There's Only One Jimmy Grimble (2000) Poster

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Lesser-known British gem
adamonIMDb11 September 2017
'There's Only One Jimmy Grimble' is a film I used to love watching as a kid. Seeing it here on IMDb with only 3,000 ratings, a handful of reviews and a score of only 6.6 really baffles me. How is this film not better known, especially in the UK? In my opinion, 'Jimmy Grimble' is one of the best British films of the 2000s and on a par with older classics like 'Kes'.

While football is very much the central theme, this is much more than just a sports film. It's a story with a big heart. A story with a wide range of emotions and themes. It's sad in parts, funny in others. Depressing yet inspirational, and all round hugely enjoyable. 'Jimmy Grimble' is everything that a film should be. Unappreciated and very underrated, this is a film I would recommend to anyone.
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Do you believe?
hitchcockthelegend11 August 2012
There's Only One Jimmy Grimble is a very simple film of whimsy and football, a tale of a young 15 year old Manchester misfit who learns some life lessons when he encounters a strange old homeless dear who gives him a pair of magical old football boots. So yes, boys own fanciful stuff for sure, but it has such a warm heart, is loaded with dry Lancastrian wit, and threaded together with such an affection for the sport and teenage growing pains, that's it's impossible to dislike. The cast list is impressive, with Ray Winstone, Robert Carlyle, Gina McKee, Ben Miller and Jane Lapotaire keeping the ball up for the adults, while in the youngsters half we have Lewis McKenzie as Jimmy scoring well by being naturally uneasy in front of the camera, and Samia Smith has the required charm and feistiness to make the tricky "girlfriend" role work very well.

Jimmy Grimble versus The Psychopaths!

There's good football action for the footie loving fan, with serious tension filled sequences sitting next to some truly funny ones - anyone who played for their school football team will identify with the "different" sort of teams Jimmy and co have to play against. Some of the young characterisations will definitely strike a chord with most British folk who played sport at school. The drama is well played, with director John Hay letting his actors imbue the narrative with the right amount of emotional weight, the soundtrack is contains ideal poundings from bands up North and John De Boorman's cinematography is suitably bleak and beautiful at the requisite junctures.

It has flaws for sure, any film fan could pick holes in this without really trying, and familiarity of the sub-genre undoubtedly stops it blooming with freshness. But why gripe? Film achieves its aims, it wants to leave you with a feel good glow and delivers on that promise. High art it's not, perfect British footie pick me up? Indeed. All together now, "there's only one Jimmy Grimble, one Jimmy Grimble". 7/10
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Average sports drama that shines in parts
tresdodge3 January 2005
Young, bullied, unconfident, Manchester teenager Jimmy Grimble (Lewis Mckenzie)is all of these. However, when he is given a pair of old football boots his luck changes and he is transformed into a football boy wonder.

This is worth a watch, it has many of the familiar sports film clichés but is still a somewhat touching tale with a fine cast and fairly good cinematography. Typical sports films usually follow the same type of formula as far as I can see:

1.A team or person are lousy at the sport they play.

2.Along comes a factor in the equation to start to change this. For example an excellent or determined coach to change their fortunes.

3.The team still are'nt winning at first but they have more spirit and are improving. Eventually they win their first game or achieve something in the sport they have'nt before.

4. The coach has a love interest with a players Mum or teacher in Disney sports films. Or a player finds a love interest or struggles in his or her love life.

5. The team enter a competition and win their first game.

6.There are personal problems along the way with players, the coach etc.

7. Eventually the team gets to the final stage of the competition and after a terrible start to the game they look like losing. However, there is a determined fight back and they end up winning, shock horror, who could have predicted that!!

OK, so perhaps this is not the formula for all sports films but some or all of the factors are involved in most. Jimmy Grimble is no exception but I still enjoyed it more than others. The lead performs his part well and the coach is played well by Robert Carlyle who is in a rather subdued role for a change. Overall, this is watchable, even if you don't like football you should get some enjoyment out of it.

Average effort but entertaining enough
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Robin Kelly24 September 2000
Buying a ticket to a sports movie is like buying a train ticket to, say, Manchester. It's pretty obvious that at the end of the journey you will get to Manchester, in fact you would be annoyed if you didn't get that ending. But the trick is to make sure the journey has some surprises along the way and keeps interesting. Jimmy Grimble manages that fairly successfully.

This isn't a good film in relation to other recent British films released recently, it is a good film full stop.

One main reason it succeeds is the screenplay. The plotting, characterisation and dialogue are basic but well done. The direction, however, is very well done. Football has never looked so good on film.

I saw the last British football film When Saturday Comes on television for free and still demanded my money back, everything about it was awful. Jimmy Grimble has a lower profile and a low-key release but is infinitely superior on every level.

While it is the young that will derive the most pleasure out of this, adults will also get something out of it.
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Nice One for the Young 'Uns
cottrellpj15 July 2001
A bit unfair to criticize this film too much, it's set up like a British made for television feature (low budget, authentic grotty settings, ludicrous phony snow on the streets) and is clearly intended for a young audience. This must be the only Britflick I've seen lately that doesn't use the "f" or "c" words. In the end I felt good about it, despite the predictable progress of the plot and the heavyhanded "moral of the story" moments. The viewer will enjoy this more if he/she is up on British footballing culture, and the accents are much thicker than on Coronation Street, so you have been warned. Good cast, though every part except Jimmy Grimble himself is underwritten. McKee is gorgeous (but who buys her as a slutty single Mum?) and Carlyle takes a minimalist approach to a role that's already fairly thin on paper. Winstone is a wonderful presence without much to do, and the football scenes are more believable than in most pictures (except for the final moments, in which Jimmy is either 100 yards offside or the entire opposition took an actor's union tea break).
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I Couldn't see past the glaring mistakes.
CharltonBoy27 February 2002
There's only one Jimmy Grimble is poor attempt at very old concept which has been see time and time before. It is the story of a young boy who is small,not pretty and unliked by the rest of his class but get a chance to play for his school football team thanks to some lucky old football boots that seem to have a mind of there own. Thrown into the story are a couple of dull love stories that seem to peeter out. Although the film is unoriginal and is very predictable i would imagine that this would appeal to kids (and Man City fans). My problem with the film is that there are so many basic cock ups that i ends up looking for them instead of watching the film. Here are just some. 1.During the final the first half is played in bright daylight yet the second half is played in pitch black! 2.When the player came off for the second half , despite it pouring with rain they had no mud on them at all! 3. When the second goal goes in you can clearly see daylight through the net even though it was night time!

The biggest mistake for me in this film was not any of the above but the fact that Ray Winstone put on that stupid Northern accent! Winstone is a fantastic actor but only when he talks in his normal London accent.That is part of his appeal. Ray cannot do accents.

Added to all these mistakes is the fact that the football action was pathetic. You know the type, one player running with the ball with all the other players standing still while he ran around them. That is something a Manchester City player has never done!

Lazy film making.

6 out of 10.
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bendy123426 August 2002
I've now seen this film 5 or 6 times on satellite TV, and bought it on DVD. The first time I saw it I wasn't really watching and so wasn't convinced, but thought it was good. The second time, I watched it seriously ... and thought it absolutely brilliant.

For myself, an Englishman who always wanted to be a footballer but without the necessary talent (or any talent), this is a story of dreams come true. Of a home-life that is far from perfect, but with a mother who loves you. And a teacher who used to be a striker at the highest level. How much better can it get?

There's great acting from Robert Carlyle, Ray Winstone, Gina McKee and Samia Ghandie; and a brilliant soundtrack reinforcing the emotionally key moments of the film. The side-plots are subtly handled and the ending has made me cry more than once.

Wonderful ..... especially if you have always wanted to be a great footballer but never made it, or have been unlucky in love. Recommended.
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Attempt at inspiring bullied youth totally backfires
briancham199431 May 2020
In school, we watched this film in class as part of a module on bullying. I'm not sure what we were supposed to learn from this. The protagonist is a pretty typical bullied loner and he prevails through the sheer power of three act plot progression. He ends up on top because he just has to. This film tried to be inspiring but it just felt forced. We all laughed at how unbelievable the plot was.
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awesome inspirational story to give hope not just for soccer fanatics!
hartclan28 August 2005
Am a 13 yr old boy in NZ. I own the DVD and have watched it 20-30 times. I give this movie 10/10 because it makes me feel very inspired, and living in a country that is rugby mad, we need all the inspiration we can get!!! When I am on the soccer field, sometimes I pretend I am Jimmy, and it always helps my soccer skills. That is reason enough to give it a ten. It is well acted and realistic. I find this movie to be very uplifting, and will probably watch it another 20-30 times!! Robert Carlysle is a brilliant actor and is always a pleasure to watch. More movies need to be made like this one. I don't really know what else to say... I just really love it and always will, and when I have kids, I will sit them down and watch it with them. Awesome, gritty, realistic story.
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kevin c11 April 2002
Why is it that the world's greatest sport continually fails to shine on the silver screen? This was going to be the football "Billy Elliott", but it never quite worked. The excellent cast merely go through the motions in this cliched tale. Still it has a charm, and moves merrily along.

If you ever read Roy of the Rovers and Billy's Boots you'll enjoy this.
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A Hidden Gem
sts-267 April 2009
I discovered this film tucked away in the DVD rental shop. I cannot say why I bothered to rent it - I am not a sports fan, and have no knowledge of soccer. I suppose I thought, hey, it is British, and Carlyle is in it, so it cannot be all bad. Once I sat down and watched it, I was blown away.

This film is one of those hidden gems, a movie with a great script, a talented cast, a wonderfully unique setting, but no buzz. My feelings about such films are mixed. On the one hand I am elated to have stumbled upon such a treat. On the other, I am deeply saddened to think of all the people out there who may have loved such a movie, but will never see it. And it depresses me to think that there are many more films out there that I will miss.

I would urge anyone reading these reviews, who has not seen Jimmy Grimble, to rent or buy it ASAP, and anyone who has only seen it once to see it at least one more time. And spread the word about this, and other great, but largely-ignored, movies. Haven't we had enough of movie adaptations of bad sitcoms and comic books, films inspired by "lifestyle", and terrible movie franchises? Aren't we tired of clichés and feature-length commercials. Fight for quality with your viewing habits, and word of mouth.
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Billy's boots meets Man City
robred6926 November 2001
When I got this film out , I thought Ray Winstone & Robert Carlyle in the same film , must be good (memories of Face). Well instinct and a little knowledge can be a great thing. Both actors were great in this film. Set in Manchester and in area where social and community decline is evident. The story begins with a boy , like millions of British lads , playing football.

Football is the means in which he escapes from decay and bullying. A Man City fan in a school filled with Man Utd supporters.This is the hard luck kid of the ages. His mum is a single parent and he is not impressed with the new boyfriend.

The story is probably from a Scorcher cartoon , Billy's boots.The usual rivalry with a lad whose Dad is rich and uses his wealth and importance to further the prospects of his spoilt bully of a son who is Jimmy's chief tormenter and probably every boys nightmare at school, because he pulls the girls and is considered the best footballer in the school.

The story is one of imagination and inspires belief. Misfortune and mistakes may hold people back , but in this film , it is that which makes the characters human. Achieving a dream which is against the odds (appearing at Man City) and finding love as well. Both Jimmy and Ma.

The musical score in the film was superb. Happy Mondays , The Charlatans and Stone Roses tracks keep the story and background flowing.

This was a great film , I even rate this film, better than Billy Elliot. The acting , subject and the music made this film unforgetable. Sadly , I saw this film on video not on the big screen. Again the British Film Industry is let down in the marketing department.

Great film 10/10
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One to miss
daniel-childs105 December 2005
When I watched the film for the first ever time I was quite frankly scared. This was because of the fact I knew exactly what was going to happen. Its not that the film gives too much away, it's more the fact that the film is so poorly scripted and is so obvious. Even with such a bad storyline I am sure that it could have been a better film.

Overall the acting was not too bad but the rest of the film was awful. The reason I say this is that some of the aspects of the film were totally unrealistic, and to say that the film is about football it appears that no one on the production team had ever seen it before.

Some good points to take from the film are the performances of Robert Carlyle and Ben Miller.

My advice, don't watch the film, ever.
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If you love soccer or just want a night home with the family I think this movie would do the trick.
tessaba1 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"There's Only One Jimmy Grimble" This movie is an action packed movie that shows just how much a young boy Jimmy Grimble loves to play soccer and one day he dreams of playing for his favorite team Manchester City. To do this he must convince the soccer scouts that he has what it takes to become a professional soccer player.

My favorite character in this movie would have to be Jimmy Grimble. This is because he is very passionate about soccer and he will never give up until he becomes a professional soccer player.

An example of Jimmy Grimble not giving up is when he trials for the school soccer team and a few days later he finds out that he made the team.

Thought out his journey of playing for the school soccer team Jimmy makes many new friends including an old woman who gives him a pair of magic boots and made him play like a pro the boots once belonged to Robby Brewer who apparently played for Manchester City.

At the end of the film Jimmy realizes that the boots aren't magic and that he can play soccer very well without the boots and ends up playing for Manchester City just has he had dreamed once before.

By: Tessa Barnes
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Blue Moon!
prices1010 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I may be slightly biased, being a Blue, but it's not a bad film in its own right. It is thoroughly predictable (my 11 year old daughter told us all exactly what would happen in the last 20 minutes) but nicely put together. The football scenes are pretty good, obviously the timing is exaggerated for effect but on the whole it's a pretty believable portrayal of kids' football. The film is worth 10/10 just for the scenes of Maine Rd and the plucky lad standing up to the arrogant reds, and another 10 (if that were possible) for this classic spine-tingling moment at the end: "What could be better than Man united?" "Man City!" - well said, our Jimmeh!
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Excellent - more than just a sports film
blade-216 May 2001
The film is, by and large, absorbing. It is not simply a film about football although it is similar in some ways to the comic strip "Billy's Boots" that was in a now defunct football comic called the Scorcher.

It does however, go beyond this. It becomes clear that the boots themselves have no inherent power but simply act as a mental focus for the title character. Jimmys life in general is pretty grim and his football dreams provide something of a release. The film in this way provides an element of social commentary.

The only slight fault is one that occurs in most films about football (soccer)and that is the depiction of the game itself. How does one choreograph a football game? Passes, shots and even fouls seem artificial. Sometimes, as for example in "When Saturday Comes", actual game footage is spliced in, albeit not very well at others it is simply staged. This film appears to leave it all to choreography. I have yet to see a soccer film with a satisfactory depiction of the actual match action.

This is however, a relatively small matter in the context of the film. All in all it is an absorbing film and something of a modern day fairytale.
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Billy boots style film
Dermot-62 October 2000
This is your typical shy kid turns hero film. Jimmy is the shy Manchester teenager who is bullied by the bigger lads. Robert Carlisle is the school soccer teams' coach who, just like Jimmy, is bullied around.

Jimmy is a great player on his own, but when anyone is watching he "caks it" as he says himself. One day before a match his boots are thrown away by the bullies and he remembers a pair of boots an old lady gave him the night before. These boots belonged to a Man. City player, Robbie Brewer and Jimmy believes them to be magic as he starts scoring goals galore and cannot make a mistake. He soon learns however that the magic is not in the boots, but in his feet.

Entertaining story for football lovers. Carlisle is believable as the bullied coach.
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Great! Football only... not.
chris.beattie27 August 2000
This was a great film.

I normally *hate* football and would just like to point out that you don't have to love it to really enjoy this film. I was actually forced to go and see it instead of X-Men, but didn't mind at all in the end :)
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football fairytale
Stan-5220 August 2000
As Ron Manager would say, " young boys... in the park... jumpers for goal posts". This is a great Billy's boots type fairytale. Young Jimmy is the sole City fan in a school full of reds, he's also the perennial sub on the school team. He CAN play, but not when others are watching ("I'm just cack, its me nurones"). That all changes when a strange old lady rescues him from two school bullies (who bear a remarkable resemblance to Beckham and Keane) and gives him an old pair of boots that once belonged to a long gone City legend. The rest is great comic book stuff. Can he take the team to the final of the cup at Maine Road, will he get his school a new sports hall, what makes the boots magic? Robert Carlyle is wonderful as the washed up team coach and there is good support from a whole range of northern actors. Less mawkish than Gregory's Girl, and funnier too (the first game of the season is reminiscent of the American football game in M*A*S*H*). The tenements and the city of Manchester are used to great effect as the location and the sound track is the DBs. A great film, take the kids. It will remind them that there are two teams in Manchester(Man City and Man City reserves!).
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stuff of dreams
siideri_lasu8 August 2003
What an inspiring movie for both kids and adults alike, you'd think that this sort of movies have been made over and over again. You're wrong, "Jimmy Grimble" is beyond the sugar coated disney type of yarns.

It's grim, sad, fun and full of joy all at once, but not superficial.

I think this film is a real boost for all of us to stop doubting ourselves and go do what ever we enjoy and be the best we can.

Extra points for the scriptwriters for including Man City as an integral part of the movie, the Blues are as genuine as the movie.
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Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant
Joejoesan12 December 2009
A movie about soccer... I guess only English filmmakers can make it really work. Because a movie about soccer isn't just about the sport alone: it's a way of living. It's the soccer on tele, it's the soccer on the schoolyard, it's the soccer in the pub, it's the soccer in the stadium... If you watch Jimmy Grimble you know that the writer and director really understand and love the sport. It really shows.

After watching this movie for probably the tenth time I thought it was time to comment on it on the IMDb. Cause movies like these, well, they just deserve a big audience.

Jimmy Grimble is a boy with a lot of problems. Every day some bullies beat him up, his mother dates the wrong guy and he wants so much play for the school soccer team that it hurts. Finally his wish is granted. He joins the schoolteam as the 12th player but before the first match Gordon (the headbully)throws away his soccerboots. Jimmy decides to try the shoes he got from an old lady. And wow, these boots look like magical ones! Suddenly Jimmy Grimble becomes a great player that leads his team to the school finals. There's only one person who isn't happy with this: his arch enemy Gordon. He'll do anything to make him fail...

What I like so much about this movie is the story. It's about more than just soccer. An important role is played by the always brilliant and daring Robert Carlisle as the coach of the schoolteam. Once he was an important player for Man City, but something happened that took his life in a total different direction. Carlisle isn't afraid of portraying a person who sometimes behaves cowardly and insecure (like in 28 Weeks Later). He gives his character a natural sadness and humanity. Come to think of it, the whole cast is brilliant. Bobbie Powell as the head bully - a funny David Beckham look-a-like - is great to watch. Man, he's evil! Too bad he and actor Lewis McKenzie (who plays Jimmy Grimble) didn't act much after this movie.

There's only one Jimmy Grimble is a brilliant piece of work. Maybe even the best movie about soccer ever. And of course it contains the immortal line in case you don't know what to do with the ball in a soccer match: "Just GIVE IT TO GORDON!"

Go watch it!

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Great film
Gubby-Allen23 February 2002
This was 10 times the film Billy Elliott was, but not being about something controversial, PC or arty it was never going to get the acclaim. Occasionally it threatened to get a little unrealistic but never did & was clear people who actually understood football had a hand in writing it. (Barring one or two scenes where Jimmy seemed to have the pitch to himself).

Brilliant acting from all major parties, a great modern film but one for all ages, which is quite rare these days, and will evoke most emotions in the viewer.

A high 8/10.
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Feel good movie
dhalpert9 November 2002
Light entertainment. It's a nice change from the car chases and guns we see too much of. Story of a boy who wants to be a soccer star. Nice boy, bullies, nice soccer action. Simple, but entertaining.

Sports scenes are well done. Story is a bit simplistic, but that's okay.
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jahanzebmalik-5668826 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Best movie on premiere league football. The story line is so heart warming. Its a treat to watch. Especially for man city fans.
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Top Film - Definitely Worth Watching
garf-6624 February 2002
As a red from Manchester myself, I knew from the trailer that I was on a hiding to nothing with this film. I thought the hatred Jimmy received early on was a little OTT, although it only helps the plot of the film. How I had never heard of this film until this week is beyond me. If you enjoyed Billy Elliott then you must love this. There is only one word to describe this film - CHAMPION.
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