still has Blu-rays and DVDs to rent. When you do, you are supporting your local library and actually ensuring your librarians will be funded if the community is using resources they provide.

Support your local library.
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The wait is over
Flame_Wielder27 November 2022
Last night I did something I thought I would never do: watch the movie 5-25-77. The reason I didn't expect to watch it was because it had languished in production hell for so long I had honestly given up hope of its ever having a wide release.

My first memory of this film was in early 2006. I knew the actor (John Francis Daley) from Freaks and Geeks, and the plot of the movie seemed interesting, so I began to follow its progress. Carrie Fisher was originally supposed to play the mother (she appears briefly, and vaguely, in the first teaser trailer), and Christopher Lloyd was originally cast as Herb Lightman (he appears in the second trailer). For all these reasons, I was really eager to see this movie. Fisher was then replaced by Colleen Camp, and Lloyd by Austin Pendleton, but I still eagerly anticipated this movie.

Back then IMDB still had messageboards, and I would visit this one every now and then. The director, Patrick Read Johnson, would occasionally drop by to give status updates and interact with other users on this site. I think he even answered one of my questions one time. He assured us that, despite various setbacks, the movie would eventually be released. So I waited. But as the years went by I started to lose hope. The movie changed names a couple of times, was screened at a festival here or there, but other than that nothing. I would check back every year or so, but no progress appeared to have been made. I had resigned myself to the fact that I would never see this movie. Until late November 2022 when I said 'Why not?' and I checked again, expecting nothing at all. And to my surprise, there it was, available to stream. After waiting for over 16 years, I would finally be able to watch 5-25-77.

Other reviewers have already described the plot and offered their critique, so I won't delve into that here. Suffice to say that I thought it was enjoyable, charming and funny. The acting was good and the characters interesting. I particularly enjoyed the performance of Steve Coulter as Patrick's friend and sometimes-reluctant actor in Patrick's movies.

In short, after waiting so long for this movie to be released, I was really glad to finally be able to watch it, and I was not disappointed. Kudos to Patrick for not giving up. You persevered and released your labor of love so everyone can now have the opportunity to watch it. In the movie, your younger self worked passionately on movies and achieved his goals despite setbacks and hardships. And the same can be said of you working hard on completing 5-25-77. It may not have been easy, but you did it. Well done!
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"The Fabelmans" WISHES it was "5-25-77"
Mandrake_Peterson_III22 February 2023
Quentin Tarantino said, "If you truly love cinema with all your heart and with enough passion, you can't help but make a good movie." I kept thinking of this quote while smiling through this charming cheapie. The acting is iffy, the special effects are wonderfully podunk, and the script needed some major editing, but still... I loved it. The creator, whose adolescence this is based on, started filming this in 2004 and it took him nearly 20 years to get it released. Where "The Fabelmans" (in my opinion) failed terribly at capturing the spirit of filmmaking and the root of why it obsesses the obsessed, "5-25-77" nails it. It's films like this we should be championing and rewarding with our time.
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It was OK. Except when it was very good. Or when it was very bad.
jimcancook6 December 2022
Aggravatingly uneven. I guess that's how it struck me. I was in high school when Star Wars (no bloody 4, 5, or 6) first came out and I was a big sci-fi nerd, so this movie I felt like this movie should have resonated with me and it really didn't. Austin Pendleton was great, but he always is. Maybe I'm just too old to relate to the teenage characters, but I don't generally have a problem in that area. I was a bit put off but some of the jump-cut sequences and I get that's technique that's used much more than it was in the past. And there was a general lack of focus. Too many sub-plots were competing for screen time and as a result some of them were left unresolved. Maybe the fact that it took 13+ years for the movie to be completed had something to do with this.

It just didn't sit right with me.
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superb coming-of-age story
pbosold26 May 2017
This film was shown at my local art-house theater tonight, and it far exceeded my expectations - I'd seen an earlier version a few years ago and really didn't know what to expect. This is an indie gem, a coming- of-age tale built around the release of the first Star Wars film on May 25, 1977. The filmmaker weaves the lead character's lovable, laughable attempts at Super-8 filmmaking into his high school loves and losses and his breakthrough experiences with other films of the era in a way that is engaging, entertaining and thought-provoking from start to finish. The actors are terrific and very professional, the attention to detail is outstanding, and the production values are top notch. Highly recommended.
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Sort of disappointing...
paul_haakonsen30 December 2022
Right, well I have to admit that I was definitely harboring some hopes and expectations for this 2022 comedy drama from writer and director Patrick Read Johnson as I sat down to watch it.

And now 132 minutes later, I sit here with an overwhelming sense of 'was that really it?' and of having somewhat squandered 132 minutes of my life on something that most certainly didn't live up to what I was expecting, not even by a longshot.

"5-25-77" seemed like such an interesting movie, especially for a life-long fantasy and "Star Wars" fan such as myself. And there were definitely things to identify with here in the main character of Pat Johnson. However, the script's storyline and narrative just somewhat fell short of providing me with much entertainment.

The acting performances in "5-25-77" were quite good.

Sure, the movie was watchable, but this is by no means a movie that impressed me. Nor is it a movie that I will ever return to watch a second time.

My rating of of "5-25-77" lands on a four out of ten stars.
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Star Wars + Super8 Films + Alan Parsons Project + 1970's = well...me!
bill_mac30 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Disclaimer: This movie strikes a very personal chord with me so I doubt this will be at all helpful to others. Sorry 'bout that.

5-25-77 is an important date for sure. I can't thank Patrick Read Johnson enough for sharing this bio-pic of his life, which hits many of the same notes of my own childhood as well (told you it was personal). When I heard about this movie I couldn't wait to see it, and I was not disappointed!

I'll hold my personal stories a moment to say that I thoroughly enjoyed going along on this young geek's life journey - all the way to ILM and back! It was a very personal story, full of heart and humor, honest angst and self doubt. The movie, though top quality, maintains a wonderfully "homemade" feel throughout, right through the credits. It boasts a terrific cast of actors for sure! Colleen Camp was simply fierce as Pat's mom! :-)

So here goes… Even though my own Super8 filmmaking began just after Star Wars was released and spanned my wonder years, 12-18, leading up to a career in television, there were many moments throughout 5-25-77 that resonated perfectly with my own childhood. From the Testor paints and plastic model kits (the same models I had!) , to the bedroom movie posters (same 2001 poster!), to the "friends and family" backyard Super 8 productions, it was all spot on for me growing up in a similar small town in Florida.

When I heard those awesome Alan Parsons Project tunes peppered throughout I was grinning ear-to-ear, as they are my jam (…as not-cool people say trying to sound cool)! Although my own "love life" at that young age was all G-rated, I too had a first crush moment tied to a movie-date of Star Wars which, unfortunately for her (?), I was more smitten with at the time. (sigh)

Alas, there was only a single showing on a single day, but I hope to be able to see 5-25-77 again (and soon!) because I know there were many more "déjà vu" moments that I just can't recollect now. This was simply a wonderful movie experience, allowing me to relive my youthful Super8 hijinks which, in my own mind, were every bit as adventurous as Mr. Johnsons. And although I never made it to Hollywood, my filmmaking buddies and I DID get our 1982 stop-motion magnum opus "Too Much Star Wars" delivered directly to Lucasfilm to become part of their fan-film archives, and received a nerdily epic letter on Lucasfilm stationary in return. (yes, it's framed on my wall)

5-25-77 forever!!
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Falls short of what it advertises
jasonforno12 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If seen a ton of low/no budget films over the years, and this one fell into all of the typical tropes you see time and time again. Honestly, it would've worked better as a short, because Johnson's story isn't altogether that incredibly interesting, outside of his handful of days being shown around the sets of 'Close Encounters Of The Third Mind' and 'Star Wars'. These moments, for me, we're the highlights to the film, all the rest was just weak teen coming-of-age bluster that's been done better and to greater effect in other films/stories. Johnson's anecdotal experience of have the pure luck of being at the right place at the right time, really doesn't amount to anything more than just a, "cool story, bro." moment. Given the title is laser-focused at the release of 'Star Wars', but the protagonist doesn't even get to see the film on THAT DATE not only lessens the impact of the title being relevant, it just further aggravates the audience. There's a point in the film where the protagonist is confused as to whether or not the film is even playing in his own town, but later is taken to the film at the same theater that was somehow mistakenly showing a Chuck Norris film instead. As other reviews have deftly pointed out, I feel like the whole film suffered from endless tinkering. Ironically something everyone gives George Lucas tons of grief for. I would recommend this film as a "how not to" endlessly overanalyze your pet project. Make sure you really have a worthy story to tell, also, make sure you have any ending that is impactful. Something I feel 'The Fabelmans' fell short on too...
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Gem of a movie
mclapp-3520128 April 2023
'5-25-77' is a smart, witty and heartwarming that film every movie lover should see. In particular if you are of a certain age like myself. It's a love letter to the 70's fan culture and following your dreams. As someone who has been making short movies his whole life, it spoke to me in ways very few films ever have. Gary Kurtz, one of the geniuses behind the original Star Wars is one of the producers. Alan Parson did the music. It's a must for Star Wars and Spielberg fans.

I remember hearing about this film and waiting a long time to see it. So when I finally did you imagine my excitement at the movie being so good.

Strongest possible recommend.
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A Frenetic Mess
12B1P27 May 2017
Ostensibly, 5-25-77 is a coming of age story regarding the filmmaking aspirations of its lead character, Patrick. And if that's all it tried to be, it might have been an excellent film.

There are so many subplots that the movie is nearly incoherent. Only a couple of these subplots wrap up. Many are seemingly dropped, and one or two don't even properly begin... they're just somehow there. Technical issues aside (and there are a lot of them), the narrative never seems to find its rhythm. By the end of the film, it's trying to be about love and finding oneself, but Patrick begins the film already seeming to know who he is. The rest is filler. Literally.

There is a very good sequence when Patrick visits Hollywood, but it's not enough to save the movie.

The editing is horrible, almost nonsensical. It's as though the filmmakers concentrated on six minutes at a time, without once giving thought to how those six minutes connect with the rest of the film.

The use of music in scenes is among the worst uses of music I've ever witnessed. In an early scene, the mix is so bad you can barely hear the characters talking. In a later scene that - if silent - would have been a beautiful, poignant moment, silly music instead up-ends the scene to the point of an eye-roll.

And the story? Well, were it not for the characters telling you what was going on at any given time, you wouldn't have a clue what it was.

I so very much wanted to like this film, but I so very much do not.

Several friends of mine have seen shorter versions (the one I watched was around 2 hours and 15 minutes), and they all speak highly of those shorter cuts. I'd be curious to watch them, but you couldn't pay me to sit through this one again. It hurt to watch.
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Expectations Vs Reality
kyle_tubb-601083 December 2022
I've been waiting for this movie ever since I watched the trailer on dial-up internet in 2006. This movie did not meet my expectations. Rather, it was something else entirely. What are expectations really but just the joy of imagining a perfect film. I have played the whole picture in my mind not knowing the true story, but what I watched was a pleasant surprise to my faulty imagination. The flaws are there, but this film will put a smile on your face. I truly enjoyed it thoroughly! Was it what I wanted? No. But maybe I didn't know what I wanted, and it delivered. Well done Patrick Read Johnson.
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Worthy effort but never should have been released in theaters
jmc476931 May 2017
There are two ways to review this movie. On the one hand, it is obviously a labor of love, and you have to admire director Patrick Johnson's persistence. He worked for 13 years to get this project completed. So I have to give him an A for effort. It's amazing that an amateur filmmaker was able to bring his film to the big screen. This is a worthy "student film", but it is what it is, and it should never have been released in theaters. Everything about it is amateurish, including the acting, the directing, the script, and the cinematography. For example, the director seems to think that having one of the actors stare into the camera with his mouth open for 10 seconds is high drama (and he uses this technique repeatedly). I'm not saying that there is no audience for this movie. I'm guessing that sci-fi geek's, Star Wars fanatics, and amateur filmmakers will enjoy it despite its flaws. But it should have gone straight to DVD and streaming. I felt ripped off having to pay eight bucks to see it.
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For Star Wars fans and more
mfstrelecki27 November 2022
Johnson has finished his ode to film making, friendship and family. The missing spots from the version shown in some theaters a few years ago have been filled in with care and love.

If you want to see a movie largely filmed more than a decade ago but kept alive by passion and drive, then give 5-25-77 a look.

It makes all us first generation Star Wars a bit melancholy about our younger years when we were trying to figure out life and what we faced as we approached adulthood. Star Wars nerds should take a little trip down memory Lane and enjoy a look back.

It is at times funny, dramatic, sweet but always heartfelt.

Congrats to PRJ for finishing his dream.
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Self-indulgent and amateurish
schmelerfleck15 April 2023
Very disappointed. High-school play level acting: most of the principal characters just shout their lines. Writing is all over the place: no overall narrative arc, points that should have been climactic were flat, pacing is nonsensical. More than anything, though, it is difficult to imagine why anyone other than the writer-director-subject would have the least interest in the story. The main character, who is supposed to be a frustrated genius, comes across as a self absorbed mouth-breather.

I know that this film is twenty-five years in the making. It's a pity that the filmmaker's talent and skills didn't match his persistence.
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The best movie of the year : 2022
erol15 December 2022
Finally, the long wait is over.

Just as it is listed at the first place easily in the list of the longest-running productions in the world with its production time (18 years!), it is also ranked the first place in my list of the best films of this year .

If you like 2001 A Space Odyssey , Star Wars movies and If you are in love with Alan Parsons Project , 10cc , Ambrosia music , this movie is just for you. Definitely watch, rent, purchase, add to your archive. Plus, the songs were carefully selected for the scenes and integrated perfectly into the movie. We were crying while smiling for well over two hours. An immortal classic.
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Frustratingly Incompetent
pathpath-1471727 July 2023
I wanted to like this movie because it's heart is in the right place...but, holy cow, the direction and EDITING of this film is so horrible I had to stop watching the film. It's really that bad.

20 years to make this and the guy couldn't find an competent editor to help give the scenes some sort of storytelling cohesion?

It's just ADHD addled all the way through. I've never experienced a film release like this having such an important aspect of the production be such a complete failure.

I'm looking at you Alian Clark Blair. I don't know what was going on behind the scenes, if you were just following orders, or if you're simply self-taught but never really learned how to actually do the thing.

Maybe all of the above?

The fact the director let this hot mess out of the gate, even after twenty years just tells me the sweet story of "oh, he finally got it done and the market is finally ready to accept it" just isn't the case.

It's languished because it's just not that good and borderline unwatchable.
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A film about the love of films and where it can take you
timbrooksnj4 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
5-25-77 A movie 15 years in the making (for me at least) about Star War's first fan. As a avid fan of Star Wars myself, my interest was piqued when I first saw the trailer so many years ago. I followed the news of its release closely, patiently waiting for my time to view it. Each time I saw there had been a special showing of the unfinished product somewhere far, far away, I grew jealous, and perhaps frustrated that I had to continue to wait, and wait some more, for my time to come. And then it finally happened. The movie had come to a theater near me. My patience had paid off as this was not the movie I had originally expected. It was so much more.

5-25-77 is less of a movie about a fan of Star Wars and more of a movie about a fan of cinema itself. Our protagonist, Patrick Read Johnson, shares with us what it was like growing up in the 70's and seeing films as more than just flickering pictures in front of your eyes while you eat popcorn. Patrick sees the art in the storytelling laid out before him. He finds deeper meaning and nuance in films that others find tedious, like 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yet, no matter how much his friends and family can't see cinema in the same way no matter how many times he explains it to them, they still support his love for film without much pushback (except time like when their backyard pool is used as an insert tank for his home version of Jaws). Friends and family actively, and some even eagerly, participate in his home films just so he gets the right shot, even if the finished product takes years to complete.

This story of Star Wars' first fan would not have even been possible without its supporting characters, especially his mother whose perseverance allows Patrick a one in a million chance to visit those in the industry with whom he idolizes. Though on the surface it may appear Patrick is alienated as the lone cinemaphile in a small town, I could argued that the support he receives at home could be considered a character in itself as it plays that much of an important role in the story.

This movie is wonderfully acted, especially by John Francis Daley (Patrick) and Colleen Camp (Mrs. Johnson, Patrick's mom). The art style itself is also a love letter to the art of filmmaking as different sequences utilize the amateurish techniques and special effects from homemade films to segue from one scene to another or to illustrate specific emotions. As I watched this film from the acoustical center of the theater(something which Patrick himself does in the film) I couldn't help but see a lot of myself in this.

If you go into this experience expecting to see a movie about fans of Star Wars in the vein of Fanboys, you'll be disappointed. But if you want to see what it is to truly love film so deeply that it takes you to experiences in galaxies far, far away, I implore you to seek out 5-25-77.
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Great, once
phiup23 December 2022
This was great self reflection. An incredibly self reflective movie. Kudos to it's writer, director, and subject, all being the same person. It reminded of my own dreams, some faded, some approaching. Love had, love lost. The story telling style was unique and...odd? But fun at the same time. I'll probably never watch this again, but I'll never watch shawshank or shindler's again.

The best friend might have been my favorite. One part pal, one part plot driver, one part angelic sage... If the character was real, I hope that PRJ found a way to rekindle that friendship. Great date night film for sure.
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Very fun and nostalgic
cowgod4 January 2022
I quite enjoyed this movie. It was a very fun movie and the low budget aspect kid of helped keep the charm. The acting is good all around and it's a very nice coming of age story.
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One Of My Favorite Movies Of All Time
dolbywilliams7 May 2023
I found this movie by accident. I was looking on Amazon to kill time while at the DMV, and I saw the cover for this movie for pre-order. With how the art looked, I thought it was like an homage to 70s-80s sci-fi thrillers with a tongue-in-cheek tone to it. So I obviously had to look it up and saw that it was actually a coming of age film set during that time period, so I found the trailer. Immediately I was interested, and I couldn't get enough. I watched the trailer daily and was sending it to everyone I could think of because it just looked like such a pure hearted movie.

Then the day finally came. I had the movie, but I couldn't watch it right away, because I promised my friend that I would watch it with them. So, that weekend came and we say down and watched it. I was head over heels in love with this movie. From the characters, to the directing, to the story, everything about this film had me in its grasp. It is a lighthearted, innocent tale of a boy who loves filmmaking, and finding the one movie that makes him go "Yes, this is what I MUST do". It is a more believable movie than most coming of age stories, because even the end leaves some things open, but it is still a light ending.

From beginning to end I had a smile on my face. The small scale of the production allowed for the film to have a more personal feel to it, as opposed to similar movie like The Feeblemans. While that too is a good movie, with 5-25-77 being a more independent production it allows the film to have a better relatability for those who too have a desire to pursue such a large scale dream. And honestly, I can see myself rewatching this movie more often from that alone. Sometimes less is indeed more, and this film is most certainly the case for that.

I cannot recommend this film enough. It is a love letter to not just movie making, but to those who have a dream that is as high as the stars.
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Low Budget Masterpiece!!!
bvlllloyd18 September 2023
I found out about this movie from being a HUGE Alan Parsons music fan. This was 5 years ago, and I've been looking ever since to find this movie, but it never was released...until just recently and I found it on Showtime.

I didn't expect much, but within just a few minutes into the movie, the scene of people's reaction in a movie theater watching the end of 2001: A Space Odessey hooked me right away.

While some people suggest the movie was too long, I believe in the old adage that a lousy movie is always too long, and a really good movie is never long enough!

This movie took nearly 20 years to come out and it's much better than most of the movies out there.

Kudos to perseverance! What's 2 hours of your time against 2 decades of the filmmaker's life!
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5-25-77 Blast from the past
jeremywrodman27 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie captures a time in the late 1970's before the world changed and legions of sci-fi fans took to the streets. Before digital and the the advances in movie making miniature built space ships flew by wire into the collective imagination of a generation of Star Wars fans. Patrick Read Johnson story as the first fan grabs you and takes you along as his dream of becoming a director. He is met by limitations of his hometown. He find his way to Hollywood and meets his idols only to realize that he already has it in himself to become what he dreams of. Patrick's dream is attainable by those who have the desire. Great film.
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One of the uniquely best movies I've ever seen
collin300024 February 2023
There is so much raw honest and beautiful passion in this movie. Patrick Read Johnson and John Francis Daley together perfectly capture and express the exuding love of a teenage nerd. This movie made me want to make movies the same way that the matrix made me want to be able to walk on walls.

I don't know how to explain it but I feel like 5-27-22 has made me rethink what a movie can do/be on a small budget. 5-27-22 is simply brilliant and on the "must watch list" for sure. I can't wait for Patrick Read Johnson's next work and if it takes 16 years to get another movies this good it will certainly be worth the wait!
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