Octopus (Video 2000) Poster

(2000 Video)

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Uneven, jumbled, with an occasional visit by the title creature
MartianOctocretr524 September 2006
Starts off with a Soviet sub being lost in 1962 while on its way to Cuba. Cut to four decades later.

There's confusing hi-jinks, political intrigue, and traitors aboard an American sub that find the old sub. There's also a giant Octopus wandering around that makes periodic (and oddly timely) attacks, whenever it serves to thicken the plot. A spy is aboard the sub, and endeavors to uhhh, umm, do something bad I guess. The script doesn't make it clear, and the novice acting by the cast doesn't help, either.

Then the sub meets up with a cruise ship (!) What? Oh, and more spies show up too. The script darts around so much you'll get dizzy trying to follow it.

The final scene is about the only part that has anything of interest happen, as the Octopus makes his finest appearance. He's pretty nasty looking, as the director loves to take CGI shots into his mouth, as he attacks. Most of what you see is sloppy CGI, but at least you get to see something happen after waiting through the entire movie.

A goofy, bargain basement movie, good for sporadic moments of chaos and comedy.
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Oh, PUL-leese
hammjp15 October 2000
I watch a lot of movies but I pick and choose those that I review. I love cheap SciFi and Horror. Anybody who has read any of my other reviews knows that I am most forgiving of schlock and am more than willing to turn my brain off and suspend my disbelief. However, this wreched piece of trash appalled me. It did start out very well and I thought I might be in for a little gem. But NOOOO! It ran downhill faster than Niagra Falls, cumulating in the trashiest ending, that I just could not stomach. Ms. Lowery is the only redeeming factor after the opening scene. There, I said something nice.
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Standard Nu Image junk
culwin7 December 2002
From the studios of Nu Image, the company that will make a movie out of any script, as long as it's completely awful, comes another low-budget flop, "Octopus". Now, with this title you would think that the octopus would get a prominent place in the plot, or at least more screen time than the extras. Not so. You will only see the octopus in its full glory towards the very end of the film (if you can stay awake that long). The rest of the time, you only see a tentacle here and there, and maybe a cast member will mention, "Hey there's an octopus after us". But for the most part, the main characters spend all their time fighting bad guys and a leaky hull. I wasn't expecting much with this movie, but I thought it might be bad enough to laugh at. It wasn't even worth that. I give it a 2 out of 10 only because the effects weren't that bad, and for a budget this low, that's kind of impressive.
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May leave unprepared viewers dumbfounded and speechless
gtc8322 August 2005
Okay, this is just as bad as it gets. Let me hit the high points:

1) The main character. This guy has all the courage and charisma of Pee Wee Herman (no offense to Pee Wee). He's a CIA agent, and after seeing a terrorist blow up the embassy he works at, killing all his co-workers, and then killing his best friend, this guy still can't bring himself to shoot the terrorist. He does stand there pointing his gun forever though. Finally he saves the terrorist.

2) The first scene on the submarine. This is a nuclear attack submarine, yet we find the crew, on the bridge, playing strip poker while rap music blares in the background. The captain walks in and - this is what will leave a person speechless - doesn't seem to find this to be out of the ordinary. This also serves to introduce us to the main female character, and makes her seem like a bar whore. Someone addresses her as "Doctor", while at the same time her panties are on a guy's head. A Hooters Girl doing a beer bong would be more convincing as a Ph.D. than this woman. And a lot classier too. I mean, is there actually anyone out there who thinks that nuclear attack subs are run like college frat houses? And is it possible that this same person is allowed to write screenplays? And let's not even get into the fact that the captain of this boat previously had captained another sub, which he ran aground. To penalize him for this, the military gives him the job of...captaining a nuclear attack sub.

3) The idea that terrorists could hijack a cruise ship and then somehow use it to chase a submarine. Are the film makers aware that submarines travel UNDER the water, and can't be detected by any equipment available on a cruise ship? I mean, it's just impossible to fathom the level of stupidity these people have put into this movie.

Overall, I love cheesy B movies, and a few major plot holes don't bother me much. But this thing...what can one even say? You've got an unbelievably, unwatchably horrible male lead, a scummy whore female lead, a bunch of action sequences that are so incomprehensible in their stupidity that it makes a person become nauseous and disoriented, and finally a giant octopus that does all the work of killing the terrorists that the CIA agent was too much of a cowardly putz to accomplish. Hooray for the octopus. Pity the audience.

How in the world do screenplays like this actually get made into movies? I would think this stuff would be passed around from studio to studio and laughed at until the writers left the state in shame, or maybe even left the country. I mean, there are movies made for $100, 000 in Bulgaria that put this thing utterly to shame.
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The Worst Monster Picture I have Ever Seen!
teuthis17 February 2003
"Octopus" is utterly boring; and patently ridiculous. What a pathetic waste of a perfectly good Cephalopod. So much time is spent setting up the plot that the octopus gets lost. Sure, the little heroine is totally cute. She can act too; but she can't save this mess on her own. The title "Octopus" is almost a non sequitur! During the interminable espionage conundrums, I kept thinking, "Who cares?" and "Where's the octopus?" And since when do octopi have insect mouthparts? Wouldn't a six foot long cephalopod beak suffice to scare us? The director forgot the monster, and was seemingly trying to remake "Executive Decision" in a submarine; badly. The dialogue, the action and the resolution of this muddle all violated the one axiom of monster pictures. They were boring. The entire film is boring, from start to finish. I am a dedicated monster picture fan and I won't bother to watch this catastrophe again.

I am frequently amazed that none of the directors of modern monster pictures never consider the "Old Man and the Sea" concept; the idea that nature itself is frightening and challenging. This entire film could have been made with six or seven people in a sailboat, trying to fend off a large cephalopod, or two. After all, we need some octopus fodder.

Don't bother with this one. Really. If you're a monster fan it will just make you mad.
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Been there, done that
mttlg25 July 2001
Ok, now I'm convinced that Hollywood producers get together and dare each other to make movies with randomly selected plot elements. This one would have been:

"Make a movie that combines Turbulence, The Hunt for Red October, Leviathan, Sphere, Speed 2, and Deep Rising."

At least, those were the movies I thought of when I was trying to figure out what this movie was. Add in Down Periscope for some "lone woman on a submarine full of horny guys" humor, and you've already seen this movie.
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Terrorist thriller meets ludicrous giant monster movie
Leofwine_draca6 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Just one of many new, lower-budgeted B-movies, designed to resemble the classic '50s monster movies of old and generally involving some creature or monster animated by the spanking new process of CGI. OCTOPUS is a travesty, a moronic movie full of brainless characters, appalling dialogue and more holes than a lump of Swiss cheese. Yet, it remains oddly enjoyable. Why, I wonder? The pacing is fast, for a start, and the plot is a chock with action. Not content with just providing a straightforward giant monster movie, the writer throws in an action-thriller angle involving a major terrorist being transported to America on board the submarine. You know, just like in TURBULENCE, PASSENGER 57, and two dozen other movies from the '90s.

Sadly the terrorist angle of the plot is more annoying than anything, due to the hero's reluctance to kill the man. On numerous occasions he is quite in his rights to shoot the man dead – after all, the terrorist kills about a dozen people (off screen), has blown up nine embassies, and is a real creep. But our wimpish, loathsome, baby-faced hero just can't bring himself to pull the trigger. The fourth time this happens is extremely aggravating. So the terrorist – played by overacting Russian actor Ravil Issyanov – is kept alive, despite the rest of the crew dying.

The story is pathetic and rips off about ten movies as it goes along. In fact everything that happens is a cliché and there is not one surprise to be had. To tie up loose plot ends they just blow up stuff in big, cheesy, unrealistic CGI explosions. Speaking of CGI, the octopus itself is very fake-looking, just like the computer animation that it is. Even the epic scenes at the end of it attacking the (CGI) cruise liner are just poor despite their scale. Check out the ALIEN-inspired extendable mouth on the beast, just another unrealistic element of an already ludicrous movie.

Jay Harrington actually seems to be a halfway decent actor. It's just a shame his lead character is such a lousy coward that the audience will be willing him to die. David Beecroft is the stereotypical captain, suicidal and failed, who redeems himself by acts of heroism. Then there's Carolyn Lowery as a marine biologist. We're introduced to Lowery as she plays strip poker with the crew, later on she is required by the plot to strip to her underwear on numerous occasions. No nudity, of course, this being a PG-13 film, but she's there solely to give the film some glamour content. Other token characters include crew members who suffer breakdowns and commit suicide or flee (such drama doesn't really belong in a supposedly cheap and cheerful B-movie) and the black guy who gets unsurprisingly killed.

Other amusing incidents in the film include: bad guys taking over a cruise liner (easier than you think) just so they can rescue the terrorist from the sub; the octopus searching the sub for food without the sub actually flooding; and the numerous cliff-hanger situations that are resolved unrealistically and without any intelligence. OCTOPUS is a film where the writer treats the audience as idiots and makes little effort to tie everything together. Instead he is happy to throw in more clichés to wring out every little bit of drama and excitement. In fact the best bit of the film is the chase scene which opens it; ironically it has nothing to do with octopuses (octupii?) or mutated monsters. Check out the last shot, which shows the hero has escaped from an underwater explosion despite the fact we saw him crash the submersible into it seconds before and there being no possible way for him to be alive.
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OK monster and heroine defeated by clumsy director and badly acted terrorist
xorys27 December 2000
Well, I was hoping this was going to be a nice little monster movie... something along the lines of Lake Placid or Komodo, both of which I enjoyed. No such luck. It's burdened down by a tedious "terrorist on board" plot, that places it closer to Turbulence (a movie I loathed) for much of its running time. It also doesn't help that the principle terrorist villain is played by quite the worst actor I've seen in any professional film I can currently recall - his version of passing as an elderly woman to infiltrate a US establishment makes Hulk Hogan look like Laurence Olivier, and his performance as his 'normal' terroristic self consists almost entirely of eye-popping, smirking and grimacing. With many principle scenes depending on this character the whole exercise is pretty much doomed from the word go. It also doesn't help that the director's style seems to be based on the principle "telegraph what's about to occur, then telegraph it again, in case the audience is *really* slow". The special effects are passable... they could have been quite effective given an engaging script, some good acting, and sound direction, but they're hardly enough to carry the movie on their own. Carolyn Lowery as the lone significant female in the cast is consistently good... but she and the creature and the explosions can't save this aquatic turkey.
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A mildly entertaining 'bad monster movie'.
BA_Harrison25 October 2008
After a reasonably well executed pre-credits sequence, set during the Cuban missile crisis, in which a Russian submarine carrying a toxic cargo is torpedoed by the US, Octopus takes a steep nose dive into the deep waters of ridiculousness from which it never surfaces.

Jay Harrington plays Roy Turner, an inexperienced CIA agent sent on a mission to escort dangerous international terrorist Casper (Ravil Isyanov) to America via nuclear powered submarine. Of course, the trip doesn't exactly go as planned: Casper frequently slips from his bonds, hoping to somehow escape the sub and rendezvous with his evil pals (who have infiltrated the staff of a nearby ocean liner); and a massive tentacled sea monster, the result of the toxic spill 32 years earlier, seems intent on making a meal out of the sub's crew!

From the moment crazy killer Casper (unconvincingly dressed as an old woman selling pastries) carries out his daring attack on an embassy that has a 'come-and-go-as-you-like' approach to security, this daft film becomes the epitome of clichéd B-movie garbage, offering a raft of stereotypical characters, endless predictable action, and totally nonsensical plot development which will have most sane viewers reaching for the off switch, but which should prove to be reasonably enjoyable fare for fans of low-budget, bottom-shelf, STV dreck!

Bolstered by brilliantly unrestrained performances from a dedicated cast seemingly unfazed by the sheer awfulness of the script, and digital special effects scraped from the very bottom of the barrel, Octopus manages to entertain by being unbelievably dumb: before the inevitable climactic showdown between Roy and the sea creature, viewers are treated to several unconvincing punch-ups, an outstanding(ly bad) display of emotional range from Ricco Ross as brave second-in-command Brickman, sexy Caroline Lowery as a feisty female oceanographer (who looks fab in her scanties!), and the unforgettable sight of a giant octopus tentacle piercing the bad guy and pulling his helicopter into the sea!
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Bad movie but I liked the ending!
atinder24 June 2009
I guest most of you have never heard of this and keep it that way (lol). This has to be one of the most silly movies I have seen.

The Plot of the movie During the Cuban Missle Crisis, a Russian sub is sunk while en route to Havana. As the sub goes down, the hold is breached and barrels full of some mysterious substance tumble out. Years later, an American nuclear submarine is transporting a captured terrorist to the States. The terrorist's henchmen, however, are planning to hijack the sub and rescue their leader. Meanwhile, a large, unidentified creature is approaching the sub at high speed.

The whole movie is about unknown creature, I Wonder what that could be?Well the TITLE is a big give away,! and the worst of all beside the horrible acting is and we Only see Ginat Octopous once near the end, who ends up killing the terrorist the only part I really liked

if you are thinking seeing this movie just fast forward to the best part of movie that is the last 10-15 minutes of movie.

3/10 just for ending
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Could have been better
ebiros220 August 2011
The production is pretty good with this movie. They could have made it into a solid B movie if the dialog wasn't so bad. The one who wrote the script should be shot. The acting wasn't so great either but not sure if this is a side effect of crappy scripting. The actors themselves seemed decent enough, except for the Roy character who constantly over acted the scenes.

Special effects were also acceptable for a movie of this type, so they shot themselves in the foot somehow and made this into less of a movie than it could have been.

This movie could have been better if they took out all the silly over acting, and put in better dialogs.
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mr_pivac19851 March 2003
I really like movie's like this, you know monsters,ghosts,flesh eating animals, that sort of thing, But this movie was so far from all of that, it was almost a comedy rather then anything else. I mean put in to one word "Stupid" just plane stupid. Do not bother with this film trust me.

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Stop bullying this film.
I put off watching this for ages partly because of the critical reviews I read, but now think some of that criticism has been unfair, and slightly missed the point.

There's nothing much really wrong with Octopus in the context of its genre. Several things consecutively explode into fireballs in the first 15 minutes, and that's not even mentioning the first glimpse of our friend the squid, I mean what do you want, blood? There are -so many- films that I've made a point of watching purely because they're reportedly bad, in the hope they'll be bad-in-a-fun-way. Most of the time they're bad-in-a-boring-way. This film isn't even technically bad: yes it obviously had a lower budget than Transformers: Dark of the Moon, but anyone who uses that against it is probably like that bloke out of Terror Firmer: "If you don't have the budget, don't make the movie." Drokk that stomm. Octopus performs admirably given the resources available to it.

The camera doesn't shake, the camera moves and editing techniques are largely tried-and-tested, but always executed perfectly adequately. The acting is exaggerated but the whole exercise was not a study in social realism. It's good old 80s-action-movie-style acting. They've even got an 80s-action-movie-style baddie (I think he says "lovely jubbly" at some point but it's hard to tell because of his cool 80s-action-movie-baddie accent).

There was a female lead, but that was more-or-less it for women cast members unfortunately. But she held her own and wouldn't have felt out of place even if they'd cut all the bits when she's just in her bra and/or pants. Other people have compared the male lead to Keanu Reeves, and although he doesn't really look or act like him, there was something similar there, I'm not sure what. He can move his face more than Keanu can. The scene where he'd HAD ENOUGH was reminiscent of the "room service" monologue from Johnny Mnemonic, that had something to do with it.

I better admit this now so you can decide whether or not to trust my judgement: I love Johnny Mnemonic and I think The Matrix is boring. This film was a laugh in a similar way to Johnny Mnemonic. The octopus is AT LEAST as impressive and convincing as that dolphin. Right yes, the octopus. The old fella himself. We don't only see him right at the end as some have said, that's a lie, he's either there or we're waiting for him to pop out again at any moment for at least the last half of the running time. He's...hang on, I don't know why it's suddenly a he, we never find out the gender, sorry; it's realised using a mixture of rubber tentacles (hurrah) and CG that's competent enough not to be distracting (so one-up on X-Men Origins: Wolverine and that sort of thing, at least).

The lighting like the acting is usually (intentionally) unrealistic and exaggerated (one shot of two actors' heads is nicely backlit so you can see all the hairs coming out of their noses), but it's not unpleasant to look at. Much better than the perpetual gloominess of the ocean they'd have to go for if it was a more serious film, I mean look at The Abyss, that film was TIRING to look at. Also it was SO DULL, at least Octopus has a sense of humour and the good grace to finish before the hundred-minute mark.

Scriptwise, the plot was fairly nonsensical, but again not distractingly so, and anyway WHO CARES, it's a MASSIVE MUTANT OCTOPUS. There were lots of lovely cheesy quotable lines too.

Anyway, all these things help to create what I'd be willing to bet was the intended tone. I'd stake my good name on it: -intended- tone. Anyone who thinks they're laughing at this film rather than with it is probably (most of the time) kidding themselves, the humour is self-aware and is one of the main things that kept me watching. This film is a laugh, it's funny, it's fun, and it wouldn't hurt you to watch it. If you disagree I'll fight you.
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The spoiler doesn't matter, believe me.
denysears14 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it is entertaining. It seems that every 15 seconds something happens that is so laughably idiotic, that everyone watching can get a poke in at some point. The film seems to be incompetent on every level. The acting seems terrible, but it is difficult to criticize, since turning out a decent performance with this script would be impossible. For example, the oceanographer, Dr. Lisa Finch, strips more often than she analyzes anything. Carolyn Lowery was obviously cast for her boobs more than for acting ability, but how could she possibly be convincing in the role of scientist and compulsive seductress at the same time? When she has to swim for her life, she takes off her skirt and leaves her shoes on. Some scientist. The writing goofs are hilarious though. Whenever the ride gets rough, ketchup bottles, stored on an open shelf crash to the floor (someone should tell submarine designers to stow those away). A giant octopus survives several mine blasts, and keeps coming, yet runs yelping when a tentacle is shot with a pistol. Later, it survives a nuclear fission blast, only to be smashed to atoms by a few sticks of dynamite at the end. A cruise ship is hunting an attack sub, which makes about as much sense as an elephant hunting a cheetah (what will it do if it catches it?). Our "hero," Roy Turner, is assigned to a sub, walks out on a pier at the edge of a lake, and the sub surfaces--in the lake! If you need a laugh, I would recommend this one any day. I give it a two out of ten, because we got a kick out of it. One warning though: this one is so bad it's good if watched with friends, but if viewed alone, might be so bad it's bad.
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an absolute disaster
nufcdasbeast221 March 2003
I'm sorry everyone but when i saw the trailer,i thought the potential was there - even the effects looked good, but to my amusement the movie was another straight to video disaster.The story was bearable,the cast were there for the free parking and the script i think was written by the tea boy on his tea break.On swiftly to the effects which would have given a teenage harryhausen nightmares,judging by the companys cv they have found there market in unintended hilarious monster flicks - but speaking as one chump who bought the dvd before viewing,BEWARE
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drag me down again
alistairc_20009 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Do you remember the time in the 1970s when they first started showing Ray Harryhusen's monster movies on the 3 channels of terrestrial TV? Those wonderful days when stop animation was the very pinnacle special effects. That is when I cut my teeth with classics like Gorgo, 20,000,000 miles to earth, Godzilla etc. Alright only one of them was stop animation and the other two were guys in rubber suits but hell they were fun!! So I went to the post office the other day and found 6 nu image movies containing all the classic schlock horror movies. So I thought this is the perfect time to have a horror monster retrospective. I looked and thought what will be the best of them Crocodile by Tobe Hooper can back the thought. I watched that a couple of months back so I thought Octopus. Why not it was fun in 200000 leagues under the see, okay that was squid but it is basically it is the same creature.

This is a feeble excuse for a monster movie. The movie starts with the prologue about the Cuban missile crisis, a Russian sub that looks extremely modern gets sunk by an American sub. The Russian sub is carrying chemical nasties to use against the American. They are spilt out into the sea and we know what toxic chemicals make…..Monsters! So we know where it came from, just do not put any in your coffee as you might turn into a monster. At least that would be a novel plot.

Then it is the present day and two CIA agents are on the trail of a nasty bomber, in Bulgaria, why Bulgaria I wondered and then it I settled on an idea because it is cheap. So our intrepid band are on the trail of the bomber and after one of them dies in very predicable circumstances. The second one captures the bomber and he is a hero for a nano-second before being asked to baby sit the bomber back to the USA. So the sub goes through the Bermuda triangle (or some other cursed area) and the octopus attacks.

They authors of the screenplay obviously wanted to make more than just a monster movie and this is the films undoing. If they had called it from Russia with Octopus love it might have been nearer to the plot ideas. There is a really silly cold war drama with a monster movie plot mixed in and it just does not work. There are loads of holes in the plot. They can talk under water and hear people scream. The integrity of the sub is compromised and it is 1000 metres down and it does not implode, now that is just plain daft. Also they manage to survive a nuclear explosion from a 100 metres away. The monster is great and sticks it tentacles in wherever they are not wanted. Unfortunately you just do not see it enough of it. The acting for the most part is awful, with people over reacting so much as to make their performances laughable.

Thankfully it has quite a fun ending as the naughty huge octopus decides it wants to have some more lunch and attacks a cruise liner. I recommend this movie for masochists and insomniacs everywhere. Well what do you expect for 50p? The movie is presented in bog standard 4:3 with a trailer as its extras. With a movie this bad you take it as a blessing that there is no audio commentary.
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Return back to the depths of the sea, please...
Dario_the_2nd29 January 2005
Octopus is a worthless action movie. Yep right indeed an action movie and far from a horror movie! This film uses only the octopus as a selling trick. The beast is hardly to be seen in the movie and the storyline is an FBI agent on the hunt for a terrorist. I don't even have a clue why the screenwriters took the effort to squirm into the story a useless beast from the deep. They better skipped this storyline and concentrated more on the cat and mouse game between the special agent and the terrorist. Then maybe we could have had a descent movie, which now is hardly the case. Avoid unless you have nothing else in the world too see.

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A MST3K Prospect
Vincent_B26 September 2001
We watched this video last night, the plot is so poor they continued to cut away to stock movie footage of a cruise ship to fill time. I insist you must watch this movie just for the laugh! If I were in the Navy it would be insulting to me to see sailors cry, whine, and commit suicide rather than following the C.O.'s orders. Of course, that would follow that the CO gave some orders to begin with. At one point when Casper Escapes, the Capitan doesn't even call for a ship wide search, no instead we see everyone go about their business aboard the sub as if nothing else mattered. Now as to the monster (who takes a back seat through most of the movie) I find it rather strange that a nuclear explosion doesn't have any effect on the creature but hey! maybe a few sticks of dynamite will?? And a good thing to avoid in any movie is handing someone a time bomb with less than 4 minutes on the clock and then talking and kissing for the next 2 minutes. I suspect that in a few years we can expect to see "Octopus" hacked on by the MST3K crew, which it so rightly deserves.
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Guess what the monster is, no really...
gothicgoblin13341 June 2006
Oh wow, this stank more than that one film, "Hideous!" why is it so horrible? Well, first of all, the octopus is not at all the star of the film, the film is slow and focuses more on action than horror, plus a little girl gets blown up. A really crappy plot, the octopus comes in like an aid to help the movie, and then it fails. There are no scary parts whatsoever.

Why Me? WHY? Why did I have to rent this movie? Dear Lord, is there a God??!! This movie, oh God, I can't believe it, it's so bad it hurts. Really, it hurts. It hurts to watch it and it's totally a waste of time. Enough said.
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A lame movie saved by the ending
TheLittleSongbird22 June 2012
While expecting little from Octopus I was preparing to be mildly entertained. In all honesty I was more entertained by Spiders and Frankenfish of the one word creature features, but Octopus is better than Crocodile. It is not a complete disaster, I did think the cast did a better than average job considering what they had to work with, and the ending was exciting and intense with the Octopus, who was otherwise not very scary and was under-utilised, making its best appearance. However, the effects are very artificial-looking and don't move very convincingly, and the hackneyed editing doesn't help either. The script is cheesy and muddled, the story is mostly dull and predictable with any scenes meaning to be scary undermined by a real lack of tension and like I said with Crocodile I wouldn't have minded whether the characters were clichéd if they weren't so poorly developed and shallow. Overall, the ending is good but the movie overall is pretty bad. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Worst Episode Ever
pkunk_rocker16 February 2003
Just when you think you have seen the worst movie on the planet, you end up seeing something worse. This movie started out with some promise of good entertainment, but then took a nose diver below the point of no return. The special effects were awful and there where numerous places in the film where the camera was shaking so much you had no idea what was going on. The end however, had probably the worse acting I have ever seen. The change of events were so quick and unrealist it made you want to puke. I don't think this movie could be good enough even if you were drunk, and its not even worth doing a MST3K on. There are a lot better B grade movies out there than this such as "They Crawl". At least you can laugh at it. If you ever see this on cable, just pass it up. I'm sure there is something better on.
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Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! 0 out of 10
lottatitles28 December 2003
Where to begin. How about the CIA hero who's has at least 3 opportunities to stop the bad guy...but is afraid to. No hero here. Or the fact the efx (which are horrible) can't decide how big the Octopus is. Sometimes it's bigger than a submarine...then a cruise ship. Then, it's 3 times the size of a cruise ship. Make up your mind! Next, we hear a lot about there's an octopus attacking us BUT WE NEVER SEE IT (which is a blessing). Rivaled only by Octopus II for 'cheese'. Couldn't even have fun laughing at it.
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An alright monster flick
Rautus12 January 2008
I like creature features, I'm a fan of movies like Alligator, Piranha, Jaws, Godzilla, King Kong, etc. I bought Octopus for £1, the DVD also had Octopus II, Spiders and Spiders 2 so it was a bargain to get four films for £1. Octopus wasn't that bad, sure it's not going to win any Oscars but it was a fun B-movie. The acting wasn't has bad as some B-movies I've seen, the effects were okay and the Octopus looked effective enough. In parts you could tell they used CGI but it's a low budget creature feature of course the effects are going to be like that.

Octopus is a good and fun B-movie monster flick that should be seen. Check this out.
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A grave insult to monster movie fanatics
Ismaninb14 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
As I am certainly not a monster movie fanatics I greatly enjoyed Octopus. What to do if the budget is too low for all the necessary special effects? Simple, make deliberately a goofy B-movie. The acting is pretty good and the characters are as stereotypal as they should be, without the exaggeration so typical for Hot Shots etcetera. The dialogues are funny and what's more, all placed at exactly the wrong moments. The plot holes are as big as the crater of a volcano. And, greatest joke of all, the hero does not get the heroin! Actually that very last scene convinced me Octopus is a nice little spoof and quite a subtle one indeed, regarding the negative reviews here. So our afraid-to-shoot Not-So-Special-Agent Roy Turner kills the beast and what does our heroin do? Passionately kissing Captain Jack Shaw. The last shot is of a helpless jealous lover swimming in the sea trying to protest. This is a stroke of genius, really. Believe me, there is much more. The chase scene where security agent Henry runs after our terrorist - mad evil completely over the top - after telling Turner to stay behind him, in slow motion, is also great. Really, they did it by purpose, or at least the director did after having read the script. Look at it as a spoof and you will have fun. Also watch out for octopussy tearing the chopper down! Trust me, after 30 years or so this one is a cult classic among movie addicts with a certain sense of humour.
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Did a cruise ship ever dance with a giant octopus by the pale moonlight?
Coventry11 June 2006
A really BIG fishy creature, born from spilled toxic nuclear waste during the Cuba-crisis, is consecutively devouring the crew of an American submarine and the passengers of a fancy cruise ship. Well actually, that's just a sub plot as the main storyline involves a super-nervous rookie CIA-agent trying to escort a feared terrorist to the States ALIVE, despite having blown up the American Embassy in Bulgaria and having killed his best friend. There are about seventeen more redundant plots to find in this movie (the dubious military past of submarine captain Shaw, the "Devil's Eye" research of sexy female oceanologist of Dr. Lisa, the biggest terrorist rescue-mission in the history of mankind, etc etc...) but they're all very irrelevant since all of us just wanted to see a cheesy monster-flick, right? The good news is that "Octopus" really isn't as awful as everyone else around here claims. The plot is stupid, the lead character is insufferable and the script contains some of the most atrocious dialogues ever written, still there are also campy fun moments to enjoy and the computer-engineered effects are overall tolerable. This mutated squid sure is big, about the same size as the cruise ship and his tentacles are long enough to reach for the sky and pull down helicopters! It doesn't look the least bit scary or menacing, but personally I expected to see far lousier effects and more pitiful octopus-attacks. The whole thing doesn't make the slightest bit of sense but if you switch off all brain activities, you might still enjoy it.
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