Home Room (2002) Poster


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Excellent movie about human relationships
renzo-gilardoni4 December 2011
As I have read in other reviews, this movie is not about school shootings but rather about its consequences on the people who go through it. And I like that this movie doesn't try to find answers that are simple not that easy to find. One thing I've learned about human beings and human emotions is that two plus two doesn't usually equals four, and when it comes to such atrocities such as school shootings that are committed by human beings, there are not really logical or rational answers that you can find just by establishing a cause-effect relation. I remember listening to Sec. Defense Robert McNamara saying that "it's not that we are not rational, we are rational, but reason has limits". He was talking about the nature of war, and how this was done by human individuals. I think the same goes to school shootings.

And so, this movie centers on the relationship between two high school students who were present at the shooting, one who was left seriously wounded (Deanna Cartwright, played by Erika Christensen) and the other who survived the shooting unharmed (Alicia Browning, played by Busy Philipps) and knew the shooter personally. And who by the way are total opposites. I can't think of another two characters who differ more in almost every aspect of their background and personalities except one, and in the end they end up understanding each other and also caring for each other. But at first things are not easy for these two young women and they do not get along at all. Although from the start Deanna is friendly and polite with Alicia, Alicia does nothing but hurt her and lash out at her with sarcasm and harsh remarks. But gradually they begin to get past their differences and start to get along, despite Alicia attacks Deanna with some sarcasm from time to time. What is more remarkable about this movie is that it stresses something that people usually forget, and that is the meaninglessness of money and material wealth when it comes to dealing with tragedy and loss. Look at Deanna, who seemed to have it all, money, good grades, driving a BMW, etc. but it only took a traumatic and tragic event for her to be "dying inside" and even contemplate suicide. There is something of a cliché saying which says something like "when you are up everybody wants to be your friend, but when you are down you know who your real friends are". And it is clear that Deanna had no real friends, even she herself acknowledges this to Alicia before ask her to leave. The only real friend for her turns out to be Alicia, the less likely friend she could have, because Alicia and Deanna had nothing in common, except that they both were lonely and enjoyed each other's company. You can see how Alicia really cared about Deanna, because even after Deanna asked her to leave and not to come back, she DID come back and searched for her and prevented her from committing suicide, and helped her to get over the sense of tragedy and loss and learn to live with it.

And for me the end of this movie was a fair reward to all what these two young women had gone through together, because they had learned to know each other and care for each other, and they deserved to let go themselves and share one sweet moment of pure humanity between themselves. That is what I liked the most about this movie, its earthiness, because the emotions of both girls were so human, so real, and for me shows the importance of the human side of people when it comes to form a real friendship.
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The aftermath
jotix10018 July 2005
"Home Room" came as a total surprise. Not having a clue as to what it was all about, it paid off big time because it doesn't hold any punches and what we see is how lives are changed by the act of a disgruntled young man who decided to victimize his class mates, who are the innocent victims of his rash actions.

Paul Ryan, the director, who is working and editing his own material, is a talented man who is rewarded by some amazing acting all around by his cast.

Alicia Browning is an older girl who is trying to graduate high school. She has been away a couple of years and doesn't seem to be in the same wave length of the other students. For one, she is a rebel with a punk look, lots of makeup and a mouth that will cut anyone who dares to come near her orbit. Alicia was among the students in the home room where nine students have died, supposedly killed by her boyfriend. Alicia, we realize, is a wounded girl who has gone through a terrible ordeal in her life, but we are not given any clues to that effect.

What follows is the aftermath of the tragedy, as it concentrates on a young woman who has survived it. Deanna Cartwright is a wealthy teen ager who shouldn't have been at the school, at all. When a ricochet bullet hit her, she is hospitalized with more than a wound. She is trying to get over this dark period in her mind but the nightmares don't let her forget.

Alicia is made to go to the hospital by the school principal. Since she doesn't cooperate with the police, the head of the school wants her to see Deanna in her terrible state and perhaps she will soften up and will tell the authorities what she knows. Alicia dislikes Deanna, but in a matter of days, both girls will make peace. We don't realize until the last sequence what really happened that horrible day in school.

Busy Phillips makes an excellent Alicia and Erika Christiansen is equally good as Deanna. Victor Garber, James Pinkins, Taylor Holland, and the rest of the cast play as an ensemble.

The film has an intensity because it's not explicit in showing how the shootings occurred, which helps the tone that Mr. Ryan wanted to give this movie.
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Fine movie (the only thing I could say)
jpschapira30 April 2005
This is Paul F. Ryan's first and only full-length feature. He hasn't done anything since. However, he managed to get an amazing ensemble cast to portray the characters of his story. I don't know when or why the idea emerged in his head, but Ryan wrote a screenplay which later became his own directed movie, "Home room".

Busy Philipps carries the movie on her shoulders as Alicia, a troubled girl; the ones we always see in television series. With dark hair and black clothes; a package of cigarettes in the pocket, weird look and disturbing eyes (with makeup, of course). An event has occurred at her school; a shooting. Some students have died, and she saw everything. Now Detective Martin Van Zandt (Victor Garber) is investigating the case, and, as expected, Alicia is a suspect. But the shooting is just the genesis; the movie is not about the shooting.

Lying in bed in a hospital room is Deanna Cartwright (Erika Christensen). She is one of the survivors of the hospital. The script establishes a bond between them, by the school Principal (James Pickens Jr). He is helping all the students to recover from the event, but Alicia doesn't seem to care. She's isolated. So the Principal punishes her; she needs to visit Deanna every day until five o' clock. Then the movie starts.

I can't even describe how wonderfully written I think the movie is. I can identify with the characters and the situations they live; I like reality. These things could happen to anyone. And the things they say are totally understandable. They're growing up and trying to deal with things they haven't experienced; they're doing their best. Without knowing it, Alicia (when she visits Deanna for the first time) and Deanna (when she sees Alicia standing in front of her) are commencing a journey of that will define their personalities and ideas for the next step in life; after high school.

The director leads Christensen and Philipps through their roles very well. Look the contrast between them. Deanna seems naive and with plain thoughts; no complexity inside of her mind. When Alicia enters her room and sees tons of flowers she asks: "Who has brought them?". "Many people", Deanna answers; although some days later we learn they're from her parents, who come every week. The parental figures are all well represented, but are not as important as their sons' characters. Deanna is lonely. Alicia seems mature and violent; smoking cigarettes and talking roughly. But after two days of visiting, she finds herself coming back to the hospital every day; even sleeping in Deanna's room all night. When they both have a fight afterwards, I believe Deanna says: "Why do you keep coming back?". Alicia is lonely too.

The ending of the movie, without ruining it, comes a bit disappointing; it's something I wasn't waiting for. It eliminates some of the strength the movie has. The revelation comes totally unnecessary; ruining the logical climax the movie could have had. It was an excellent script anyway; and an excellent direction. A damn fine movie.

When it comes to Erika Christensen, this was the role she needed to fly higher. Her role in "Traffic" was impressing, but this was the big step; the main role. Maybe not many had the chance to see her in this film, and that's a pity. She hasn't made one false move since then. She has even come out with good performances in awful movies. On the other hand, Busy Philipps, who proved to be very promising in this movie (what a transformation), hasn't got many opportunities for other roles.

The same I say about Paul F. Ryan (in directing, of curse), and I expect he is sitting now in his computer finishing his new script; I'm waiting for his next movie. I'm hoping the best for all of them.
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What a surprise!
rich-6618 September 2003
What a surprise; two outstanding performances by the lead actresses in this film. This is the best work Busy Phillips has ever done and the best from Erika Christensen since Traffic. This film certainly should be in Oscar contention. See this movie!
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Hypno-213 September 2005
While i was the video store i was browsing through the one dollar rentals and came upon this little gem. I don't know what it was about it but i just had a gut instic about it and wow was i ever right.

The story centers around two girls who have just survived a school shooting. One of the girls is Alicia a teenage reble who is the only witness for the full attack and another is Deanna another survivor who survived a bullet to the head by some miracle. Thrown together by fate, they slowly begin a painful and beautiful display of healing and moving on.

I just hate it when amazing movies fall through the cracks. Because wow what a performance by Busy Phillips and Erkia Christensen not to mention the rest of the cast! My only complaint is that the DVD was sorely lacking in special features. Oh and some of the jump cuts in the movie were kind of jarring. But all in all a excellent movie.
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Why did this amazing movie not get more publicity?
guitar71717 September 2005
The industry dropped the ball on this. The trailer does not do the movie justice and when this opened it was on a hand full of screens. Had people had an opportunity to see this, work of mouth would have made it very successful. The 2 lead actresses each give great emotional performances that really draw you in to the story and especially the characters. I checked this out based on the rave recommendation Richard Roeper or (Ebert and Roeper) in his book. An example of a great film that never got fully released except on a few screens. Which gave it no chance to be seen. Some movies go to video quickly because they aren't that good. This is Oscar worthy and it's a tragedy on many levels that most will never even hear of it. Maybe via word of mouth it will gain a following on DVD or cable. If you haven't see this movie you should. Great performances of the 2 lead actresses make this movie. It could have just been another formulaic teen movie after school special but instead it stands up well to other note worthy films. Girl Interrupted comes to mind. If you like that you will like this.

Both girls are in one amazing emotional scene after another without coming off as melodramatic. Even though Alicia is angry and Deanna is crying through most of the movie it is done is such a real way that they do not come off as stereotypical characters or as melodramatic. The movie will move you in many scenes and if you are an aspiring actor use these real performances as your school. Erica is even better in this than in Traffic. I hope both of these actors get more roles that utilize their talents as well and let them shine. See this movie and if you like, recommend to friends so it doesn't get lost among all the blockbuster crap that comes out every year. This movie was buried while Spiderman 2 tops records. What kind of word are we living in? AGHhh. So to make the world right again see this and recommend it.
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What A terrific surprise !!!
The_Black_Knyght8 November 2004
Written, directed, and produced by Paul F. Ryan, "Home Room" turned out to be quite a surprisingly terrific movie, with a storyline that could easily be ripped right out of the headlines modern society.Although Paul F. Ryan career consists of only a few movies, his direction of this movie was very nicely done, with a sincere and compelling story told without the need for over dramatization or pointless gore and special effects. Busy Philipps portrayal of the emotionally damaged "outsider" Alicia, who both witnessed and survived unharmed the fatal shootings, is intensely compelling and believable. This movie is wonderfully carried by Busy Philipps, in what could easily be considered her most impressive performance to date.
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There is just no point in asking.
shalowfate29 September 2004
A very deep, insightful look about violence and their consequences... and causes...

The movie really takes you into the absurd of the reality, a real inner sight about the pointless actions that are taken everyday and about the real, heavy consequences.

Two wonderfully acted characters by two bright young actors.

The story folds slowly, little by little, to a point where all the answers are held in a little Wall mart bag. I really beleived that the movie didn't want us to look at the "violence in media" as the real devil behind all this. Instead, they tell us that horrible things happen and that they don't necessarily have a plausible cause.
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Loved Homeroom
chrrrrissie8 February 2005
I couldn't believe the comments made about the movie.

As I read the awful opinions about the movie I actually wondered if you had actually viewed the same movie that I did.

What I viewed was incredible! I think the actresses and director did a fantastic job in the movie.

I hadn't had the pleasure to see either actress previously and I couldn't have been more set back by the incredible job that they did I'd have to say its the most believable movie that I've seen in a long time.

What I don't see is why everyone has such a problem with Deanna's choice of drug in the attempt of suicide scene, from the comments made you sound like it was the actresses choice and her stupid choice. That I don't understand, its a movie written by someone else and directed by someone else so how it can be the actresses error I fail to see. I think it was a real believable movie that I would see again and recommend. Opinions are what the are and its too bad that so many are so close minded. I hope to see any of the actors soon I think that all played great roles.

Busy Philipps will be the highest paid actress someday and I hope she can laugh in the face of everyone that criticized her! You Go Girl!
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Great "NOT-Another Teen-Movie" Surprise.
BoromiRofGeo31 July 2009
It breaks my heart that this movie is not appreciated as it should be. its very underrated. people forgot what movies are really about, nowadays they only think about bum bum movies, which can be quite fun watching with popcorn and friends, like transformers, movies which are oriented, with hyper mega high budget like 300mln or even higher, on special effects only and which are dumb movies without storyline. Its the kind of a movie what i despite most. Of course it is fun watching greatly made CGIs, but we do not gain anything essential from that kind of movies.

I honestly think that performance was excellent. Especially Busy Philipps, alongside with Erika Christensen and Victor Garber(whom i respect) made this movie an Oscar worth. Emotional performance by Busy Philipps was astonishing, its such a shame we wont see Oscar in her hands, which she deserves.
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You'll leave this "film" dumber for the experience.
emfp11 June 2007
If you're out of high school, and don't confuse screaming with depth, ignore this movie. It has no redeeming qualities, just 90 minutes of stupid, followed by 30 minutes of preachy, with 11 minutes of "who cares?" tacked on at the end. Indie films used to be an outlet for true artists to practice their craft without interference. This, and others of its kind, are little more than a symptom of the continued dumbing down of American culture. Thanks to digital cameras, YouTube, et al., any moron can make a movie these days. The only way to stop it, is to refuse to watch them. Don't waste your time, and please don't assume any movie dealing with school shootings has to have some sort of social or cultural value. Sometimes the topic is just a cheap path to ill-gotten indie "cred."
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Wow - a stunning movie - I could not break myself away from it
jwysack29 January 2005
I was up late flipping cable channels one night and ran into this movie from about 10 minutes into the start - every time I even thought going to bed, something kept on telling me to keep on watching it even though it was way way way past my bedtime.

This movie could have been another easy slam dunk anti-gun film, but instead they chose to examine the aftereffects of the shootings. And even better, the movie kept on with the real life - just when you think they are going to take the easy and obviously contrived way out, a twist comes along and changes the whole outlook of the movie. This film not only doesn't follow the formula, it shows how other events often lead up to and/or affect what happens afterwards.

I only wish the filmmakers had explored the issues around anti-depressant drugs more - the kids from Columnbine who did the shootings were on them for years and it was frightening to watch the way Deanna popped them every time the nightmares started. Up until recently they were dispensing the stuff like candy and only now do they even begin to understand what long term effects the drugs have. It was very refreshing to see that the mental illness aspect of the story was given quite a bit of film, having a relative who suffers from a mental illness, I can say that the movie was dead nuts on in every aspect of mental illnesses. Bravo to the director and writer who obviously did their homework on those issues. And for those who think certain things couldn't happen in a hospital (I don't want to tell any particulars), you're dead wrong on that too - I've been there. The script was so real it was amazing.

Go BUY this film and show it to your teenage kids before it's too late. Someday they'll thank you for it.
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Surprising ending.
p-a-pelphrey18 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this movie along with 'Elephant.' The two films are very different but obviously deal with the same subject (school shootings). I found the movie to be above average. In comparison 'Elephant' was better in my opinion. They are very different films but it seemed to me that 'Home Room' did what every other movie could have done. The cliché 'rich girl meets goth girl' idea did not really do it for me. I'm sick of 'odd couple' movies unless they have really good character development and are witty like say, 'Tin Men.' I didn't really feel the characters were developed interestingly enough. What I really liked about the movie however was the turn it took at the very end revealing how 'Alicia Browning' saved many more kids from being killed and how she had a baby die a year and a half earlier. I totally wasn't expecting that ending. Overall a well-made film with mediocre acting and mediocre dialog with a good ending.
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The budget constraints actually shows
jordondave-2808526 May 2023
(2003) Home Room DRAMA

Straight-to-rental showcasing an aftermath of a college shooting resulting to 6 dead and another nine injured, Bijou Phillips playing gothic punk Alicia has been crossed examined by the police since she witnessed the whole incident and after being let go, she's then makes a deal with the principle of the college to visit 'one' of the students still recovering at the hospital who apparently has been shot in the head played by Hayden Christenson as the clean "A" student Deanna and both have nothing in common with one another. Throughout the whole time, with the exception of Alicia who's goth, viewers are wondering how come other patients who're also victims of the shooting don't visit Deanna at the hospital- the movie never says for it focuses on the bond that escalates and without hardly any interference- how convenient. Means well but the budget constraints really shows.
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Fabulous, and RIDICULOUSLY underrated!!!!
splahhhh1 September 2005
Why a stupid, boring, crappy overrated film series like "Star Wars" gets all the hype, and a truly amazing film like this one goes completely un-noticed.. is beyond me... This movie will really open your eyes to the dark, disturbing, sad, and scary world we live in...

Unlike the boring "Elephant", this movie isn't one of those "just a typical day until someome pulls the trigger" movies.. this movie focuses more on what happens AFTER the event...

Deana, played by the very hot and very talented Erika Christensen, is a happy and healthy straight-A student with great friends and a great life... until... she is injured on the day of the shooting, by being shot in the head.. Luckily she is not killed, but is severely injured and has to be in the hospital for a while, causing her to be in a lot of emotional pain, in addition to the physical...

Meanwhile, Alicia, played by the also very gorgeous and talented Busy Phillips, is a nasty, cold-hearted, rebellious, anti-social goth girl who doesn't have a single positive trait on her... and she is unharmed when the shooting happens.. because it turns out, she was FRIENDS with the shooter and knew he was going to do what he did... which causes her to be brought into the police station and be asked some questions.. When she refuses to tell the cops if she knew the shooting was going to happen, they constantly come by her house to try to convince her to say something... and she still doesn't, so the principal of the school makes her attend a funeral of one of the dead students, and after she walks out on that... the principal decides enough is enough, and forces her to go visit Deana in the hospital.. Of course she refuses this too, but the principal says that if Alicia doesn't do this, the cops are going to continue to try to get her to say something.. and so she actually goes to see her...

The lonely, traumatized, and both physically and emotionally wounded Deana is more than happy to have someone visit her, but of course, Alicia is anything BUT happy to be seeing her.. Deana attempts to give her a friendly welcome, but of course, Alicia responds with nothing but harsh and hurtful comments and a harsh statement on how she is only here because she is being forced, and has no intention of being friendly with her at all. But sooner or later, that intention will change... (and that's all I'll say :) This is truly one of the most moving movies ever, as well as one of the most dark and disturbing.. Actually, I think I would tie this with "American History X" as equally disturbing and moving at the same time...

WARNING: Watch this movie at your own risk!! It contains VERY graphic scenes and images! EXCELLENT and criminally under-appreciated movie! I feel so ashamed that I'm pretty much the only one that knows about it!
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Home Room was...
fhenry4430 October 2011
simply one of the best films I have seen in a very long time.

I never lost interest and the dynamics between the very disparate young ladies was way up there.

No one film is going to appeal to everyone and I am sure this won't but, it is really a gem.

Sort of reminded me of Atom Egoyan's "The Sweet Hereafter" where the lawyer/dad looks for explanations where sometimes stuff just happens and there are no pat answers.

Not everything in life has a logical necessary antecedent and these two movies showcase this.
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Good film, but what happened to the Director...?
spanky666628 November 2009
I'm from Belgium and therefore my English writing is rather poor, sorry for that...

This is one of those little known movies that plays only once on TV and than seems to vanishes into thin air. I was browsing through my old VHS Video collection and came across this title, I looked it up and it had an IMDb score of more than 7/10, that's pretty decent.

I must admit that it's a very well put together movie and that's why I'm puzzled. This is the only film made by this director...? How come he didn't make lots of films after this rather good one...? Someone with so much potential should be forced to make another movie, ha ha ;-)

Anyway, I really would like to see that he pulls his act together and makes another good movie like this one, please.....?
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Wonderful Movie
wolfcb37 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film isn't just about a school shooting, in fact its never even seen. But that just adds to the power this film has. Its about people and how they deal with tragedy. I know it was shown to the students who survived the Columbine shooting and it provided a sense of closure for a lot of them. The acting is superb. All three main actors (Busy Phillips, Erika Christensen and Victor Garber) are excellent in their roles...I highly recommend this film to anyone. Its one of those films that makes you talk about it after you see it. It provokes discussion of not only school shootings but of human emotions and reactions to all forms of tragedy. It is a tear-jerker but it is well worth it and one i will watch time and time again
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Big wow!
cjmarley2 June 2005
My children just happened to stop at this movie the other night and as things started to play out it really piqued my interest. I had to head out for bowling league so I had them record it for me on the dvr so I could watch the rest later. Well I just got done watching it and the front of my shirt must be soaked after crying buckets. It was an excellent movie even though I could almost feel the pain and anguish these girls were experiencing. And I never in a million years would have guessed the reason why Alissia had gone from this beautiful girl to an anti-social goth. This was probably WHY my shirt was soaked because I've experienced that same pain that Alissia was feeling. I too would not have sought out this movie, but I'm sure glad I saw it. Very moving, very touching. Great for those who love a good drama or tear-jerker.
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Eh. Some enjoyable parts. I don't feel like I wasted my time.
brycedurham16 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
(Just hear me out, OK?) Stories about school shootings have always fascinated me. I DO NOT encourage or support the killers' actions, but it gives us a different look into human psychology. Specifically, the case of Columbine has been the one I slightly obsess over. Dylan and Eric had a complex (but very sick and reprehensible) philosophy. This movie is one of the many, many school shooting themed movies made after the events at Columbine.

After watching the trailer I thought Alicia was simply a tough girl with an "alternative" style, such as Lisbeth from the Millennium trilogy. Instead, she just ended up being a melodramatic young adult. While the build up to the end of the movie where it explains why she is the way she is kept me interested, it simply wasn't satisfying. Alicia and Deanna were not fleshed out enough.

ALICIA went through a traumatizing event, the idea it turned her into a completely opposite person is very overdramatic. She's just way too vicious and unsympathetic. She looked and acted entirely different than her former self, yet she had a caring father and many people tried helping her through her pain. Alicia was an excuse to put a goth kid into the movie. After Columbine, the goth and metalhead scenes were very often considered responsible for school shooter attitudes and mentalities. Music promoting philosophies such as Satanism and nihilism (like Marilyn Manson) were turned into scapegoats. It represented social outcasts in high schools, which Eric and Dylan were. You'll find that a plethora of these post-Columbine movies where a teen is emotionally distressed is also goth. It was basically obligatory. Also, Alicia's lesbianism comes out of completely nowhere. She said earlier that she finds men in their late thirties more sexually attractive than guys around her age.

DEANNA mentions that people only like her because she's rich and trendy. She's got the nice car and hangs out with the preppy "in" kids. At the same time, she's kinda nerdy - she gets good grades and even mentions being in a mathematics contest. It would have been great if being in the hospital room for so long changed her into a different person, like the room acted as some kind of cocoon for personal growth. (That's only a minor complaint though.) Before Deanna can attempt suicide, Alicia convinces her not to and says something along the lines of "You need to tell your parents to get you out of that room." It was already established that she demanded to go back out in the world many times but HAD to stay in that room so her injuries could fully heal and receive counseling for her PTSD.

THE SHOOTER is never really established. He killed 16 kids because that's just what socially outcasted kids do. That's what Alicia declared, but it's never actually explored any further. Dylan and Eric had many anger problems. Eric got even more violent because some antidepressants can cause that in people which was evident in his case. It wasn't just that they were outcasts. In fact, Dylan had a good number of acquaintances. However, he also had anger issues so Eric's social Darwinism philosophy was seen as reasonable to him.

IN THE END it's a rather mediocre/average movie in terms of story structure and character building. Convincing and notable acting. Appropriate setting. Some clever bits here and there. The scenes feel in order and flow into the following ones. Keeps the audience interested.
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Caught me by surprise
paper_hearts31 March 2005
Caught the tail end of this movie channel surfing through the cable movie channels, and was so intrigued I sought out the next showing.

I really didn't know what to expect after reading the program summary, but I came away from this movie feeling quite disturbed and distressed. It also gave me as adult who attended high school in the 80's, a little better insight into what our kids have to contend with these days.

The fact that you don't see the shooting only adds to the chillness of the plot. To see both child and adult alike struggle to comprehend and come to terms with the senseless shootings was at times overwhelming. And will admit that I shed quite a few tears throughout.

On the whole, not a movie that I would seek out to what, however I am sure glad I did see it.
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Great movie that deals with Columbine issues.
Movie Hound Video18 January 2005
This movie is so misunderstood it is not even funny. If you think of seeing this one for the shootings.. stay clear. This one deals with the effects and trauma that the survivors must endure. Even the detectives are seeking the answer we all do...WHY? Fantastic acting from the two leading ladies as we see how those we ignore are affected by the very same things we are affected with. Yes the language is harsh at times, but it suits the characters well. There are some loose ends left or unanswered, but all movies have these. The major issues are dealt with and this movie makes a major statement about how all of us adults feel after such major incidents. Highly recommended for teens and adults.
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What a great movie!!! One of my favorites!
romero818110 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I first heard about "Home Room" one night when I was reading an on-line list of The Most Disturbing Movies. I had saved about 5 movies on that list to my Netflix instant queued including this one. When I finally got to it on my list, I was expecting a violent bloody thriller, since most of the movies on that list included Last House on the Left, The Human Centipede, Martyrs, and The Lost. I couldn't have been more wrong. This was a great, emotional, sad, and intense drama about the aftermath of a school shooting. I enjoyed it so much that after streaming it on Netflix, I literally went to my computer and ordered the DVD. I don't know how I had never heard of this movie until 9 years after its release.

The movie is about Deanna (Erika Christensen), a smart popular girl who is injured during the shooting and is in the hospital recovering. Not only is she recovering physically, but emotionally too. She still has nightmares and flashbacks of the incident. Alicia (Busy Philipps) is a goth-like loner with an attitude who also was in the room the shooting took place. The police have questioned Alicia due to the fact that she was friends with the shooter. When the principal forces Alicia to visit Deanna in the hospital, both of their lives begin to change. Even though they have nothing in common, they begin to form a bond and realize that they both do have something in common; they both are lonely and appreciate each other's company.

The scenes with both Alicia and Deanna are very powerful. Christensen and Philipps do an extraordinary job of acting and its so believable. This, I believe, is both actresses best work in any of their films. I am not ashamed to say that I get very emotional every time I watch this movie; especially the ending. The most frustrating part about it all, is that hardly anybody even knows about this movie. I didn't until a month ago. I was happy to read such positive reviews on this film. Its a movie that will stay with you for a long time in a positive way. I read in the Trivia section that Richard Roeper wrote about this movie in his book, so I purchased his book and he made some great points about this film. It truly is a "Lost Film" that should have gotten more recognition. I think it should be re-released with more advertising. Its a shame that independent films don't always get the attention they should. The acting in "Home Room" is better than the acting in most of the films released the same year. I hope these positive reviews help spread the word about how great this movie is. I only wish I had watched it sooner. Definitely one of my favorites!
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Very Affective
aimless-4610 October 2005
"Home Room" like "Zero Day" and "Elephant", was inspired by the recent wave of school shootings. But unlike the other two films, "Home Room" focuses on two survivors (not the shooters or those killed) in the aftermath of a shooting. Making it less exploitive and more useful because little effort is wasted in asking questions for which there are no answers.

Don't give up on this little film during the first 20 minutes, it is supposed to set up the real story but plays like a rejected "Hill Street Blues" episode. It is lame but bear with it, at least it pads the running length enough to get the film classified as a feature. I recommend skipping this entirely and just jumping ahead to the hospital scenes-there is nothing here that you can't pick up from the remainder of the film.

Like a lot of good little films this was creatively a one-man show as Paul F. Ryan was both the writer and the director. While this arrangement does not guarantee a good film, it is usually a good sign because it will mean a certain unity of construction and execution that is often lacking in big budget dramatic features. Because the script of "Home Room" is its real strength it is fortunate that the writer also executed the production and insured that his vision made it onto the screen.

Ryan takes a huge chance with the ending which tests the limits of the average viewer's sentimentality tolerance. He runs it right up to the edge but against all logic leaves you crying instead of cringing. Why the ending works is some combination of the audience need for a reward at the end of this kind of journey, the song (Sarah McLaughlin's "Sweet Surrender") he goes out on, and the amazing editing of the final minute.

The other strength of the film is the casting of Busy Phillips (Alicia) and Erika Christensen (Deanna) as the main protagonists. Although Phillips plays her standard alienated surly teen and Christensen her intelligent daughter of a good family, they both bring more intensity to their roles than ever before. The family life of both girls is more than satisfactory and of little interest to Ryan. What is happening here is all about the two of them despite a lame side story about a police detective wondering around town trying to tie Alicia to the lone shooter. If they ever re-cut and trim the film this side story should be condensed.

A story about two extremely disparate girls bonding and helping each other is hardly a novel idea and Ryan could have easily steered this film into cliché and predictability. But instead his script has them engaging in a fascinating and convincing sparring match, slowly chipping away at each other and sharing moments of vulnerability, only to retreat back inside themselves. Deanna's "I'm dying inside" line just tears you apart-I can't think of a moment in any other film that I felt as intensely as that one. She desperately needs a connection that Alicia just as desperately resists. Deanna only makes progress when she retreats. The viewer keeps expecting the group hug that never seems to happen.

Ultimately this not only generates a lot of suspense but leaves you admiring both characters and the two actresses who brought them to life.

Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
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Moving and touching, a real gem.
lpotec22 April 2006
I absolutely loved this movie. I bought it as soon as I could find a copy of it. This movie had so much emotion, and felt so real, I could really sympathize with the characters. Every time I watch it, the ending makes me cry. I can really identify with Busy Phillip's character, and how I would feel if the same thing had happened to me.

I think that all high schools should show this movie, maybe it will keep people from wanting to do the same thing. I recommend this movie to everybody and anybody. Especially those who have been affected by any school shooting.

It truly is one of the greatest movies of all time.
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