Looney Tunes: Back in Action (2003) Poster

Joe Alaskey: Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Beaky Buzzard, Sylvester, Mama Bear



  • Bugs Bunny : Gee, it was really nice of Wal-Mart to give us all this free Wal-Mart stuff just for saying "Wal-Mart" so many times.

  • DJ Drake : This security guard thing, that's just what I do for money. I'm a... I'm a stuntman.

    Daffy Duck : You? A stuntman? Please.

    DJ Drake : I am! Did you see those "Mummy" movies? I'm in there more than Brendan Fraser is!

  • [Bugs Bunny is outside of the ship fighting Marvin the Martian. Daffy is cringing inside the ship, sucking his thumb] 

    Daffy Duck : What am I gonna do? What would Damian Drake do? What would Duck Dodgers do?... Wait a minute, *I'm* Duck Dodgers!

    [Daffy "spins" into his Duck Dodgers costume] 

    Daffy Duck : Aha! I'm going to be the hero of this picture!

    [Then Daffy straps one of five rockets on] 

    Daffy Duck : Duck Dodgers to the rescue!

    [the rocket blows up. Daffy straps on the second rocket] 

    Daffy Duck : [dazed]  Duck Dodgers to the...

    [the rocket blows up. Daffy straps on the third rocket] 

    Daffy Duck : [dazed]  Duck Dodge...

    [the rocket blows up. Daffy turns and LOOKS at the fourth rocket] 

    Daffy Duck : Duck...

    [the rocket blows up] 

    Daffy Duck : [Daffy suddenly appears outside the ship with the last rocket strapped on, working] 

    Daffy Duck : It's "You-Know-Who" to the rescue!

    [to the audience] 

    Daffy Duck : It helps if you don't say the name.

  • [the bad guys threaten our heroes with TNT] 

    Kate Houghton : Who has *dynamite*?

    Daffy Duck : Welcome to *my* world.

  • [Bugs is served a martini by one of the contraptions in Damian Drake's spy car] 

    Bugs Bunny : Oh, well... it's five o' clock somewhere.

    Kate Houghton : If you touch one more thing...

    Bugs Bunny : Shhh... I'm about to defy you.

  • [as the spy car plummets to earth, Daffy calls his stockbroker on his cellphone] 

    Daffy Duck : Sell all my Warner Brothers stock! I got an inside tip that Bugs Bunny's about to die!

  • [Dusty comes out in a shiny black outfit] 

    Daffy Duck : How many galoshes died to make *that* little number?

  • Daffy Duck : You live with Daddy?

    DJ Drake : Yeah, so? only... temporarily...

    Daffy Duck : Oh, I've hit rock-bottom. I'm hanging out with a security guard who lives with his father.

  • Bugs Bunny : Eh, what gives, doc? We made thirty-five pictures togetha'.

    Elmer Fudd : Well, as it turns out, I'm secwetwy evil.

    Daffy Duck : That's showbiz for ya!

    Elmer Fudd : Now, make with da the card; so I can pwease my dark masters!

  • Bugs Bunny : [fishing from a boat in the backseat of Kate's flooded Alfa Romeo]  Well, whaddya know, I found Nemo!

  • Kate Houghton : I need you to eject this duck.

    DJ Drake : Lady, this is Daffy Duck.

    Kate Houghton : Not anymore; we own the name.

    Daffy Duck : Oh yeah? Well, you can't stop ME from calling myself D-(gasp)... D-(gasp)... well, whatayaknow.

  • Daffy Duck : That's not boxing. Bite his ear.

  • Daffy Duck : Ah, it's good to stretch.

    DJ Drake : You know, I'm getting really tired of throwing you out of the car.

    Daffy Duck : That's my plan in a nutshell.

  • Daffy Duck : Okay, Toots, hand over the diamond.

    Dusty Tails : [to herself after pushing DJ out the door]  He brought a goose?

    Daffy Duck : It's "duck", thank you.

  • Daffy Duck : You'd never catch that rabbit doing something this heroic.

    Bugs Bunny : [appearing in the seat next to Daffy]  Eh, what's up, duck?

    Daffy Duck : You're dethpicable.

  • Marvin the Martian : You tricked me!

    Bugs Bunny : Eh, what's up, Darth?

  • DJ Drake : [to Kate]  You.

    Kate Houghton : [to DJ]  You.

    Daffy Duck : [to Bugs]  You.

    Bugs Bunny : [about DJ]  Him.

    Daffy Duck : [about Kate]  Her.

    Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck : Them.

  • Bugs Bunny : I'm tellin ya, Daffy, I heard the Warner Brothers say that you were their best duck.

    Daffy Duck : Flattered though I may be, flattened I will not, in order for you to get the laughs! It's all "woo-hoo, yuk yuk", and then "wham, bam, blam!"

    [whacks himself around for added emphasis] 

    Bugs Bunny : And your tail's on fire.

    Daffy Duck : Exactly my point! I...

    Bugs Bunny : No, I mean your tail's on fire.

    [Daffy sees that his tail IS on fire - he runs around trying to extinguish it - Bugs laughs] 

    Bugs Bunny : Daff, you're accident prone.

    [Daffy finally puts out his tail] 

    Daffy Duck : Oh, what am I talking to you for? All you have to do is munch on a carrot and people love you.

  • [a Wal-Mart appears in the desert] 

    Bugs Bunny : Is that a mirage, or just product placement?

    Daffy Duck : Oh, who cares, with shopping convenience at such low prices? Water! Fresca! Mountain Dew! Your Product Name Here!

    DJ Drake : Is this your idea?

    Kate Houghton : The audience expects it. They don't even notice this kind of thing anymore.

  • Daffy Duck : [Daffy and DJ try escape in DJ's beat-up car]  All right, let's see what this baby can really do.

    Daffy Duck : [DJ tries to start the car and it falls apart]  Now that's an interesting feature.

  • DJ Drake : What brings you to Las Vegas. You ran out of people to fire in LA?

    Kate Houghton : You stole my duck.

    Daffy Duck : Your duck? Bah! I belong to the world.

    DJ Drake : You know what? You can have him.

  • Daffy Duck : I don't know the meaning of the word fear.

    [opens door to find Yosemite Sam aiming a cannon at him] 

    Yosemite Sam : Say your prayers, duck!

    Daffy Duck : Fear: Noun. A state of terror. Yaaaaah!

  • Beaky Buzzard : That's right, I'm a vicious bird of prey.

  • Daffy Duck : [spotting the Blue Monkey diamond]  I'm rich. I'm affluent. My liquidity is assured.

  • Bugs Bunny : Daff never misses a cue.

  • Daffy Duck : I'm afraid the brothers Warner must choose between a handsome matinee idol, or this miscreant perpetrator of low burlesque.

    [points at Bugs, who is wearing Groucho glasses and a spinning bowtie; everyone laughs] 

    Mr. Warner's Brother : Whichever one's not the duck.

  • [Bugs and Daffy crash-land their spaceship through the window of Acme HQ, then walk away unscathed] 

    Bugs Bunny : I think we scratched it.

    Daffy Duck : Who cares, it's a rental.

  • [DJ and Yosemite Sam follow the Queen of Diamonds playing card to Foghorn Leghorn's blackjack table, where it gets shuffled into the deck] 

    Foghorn Leghorn : Place, I say, place your bets! Money plays, loser stays! Everyone's a winn - well, not everyone.

    Yosemite Sam : [Drops a bag of money on the table]  Here's my money, now play!

    Foghorn Leghorn : Card, sir?

    DJ Drake : Hit me.

    Foghorn Leghorn : Don'cha, I say, don'cha wanna look at your cards first, son? Boy's as sharp as a bowling ball.

    DJ Drake : [looks at the card; it's an ace]  Hit me.

    Yosemite Sam : No, hit me first!

    Foghorn Leghorn : Wait your, I saya wait your turn, sir.

    [deals another ace to DJ] 

    DJ Drake : Hit me.

    [Foghorn deals another ace] 

    DJ Drake : Hit me.

    Yosemite Sam : No, hit me!

    [Foghorn continues to deal aces and twos to DJ. Sam can't take it anymore] 

    Yosemite Sam : No, no, no, hit ME, fragnabbit!

    [Foghorn glances at the audience, then smashes Sam in the head with a piece of wood. Squashed, Sam scuttles around the table, cursing unintelligibly] 

    Foghorn Leghorn : He's the boss.

    [Back to DJ] 

    Foghorn Leghorn : Card Sir?

    [DJ winces at the possibility of himself getting hit as well] 

    DJ Drake : [unsure]  ... Hit me?

    [Foghorn finally deals the Queen of Diamonds; DJ snatches it off the table] 

    Foghorn Leghorn : Twenty-one! We have, I say we have a winner!

    [DJ and Daffy break for the door] 

    Daffy Duck : And then, they made their heroic escape!

    [Daffy runs facefirst into the door that isn't open. DJ comes back, peels Daffy off, and exits again] 

  • Bugs Bunny : All those in favour of us *not* hitting that wall, say 'aye'.

    Kate Houghton , DJ Drake , Daffy Duck : Aye!

    Daffy Duck : Mother!

    Spy Car Computer : Taking you to Mother!

  • Bugs Bunny : So this is Area 51?

    Mother : No.

    Bugs Bunny : The secret government base?

    Mother : No.

    Bugs Bunny : Where they keep all the aliens?

    Mother : No. Area 51 is a paranoid fantasy we concocted to hide the true nature of this facility.

    DJ Drake : Which is?

    Mother : Area 52.

  • [Bugs, flying alongside Marvin, points to a map, and signals for Marvin to lower his window] 

    Marvin the Martian : Earthlings have no sense of direction!

    [Marvin lowers the window, and is sucked out into space] 

    Daffy Duck : Well, what do you know, he fell for it. I guess I owe you $5!

  • Kate Houghton : Look, I'm trying to be nice, but I was brought in to leverage your synergy, and I am not going to let you or some wacky duck...

    Bugs Bunny : Daffy.

    Kate Houghton : Wacky, daffy, nutty, fruitcake, crispy over rice, it doesn't matter.

    Bugs Bunny : [produces award statuettes]  Well, these matter...

    [hoists up Walk of Fame star] 

    Bugs Bunny : ...and this, and they say bring Daffy back. Right, boys?

    Statuettes : We want Daffy! We want Daffy

  • Daffy Duck : Say, that's the stuff from my office.

    Mr. Warner : You don't have an office.

    Mr. Warner's Brother : Not any more.

    Daffy Duck : Symbolically, this is bad. Come on, Brother? Other Brother? Icy she-wolf? You can't fire me. I'm too young and tender to retire.

    Kate Houghton : Let me escort you out.

    Daffy Duck : Wait! I haven't tried toadying, kowtowing and butt-kissing yet! I'm still begging here!

  • [poking at Mother's Area 52 from the outside] 

    Bugs Bunny : Suddenly I feel like I'm in Aunt Marge's Jell-O mold.

  • Kate Houghton : There are some aspects of the script that need work. There's no heart, no cooperation, no one learns anything...

    Bugs Bunny : Daffy learns not to stick his head in a jet engine.

  • [the aliens in Area 52 are surrounding them] 

    Daffy Duck : Yipes! Illegal aliens!

    Dalek : Exterminate Them!

  • Bugs Bunny : [car almost crashes and then stops all of a sudden]  Eh, out of gas.

    Kate Houghton : [screen goes black]  What? It doesn't work like that!

    Bugs Bunny : [screen goes back to car as it crashes]  Thanks, toots.

  • [the group is lost in the desert] 

    Bugs Bunny : I told you we should've taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

    Daffy Duck : Now don't start that again.

  • Tweety Bird : [Sees his relatives]  I've discovered my roots.

    Sylvester : [Sees the birds as food]  I've discovered my lunch.

    Tweety's Family : [Non-verbal whistling; subtitled]  "I tawt I taw a puddy tat!"

    [Granny rises Tweety's cage up to allow his relatives to attack Sylvester] 

    Tweety Bird : [In a cultural suit]  cry freedom!

  • Kate Houghton : [She and Bugs Bunny is scrolling Las Vegas in Damien Drake's car]  There's gotta be 314 hotels and 142 casinos in Las Vegas. We are never going to find that duck.

    [Daffy runs toward the cars and slams on the windshelid.; Kate sighs] 

    Bugs Bunny : [Chuckles]  Daff nerver misses a cue.

    [DJ approaches Daffy and restores his body, then puts him into the car] 

    Bugs Bunny : What's up, duck?

    Daffy Duck : Don't you start with me.

  • DJ Drake : [to Kate in the Damien's car]  Excuse me.

    [Kate turns her head toward DJ] 

    DJ Drake : You!

    Kate Houghton : You!

    Daffy Duck : You.

    Bugs Bunny : Him.

    Daffy Duck : Her.

    Bugs Bunny , Daffy Duck : Them!

  • Host of Civil Defense Film : Greetings, Damian Drake. If you are watching this, you are aware that the world indeed is in grave danger. The ACME Corporation is in hot pursuit of the Blue

    Host of Civil Defense Film : [in animation simulation; offscreen]  Monkey Diamond. A supernatural gem with the ability to turn people, into monkeys, and then back agian. It is the ACME chairman's goal to turn the population into monkey slaves, to manufacture shoddy ACME goods, and change them back to people to buy the stuff.

    [In the science lab, the electrical rays turn the liquid Daffy into a duck himself again] 

    Daffy Duck : Unbelievable.

    Host of Civil Defense Film : Unbelievable, you may say.

    Host of Civil Defense Film : [in animation; offscreen]  Your mission is this: Find it, Destroy it,

    [the diamond explodes] 

    Host of Civil Defense Film : Save Humanity,

    People : [cheering]  Ya-aaa-ay!

    Host of Civil Defense Film : and remember: No one wants to be turned into a monkey.

  • [Daffy and DJ is exploring the casino floor of Yosemite Sam's Wooden Nickel] 

    Daffy Duck : [Jumps up to the chair next to the slot machine the woman is currently playing; with the playbill]  Did you know that Dusty Tails sang the theme song to six Damian Drake movies?

    DJ Drake : Yeah I know. He's my father, remember?

    Daffy Duck : Your Dad is Damian Drake?

    DJ Drake : [shouting]  Yes!

    Daffy Duck : I'm kidding, relax. We did that, okay?

  • Dusty Tails : [Grabs the poker card]  I was supposed to give him this.

    DJ Drake : [as Daffy grabs the card]  That.

    Daffy Duck : [Examines the card]  This is not a king-sized diamond.

    [the card is shown with the heads of Mona Lisa plastering the queen's heads] 

    Daffy Duck : [offscreen]  This is a Queen of Diamonds.

    Daffy Duck : What kind of sick joke is this?

    [Dusty karate chops Daffy's neck as she grabs the card from hjm] 

    DJ Drake : Oh. Can I have that?

    Daffy Duck : [Offscreen]  Very funny.

    Dusty Tails : Aah. That is so sweet.

  • Bugs Bunny : well, whataya know. a Daffy-dill!

  • [making suggestions to improve Bugs's image] 

    Kate Houghton : So, what do we do? We team you up with a hot female co-star!

    Bugs Bunny : Usually...

    [dresses in drag] 

    Bugs Bunny : *I* play the female love interest!

    [Michigan J. Frog, at the table behind Bugs, jumps up and begins to sing "Hello, My Baby"] 

    Kate Houghton : Okay, about the crossdressing thing - then, funny; now, disturbing.

    [Bugs removes the dress and lipstick] 

    Bugs Bunny : Lady, if you don't find a rabbit wearin' lipstick amusing, then we ain't got nothin' to say to each other.

  • Daffy Duck : What a fantastic view.

    Bugs Bunny : Unless you're in the audience in which case you've been staring at an elephant's behind for 30 seconds.

  • Bugs Bunny : Oh, I hate to see a grown man cry... especially when it's a girl.

  • Daffy Duck : Smell that, DJ? That's the sweet aroma of money, glamour, and busload upon busload of senior citizens.

    DJ Drake : Cool it, duck. This could be dangerous.

    Daffy Duck : Right, we find Dusty Tails, save your dad, get the diamond, apply kung-fu liberally as needed.

  • Daffy Duck : Why, D.J.? Why you? Why wasn't it me? - Just academic curiosity, you understand.

  • Daffy Duck : [Running with DJ Drake to the exix of Yosemite Sam's Wooden Nickel]  "And then they made their heroric escape!"

    [Daffy slams against the door. DJ runs back and gets him] 

  • [DJ Drake and Daffy exits Yosemite Sam's Wooden Nickel] 

    Daffy Duck : I say we do Cirque du Soleli and call it a night.

    Yosemite Sam : [Offscreen, Inside; Gunshots heard in the background]  Come back!

    Daffy Duck : [He and DJ approaches the latter's Gremlin car]  How about the Liberace Museum?

    [Daffy and DJ gets into the latter's car] 

    Daffy Duck : All right, let's see what this baby can really do.

    DJ Drake : [Overlaps briefly above the sentence, slapping Daffy with the car key]  No, no.

    [DJ starts the car, but the car itself falls apart by itself] 

    Daffy Duck : Now, that's an interesting feature.

  • [DJ arrives at his home with his motorcycle. Next door, Granny is trimming ther hedges with Tweety in his birdcage] 

    Granny : [as DJ turns off his cycle and pops his helmet off]  Little Damian.

    DJ Drake : Oh hey, Granny.

    DJ Drake : [as he gets off his cycle]  Hi, Tweety.

    Tweety Bird : [as Sylvester the Cat approaches under Tweety's cage]  How was work today?

    DJ Drake : Eventful.

    Granny : [after DJ goes inside his home]  What a nice, young man.

    Sylvester : [as Granny accidently cut his tail; yelling to the above]  Yee-oww!

See also

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