Buying the Cow (2002) Poster

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Not bad little movie
LivingDog1 November 2007
Ryan Reynolds (who plays Mike Hanson) should be getting more major rolls; as should Ron Livingston (who plays Tyler Carter Bellows). It seems that no one notices the massive amounts of talent these two dudes have... if only I had the money. Of the women in this movie only Alyssa Milano (Amy) stands out as portraying anything other than a stick figure. She was warm approachable, loving, and real. The rest struck me as mannequins.

The script was OK but struck me as thin - much like "Wild Hogs" - Walt Becker's other major effort. Given time I can see him pwning (it's a gamer's spelling) Hollywood.

Another reviewer called this a great date movie... that's the last thing I would want to see with someone I was trying to get to know. It's all about marriage - too soon for a date movie. Nonetheless, if you want a light romp through relationship land then this is pretty darn light reading. 7/10.



my bread:

my faith:
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Great fun
Sergiodave1 May 2020
A great fun comedy that was far better than I expected it to be with a few surprising twist. Ryan Reynolds was brilliant and stole every scene but was ably supported by both Jerry O'Connell and Bill Bellamy. Lots of laugh out loud scenes and quire original. Way better than most comedies out there.
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Got milk?
=G=8 June 2002
"Buying the Cow" is a somewhat stiff, run-of-the-mill, mating game romantic comedy (emphasis on comedy) full of vanilla actors in plastic roles, somewhat herky-jerky, band-aided with a couple of side plots, which does deliver some funny moments and finally connects with a little romance in the end. The film's conglomerated story has to do with a woman with marriage in mind who wants a commitment from her significant other who fell in love at first sight years ago and is reluctant to marry....etc. Much of the film is cliche stuff we've seen before and there's little fresh creativity to be found. Nonetheless, the film's heart is in the right place and it should provide a modicum of entertainment for young adults and suckers (like me) for the romantic comedy genre.
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ungerz8 June 2002
For some strange reason I was flipping through channels and came across this move on Starz. I have to say that I enjoyed it and that there were any major lame scenes and allot of really enjoyable parts. The acting was alright and all of the cast did a fine job. If you are in a mood for hour and a half of an enjoyable romantic comedy this is the movie for ya!
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The Abortive Comedy Without Ending
dfnsk29 July 2003
I really didn't like it very much. The whole movie is about NOTHING, the film hasn't got any idea. To tell the truth, it was some faint resemblance to the idea in the beginning (about comparison of women, cows, fishes and about the constant `How To Live?' question), but it completely disappeared. Also, don't you think there are so many movies about `skirt-chasing expeditions', `gay/not-gay' decisions, hopeless persons and stag-parties etc.?! This film would be almost OK, if it were first/second/third/. movie in its category, but now it is just next to nothing. Moreover, the film has no ending. It is a pity.

So, 3/5 or 6/10.
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so bad couldn't watch the whole thing
kyrat16 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes I have this strange fascination where I have to watch stuff I know I'll hate. I like Jerry O'Connell as a TV actor, but can't think of a film he's been in since Stand By Me that I've liked. I tried watching Tomcats recently and it was(unsurprisingly) awful- very stereotypical and sexist. Then I saw "Buying the Cow" on (of all places!) the Oxygen channel and that Jerry O'Connell was in it. I thought, hey, if Oxygen is playing it, it can't be that demeaning to women or perpetuate tired gender stereotypes! Boy was I wrong!

There are probably less than 5 films that I have never finished watching to the end- this is one of them. I usually don't review films without watching the whole thing, but this was just too bad.

I couldn't make it past the homophobic terror scene when the guy thinks he got drunk and slept with a guy -folowing by a pedophilia joke. It could have been a funny scene, but they had to push the envelope from a funny misunderstanding to sheer homophobic panic - he has to be shown vomiting and almost kill himself just to leave - and then if that wasn't tasteless enough, they added a scene where he's mistaken for a pedophile!

Sexism, homophobia & pedophilia jokes do NOT make for a good movie! AVOID AT ALL COSTS!
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Jerry O'Connell sucks...
jakebrann5 December 2020
There is something so unfunny and annoying about this guy that its hard to watch this movie... I didn't know he was the lead. Can't stand him, he's a shi++y actor!
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A Good Romantic Comedy
NIXFLIX-DOT-COM28 August 2003
There's nothing new to be found in BUYING THE COW, but it is a rather enjoyable little romantic comedy, even with the formulaic and predictable plot. Ryan Reynolds has the movie's best role as the leading man's best friend, a player who starts to believe he's gay when he wakes up in a man's apartment. Although the whole thing can be seen as rather anti-gay, it's still rather funny.

BUYING THE COW stars Jerry O'Connell in the leading man role, and he's less interesting then those around him. Jerry's character is attempting to find his soulmate, and sees a mysterious woman who keeps appearing in his life, only to disappear mysteriously, as the ultimate catch.

Not at all bad. Mildly funny, but not offensive. Good enough for a day with nothing to do.

5 out of 10

(go to for a more detailed review of this movie and reviews of other genre and Indie films)
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A little diamond in the rough
fredoxv24 June 2005
Hidden in the midst of straight-to-video releases, this film is a head and shoulders above the rest, and it boggles my mind that it did not achieve theatrical release.

While the subject matter is somewhat unoriginal (Games a man must play to land a "perfect woman" and the pros & cons of commitment/marriage), the film has a magnificent script that gives these themes a freshness not seen since Swingers.

Perhaps the film's strongest suit is the cast. Reynolds, Bellamy, O'Connell, and Livingston work great together, and never once does the witty dialog seem forced or unbelievable. The interaction seems realistic, and most importantly, personal (from the male standpoint, anyway). The film is smart and thoughtful, giving a variety of perspectives on the subject matter.

The only beef I have with this film (no pun intended) is that the ending is a bit abrupt (I won't give anything away, but you'll see what I mean). I felt a little more elaboration might have tied things up a bit better. However, don't let this deter you, Buying the Cow is a must-see.
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Has good spots, but overall it's disappointing
jimpowellsf22 January 2006
We all know the phrase "buying the cow" and this movie does a pretty good job of giving some different views on why one should commit or not. Ultimately, though, there are too many silly scenes and stereotypes that end up appearing stupid as opposed to humorous. The film does offer a few chuckles, but unfortunately too few to make the film worthwhile. Some scenes remind me of "There's Something About Mary", but there are just too few funny times. I think if the stereotypical situations went way out there, the funny scenes could really provide a good laugh.

There are a couple unexpected twists, and that keeps it interesting. Also, it's great to see the World Trade Center in the NYC skyline.

I saw this on a local cable channel, and am glad I didn't rent it. I wouldn't have felt that I'd gotten my money's worth. There are plenty of other good dating movies to see. This wouldn't be one of them.
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Almost a good movie
Ed-1088 June 2002
This started off as a pretty intelligent and funny movie. It actually had some insightful things to say about romance, relationships and the reality of them versus our fantasies. Then it veered off into a stupid farce and never really recovered. I'd still recommend it if you want to watch something light for 90 minutes. The cast is game, and very likeable. And any movie that opens with Andy Williams covering The Partridge Family's "I Think I Love You" certainly has its heart in the right place.
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Undoubtedly one of the worst films I have
Bobo-284 June 2011
Undoubtedly one of the worst films I have suffered.

The acting is adequate, the ensemble cast doesn't exhibit any significant shortfalls in this regard.

The humor, however is base, vulgar and just plain not funny.

Some of the reviewers marvel this film did not achieve theatrical release. The reasons why should not be amazing. Its just not funny.

The "funny" scenes include a man stepping in his own vomit after believing he participated in homosexual acts, then falling out a window completely naked only to accost a boy for his t-shirt, before the boys father sees the naked man standing in front of his not shirtless son.

Yes, homo-erotic-vomit-stepping-pedophiles are the height of this film's humor.

My friend who showed me the film claimed that sequence was the pinnacle.

I would hate to see the film's low point.

I would rather sit through the non-MST3K version of Manos: Hands of Fate.
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Unspeakably horrendous.
MidnightMarauder18 February 2006
There is no way for me to accurately convey how terrible this movie is, but I will try. Buying the Cow is one of those movies that you never knew existed and upon discovering wished that you could altogether forget, but can't because it is such a wonderful example of what people should not do with studio money. Aside from the lackluster plot, stock characters and painfully unfunny bathroom jokes which seem to run rampant throughout the movie (most of which are so belabored as to remove the possibility of eliciting even a measly chuckle) there is something so weary about the movie that you begin to wonder if it may have been written by an Old Hollywood heavyweight trying to make a comeback in the new century and only succeeding in poorly rehashing the old jokes and stereotypes that made him successful forty or more years ago.
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If you like stereotypes, and shmaltz...
jollio_peppers20 December 2002
For those who just want a quick to the point review; this movie was awful. I'm not being a film snob; it's not like I went in expecting much, but aside from the Ryan Reynolds and Bill Bellamy eye candy, this movie had nothing to offer. The jokes were flat, the plot was derivative, and the story was not only stupid but painfully redundant. In fact, entire chunks of plot, and characters such as the "token black guy" Jonesy, played by Bill Bellamy, were absolutely pointless, and borderline offensive.

If you are going to watch a wacky sexual young-adult romp, watch "Van Wilder" or even an Adam Sandler movie--anything to stop you from wasting your money on "Buying the Cow". It was "straight-to-video" for a reason, trust me!
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Much better than the usual.
RichardU4 January 2003
What is wrong with Hollywood? They pump up virtually unwatchable action flicks and bury real gems like Buying the Cow. This movie was intelligent, original, insightful (to a point) and funny. I feel sorry for everyone involved in this production -- because some distributor someone dropped the ball. If you liked Office Space, The Castle, Happy Texas, or Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion, watch this movie.
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Stupid, juvenile and predictable
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews29 June 2005
Just when I thought I'd seen the worst teen-oriented romantic comedies... this baby hits me. And when I say hit, I mean like a dropkick to my stomach. You may think you've seen it all, but you haven't seen this... and you should consider yourself lucky. Like Walt Becker's previous directing attempt(which was about as big of a train-wreck as this one), this features Ryan Reynolds and has incredibly poor taste in humor and will disgust just about everyone who watches it, at one point or another. Granted, this isn't as sick or graphic as Van Wilder, but it's every bit as poor. Becker decides that his talentless direction isn't enough to torture us poor viewers, and tried to write the script for this mess. Luckily, he co-wrote it with Peter W. Nelson... who doesn't seem to have written another movie neither before nor since. I don't think I have to tell you just how poorly written the film is, as the direct result of this. The love story is contrived, sappy and unbelievably predictable. The acting is just bad. The characters are never credible, their actions make no conceivable sense and all of them are paper-thin stereotypes. The humor is so painfully obvious and stupid that I can't see anyone finding it funny. The jokes are poorly set up, never funny, and repeated to the point where we're sick of them. There's only one good thing about this movie, and it's Alyssa Milano as a stripper. If you consider that reason enough to see the movie, then be my guest. Lord knows that was the only reason I gave the movie any chance at all. I recommend this to fans of romantic teen comedies and Alyssa Milano. Anyone else shouldn't bother. In fact, if you doubt you would like it, then don't watch it. It's most likely not worth your time. 5/10
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This movie is like "pure truth".
Jrogdorr12 May 2006
This film just blows my mind. It is a great little movie, it really is, but more so it blows my mind because of how undeniably true to life some parts and dialog really are. David's voice-overs are so touching, and genuine to real human emotion, I just cannot believe it. Much of the reason I am in love with this movie now is because I am in love with a girl, and she is in love with me, but we have obstacles, much like the characters in this film. Indiretly, but underneath, this film has a GREAT message about love and finding it, and not just finding love, but making it work. David says in this movie, "there is no one true love, but just a LOT of potential true loves"... and until I watched this film(for the first time in about a year), I never ever agreed with that, I've always been old fashioned, and thought that there is a one true love for everyone, but it just isn't true, and watching this movie made me realize that, and I know the girl I am in love with right now isn't "THE ONE", but she is a potential "THE ONE", and I do think she will be my "THE ONE", especially after I watch this movie with her.

This movie really has a great message, and will make a GREAT, absolutely AWESOME date movie for any two young lovers, it gives you all the knowledge and feelings that you are going to feel when you falling love, and it tells you what to do with them. Trust me, I know, I have recently fallen head over heels in love with a young lady and I know watching this film has just given me all I need to make us work. This movie is amazingly made for the things it was made for, it was made to be romantic, which it truly, deeply, sincerely is, and it was made to be funny, which it also REALLY is, it's zany and over the top, but who cares? It's the message that is there under all the silliness.

Ryan Reynolds... can act... wow... Jerry o'Connell has never been better, everyone else is great. Walt Becker(director) has really made an amazing film, especially for someone who is currently dating, or talking about dating... think of this film as a guide to true love, and lots of laughs.

This is one of my new favorite films... it really will just make you feel good. It is a must see for anyone, especially for couples. Awesome date movie, and I'm gonna use it on a date, and it's gonna find me true love, and it'll find you true love too. If you think I'm exaggerating, I'm not, this is an amazing movie, don't pay any attention to the user rating, it's under-analyzed, and under-understood.

Buy it, watch it(with a date preferably), enjoy it. 10/10
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Mildly entertaining
erik88-118 August 2005
Watching "Buying the Cow" makes me laugh occasionally and keeps me interested in the characters and what will happen. I keep my eyes on the film the whole way through however I will not expect myself to see it again. The film is about young men which haven't yet found true love. One of them believes he has already found his sole-mate but she got away and his girlfriend wants to get married. Being afraid that he will marry the wrong girl, he doesn't want to marry until he is sure he has found "the right one". His friend on the other hand is a player. He has slept with lots of girls but has yet to discover his true love. During the film there are a couple of twists, although they are not completely unexpected, and you can stop and pick up some laughs along the way. You could even say the film had a deeper message but that would be far fetched. If the film was a meal, it would be something that made me full, satisfied my needs and something I would vaguely remember but I would hardly order it again. A comedy which is has cliché written all over it; yet it is somehow unpredictable, unique and entertaining.
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Buying the Cow - not without its flaws
desmondelmes19 July 2005
Buying the Cow is a jolly enough romantic movie but it certainly isn't without its flaws. Firstly, the opening theme looks a little too 1970s - something that I don't consider to be all that fashionable for a 21st century film unless it's set in that decade. Secondly, the story shines bright at first but at the end the main plot loses its importance and the silly side plots take over. Thirdly, the jokes aren't all that original or funny. Fourthly, the songs are hardly familiar, except for the odd one. And fifthly, does "Buying the Cow" sound like the right title for this film? Indeed, at times it looked like the producers were barely trying, but it just about maintains one's attention. Therefore, I would recommend that one should only watch this film if he or she really wishes to.
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It has its moments, but, they don't add up to much
srdjan_veljkovic8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There are several nice laughs to be had and it's mostly a fun watch. But, there's not that many laughs and there are quite a few "dry spells", fun-wise. The idea that the main story does not have a happy-end is refreshing, but, then it descends into using a secondary story to have a happy-ending, which is bad.

The main problem is that it's way too simplistic and shallow for that level of funny and fun.

Bridget Wilson, who has a good comedic talent, is simply wasted here, because she plays it straight for the most part. Jerry O'Connell simply doesn't have it in him do carry the whole comedy by himself. Ryan Reynolds was at the start of his take on absurdist comedy and the immaturity shows. Others don't have big enough roles to influence much.

So, if you want to watch a decent romantic comedy and can't find another, this will do, but, please, look harder, you're bound to find better.
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Stumbled Upon a Gem
sssimpson11199922 May 2006
4 years after the movie was made, I stumbled upon a gem. I was sucked in 15 minutes after it started and couldn't leave my couch even to hardly run to the bathroom. It was that great. A true representation of relationships, what guys and girls are looking for and a true replica of the men I have dated in the past. It made me wonder why I was asking the guy I have been with for 4 years for a commitment. I like to think I walked away from this film with a few more laughs and some good insight on what it is guys want or think they want! The cast was inspiring and a fun look at where some of them were just 4 years ago and how far they have come. I wish there was some more movies that made me laugh and think out loud.
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Jack's better off with his magic beans...
Howlin Wolf24 May 2005
Every taboo base is covered, from mocking homosexuals to squeezing laughs out of paedophilia. This might not be so bad if we were allowed glimpses of character between the cheap shots, but the whole thing feels stitched together like a bad re-telling of urban legends; the kind of material that would be deemed unfit for even the shoddiest of best man's speeches, never mind an 80 minute motion picture. I suppose there's potential in a comic examination of last minute wedding jitters; but this turkey spends more time fobbing us off with unbelievable scenarios, rather than dirty its hands by tackling something as mature as 'psychology'. You might think you're "Buying the Cow", but you're actually getting a typical dog...
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Reynolds is funny
SnoopyStyle6 November 2016
David Collins (Jerry O'Connell) lives with his girlfriend of five years Sarah (Bridgette Wilson-Sampras) in L.A. She's transferring to NYC and gives him a "deadline". She was inspired by their perpetual single friend Tyler Carter Bellows (Ron Livingston) suddenly getting engaged. She leaves and gives him two months to decide. She spends her time in NYC with friends Nicole (Annabeth Gish), Tyler, and boss Andrew Hahn. David wonders if she's the one and searches for that feeling he once had (with an underage girl) and a new mystery woman. His single best friends Mike Hanson (Ryan Reynolds) and Jonesy (Bill Bellamy) are not always helpful. He reconnects with college ex turned stripper Amy (Alyssa Milano).

Writer/director Walt Becker brings along his Van Wilder star to spice up this rambling single-guy comedy. It's too bad that he's not the lead. He's the funniest part of this movie as spiderman. Jerry O'Connell doesn't have the same boyish charm. He's more of a best friend sidekick. The B story following Sarah in NYC adds nothing. This cast of actors has great potential but the material is not quite there.
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Unoriginal and unfunny
Floated25 November 2020
This is labeled as a romantic comedy but really falls flat in both genres. This feels very similar in tone and somewhat resemblance to "There's Something about Mary" with its somewhat raunchy cruel humor mixed with romance, but unlike that film, Buying the Cow just isn't funny and the jokes were missfires.

Jerry O'Connell is seemingly the same character he always plays, Ryan Reynolds is the goofy sidekick friend, while the female characters are one dimensional. The writing is mainly the problem.

The ending is quite predictable and the so called "twist" was very obvious.

Ignore the positive reviews on IMDB, Buying the Cow isn't a "hidden gem" or a "diamond in the rough". This film is nothing more than a laugh free generic sitcom-esque comedy. With a plot that has been done many times before, and far better.
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Buying The Cow
weberpr18 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Buying The Cow is a tale of David Collins (Jerry O'Connell) who freaks after his girlfriend begins hinting for a proposal which results in him dating strange women. Ryan Reynolds and Alyssa Milano play a gay man and a hot girl.

Buying the Cow had some comedy flow but it was not what I expected before purchasing. It is more serious then I realised for an O'Connell film. It had something that grabbed me but didn't quiete real me in.

See for yourself.

Pros well acted, realistic

Cons didn't quite grab me, predictable
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